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tv   Big Independence Day Special  FOX News  July 5, 2024 12:00am-2:00am PDT

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it's all first thing i'd say. i humbly accept your challengeo . and i'm so good that i don't have to pre cook the steak. >> i'd make filet kabobs. do you do that? you know, i do the do you put your tomato and you know, it is it's a rotationi pu. sometimes i put a little tinfoil. i mean, that makes a little difference. no d>>, you get cooked before the meat does. aboutshe's you're good guys.tea >> wlle can we can argue >> tt strategy all day we have to go the is a phenomenal yes happy everybody. >> we'll be back here tomorrow sous chef is what shee is a gamer right now. you know.
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and happy 4th of july and welcome to the big independence day special celebratiouln. from n live from new york city, i'm carley shimkus here tonight with lawrence jones, aishaence hassani and joey jones. nes, andso we got a big show ah. over the next 2 hours, we're going to be takingw to cities e across the country for a look cu at how americans are spendingw r this 4th of july, including a live music performance. ice spensright on fox square ano of fireworks. and, of course, a specialecial tribute to our nation's veterans, an enormous parttr of we're able to celebrate in the land of the free tonight. we'll hear how frank l the and l to towers are honoring america's bravest foravest their sacrifices they've made on and off the battlefield. fofourth, everybody, you lie.
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we're going test how your knowledge. >> how well do we really know our american historyw ou going to be? we're going to get quizzed by some of your favorited wait fox hosts. wait till you see that. that should be a whole lot of fun. e it's so great seeing all of you this 4th of july. aisha. welcome to new york city once again. take it. everybody crazy on capitol hill . usually new york city is considered the crazy city and nonsidered t right now. so it's a little nutty down there. we're going to get into it, i'm sure, in just a few moments . yeah, absolutely. yeah. this is a two hour show that just flies by. we'v. buhae a big show ahead. but being here with the w three of you all, it's likites n being here with brad. >> that's right. i know that greg and dana don't like each othei g anr on the fiy at all. we actually like each other. we're going to be. yeah. you know what? it is funny. we do celebrate a lot of holidays together and celebrate it last three three christmases with you guys, i the last 4th of julyth o with you as well. they were asking us for photos with our families for 4th of july. and i was thinking, i'm i'm with you guyilies.
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this is my first family. so, yeah, it's amazing. so we're going to have a bigd we show over the next 2 hoursnext o that we hope you stick around for. and a short timee hope from now, we're going to go live to d.c., where president biden and his familyo dc will fireworks over the national mall. and speaking of fireworks, we've seen quite a few from inside his campaign this week. the 4th of july hasn't had this much political drama since 1770 six. >> so the president is still struggling from a terribletruggn debate performance, prompting panic among democrats and muchfm of the media that once propped up the president now appeared to turn its back, calling for i joe to simply just drop outst. okay, a lot to get to. so let's go live to fox news senior whitenden correspondent jackie heidrich. she is there at the white house with the very latest i show. we're expecting to see president biden watch fireworksc on the south lawn tonight inth his family, includingent be his son, hunter, who is here who for the 4th of july, reportedlye one of the voices he ise
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listening to the most as he l weathers calls to drop out.athes so far, the president has been c able stop the trickle bee of elected democrats calling for to drop from turning intofrm a flood. fromthe stakes tur are high for his abc news interview tomorrow. yesterda newy, he taped two blad radio interviews they aired todaayy. s they focused almost entirely on his accomplishments, but he did sa focuy this about the debate. >> i screwed up. i made a mistake. and but i learned from my father. when you get knockedt down, ju. get back up. >> get back up. >>democratic left a crisis meeting with biden yesterday with mixed signals democra. whether he's firmly remaining in the race or if it's still ani open question. california governor gavin newsom flew cross-country to be ther e and today stumping for biden in michigan tried to stamp out questionsn about what would happen if he wasn't leading the ticket. >> i don't eveswering if hn likg in the hypotheticals because last night was about sort of locking dowe pln any doubt or
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ambiguity. >> and it's exactly the question and answer that the republican party right now wants us to have. and that kind of to two way conversation, give and take. i'm not going to play into that. joe biden's our presidena two-wt said he's all in. i doubled down saying i'm all in. and only that i'm here with you to prove it. >> fox has learned biden describe wit d to the governors a heavy workload of campaign and official work that he was juggling theernors u of debate prep, which followed two foreign trips. he reportedly to quell the governor's concerns about his debate performance and joked that his health wasd fine, but, quote, it's just my brain. in a "new york times" report wa biden's campaign chair told fox that was clearly a jok.e and even followed it with all kidding aside. but the white house is not any g planning any cognitive tests to settle any lingering worries. the doctor deemed him fit to fulfill his responsibilitiesu as after his physical last february. that did not include a cognitive exam. of cpresident has had a couple checkups both before and after the debate, though, as has been
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fighting a cold show. okay. jacqui heinrich for at the white house. guys, i just left washington and the whole town is on pins and needles. lawrence, you an d i just talking about this, i feel like every few months we talk about ho, w we are living in unprecedented times. and here w e are again. right right. this could be a moment in history if indeed. could bde the president steps aside, which some people in washington believe happen. l happen and if it does and it happens very quickly and swiftly and perhapf itdoesn't s see a ks at the top of the ticket. he is, of course, very defiant ket, . and there are others in washington that believe he of courg anywhere.g he is here to stay. and it's really up to him. and hery anand it's his decisio one else can make it. >> well, i said you got to think about the momen>> lawrt that we're in right now. typically, we would be talking about the president inmo just a celebration with his family, seeing the fireworks, him inviting servicecelebrat to the white house. it would be a pretty calm day. everybody is in barbecue.
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no one wants to hear about politics. but it's different. e an i mean, the president's campaign is in troubled be,olitc right now. look, i've said it very clearly. i don't think the presiden different not is going to get out becausei the only person that can decide and force him ou t is himself.f an right.he he doesn't look like he wants to leave this. also, kamalat look harris is stl on the table. and so when you look at the polling numberamala harriss, dos do better with kamala harris? not reallyatling. t and so all roads lead to joe, but the fact that we're leving this conversationl on the 4th of july, i know a lot of democrats would prefer to be, loe talking about. >> yeah, but sorry to them, even though it's a holiday, this is stild prefertauqua al th one topic of conversation that is on the minds of everyone. e nu topic ofand know you are right n that it is ultimately joe people talk about it'sll biden's decision as well but that only goes to whatthat jackie was saying. it's a trickle now. but if it becomes a flood of democrati trickmes a flc cone who are calling for him to tocr stepat down right now, it's too so far. that's it.
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those people represento bu constituents and a lotepre of people in swingsent states ae saying, man. voter enthusiasm is no w and polling is showing is now lower than it was before the debate. and if wing that if voter enthusiasm is down for joe biden, then do? does it mean for me if they're not voting for joe, they're not going to vote for me in my congressional race either. so that's where it get really tricky. and i should note this much better than any of us up here. but you know>> d, the democratsc need five seats to take lie house and they feel liketakt they can do that pretty easily. the map doesn't look bad forpret notyt any more, but i think thee is panic. that's think what saying. >> that's what i'm getting right now. and they're trying really, reallyd they'rll to keep peoplem coming out like those two and saying something out loud. some senators to they're really afraid people are going to come out. if you gsenatorso back six mont, they're looking at that map, the election coming up, and they thinkowith t republicae the ones that would be in this position. they think with what we've coined lawfare, president trump would be in such turmoil that the party leaders would be asking him to step away and instead td it's the preside.
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>> some of the things that president biden has said sinceof the, the debatehe have been almost as damaging as the debate performance itselfes damagi when he did theg of it, when he was meeting with the governors, he told them, according to the to t york times"h th, that he is going to tell his staff to notk time schedule anything y 8 p.m.. so now we're dealing with a lot of differentthing afte we're le, it's okay from 10 to 4 and nothing after eight. the debate prep has started sta 11 scheduling a nap and that's not how a presidency works. you get called. you get a phone call at 3:00 in the morning and you have to make a snap decisiont 3:00 abouo life or death situation. and would you trust somebody that can't schedule an event after eight? because i handle that. t afte00 pis continue to say hes a big press conference moment is over. we should do that. they should have done that a month after instead sent karine jean-pierre out over and over again. and that didn't go very well fod r. n no, they lost a lot of time. and now he's got that sit down interview.
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i don't thinllost k any tapedy interview, even if it's with us, is going to make much of a inte. ence i need to see that live briefing. well, it is still a great dae.y for our country, regardless of what's going on at the white house right nofor ouw, are all l to be an american. and we were all thinking before the show started t about certaie things that we lovew st arthat inspirete to, you know, have that great american feeling, loveuntry we of country, whether it's a song, quote, a movie quote, a quote from, you know, a patriotic quote of some sort ,and the one that inspires me oe the most and i'm sure many of you feet inl same way, is a e keith song called courtesy of the red, white and blue and the put your name at the top of his list and the statue of merit is gone and shaken and missed and will fly and is gonna be here when you hear my friend's daughter and her family
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and they don't feel like, oh, my world is raining on you and i mean it is any is there any other song that you up i more to be an american gone too soon. yeahu have t. so we're going to highlight one of his greatest songs because that washlight his to recently passed away thing that people loved about tobywa was his love for country, his love for the military. i mean, one of the first to actually go out there to afghanistan wheo n our troops were there, as i said, gone way to. >> yeah. and he has a great story h about him writing that song. and it was right, 911, he wasr 1 at the gym and he heard there was the news playingd wa. cas he heard a newscaster say something negative about america and it fired him so muc g negah. e of he took a piece of paper at theg gym and wrote down those lyrics0 about 10 minutes. and you can tell that he was fired up in thn e song.reat it's just a great one to jack you up. toe webb's i was on mynce: heart. when you think about the country and the founding of the country you think about the
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declaration of independence and this excerpt. when we have a strugglea with getting our military support, they're getting people recruited. ggle witthis is what i remember. and for the support of this declaration with a fir decl on the protection of divine plovidence the, we mutually plee to each other our lives, our fortunesed, and our sacrednd honor. and i think that's a pledge that we all should ournor. be wn to take right now. what are you willing to pledge for this country todayg ghd? so much turmoil. politics aside, we're stillev anpposed to bleed red, white and blue. yeah. wow. i love id blue.t. i can't get any better yet, but i'm going to try real hard. all right, listen, we ain't going to top you. we had this question todayoey: and i was like, man, i've got all these quotes and something popped up on x like it oftene does. it really inspired me. i'm gonna take you back to july 4th, 1939. a man named lou gehrigou was giving his farewell at yankee stadium. obviously, he was of thet play greatest players in mlb history, and this is what he had to say. he said for the past i weeksks
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you've been reading about a bad break. yet today, i consider myself abouhe luckiest man on the face of the earth. i might have been given a bad breae ofk, but i've got an awful lot to live for. thank you. he would go on to die just two years later. wow. and to have that to havee that resolute understanding of how lucky he was, not just undeuckyl bor league basebal player, but to do it in this country, to be born in this country, and to be a citizenin this country. man, that just really hit me today. that is a really good one. well, i certainly will not have any of. i mine's kind of cheesy. here's a clip actually from climy favorite movie interstel. there are so many good quotes in this, but this is one of my favorite quotes. . >> we used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. d we and i just look down and worry about our place and dirt. >> okay. so i feel like this is a question that a lot of us ask f ourselveees. f us we can get so bogged down by,use you know, out there the economy.
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there's so many things wrong in the world. the israel-hamaseconom, there'sa many things that can bring us down. and whatand i always try to hela people remember is why wyse are great. like why this country is so great. and it's the hop ande of the future. i mean, it's our ingenuity. it's everything that we've done to make this world a better place. i mean, think about the vaccinesis we created and everything that we did during the pandemic. we're always leadingccines the g to help other parts of the world move forward. and i just i always want to try to get people to i alway go to the positive and not focus too much on that. >> sitting down and looking at all the problems here, we should be looking up and looking towards the future and how to make it a better place folooking r our kids. for i think that's so great. and oftentimes on the 4th of july, we reflec. carley:t on sortwe of the philosophical, you know, this is a country that was reallyn founded on an experimen never done before, but then there are just really tangible r that make america great. like, we lead the way in a lot ,a lot of things, ingenuity
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and discoveries in science. and the olympics are coming up and in a country and we kind of keep doing all right. we have to motivate the younger generation. generati keep doing it. we can't lose that. that's what makes us special. and we d have really good food. that's true. well, i'm sure there had been another barbecue picnic. we're going to get to some hot dogs. x. relax, carly. okay. all right. i see the guy right there talking, calling my name. okay, so now we want to know what makes you at home proud to be american. tell us. show us with some photos. you can text. 93844, four, 1776. is a special number it made fort just the show. all right, let m thee never vote for this show. that is amazing. okay, so tell us wheree you're you're from, who is in your photo and what makes you a proum ans ind. nd i can't tell the photos in hearing from you guys. watching that number will be upu all night. so we definitely want to hear from you. all right. well, we're going to we're
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coming up. we've got abby horn a sec interviewcredible 4-th a true american hero, a 104 year old world war ii veteran. there shveterae. but first, a stunning fireworks display courtesy of asburyur park, new jersey
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that's b 82 215215. >> happy 4th of july everybody. from the normandym th american cemetery, where i hope we all remember sacrifice of all of those who foughtf thos in world war two. this is a very solemn place, and it's one that reminds us ofl the importance of freedoemm of,a what was fought for in jail
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on july 4th and all that has been achieved. we must always treasure it. ee happy 4th of july, everyone. yes, it's about fireworks and about parades and aboutou barbecues. but at its heart, this is about freedot firewodes anm and the ba nation. so today, 248 years later, we 28 should remember how blessed we are to live here. still the greatest country on the earth. this is from our colleagues. welcome back to the big independence day special celebration. take a look at the nation's oldest continuous 4th of july parade in bristol, rhode islando . abby horn of sic has been in the middle of the actionf all dath y and she stayed up. >> she joins us now live frome the deck of the coast. ey, ab >> cutter williams. chadwickby had hey, lawrence what is going on yet? the parade was incredible probably because they've been doing it
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for 239 years. they started it in 1785. and i have to tell you,tarted people got so into it, we wewe o showed up at around probably 5 a.m., but people had been upsc since three in the morning. and i think it reallyin is because patriotism runs so deep in this town, it literally runs in the town because they painted red, white and blue lines through the centerywhit line of their mn street. and i just talk to folks all day long. they about community, what it means to be an american. and it was just so c beautifulom and it's a good reminder that those red, white and blue colors really remindn b about wy we are celebrating this holiday. the people who fougholort, fougt for our freedom and who continue to protect us every single day f, just like the coat guard. and since i'm here with twoi'm e coast guardsmen, guys, how's it how's it going? reo happy 4th of july. july, july. all right. so this is you.thisr first timen in bristol, right? yes. what are you guys doing here? oh what are, just there patrollingh come in here. all celebratelcelebre 4th of juy and supporting to the town of bristol and sure
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that they got like the thehe support from us that we've been getting back because it's been amazing. ever since we pulleds because g around like swinging by. it's been such a cool experience. yeah. i mean people are flying american flags are talking about what makes them prou eople fld to be an american. what does that mean to you guys to be able to witness all ofg this? being members of the military and putting your lives on the line to keeertary andp u? it's pretty exciting. keeps me motivated. it keeps me going. so yeah, when we when we swear in, it's like it says selfless,e uh, duty to serve, you know,lfls it's very exciting to see how like, the support and the appreciation that we ver get here ever since we pulled in and to the, to the point where, like last night it was, it was amazing. like the whole boats around here, it got togethe nigr. they all watched the fireworks. we even had somebody come in and like, playd bann the star-spangled banner over the then the open deck on ouerr bridge. so that was so amazing that so this was really cool, honestly. well, we are so thankful to you guys. thank you so much. happ.>> we'rey 4th of july.
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and thank you for reminding us that it really is privilegeeo to live in this country, to have the freedoms that we have, all because of you guyliv >> happy fourth, guys. we are. we thank both of those guardsmen for all that they do to keep our shores safe. and abby, also bit of a shout ot durito you because you were on live during the 5 a.m. show with me this morning. and i have been doinw thisg a an long, so you look fantastic. but i knowd do you're very tirek inside. but thank you you've been doing a fantasti fably verc job up the in bristol, rhode island, which i hear is called america's mosht town. right. a perfect place for you to be, abby. than mostic townk you. have confirmed that i have the authority to do so, but i do confirm that we're very pleased. you, my friend. you certainly do. all right. thanks, abby. savvy. so while abby was in bristol brt rhode island, she had the rare c chance to speak with a true american hero. we're talkinak witg a hundred and four year old world war ii veteran who marked the 80th anniversary of d-day thi 1s o with a trip to normandy. we listen to his independency we
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message. >> i want to i'm trying to stopi you there. i am proud to be ang tn america. know. my my mother was my mother and father. they were immigrants.'m i'm the first generation and the first thing my mother and father worked very, very hardfirsthing to get there. they got their citizenship papers. y wo they worked so hard to get their citizenship papers. they were so proudar. and then when an election time came, my mother would never, vot never miss a vote. no matter how bad she felt. wed had to take her to the vote she was soso proud to be an american, you know, so and i guess that came back to me, too, you know, totally. amat's a that i love. i'm proud to be an american. look at him. wait. we're all. hang on. we are all going to right now. he's 104. asah, that's us.
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what you eating, sir? yeah, he looks a good 40 years younger than that. easy. he said the keys to hang out with people younger. >> you are. so you don't know. oh, there you go. and his and his message was also and well-received, i'm sure, by everybody that listened to it. has mesrful you know his mom, very proud to vote, may turn him intoturned a proud american. and he served our great countr d in world war two and then just c went back to france to celebrate the 80th beautiful moment there. mean we're losing that generation. and to be able speak to them and hear the stories and thens still get a little bit of inspiration at the end, that's what we need on the 4th e of june. >> that's right. yes. men. yes, absolutely. and handing downur the knowledg and the patriots, the younger generations. also a great big thank you to all of our all of our service members and of course, everyone else out there, the coas t mem guard, cbp, our dhs officers that are working today. toda well. all right.
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up next, jimmy failla asks new yorkers if they reallyl. knw america will find out. americans for 4.5 millions years old, years old. >> what will you guys have to combine your answer? have tobineyou said 4.5 millio. you said a billion. what do you think? the correct answer. h is a billn and known for following your dreams, known for keeping with tradition, known forreat c discovering new places. noan one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda approved for 17 typesncer. of cancer, including certain of cancer, including certain early stag >> one of those cancers is early stage non-smallg cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies with certain chemotherapies before lone aftelp surgery when you have early stage lung cancer, which can f stage lung cancer, which can f be removed by and thenbody continued alone after surgery to help prevent your canceryourd
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survivors who are suffering in the former soviet today because of the needs that these because of the needs that these forgotten have are something beyond anything you imagine. hee >> have you eaten this morning i at your. i ate here at this. i ate half of itplease yester yeah, but. and this is what she ate in two days. >> one carat. jewsry to he to be. >> please pray for me. the international fellowship of christians and jews began thised your ministry to help ey jews living in horrible poverty aroundovide on. the world. we urgently need your giftonth. of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet. for one month.know tha seven people when you call right, your gifts impact will be doubled to help save lives. >> it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this
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very day. now, with pensions of less $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions me.. >> all right. like i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my and i will find a match. sor again. people would underst. >> you know, barack, they've >> you know, barack, they've goe >> please don't delay call, en y scan or go online. one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gifts impact will be doubled to help save lives. >> this is what god wants fromas us. just feed the hungry if you hear god's voice, i'm askingthey'll to act now. >> do it when it's on your heart and pray that they'll know in their final months that they're alone
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. we are the greatest, freest, wer best country god ever gave, man. right? e st, freest what is ben franklin say? >> is it a republic or republi a monarchy? a republic. if you can keep it. let's keep our independence o let's keep our liberties. let's keep our freedom. ouand one of the ways you can do that is vote happy day. it is red, white and blue all day long in this 4thblue all of july, one of the most one of the best days of the summer, i would sad y it's alwaysst day the best day to something, possibly the best day of the year. many people say this is their favoritef holiday of the year. it's a great birthday to celebrate america. happy birthday, happyate independence day. joy to all o f us. he's got the grand tag in the back and says, welcome back to the big independence day special celebration is a celebration indeed. so we asked you to text your patriotcele i pictures ands
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share some of the ones that you sent in fox news.f his very own johnny is in brooklyn celebrating his 4thrath of july with his family, hoisting up the american flahg looking good guys. and this is a six month old baby d.j. oh, baby t staten island state wishing a happy birthday today. he might not be able to speak just yet, but his parents sayt e they know he loves this countrys and we love you. d.j., that is so cute. look at that baby bentley. the dog celebrating this 4thof of july from the great state of new jersey. i don't know if he looked happy . look at those ears. and the the what do you even a those the sparklers in them. fox news intern caroline is celebrating this independence day in southampton. fows iy. >> with her living love the patriotic get an invitent there. i know i mind and a big congratulations to jillian and brendon. matthe big
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w is a local parade loc in massachusetts helped with their gender reveal today. watch the moment unfold day you make a real hungry 32 mabel. >> congrats those are the happy parents. it's a boy, sweet boy. and they're having another baby boy. so big brother gets a little brother interview it way of doing that. yeah. i wonder whose ideand a that. i don't think the baby, who's also a boy, was happy to learn . >> i don't think the name of the what that meant never are. hel be be happy one day with a brother. i'm just glad nothing went wrong because there's videohose after video of those things just not going right. >> congratulations for theing r all right. so we want to show you jimmy failla hit tom square here in new yor ous k to find out this july 4th, just how will americans know our nation's history? >> check it out.
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>> this 4th of july marks m america's 248th birthday, am age as mitchame mcconnell. but how much do party goers really about independence day and the star spangled banner? i hit the streets to find out who remembers francis scott keiy and who should have their car keys taken away. come on, let'sld go. how old is america. nine. that's how i went. wait. yes. . oh, 1492. they sailed the ocean in the end. in 1492? yes, because it's orderede oc that way. that's when they sailed the ocean blue. yes. so america is older than christopher columbus, right? absolutely. how old is america? 15 over 150. over 150. >> keep going. well0. over 200. keep going over hundred. >> and i lose everything. now, were in the same social
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studies class as i was because i didn't know it till i googled >> ye it in, the back of it. americans want 4.5 million old years old, years old. what were you guys have to combine your answer. combiner you said 4.5 million. >> you said a billion. what do you think the correct answer is? a billion. a billion? happy one billionth birthday, america. >> these girls are good. who wrote the star spangled banner? >> she. stevie wonder. now, now that we kind of know rr what we're celebrating, it's time to figure out what's on the menteu.ime to o what do you put on a hot dog? i.t dog? >> unpopular opinion ranch. ranch dressing on a hot dog. give it up for her. u she smokes weed. i put mustard on it and some cut std and sauerkraut. because you're not a devil worshiper. no, actually, she might be abu devil worshiper, but that was a slow response. >> what doesumight the naked cy put on a hot dog on the 4th of july? >> i don't eat hot dogs.
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oh >> i, the body right to mine. they go right to my. they can't. a naked cowboy can't eat hot dogs. folks, i get it. i don't. i haven't eaten in a long. i love hot dog deen hot dogs.yo yes. what do you puu put on thet on . buns? what do you put in a hot dog? oh, man. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. you got to make a seattle dog. you got to use cream cheese. cheese. put that. and the little girl and set the type. caramelized. caramelized in.r busi and then if you want ketchup and mustard, that's your business. but you got to make sure you got the creae su reamm cheese in it. you got to make sure it's got a seattle dog. now, you buy from seattle? t the yeah. you left out the fennel, but then we need to fill out the guest list. if you could party with one celebrity on the 4th of july, who would it be? ryan reynolds. ritywhoa. e? >> and there was no hesitation. wow. i need>> ryaynolds. cigarette, . he's my celebrity crush. is he ever probably taylor swift. taylor swift. but you have to put up with travi>> taylos kelsea, liki taking his shirt off and yelling and screaming and
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sh do zendaya yow! she sing that song? replay right. see why people know stuff? don't say we know who they're at. >> r at that. if you could party with anypart celebrity on the 4th of july, who would it be? cardi b yo, you know what i'm>>y sayin? well, before diddyo, you kno has hip-hop, bop, bop, bop, blowfinally we can blow out the candles. >> happy birthday, america. happhe candly america. happy birthday, america. how did birthday america? >> happy birthday, america. happy birthday, america. ]erica living in the u.s. makes ,your hot dog, folks. >> there you go.o, bang! and remember, that's your business. nd country music star frank rea has a live performance here. s he playing on fox sqre h earlier today. >> my ise wa on my my ask my na] way from.
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you. >> you're looking washington right there. welcome back to the big independence day special celebratiorence: aren. here to perform only in america by brooks and dunn, former policg daye officer turd country music star frank ray. take it awaylice off, brother. hey, sun coming up over
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new york city school bus driver in a traffic staring at the proms in the rearview mirror and looking at the promise of the promise. wall kid dreams of fame and fortune. s pa >> john one kid helps pay g the rent. one could end up going to prison. dre jazz might be president. only an american dream. and red, white and blue.
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all in america where we dream as big as we want to. we all get a chase. everybody gets to dance. >> only in america. she came out here to be an actress. the he was a singer in a band. >> they just might go back to oak, go home and into talk about the stars. >> they could have beenn. >> oh, an american dream in red, white and blue. >> all in where we dream as big as we want. y gets t
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we all get a chance. everybody gets to dance. all in america. >> all in america.n americ yeah, only in america. where dream as big as we want to. james big as you wanted. that's. hey. that's right. happy birthday, america. happy 4th of july, usa, baby. >> i love that little twist to come home. we're going to have more of that performance. what a performance. what next. llout frank
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but first, special july 4th message from judge jeanineboutmg and laura ingram. watch as we celebrate the 4th of july. i'm reminded of the courage and the vision of our foundingag ,many of whom gave up fortunef u and fame in homeland to create their new republic. it was their and perseveranceo l that created the freedoms that we enjoy day. but we need to continue to fight for those, as my father and grandfather did thos to thisvice nation. happy independence day and happy of fireworks, parades, flags. it's america. enjoy this time with your family. remember why we celebrate independence day. it's not guaranteeit's ad that v always have our independence, but it will be if we stay involvedndence b. >> happy independence day. >> this independence day.
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12:54 am just got a little better. we're still the go to for politics breaking news but we've got so more. sports entertainment lifestyle >> com bringing you the world according to fox fritois a that's what today is all about. >> happy 4th of july everyone. it is independence all day and happy birthday, america. your 248 years old. irthday i can't wait to see whae going to do for us in 250. >> happy independence day. it's your birthday, america. and a huge heartfelt thankheartl you for all of those brave men and women currently serving in uniform, helping to keeprm. our country free. thank you. happ>> hapy 248th birthday, ame. and a shout out to all the veterans watching at homea like my uncle sam and have been on the fast food.
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welcome back to the big independence day special t celebration where you just heard a rockin 4th of july performance from former police officer turned country music star frank ray. his new single, frank sa policy itavailabl for us. it's hot, hot. it's available everywherevere. ray. ray joins us right now. >>other, thanks so much for coming back with. >> tell us about this moment. what inspired aha. oh, man. that's just our version of bringing some latin spice and country music and what i mean, there's no one else to do it but the little mexican guy. >> well,ne t you havo doe such a amazing, interesting and unique background. you don'n t often hear about a police officer becoming a country music star. >> so tell us about yourself. c i mean, that really took a big leap of faith. ount but you know, i'm from las cruces, new mexico. this has always been bu new, linked upm with my manager, oscar trevino from el paso, texas, who who's kind of th ue brains behind the operation. and i got the i got the i can sing a little bit. >> and so and we just decided, a hey, i think we could do this i
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and take it the whole way. so i quit my job in 2017 as a police officer and just prayed for doinpolice og, and it worke we signed a major record deal d in nashville about in 2020, and, you know, that was a great year fora your success story is such an american dream. to me about what this day means to you. i mean, you get to live in this beautiful countr y and, get ton switch careers and do follow your heart. i mean, do whatever yo beautifo because that's all the product that the brave men and women that serve and that that have served befor ducte, activemen an and retired and those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice that we get to to do this fors a living, that we get to go out there, pursue our dreams. that's part of the american dreama living. we you know, we wouldn't be able to do other sacrifices. these brave men and women. m ve i'm very, very grateful to be here. i'm honored to be an american. and, you know, it's justl honore on fox that to be here on fox. >> and thank you all for inviting me. i appreciate it. now, we're honored to have you here. so, you know, you just performed only in america. that's a brooks and dunn and done. what made you pick that song? i think it jus d whitt it's -- it's a perfect picture of what america stands for, you know, and it talksec about, you know,
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the journey that we all go ta walksin the different of life. but at the end of the day, we're all american. >>d you can you can only do itlf . i just like you're keeping that nice country alive is what i'm asking forike thatg, to dome this country. and i don't see it here at home, but i think somebody's trying to break into a car. that's all i heard t soe a. hear. that's it. what are your what are your former say about your careernt now? it was that happened half like the majorityo a them supported. but some were just like, are you kidding me? well, it's a risk becauserement you got the health benefits and the retirement that's been might be the stupidest thing you've ever done. but, you know, it's you gotr to follow your heart. you got to follow your dream. i'm very, very fortunate to have a an incredible familyaa . my wife, my kids, they've all been super supportive. i have an incredible team. my banand is amazing. se, my >> and of course, my record label is sony creative. and they really put a lot of confidence in me for you. so, yeah, you guys supportrencew baby. so what's next for you? oh, my gosh. it's we'res next f in the midst the festival festival season, so we're doing all that. i'm working on a a new right now
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that we're, you know, kind of just songs like we're really of making the whole project, have that little latin spice really let it lean intoknow my heritage and let people know and country music that day i'm coming mus. >> we're like, oh, we need to hear. craig, it's great to meet very, very good. i have s touo much pretty good r sharing your story. we'll be listening. i appreciate you. >> lhanks fog your sk. all right. we've been telling you to text us, so let's check your messages right now. take a look at this. i love celebrating the fourth cb with my grandpa. our favorite traditions are cookinng wit g and watching the fireworks. what are your favorite 4th you of july traditions? all righ t. up next, we're going to go live to the national mall in d.c. where president biden is attending a massive fireworks display. and he mayonal mal have just drd a clue about his plans for the future of the race clu. >> we'll tell you what that's all about. well, greetings from "fox and friends" weekend, where we play the national anthem every saturday and sunday morning because every day is the 4th of july on this show,
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a celebration, the greatest country in the history of a man. >> happy birthday, america. happy birthday, america. you've been exceptionahappy l sc 1776. >> have a great 4th of july, everybody. go see your local 4th of july parade. so get i n have a barbecue.ak stop and be thankful for our independence, our freedomswe that we have here every single day. >> yes. i'll always rememberhave here ys grand experiment called america requires all of us to pitch in to form a more perfect union and of course, to cookh in a perfect burger or a hotdog on the grill. have fabulous, fabulous 4th of july, everyone. >> i'm proud to be an where at least i know i'm free. >> and never forget the menhe who guide who gave that right to me. >> and i gladlany stayd .
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>> and here we are again. it is the 4th of july.ley: happ hery fourth to you and your families out there. welcome back to the big independence day celebratios on. ebrati live from new york city, i'm aisha, has me here tonight with my friendon city.s, my dearwith friends, lawrence jones, carley shimkus, and joey jones. good to see you all. happy fourth. listen, we're moments away from incredible fireworks display on the national mall in washington, d.cncredibl.d prs president biden will be in attendance and we'll take you there live. bidee ttendance will. and last hour, we hitt the streets to find out how much americans knostreetw about the history of our country. so coming up, it's our turn.ur we are in the hot seat. the four of us will be in the hot seat for our all i american trivia game. >> you ready for this call? yeah. i was born ready ready >> my fat
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they do now, they depend for years but they have taken over all of these place bees at oncer hotels and homeless veterans and a lot of people talk about getting homeless veterans off of the street appear they are actually doing it and it is witt that same donation. >> it is fantastic.>> this is something frank has doni every single if you think about the manye people that he has touched, but it is not just frank but all of r viewers as well, $11 a month donation. so we thank everybody for chipping and hero times are tough, money is hard to come americans are fantastic giving back.stic >> carley, your point about $11
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tea month, it is cemented in my head. >> money well spent and inspiration, very much so in every single day, so you have been sending us photos so let's check some of them outphot and remember to keep sending them to us and we will put them on this tv screen so next to the tv screen. the station on seaford long island wishing fox news a happy fourth and it looks like yinghe's very, very happy with independence day with his donald trump. can you see it, i see don's hair, i see it, very cool. so there you have it. >> the robins are enjoying >>freedom out in their boat roco island, florida. you can thn see the american flg and they are having a good time. >> fox news giving their very anspecial fourth of july with te fire department there and look at those faces right there. >> god bless america from tim and donna in lake michigan.
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it looks like they have the best fireworks eliminating the sky right above them. we have a special happy fourth of july pensacola, florida, from everyone at fox news, thank you, thank you, tyler, here he is looking dapper in his service uniform. thank you for your service. >> there is not a lot ofnsac soldiers in pensacola so he may be up to something special. >> but that's exactly right. we are moments away from president biden appearing for fr the fireworks d.c. skies within hig s momentmes ago, "he's not going anywhere. take a listen. >> we love you and i really mean it from the bottom of my heart. thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] you got me, man. i'm not going anywhere, all right. >> so clearly, the president is
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defiant and he had a crowd there and he made it clear and that was claire. i'm not going anywhere. >> todd: bit is notable thatas it something you has to say right now, four months until tht election, and he is in a position where he is saying i'mt not going anywhere right now. that is the president right now walking out at the white house on the balcony about to look at the fourth of july fireworks display. he is smiling right now, but you have to wonder s what is going n inside of his mind. >> carley: a>> l big moment for the president where he has to stand and wait for to the american people and look at his clock. >> todd: he's waiting for the clock but will come up big spotlight on him literally and figuratively because every single step he makes, every single word he utters is going to be under a microscope g out as well, his familymily
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celebrating fourth of july with him and tender moments there. but look, guys, he's got to prove to the american people's poll numbers coming out internally/externally not good after the debate. he's got to do some things.n th the campaign's been pushing theu out there to do these photo ops in an interview coming upnt tomorrow. a lot ofer folks in d.c., especially the l white house prs corps really want him to do a live press briefing from the briefing room as so many othero presidents have done in the past. he preside just hasn't. and i think that is what might miset the record straight and be able to portray he can, he can stand up they are 90 minutes and take live, fire questioning andn be able to handle it. because sit down interviews, lawrence, joey you can jump in here, i don't know how much thep prove to the american people if it is a taped interview are an e hour-long that, are you fit for
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the job? >> lawrence: your time about the taped interview he was supposed to take with abc tomorrow? joey, the thing he i s facing right now, when it comes to -- you know, we are not talkingat about the next four years if he decides he is not going to run, he would also be sent to say, "unfit to lead." does he remain the president of the united states not just the four years and campaign set foot in a few months? >> joey: it is notd to mean-spirited or unkind to want the president of the united states in a place wheret we have two wars going on we are directly involved in at a time we feel like the border make sense because it is unsafe. the time we want the economy to get back on track again and a lot that americans are concerned about. you want the sharpest person in the office and in a few months we have a chance to pick one. this is not a mean conversation. it is not a conspiracy theory. it is a necessary one. we watched a video of him
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talking and he looked slow, and he looked rigid and he does not look spry. you say they want him to come down and do a press conference. into a does, we have to deduce he can't. >> carley: it is true. it is a conversation that theit white house has to head on. he did a series of interviews oo and aunt them he said i mada mistake and it's 90 minutes but look at my record three and a half years. when you have a week record as c president, you can't say that it anditeople look at look at the open border and what is going on with the economy,er look at what is going on with crime. is that what he want the american people to focus on? >> that is what we should bewe talking about because forre progressives -- >> carley: molly harris has come out who has been a stead fast partner for him. so many folks have been throwing her nameht out there as a replacement on the ticket inicke
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washington and i feel like she isel the next choice, the obvios choice, the easiest choice really. you know, joey, you and i werend talking about gavin newsom's name i s out there, gretchen whitmer, wes moore, governor of maryland, and people are getting angry and includingg apparently come molly's team wondering why you would pass over an african american woman r to replace the currentd president.yo why would you go for somebody else on the ticket? again we are a little bit far away from that moment, but i don't see that happening but we have some kids in thsee shot there. but it is a huge question right now among democrats and democratic circles and there is a fashion alreadey moved on. he's out here stating, "i'm not going anywhere," to be honest with you, there is a whole fashion that has moved on and left behind and nobody talk abou t replacement. >> lawrence: there is another
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class of people instrumental in getting elected president and we may not like itet but that is te donor class and today disney pulled funding today.ow hi believe -- i don't know his name but the gal behind netflix said hsae is no longer going tor fund. that is a problem and they raised $100 million less than donald trump. >> lawrence: if you are joining quickly, you are seeing the president of the united states joe biden, the first lady andherent kamala harn the second gentleman as well just made their way and you seep the president's grandchildren. right now we are standing by for the fireworks show as well as the president. carley. >> carley: wood is funny are watchingly we the fireworkrks s but we are watching them watch the fireworks because they were soy many fireworks of their very owi inside of the white house right now. the interesting thing about the shot is last yeaear this presidt was not on the ds with the president so this is a show of
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nonunity, obviously. the first time the president had a sitdown lunch with the vice president after sit this de was on wednesday. on tuesday rather. and one person we haven't seen yet ist hunter biden. >> lawrence: was in the back g the young gal. >> carley: there has been some reporting and that is the image they want to portray. that is what they want the country to see, they are united, he's not going anywhere, and she is steadfast right behind him. they aret be putting up with the which i believe have begun. look, i mean, i've thought to say, yeah, there go the, fireworks now. a beautiful look at the nation's capitol the fourth of july. this is a big moment for the country, guys, a lot can change at the end of the day, it comes down to how much pressure can this president with stand. so far he's been able to do it, but wewith haven't heard many vs
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publicly.y ma many privately have said, "he's got to go.t ch" we will see in the next couple of days. the fireworks display, let's watch along with them. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> carley: happy birthday come america, stunning display of fireworks overeric our nation's capital beautiful fireworks in front of those monuments. the image thats an is going to n every newspaper tomorrow is thet moment that president biden t the that you see a balcony of the white house grabbed the hand of his vice president and they both raised their hands up when i did. and really looking defiant in the face of criticism coming not only from republicans and voters, but also members of n party, people asking
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them lots of newspapers across the country asking them to make a decision for the president to step aside here or there is tham image there. that is going to be talked about tomorrow as theyy are really essentially telling the world, we are not going anywhere, he's not going anywhere and we are in thisin together and we are ing this f the long >> lawrence: a big hurdle foraw the president. anred i look, carley knowing the old joe biden the democrats bacs in the day, his greatest asset was his ability to be with people and to have that charm, the charisma, pointing to them n crowd, talking to people, hugging people but the thing he cannot escape his time. you see the current president of the united states tryingcurr int video, he is trying to show thin presence that he still there and i'm not going anywhere. we played that clip earlier in the show, but i'm not sure if that meets the moment. >> carley:et it is true.
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as i was watching the president watch those fireworks, he was trying to look like i am commander and chief and this is me and i am present in this moment. i'm looking at the beautifulng a fireworks display, but you know everybody watching thaatcht momt as well knew that is not what he's thinking about. he's thinking about the cameras and everything going on in this remarkable moment. this is the fourth of july, but it isn't just an average fourth of july. we are watching history unfold atchbefore our very eyes. >> and like watching tea leaves teaand what is the decision made and whose influencing the decision. we look at that and see biden grab her hand and raise the vice president's hand up and i see that to say, if not me than her. . their camps are united and some reason he comes off of the ticket, she willhe be the one a man believe that is the case. that is the message they sent
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tonight to those who write the checks and rally the troops. >> carley: what is so important to remember as well, they are not just speaking to j usus, the press, the viewers out there and the voters out they are speaking to democrats within their own party. there are many democrats privately very much though sotalking to us in the media, telling us how frustrated they are, especially after that distractive disastrous performance but there are some being vocal.ryin they are trying to stem this from being tsunami of criticism. right now just c a few littlew ripples but what they don't wann to see is it become a really big problem that they can't fix. >> lawrence: the problem is though early, they are not enough democrats that want to go on the record and pu t their name on it and they are not doing that at this point. >> carley: to wrap it up, we saw a lot of family members from a hunter with his son, and theu family is rallying around the president right we sew them altogether together
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watching the i >> up next frank seiler joins us with an incredible announcement from tunnel of towers and a special surprise for the nations he rose on this fourth of july. ♪ ♪ ♪ american soldier and beside my brothers and sisters come i will probably takeke a stand ♪ when in jeopardy i will always do what is right ♪ do you want your kids to eat healthier? but they just want sweets. force factor kids super chews can help.
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and that means safe at home, at school, online. hope means walking that path together, all of us. hope includes you. childfund, because we need each other. [music fades out] [ ♪ ] >> lawrence: in the spirit of supporting those who have fought for our lives, celebrating this fourth of july by paying off more than 30 mortgages for families of falling first responders. >> carley: that is not all though. the foundation helping a military veteran reclaim his
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independence, gifting him with n completely mortgage free, smartr home. ee smai love the smart homes. be dumb x before frank siller joins us now. frank, thank you for coming up here, i know you recognize these leg so thank you for that but thank you for being a part of this. every year you have toa step up and do something special to celebrate and this i spes our countries birthdatcee who day, u write a check to make things happen. >> use all sergeant sampson here and 1987 he enlisted but after 9/11, he7 an reenlisted. he drove with his cousin back t0 iraq in 2003, aed, blew up andd he had traumatic brain injury and lost his left eye. and he broke so many bones in his body.e since 2003, he's not had20 a smt home. he's had his own mortgage. a we made sure he had a mortgage free smart home today. >> carley: he really needs at that house. what was his reactioreacn when e
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walked through the door? >> all of them, they just can't house nowey have this that gives them back their independence.ce this independent state. >> carley: we saw it lives in this as a whole new world. can you talk l about this more home? >> i'm not that smart. [laughter] no, so we put -- every house is designed for the individual and what injuries they have. but the house, if you are in your wheelchair, which a lot of the times, something up at the kitchen cabin and it comes off the stove below her and i think the most important are the bathrooms. >> i can speak a little bit of this. a lot of viewers don't know 2017 in 2before fox, frank's organizn called me and say, "i want tok pay your house off." i'm good. they called me back, no, listen, this is what we are going to do and when they talked aboutg to e
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smart home, they adaptability, he is exactly right.yo that is what you guys did for me and i will be great for the res of my life. >> carley: i did not know that. >> the foundation tunnel ofov towers, fox news, first of allev we love america and everyoneeryo watching tonight loves america.c god bless america, god bless these men and women in uniform that protect us in sd o many tis they get injured and give their lives here at 35 mortgages today, a lot of them first responders and those first responders, many served our country. >> lawrence: just so you know because you see frank is doing the work, they were still a waiting list. they were still people that need to work to be done. >> 2003, so joey come it isit's unbelievable how many are still out there they gave their bodie for our country. we have right now 107 homes, smart homes, under constructiono or at the design i know 150 right behind them,
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catastrophically injured.d. >> joey: there was only one way to do for a synthesis forup people to supporpot and donate.r >> $11 a month is not a lot tok ask everybody. all of these police officers that have died and lee families behind, we see it everyday d and we have to take care of them. america, the beautiful, when we come together, wfue can take cae of all the greatest americans,, you and i. >> carley: we are grateful for you and all of the companiesth t that put these homes together. and i chose totoge my mean laboo my see those commercials and how heartfelt these families have come i asked to bring a tear to your eye because this is hanglife-changing for them. >> it is. so many have joined us on thiswe mission, no tunnels to towers as a conduit and we bring people together. our mission is so powerful,an strong, needed and that is why d we are so needed and people kw it is needed to. >> carley: for income thank you for joining us and ala
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you do and being a big part of t the fox family. a happy fourth. okay i'm up next how well do wew know our american history? >> lawrence: let me just stay here and sit down. ♪ ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ ♪ ] ♪ let freedom reign ♪ speed to welcome back to independent celebration liveon from fox square in new york city where it is time for a game. we are testing our patriotic knowledge, and i'm going to tos a question from surprise guestsu who you will know and i'm sure will love and will write down our answers on these boards right here. here is the first one. o the first question is from jesse watters.ner >> the category as familywa matters.s. question, behind every almost everbehiy president is a good wm sometimes, that good woman is also his cousin heres al are the presidents turned their cousins
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into first lady.? thomas jefferson, john adams, and who? james buchanan, james monroe,ve franklin rooseveltlt, or dwight eisenhower? >> carley: i am going all in on a. >> lawrence: b. b. >> carley: okay, jesse, tell us the answer. speak with answer is... c, ftr. [laughter] >> carley: and we are all wrong! , is yelling at us. how are we to know that? martha has a second question. >> the category is renaissance man here in question, ben franklin was a man of many interest who was a statesman, a musician, an who despite never limning a single patent created, bifocals, the lightning rod, and this?
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a, swim fins, b the stove phi hat, the street sweeper, t, introduction. >> carley: i'm torn between h and c. >> i'm going a. if he invented that, i'm out of here. all right, martha, tell us the answer. >> the answer is swi m fins. did you get that right first? i i put a. you have a and p. we will give it to you. a half a >> i will take it.ext >> dana has the next one. >> the category is for patriotic passing. here is the question, july 4th is obviously our nation's o birthdates, but it also has significant meaning to put three presidents who died on july 4th here they are john adams, james monroe, and is it a, andrew jackson, b,ff
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thomas jeffersoner, c james buchanan or d, grover cleveland? >> carley: -- can i read about this spirit >> joey: i think everybody should know this. >> carley: i'm going c come i don't know. dana, what is the answer? >> the answe?r isn. thomas jefferson. >> carley: we are sorry.>> >> joey: northern lights in virginia that night. seia>> carley: i know! so, i have one point, >> joey: e i have 0. 2.5. joey? >> joey: i have one point. >> carley: i'm in the lead. let's go to brian kilmeade for the last and final question. >> here's the question, are youa ready? which famous founding father was out of town july 1776 and
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therefore unable to sign the declaration of independence?nce? was it a, john adams, b, thomas jefferson, c, george washington? or d, benjamin franklin? >> lawrence: i k i think it is . >> carley: i'm going to go d. >> lawrence: i don't know hereno in washington was -- >> carley: this is one if we don't get right people willrigh think they are s all right, brian, it is up to you for to tell us. >> the answer is george washington. >> carley: i was going to say it. >> joey: that makes a lot of sense. oh, well. tha >> carley: i didn't get that one but judge jeanine has one more question for us. >> the category is may be, you are a fire work. here is the question, you have been watching america to celebrate our independence withw massive firework this colorful tradition began in n what year? i
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a, 1776, b, 1777, c, 1774, or d, 1803? >> carley: i'm going c because right.s c across the board, judge jeanine, tell us. >> the answer is... 1777, and that greg. >> joey: i am never playing trivia again. >> carley: we are surprised by that. bret baier will have the hardesu question. >> carley: i'm still in the s lead. where are we getting this half point from? >> a and p. >> carley: bret baier, let's see yours. >> the category, "in the fight." question, we all know ehrenberg filled founding father alexander hamilton in 1804 dual but why were they fighting in the first place?
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a, property disputes, b, mutual lever, c, policy disagreement, or d, slander and a newspaper? >> carley: i'm going b or d.lw >> but is always a woman. >> joey: you talk bad about somebody... >> carley: okay, let's seemeon bret baier. >> the answer is...ns lanterwe in a newspaper, d. is>> carley: that is right, lead to the dual, 3.5, 3.5 for me.po i got one point that i'm veriny proud of. you are the winner and you walked away with -- competition. >> lawrence: my prize. >> carley: who saw the little help sign. okay, our big independent
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special day continues with spectacular fireworks from bristol, rhode island, coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ [slow piano music] [female narrator] the dave thomas foundation for adoption works to find forever families for children, like jayden, who have been waiting in foster care the longest. jayden and his siblings were placed in foster care due to abuse and neglect.
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i was at school. and i wrote to justin, i sent him a message, and i said i had to be adopted. i was jayden's fifth grade teacher. he came home from school one day and said, “there is a boy in my class who told me today he needs to be adopted. well, he's got three other siblings. how do you feel about that? cause it's a package deal." and i said, “yes, let's do it”" it feels amazing because i know whatever i do, my parents will support me in it. [narrator] now, they are growing up together in a safe, permanent home, but more than 50 youth age out of foster care every day without a family. learn how you can help at davethomasfoundation dot org.
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh, everybody is dreaming big ♪ speed to welcome back to our big independent celebration. we have been celebrating theng fourth of july together for thel past two hours. we are celebrating with you atst home and we have text messages we want to show from fox viewers and fans and also people whos, work hear, hear at fox news a producer allie's parents wishiny fourth of july and look at thaat
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patriotic sure, looking good, guys, fashionista. >> the chihuahua from massachusetts. so america, uncle sam hat. >> carley: celebrating a little too hard. >> joey: all the way to west virginia celebrating the fourth with --t >> carley: that is an amazing outfit. here is fox & friends producerd a.j. love a.j. and his wife, nicole who text in this photo, "where is the baby girl, a.j.?" no fourth of fourth of july cen with the cath, from los angeles es.we see what you did they're e there he is representing his wig with a big, red tide. >> lawrence: shannon bream spending time with her husband>> come up with the american flag. >> joey: he ran into the
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patriotic parachute team and all former navy seals here at arm happery fourth of july. >> carley: they are in good hands. brian kilmeade spent his fourthu manninrtg the grill. he's got burgers, dogs, he's not messing around because he's with his wife and daughters and some good food for him.>> g >> joey: he actually does go home. >> carley: right?nce this is a special picture fromer me. and that is brock celebratingot independence he didn't want to put the flag down. yes, you are mine. oh, what a wonderful show, a whole two hours. we will show you some fireworks from bristol, rhode island or t. have a great night, everybody. happy fourth of july. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> critical moments for th


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