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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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little fella. >> it don't say adolf. >> okay. all right, so it's. officers in crawford, missouri, encountered something out of this world when they pulled over a vehicle resembling a ufo foe. the vehicle was spotted committing a lane violation because of its large size. and it also had an expired license plate. and according to the chief, these friendly humanoids have come in peace. the driver was provided with a written warning for violation and told please do not invade our planet. >> a glove belonging to willie mays is being put up for auction. yes, indeed, it is true. and if you want some of this memorabilia, you can get it too . >> so step up and get yourself some of this memorabilia. all right. >> that's awesome. you couldn't do it, joey. no, we're good. all right. all right. that's it for us. on pr everybody have a great night, and we'll see you tomorrowim.
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>> welcome to jesse watters. primetime. >> i'm kayleigh mcenany. we start with a fox news alert t . >> listen to this. breaking now just hours ago,ert. president biden told donors in aours a six minute speech ths how long it was that he nearlyap fell asleep on the debate stage thursday night. he fell asleepe dete. the president blamedpe his european travel schedulean a even though he returned to america two, four weeks before the debate. remember, he spent that entire futh at camp david. well, this admission from the president comes as top democrats are leaking to cnn. listen closely. they want the president to step down from the campaign as earlya as the end of this week. we'll have those detailse strait straight ahead. you know, we're not used to seeing this many leaks from e the biden campaign, from the white house, but everything changed after biden showede the entire country he was not mentally fit
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to be president. it was too much for the media to ignore. so todayd to, the press did the something. >> they don't often do their jobsthin. . karine jean-pierre she had her first press briefing since the debate disaster on thursday. plenty of time to get sis straight, but she wasn't able to answer questions after the debate. >> did the presidentted get examined by a doctor or didd he get a neurological scan, a neurological scan? look, what i can say is thatep c just to take a step back, it was a bad night. the president has regular annual physicals that wer an release in a thorough report. we're goinphysg to continuicalet that. i don't have anything else beyond that. har medication we have taken? >> that's that's what many of them are. no, i understand. tand i i was asked about i was askedskd about the cold medicine. i asked about thute coldas medicine. he was not taking any cold medicine. and i don'ot cold medicinet havg
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beyond that. >> i haven't had a chance to speak one on one with vice president harris since the debate. >> i can't speak to any conversations that they've had. and so i juss t i'll just leave it at that. >> well, what can she speak to? he got a little taste of what it's like to work for a republican administration. but you didn't get the full treatment if that was me at the podium speaking on behalft th of president donald trump. these would be the headlines. td >> press secretary will not confirm whether the president had a brain scan after the debate. press secretar hady does not dey that the president was on other drugs, other than cold drugs medicine. >> and press secretary refuses to say o cold me whether the prh and the vice president are even on speaking term s. so what exactly will they tell us about what happened thursdays night? >> the president had a cold. he hadday night? a horse voice.d you all heard it. well, what i can tel hoarsel yos that he had a cold and a bad h night on top of that.
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he had a cold and that is the. reality of the situation. >> i mean, look, i know that he had a cold. many of you were reaching out to us. to my team and myself directly m . you heard the horse voice. we we were able to confirm he had a cold. weathe he was under the weather, obviously. i want to say the president is feeling better. r enand you saw him last night. you saw him today. but he does indeed still have a cold. a cold. a cold. a cold. -a cold for three and a halfve years. biden didn't have a bad.d night. >> he has been declining for nig a long time. and people close to himm leak are leaking the details to the press. >> well, theseins of t are peopv several of them, who are very close to president biden, who love him peopl, have supporm him and have been among among them are some people who for have raised a lot of money for him. and they are adamantthey are tht we saw the other night, the joe biden wet saw is not a one off, ocat there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the presidenas
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t has appeareds somewhat, as he did in thate di horror show that we witnessed. a there was a fundraiser which he started at the podium, and then he became very stiff, according to the people there, as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis. >> rigor mortis. that's your commander in chief and that's care l >> he's the watergate reporter b reporting thisernste. anyone who around biden knows this about him. but if they say it in public,fe they'll feel his wrath. one seniorel, biden official leaked this quote, quote, he is not a pleasant person to be ples around when he's being briefed. it's very difficult. and peoplean aroun around him are scared. bleep of him. biden's loyal team is going behind his back. >> they're going to the press deliver it, delivering devastating quotes like this one. biden's debate prep, quote, never started before 11 a.m. and mr. biden was given timen for an afternoon nap each day. and hap.
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it's not just his staff. biden's big donors are leaking to some telling msnbc they're quotme tellie, freaked t that biden uses a teleprompter during intimate fundraising dinners. biden's team tried calling up some donors to tell them everything is fine, but that only made things worse. it was a damage control callbu. >> one person on the call said biden's campaign manager. manager, meanwhile, insulted the donors by saying things like this. >> biden's probably in better health than most of us. does anyone believe that? but that's the campaign strategy. do notoes believe your eyes.ate. just listen to us. biden's white house deputy press secretary said this not only does the presidens biden' t perform the around the clock, but he maintains a schedule that tire s younger aides so young staffersa can keep up with biden. ? how many naps do they need a day? senator chri ts, biden's campain co-chair, says biden is campthe strongest president in
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80 years. >> do you truly think that president biden is the strongest candidate to take >> donald trump in november? >> i think joe biden, two things is the strongest, most accomplished president we've had in i my lifetime. >> not the question. he's not the question. if they want voters to think biden's fit, they need to prove itk bi. >> one of the options right now. is that he would sit for a high profile interview to try and show that that north carolina rally the day after the debate was not just a one off, that he actually can do it. that a sit down interview. he can do a spontaneous intervien interv w. but the fact that we're even having this conversation, that the president can do an thas yo interview sort of shows are you where they are right now. >> they did schedule that interview with george stephanopoulos. part of it will air on friday,ay but it could do more harm than r good. and here's another idea.o
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>> they had to save the campaign. it is easy to settle this settl right now. vice president biden going to the brady press center, whit the press file in the whithoe house and doing it and doing a two hour press conference. everybody would cover it live. networks probably would cover it live. he'd be able to answer all these questions. it's not hcoul a crazy thing to expect a president to do. and the fact is, you know,e that the campaign knows that the white house knows that that's how you settle this. you just put them in front of reporters and he handles himsel put i repf with acuity, . we all see it was just a fluke. oh, my god. i can' andt believe it happened. and we move on. the fact that you haven't done that says quite a bit to me. >> and biden committed to what he called, quote, a big boytt press conference. interestinedg language.t nigh but last night, he opted instead for a four minute speech, straightstead fo off the teleprompter. no questions. but what did you expect? exp
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yesterday, we learned biden only functions between and 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and the speech was at 7:45 p.m.. was l so biden couldn't take questions after his business hours. >> but the president did debutpr a new look. esidlet's bring it in bronze.lo >> biden hoke was sporting thisp orange glow at the podium, much different from the pale look we t saw at the debate. >> his team was even mad atebat cnn's makeup artist for notcn making him look 20 years younger on thursday. so bring in bronze biden. >> they're desperate. they're pulling out all the stopbiden res, even plotting wa to secure biden's nomination early,to as soon as june 21st, july 21st, according to bloomberg. arlybut the truth is, biden doet need an early nomination. he needstruth isiden the 25th at removal from office for lack of capacity. n when trump was president, the media mentionent andd that h than 600 times. >> what exactly would have to happen 600 to invoke the 25th amendment in this country? >> then we have to look at the 25th amendment and the the cabinet and congress
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have to stand up and doo their duty and say the man5th an is incompetent. >> there's something called the 25th amendment. people in the president's innerh circle have brought up the 25th amendment at least 20 times. the is 25th amendment kindt of stuff. >> it may take a 25th amendment 2 to get him to step aside. a lot of people have been h talking about invoking the 25th amendment. the man is deeply, mentally unstable. the cabinet should convene immediately to discussinvoking amendment. >> where are all thoseto dis 25? ?e nowcuss there was no evidence to support invoking the 25th amendment against trump. but with biden, we have a mountain of vide againo proof hn people leaking about how gone he ios. how much more do we need before democrats finally put the country over their party? joining me now, former republican presidential joincandidate vivek ramaswamy. vivek, i have been dying to talk to you all day and here. is why i spoke to you i spd met and you tol biden would not be the nominee. you've been saying it over and over and ove over, posted
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post-debate. i suspect you still believe that. >> but tell me how it playe s ot . >> look, i think that the reality is the managerial class around biden has lost their use for him. this has been obvious to me since last year. play thi bee out the he is not the strongest candidate they can put up. and these e people, they have t stopped at nothing to keep donald j. trump out of office. out k they're going to stop at this step? i think it's actually one different game they're playindiffereng, kelly,s want this to happen as late as possible into the cycle. as possthey want it to be in ta honeymoon phase of a new candidate. initially, you getndid that honeymoon phase before the scrutiny comes. if that swap out comes in augusphast or even after augu they get to put up a candidatest who will not yet have hadd th the scrutiny, keep republicans guessing. scrutiny the game i, that's actually going on here. and ththink e reality is, i thik there's only two viable choices, really, if you think about it, the democraticrealityy is wedded to identity politics. the only reason kamala harris goyt that job, frankly, is because she was a black woman. don't take my words. woke was black it from the worde democratic party itself, which leaves kamala harris or
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michellerd dthemselv obama. >> that's where i predict this a plot ends. and i don't think it's going bu happen particularly it think. i think it's in their incentivet to wait as long as possiblive. t >> and that's exactly where i think the game goes from here. interesting. so august and you name two individuals. in the meantime, we need withnow what's going on with our country. troops have died overseas. that phone does ring at 3 a.m. and i don't know that biden's answering and we need answers. do you believe answers that cons should use their oversight authority to subpoena whomeverh they can? i don't know if they could do this with current administration. cu do it certainly with former administration officials. should there be congressional congoenas to see if he's correct that nothing has been hidden fromoenas to us? >> look, i think we should use every tool kit in our arsenal right now. every leader in washington, d.c. has a heightened hei obligation now more than ever, because we have a president of the united nowever states who ad is absent. forget the election this year. even aside from the election foa >> just speaking as an american, kelly, americans deserve an answe ar to the question of whoer t is actually running the country.
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it is clear after that abysmal debate performance, it isn't. biden but that's a worrisomer ti concern at a moment when weorrio are facing some of the greatest risks weme have faced in a i generation right here in our own homeland. generayes. >> are there parallels to lbj in 68? of course there are. there was a war that we shouldn't have been in, in an era of global instability. you see that in some cases in multiple times over, not only around the world, but at am the risks we face right here at home. now is not a moment for us to hv have a commander in chief whose seat is functionally vacant and so should congressmen ornc anybody else in dc doing everything in their powetionalr to secure our country in this time of absence at the top? absolutely country is the answek well, wein have some breaking new reporting coming up about who is runningg e countr the country. they have a new white house aide. you will not believe who it is. thank you veryd white ho much for. >> coming up, shocking new report top dems want biden out now. asked >> to me, harlemmy is whole, but home is also your body.
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channel marketing and maria already asked for a budget reminder making better. >> keep smart by morning. got it. got it. boss otter, you got this. aler >> well, this is a fox news alert. the pressure campaignsure on the president to remove himself from the ticket is reaching a feveher pitch. fee >> we've been saying it all dayl long, but now some top democrat lons telling cnn they t this done by the end of the b week. the dam is breaking. jake, top democratic leaders,eas former administration officials, current admi officials, major donors are all telling us privately and now we're hearing it publicly that they thin k that president biden needs to step aside forunr the good of the party, for the good of the country. >> this did not happen t overnight. house democrats, this is according to politico, where thishid nohappen close to publi a letter expressing their grave concerns about the president.t y but they held off. they held off after house leaders told them to wait for the numbers to confirm
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that their fears were justifiedi . well, now the numbers are in and it's worse than democrated n could have imagined. cnn's latest poll ha ds havs thtrump winning by six points nationally. six points? and if that doesn't scream, lights out for joe. cnn's also reporting that 72%s u of americans don't believeican biden's mentally fit to serve. >> if you look at the polling now, compare it to was pre-debate and compare it to was four years ago. >> it's just not evenst on the same planet, anderson ev if you ask voters now, does biden have the mental fitness, in fact, the president those numbers are incredibly low. the percentage who say he does not have the mental fitnessrcena look at this, 72ge% say he does not have the mental fitnes havs in order to be president right now. >> take a look overall at the state of the race in our brandmt new poll, 49%, donald trump, 43%, joe biden. this is a six point lead, dana,i and this is unchanged, since unchanged since our last poll in april. >> joe biden'sr last approval rg is down to 36% in this poll. >> that isoval rat his lowest al
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rating of his entire presidency. and cns lowestn polling his lowt number nearly four months out from the election. that's notg welcome news for any incumbent. >> now, the biden campaign'st trying to put the brakes on it. you are looking at a fundraising email they sente-ma touting that while biden isil losing to trump. yes, they are toutin they sentgh losing. he's losing to him by less thain other democratic replacements. but there's one problem. ot evens out that is not true. the new cnn poll has a new d kamala,l otboote all polling better against trump thanhedemocrat joe biden. the floodgates are opening. the whitd joe house is holding n all hands conference call at 12 30 tomorrow afternoon as elected democrats are now openly calling on joe to drop out. >> there'sope to been apparent e for some time and the debates only reinforceatd that neither candidate is fit for president. we need a president that can
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unite america to realize our nation's a an unlimited potential. be deserve better. >> president biden should withdraw from this race. i hopepresidenithdraw that he wl first. i know trump would never do that because he will put country first and decide to step aside. >> thoset an are elected democrs sitting lawmakers. and as anyone checked on nancy pelosi lately, something's up. we saw her sunday insistinon ngg that joe biden is the best manbe for the job. n thstand trump is really the oe who has dementia. >> my people has are very muchen biden, kamala harris. and this is an opportunity fors joe biden to gano there and show he has the stamina and the rest. and by the waye has th, while ts and for some reason they don't, the there are a health care professionals who think that that trump has dementia, that his connection, his thoughts have not go together. >> i'd love to meet thoseto health care officials. they don't exist.
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but three days later, and in the wake of devastatinme bec het numbers, she goes on nbc, this is today, and she says this, i think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an t episode or is this a condition w ?he and so when people ask that question, is criminal, n thationillegitimate of both candidates? >> there's a lot we can sayre's about nancy pelosi, but shenc is nothing if not precise and calculated. she chooselosiuts her words wis. and this is a massive shift in messaging. this sounds like a coded hint to the party that the winds are shifting and it's nodence coincidence that biden hasn't even met with party leaders annce the debate. now whispers of a kamala candidacy are growing louderd p i just think that that kamala is the person that it's the cleanest way. she's a seasoned campaigner now, three and a half years of e experience. k peop >> and so i think people would be very, very excited. and how woulle very exd you feee they worked around and tried to go around the? l kamala harris, because of her
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lack of high poll numbers and popularitybecause is broadd based, do you think it's hers to have ifyo is not his? y should notpart in any way do anything to work around ms..s harris. we should do everything weharr a to bolster her, whether she's second place or at the top of the ticket. >> well, maybe that's why kamala is doing little to bolster joe. politico reports there are no plan s for harris to go on a biden defense tour. that's according to aide on s james clyburn, who you just saw there, was the one who sealed the democrat there nomination fr joe biden in 2020. but will he be the onee to remove him fromon the ticket in 2024? fox news contributor marc thiessen joins me now. mark, you worked in the bush white house. i worked in the trump whitee hos house. we had a fair share of leaks in the trump white house. e d theump whitbut nothing likg this torrent of leaks we've th indicative going of something going on? >> the pressure is rean anl.
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>> well, i think it's an indicative is they're panicking, but the >> whay but they're running around like chickens without a head. they don't know have a solution to their problem because they can't remove joe biden. because i meanthey can, for nume they can't get past the kamala harris problem. they the partyr of identity politics is not going to replace her. she's next in line. y of identity politics is not going to click. the first black woman vice president to the curb and replace her with a white male. so there's no josh shapiro. there's no gavin newsom. >> none of these guys are going to get the nomination over kamala harris, and she'sl gethan less popular than he is. his rcp average is 39, hers i is 36, and she probably doesn't want him to leave the ticketnd t because if he wins, she becomest president because there's no way he's going to serve s four years. so she's going to become if he if she stays on the tickes o this ticket stays intact, she becomes president. the second problem they have is what's the alternative? i mean, put aside if they couldl get past the kamala harris part, why is joe biden president right now? otheuse there wails no other alternative in 2020. everybody else failed. and sornative 0 an and bernie se
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heading towards the nomination. and so they all panickeds headia and said, okay, let's let's put the old moderate, genial joe biden the ticket and he'llbe be our trojan horse to get into the white house. there's no better fielbed right now. and do you think bernie sanders is going to sit back and say, yeah, let's nominate josh harris, a nice let's put a nice moderate on the ticket, the democratic socialistsalis are going to try to nominate their own person. there's going to be a democratic civil wart . >> if they if they if tic they release the ticket, bernie sanders might run agaiket ann on he might nominate aoc. the squad is going to want to have a say at thi ts. party this is the democratic party. it's not the party of bill clinton anymore. son anymor this i think this whe there's a lot more complicated elements to this than simply saying let's put joe biden to the side and find somebodyd electable because there isn't anybody. >> yeah. and you know what's so interestinsoelectause thern'g te biden has yet to reach out, according to reporting to governors. s ye he'll do that tomorrow, yet to reach out to schumer. that's according to alex thompsoneach and yet to reach ot to all these people. pelosi that's what rachel scott reported today. what's he doing? i mean, what's he doing? i only have a few moment
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s here, but wouldn't you be calling allies? bd. know trump woul >> i'm sure he would. but he's he's not planned to d o anything. and this is the other thing, too, kayleigh, is that in our systeme, he has to agree to leave. he's got all the delegates pledged to him so he can nobody cao leall thn push him off if hi go and his family's not going to push him off. knoc all griftersrs a and he's they're he's their gravy train. they're not going to want to letnde isgravy tr to that dei putting him out there was liket elder abuse. they don't carwa ee about him.we he's just their tool to kid to stay on into power and keeptt the gravy train going. >> mark tyson, you're the best. k you. >> thank you. up next, joe biden's got a new s adviser on the virus that causes shingles. >> is sleeping it 99% of people >> is sleeping it 99% of people over 50. it's lying, waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that canthink yo last for weeks could wake at any timeto.
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we're now learning that hunter biden is attending some of the president's meetings at the white house, staying close to his father post debate. >> sounds like a good idea after all. hunter is the smartest man. >> joe knows he is the smartest man i know. i mean in a pure intellectual capacity, i spent more time on my hands and knees peeking through rugs, smoking anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine. i probably smoked more parmesan cheese than anyone and anyone that you know well. reassuring. ukrainian expert, >>professional artist. i do like his artwork, i'll say that. suspended lawyer. and now it looksi do liks like he's trying to have the nuclear football. >> hey, anything's possible. but the reaction from senior white house staff has been less than inviting. check this out. an nbc reporter posting, quote, the reaction from some senior white house staff has been,
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what the is happening. the white house says it's no big deal. >> why is the president's invol son involvedve? w, is look, the president, as you know, is very close to his family. he spent timvery close to hie wd as you all know, and reported ted atat camp david hunter, camw back with him and walked wo into into that meeting, that prep, that speecath prep. and, you know, and he ended up spending time with his dad and his family that night. that is basically what happened. it is the question, though, would be, is he participating in meetingbasica s with senior advisers? >> what i can say is that he came back with his dad from camp david. an walked him into the speech prep and he was in the room. >> maybe joe was clinging to hunter because he's unwilling to tell him the hard truth. clingihunter has a lot to loset in this election. his lega huntel troubles have hv a fever pitch. >> and dad, after all, hasve the power to pardon. former assistant treasury secretary monica crowley joinsmw
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me now. monica, you know a lotonic about national security. you know, a loa yot about forein policy. are you comfortable with senior adviser hunterlicy biden? >> well, you know, kelly,>> the the democrats are right now in the momen rightt of in case of emergency break glass. it is not reassuring whatsoever that the cognitive mess of the nonfunctioning president is now turning to his son with a long histor nowy of drug addiction and who is now a convicted felon who is also still underun indictment for tax felonies in california. thisax is going to be his main adviser. look, a lot of times when presidents are under the gunn ps and scandal starts to envelop them, they do turn to theirturnt family members because they feel like they're the only oneo rss that they can reay trust. and now, as you've been maporting and so many others ca the white house aides are now turning on each other. they're starting to cannibaliz d each other. and so now they feel likeng to the only people that they can really turn to interest are jill and hunteter.
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>> hunter is also a set of eyeso and ears for joe and jill and ad the rest of the west wing. >> so he's essentially the a moe for their family in their own white house. >> theiril this is a very danges moment for the country. gerous my. t's reall so the white house is leaking like a sieve. so deploy hunter to be the spy. that makes a lot of sense. do you think joe biden will be the nominee? >> democrats want him out as soon as this week. well, look, i've bee an saying v for two and a half years that i thought that the democrats werer tw in fact, going to swapm out, because since day one, he's been a cognitive mess a and unable to function in the fulls an capacity that the job requires. so i've been saying this for a veryl capa s long time. i don't think that they would have prominent democrats and prominent democrat mouthpieces like the editorial s anmouthpboard of of the new yf coming out with declarativeng je statements saying joe biden has to go. sele canno bt go into this election with him at the top of the ticket. i don't think they'd a sendingue
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them out to twist in the wind if the plans weren't afoot.ot a among the left powerbrokers l to replace him at the top ofm. the ticket. oh, we will be watching. news is breaking the moment.nk >> and monica crowley, thank you for being here. thank you. y well, the lawfare campaign against trump, it's dead. >> happy memories just come easier on the water. tracr johnny morris and his dad knew this firsthand. >> they created a boat, was >> they created a boat, was >> tracker, the world's number one best selling, fishing one best selling, fishing and pontoon boatsh proudly built in missouri proudly built in missouri and sold factory direc t at bass pro shops and select dealers for as littl e as $5 a day. for as littl e as $5 a day. you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops voted america's best outdoor retailer save even more and support conservation when you join the club, work, play. blank relief work.
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season with free home delivery when you had a basic sleep over smart bed starting at 999. >> learn more at sleep number aka. >> well, it keeps coming. this time a second democratic congresswoman and a trump district. now warning that bidenrnin will lose to trump in november. congresswomag n mary gleason kent perez told a local station that millions of voters cannotit unsee the debate. she's not happy about it. but trump will wins ofviewer. she's yet another who joins the chorus of democratic lawmakers speaking directly lawa to joe biden. we'll keep you updated as more joinke joe. >> well, yesterday's supreme court ruling on presidential immunityt ruling is going to crh the lawfare campaign against donald trump. a it's yet another win. cnn's jeffrey toobin, you remember him even hereffre saying that the january 6 case is as good as deady. >> it means that the january 6
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case, the case before judge chutkan in the district of columbia, is at a minimum delayed until after the aftere l the election, but i think think will never be tried because if you look never at how chief juso roberts framed the issue, he said that all official offic conduct is not only off limits for prosecution, but there can't even be any evidence presenteecutiond about officiale conduct. >> bad news for jack smith. alsodencout bad news for alvin. this ruling having an immediaten impact on the hush money case in new york. judge juan merchan. you're looking in newyork him ng former president trump's sentencing until september over . that's following a request from the former president's attorneyg a re thes. now, the original sentencing date, as you'll remember, was set for july 11th, just days before the rnc. but there's a chancely that the sentencing may never happen at all. trump's lawyers intend to argues that the supreme court's decision should voidintend t his felony conviction, and they may get their way. cent feltion andjudge merchan e
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his response to the trump team, saying in partonse, listen clos. the matter is adjourned to september 18th, 2024, at 10 a.m. for the imposition of a sentence if such is stillf su necessary. joininchg me now, trump surrogae and attorney mark cook. >> mehek those words are pretty important if a sentencing is still necessarypretty i. e t do you and the trump team believe that this gets thrown out altogether? kelly i definitely believe this is going to be thrown outit altogether. the supreme court was very aclear about presidential immunity. and look, at the end of the day, president trump has been right all alony ane g. a there was inadmissible evidence that was presented in this new york cas wase. should it should have been thrown out h from the get go. we had a biased judge an d now for this judge juan merchan wi finally realize that the rule of law is going to prevail and he has to at least push sentencing. g it's only a matter of timea before he realizes he needs ma. ismiss this case >> and it will be a case closed slam dunk for team trump.
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and i want viewerse clos to understan d. so basically what's happening here is the trump team said early on, loo k, some ofon this evidence relates to official powersha. d no it shouldn't be admissible. merchan refused to rule on it. this could have all been refuen it avoided. maybe if he would have ruled on it. but here we are. moved to september and in mov the j. six case, you aredejeffre jeffrey toobin. he's no friend of donald trump. he thinks that's gone entirelyin ,too. do you agree? i 100% agree. remember what the supreme court has said that no percent presids above the law. that means if they are acting within their presidential scope e ,in their authority, which president trump was doing, not ly only on january 6 to talk about election results and certifying the electio electn, but through his case, even in the hush money case, he continuedhi through with attorneys to tell courts these are presidential and officiale an continu acts and judge merchan, because he was biased, refusedia to ther courts to actually understand there was a properlyo legal argument here. his bias continued to control
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this legalment her. case a and what we're seeing nowre with their backpedaling fast. the supreme court pushedcourt back against lawfare. this immunity casepuac will have a massive implication on every single case that is pending, including this new york sentencing case which will be thrown out. this nk senten kelly you know, i hesitate>> kay to ask this and just quickly herele, but is lawfare dead here on july 2nd, 2024? >> can we declare lawfare is officially dead? look, i think lawfare is dead, but democrats are a dog with a bow. they're going to continue to try and take president trump down at cost.cost so we have to be vigilant. we have to be strong. we neehaveo bed to continue to e by the rule of law and win thisn election in november. all right. thank you very much. well.>> kay left-wing hysteria g up to extreme new levels after yesterday's supreme court immunity ruling. news outlets as well as elected officials carelessly toyingte with the idea of death squadsofi and assassinatcie attempts.
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listen to this one. elie mystal writing for the nation. e, presidents can murder,, steal, pretty much dont whatever they want, so long as they argue that murdering, th stealing is part of thes official job of theth president of the united states. there's no crime that pierces the veil of absolute immunity. t i wasn't aware that murder or were part of the core presidential powers of the president. but i guess how mystal must somethingt e i don't. s not only is the rhetoric disturbing, it's just not true. read what chief justice john roberts wrote yesterday. he said the president is not above the law. >> but these liberal fanatics te don't care about the facts. they certainly don't care about the way that theiranainlys carry. >> as justice sotomayor says, the presiden t could literally order seal team six to assassinate a rival and cannot t be prosecuted for that. >> this is an assassination pr by donaldemocracy trump's supreme court. >> people are exploring optionsn to live in other countries if they think they could g ve ir counbe targeted for pron
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by donald trump. because targeting you or targeting me or targetintargetem andrew would be an official act. >> i mean, this is a death squad ruling. our democracbefficial y really took a stab in the heart. >> theoretically,heor president biden actingetic withn the scope of his official duties, could dispatch the military to take out the conservative justices. iolet violent, crazy rhetoric with no signs of slowing dow a n and and without skipping a beat, the democrats are now seizing on a supreme court's decision usin witho a beag it as an excug back their un-american arguments to remake the high court in whatever way they see fit. elizabeth warren sayin ig donald trump and mitch mcconnell stolee two seats on the supreme court and we're living with the consequencesat sup court. e said i've said it before, i'll saybe it again. it's time to expand the court'fs . elizabeth warren is not alone. other democrats are calling for radicarrent alonl changes to tht that would swing it in their favongr. >> this is a rogue supreme court, chris.
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it must be reineur d. in. this court is out of control. this is not a normal court. rt ithis is not the way courts ought to behave. >> they have shown a propensitye ,this court, to just completely overturn nilly longnm pletstanding precedent. nex the next court may need to doy that to get us back in firmly into the center. >> ned ryan isentre. the founder of american majority. he joins me now. ned, i'm laughing, too, and maybe you can explain this one for me. but i could noet get overk it the quote about presidents can now murder, and stealr th. we know only official actions are protected. e knowwhere in the article to presidential core powerscorep are , stealing and murdering. >>g st i'm afraid that's not tht but again, this is typical of the neurotic left. all they have is delusional the paranoia that somehow the president can assassinate political rivals, that somehow scotus has now erected an american king. i means ha, all they have are is insane lies. they're not right in the head. i meanane lieshey're, think we l
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all agree that most of those all le on the left are truly living in an alternate reality, and they're very disturbed mentally. dintallybut i think when you cut all away, what they're deeply frustrated, angry and derangeddg about, as you mentioned, the previous segment there, lawfar e dead.mentio they know it. i mean, scotus essentially said, hey, jusnet becauselike you don't like a previous presidency, you didn't like the policies. it's notprevio preside a crime. and because you don't like your political opponent, you can't throw theme yo in jail because you disagree on his policies. >> that's unconstitutional. nocan't throw hit that the lefto about the constitution, carly. all they care about is powerut and they will destroy norms. they will destroy the constitution. they will destror any our electa process, whatever stands in their way to gainnd oale powe and achieve power. that's their one goal. that i one goas the one thing that thy seek. and i find it deeply hypocritical. nothe on seet that they care, te that they're hypocritical that somehow scotus, when it's hely cat theyd by a liberal majority, is is the best thing in the world is their super legislature does whatever they want when it's not in thei irthw hands, somehow it is outside
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its constitutional bound. it shoulanmes itd be pact. it should have term limits on supreme court justiced shoule i would remind the left remember what fdr trie d to do in the 1930s and tried to pack the court. it was soundly rejected by the american people in congress because they saw it for what ita was a power grab. >> but net, do they actually go for i that? don't i don't believe there will be a second biden term, but if he get s it, do you think they will actually try that? >> i think they'd be fools foo to try it. i think the i think there are enough sane american peoplee left and even some sane democrat s who would say,n't go you can't go that far. we know exactly what this is. thisr an is a power grab and you can't do that. you would be destroying normsr that we've lived under for decades and decades. we can't we can't livewe with that. so i think they they are deranged. they are insane. i'm not sayingnged and insan thy it, but i think there'd be significant political backlash if they did . >> i'm curious because there's a through line to what we've been talking about, this whole>e ha show, the new reporting. dems want biden out this week.
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what happenet wand? merchan essentially sentencings not till september j six is gone. all of this puts more pressureft to get biden out. do you see the connection there? do you think there's more pressurdo you ce, more heay among democrats? >> 100%. biden out t? >> yeah, absolutely. because this law fair was a central part to biden's reelection campaign. that was in some ways that was a central part, was the part of the campaign that they were banking on, that somehow they would get trump throw parnt into jail and not really n have to face them. now they're realizing lawfare is collapsinot havg. president biden has really reached almost complete cognitive and they realize all their plans to take out thw wew havet working no actually have to run a campaign. and oh, by the way, our potential nomineo rugne can barely put together two orher three sentences on the stage the other night and had to use d a teleprompter for his four - minute rant attacking scotus the other night. they realize they've got a serious proble telepromk anm. i i will say this last thing, don kayleigh. i don't know if the bidens 'tf thare going go quietly intog that good night.
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i think there's going to be a real resistanchte to that. d e and what i would love to see is biden go into the dnc and ther e be a significant floor revolt and be a bloodbath. >> he may faint on stage. i mean, he admitted to donors tonight that he almost fellel asleep on the debate stage. >> so we'll see if he can stay awake at the thought. as s, if he makes it. >> no, he's not. ned ryan, thanks. thanks, kid. e is n h: knowhat you need to know aheh of the 4th of julyat, this in independence day, fox nation would like to thank all active military and veteran friends by offering their first year of fox nation free stream exclusive shows that celebrate our country. >> this is the story of the greatest american. before there was an america here. real stories from real heroes highlighting those who put their lives on the line for our freedom. >> this is their top gun school. one or 2 seconds. it sometimes could be the difference between life and death. go to fox dot com and get
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>> they even cleaned my windows. you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> i love using home aglow and i think you will too. i could be winds of change. >> this is the greatest in the history of our country. put me back in office. we'll get it done for the republican national convention. live from milwaukee, democracy 24, your freedom, your vote. >> if you're flying this 4th of july weekend, keep your seatbelts fastened and your tray tablef you're s in the uprighttr position. you might have a bumpy ride. a flightay pote from spain to y had such bad turbulence over 30 people were injured. fox news correspondent nate foy is here with the latest. >> hey, kelly, the turbulence hit so har d actually launched one man into an overhead bin during the flighchedt take a loe you see his feet sticking out. then other passengers help him
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come down. over 30 people suffered injuries because of the peopturbulence. enge >> one passenger described it like this. know from one moment to thee mome next. the plane destabilized and went intont a dive. people the people who didn't have seatbelts went up in the air and hit the ceilino nog and they got hurt. >> those who had seatbelts >> not so muchwh. >> and you see the remnants of that with what appears to ber a bloodstainemnant t on a seat a business class back in economy picture show an entirein collapsed during the flight. emergency responders carried at least one person off off the plane on a stretcher. here's another passenger talkin g the chaos on board. >> why didn't they see another ? were passengers with fractures and injuries to their arms, face and legs? it was a pretty horrible feeling. >> we thought we were going to die there, but thank god itje didn't happen. >> air europa tells fox today, quote, the injured mos t of them suffering from bruises and contusions, were treated in variousjured, m hospitals ine area. at the moment, v only sixmoment passengers remain in the hospital. the flight took off from ox sp,
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headed for uruguay. the boeing 7879 dreamlinere emergency landed in the town in brazil. the airline confirms that external conditions caused the turbulence and that nothing mae l functioned with the plane. all but seven of the passengers are now at their destination. again, six still in the hospital. one passenger had enough and immediately flew back to spain. r hakaylee. wow. prayers for those passengers. >> k quite a week and it. is only tuesday. is on. gogn joe has got to go. some democrats want it this week. >> there's going to be more news all week leading up to that blockbuster george stephanopoulos interview. all eyes on joe biden. is this the beginning of the end foe begir joe?l that's the question. that's all we have for tonight. stick with us. all week . >> we'll give you the news. hannity. up next.


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