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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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mini smash burger. ground bison nachos. corn. >> summer barbecue and fourth of july coming up. if you want to see how it happened check out season three of luxury hunting lodges across america available now on fox nation. >> steve: fantastic. >> lawrence: i didn't know it came from texas. now i really love it. >> brian: you have your own spices? >> savery that we put on your bison steak, katie. >> it will be delicious. we're hungry for breakfast, check it out on fox nation. >> brian: huge radio show. the facts about the supreme court case with jonathan turley. >> steve: great job. >> dana: it looks delicious and we'll get on the with news here. donors off the ledge.
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the biden campaign doing damage control as democrats grapple with how to push forward after the president's debate debacle and we've got brand-new polling on the immense fallout of it all. good morning, i'm dana perino. bill is off today. thank you for being with me, sandra. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. this the "america's newsroom." usa today poll taken after the debate shows 54% of voters say democrats would replace president biden at the top of the ticket. >> dana: the white house seizing on the supreme court ruling trying to change the narrative. the president blasting the opinion on presidential immunity while ignoring questions on the future of his campaign. >> president biden: american people must decide if they want to entrust the president once again, the presidency to donald trump. now knowing he will be more bold to do whatever he pleases whenever he wants to do it. i will respect the limits of the presidential powers i have for 3 1/2 years. but any president including donald trump will now be free to
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ignore the law. thank you. may god protect our troops. [shouted questions] >> sandra: we have team fox coverage for you. karl rove and harold ford junior on deck and aishah hosni in washington and madeleine rivera is in washington to kick things off. >> president biden is trying to put the focus back on president trump. the four minute speech on monday didn't follow the strategy. >> i think it is easy to settle this right now by president biden going to the brady press center, the press file in the white house and doing a two-hour press conference. >> what i've just said three
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times in the interview is that is what i am urging and recommending. i'm encouraging them to add something like that to the schedule. whether it is a 60 minutes interview or something at the podium at the white house or a town hall. >> the biden campaign is having a hard time calming supporters down. they reportedly had an hour-long zoom call with hundreds of democratic donors on monday. one participant said no one feels good about it. another said there are a lot of unanswered questions. they aren't sold on the argument the president simply had a bad night and this account from journalist carl bernstein who said he spoke to close allies of the president and will likely add to their fears. >> people i've talked to have all been to ron klain in the last year to say we have a problem. we have a problem such as we saw the other night. that there have been numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up again. >> today the biden team is
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touting their fundraising numbers raising $127 million in june, which they say was the campaign's best month of the cycle. more than $30 million came after the debate. the majority of which they say came from grassroots donations so they see the call as a sign of the president's viability even if a lot of donors remain unconvinced. >> sandra: thank you, madeleine. >> dana: this headline caught our attention in "politico." we've all enabled the situation. democrats turn on biden's inner sank tom post debate. i want to play from carl bernstein from watergate fame. watch here. >> they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the joe biden we saw, is not a one off. that there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in
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that horror show that we witnessed. in the last six months particularly there has been a marked incidence of cognitive decline and physical impairment. >> sandra: was this the biggest kept secret in washington? carl bernstein will say this or that is worse than watergate and this actually might be. >> look, it was a badly kept secret. remember, we have a large majority of the american people who think he is too old to be president and that was months ago. that was when this race began. look, they can go out and reassure the donors all they want but they also are trying to reassure elected officials, party leaders, activists and voters. the voters they've already lost. 70% plus of the american people think he shouldn't run again. that he is too old and in decline. that includes a significant number of democrats. so it's not just the donors that count, it is ultimately the voters. they are making their decision
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that he is way too old and they made that some time ago. >> sandra: harold. we'll ask where you stand while we listen to a few democrats on joe biden starting with andy beshear of kentucky. >> it was a rough night. the president admitted it was a rough night. >> i think what you are getting to here is his decision not only impacts who is going to serve in the white house the next four years, but who is going to serve in the senate, who is going to serve in the house and it will have implications for decades to come. >> i think the campaign has to listen to people and by the way, i think the campaign needs to listen to us. >> sandra: what should they be hearing from democrats like you this morning, harold? >> good morning and thanks for having me on. i think karl's point there with the white board about voters is something that many at least in the white house don't seem to be attuned to. more willing and wanting to reassure the donor base. i this i the donor base is
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important but voters are far more important. you look at the down ballot implications here. are we willing to take the gamble to lose the senate and house. we have the senate democrats. we don't have the house. there seems to be a pathway to a majority there. do you take that risk when you consider a supreme court that is 6-three that could go 7-two, 8-one if you lose the white house and one or two openings on the supreme court for whatever set of reasons. the american people cannot unsee what happened last thursday. i've known joe biden a long time. i went to college with beau. he was a year ahead of me at penn and we were pals. i traveled to the middle east in congress with then senator biden, one of the smartest, most thoughtful patriots i had the chance to serve with and know. we are at a different point in his life and service journey. when you consider the
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implications, if we take this gamble, i think it is something we as democrats have to think long, hard and seriously about. and if i were joe biden and i were advising him, he needs right a way to go to the press room and do a press conference, he should sit down with bret baier, do an hour long interview and sit down with other journalists and answer the tough questions and demonstrate to the country that indeed if it were a one off last thursday, prove it was a one off. >> dana: when you decline the super bowl interview, that's softball. that's hard to believe. on michigan, a state that harold knows well but karl, as i understand it biden's path to 270 had to include michigan, this was in "politico" the other day that governor whitmer had phoned with more of an unambiguous sos to replay michigan in the wake of the debate was no longer winnable
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for biden. she came out later and said anyone who claims we want win michigan is full of the s word. let's go. if it's true, no wonder the donors are in revolt if that's true. >> let's step back for a second. there are three battleground states in the southwest and the sun belt, nevada, arizona, georgia. in those states donald trump leads joe biden by between four and six points outside the margin of error in the average of all the recent polling. the great lakes states of wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania are a lot closer. but it was two points in the real clear politics average in pennsylvania. 1/ten of 1% in wisconsin and 3/10 of 1% in michigan. he could lose nevada, arizona and georgia. but if he loses any one of them
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and he is ahead by 1/10 of% in wisconsin, what happens if the numbers drop a couple of points? no path to victory can he lose any one of those states. if he loses any one of them he is out and barely ahead in two of the three and inside the margin of error on the third. it's a tough picture. >> sandra: props jerry baker nailed it. democrats deserve biden even if the country doesn't. we should have the opportunity to say what we have about a party and president even if they lectured us about the importance of honesty and sanctity of democracy were engaged in deceit that itself represents pure contempt for the democratic process. as you look at the key battleground states and sort of a party that's stuck with their leader, how do you see this playing out? did jerry baker get it right there? >> i agree with him a lot.
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i wouldn't go that far. i think we find ourselves in an unprecedented moment. i like a lot of democrats, like a lot of americans, was shocked by what happened last thursday. i don't think that jerry's point is one that is completely out of bounds. i wouldn't frame it quite that way. democrats have a choice to make. do you travel down a path, travel down a risky path with a candidate that has given the american people a vision and an idea of who he is that can't be erased? and hope that you over the next three or four months can demonstrate he has the physical and mental acuity? a lot of people think you don't do that. i wouldn't be surprised if democrats decided that we were not going to do that. >> dana: well, i'll tell you one thing. it is interesting. thanks, guys. good to see you.
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for more on this check out my podcast called perino on politics. i spoke to the former white house deputy press secretary trent duffy. he has great thoughts and a quick talker, too. download that at fox news >> sandra: i'll keep my walking pace up. democrats using the supreme court's immunity ruling as a rallying cry after president's poor performance. hakeem jeffries and ocasio-cortez are even threatening to overhaul or punish the court. aishah hosni is live in washington. she has the latest on that for us. >> good morning to you, sandra. this is the next stage of this story. progressive fire brand aoc is threatening to file articles of impeachment when she returns to capitol hill next week. she will file them against the supreme court although she hasn't really clarified yet which supreme court justices she is aiming at targeting perhaps
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the six conservative appointed justices. this is what she wrote moments after that decision came down yesterday. she writes the supreme court has been consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return. here is former a.g. bill barr what it could all mean. >> we will do long-term institutional damage to the united states and i think the supreme court is doing just the opposite. they are protecting our institutions and the processes we have against being disfigured by the passions of the moment. >> that's not it. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries is promising democrats engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity to bring, quote, those far-right justices into compliance with the constitution and over in the senate, sandra, some very angry democrats are calling these justices politicians in robes
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and senate judiciary chairman dick durbin is blasting chief justice roberts for not forcing justices alito and thomas to recuse themselves saying he will continue to push this ethics bill put forward by democrats that requires the supreme court to adopt a binding and enforceable code of ethics. more drama to come when congress returns to capitol hill. >> dana: disturbing video showing the moment a group of migrants attacks and robs a commuter in chicago. all four suspects about to appear in court and we'll keep you updated on that. >> sandra: a boeing flight hitting major turbulence over the atlantic. dozens of passengers were hurt and how the airline is responding. >> dana: we're keeping a close eye on hurricane beryl. the earliest category 5 storm on record and we have the latest storm path. so i hired body doubles.
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>> dana: fox obtaining footage of a brazen beatdown in chicago highlighting the migrant crime crisis. they allegedly robbed a commuter on a train in broad daylight. knocked him unconscious and now it's reckoning day as the suspects face a judge in the next hour. mike tobin is live in chicago with details. mike, i know you've been on top of this story. what should we know before they show up in court? >> well, we know these four venezuelan men are due before the judge this morning for this strong-arm robbery, blatant strong-arm robbery. a case we told you about in february. now we can show you the video from inside of the train car. as you mentioned it was broad daylight. victim seems to engage the four suspects socially and appear to drink and smoke in the back of the train. victim walks away from the
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suspects and beckoned back to them. one of the suspects puts him in a choke hold. knife pulled but never used. the other suspects go through his pockets and got a phone and $4 hundred according to court documents. at one point one of the suspects attempt to block the camera but all suspects were captured on video. the suspects lead him in a small seating area in the back of the train. one used an emergency call button on the train to contact authorities. >> they got off the train and they just robbed, my grant just got off the train and robbed this guy back here and he was like he was breathing but he was right there by the door >> i'll be back there. >> the four men are all due in court at 9:00 a.m. central time looking at charges ranging from
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attempted to murder to robbery and aggravated battery. all four men listed home address as state funded migrant shelters. legal experts have told local news the four men face deportation in convicted. >> dana: in the least. >> sandra: let's bring in paul mauro. you are looking for solutions. first we have to know who these guys are and what numbers and where. you and your newsletter on stop migrant crime. my proposal would be jam teams, joint anti-migrant crime task forces. how do we stop this from happening to innocent civilians in this country? >> the first thing you have to have is the will. something like i proposed at the ops desk is a task force model used, one of the things that broke the mafia in the country, joint federal. state, local tasks forces that went after the malfeasance at the fed level using rico crimes
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and things like that. powerful. you get in there. so powerful you get to flip people and informants and all kinds of information. that model was then trance posed to terrorism when we had to use it. joint terrorist tasks forces in this country. you will need that kind of approach. right now it's the bad news for the locals. guys, the feds ain't coming. you are on your own is what we're seeing. all the local jurisdictions around the country are doing these cases and gathering intel and trying to survive. what they aren't getting is the kind of help they need from washington and this we have gotten in the past relative to these big issues. so something like we're talking about on the ops is where i try to propose some of these policy solutions. we're past the point we know we have a problem. we have to start thinking how we prioritize. i know we have 11, 20 million people depending what metric you use, we have to stop the bleeding and you have to start with the guys raping and killing our young, primarily young
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women. >> dana: here is a map showing locations where illegal immigrants were accused of crime in the last two weeks. we're talking texas, oklahoma, indiana, new york and we just saw chicago. those are the ones we put on the map for you. my concern also, paul, is for local law enforcement. they are already stretched. now you have this on top of it and we expect them to be the ones to protect us. if they are getting overwhelmed by a tidal wave of possible criminals, then what have we done? how can they possibly get the help they need? >> doesn't it feel that way? you have to stop the bleeding first. you have to harden the border and go back to remain in mexico. all the stuff we've talked about to harden the border and close it where it is all coming in. even if we did that tomorrow and for some reason mayorkas woke up. i don't believe joe biden is making these calls. all of a sudden they said we'll do the stuff on the books that
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we can do. recognize something. it is designed to fail. if you say we'll take 20 million people to the border and then you say we can't handle it, we have to cut them loose. whose fault is that. you set it up that way. you have to stop it and prioritize those that are committing these crimes. i don't know -- i would like to know where are some of the women's groups when you look at the people being -- it is young women who are really being victimized here. dead silence. >> dana: aoc is busy filing articles of impeachment as some justice yet to be named. what gave you the idea biden isn't making the decision? kidding. >> sandra: the migrant crossings speak for themselves. you look at the numbers building up over the years to now 13,000 plus year-to-date in this country. i think to your point where are the women's groups? we now have sexual -- sex offenders have to file in the neighborhood where they live. pedophiles, you get a heads-up,
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a warning, you don't let your kid walk down the street. we have no accountability. they cross over and don't know where they live or walk or where they go. this is anger building up across the country that this is allowed to continue happening. >> we're beyond the point we can say there isn't a discernible pattern. you wake up to a biden border monster every morning. they feel like bioweapons. if venezuela will empty their prisons. the other thing not publicized is how organized the people here are. my intel and i'm hearing from people all over the country now because the ops desk has become a clearinghouse is that there are recruiters now, tren de aragua recruiters and ms-13 in the shelters and run those shelters the same way the prisoners run the cell blocks.
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they run these places. if you are a female in one of those shelters how terrified are you? you are starting to get a crack in the veneer. some migrants are starting to talk to the police that you want to see. that's how you build the intelligence. without a task force model, you can talk to san diego, la, chicago, without that we won't make the progress we need. >> sandra: one final point on this we've now gotten facts proofing the economic impact on the migrant influx and the criminal element. it hurts the most people riding the subway and get to work in broad daylight. this man is strangled and robbed in front of other travelers. this is stopping people from being able to economically get to work on the train. they don't feel safe getting on the l in chicago. >> it hits every one of the social malignancies we're trying to solve. whether it's the economy, safety, immigrants. the illegal migrant wave, including all of these
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criminals, exacerbates all those issues. >> dana: paul mauro, thank you. great to have you. >> president biden: this nation was founded on the principle there are no kings in america. each of us is equal before the law. no one -- no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. >> dana: democrats unleash on the supreme court immunity decision and former president donald trump taking new legal action against his new york conviction. we have the fallout next. a transcript from the jeffrey epstein investigations are now released and what they are revealing about the case of the disgraced financier years after his death behind bars. built-in engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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>> sandra: at least 30 people were injured aboard a flight yesterday after the boeing plane hit severe turbulence. nate foye is live on this from new york city. he has the details, just a
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crazy, crazy number of things happening on that plane. >> scary stuff, sandra. six people are still in the hospital because of it after the boeing 7879 dreamliner emergency landed in brazil. take a look at the damage from the after math. you see right there what appears to be blood on the seat. damage all over the cabin. you see the overhead bins are dislodged. one man got stuck up there in an overhead bin after being launched during the turbulence. here is one passenger describing what happened. >> from one moment to the next the plane destabilized and went into a dive. the people who didn't have seat belts went in the air and hit the ceiling and got hurt. those who had seat belts on, not so much. then we landed here as an emergency. >> look at this. emergency responders carried at least one passenger off the plane on a stretcher. the airline says the injured,
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most suffering from bruises and contusions were treated in various hospitals in the area saying they deeply regret what happened as well as the inconvenience caused to its customers. emergency landing happened during a flight scheduled from spain to uruguay. all but seven of the passengers are now in their final destination. one already returned to spain while the six hospitalized passengers are still being treated in brazil. one passenger described the experience saying we thought we were going to die there but thank god it didn't happen. sandra. >> sandra: wow, hope everybody will be okay. nate foye on that. thank you. >> dana: legal after shocks felt after the supreme court's landmark ruling on presidential immunity that happened here yesterday. former president donald trump is moving to overturn his recent new york criminal conviction and sentencing this month delayed. joining us is carrie severino.
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from the judicial crisis network. can that work? can president trump succeed with that filing? >> well, what he is hanging his hat on from the immunity decision is part of the decision that said the official acts, because they are immune, you can't even try to bring them in as evidence because that would allow courts to try to reach into what the president is doing and kind of use again the legal system as a tool and weapon to harass a president or former president in this case and so those things have to be excluded. in this case he is saying there were pieces of evidence brought into this case that shouldn't have been allowed now under the immunity decision. i don't think it is clear. all of this is new territory. i don't know if it's clear if it will be successful but it will delay the process. i think that's in part what president trump is hoping for as well. obviously he would rather have
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this pushed beyond the election. >> dana: that added to the democrat freak-out of president trump prevailing at the supreme court yesterday for the most part and i would say for the presidency itself. here is president biden last night giving a rare prime time statement from the white house. >> president biden: today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. this is a fundamentally new principle. it is a dangerous precedent. it is a terrible disservice to the people of this nation. >> dana: he was echoed by senators schumer and blumenthal and alexandria ocasio-cortez basically calling the supreme court disgraceful. blumenthal said my stomach turns with fear and anger that our democracy can be so endanger by an out of control court. what is the difference between yesterday's ruling and the previous 248 years of our country's history? >> yeah, this is the first time in american history we have had
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this kind of lawsuit attempting to be brought against a former president in this way. so it is not like we'll lose a long tradition of being able to sue former presidents. what the court was trying to do and i think they did do very successfully is show how this fits into the historical pattern of we have an understanding that the executive has a certain level of authority. you just can't second guess even if you are congress, passing laws. they can't pass a law that says a president can do this or not do that if it is part of his core executive power. this is formalizing that fact. i just kind am used to the hyperbolic hair on fire from the left. even seeing all this time we've been told so many times they'll come after the supreme court, you know, from chuck schumer's attempts to say so about abortion and continuing. they just can't stand the idea that the court is looking to
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something other than their own talking points when they are deciding decisions. they are looking at the constitution and the law. >> at the like the court when it goes their way and hate it when it doesn't. ocasio-cortez says she will file articles of impeachment against a justice, she doesn't say which one. how likely is that to actually go forward? as i say it i shake my head saying it's ridiculous. >> it is ridiculous. maybe she will file them but it's a complete joke. it is just a publicity stunt and attempt to impugn the integrity of the court because they are frustrated that the court doesn't agree with them on every term. >> dana: thank you and have a great fourth of july. >> thank you. you too. >> this is what it looks like when you bring false charges against an innocent person. they failed. they failed miserably and will continue to fail. no matter how long it takes, no matter how long they keep trying, we will not stop
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fighting. we have no quit. >> sandra: karen read walks out of a massachusetts courtroom but she is far from free when her murder trial concludes. it's hard -- tom shillue and tyrus share their vogue thoughts. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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>> she never should have been indicted and it is very important our justice system be returned to an even keel. everybody deserves a jury right. >> dana: ckaren read smiling.
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it was a mistrial. accused of killing her police officer boyfriend. the prosecution is saying it's far from over. molly line has the latest. what do we need to know? >> well, prosecutors got on this quickly announcing their plan was to retry karen read in the death of helps boston police officer boyfriend o'keefe. after five days of deliberations saying the jury had deep visions. i won't do that to folks. your service is complete. declaring a mistrial in this case. >> read's defense attorneys vow to keep fighting saying she is an innocent woman being framed in a big conspiracy involving a law enforcement family who worked with investigators to pin it on the girl. they say the evidence points to o'keefe being beaten to death at a late night party where read says she dropped him off.
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>> no matter how long it takes and keep trying we won't stop fighting. we have no quit. >> prosecutors claimed read was drunk when she slammed her lexus into o'keefe leaving him to die in a blizzard. post trial fallout for the lead investigator. the trooper has been relieved of duty. during testimony he admitted to dehumanizing read referring to her as a whack job and worse. she is charged with second degree murder and leaving the scene of a personal injury leading to death. she will be back in court july 2nd for a status conference. >> dana: thank you. >> sandra: it is damage control to the highest degree. the "washington post" reporting the biden deem is circulating a new internal poll suggesting the debate did not change the dynamic of the presidential race. let's bring in tom shillue and tyrus. are you sold on that, tire russ? >> yeah, i'm sold.
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100%. he is fit as a fiddle. that why i failed in music. this has been the most frustrating thing. i don't understand why we're still asking that question is he going to run? he has not benefit to be president for quite some time. and who is running the white house is the question that we should be asking? this whole thing it can't be kamala? why? she earned 81 million votes. you look at the attack on kamala coming from the left and the stuff that's happening. they are trying to get their progressive agenda in for as long as they can. biden -- look at this white house. we have had disgusting behaviors in our senate room. we've had cocaine. it has been a complete dumpster fire this entire administration and joe biden couldn't tell you what, if anything, was happening. >> dana: apparently jill and
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hunter biden wants them to stay in. trump 41, biden 38. that is the trajectory there. the poll from us sa today should biden be replaced, yes at 54% registered voters from june 28th. >> we're talking politics, though. talking about the race that's coming up in november and this comments we saw were from a political guy. the smartest thing mitt romney said that 47% of the country will vote democrat in november no matter what happens. all they need is 3%. that's the way the political guys operate. they know out of that roughly ten, 15% of the country that's really undecided, they only need 3%. that's the way it is going into november. he will win all the blue states. he will lose all the red states and he has to win a couple of the purple states and that's what -- they don't care about any of this stuff. it is just a game of politics
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and numbers and they know what the numbers are. >> sandra: in their strategy sessions they think more unscripted moments would benefit the president. senator chris coons, top biden ally is pushing for exactly that. listen. >> we do need to see more unscripted and off the record moments. that is something i'm encouraging. i think the president biden needs to reassure those who were paying attention by giving more and more of the sorts of interviews and impromptu events and engagements that put him in america's living room in the first place. >> sandra: oh, yeah, that will help. >> really? you said it best. he couldn't do a super bowl commercial interview at the super bowl. sure, let's have some more. but again, why are we not asking the question who is making these decisions? is it the law enforcement that's making? who are making these decisions? who is pushing our stuff
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overseas? that's the questions we should be asking not is he fit to run. you don't need anymore evidence. >> dana: the other thing that happened in perfect timing watching the episodes. jill biden was on the cover of vogue magazine. posted and she says in the article look, i know that food prices are up. i go to the grocery store when i'm in wilmington and i raised three kids and did the food shopping for how many years before we got the job. it is not like i don't know. >> people are trying to make a big deal out of the vogue cover. this is not the hill i would die on. vogue covers, people wear expensive clothes. don't make a big deal out of that. the problem is joe biden not jill biden. he wants unscripted free wheeling interview like the one on 60 minutes. oh, yeah, that's really free wheeling. that's an improve class. who will he appeal to there, all
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the young people who watch 60 minutes? who will interview him, lesley stahl? >> dana: you do a great imitation of joe biden. but when you saw him on the debate stage, did you sort of feel like wow, i haven't quite nailed this character. >> sandra: update your act? >> i'm not an impressionist in that sense. i was doing version of joe biden, i was doing it as a parody two years ago and he has lived up to that goofy impression i've been doing. >> so it's your fault. >> dana: let's blame tom. the white house needs someone to blame. right now jamaica is bracing for hurricane beryl. we're tracking the storm. tractor supply ending its corporate diversity program. why more companies are ditching d.e.i. coming up. ♪
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>> for me the adrenaline was kicking in and trying to help my sister and dad try to, you know, grab everything. especially the animals and try to load them in. >> dana: residents evacuating as a brush fire tears through san diego, california. the fires burned more than 900 acres so far. 0% contained as of last night. the fire started after a car crashed on the highway. it burst into flames and that spread to the nearby brush. we'll keep an eye on that. >> sandra: tracking hurricane barrel strengthened to become the earliest category 5 storm to form in the atlantic heading toward jamaica after ripping through the caribbean. this shot from nasa showing how huge this hurricane really is. fox weather meteorologists adam klotz is tracking it for us. >> this is an unusually powerful storm.
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you talked about this is the earliest we've seen a category 5 hurricane in the atlanta basin. winds at 165 miles-per-hour moving at 22 miles-per-hour. this is a big, strong storm. on sunday afternoon we were at 130 miles-per-hour. we've only continued to watch the storm strengthen all the way since last evening when we finally got up to that 165 miles-per-hour. as we continue to track this storm system it passes near jamaica on wednesday. that's going to be tomorrow. the winds slightly slowing down as we track across the caribbean. probably more like a category 4 hurricane when you make that move past jamaica and ultimately running up on mexico, cancun area at that point you look at a category 2 or one hurricane before ultimately running over the yu tan and get back into the
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gulf. sit a powerful storm. we have the tropical storm warnings across portions there. hurricane warning in jamaica and cayman islands as you watch all this storm slowly track that direction. there are a couple other areas out there paying attention to right now but this is the big one, sandra. we are kicking off what could be an active season. no surprise we're seeing such a big storm. >> sandra: keep us posted and we'll check in soon. download the fox weather app for more coverage of hurricane beryl. >> dana: former president trump gaining momentum fueled by his strong debate and immunity ruling by the supreme court. i'm dana perino. hemmer is off today. good to have you with me. >> sandra: thanks for having me. i'm sandra smith. divided supreme court handing down the decision ruling presidents are entitled to some immunity from prosecution for offict


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