tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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tment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) out of time, thank you to our guests, our studio audience, ♪ >> we have a lot of news comingg your way tonight.
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i'm kayleigh mcenany in for lower income and this is agle. special edition of "the ingraham angle." thisyo is breaking this you were looking outside of theo west wing lobby where we expect governors at any moment to comee forward and share with us what they saw with president biden pureoe b they are with him right now. joe biden finally meeting with governors. it is a desperate to show support, at kathy hochul, theyda rush from the country the day before the fourth of july to sae joe biden or are they they are to actually assess the damage? the questions. all of this as a bombshell "new york times" report says that "biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be ablt to salvage his candid deceit if he cannot convince the public in the coming days he's up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week. theorti wow!
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the denying of the reporting but instead they are doubling down.r >> iins pre biden considering sg down?e absolutely not. >> you heard it from thes campaign as well. >> is there anything to change his mind? >> look, i cannot lay out something that would change ath president'eys mind. he's been very clear. >> brian: they are saying "the new york times" putting his fake news but a credible reporter in fact, he katie is te most well sourced reporter i would say in the whole white hous ae press court of kae rogers of "the new york times" bureau to but it was not jusnbc kjp, biden called in a staff meeting an d told them "let me say this as clearly as i possibly can, simply as straightforward as i can, i am running. no one is pushing me out and i'm not leaving. i meant this race until the end and we are going to win here are
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"the new york times" siena poll disagrees entirely showing trump with his biggest lead since 2015, look at that, he haswi outright winning young voters and latinos winning theneth republican nominee. then came the new "wall street journal" poll which shows trump 38% support, this is the highest recorded support in the journals head-to-headlo ballots, wow! the question this hour, you are looking at it is at thet beginning of the end for govejoe biden? all week democratic governors putting on this confident fronte >> i am going to double down the next few month s and win.nomi >> joe biden is going to be ouri nominee unless he decides otherwise. >> joe biden is our nominee and ultimately, that decision onwe continuing or not will fall to him and his family. we want to make sure he's doing okay. >> kayleigh: is that is why g they are there to make sure he's doing okay?
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right now that, these governors are saying joe face-to-face as they determine the future direction of their partyts, possibly the country. other top democrats, they are not so sure. listen very carefully to this, this is the biden-harris cochair. >> my understanding is there is. 700 uncommitted delegates and i do believe all of the delegates only for the first round. so you can act confession, the process is already in place to make it a primary, and i will support that. we can't lower that down. >> kayleigh: and many primary? the biden campaign cochair would support a many primary. and then there is this.s >> we are nocut operating likert authoritarian, religious colt the way the republican party operates in lpr there will be lots of discussion and lotso ha
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of people weighing in and this is a moving target and has to happen quickly. i can guarantee you chris hayes, they will be massive unity andhe focus on that task when we get to the end of this process. it is happening quickly. >> kayleigh: moving target, it is happening quickly, that is r jamie raskin and he's a big dam. he is right, the big dam is breaking open. later this afternoon a second lawmaker raul joins texas democrat and openly calling for joe biden to ste step aside. o and reuters reports there are 25 or more house democrats that could be on the way here at house democrat leadership rush o 5:00 p.m. conference call today withne members to fix fox news has independently confirmed that multiple letterse are circulating among house democrats spirit house democratic leaders, they haven't seen the litter spear that is wt fox was told.
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one senior house democrat leader told fox, "he needs to stop showing and telling otherwise he will lose more house dems and it is that acute. the next wave of calls to step down will be from, "seniortal members and veteran saturn tours whose opposition could proveea fatal to the president's reelection bid." we wait to hear from those governors. that is obama is expressingiden doubts telling allies, "biden's towpath grew more challengingve after his shaky debate performance on thursday. boy, when you have lost obama. senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich at theeari white house on biden's meeting.y what arele you hearing there? >> katie, we are watching the clock to see how long thiss cr meeting goes. it is crossingossi over into pat the half-hour mark right now and 22 governors are inside meeting with the president and the roosevelt room we were told by the startals ahead of of this meaning that some cae of would come to the camera aten
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its conclusion and talk to us. d if that doesn't happen, will bet a major indicator of what kind f of since they got as they arej trying to determine for themselves whether the president is up foanr the job and can plee their support to him. in the meantime, the biden campaign forcibly denying a news cnn report that says there is a succession pladecin underway shd president biden decide to steptt aside. that report had a lot of detail in it including biden wouldrmer first throw his support behindwo his vice president and then former president and party leaders would do the same in hopes of staving off a contentious fight for the top of the ticket. the campaign tells fox, "there is literally zero truth to this report." we should note it is the second report officials come out and forcibly denied. "new york times" claimed a biden ally said within the last 24 hours that the president told him he is weighing dropping out. the effort to hold the circling
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of the wagons now goes all the way up to the president himself according to the politico report you cited.ll t and all staff called today and t he said he's not leaving the that message also just went out in a text to supporters, ing fund-raising text that read, "i'm the parties lead, i'm into this race until the end and we this election. but the cults keep coming in a second democratic house member calls for biden to step aside in bostonbo editorial globe, the future at stake, this is not a decision that should be made by anyone family a moment the democratic party not good at behaving like a party must i step into the fraye the president's meeting with governors is the next news hype and we are trying to follow, kayleigh and that a good metric with the next few days look like i'm acutely. >> kayleigh:a ka indeed it will, scalia [boos] jacqui my thank you. g.o.p. presidential candidates,d at any moment, vivek,
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gavin newsom, gretchen whitmer, gavin newsom walked to microphone and support for joe biden but who knows my you questions to you emma checkingn with the president or really kind of wellness check? >> this is the beginning of a process, kayleigh there is no way biden is able to go forward with this type of rift the main institution giving him cover, mainstream media it is done but only a question when you're togs think they are not in a rush toe do it and the longer it goeswhoe between now and late august, the better it is for them because wherever the newhone candidate they will have a honeymoon phass with the public, no doubt about it you're the feeling someone in torture prison might have with respect to the person who releases them here that is theew attitude who succeeds joe biden pure they want the election to occur in the honeymoon period. that you will see these hoopsrdf they jump the might jump through and a steady declinecrat but noh forward for joe biden.ld what i want democrats to askng themselves, how could they
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possibly have lied for this long. if they lied this long about biden's fitness, what else areos they lying to us about now?tate it was actually running theeigh government of the united states of america?we l th te sad truth is, kayleigh, we lack a good answer to thatg question and we deserve honestyn in this country, left wing or right wing point is the most. important question to come out of all of this.mocr >> kayleigh: a lot is weighingt on the you have lawmakers coming out one by one spirit internalates polling coming out of the biden campaign that is suggesting states likshe new mexicoir are n jeopardy, states like new hampshire biden won by 7%, new mexico, to have this polling crushing an end also more and more reporting here and nowls "the new york times" make a scope into reeds th hastings goes on biden to step aside. what is the stra?w that breaksor the camel's back? is at the polls, donors, lawmakers? >> this is a whole network andxe
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netflix deals. but the reality is this, this is the risk for out parties that wt focus on this, kayleigh comeis instead of saying this is who we are and what we stand for or the reality is complacencyth is note republican's greatest risk. we have many people on our side celebrating like this thing is over. i think this thing has not yet begun. that is the attitude we need to keep in mind. this race has not yet started. complacency is not an option. a lot of these distracting shenanigans and we talk about what the democrats will do,goin risktaking us off a fire game ad heading into the convention and heading into november and whyon they need to keep their eye on the ball as an agenda. that is how we wait when in a landslide. >> kayleigh: complacency not an answer. kevin mccarthy former speaker of thepeak house. speaker mccarthy come as i was coming to you my here cnn reporting there is a plan that biden has said if i step aside, i'mym pushing my delegates to ch
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to kamala harris but a white house deny, deny, deny that at some point you have to take it seriously and this is ti cnn and "the new york times." >> i think you will see a lot ou people in the democratic party talking about this but what you have to go back to is why is the media now turning on president biden? because they have been lie d to this entire time. p i talked about this more than at year ago and my personal interacting us with this president that he had problems. they attacked us pure of "the wall street journal" did in-depth story and attacked us based on my reactions and expers with them. know what you are seeing is president biden needs the next five days, he needs to survive t the next five days if he is going to go further. it is still hard to remove him if he is not willing to do it,up but they are rounding the wagons up andling circling him. but is getting tougherit's by te day. the concern ave i have is that y wait until wblice get to the republican convention where
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president trump has to already nominate his vp. d does that give the democrats an advantage there were maybe the president trump would select somebody different if you knew who the opposition was?so we may want to try to play their hands that way going forward age.appeared to be, that is a disadvantage. if they go to call mullah, the one thing they have to remember is she's not a good campaigner. when she ran for attorney general but she barely won. she was the weakness of there dems. when she ranas for the senate, p she two in california and runnii against another democrat and ths general election and they had th come save her. when she started up her president, she started strong and collapsed. you have to be concerned if shes was to get into the race as a democrat, she is not a good >> kayleigh: speaker mccarthy, you sat across from biden and observe and question his mental acuity, and i spokmente to him mike john and he said no. you are the horses mouth and you have sat there.
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is there any conceivable wayay karine jean-pierre and the staff say we've never seen w any of ts that that could be true? >> that is not true. i you worked on the white house. i worked with four different presidents. that oval office is always coming.ound things are moving and goinges around at all times.ther in biden's oval office, it is the quietest place and no one is the only thing there are cookies. offers cookies and egos and gets them. it is a depressing moment. every time i met withge president biden i got a different biden each time here that is the challenge they have. if he survives this, he is still th stie same place, and it is me time between now and the election that he can actuallys. get worse. >> kayleigh: biden offers you cookies, donald trump offers you a diet coke and i will take the diet coke. house speaker kevin mccarthy, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: president biden meeting with democratic governors in a closed-door memeeting righett now and growig calls for him to exit the race.
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we will bring you the latest details, and of course, the governors when they come out.fih if biden can't fight that flag, hoonw can he fight security threats? jielecm banks on a time for a st committee on biden's health. >> it is the jet lag and alsogs the cold, right?, an it is the two things. and that occurred.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: we are coming tot you with big news. president biden has anha inner sanctum made up of family members and valerie biden, o jill jonathan rimer of politico, he always seems to get the scoops and synonyms to get the leaks. he is saying, "first lady joe biden and the president'srwr son, hunter biden, or dead set on the campaign going forward appeared biden sister, valerie, is also supportive but has expressed more worry about the toll it can take or n her brothi health and legacy." valerie biden, a key, key advisor to h president biden saying, hey, move forward but i do worry aboutwo your health. o i do worry about your legacy, pretty big news and as we await these governors to come out at any moment . >> we understand the concerns appear to be get it you're thead did not have a great night.
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it was a bad night. but is not uncommon forebat incumbents to have a bad night on their first debate.hi it was a bad night, we understand it was a bad night. in this instance, it was a bador night. we all have bad nights, right, or bad's it is not unusual. >> kayleigh: it is a bad night, it isw th a cold, and now they are adding jet lag. >> how is it that the president was still tired 12 days after returning from europe, had a cold, but went to the waffle house, and then the following day stage such a huge comeback that he gave the north carolinaomeb remarks? help us understand...on >> have you had a cold before?rd come on, jackie.ol >> that you said ja jet lag yes. >> there is a cold h here theres a jet lag you are you combined that and hane continues to work
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for the american people day in and day out around the clock. things happen. >> kayleigh: kjp is she telling the truth? she says she is. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information aboute jo the president's health or ability to do the job day today? absolutely not. >> kayleigh: the comms director is backing her up. >> i never sawan that version of joe biden, and i just don't believe the people around himel who make these decisions withrew him would have put him in thathp situation if they thought there was a chance that was going to ? happen. >> kayleigh: the questiow yon is are you buying it? eight surrounding aids with a problem, they had good and nobly reasons to try to contain thesc problem by managing thef th president schedule and public profile. ew, s a skill of the predicament group, they decided it was too late to comed their denial and now, they are o deeply enmeshed in the light a they can't find a way out here
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they are desperate and playing for time. time is running out and kjp was forced to acknowledge the white house is changing stories. >> we need to get numerous questions about the president's debate performance. you didn't mention how the jetfe lag -- i think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling to hear the president mentioning that as hi. explanation for the first time last night. ca>> yn you clarify when you tok the podium, did you not know -- >> and i will say that is my bad. >> kayleigh: my bad appearance maybe it's time for congressional oversight, a men select committee on biden's get them tolth to answer because there are consequences for this cover-up. our enemies are taking fullss advantage of the administration's weakness and the lack of leadership.s indiana congressman jim banks, who was also running for the senate. congressman banks do you certain afghanistan and you were in the
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navy. when i read a politico reports aids are scared fentanyl gnomic [bleep] and they call it a mag lie, i t about the 13 fallen soldiers inn afghanistan an md biden'swa decision-making in afghanistan. was he with it? or lives lost because he did not come forward and aids not truthful? should there be a select it. committee on biden's mentalas health? >> kayleigh, i'm all for it. the debate last thursday, joe biden said that no soldier have lost their lifeat on his watch and that was a completeute and utter life. because, either hewh forgot the 13 heroes who df because of the foolish decisions by himself and his h administration or either he forgotrica that, or he is tryino cover it up and lied to the american people once again. i'm for a select committee. and for any effort by congress administration,gges this president, and the media accountable for the biggest cover-up ithn american history.
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they all know this man is senile and unfit to be the president your car i want to know who's been making decisions over the o last three and a half years that has led to the suffering of th thate american people and has emboldened our biggest enemies around the globe whether russia, china, north korea, hamas, theba iranian proxy groups that have attacked israel and elsewhereane because we have the weakest and most senile commander-in-chief we have ever had ie.n americance history in the white house. >> kayleigh: these aids come t if they don't come willing, shod they be subpoenaed? >> absolutely! force them to come before congress and tell us who madeaf thghe decision to abruptly pull out of afghanistan and pull thet rug out from underneath the government in afghanistan but also our own troops leaving 13an of our troops dead in afghanistan because of the decision-making that we still don't have answers -- i served on the house armed services committee and they've never
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answered boris no one has held accountable for it. i don't think joe biden knows who made those decisions. i wantde to know who made those decisions because they are our big repercussions for it. >> kayleigh: i do too, and riley and his little baby born nswedays after his i want answers, i want answersrs for those families. please get thosef for us. thank you, congressman. >> i think rolling around in a wheelchair, i don't care. donald john trump cannot be allowed back into the white house he would speak or remember jesse jackson and ie ja think he said 1984, i would rather have roosevelt in a con wheelchair within redken and ara horse.n on i understand the contrast come i would rather have biden on a bad day than donald trump on his best i days? >> kayleigh: media lowerinp.g the bore gnomic bar to electm anything other than trump. but whatder- are security for commander-in-chief? the threatened impairment we are in today is reminiscent right before 9/11 except right before1
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we didn't have more rage in europe and the middle east wherw israel is looking at aomeo 2-front war now. not it is crazy to have someone who is not confident as president >> kayleigh: h fe is exactly right and the fbi director and attorney general have formed ant threat of recent >> i am worried about ther possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after october 7th. the threat level for unorms has grown up enormously. >> we are seeing a wide array of dangerous threats that emanate from the border. there is a particular network that has where some of the oversea facilitators of this network have the nicest. >> kayleigh: joining a stephen miller, former colleague of mine and former senior advisor and under of america first legal. you know, stephen, we've been in the west wing and we see theght. pressures on the president, president trump latewe at night.
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i know your mind has been where mine has been in this entireve week. what is goin cg on at theu, white house? do we have a commander-in-chiefs i want to know from you, what have you been thinking this week as this network of leaks and tho aids have been lying to us? >> well, the last eight years in our country has been defined by one democrat hoax after anothers right? they've tried to. hijack her democratic process by pushing hoax after hoax after hoax. but this, kayleigh, this is shirley not even close to a question. the bigges t hoax in american history because they have had a brain-dead commander in chief for three and a a half years, ad they have been hiding it from a soul. one of the most intrinsican moments in the biden debate, president trump looked atener joe biden and said, "why didn'tt yoheu fire the generals in afghanistan? why didn't you let them go after
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that debacle?"beca we now know the answer! because there is nobody home! there is nothing on inside of that school! he's gone, finished, senile!n on top of that, we have a second-in-command kemal harris, who is thebide least ready besis joe biden and the whole country to occupy the office. we've never been in a more vulnerable moment, two incompetents running theever country, god help us! >> kayleigh: the white house press secretary said biden is sharper than ever before and no one believes that, no one, noweh one, no one but i have to get your take on this, new siding today, the medal of honor ceremony, the acting senior advisor hunter biden, let's show him here they have this incredibly awkward stare where he has jet i'd come a mind trict right at joe biden. maybe he's thinking that pardon, daddy, what is going on, stephen? >> well, we have seen in news reports the top biden family
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advisor is now their son, hunter who struggles with narcotics and well-known, corruption scandals well known and whose personal defects are all well known. this is again a terrifying momenthere where the nonpresent president, the man who has completely vacant upstairs in his head is getting his advice from hunter, who is, himself, a threat to national security, ano against a backstop for all ofs. this? kemal harris. people wouldn't trust kemal harris to run tanda lemonade std in this country hear the persono who is speaking as president trump has pointensmeda and constantly talking about unburdening herself in every speech and nobody has a cluer no what it hysterically laughing for nole reason at all and completely looks unstable. every enemy of the world is looking at us right now and saying, this is the time, this is the time to go after america.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: president biden's pivota fl meeting. we arero still waiting to hear from him but the question is will he convince blue state governors of his lucidity?f co big question pure the governors could come out any moment and of course we will take you there when they do. the democrats, their next depth they are doubling down on law fair and i thought that ended yesterday. but no dems legal attacks have been plucked every step of the there is that in a report from "the washington post" that came out that t suggests biden's dojs all in and they will keep it going.
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here is what it says my justice department officials plan to pursue the criminal cases against donald trump pastha election day. even if he wins, under the belief that the department rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would notrm erkick in until inauguration dar pure spokesman for attorney general merrick garland told the post, "i would expect this justice department to be fl speed ahead and they should be."ling this comes after the supreme court's ruling on presidential immunity dealt a huge blow to thel ca legal casey a force judge merchan to delay sentencing date to e september 18th i think the language if such is stilland necessary. they may not need the sentencing. cnn, of all places, pue.t a fork in jack smith's case.icto >> it is a big, big victory for donald trump. it means that the january 6th case, the case before judge chutkan and the district of columbia is at a minimum
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delayed until after the election. but i think will never be tried. >> kayleigh: joining me nowdent john laurel, former president trump. it is great to have you. i'm stunned and i declared lawfare dead yesterday in the wake a bowl of the cases and all of a sudden, this he's 66 oh 3:00 p.m. and inauguration day? >> it doesn't surprise me, november 2022, president biden went on tv and said, if president trump wins, he will do everything he can and his powers to prevent president trump from becomingidt tr president again e have all of these lawsuits around the country, including i' department of justice so it doesn't surprise me that is a tactic. in fact, just the other day tri president biden said unequivocally, he wantes this case to go to trial before the election because he's losing, suffering from dementia, and deep cognitive decline, and his only hope is a trial before the election.g th it is pretty astounding fjord i
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would hope whoever is runningsea the white house right now take a second look at this case and dismiss it for the good of the american people inco theun coune >> kayleigh: ncto doubt the american people should vote and not have someone subjected to lawfare. jeffrey toobin said it is as dead as a door nail and john, you told me that in april when i have asked, great legal mind says it never happens. what is your comment? the supreme court issued aiden brilliant opinion said you can't prosecute a president for being president. president trump was being prosecuted fore fitfully executing because of the country and protecting security from oug view. as a result, there will be hearings and legal argument, there will be all kinds ofiefi briefing and i suspect this may go back to the supreme court inu the next couple of months orbide years here the idea that t his way andboe get this election settled in agn jury box instead of the ballot box is just not going to happen.
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>> i'm very curious to see what more numbers have to say about these more competitive t districts, what they are hearine and biden could be impacting the down balloet race with his debae performance. because we know republicans atcp the congressional level, campaign level, senate campaignt level, and even state legislature level seeking toorma tied democrats to biden'sbide performance. >> kayleigh: all the focus has been on biden and his er lacements, but democrats ar panicking about tight congressional state and even local races in november that are getting connected to biden.t th >> you envision donald trumphs b running russia the next four months and becoming the next president, republican senate because down ballot races are heard to. >> the coming days could bringas bad poles and possibly indication to impact down ballot races could be at risk. >> the dam is breaking, jake and
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they are right about down to file it races, losing the house the houseand the senate. >> most recently staunch halite with democrat tammy baldwin decided to not go anywhere near biden when he visits herr bi hometown friday even though she voted with him 96% of the time. my next guest adam frisch, a colorado third district and is calling for biden to adam, you have not yet said that you want biden out but who doe h you want to replace him? >> ?>> anyone who wants to put f name into the hat, good evening, happy fourth of july, great day e an american. >> kayleigh: what about kamala? she is next in line. >> fit no, i just think president biden is not fit to serve and that is my main focus spirit and how other people figure it out, yo iu have no idea how the united states democratic partyby works onla all of those bylaws d everything else like that, way above my pay grade.en
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i don't spend a lot of times, talking to democrats in d.c. i spend with independents and republicans and colorado.u coskp >> kayleigh: so you think youtia could skip over theso vice president theoretically? you would be okay?dent and focus on the one who can n win? >> i support the ten or 15 namee that get passed around over the past year. i wish for the sake of the country, not focused on party politics for the sake of the country. i wish there were two open primaries as opposed to one of the sake of the countrst ty comi think it is sad it is not just th thee republican party who sag privately one thing and as they areun saying publicly. o you have the democratic partyhe running around in the same line of defense, which is they areha saying one thing privately and t'another thing i thin mk that is bad for therit country and certainly why so many people across my districtmr are frustrated with politics ase normal.m, i'm trying to run against that. >> kayleigh: you know, adam,eak biden said no one is pushing mey
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out and i'm not leaving. you have an opportunity to speak to the leader of your party o right now. what do you say? >> i say the same thing and putt in the op-ed in "the washington post" and the same thing i have at 11:00 in the morning. i am asking for the good of the country to pool george washington, step away and let the next leaders get involved in the conversation., e >> kayleigh: adam frisch, we appreciate your time and we watched the raceank in colorad. thank you. the dems are floating a speed dating approach to replacing biden. raymond arroyo has the details and "seen and unseen" next.
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was dealing with covid, using the science and investing in infrastructure working for the middle class. all of us are trying to figure out and just want to make sure as governors, we are on the front line of many of these things. and states, swing states or not, folks care and are giving us feedback. the feedback, we are all looking for the pack to win and all the governors agree with that. president biden agreed with that. has had our backs through covid, all of the recovery come all of the things, the governors have his back. we are working together to make very, very clear on that from a path to victory in november's number one priority and the number one priority of the president. that is what we are trying to get done. the feedback was good, the conversation honest and open and the acts that will come out of that, we will make sure to get that message out to be read with that, governor moore. >> thank you so much. a great conversation with the vice president because it was honest and candid. i think we always believe that when you love somebody, you tell
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the truth. i think we came in and were honest about the feedback we were getting. we were honest about the concerns we were hearing from people. and honest about the fact that as the president continues to tell us and show us he was all in, we said we would stand with him. as governor weld said, the president has always had our backs and we will have his back is will because the results we have been able to see end of this administration have been undeniable in all of our individual states. the thing that makes us optimistic and hopeful is not necessarily that we are the alternative but also we are hopeful for the future. we know we have work to do. we know that as we are standing right here, we are behind. but we also know that that path could be able to make sure we can pull ahead in november is real, and it will take all of us in order to make it happen and to make it work. we are grateful to hear the level of excitement and the focus that the president, vice president avenue about the choice in november. with that, i will turn it over.
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>> thank you, representing states like new york and all across new york to listen to president biden tell us in his own words what his plans were. i'm here to tell you today my president joe biden is in it to win it. all of us had we pledged their support to him because the states could not be higher. and even the fourth of july celebration, we talk about how we transition under monarchy and tear and eat that the founding fathers fought against that we risk right now is sending to tht very same place. we will stand with the president to fight that course, that forcing donald trump. two together, we make sure americans know not what just joe biden did for all of us and the list what he did for my state of new york is extraordinarily long of where he is going for the future and where he will take this country. he is confident in his abilities and he has focused on issues
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that matter to americans. i felt confident coming out of this meeting as well. >> s, fit for office. the president has three and a half years of delivering for us going through what we have all been through and none of us are denying that thursday night was a bad performance. it was a bad if you will on that but it does not impact what i believe he is delivering. >> no, i would say this come in november we have a clear choice here with the president was very clear he is in this to win this and the president is our nominee and the president is at our party leader and the president has told us and clear back there that he is in this to win this. for people, we are governors and we don't do heckling. that is not what we do. governors work and get things done. governors say, tell me the objective we will accomplish the objective.
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so, for people who are concerned, i just want to be very clear on something, in come november we have a binary choice in the binary choice and one continually delivering for us, or states, the people in our states and frankly, someone's vision for the future of this country is downright dangerous. so, i would tell people commit is time to melt up and get serious. >> how did the president explain on thursday night? >> he said, he didn't listen to himself but he gave a great example when he said, look, maureen about people in their lives. he talks about building to middle class and he did it, and this idea that you are getting in your own head and a little bit psyched up on that. what we saw was a guy that could beat donald trump and did beat
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donald trump. thank you. >> kayleigh: that was stunning. i want whatever they are drinking in the white house. those were democrat governors. you heard governor tim holtz, we want a path to win. you heard governor wes moore when you love someone you tell them the truth, the truth come america sold the truth, you have a president that did not demonstrate mental acuity. then you have kathy hochul, he is an edit to win it. i look forward to the leaks what happen in the meeting peered back with us now kevin mccarthy former speaker of the house and speaker mccarthy, the immediate thought that came to mind is where is governor gavin newsom? where is j.b. pritzker? they weren't there. >> where is gretchen, i mean, michigan? if that was to reassure the american public or reassured democrats they are with them, what did they do? they reminded they had a terrible night and they said
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they were waived behind and said we were straight with the president and that is what friends do, tell him his problems. that just reminded everybody of the problems. every governor in that room was measuring that room picturing them behind the podium and an opportunity here they did not send out the e team but the b tm and they reminded all the problems they have. >> kayleigh: that is fascinating to me. we have both taken to the same microphone and we know where it is right outside of the west wing lobby and i've had to walk to those reporters and face the music. you've had to walk to the reporters and face the music. not music like this, this is positively orchestrated a very loud but not like this. however, do you think all potential replacements and kamala was at the meeting, do you think they decided we are sitting this one out? >> you watch it and you predetermine who's going to come out there. why wouldn't you pick the people that you think are going to replace you to be the people out there rallying the democrats
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behind you? take a few more questions by having those three out there than answering any of them. it now makes me think gavin is not with them, kamala harris, maybe those four back there plotting who will be the nominee and who will be the vice president. who can be a cabinet member? like they are working against the president. >> kayleigh: speaker mccarthy, we heard winning winning winning, this path to winning. i think they should go to a coffee shop and there used to be one across the street, pick up a "new york times." "the new york times" internal polling from biden super pac that shows trump winning new mexico, shows him winning new hampshire, shows him winning virginia. at these are states that biden won by double digits. is this false confidence? up and they really believe this? >> i think this is continual lies, also new jersey bureau there is not one state president trump won that seems in trouble. he has actually added and stronger. that is why is every hour goes
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forward, there will be another democrat elected in congress to come out again biden. this did not help biden bringing the governor's but not the eight tier candidates out there to rally behind him. and even these who rally behind him weren't, they were pointing out his negatives. >> kayleigh: speaker mccarthy, thank you very much. here to rick fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. governor, is he hiding behind the white house podium and is he doing that odd thing where he shows people where the white house pool used to be and where are they? >> look i think they totally missed the vote here appear the governors come out and say, we are convinced biden is in it to win it and no one doubts he's in it to win it but the qun is his mental acuity and capabilities at this point to execute his office. when they say, this is a path to victory for us, that is the focus. no! the focus is the best president
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to marshall our state craft at this moment, not anybody but the best person. and america should really take notice as they hear that because it seems they are more interested in maintaining power than about the true state of joe biden. everybody is talking about this aberration, kayleigh, one night affair. no, i've been covering joe biden since his senate days. i remember sitting in the senate with him. we go way back. this is not the same joe biden. we have covered this decline over many years. the fact that everyone is waking up to it now, frankly, i don't know what they have been drinking. it is a sad display and not what they needed to hear from these governors. >> kayleigh: the length that stuck in my mind, wes moore said when you love someone, you tell them the truth. we are reading tea leaves and what comes out with loving him and telling the truth is valerie button, stick with it if you want to according to jonathan lemaire but i worry about your
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health and legacy but why are not more people saying that? >> kayleigh, nancy reckon is his great emblem of who she was and her love for her president and her husband ronald reagan was protecting in the moments of his decline. i wish jill biden had that same calling and maybe in time she will appear this is going to get ugly before it clears up, i'm afraid. >> kayleigh: raymond arroyo, thank you. a boy, it has been a wild ride from reporting about what is happening in the inner sanctum of the biden circle from politico to governors coming out stating, "we've got this. we are in it to win it. when you love someone, you tell the truth." but the key question where is governor newsom, governor pritzker? and i want to know what actually happened in that meeting, not the talking points. i'm kayleigh mcenany in for laura ingraham
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