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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: thank you to tyler fischer, heather zumarraga, kat timpf, treat -- tyrus. thank you everyone, i love you, america. >> jesse: good evening i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's
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late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, the democrats and liberal media deciding where to stand in the battle to save or to dump president biden. it comes as some top biden donors, white house insiders and democrats in congress call for the president to step aside. even a few in the liberal media want honest answers. >> do you truly think that president biden is the strongest candidate to take on donald trump in november? >> i think joe biden, two things, is the strongest most accomplished president we've had in my lifetime. >> not the question. >> jesse: in the nightcap, whispers of a kamala harris presidency growing louder. >> are you ready to lead the country if necessary? >> i am proud to be joe biden's running mate. >> jesse: we want your thoughts, what replacement ticket if any has a chance of
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defeating former president trump we will read your responses coming up. "fox news @ night" has exclusive video of yet another brazen violent crime committed by illegal immigrants. this time on a commuter train and chicago. it's hard to watch. it's also necessary to watch. and california gop senate nominee steve garvey says his democratic opponent adam schiff has turned his back on israel and harvey brought along a former shift voter to make his point. both of them will join us onset in moments but we begin with the white house reportedly quoting freaking the f out. chanley painter is live in new york with more. good evening. >> reporter: that white house hosting a much-anticipated press briefing today, the first since president biden's poor debate performance last week and press secretary faced an onslaught of questions about the president's mental fitness. >> after the debate, did the
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president get examined by a doctor or get a neurological scan? >> a neurological scan? look, what i can say is that just to take a step back. it was a bad night. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day to day >> absolutely not. we are not taking away from what you all saw, what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad night >> reporter: just last month the white house dismissed biden's repeated gaps or miscues during public event says "cheap fakes, something though she said she does not regret saying. >> at the end of the day, they are fakes, that's what they were, targeting the president. and it did not come from me, i did not coin cheap fake, it did not come from this white house or podium, it came from the media. they call cheap fakes. >> reporter: after what we all
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witness last thursday night, calls persist among democrats and left-leaning media outlets for biden to drop out of the race including the first time in elected democrat is publicly calling on the president to bow out. in a statement congressman of texas said this "i am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. it also doesn't help that cnn just released a poll showing former president donald trump maintaining a six-point lead over biden. >> jesse: does not help at all, chanley painter live in new york, thank you. the "fox news @ night" commonsense department was watching today's white house briefing very closely. it's the first one postdebate and press secretary tried to soft sell the big issue. president biden's mental capacity. admitting that biden sees his debate performance as a legitimate issue but says "this is not the first time he's talked about his age and that
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he's joked about his age many times before." commonsense would suggest that biden joking about his age is not funny. he's the most powerful man in the free world. the commander-in-chief, the pusher of dangerous buttons. mistakingly pushing the button because he's old, not funny. the white house also keeps saying biden had a bad night. no, he did not. the yankees aaron judge had a bad night. zero for four, two strikeouts, but judge leads the league in homeruns and could easily hit two more tomorrow. biden's homerun days are gone. biden did not have a bad night, he has a bad memory, with no remedy. a reporter asked straight out if biden has alzheimer's or dementia, she immediately said no, so well the white house released more medical information to support that answer? doubtful. which has commonsense wondering if they immediately answered no, to they really know, or like
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biden are they simply joking? let's bring in fox news contributor jason chaffetz and new york post reporter lydia moynihan, thank you for coming on. lydia, it's a lot more than just a bad night. >> it really is. we are hearing from sources that it feels like the final days of the nixon administration where you have an increasing amount of paranoia in the white house, now reporting that hunter biden is in meetings with joe biden because he's so eager to have people who he views as loyal to him. and then over the last few days, we've really seen the dam break, for the first time political allies, nancy pelosi, even james clyburn who was instrumental in helping biden win in 2020, raising the possibility that maybe biden is not cognitively where he should be. of course we see across the media people who have been allies, like joe scarborough, al bernstein now saying that he should maybe step out. as you mentioned, link the
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reports, white house staffers are freaking out, worried that biden may not be where he should be. pent up demand for what people have been thinking. >> jesse: and when you talk about that dam, let me just jump in, when you talk about that down you are talking about the people who are the democratic representatives who are saying maybe this is not the way to go. jared golden of maine said it also did not rattle me as it has others because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months. while i don't plan to vote for him, donald trump is going to win and i'm okay with that. i mean he's okay with that, jason, your thoughts? >> you've got a democrat in congress saying he's okay with that, look, the new york post in just the last few minutes posted the story thinking there may be as many as 25 democrats about to come out with a letter calling on the president to step down. it's a sad day, a scary moment, because this is the united
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states of america. you need to be able to answer that phone with the greatest mental acuity at any moment. for kjp to stand there and say definitively she knows the answer to that, a follow-up from the press has to be how do you know that, because you been longing to us for the last three and a half years. how do you know that he does not have this, why is it the doctor going before the microphone, why isn't joe biden holding a press conference. for the entire year he hasn't had a solo press conference. >> jesse: that's exactly right and that's were commonsense was asking, how do you know to answer so fast great cnn's postdebate polling including the alternatives, look at this, leading biden by six points, harris by only two, gavin newsom by five and gretchen whitmer by five. it's notable that biden is doing the worst of all those matchups. >> it is. the whole selling point was he is the only one who can beat trump and it seems that's not the case anymore.
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what we are hearing from donors, strategists, advisors is there will be a grace period, maybe a week or two where they expect to see biden to put little bit in the polls following the disastrous debate performance, but beyond that if we are looking at the same poles and two weeks, i think if he's not out by then, you are going to see a push from everyone in the democratic party to potentially oust him. >> it -- cnn's postdebate poll, the usa today poll is the impact the debate had on your vote. the number 2 column, 31% most likely to vote, more likely to vote for trump. it's a big number, a big shift for democrats in the wrong direction. >> quite frankly i think donald trump should be winning by 100%. it's scary to me there are people out there who will answer a pollster and say they are more likely to vote for joe biden. are you kidding me? that's an absolute joke. but look, they have to be worried about the governors.
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the democratic governors led by the governor of minnesota are getting together and they will have a candid meeting and joe biden needs to be in on it but i don't think he's capable. >> jesse: i have to go jason but the whole thing is, and they switch? good they make a switch right now? >> no, these are administered by the states. states set the laws, many of those dates have come and gone. whoever the replacement is won't necessarily be on every pallet and that affects the electoral college in a big way. >> jason, lydia, thank you. >> any consideration given to, like, releasing a more robust set of medical records? >> does president biden at 81 years old have alzheimer's? >> after the debate, did the president get examined by a doctor or get a neurological scan? >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about presidents health? >> a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or if this
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is a condition. which one is it? >> if you get it, why not release more about his medical, physical and mental? have you ever seen the president have a bad night like we saw on the debate stage? if it's not his stamina, if he prepared, if it's not a problem with his mental fitness, what happened that night? what did we see? >> jesse: as the white house finally addresses, the disastrous debate performance, it's time to see what the president partners in mainstream media are saying about his reelection chances. let's bring in the spectator washington editor amber duke and the host of a home that heals podcast, one of america's great former news anchors, dee sarton, thank you to coming on. i want to play some sound from karine jean-pierre literally saying there were fake videos of biden looking lost and kind of pointing in the wrong, and then
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she's blaming others, including fox news, because our reporter is the one who's asking the question, watch. >> you called it cheap fakes, misinformation, disinformation. in one case even implied that it was the product of artificial intelligence, calling it deep fakes. do you have any regret over using that language? >> none at all. let me be clear, it was a certain part of the media, i mean, you can speak to this better than i can, a certain part of the media doing this. >> jesse: there is no evidence of any of those videos being faked. it is so disingenuous and dishonest after what america witnessed on thursday night with president biden. >> will there you have it. we had what was that an hour and a half to watch and see for ourselves what has been talked about and suspected for so long and that is really what has to happen. i'm the first to say i don't trust social media, i don't trust a lot of the stuff out there because i'm sure there's a
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lot of manipulating going on with video. i know that's happening. not saying fox news is doing it and i trust your word, trace, that it's not, and i feel like though that we are starting to see this just single of what goes around comes around and the lying and just the overreaction, everything is going down and down and i think it's very discouraging to american people. as a journalist i know it would be very difficult if i knew i was not putting out that kind of information on a legitimate news outlet and i was being called out for something that wasn't true. >> jesse: and i think that's right. amber, even the new york times is backtracking in this whole cheap fakes thing. june 21st it wrote some of -- this is from national review, in your times wrote some of the videos of mr biden circulating during this year's campaign are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused, others cut out vital context to betray him in a negative light, a process sometimes known as a cheap fake because it requires little expense or technological
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skill to create. new york times today, the recent moments of disorientation generated concern among advisors and allies alike, he seemed confused at points during a dj anniversary ceremony in france on june 6th. on june 10 he appeared to freeze up at an early celebration of the juneteenth holiday. they are backing off the cheap fakes thing because they know they pincott red-handed. >> that's exactly right. look, the media is of course trying to cover their tracks because they were hand in hand with the democratic party and the white house, covering up for the president's obvious mental and physical decline. these individuals cannot sit here and pretend that they did not know what was happening with the president, but they would prefer to look stupid and poorly sourced at their jobs then they would to admit publicly of course that they were gas lighting and lying to the american people. >> jesse: fox has the following headline saying "biden
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to grant the first postdebate interview to abc's george stephanopoulos on friday." if you have something to prove, why not go to the enemy, why not go to the other side and face the tough questions, why go to a friendly media outlet? >> i absolutely suggest that you, trace gallagher, to that interview. but i saw that fox news asked if the unedited transcript would be made available and i understand you have not heard back on that but i think that is absolutely essential given george stephanopoulos' history. i mean clear bias in this situation and so for anyone to take it seriously and get something out of it that they could take to the bank, they are going to have to put the unedited transcript out there. >> jesse: i want to play a quick media montage, msnbc and cnn today, amber and then your final thoughts. >> but the president out there in various ways in which he will shine. i think town halls, doing things
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with voters, real people where he's answering questions from regular folks. >> doing unscripted casual engagements with journalists, small groups of voters at town hall. >> have some interviews with serious journalists, no holds barred, answer questions and just sit there and be joe. >> jesse: even his own side saying have him attest, and yet they are doing george stephanopoulos. fifteen seconds, amber. >> the risk is too high. they sent biden out after the report was released, he mixed up world leaders names, they can't take the chance of him going out and making this worse. >> jesse: amber, dee sarton, thank you. in light of the supreme court's historic ruling on presidential immunity, judge juan merchan has delayed former president trump's sentencing for his 30 fort sill -- felony convictions in new york until september. matt finn live with the latest on trump's legal situation.
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>> reporter: former president trump was scheduled to be sentenced in the new york hush money case next week, just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. but today the judge delayed trump's sentencing until september. some legal analysts say it's possible of former president might have been sentenced to prison time. yesterday the supreme court delivered an historic decision which grants presidents substantial immunity from official actions while in office immediately after the ruling, trump filed a request to delay his sentencing in new york. but what complicates trump's argument is that he was convicted for actions he took as a presidential candidate. the judges considering whether to toss out trump's 34 felony convictions for falsifying business records. he's scheduled to make a ruling on september 6th. last month trump was found guilty on all counts in the unprecedented criminal trial that played out over six weeks in manhattan. >> the judge has a serious problem on his hands.
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there were items introduced in evidence in the trial that he supervised that i believe are clearly covered by the supreme court's immunity decision. that effectively corrupts that entire trial, it could easily be grounds for a retrial. >> reporter: manhattan district attorney alvin bragg investigated the former president and did not oppose the decision to delay sentencing. trump is now set to receive the republican nomination for president at the rnc. >> jesse: thank you, let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. thank you for coming on the show as always. trump's attorneys wrote a letter citing the official acts used in the hush money trial, we can put this on the screen, including bullet points, witness testimony regarding events in the oval office, social media points during trump's first term, records reflecting calls trump made an office in 2017. is this the beginning of the end of the verdict against the former president?
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>> it maybe. what you are seeing here are now the fruits of the disastrous decisions that the judge and d8 brag made to try to rush the case forward. they were trying to get this in under the wire wild they knew that the supreme court was hearing arguments on immunity issues that could directly impact the case and they failed because now they have to stop and they have to bow to the reality that the supreme court is saying this law fair campaign against donald trump asked to end. anything you try that involves official presidential action is now immune. you could still try him for unofficial actions, things he did when he wasn't acting as president, but the court also said even in cases where you used things referring to his acts as president, event to try him with the merchan case, are still going to be presumed immune. this throws a monkey wrench into the whole prosecution and this verdict. >> jesse: about the immunity decision overall, i want to put
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this up because president biden says the immunity decision means there are "virtually no limits on what the president can do." do you agree with that assessment? >> no. if you listen to president biden, you think it was the supreme court that upset 200 years of constitutional law and history. we never prosecuted a president until two years ago. the country was just fine. if anybody broke constitutional norms, it was president biden, his attorney general and the special council who crossed the constitutional rubicon and subjected a former president to criminal prosecution. all the supreme court has done if you think about it is restore things to the way that they were before president biden showed up , and the country did just fine in the 200 years before. >> jesse: lastly, hunter biden , apparently has joined white house meetings as he stays close to the president post debate, going on to say another person familiar with the matters
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of the reaction from some senior white house staff has been what the hell is happening with his legal trouble, is it fine for hunter biden to join these white house meetings? or am i reading too much into it? >> no, it's actually a really bad idea. biden's aides are serving him well to say hunter should not be involved in any meetings in the white house but if you are hunter biden in all of this trouble, this immunity decision was great and are you want to wrap your arms around the president as close as you can because you are hoping some of that immunity might sprinkle onto you too. >> jesse: john yoo, good to see you as always, thank you. coming up, four illegal immigrants from venezuela accused of trying to murder a man on a chicago commuter train in broad daylight. the exclusive footage is next. and later in the nightcap, democrats and pundits disagree on who should replace joe biden if he were to step aside. bill maher suggested gavin newsom but team harris already pushing back.
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>> you would pick a white man over kamala harris? i can tell you we will walk away and blow the party up. >> jesse: and a new york post op-ed recently suggesting the only democratic ticket that could replace biden harris is michigan governor gretchen whitmer. and georgia senator, what do you think, what potential replacement ticket, if any, would have the best chance of defeating trump? let us know x and instagram at @tracegallagher, we will read your responses in the nightcap. i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪ )
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>> reporter: the shocking video allegedly shows four migrants from venezuela between the ages of 18 and 22 choke out a 49-year-old man on a commuter train in daylight hours. the video appears to show the four migrants invite the man into their social circle on the train, they drink and smoke which is against the rules and then one of the suspects starts to choke the man. the chicago transit authority says one of the suspects held a knife to the victim's throat but did not use it. the victim passes out in the suspects go through his pockets and still $400 and a cell phone and leave the man behind unconscious. witnesses used to the emergency call button. >> they just robbed, called off the train. i did not want to touch him. >> reporter: a four migrants are looking at charges ranging from attempted murder to robbery and aggravated battery, all four
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listed their addresses as state run migrant shelters. three of the men were already facing charges of alleged shoplifting. the group stood before a judge today, only one was allowed to leave with an ankle monitor, they go back before a judge at the end of the summer. >> jesse: thank you, let's bring in former fbi special agent in fox news contributor nicole parker, great to have you on. they were already in trouble for shoplifting a month before they allegedly go after or the video shows them going after this victim with a knife on the train in chicago. it's this carousel of these illegal immigrants across the country. we have thousands of cases on the books where they get in trouble, they get let out, they get in trouble, they get let out and there's no solution at least that i can see. >> these are repeat offenders and if we don't have enough problems in our country without the illegal migrants. you bring them in, you've got millions of people, you don't know who they are and they bring their most violent over here countries like venezuela,
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nicaragua, cuba, these nations are saying -- sending over their most violent individuals, not their superstar citizens to come to america, they know what they are doing and now we have to deal with the effects. i'm here in miami, i have a lot of venezuelan friends and one read the story and said you know what, this is a problem, this has happened in the past and it's what they are doing, they want to export their most dangerous and violent individuals to the united states while they can. they know right now there's an open border and there really is no consequence. that is what we are dealing with. unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg. we are all bracing for impact. this will continue to happen and what i find most alarming and disturbing of all of it, obviously the violence behind it is awful, it's unprecedented in our nation, migrants coming in and ruling our cities, but i think what's disturbing is that u.s. citizens taxpayer dollars are paying for the shelters, you are paying to house them, you
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are paying for these public defenders. they have legal representation because a lot of -- because law-abiding american citizens are funding the public defenders. that is highly disturbing to me. >> jesse: it's amazing because there's a caseload of boston, they are talking about this illegal immigrant who came in and allegedly raped a child. they would not turn him over, the prosecution asked for a $25,000 bail for raping a child, the judge gave him a $500 bail and of course he's out and about and nobody knows what's going to happen next. >> and this is again a minor victim of an alleged rape. this is disgusting and it has to stop but what kind of judge releases a rapist on a 500-dollar bail? what city does not want to cooperate and turn them over for deportation to get them out of the country? that is what these sanctuary cities and jurisdictions are doing. it's harming our country.
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we cannot become accustomed and conditioned to migrant crime. we must acknowledge this, it's a major problem. this is so sad. the thing in chicago, at least he wasn't killed. how disgusting is it that i even say that after all of these people being killed and children being raped. it has to stop. >> jesse: a record number of americans say illegal immigration is a critical threat to the united states. you see that yellow line at 55%? fifty-five% believe it is a critical threat to the united states and how in the world is law enforcement solving this? >> it's almost an impossible task at this point but what you have to have is the proper leadership, a proper administration in place who will allow law enforcement to do their job. if there's a new administration, go and find the individuals that could cause harm. we've let millions of people in,
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we don't know who they are and now we are putting it on law enforcement but the first key is that you have to have the proper leadership at the top who acknowledges that this is a problem. the fact is has gone on for three and a half years is mind-boggling. how many more people have to be killed, raped, choked out? it's disgusting, it's not american and americans deserve better. you should not have to walk around in fear that a migrant will attack you. it's not okay. >> jesse: not okay at all. nicole parker, great to have you on, thank you. coming up, the gop candidate for senate in california says he convinced on adam schiff supporter to vote for him instead this november. that candidate is steve garvey and his newest voter with him live next, right here on set. plus, check out this dog who might just be the next lebron james. and roaring rapids riders at six flags over texas get more of an adventure than bargain for. the days best viral videos next.
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>> jesse: a leader of the terror group hezbollah says the only way to get a cease-fire along israel's border with lebanon is a full cease-fire in gaza. meantime an israeli strike killed at least nine people in the southern gaza city of khan younis. trey yingst is in tel aviv tonight. >> many civilians are treated at this hospital in khan younis is israel issues mass evacuation orders there, a sign that idf forces could soon return to the city. all this putting new pressure on gaza's already strayed medical system. >> the situation is disastrous and exhausting for the doctors and the injured. due to the lack of medical staff, capabilities and medical equipment. >> reporter: the director of gaza's largest hospital was released this week from an israeli prison and claimed that palestinians were subjected to torture while in custody.
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is fighting rages on across gaza, a new york times report indicates that is really military leadership is seeing a cease-fire, evening if hamas remains in control of the enclave. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu denounced that report tuesday, reiterating that his country intends to operate in gaza until hamas is destroyed. >> we will end the war only after we achieve all of it's goals, including the elimination of hamas and the release of all of our hostages. >> reporter: but the goal to completely defeat hamas is not possible according to the israeli military's top spokesman >> this business of destroying hamas, making hamas disappear, it's simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. >> reporter: with no end in sight for the conflict and efforts to reach a cease-fire unsuccessful in the south, now the possibility of a northern conflict against hezbollah expanding. israeli officials tell fox news they are hopeful an agreement can be reached to avoid a larger
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war with hezbollah but time is running out. >> jesse: trey yingst in tel aviv. meantime one of this year's more intriguing senate races is shaping up in california were baseball levitt -- legend steve garvey is the republican nominee against adam schiff. garvey recently returned from israel where he met a fellow californian and converted her from a schiff voter to a garvey voter. let's bring in steve garvey. welcome to you both. steve, to you first, tell us why you went to israel in the first place. >> well we've talked recently, back to the beginning of my campaign, that i never -- that are running for all of the people. my opponents can say that. when you are talking to the people and listening to them, i heard they needed me to go to places where i could come back with real answers, whether it's the border, homeless back but recently it's about going back
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to israel. we went back for a week. we started with the devastation on october 7th and we saw the mutilation by hamas. we went to a caboose there. the reality is, when you go into one certain room, there was a couch with still skin that had dried up, a reality of how they attacked women and children, which is unconscionable. >> jesse: i was there shortly after the attacks and it's true, it's life-changing. you are a lawyer, you are jewish, you live part-time in israel and part-time in the united states, you voted for adam schiff last time and now are switching, what's the big reason you decided that your guy is steve garvey? >> well i was tired of seeing adam schiff put politics above everything else. he was pandering too much to the far left of the democratic party. >> jesse: you mean the anti-semitism?
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>> it was leading directly to violence against jews. i did not see adam schiff voting for the weapons that israel needs to protect itself. and then i met mr garvey and israel recently and he was completely authentic. he took the time to come to israel first of all during a war. which no other democrat did that that i'm aware of. and i really respected his fearlessness where the party is lacking a fearless leader. he's moderate enough in the social issues that i feel comfortable voting for him i don't think i am sacrificing any of my values. in fact i was in jerusalem this last trip and i can feel my grandparents talking to me when i'm at the western wall. they don't say things like make
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sure you vote according to your party line. i was hearing things like, you know, you need to have moral clarity and i believe that mr garvey is the candidate for me. >> jesse: steve, you wonder because you look at adam schiff and his past and the fact that he lied repeatedly, he was censured in congress, were set of about a -- badge of honor, he says he's proud of those lies but the media does not cover it, media is not telling people on the left he's lying. they are not hearing that in california unless they watch us. it's hard for you to get the message of hope that listen, there is a battle going on here for california and it's a battle between right and wrong. >> it's for the soul of california and that's why i'm running. i'm a citizen, i've been here 50 years, i love the state, i love this country. it needs someone to stand up with political courage. you know i'm not a politician but career politicians have let the people down. people trust me, they know i'm someone over the last 50 years that they watched, few people go
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to work with 30, 40,000 people to judge you. i felt responsibility then and i do now. i'm proud of you because if the one thing that i wanted to accomplish in this race is for people of california and this country to stand up and say, like peter finch, imad, i'm looking to take it anymore, and be thoughtful because the single greatest currency we have is the opportunity to vote. i'm proud of you for doing that, whether it's myself are the people of california vote for somebody else, vote your conscious -- conscience. in my case, me going back as the next u.s. elected senator this time next year, i will have begun to make a difference. >> jesse: about 20 seconds, do you see more people in california, more jewish californians that are saying, you know, i'm willing to be open-minded? >> absolutely. if you are jewish right now you are not happy with the democratic party. we are really ready for someone
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with some moral clarity, someone who really is going to stand up for us and do the right thing. and yes, i'm giving you permission to look into steve garvey as your candidate. >> jesse: do you both, great to have you on, thank you. [♪♪] >> jesse: first up into nights viral videos, a boeing dreamliner from spain to uruguay got big time turbulence which left about 30 passengers injured and one man stock in the overhead bin. one severe jolt not only caused the oxygen masks to drop but launched the passengers up into the luggage compartment. a group of passengers were eventually able to pull them and that down. it's what -- why the captain says to keep those the belt fastened. one dog trainer is viral for teaching a dog some thing out of the ordinary. any trainer can teach a doctor's it, jump, lie down, but how about teaching the dog to shoot hoops? that is some doggone good basketball right there.
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and at six flags over texas, the park's roaring rapids right had a bit of a malfunction causing riders to leap into the water. you can see the current of the water ride appearing to reverse, scaring those on board and leading some to kind of pop out and head to the platform while some struggled to swim. we are told all guests were accounted for with no injuries. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us @tracegallagher or fox news night on social media. ready? watch. >> realistically there is no other option besides kamala harris. if joe biden were to step aside. >> jesse: many options swirling about what ticket democrats would run if joe biden were to step aside. would it be kamala harris and gavin newsom? gretchen whitmer? what potential ticket, if any, do you think would have the best chance of defeating donald trump. let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up next is
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[♪♪] >> jesse: we are back with a nightcap crew, chanley painter, matt finn, steve garvey, dee sarton and john yoo. tonight's topic catches the ticket. panic growing following biden's debate bomb.
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democrats in the media are floating ideas about who could replace joe biden and kamala harris. the new york post says it would have to be michigan governor gretchen whitmer and georgia senator raphael warnock. what replacement ticket do you think could defeat trump, if anybody could? john yoo? >> that's a tough one. i always tell my students a good compromise is one that nobody leaves happy. so the one i think anchors everyone is senator fetterman from pennsylvania, plus i would love to see what he would wear to the inauguration. >> jesse: yeah, exactly right. steve garvey? who's your pick? you can't pick yourself. >> you mean i started too late? i think joe -- two people who have gotten to the middle, moderates like me who i think our collaborators and could really make a difference. >> jesse: matt finn? >> we are hearing all types of names. i heard one poll that said it would be kamala harris.
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but our governor is a charismatic and well-liked guy. >> jesse: but he would have to get by the california record and it's not good. i could go over the list but we don't have time to list all the things gavin newsom has done wrong in california. chanley painter? >> i'm with john yoo. fetterman, i'd love to see what he would wear to an inauguration. that would bring some new viewers into the mix. >> jesse: i think it probably would. dee sarton, who's your ticket we >> i'm going to be a bit silly here but i think we need a little drama, a little star power to get the attention off the issues so i'm going to put motion out -- michelle obama's name back out there but i think she should ask oprah to be the vp and if oprah won't exact, how about taylor swift? >> jesse: taylor swift and michelle obama, it's a definite winner. i think we will talk to the audience. do you think any ticket has the potential to beat donald trump? yes 13%, instagram yes 11%, those are big nose on the other
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side. cable news water says, trump is terribly weak candidate, the democrats could easily defeat him if they dominated a sane governor, not gavin newsom. cecil says trump could have -- and still none of these democrats are touching him. skyler says i think too much damage has been done at this point. any democratic ticket. julie says an all brady ticket with tom and wayne might have a shot but i doubt it. and the z man says gavin newsom president. who again remind me is west moore? do we know? >> not off the top of my head. >> apparently we don't but maybe it's oprah and michelle after all. thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night", i'm trace gallagher in losber angeles, see you back here again lesstomorrow. [♪♪] good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli.
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