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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 2, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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>> sandra: all right, here we go, a busy summer afternoon, and this is a live look at the white house where karine jean-pierre is set to take questions for the first time since president biden's debate performance. as the first sitting democrat has now called on the president to withdraw from the 2024 race. hello and welcome, everyone. i'm sandra smith in new york. this is "america reports." remember there used to be sleepy summer news days? >> gillian: everyone in washington used to leave in july and august. now it ramps up. i'm gillian turner in for john roberts out of washington today, as we are waiting for that white house briefing. democratic wheels are spinning coast-to-coast. as sandra mentioned a m a month, lloyd doggett from texas the first democrat to call on biden
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to withdraw from the race. and democratic governors held a call yesterday to discuss the campaign way forward. sources say there weren't serious talks about biden stepping aside, that it was a major gripe session. the president is now set to meet with those governors in person at the white house tomorrow. >> sandra: boy, oh, boy, will that be interesting. this is a brand-new poll reveals 75% of voters believe that democrats has a better chance of winning the white house with someone else. but the biden campaign is still insisting he will remain on the ticket. >> other actual discussions happening with the people who are raising the concerns? because it's a voters raising concerns but more and more we are seeing lawmakers. >> there are not discussions. president biden is staying in his race. >> so this is not being addressed at all? to get he's the democratic nominee and he will continue to be. >> sandra: we have molly ball on where the democrat party goes from here. >> gillian: the first to go to edward lawrence, joining us from
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1600 pennsylvania avenue. hi, edward. >> hey, gillian. who could be that replacement? vice president kamala harris has many czar titles, although critics are struggling to find places that she is actually making an impact. so right now vice president kamala harris is out trying to raise her profile among or within the party itself. she has fanned out across the country in many speaking engagements. in fact, you can see over the past three months she has crisscrossed the nation speaking about 20 times in speeches or conversations over the past three months. so this tour meant to raise her sagging poll numbers. fox news poll and shows 57% of registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of the vice president. that trails even. president biden, still vice president harris sticking up for her boss after the debate disaster. >> as vice president, i see jill biden when the cameras on and when the cameras are off.
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in the oval office, negotiating bipartisan deals. i see him in the situation room, keeping our country safe. on the world stage, meeting with foreign leaders who often ask for his advice. >> but republicans don't buy it. representatives byron donalds saying there's been a misrepresentation of the facts from claiming the inflation was 9% when president biden got into office, to hinting the unemployment rate was 15%, both not true. >> of the democrats and the media hid the fact that joe biden is not capable of doing this job. their agenda has been a disaster. so people are sick of the agenda anyway. and they will find out they've been lying to us. so i think you're going to lose no matter who they put up. >> you mentioned the representative, the first representative from the democratic side asking president biden to step aside. there is a former representative, tim ryan, who has said that vice president
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kamala harris should be the head of the ticket. he's the first one to come out at say that. democratic supporter, not a represent them at the moment. >> gillian: the dominoes are starting to topple over. thanks so much. let's bring in molly ball, "wall street journal" senior political correspondent. thanks for being with us, molly. >> happy to be here. >> gillian: let's start here. this reporting from "the wall street journal," in your piece, molly, i will call you back to yourself. the headline is "the inevitability of biden's reckoning. biden's best hope now might be that so many voters already harbored misgivings at his competence so the debate doesn't really phase them but confirms what they already suspected and moved past as they way which ticket seems like the lesser evil." this makes sense to the degree that not everybody is a news junkie, not everybody is watching cable news like we are 24 hours a day. if you don't watch biden when he gives the public remarks that he does, you might not be clued
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into what his status. >> i think it's the opposite. what we seen in polls for more than a year now is that voters doubted biden's capabilities, doubted whether he could do the job despite his age, much more than the democratic elites and the people around the president, and so the best hope for biden may be that the doubts about his competency were already somewhat baked into the polls, that voters who were inclined not to vote for him for that reason had already taken that position in the debate didn't tell them anything they didn't already know. the people most shocked by his debate performance where the sort of elites and insiders. media commentators, people who had been listening to this spin from his inner circle claiming that he was sharp as a tack in private, but the voters, again, for more than a year, very large majorities of voters have said
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they believe he is too old to do the job and that they believe he's not capable, and they would like to see a different nominee, even many democrats. >> sandra: thank you very much for joining us. two new pieces of information. one, it was just an ounce abc news announced that george stephanopoulos will have the first exclusive tv interview with president joe biden since the debate. that's just been announced by a press release right now. so he does plan to sit down for a one-on-one. we'll be watching for that. it looks like the extended interview will air on sunday, july 7th, and there will be clips prior to that airing friday, july 5th. we will watch for that. meanwhile, as there are questions whether or not, after this first sitting democrat has now called for the president to step aside, lloyd doggett of austin, texas, there are a growing number of prominent democrats raising really serious questions, including nancy pelosi, who just gave an interview an hour and a half ago, and she said this.
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listen. >> i think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? >> sandra: so, molly, will they do that? will they insist that a doctor releases a note to cover his condition and tell the american public, be transparent with the american voters, on what exactly is happening? >> i think something has to change, and having had many, many conversations with democrats at all levels, from elected officials to rank-and-file party members, what they are saying is not going to be enough, but the campaign has been doing, to tell everyone to calm down and lash out at anybody who raises questions. especially a lot of the top donors and elected officials and the party, they want to hear a plan, they want to hear that something is going to change. if they are going to be reassured and stay in the tent. already we are seeing that starting to break because they don't feel like they got not.
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stay the course, everything is going to be fine, nothing is changing, and that's not enough for people who feel like their own careers and potentially the future of the country is on the line. >> gillian: and to that point, molly, everything you just laid out has now created a credibility gap between voters and the party leaders, to the extent that they are now asking people to overlook, when they cast a vote for joe biden, not just his debate performance, but the fact that a lot of these people feel lied to, feel misled by things that those in his inner circle have said about him, and the way he performs, the way he is behind closed doors, like the clip we just played from the vice president. it's like a double-edged sword now that they're going to have to overcome. >> absolutely. the word i kept hearing from people in doing this reporting was gas lit. they thought they'd been gas lit by people repeatedly insisting that they should not trust the evidence of their own eyes and
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ears, and instead should believe a reality that they could not see or hear. so they feel burned, they feel angry. there is a very deep love and affection for joe biden in the democratic party. he's been part of the democratic establishment for decades, and they feel he's a good man who has done great things for this country, but that section -- many feel he saved the country by winning the 2020 election, but that is starting to curdle and turned to anger because they feel that they have been deceived and because they feel they are not being given what they deserve going forward, which is some kind of a plan to change the course in an election that they appear to be losing. >> sandra: to your point, molly, and as we were watching that video, the cheap sakes narrative being pushed by the white house. i remind everybody we are about 20 minutes away from when we are told they are going to get this live white house press briefing, the first since president biden's debate, that
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it was shortly before the debate that we got the first white house briefing. i think it was in three weeks, where a lot of these videos happened that showed the president looking confused or lost, or looking in the wrong direction, among other things, and she took to the podium as she is about to do now. we don't know what direction she will go in. she took to the podium and defended him, called out the right, said those videos were manipulated. that was the word she used, called them cheap fakes. here is just some of what she said then as we await her now. >> they are cheap fake video, done in bad faith. >> dealing with everything we have to do with -- look -- the impact of -- on -- the dash >> this issomething from your parted world, cheap fakes and misinformation. >> i'm proposing that everybody -- >> we are seeing these
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deepfakes, these manipulated videos. >> sandra: manipulated. suggesting somehow that was somebody else's head on his body? so we will see what we are about to hear from the white house. real quick final thought, molly? >> i would just say that was quite the mash up. obviously she was not referring to the debate when she said those things, but this is what i hear from a lot of senior democrats, don't tell us that wasn't what it was. don't try and gaslighted us any longer. we need to hear real plan. >> sandra: thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate your time today. >so, gillian, we know that karine jean-pierre was given the opportunity to respond to those videos that we play it here in their entirety. people had the chance to watch those start to finish. sometimes there are pool cameras and we shall be can. we let people decide for themselves. they were growing questions then, and it was three weeks since she took to the podium and called out the far right from manipulating this videos, which suggests they were somehow
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change from the original format. the ones you saw there were not, obviously. so we'll see what she's about to say. we will have the podium up, this is the white house press briefing room where this'll be the first time we have heard from karine jean-pierre since the president's debate. >> gillian: obviously the problem she's going to have to address this afternoon, sandra, now far outpacing the cheap fake accusations coming out of the white house as he mentioned a couple weeks back. he will now have to address president biden's performance at the debate, address polling that has not gone in his favor in the intervening days, and they're going to have to address what i talked about with molly, the credibility gap between voters in the party leaders that is now very much in play. >> sandra: definitely. we'll be watching for this. gillian, thank you, and thanks to molly. we are moments away not from the first last press briefing, as we mentioned, since last week's debate. we will bring you that live when it happens, plus this. >> this is actually the
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strongest storm we have had come through st. vincent in my lifetime. >> gillian: the earliest cat 5 n record now is bringing damage and disruption to the caribbean islands. fox weather is tracking the intense storm. every move he makes, we've got that for you next. ide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever.
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with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. >> sandra: fox weather alert, hurricane beryl has become the earliest atlantic category 5 storm in history. this happened late last night after demolishing towns across the caribbean. this is the storm's path. we want to get an update on what the situation is right now, as we are told at the moment it is a cat 4 storm, as it barreled through the caribbean, now making its way to jamaica. right now we are anticipating 140 mile-per-hour winds as we head into wednesday.
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there is a hurricane warning in effect for jamaica and a hurricane watch in the grand cayman. we are taking a walk from studio j, our new studio, into the leather studio, which, if you probably don't know, is next door. we share a wall. we figured we would jump in on their broadcast and simulcast with them as they are getting the most up-to-date and recent information on this incredibly deadly and dangerous storm. let's turn to the professionals here. they're on the screen. hey, guys! great to be here. obviously really important stuff here. what can you tell us about this storm's path right now? >> is a damaging and deadly storm, sandra, as you mention. the path of this thing is going to literally take it right by jamaica. we have almost 3 million people that live on the island of jamaica, and hurricane warnings have been issued, and just recently we had warnings issued for the cayman islands. see when can you take us through what happen here? it started as a cat 5, barreled through the caribbean, made cat 5 status, but it's not
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a 4 right now. >> that's part of the messaging problem here. this was the earliest category five on record. a beer of the history books, so much so that it was more than two weeks earlier than the previous record, and it is still going to be a dangerous major when it arrives on jamaica tomorrow. we think the worst of it, the afternoon and evening with major hurricane conditions. >> sandra: what kind of wind are we talking about here? >> we are talking about major -- >> sandra: 140? >> exactly, this is tomorrow morning and through tomorrow afternoon, a little bit of weakening, that this will be a significant destructive and perhaps even deadly storm in jamaica. last time we saw something like this, back in 2008, tropical storm caused over $210 million in damage. this will be much more significant. >> sandra: the last i looked it was going to hit the seven coast of haiti, but it looks like it is veering south of t that.
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>> the advancing side, it's going to be the cayman islands, and eventually come as a weaker hurricane approaching the yucatan peninsula. >> gillian: just to put this in perspective as your graphic shows only two major hurricanes have passed within 100 miles of jamaica in july. this is unprecedented for a lot of reasons. >> it is unprecedented for a lot of reasons, as you mentioned. the first cat 5 we have seen in july, significant. never seen that before. and as this goes across, this is -- >> this is the strongest storm we have seen on record going back to 1851 in the month of july. it is july 2nd. >> sandra: our view really, really appreciated. thanks for letting us in.
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>> gillian: recently do appreciate it. we thought we are going to die, that's what one pastor had to say about turbulence and injured at least 30 people on an air europa flight yesterday. the plane was forced to divert to brazil. nate foy is live for new york city with the details. what have you learned about this? >> air europa tells fox and nothing malfunction with the boeing 787-9 dreamliner. the turbulence launched one man into an overhead bin. take a look at this. you can see his feet sticking out right there. that other passenger is helping them come down. over 30 people suffered injuries of varying degrees. the plane is damaged, as well. take a look at this. you see a seat collapsed during the turbulence, and the people who are seat belts tired a lot better than those who didn't. >> interpreter: from one moment to the next the plane destabilized and went into a dive. people who didn't have seat belts went up into the air and hit the ceiling, and they
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got hurt. those who had seat belts on, not so much. >> as you mentioned, you see the remnants of that with what appears to be a bloodstain on a seat in business class. the turbulence dislodged several overhead bins and knocked out panels in the cabin ceiling. emergency responders carried at least one person off the plane on a stretcher. >> [speaking spanish] >> interpreter: the pastors with injuries to their arms, face, and legs. it was a horrible feeling. with that we are going to die but think that it didn't happen. >> air europa says the injured come those suffering from bruises and contusions, were treated in various hospitals in the area. at the moment, only six passengers remain in hospital. the flight took off from spain headed for uruguay and the emergency landing happened in brazil. all but seven of the passengers are now at their final destination, again, six in the hospital, one passenger had enough and immediately flew back to spain.
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gillian? >> gillian: that would have been made. nate foy, thanks for breaking down those horrendous details for us. sandra? >> sandra: gillian, thank you. we are waiting to hear from the white house. this is a live look at the white house press briefing room. this would be the first update that we have had from karine jean-pierre since the president's debate performance. we will take you there live when that briefing begins. >> gillian: and this toilet paper could offer insight into the health of the economy. companies who sell the product or issuing a new warning about consumer spending. have the former ceo of cke restaurant on tap to join us next. tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes.
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's pt welcome back. the u.n. panel says russia "arbitrarily detained" "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich in march of last year. they released their findings today claiming that he was arrested and imprisoned under unsubstantiated espionage claims and that he should be immediately freed. the russian government unsurprisingly did not reply to
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the u.n. attempt to solicit more information. the next court hearing for gershkovich is scheduled for august 13th. >> sandra: thank you, gillian. now, to understand how high inflation is hurting americans, look no further than a simple roll of paper towels. sorry, toilet paper. the other paper products. "the wall street journal"'s reporting company selling the goods are seeing a growing divide between the more and less affluent customer bases. helping us track this is the former ceo of cke restaurants and a distinct smell at the heritage foundation. andy, obviously i was ad-libbing and said paper towels, but probably could replace that, as well. but toilet paper? what is is telling us about the economy? >> toilet paper, paper towels, clorox bleach, it's the things that lower income consumers utilize. fast food, for example, 78% of consumers believe a fast food meal is a luxury.
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so you are seeing these items that generally lower income people or people with families will purchase in greater quantities. we are seeing a lot of price competition. people are out there looking for off brands, going to stores that sell off brand, off label products. trying to save money, buying less of these products, which indicates that consumer demand is beginning to rationalize after all the money that was spent during the pandemic, all the money handed out. and that does have implications for the economy, because 66% of our gdp is consumer spending. so as consumer spending declines and as consumers look for better deals, that has an impact on our economic overall. >> sandra: this is a quote from the piece, store brands are filling more of your cart due to high prices, from pretzels to pet food, store brand goods are gaining on big name brands. our food budget has exploded. boy, haven't we all noticed? retailers are boosting investment in store brands. walmart, which owns the great
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value brand, is introducing a line of premium sued called better goods this year with many items price below $5. aaldi is planning to add 800 stores nationwide by the end of 2028. are more stores going to follow the aldi model? >> absolutely. even sam's club or costco, they have got their name brands, which really the products are just as good as the brand name products. and people are beginning to realize they don't need to go with the brand name, they can easily go with ease off label products. save some money, and where things are right now, given what's happened particularly with food inflation, people need to cut back on their spending, and that's exactly what they're doing. >> sandra: there is market movement right now and we are trying to get to the bottom of it. i wanted to bring this up while i've got you. i know you love to watch the markets and you've watched them for quite some time. there has been a pickup to the upside, and this is a look at
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the intraday dow, from the open of treating in real-time to 2:31 p.m. eastern time. just about half an hour ago things started to pick up, and fox business is saying that this is on jerome powell's prediction on the rate of inflation. let's play this out. >> if we are sitting here on stage and one year from now, which we hopefully are, the inflation rate in the u.s. will be -- >> m mid to low 2s. >> we are mid 2s now. >> well, we have one month at 2.6, and a brief visit to the low 2s. i mean, sustainably, durably, underlying inflation, between 2 and 2.5 is what i would say. it would be a great outcome. >> sandra: if i also may weigh in with something else, because that happened this morning and there's clearly market movement in the past half hour here. it's a pretty sharp movement to the upside. the dow is now up 100 points.
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nancy pelosi also just gave this interview that we played a bit of it, and she gave it in the noon hour eastern time, and she and james clyburn, who has been on the side of, hey, biden is fine all along, up until now, but they are both saying -- and these are prominent democrats, saying that biden's age concerns are legitimate. and some on wall street are pointing to this democrat voices right now for why we are seeing market movement. i will get you to weigh in on that and give you the thoughts. >> you can't deny that president biden is suffering from the ravages of age. it slowed him down makes it difficult for him to complete sentences or make sense sometimes. i think it democrats coming out and saying that are acknowledging to the public that quite honestly the public has been lied to now for at least the past year, maybe the past three or four years.
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so i would think that, if the market saw some rationality coming out of the democrats, that would help the market. but i think powell's predictions on inflation would be particularly impactful to the markets. if we got back down to 2, 2.5% inflation, that would be great. the problem we've been having is monetary policy, what the fed controls, raising interest rates is low, growth and lower inflation, has been fighting the biden administration policy because they keep spending like an uncapped fire hydrant. they keep spending and spending, which has the opposite impact. if the chairman believes now that's going to slow and he's going to be able to get inflation under control, that's huge for the economy. if we elect a big spending government, no matter who the president is, if we elect somebody with big spending policies like we have had over the past four years, then inflation is not going to get
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under control and he's wrong. but i certainly hope he's right. >> sandra: andy, we appreciate you joining us on all of that. great to see you. gillian? >> gillian: a music festival is cutting ties now with the u.s. military over its support for israel. how the pentagon is now responding to that. plus, this. >> [bleep]. >> sandra: a chaotic scene outside of an l.a. synagogue as prosecutors and the d.a.'s office or crying sell. carol markowitz is here to weigh in on that next.
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>> gillian: welcome back. prosecutors who work under los angeles district attorney george gascon said they are
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concerned about anti-semitism in the workplace. a number of the prosecutors are calling at the d.a. following last week's anti-israel protest that turned very violent outside an l.a. synagogue. they say gascon took an aggressive posture after pro-israel counterprotesters joined the scramble, but not against the anti-semitic mobs that started the whole thing. carol markowitz is the host of the carol markowitz show on iheartradio. she joins me now to break it all down. it sounds like a handful of prosecutors -- i don't know the exact number -- inside the office are pissed at gascon, that he's been silent in the wake of those attacks, and that he has really done nothing to respond. what are you hearing? >> it's very interesting that they are speaking up, because obviously their jobs are at stake and they are taking a risk here. there was a very famous south american politician who said, for my friends, everything prayed for my enemies, the law. that's what we are seeing from these politicized das all across the country. they are protecting their friends, and the jews have to
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realize they do not have friends on the left or in these d.a. offices. these assistant das speaking of is a really good thing. i hope they cont continues to do something and don't get forced out. that is interesting they are not defending the jewish community at all and not allowing them to defend themselves. >> gillian: take a listen to this. this is one of the prosecutors in that office. he wrote, "i hate going to work and entering a building where i feel like my boss will treat me differently simply because i'm jewish," and, "that's how i feel and many others feel." of this has clearly been building. it didn't just erupt a week ago. >> yeah, i get emails from people all over the country, in all kinds of positions, all kinds of jobs, saying that they are being pressured because they are jewish and they feel they can't speak up, they can't talk about what's going on with them.
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i think it's happening in so many different fields. it is scary when it happens in our law enforcement field because these people are supposed to be protecting these communities and they are not. it's interesting to see where this plays out, whether the assistant d.a. actually gets anything out of their complaints and whether or not the d.a. finally decides to prosecute crimes and maybe defend the jewish community that has been so assailed in his city. >> gillian: we did get a response, which i want to flag for you, from gascon's spokesperson. i'm not going to read the whole thing but we can put it up on the screen. they say they condemn all forms of hatred including anti-semitism and they take allegations seriously. any suggestions that the office is sympathetic to organizations that promote hatred, discrimination, violence, or terrorism aren't counted and they insist they will continue prosecuting demonstrators and counterprotests driven solely by the principles of law and justice without bias toward any group. so i guess they are punching back against accusations that
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they have been slow-walking justice for these anti-jewish protesters. >> i would say prove it because words are really meaningless. we know what they're doing, we see what they're doing, and they are not prosecuting any the protesters. we see this in new york and l.a. and the charges against all the rioters were dropped in new york, the same is happening in los angeles. these people can say whatever they want, they can use all the right language, that until we see them taking action against these violent rioters who keep targeting the jewish community, all these words are really pointless to me. >> gillian: and it is precisely that action that now prosecutors from that very office, gascon's office, are saying it's missing when it's the sum total of their job. thank you for taking time with us. >> thank you so much. >> gillian: thanks, carol. >> sandra: all right, fox news alert, live to the white house as we await the first white house press briefing from karine jean-pierre since the
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debate performance that has raised major concerns among the democrat party, the first sitting democrat, lloyd doggett, out of austin, texas, has now fe believes that the president needs to step aside. nancy pelosi just gave an interview for the past hour and half where she said concerns are legitimate. james clyburn also among the growing chorus of democrats showing concerns about the future of his run for another term. this is obviously something that we are watching, watching for the white house press briefing, now about 30 minutes late. and that begins, we will go to it live. >> we are manifesting a joe biden summary, eating ice cream and forgetting where we are. >> sandra: a former trim aid turn tiktok star, we are asking the conservative comedian how he connects with young voters on the platform. he will join us live next.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, this is the white house. karine jean-pierre is up at the podium now. she is doing her usual updates at the top, talking about the hurricane beryl and reiterating what we just heard from the president a short time ago.
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she's going to start taking questions shortly. we will get in for those because they will likely be about president biden's future in this race for a second term. as we await that, there are growing because at this hour from top democrats, raising concerns about president biden staying in this race. we had lloyd doggett, the democrat -- the sitting democrat out of texas who issued a formal statement to come of the first sitting democrat to call for him to step aside. here is nancy pelosi in a brand-new interview saying she has a very valid concerns, like many voters. let's listen. >> again, i think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? when people asked that question, it is legitimate. >> sandra: at the branding interview. also james clyburn just spoke and he has come to the defense
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of the president many times through his stumbles, although he just said this -- >> i will support if he were to step aside, but i want to support going forward sometime in the future. i want to stick to continue to be biden-harris, and then we will see what happens after the next election. no, this party should not in any way do anything to work around ms. harris. we should do everything we can to bolster her, whether she is second place at the top of the ticket. >> sandra: so that her he is referencing is kamala harris, and he said he would support kamala harris if she replaced joe biden on the ticket. so all this happens in a very short period of time, and a democrat nominee for congress in colorado is now calling on
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president biden to drop out of the race. this is adam frisch saying we deserve better. >> it's been apparent to me for some time, and the debate only reinforce it, neither candidate is fit for president. we need a president that can unite america, to realize our nation's unlimited potential. we deserve better. president biden should withdraw from this race. >> sandra: he's running for colorado's third district. karine jean-pierre now taking questions. let's listen. >> sec. jean-pierre: the president had a cold, he had a hoarse voice. you heard it, that's why you reached out. but i will say this, and the president said this over the past couple of days, certainly right after the debate, he knows how to do the job, and he knows how to do a job not because he says it but because his record proves it. for three and half years, almost four years, the president's record has been unprecedented, delivering for the american people. another thing he said that i would add is that he knows right
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from wrong, he knows how to tell the truth, and again, he knows how to deliver for the american people. joe biden is a person. take away his title, he is someone who has dealt with tragedy. he is someone who has confronted that head on. he is someone who knows how to get back up once you've been knocked down. that is something that he understands very, very well, and i think, and we believe, it is something many of americans across the country understand, as well. he knows how to come back. so the president is going to continue to focus on what he's been doing the past three and a half years, he's going to continue to focus on the american people, and to your question, just to add a little bit more to your question, you heard from speaker pelosi and from representative clyburn, let me paraphrase a little bit of what they said. speaker pelosi, who is very close to the president, said it's not about performance in
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terms of the debate, it's about performance in a presidency. and this is a president, you have heard me say this, we have talked about this, he has been able to give us an economic recovery, the strongest economic recovery in modern history. let's not forget during the midterms of 202022, many of you, some of you in this room because it would be a red wave, and that didn't happen. he defeated big pharma. we have seen a historic low in crime, down to a 50-year low, and then you had representative clyburn who said the president has done a great job leading for the last three and half years. the best predictor of future behavior is past performance. this is from clyburn. and when you look at the record of president biden versus four president trump, you see president biden has delivered the strongest recovery in modern history versus the previous administration, his plans for the middle class.
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in president biden is committed to protecting our fundamental freedoms, versus the former president, the previous administration, doing everything they could -- and they did -- to overturn roe v. wade, and they are responsible for that. and that is coming from two people who are not just leaders in congress, that also close to the president. >> reporter: i think part of the problem democrats are articulating is it wasn't just that he had a cold. rather, he had answers where he was trailing off, he didn't answer some questions in a fulsome way. speaking of nancy pelosi, one of the things she recently said is that it was a legitimate question that his performance was an episode or condition. so i'm wondering if there's been any consideration given to releasing a more robust set of medical records or something to show his mental acuity. >> sec. jean-pierre: i will say this -- again, i get the question.
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it's a fair question to ask. we are not taking that away. that is why the president certainly has spoken to this. as it relates to his medical records, we have been transparent, we have released reports from his medical team every year since he's been in office. that is something that we have been pretty consistent about. as it relates to something like a cognitive test, the question you're asking about what the former speaker said, obviously she can speak for herself. his team has said -- the medical team said it is not warranted in this case. we have put forward a thorough, transparent annual report on his health. so they have said that is not warranted, not necessary. again, we understand. we are not taking away from what you all saw, what the american people saw. we understand. it was a bad night. it's not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on their
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first debate, and we are going to continue to do the work that we have been doing on behalf of the american people. i think the president's record certainly speaks for itself. >> reporter: thank you. you just reminded us that president biden had a cold on thursday. what medications was he taking in the days or hours leading up to the debate? >> sec. jean-pierre: i know that question is coming a couple times as he was not taking any cold medication. >> was he taking any medication that would have interfered? >> sec. jean-pierre: he is not taking any cold medication. that's what i can speak to you. i've asked his doctor and that's what he stated to us. >> after the debate, did the president get examined by a doctor or did he get a neurological scan? >> sec. jean-pierre: a neurological scan? look, what i can say is, to take a setback, it was a bad night, we understand it was a bad night, and the president has
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spoken to this. he understands that. i cannot speak to anything beyond what i just shared. the president has regular annual physicals that we release in a thorough report. we are going to continue to do that. i don't have anything else beyond that. >> reporter: so the last time he was seen by a doctor was in february? >> sec. jean-pierre: i just don't have anything beyond that question about a neurological exam. >> reporter: you continue to say it was just a bad night, but is there an explanation, then, for why it was so bad? if it's not his stamina, if he prepared, as you guys said, if it's not a problem with his mental fitness, what happened that night? what did we see? >> sec. jean-pierre: i will also add that the president also spoke to this, as well. he said, i'm not as smooth as i used to be, i don't debate as well as i use to, i don't walk as easily as i used to, but one
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thing he knows is how to deliver for the american people. he understands that. he understands that he's not a young man, obviously. he said this. but his focus is going to continue to be to deliver to the american the economy, expanding health care, fighting for medicaid, medicare, social security, making sure that we continue to be leaders on the world stage which is something that this president has been able to d do. and turn around the mess that this last administration created, that certainly are not just domestically but on the world stage. >> reporter: is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president' health or his ability to do their job day-to-day? >> sec. jean-pierre: absolutely not. >> reporter: given the fact that it was more than about nine win his political future is threatened, would he be
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willing to provide more medical information, would he be willing to have dr o'connor provide more to answer these questions? >> sec. jean-pierre: look, certainly i understand the question, i appreciate the question but what we have provided has been very transparent. february wasn't this year, it wasn't too long ago. it was ended this year and we were -- we provided transparent report, the report -- >> reporter: any americans who were concerned about his capacity, was he okay what happened? and now we've gone several days where he is not only done teleprompter -- is only done teleprompter comments, is not taken question --'s but there was a period of time here where the public is trying to understand what happened and the president could help to answer that by engaging with us in an unscripted way right now.
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>> sec. jean-pierre: let me just say a couple of things, there's a couple of things do that you said that i do want to address. number 1, hours by now -- less than an hour after the debate he went and he engaged directly with the american people, right? he went to watch party. he was in a room with hundreds of supporters who watched the debate. and when he walked in, they cheered him on. and he did a photo op with them. for some time. some of your colleagues had an opportunity speak to the supporters marketed that. and that was something that he was able to do right af after. and then we stopped at a waffle house, are some of you all know, and spoke to all full, impact restaurant. he spent some time there. then the next day he went to north carolina, spoke in front of hundreds of supporters there who said we support you, joe, we love you, joe. so we -- he was able to do
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