tv America Reports FOX News July 3, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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and what he has been able to do. we cannot forget how he has been able to deliver for the american people almost four years. that matters too. and he has the most historic record administration, the most in modern politics. that should matter. he wants to continue to do that work. and you know, a lot of his what is on his agenda is very much popular with the majority of the american people. whether it is continuing to build a strong economic -- economic -- economic policies, he has done that, creating new jobs he has done that, 15 million jobs he wants to work on that and continue to do that, so he wants to continue to deliver expanding health care, all these things he believes is important the majority of americans believe it's important and his record he wants to make sure people do not forget about the record he has been able to lay on behalf of
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the american people. >> is there anything that would change his mind? >> look, i cannot layout something that could change president's mind, he has been very clear. and he is going to continue to build on the unprecedented record that he has been able to lay out for the american people, that is his focus right now. >> thank you. >> what does the president do outside of the hours between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.? >> we heard him speak to supporters yesterday outside of that time. we saw the president landed north carolina in the middle of the night at 2:00, what was he doing? he was greeting supporters. hundreds of supporters that showed up to cheer him on after the debate. you saw him speaking at 9:00 at night in new york in front of supporters. so he has been pretty much out
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there after the hours of 4:00 p.m. and before 10:00 a.m. for sure. so that has been something he has consistently done over the past couple of days for sure for certain. >> and an afternoon nap every day. >> let me be very clear about this. this is a president that wakes up every morning and puts the american people first, that's what he does. he does that every single day. that is his focus. i am not going to speak to sources out there, unnamed sources out there, that is not what i'm going to speak to. i will speak to i know, with this president does, and how he is committed to the work of the president of the commander in chief. in his record clearly lays that out and speaks to. and that's what he is going to continue to do. but the american people first, the american people first and delivering for them. >> can you clarify this question i mean, how is it that the
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president was still tired 12 days after returning from europe, had a cold that went to the waffle house and then the following day staged such a huge comeback that he gave those north carolina remarks? help us understand. >> have you had a coal before? >> course i had. >> i mean, come on, jackie. >> 12 days after he returned, jet leg yesterday? >> of course. there is a cold, there is a jet leg come you combine that continues to work for the american people day in and day out around the clock. things happen. and the cool thing is something you all pointed out during his debate. we didn't even point that out, you all pointed about when you heard his voice being forced. because he knew he had to push through. he knew he has to power through. that's what presidents do. if you care about the country don't care about yourself you care about the american people. you care about delivering for this country. you care about how you will
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continue to work every day day in and day out you push through. we have all -- >> the reason i ask is because all these democrats. >> okay but we are not -- we didn't share that information ahead of time. you all ask what was going on and then we shared that information. we didn't use none before the debate you all asked if he is under the weather and we confirmed he is under the weather. he pushed through. that's what this president does. he is going to continue to fight for the american people. so he pushed through it. i think anybody who does that not just the president should be commended. and he also says you heard him say this on friday when you get knocked down you get back up. that's what you saw. >> is there any discussion that if the president were to suspend his campaign that he would also resign under any discussions about the vice president assume his duties? >> absolutely not, absolutely not. >> to the present have a duty to
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review data by pulling information that is coming in, donor information? the fears or concerns or anxieties expressed by democrats, does he have a duty to review what is happening now russia mark >> and you say a duty, can you say more russian mark >> campaign is absolutely running. >> i mean he is saying that i am sharing with you his view. >> we would invite the president to come here and tell us -- >> noted. >> he is awake. >> that is an appropriate. as you heard from your colleague the president of the view ata that is inappropriate thank you. >> my question is information is coming in, and assessment is happening within the party, does he have the reviewing of that as he closed the door? >> i'll be really mindful of what you're asking me about campaign numbers and data coming in. and look, what i will know is that this is a president that looks at everything, takes in
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all the information, it is important to him to do so, i don't want to get into hypotheticals here. that is not what i am here to. what i can say is in this moment we move forward on building on this unprecedented record that the president has been able to lay out for the american people and that will be our focus. i don't want to get into hypotheticals, i don't want to get into anything else. >> and closing the door to reviewing this. >> what i can say is the president is moving forward as being president come he is moving forward with his campaign and as his campaign has been very, very clear about that, that is what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. that is the president's focus. how does he continue to do that work? anything else we are hearing or that is being reported is absently false. >> is the president telling other people he is evaluating question marks because that's absolutely false. i saw that reporting we were not gonna not time to get back to
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that reporting just a couple of minutes and we asked the president the president responded directly when asked about this question because we said that we would end the president said no it is absolute false. coming directly from him. >> what steps with the president be taking or as a team plan to try to prevent another episode in public that would be deemed "worrisome?" >> i would not call it an episode out called we had a bad night. right? it was not his best night. he had a cold, he was jet-lagged, you heard directly from the president about this. when we get knocked down when he gets knocked down he gets right back up. that is what i would focus on. the president continuing to be very steady and continuing to work for the american people. >> do you think the president feels like the coming days are very critical for him as we wait
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out these events, are these events very important for him to show the american people that he is still having the ability? >> i would say this is critical regardless of the debate or not. we are living in an important moment right now. everything is at stake. i have to be mindful because this is all connected to what is happening in november and i think any leader would say they always have to prove to themselves and their constituents. it is a day in and day out work. and yes, the president will have engagement, he will be out there speaking to the american people we spoke about wisconsin and he will do an interview wisconsin is what we talked about pennsylvania, but the president was out last week. atlanta, and carolina, new york we saw supporters, this is a president who has been consistently out there talking directly to the american people.
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he understands, as you all ask me about the economy and what people are feeling come he understands they have to hear it directly from him and he has to continue to do that so he can lay out his agenda. he can lay out what he wants to continue to do. it is going to be part of the calculation to continue to prove to the american people that he can continue to do the work and deliver on behalf of the american people. >> and the staff meeting what he tried to get across and is there a morale issue? >> it's a fair question. i do have a couple of things i want to say is you just said the chief of staff, jeff did have an all staff call he wanted to gather the team across the building and acknowledged what the president has set him so. right? but the last few days have been challenging. we have been very, very clear and acknowledging that. but we have had an extraordinary record to be proud of and we know we have more work to do. the president says that all the
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time. he conveyed the importance of executing our mission. he talked about the importance of coming together as a team, also having each other's backs. so he also said which i think is very important every staff wants to hear the chief of staff doors open and it has been open to hearing directly from them any questions or any concerns. you know i think that's what you do as a leader. >> thank you. if there are some the questions now of whether or not he can do this job where we not seeing the president out there every single day in an unscripted way without teleprompters? >> you guys came today certainly i know you are acting about the teleprompter you will see him tomorrow, right? with the july 4th opportunity to welcome active duty military and their families and certainly their loved ones here on the south lawn as he does every year. i think that will be important he will be able to engage with
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them and thank them directly. and you will see him in wisconsin and you will continue to see him obviously in the upcoming weeks. it is not unusual for a president to use a teleprompter. it's not unusual. that is something that presidents have done in the past. i think what we also have to remember, i keep saying this because i think it's important to not forget that he has the strongest economic recovery in modern history. he is led a historic midterm win and everybody was talking about a red wave and he has been able to defy that. and deliver by being a leader, right? obviously doing the midterms as a democratic leader and he will continue to work and i think that matters. i think his record certainly matters and you are going to see him continue see him having interviews. he is going to do abc, as you know, george stephanopoulos one of your colleagues, that is not
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scripted. and he has done more than 40 interviews that have not been scripted. interviews do not have a script. this year alone so you will see him out there connecting and engaging with the american people and i think that is important. >> but almost a week after the debate why doesn't the president just come through right now and answer for himself in this briefing room all the questions? >> you asked me a couple of things. you asked when is he going to be unscripted, he has been. when he went to visit a diner in -- a couple of days ago at the waffle house when he met with the supporters in atlanta, north carolina 100s of supporters showed up. he certainly had an opportunity to engage on friday, he is going to be taken some questions from one of your colleagues i think be important. group; he will continue to engage with all of you we are looking forward to doing that he will have a press conference
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next week. at nato a press conference a big boy press conference as justin stated yesterday. so we will do that. he is looking forward to. >> and president biden has always promised to tell the american people the truth, so can you be straight with us and the american people as the president clear-eyed about what it takes to stay in the race? and what it would take for him to drop out? >> the president is clear died and he is staying in the race i don't have anything else beyond that. he is staying in the race, that is what the president is promised to do. that's what he will continue to work on the successes his unprecedented record and that is what the president is focused on continuing to deliver for. >> the nato summit is coming this week what about this debate over the presidential election to cast a shadow over the goals for the nato summit, has he made
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any effort to reach out to assure them that this is not going to derail that agenda? >> as you stated next week the president will state the mark host and it's the hundred 75th anniversary of nato and nato has become stronger and has gained terkel more countries because of this president's leadership all important in doing so and very much important in stopping and helping to stop putin's aggression as the ukraine continues to fight certainly for their freedom and democracy, look, foreign leaders have seen the president close. they have. and, you know, close up and personally for the past three years. i think that is important to know. they know who they are dealing with and how effective he has been. i have talked about how nadel
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has expanded. how nato is stronger because of the leadership. and i think it's important to note as well. so, look, you will see the president being a leader in front of these world leaders. you will see the president continued to bring these world leaders together and as it relates to how it's happening currently we are directly from this president he understands the criticism, he gets the criticism he has owned up to it and really critical important issues the american people care about. when you think about nato and foreign policy is important to continue our world leadership on that and strengthening on security as well and this is how the president thinks about this day in and day out. >> just questions about outrage from the white house, does the president tend to make any other
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calls like he has today over the congressional leadership he returned to the white house before he made his comments and he said he wanted to speak to president biden personally about his concerns >> i can't speak to the outrage and not spoken to the affair is what i can say is the president certainly has look forward to working with democratic leaders and congressional members or the past three years talking about his record when it's getting things done he could not of done it without democrats and appreciates his support and his partnership. i can't speak to outreach, that is not something in affairs i can talk about but look, the president -- sorry. do you want to take that?
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he is like you just brought me up in the brief you are my something to say. so i would also note i don't have any additional calls one of the reasons mentioned at the top is i know some of you will confirm that we got to you or got back to you all of you about that. to meet the democratic governors as stated in engagement again some of these leaders, he could not have delivered on this record accomplishment that he has been able to get done without them. so i will just leave it there for now. >> the questions we are all asking in different ways, has the president and has the white house, have you sort of missed the boat in terms of responding quickly? i spoke to someone today who said it was too little too late. >> on what specifically?
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>> and expanding and discussing what happened. and reassuring donors and people he intends to keep running. >> as it relates to donors or anything political like that obviously something the campaign should respond to, but i'll remind you that the day after north carolina the president spoke to it in his debate performance, he did. he also stated look, i'm not as young of a young man. he said that i'm not a smooth talker as i used to be. i don't walk easily as i used to and i don't debate as well as i use to. he said this. and so he owned up to it on friday, the day after the debate. that afternoon. so we did not wait. now, as far as engagement, look, that is something certainly the campaign can speak tomorrow but the president in front of hundreds of supporters in
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north carolina talked about his debate performance. >> thank you very much karen i wanted to clarify one thing i know you have a lot of questions about this but how is the president had any medical exams since the last annual physical in february? >> we were able to talk to his doctor about that and that is a no. >> no kind of medical exam? >> no. >> the white house has said no to the results of that annual and to dr. o'connor and questions for most. no to releasing any other information and wondering if this is not a time for soul transparency? >> i would say, mj coming to your question would we have released over the past three years every year since he has been in office has been transparent and it has been comprehensive. it has been one of the most
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transparent, we have been one of the most transparent administration when it comes to medical records. that is what we have been able to do. and i would add that it is not -- it is not the norm to bring the doctor to the podium. that is not the norm. and we have owned up. this president directly has owned up to what happened at the debate last thursday. he has talked about it multiple times. and directly to supporters. directly to the american people. and what we want to do is continue to certainly deliver on the record accomplishment as to what we have been able to do. >> you feel like the white house as stomach has been thorough and the medical record you have but obviously you're getting these questions in large part because of what we saw for 90 minutes on thursday night.
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in people's responses to what they saw. a lot of people expressing shock so why not release more information? what would be the downside? >> what i can tell you is we have been transparent, we will continue to be transparent and that is what i can share with all of you at this time. >> i wanted to follow-up on what someone brought up i think others as well you did get the questions yesterday about the president's debate performance and it didn't mention travel, the jet lag, the foreign trip so i think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling to hear the president mention that as his expression. can you clarify whether when you took a pony method and did you not know -- >> i would say that is my bad. it is definitely part of the explanation of what had occurred. i did know that. i did know that. i did. but we were so focused i was focused on the cold and that is
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what i kind of leaned into an talked about but yes, his schedule did have something to do with. it was the schedule and the cold and i was aware that yesterday. >> the president and i know happening in 2020 referred as a transition candidate he also said that he would be a bridge to the next generation of democratic leaders. does he still believe that? >> yes. i mean i think is statement stands. one of the reasons why he picked the vice president kamala harris is because she is indeed the future of the party. and he is very proud to have partnered with her and continues to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record of the american people. and i think you will continue to do that as partners. like i said i just saw them before walking into the briefing room. they stopped by to talk to me and my team and they are ready to go. they are ready to continue. >> so transition what happened
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in eight years? >> i'm not going to get into speculation from your, but you asked me if that statement still has stands yes it does. >> president biden was fatigued during the debate because of overseas travel that was 12 days beforehand like he said he was last night doesn't that raise questions about his ability to effectively serve another second term until he is 86 years old? >> i mean, look, i think there are multiple factors to consider. the travel, the travel led to a cold, and i think that matters as well. i think we've all been there. we have all been there. it is not unusual. with the present it as he pushed through. he did. he pushed forward and he pushed through and that's what we saw him do. and look, you heard me say this yesterday and you heard directly from the president saying this multiple times. when you get knocked down you get back up. joe biden is someone who has
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faced tragedies and he is taking them on. when he does that, he gets right back up. that's how we see that night. speak of this message to congressional leaders today, is he trying to instill confidence in them that he can run effectively for his reelection? >> look i will not get into certainly prior conversations he had, he shared with me those conversations were strong and i think that is important to note. i'm not going into details, but the president is going to continue to have those direct conversations with leaders, with supporters, and he believes that is important to do. >> where they united with him in the call? >> they continue to be united and some of them have spoken to this. we have been very clear, have spoken up on the television have spoken to some in your reporting and that was said very clearly.
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>> can you share any details on president biden and vice president harris' lunch today? do you know what they discussed vice president harris potentially taking over do you know if that came up today? >> i just stated the president is not dropping out, that is something the campaign has shared so i will just repeat with the campaign has shared. they regularly have lunch. i am not going to get into private conversation. and i would also say that the vice president spoke to cbs just yesterday. you can see what she set herself. i think that is important to note as well. >> i want to also ask you mentioned that president biden got the cold because of traveling so the cold is directly tied to them traveling or the sea get colds regularly? >> i can tell you is he traveled and then he got a cold. that's what happened. okay, michael. >> you mentioned a few times
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that the president's record wants to continue his work and building on that record. i'm trying to understand how that is relevant to a self-reflection of whether or not he is physically capable. >> i think it is an assessment. i think the fact he is able to work across the aisle, get really big bipartisan legislation done, he has been able to get us out of the pandemic. able to get the economy back on its feet. i think that shows leadership. and i think that is important, right? he is making these decisions on behalf of the american people. and he is able to do that because of its experience and his wisdom. and i think that is all connected as well and we can't forget that. >> just on self inflection by the president, you mentioned as well he understands the stakes in the election, and the data is
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showing that he may be leading the party toward electoral disaster. is they're not going to be reflection? >> look, right now i have to be really mindful you are asking about the campaign, you're asking about data connected the campaign, i want to be really mindful here. and it is also hypothetical. so we want to be really mindful here. what i can say is right now and where the president is he is continuing to fight for the american people, continuing to build an economy that works for all, continuing to create good paying jobs, expand health care, that is the president's focus. that is the president of hospice focus. anything related to the campaign outer for you to the campaign to speak to that directly as it relates to data, that is not something i can be abundant from here. >> thanks. i have trickle questions. first former president of
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bolivia have accused the president of staging last week the demonstration do you believe in the event since this was the case? >> so, look. i want to be really mindful here. we have seen the false allegations of u.s. involvement in the events of bolivia on jun. i know that is something that is come up a couple times. so i want to make sure it is clear of the u.s. no involvement in that. we condemn strongly condemned the deployment of army units in bolivia and any attempt to subvert a constitutional old and will continue i said this last week or the week before we will stand by democracy and the people of bolivia and that is where we are going to continue to stand. >> with the u.s. government and the government resuming today
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only to get if you can give us a clearer picture of how far the u.s. government is willing to go. with the u.s. government be willing to have any exemptions and is there any plan to step down without fear of continuing prosecution? >> so your question about dialogue that is happening we certainly welcome that in good faith. the dialogue in good faith so we welcome that. we are clearly democratic change will not be easy and we remain committed to those in the path of an as well as to our governments via inclusive elections. any specific details about that i don't have to share a bunch of robotic engagement but we certainly share in good faith and that's what we want to say.
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>> thank you so much. i also want to say yesterday at the fund-raiser he said he didn't listen to his staff. what kind of advice did he get? because it gives the impre impression's staff is asking him to slow down or maybe cancel some trips or have a letter schedule. >> look, i didn't get into the president directly what he said but that's waited want to be mindful. i think with the president was trying to say is that he had a schedule that was for gross. you know, the travel he had to do crossing multiple obviously going from italy all the way to the west coast. and i think, as you know, that can have a toll on any one pair whether you are 20 or 80 that can never told. on new. i think that's what he was alluding to end speaking to. i don't want to go beyond that
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because i have not spoken to him in what he was speaking to his staff but as it relates to travel, it was rigorous. he had reversed trouble pair we talked about it sometimes i think i mentioned this some of your colleagues that he has especially when he travels abroad it's a pretty rigorous trouble. we get tired looking at him doing his meetings and traveling and so i think that's what he was speaking to. i don't think it has a toll on what age you are it has a toll on you. >> thank you. international travel can be rigorous but i think the confusion is he is still suffering from the effects of that two weeks later. can you articulate a little bit about do you usually have accommodations for him after he does a trip that he is going to have jet lag? for that long of a period of time? >> when you say two weeks later
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what do you mean? >> he arrives in the united states 12 or 13 days for the debate so his explanation for debate performances jet lag. >> i want to say is the jet lag and also the cold. right? it's the two things. that occurred. you all herded in his voice when he did the debate. right? it's not even something we shared ahead of time. you heard of in his voice and we confirmed it. and i think that is important to note as well. it is the jet lag and the cold. but i want to be really clear. this is not an excuse. this is not an excuse. you asked for an explanation we are giving an explanation. it's not an excuse. i don't want that to be the leading piece of this. as for the only reason we are sharing this because the president wanted to give an explanation himself and that's what he did yesterday. we want to -- we understand it was not his best night. it was not a great debate.
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we understand that. and you understand what supporters saw with the american people saw and what you all saw so we want to give an explanation. i don't want to get into this giving this excuse or not an excuse we are giving you what our explanation was. we want to continue that we do everything we can to deliver for the american people, that's what we will continue to. >> i want to ask about the schedule again. a lot of high-level democrats were concerned about the debate performance but they've also been just as or more concerned about the response since then. that he hasn't done more, he spoke for mark 4 minutes in public on the supreme court decision and he spoke about 10 minutes in public yesterday with the emergency weather situation. >> he will speak today go to wisconsin and pennsylvania. >> but an emergency situation, taking almost a week for him to
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address it when there are natural disasters and other things happening he wants to get in front of the cameras and speak to it in this case -- >> but i would disagree with you. he did aggress the mic address it on friday in north carolina in front of hundreds of supporters. he address it. he talked about an issue that you ask me about all the time, his age. he took it head-on. literally had on. he did not run away from it, he did not hide from it. he said i am not a young man, obviously. i'm not as good of a debater as i used to be. i don't talk as smooth, i don't lock as easily as i use to. he said it himself to hundreds of supporters in north carolina. so i would disagree that he didn't take this head-on, he did. he did. he talked about it in front of supporters. but -- >> but six people. >> by the way that matters. engaging with the american people and standing in front of them and being honest about t
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that. and talking about age. something you all ask me about all the time. he took that radon. now, he is talking and engaging with leaders, that is something he is doing. he is having good conversations with them. he will meet with democratic governors, governors he believes have been really strong partners with him in delivering some of these historic accomplishments. but i would -- you know, i would disagree on him not taking this head-on. being in north carolina and taking that head-on, obviously that is not the specie is going to give on thursday. before the debate. so he understood, right? when he got to north carolina and he needed to address. and he needed to do it in front of supporters. i will go to the back. >> polling this week shows the
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president looming so mike losing more ground in the american eyes for immigration and foreign policies so does that with anything else diminish the president as these leaders are coming in? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. i said this months ago when i was answering a question for one of your colleagues. these foreign leaders has seen the president personally come up close for the past three years, they have talked about his leadership, they have committed his leadership, they have been proud to see him as the president of the united states after what they experienced in the last administration. some of them have even been quoted about what the president has been able to do during his past three years. german chancellor scholz i think joe biden is someone with very clear who knows exactly what he is doing and who is one of the most experienced politicians in the world especially with international politics. the prime minister of israel
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benjamin netanyahu i have had more than a dozen extended phone conversations with president biden, he also came on a visit to israel during wartime which is a historic first, i found him very clear and very focused. i mean, these are leaders he has had extensive engagement with over the past three years. they have seen him up close and personal. the president looks very much forward to hosting nato next week. >> and the supreme court, the comments the president made on monday does the president respect the authority of the supreme court? >> here's what i was. to present has spoken often very powerfully about the events on january 6th. he has. and his views on what happened on that day. and what you heard from the president monday night he was not supposed to speak, he came back, he felt so strongly about the decision from the supreme court that he came back
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early and wanted to speak directly to the american people and that's what he did. it was that significant. he believes the president of the united states to speak directly to the american people and he said this is a dangerous precedent. it is. a said and laid out the supreme court has continued to take away long-established freedoms including a woman's right to choose and now threatening the fundamental american principal that no one is above the law. and so this is why the president came back and that is why he spoke out about it and he fears for our democracy. he knows we must do everything that we can to fight. >> but does he have respect the authority? >> he respects the authority of the supreme court and like you said in this question disagrees with the ruling absolutely. it is unprecedented it is dangerous. that is why the president wanted to make sure the american people heard directly from him.
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thank you, rachal. >> i want to follow up about the lines you were just reading from party leaders because it seems like this perception has changed after the debate. >> you mean the quotes i was laying out for all of you from chancellor? >> yes talking to diplomats they are telling me -- >> diplomats or leaders of countries? >> double months. speak i just wanted to make s sure. i was talking with the leaders i hear you but i'm talking about the leaders who have been on the record. >> yes but after the debate talked about worrying about the future of the u.s. and it is a scary and embarrassing time for the country u.s. leadership and you mentioned the watch party in beijing and moscow. are they right to be worried? >> look, there's a lot at stake. is a lot at stake, recall, there is. and i think that is why the president fights day in and day
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out on behalf of the american people. have to be careful because you are kind of they are worried about i am assuming the election and what is going to happen so i don't want to speak to that but what i can say more broadly there is a lot at stake. and we see that with role being overturned, we see that with what happened on january 6th. our democracy and freedoms are at stake and not only do diplomats and world leaders care about that, americans here at home care about that. that is something they worry about. and that is something we present will continue to fight for. i'm going to be careful, i cannot get into hypotheticals what will happen, obviously there is an election going on but there is indeed a lot at stake and we talk about this all the time. democracy, freedoms, a woman's right to choose, that is important. that is important to fight for. what republicans are trying to do, extreme republicans and congress are trying to do, put three national bans on abortion,
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that's the type of legislation they want to push forward. so we disagree with that. we will say with the majority of americans. >> quick question one on nato, so on next week's summit has this president scheduled any important ballots for the leaders especially including turkish president and second question is as we know china has been causing a lot of conflicts in south china so yesterday we saw chinese calls also detained a taiwanese fish boat at taiwan strait what is the white house's reaction? >> the fish boat obviously we are closely monitoring the incident so we will continue to do that. and as for any bilateral meetings and we don't have anything to read out to you at this time i believe nsc's going to do a call on friday to talk through what next week is going
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to look like with the nato summit being here in d.c. so i would say stay tuned, look out for that. and we will have more to share when there is a bilateral meeting we certainly share that with all of you, we just don't have anything to preview this time. >> and reaching out to japan and taiwan over all those incidents. >> i don't have any calls obviously to speak to at this time, but we encourage both sides to maintain open lines of communication so they can get to a resolution here and that is what we call for. no, go ahead. >> thank you. i just wanted to get your answer to recall a few moments ago with a lot at stake. >> i'm trying to be mindful. >> i am also trying to. >> i appreciate that. >> i think millions and millions of americans would be obsessed that there is a lot at stake. >> i agreed. that's what i said not just
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diplomats but americans. >> and the president and others in the administration and the debate, is within his reaction to his own performance does he think he let people down? >> look, this is certainly a president... that i will say and if you know joe biden you know him as a senator and a vice president. he is very sensitive to how people feel. right? and he is very aware of that. i think he has that iq that is certainly incredibly important as a president to be able to feel people's pains, feel people's concern, and be able to listen to them directly. and you see him do that on any time you see him engage with everyday people americans. i think that is what makes this president so unique.
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and i think also because he has dealt with so much tragedy and knows what that feels like. and you know i have not asked him specifically that question, but he who stands the concerns. he understands what people saw. and that is why he has spoken to them multiple times. and he has spoken about his age for example multiple times. not just this past friday. and he gets it he gets it. we get it. so what we will do is continue to look forward and work on behalf of the american people there is a record here we can speak to. there is a record here that matters to the majority of americans perry we were able to turn some things around whether it's the pandemic, the economy, expanding health care, all of those matter to the american people. and so that is going to be certainly our focus, but you know, the president gets it,
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guys, he does. he gets what people saw and how people felt. i get it, i can't come i really, really can't i've got to continue taking questions from the back i'm already being pulled. >> thank you. i will ask you about some of the things the presence of last week. >> last week? >> yes. >> all right. >> obviously with 13 u.s. service members during afghanistan withdrawal and then this year through u.s. service members died, jordan and he had the president said "he is the only president this century that doesn't have any like that day, and quote. houck of the present get that so long? >> i appreciate that i was asked i believe on friday i believe and i said this i will reiterate this i would appreciate the
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opportunity he cares very much about our service members and the men and the sacrifices they have made he takes on his responsibility as commander in chief and that is some nut certainly he will do. and in the tour on july 4th he will have active members here and there families to thank them personally. obviously there families made sacrifices as well. as you know he intended to dignified transfer of the 13 you just mention brief service members who lost their lives and ask again a in afghanistan august 26th 2021 and also those who live their lives and lost their lives in jordan, i was there with the president and you can see how much or how important he understood it was for him to be there for that moment to be there for the families. and so just want to be really clear about that because he has so much gratitude. we know as a country we can
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never repay them for their courage. but to your question, the president was making comparison between how many service members have died under his leadership versus in previous years. that was what the comparison that he was making and he is doing that because he cares so deeply. cares so deeply about them and their families and wants to keep troops safe. that is what he certainly wants to continue to do. let's not forget that for some time he carried a card in his pocket about how many service members were wounded and killed in iraq and afghanistan. that is how much it was a reminder to him, you know, the times that we live in. >> i mean, this president said this century, this decade, but last night maybe on a different front hear what was the president trying to say when he said he beach medicare? >> he meant to say he beat big pharma.
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i mean that's what he meant to say. >> and finally you have more interaction with the president than most folks. you know him better than most anyone else. can you say, do you believe the president is as sharp today as he was when he took this job? has there been any slow down? speak what i can say is this is a president that is strong and resolute. in delivering for the american people that's what i see. i see a president when i am sitting in front of him, you know, going through the day or talking about what he is doing next, he is someone that engages with us. he wants to know, he pushes us, wanting to figure out the bigger picture of whatever we are trying to explain to him or even little details. he is as sharp as i have known him to be in my engagement in my experience with him. and i know when i walk into the oval office or see him on air force one i have to be on top of my game. i do.
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i mean, that is just kind of my engagement with him and how it has been the past couple of years. i know i have to wrap it up. go ahead, emily. >> i just wanted to ask how is the president's health today? does he still have his cold or is he better? and clarify on the medical exam because you said he hasn't had one since his last physical, he was on the weight of the debate the doctor was with him, he had a cold, he is 81, does he not get checked out by the doctor? >> he did not get checked out by the doctor. it's a cold, guys, it's a cold. and i know it affects everybody differently, we have all had colds. so no, he was not checked by the doctor paired what was your other question? speak or how is he today's cities with his goal? >> we saw him today he looked great and he was with the vice president of both look great. i know i was asked yesterday if he still had a cold, i think if he still has a lingering cold, but he is ready to go. he's ready to go. after a foot of.
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>> sources have told abc that because of recognition, so how has his mood been as of late? has he been down or frustrated? >> i mentioned i think multiple times at this point i got to see him, my team and i got to see him and the vice president, he is great. he is in a great mood, ready to get things going. he is going to do the medal of honor later today, he's going meet the democratic governors and that is kind of what you want to see, right? from your leader. but i can say is that he wants to move forward. that's what he wants to do. he wants to move forward. acknowledge, right? acknowledge what happened, be very clear about it, and very forthcoming and honest about what you all saw, but he also knows he is the president of the united states. yes to continue due to work deliver on behalf of the american people. that's what he has to continue to do.
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that's how he is going to move forward. all right, everybody everybody thank you all. >> aishah: all right that was day 2 of the white house taking question after question about president, sounds like she is still taking a question there. okay. so, that was karine jean-pierre of the white house press secretary taking another round of questioning really no other question other than about president biden. and the top line out of this was she said he is staying in the race. he is not going anywhere. he has owned up to the criticism, bill, he wants to move on from this on that "new york times" report where they said he told an ally he is weighing whether or not to get out of this race she said that was absolutely false. she said he is now since connected with leaders jeff lane, leader schumer, senator coons, former speaker nancy pelosi and jim clyburn and as far as why he did
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not reach out to them sooner to get with those supporters she said he was busy on the campaign trail. >> bill: yes and she also defended his use of a teleprompter and said it's completely normal. she said white house staff "gets tired of looking at him" with all the traveling yesterday we heard jacqui heinrich question does he need a nap every day, she did not deny that she said she wasn't going to speak to those reports. we heard her explain away the bad debate as a result of jet lag in combination with a cold but you heard a question there, what does a jet lag and cold have to do with lying about military deaths under his presidency? let's bring ahead steven hilton fox news contributor, steve i want your immediate reaction to what we heard. karine jean-pierre playing difference stomach defense today she said it was "my bad" for not explaining the jet lag was the reason for his bad debate performance, your thought?
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>> bill it's great to be with you, it's a humiliating string of lies and she said we have been transparent, know you haven't. you lied and lied and lied again. for years. to cover up his obvious decline. she said the evidence he could speak without a prompter and could actually hold his own in a conversation with world leaders was that he went to a diner. he "visited diner" that was the response to questions about his ability to negotiate with world leaders that was humiliating but i think there are terkel things missing from this whole conversation. the first is that yes, right now we are focusing on biden's age and obvious inability to do the job mentally but actually the real reason he doesn't deserve to be reelected is not that he is old it's that he is so bad. it wasn't alzheimer's that made
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biden open the borders, it was him pandering to the far left faction and his party. it wasn't sin enmity that made him overall of the military leaders to end up with that he military catastrophe in afghanistan, that was his own pink headedness. >> steve we have to run real quick -- >> the idea it's biden's weakness. trump was strong in that debate. >> steve, i apologize for cutting off we have to run. >> when we look at alternatives to biden in the future. >> steve, thank you for your thoughts on that. aishah real quick one thing to note about all of this, donald trump and his campaign have been radio silence throughout all of this. they seem very content to just let biden sink into this news cycle this bad news cycle which seems to get worse every day. speak i want to ring in louisiana senator john kennedy member of the judiciary committee standing by for a so graciously. i know you listen to kj p talk and talk and talk i'm not sure any reporter in that room bought
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anything she was saying, i will give you the last word here. >> i listen to the president's press secretary. i've heard better answers on the dating game. she has blamed the president's performance on what, jet leg? or cold? staff? they blamed it on everything but motor hornets. look, i watch the debate like everybody else and i thought president trump's performance was one of his best. i thought obviously president biden's performance was a multiple vehicle pileup. i don't know if president biden will quit, i wouldn't bet my house on it. and if i were betting your house it would be a may be. i do know this. president biden is deeply unpopular.
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and i don't hate anybody, but fair or not, the american people believe that the president is present biden is older than the adirondack mountains. they think he is worse than he used to be, and frankly it wasn't great then. they think he talks like he is from outer space. yes. >> senator i have to so sorry but we have to have a heartbreak. thank you for your thoughts and you brought up a very great point, the age question is something we have been thinking about and washington a lot lately with senator dianne feinstein, with leader mitch mcconnell, and it is a question that americans are looking to us and wanting to know why do we have to keep having this discussion with politicians? senator we will have you back on. thank you. and thank you, bill for joining me today. >> bill: great to be with you, aishah let's do it again soon.
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