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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> kayleigh: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. friday, july 5th. and this is "fox & friends." dazed and confused. biden's campaign clean-up continues. the president assuring fellow democrats he is up for the job. as long as he is done by 8:00 p.m. and wait until you hear how the campaign responded. >> todd: timed that perfectly 8:00 p.m. he looked at his watch. changing of the guard. u.k. prime minister rishi sunak crushing defeat a live report from london. >> don't miss chris janson performing live on fox square all morning long for our all-american summer concert series. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> kayleigh: president biden heading to the swing state of wisconsin.
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the trip comes a day after he presented a united front with vice president kamala harris at the white house for the fourth of july celebrations. >> todd: biden facing intense pressure to end his campaign and list of donors and democrats calling for a new candidate is growing by the day. >> joey: madeleine rivera is live at the white house. what have you got for us? >> president biden is trying to proof to voters that he has the sharpness and stamina for a second term. another house democratic lawmaker is adding to the chorus of concerns that he may not be able to recover from that debate. listen. i disa know we are not on a course correction. got to acknowledge not one bad night. >> congressman huffman throwing his support hind vice president kamala harris if the president does step aside. the president is keeping the vice president close. she joined him july 4th festivities marking her first
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time doing so: visited local fire stations in california for the holiday. vice president told attendees he wasn't going he also appeared to go off script. >> by the way, i was in that world war i cemetery that -- in france. the one that -- one of our -- the former president didn't want to go and be up there. probably shouldn't even say it, anyway. [laughter] we got to remember just who in the hell we are. we are the united states of america! >> madeleine: the president's trips to wisconsin and pennsylvania this weekend is part of what the campaign is calling an aggressive effort to reach every voter in battleground states. their outreach includes a swing through the southwest, guys, back to you. >> kayleigh: madeleine, thank
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you. >> you got it. >> kayleigh: one of the interesting things, joey, the leaks getting. media finally doing their job and learning what is going on behind the scenes. one such leak came from the "new york times." one of the many things we learned. this is one. president biden told a gathering of democratic governors. he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events 8:00 p.m. according to two people participated in the meeting several others briefed on comments. the statement from the campaign in response to that is this. president bush went to bed at 9:00. president biden made dinner at 6:30. normal presidents strike a balance. says does joe biden hardly the same rigorous donald trump who spends half his day ranting on truth social. and the statement goes on. joey, my problem with this he has to curtail events 8:00 p.m. we have had reporting going back to january about his schedule being light. about, you know, dependably engaged between 10:00 and 4:00. do you think pyongyang cure tails their events. do you think moscow curbs their
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events? do you think beijing curtails their events to the president's hours? >> joey: this is what i think. if you want us to quit talking about it. prove us wrong. have you done enough already that we have to talk about it. we're not talking about it because we pulled it out of thin air. although much of the liberal media would have told you that a year ago. we are talking about it because it's every day, every time he makes a public appearance. and now every time someone talks off the record as an anonymous source about what they have witnessed from him. if you don't want us to pontificate as to whether or not you are cognitively there, it's easy. you just prove us wrong. you walk down that hall. you tell karine jean-pierre to take a step to the side and you answer questions and all this goes away. if you don't do it. and you are serious about being president. that means you can't do it. and that means most of what we are seeing is some level of truth where he is. >> todd: the right has known, this again, for flee and a halff years. just the left coming to their senses and finally realizing this or taking their head out of
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the sand where it was buried trying to ignore everything that was right in front of them. attempted clean up there, presidents had dinners with their families. that's all well and good. no one is saying don't have dinner with your families. the overall point is when you say we need to stop working at 8:00 p.m., that's fine for almost every 82-year-old i know. it's not fine for the president of the united states. and if you didn't think you would be able to do this job in the capacity that is required to do this job. you shouldn't have run. and you shouldn't have put him up to run, democrats, and doctor jill biden. >> listen how concerning this is another leak coming out. olivia newsy a reporter that gets a lot of sources. leaks out of the trump administration. she got them. now she is being derided because she has been long-reporting on some of the leaks out of the biden administration. here's one. listen to this. long-time friends, okay. long time friends of the biden family, who spoke to her on the condition of anonymity were shocked to find that the
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president did not remember their names. and this piece, i encourage everyone to read it. it goes on and on. it details when is he speaking to a democrat mega donor. and kind of loses his words. and jill biden feeds him some words and he repeats exactly what she said. this is what we are learning. what aren't we learning? what leaks don't we have? what is going on? this is just the tip of the iceberg. i think we are going to find out about a massive, massive cover-up that has been going on for four years. >> joey: is dis it a cover-up obvious. gaslighting spitting in your face and saying it's raining? is that a cover-up or the american people tolerating you for a little bit too long. so funny at the end of the soundbite we had with him. we have to remember hot hell we are. maybe he is talking to himself. >> todd: look. i think we appropriately give joe biden a lot of flack.
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we go after him for his policy decisions. this decision to run him in the first place and keep him up there falls on dr. jill biden. and i don't mean to go after her, but at the end of the day ewe seen reports, kayleigh and joey. she is ego maniac. she demands everybody call her doctor. do you know what, guys? kayleigh and i are both doctors because we are lawyers. have you ever referred to anyone refer to you as dr. kayleigh? no. not something do you if you are confident in yourself. this is all coming down to a big ego trip for one woman. and her name is dr. jill biden who thinks that her being the first lady is more important than the reason you sacrificed your legs and the reason so many people have sacrificed their lives. you literally jill biden are putting yourself above this great country and it needs to stop. it needs to stop now. >> joey: it is certainly selfish. i don't sever her from joe biden and i don't look at joe biden as pity and empathy as some victim
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here. he has had decades with her. she knows, i think, they have made this decision together. i don't think she is any more complicit than he is i think that they as a family are odd to say the least. and this was the goal. this was the goal probably decades ago. this was how they were able to achieve it. i don't like it. i think it is selfish. i think it is harmful to the country. selfishly i'm vetting for donald trump. if kamala harris were there it might be a much tighter race right now. i'm not calling this out because i want donald trump to win. i'm calling this out because he is the president today. we could have troops attacked today. and not even a week ago or a week ago he said he didn't lose anyone in afghanistan. he forgot my brothers and sisters that died under his watch. those things matter. and if it were donald trump, i be just as critical you could probably pull the tape where i was. >> kayleigh: it does matter. there needs to be a select committee into biden's mental acuity.
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every aid needs to come before congress and testify to what they have seen or be subpoenaed, if necessary. we went over this yesterday. i don't know if it's a coincidence. but every hostile death of an american troop in afghanistan and jordan happened outside of biden's working house which we have learned are dependably engaged between 10:00 and 4:00. that's a fact. have people lost their lives. have we have two wars? would there be war in ukraine? we don't know how he has communicated with foreign leaders. i'm reading about him staring blankley when meeting a mega donor. what does he does with putin and xi? i can tell you two men up to the task. can i tell you what donald trump said. in no uncertain terms. you hurt a head on an american soldier you are finished. guess what for a year an american soldier did not lose their lives. that is the strength we need. not staring blankley and doing god know what is with foreign leaders. >> todd: well-said. it seems like everybody but the white house is on board with what we are all seeing including the donors. it always comes down to the money. here's a quote from abigail
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disney, if that name sounds familiar, yes. grand daughter of walt disney company founder roy disney. i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace biden at the top of the ticket. we have an excellent vice president. if democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings; even one tenth as much as they have it will ler rated find's. let's not forget where gender. rally around her we can win this election by loot. putting aside for a moment. i think we have our answer why disney just became woke over the last 20 years. underscores this notion that joe and jill can scratch and law to stay in there. if they don't have the money behind them they can't. >> kayleigh: to that point i spoke with will piers. described by abc as a biden super fan back in 2015. he told me he was on the committee of the dnc for
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finance. so who would know better than him how this is all going to factor in. here's what he had to say last hour. >> the donors they do runed party for the most part if you don't have the money to get in the key states it's not going to be effective. the donors more and more coming out. that's going to be a major thing. now that you have two members coming out public will you say he has to step aside. i imagine hearing whispers as many as a dozen a few as well in the same area as well. if you are a democratic staff or democratic committee overall, how are you going to fund not only the top of the race but down ticket races? it's just a very disastrous thing. right now the democratic party, instead of stepping up and saying hey, what's good for the party and the country, looking to say oh no, let's just have biden serve. it's a very ridiculous moment right now. >> kayleigh: yeah. he said he worries, the economists questioned, joey, can't finish a sentence about medicare. should you be holding the
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nuclear codes? >> joe: i go back to 2020. some of the elections before that living in georgia specifically i remember hearing republicans got lazy. g.o.p. learksz rested on the idea of a lack of popularity of some of the democratic candidates. they say abrams made a run for the governorship. the reason i point that out is they had to make a change. you got new names. in you got more energy in. so the republicans have done that across the board from bottom to top. we have seen a different donald trump running. i think the democrats got lacy. i think maybe not lazy but they certainly rested on the laurel in this one singular strategy which was the self-implosion of donald trump or perhaps the success of the lawfare raged against him. i truly believe they thought maybe a year ago. maybe six months ago that the majority of republicans on the hill would be freaking out, trying to replace donald trump right and the opposite has come true. i don't know that there was any type of backup plan. i think they understood where joe biden was with this
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cognitive problem. but they got him elected that way. and for the first couple years of his presidency, they were pretty easy to explain it away. maybe it's gotten worse. maybe people are paying more attention. i'm not sure. >> todd: i always come back to this overall thought and it is this. democrats, as long as they defeat donald trump, are okay not voting for a man or a woman, but for an administration. so, when we sit here and we rail against who is really running this government, that doesn't bother the democrats that much. they like the administrative state running things. and it doesn't bother them that joe biden in his lack of capacity stated that he is in is running the country. that matters to you and i because we are real lists. we understand that the rest of the world sees this and says hey, great time to mess america. and it's from the biggest things that you are involved in and that you have been involved in to the littlest things. i look at the culpa americans. i don't care a lick about
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soccer. i really don't care about international friendlies or whatever the culpa america is. but a referee did not shake the american captain's hand we are america we practically invented sport. we win sports in the aggregate when an american puts his hand out there in a sport. you shake it. because you are never going to have a career. and you need to have that fear of america. right now i don't know if anybody does. >> kayleigh: we didn't vote on a cadre of top staffers to make national security -- i can tell you having been in oval office with donald trump. there was one man, one man making decisions. it was president donald j. trump. did he listen to those around him, sure. he was a decision maker, why when you saw him on the debate stage, the facts were in his mind. he didn't need to be coached or prepped. he is the one that made the decisions. he is the one that knows the record. you can't say that for joe biden. you just can't. >> joey: you can't fire people if you are not in, that.
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joe biden hasn't fired anyone. donald trump fired a lot of people. >> todd: fox news alert. awaiting remarks from the newly elected british prime minister. >> kayleigh: earlier rishi sue thank issued -- party suffered crushing loss to the left leaning labor party. >> joey: stephanie is in london with the scoop. stephanie? >> good morning, guys, yeah. it was a crushing conclusion for the conservatives in a landslide win for the labor party. and just like the stormy weather we have been having all this morning long, it was definitely a stormy election at times as well as you can see behind me everybody has come out to help celebrate. gotten friends and spoken to staff members, constituents who are out here today, going to be here to make history and support the new prime minister kier stormer. we got a surprise visit from larry the cat who comes out here and collects all the mice the
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labor party received huge election win 412 of 650 parliamentary seats up for grab and counting. rishi sunakens conservatives taking only 121 seats. >> you have sent a clear signal that the government of united kingdom must change. i have heard your anger, your disappointment. and i take responsibility for this loss. >> as per tradition, sunak left number 10 downing street buckingham palace to meet with the king to formally resign. he will remain as mp representing his kinsey in yorkshire. kier starmer meeting with the king right after sunak officially forming the new government. we are expecting him to come home to his new home here at number 10 any moment now. this is a clip from him last night celebrating with supporters. >> we said we would turn the
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page, and we have. today we start the next chapter. but in the work of change, the mission of national renewal and start to rebuild our country. thank you. >> 61-year-old starmer is a former human rights lawyer he ran on a campaign of promising economic stability. cutting national health wait times and recruiting teachers. this election also saw brexit leader nigel farage win a seat in parliament in his eighth attempt. the right wing reform party they picked up four winning seats overnight in their first general election. guys, back to you. >> todd: so quick. >> kayleigh: quick election. who would have ever thought that we vote and find the results the next day. >> todd: imagine we left the campaign party and like okay, now you are going to the white house. walk your stuff in. i mean it's insane how fast they do it over there. >> joey: much smaller country. much fewer penal. we may have a state or two that
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equals the amount of people that do get their results in pretty quick. >> kayleigh: some people say that's how you run an elections. all right. now turning now to your headlines. one person was killed and eight hurt overnight in a shooting in southwest philadelphia. among the injured were four juveniles, officials said the crime scene spans over two blocks and there may have been a fourth of july barbecue going on when the shots rang out. police have not given a description of any potential suspects. no word on a possible motive. celebrity chef andrew gruel is blasting los angeles county d.a. george gascon in and his policies after a tours from new zealand was murdered by three robbers california mall. one of the suspects was out on a suspended sentence for robbery and possession of a firearm. the food network star posting, quote: at this point it's criminal on behalf d.a. and officials who advocate for the soft on crime insanity. there is no nuances to this. it's intentional. chef gruel says he will not open
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up another restaurant in california until lawmakers fix things. well, a vehicle that looks like a ufo getting pulled over for the second time. troopers in oklahoma sharing these photos of the out of this world ride saying it's not every day you pull over a ufo. i guess aliens are real. missouri deputies pulled over the same vehicle during a traffic stop last friday. the car apparently adding to a ufo festival being held today in roswell, new mexico. >> todd: is it street legal? given a ticket i guess it's street legal. >> kayleigh: be on the lookout. then yellowstone star lainey wilson describes how meaningful it is to be an american. >> being an american to me, oh my goodness, that means everything to me. i will tell you what, i would not be able to be doing. this it means being free. and freedom is a good feeling. >> kayleigh: she credits ongoing success to parents for teaching
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her never to give up on her dreams. love that and those are your headlines. and i smell macaroni and cheese in front of me. i can't wait the mcenany and cheese. mclemores smoking barbecue on fox square. >> yes, kayleigh, you are our hero and guys we have got some food for you all as well. i think we have the pickleball sand witches in there. we have got the sweet chicken wings in there. john is going to explain exactly what is in this mac and cheese. >> why are we wearing majestic shirts? mclemore boys mac and cheese is legendary and world famous. we try take to a premium level to the next level we got nine different mac and cheeses, each of the mac and cheeses have a different pickle and/or majestic vegetable fruit in it. majestic by mount olive. thank you sore sending those. in each of the mac and cheeses
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has a different pickleball in it. that's what makes it premium. >> serving up all of the crowd. who isics sighted about chris janson? [cheers] >> we are having so much fun out here. get all of this different mac and cheese. >> come hang out with us. >> if you have not had lobster mac and cheese, you have not lived. i'm telling you this is epic! >> todd: boys, i'm hoping that kayleigh mcenany gives volunteers, don't united states if you will some of her mac and cheese to joey and i. >> kayleigh: oh, yes. >> joey: absolutely. regardless. >> joey and todd, we got you all as well. >> kayleigh: piro pickles. >> got to get some pickles. >> kayleigh: can't wait to get out there. >> todd: joe biden's every move, of course, under scrutiny adversaries and allies alike question if he is still up for
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the job. >> joey: is this weekend's campaign push a little bit too little too late? we will ask former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy ♪ i go back to a two toned short bed chevy. driving my first love out to the levy. ♪ with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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>> joey: hurricane beryl making landfall in mexico's yucatan peninsula. thousands of tourists unable to leave vacation hot spots like cancun are hoping for the best. the storm now a category 2 left the cayman islands in jamaica in shameables. at least nine people have been killed so far. south texas will soon be bracing for the storm's impact with 7 million people now in the forecast cone. we're going to send it over to meteorologist adam klotz with our fox weather forecast. adam? >> joey, this storm just barrelly below that threshold to be a category. major three hurricane. powerful storm hitting popular vacation areas tulum up to cancun. winds 110 miles per hour. west northwest 15 miles per hour. now as it continues to track across the peninsula, it is
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going to slow down a little bit and lose some of that steam. as you see in forecast track we get back out open waters running over the gulf of mexico. that's warm and it can heat back up and fuels back up. by the time you get into sunday morning suddenly winds are up to 70 miles per hour. see this turn in the forecast track where you are going to be running into northern mexico or perhaps the texas coast. winds there 85 miles per hour on monday morning. that is a category 1 hurricane. and then it really spreads out here. so it's going to bring some winds to the coast. likely going to bring at least some storm surge and of course it's going to be bringing rain as well. looking at an area here from the brownsville so all the way in the rio grande valley. wrapping up around the coast. houston, end up getting closer to dallas where you will see a good amount of rain. in some cases 3 to 5 inches. areas might see more than that certainly a storm we are tracking all weekend long. those are your weather headlines for now todd, i'm going to toss it over to you. >> todd: all right, adam we will be watching. president biden continuing to promise that he is all in ahead of november.
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>> thank you. [cheers] >> keep up the fight. >> you got me, man. i'm not going anywhere. >> todd: but the campaign trail clean-up continues after his disastrous debate performance with more events this weekend and that big prime time interview airing tonight but, is it all too little too late? former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy joins me now. speaker, great to have you on the program. hope you had a great fourth. what possible silver bullet could joe biden come up with today either on the trail or in that interview to save his candidacy? first thing different interview. live. tell the american public i have nothing to hide. he is going to a former clint staffer in recorded audio to try to clean anything up that he does wrong. that doesn't build confidence. since the debate, they haven't built confidence. i believe the tide is turning against him now. very strongly. i don't know if he can reverse the course.
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and then next week he has got nato leaders in washington, d.c. for meetings. you even have your first nato leader from brazil come out and saying he should step aside. this is not going well for president biden and now the american public and the rest of the world is beginning to question what are the shines and should we have known it ahead of time? this is something i have been talking about for more than a year warning america just on my personal experiences with him. seeing a different joe biden and a white house just quiet. not working. >> todd: you were attacked for saying that prior to the debate. now everybody is obviously ignoring that not giving you the credit for bringing that to everybody's attention. i'm really glad you mentioned that nato allies happening this week. right now the "new york times" is reporting joe biden himself has told key allies he knows the coming days on the trail are crucial. with that nato meeting hanging over his head right now. if the weekend, today, tomorrow, and sunday does not go well could you see joe biden drop out
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before monday? >> well, joe biden has to make the decision he has the power. i think he would probably wait to give an advantage, wait until president trump names his v.p. to see if they have some type of advantage if they are going to change their ticket. but it's very concerning. i will tell you this personally. i have had a few leaders, foreign leaders in nato and others, call me with this current situation. even a year ago concerned about where he was going. and when historians look back about the ukraine war, remember what transpired before that time. afghanistan, his botched decisions there. but more importantly, he flew and met with putin one-on-one. and in that meetings. he lifted the sanctions off nord stream two but asked nothing in return of putin. and putin invaded ukraine, not that long after. did putin see this weakness in biden? did it make the world less safe? did it weaken america's
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standing? and, remember, since this transpired, that now we have the axis of evil. something we haven't seen since the 1930s with china, north korea, russia and iran banding together. another country joining trying to remove the collar from the world currencies there are consequences for people just being kind that are around this president. and not acknowledging the failures and weaknesses in him. this decision needs to be made sooner rather than later. >> i'm going to mention phone calls joe biden spoke with bibi netanyahu. talk hostages and cease-fire. interesting to me, kamala harris was on the call, too. i'm not a d.c. guy. i don't know the inner workings of how things operate. but is that normal to have the vice president on a call like this? >> they have said that she has been on seven calls before. so it seems as though that is normal that's the behavior of
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what they have gone through. the question you have though just looking at the positions that biden has had with israel. he has moved back and forth with bibi, withholding weapons from bibi. that could have carried on this war longer. that's concerning. hhistorians will have a lot to write about based upon the decisions made and those around biden by not being honest about his weaknesses. >> todd: and, also, if you are netanyahu, and you are getting these odd, conflicting signals and messages and point blank press conferences from our president and the information that you are getting is all over the place, how do you wage a war when all you want to do is obliterate hamas? it really makes it tough and it really makes him, i'm sure, question how much of an ally we truly are. >> todd: kevin mccarthy i was hoping you would be in bakersville. d.c. enjoy the nation's capital as always. >> thank you.
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>> todd: taxpayers getting access to the american dream while our veterans, the people who fight and die for our country are left behind. retired navy seal officer mike sarraille is sounding off, next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we are back with your headlines starting with a fox wildfire alert. a fast spreading fire that started last night near yosemite national park prompting mandatory evacuations. right now zero percent contained and charred nearly 800 acres in mariposa county. still unclear what sparked those flames. and then utah six people hospitalized after a fireworks mishap during a big fourth of july celebration.
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fireworks veering off into the field, into the stands at a stadium in provo right after a military flyover. one person was seriously hurt. a small fire started in the stands. that event resuming after a 15-minute delay. to baseball now. the new york yankees game against the cincinnati reds delayed because of a national anthem standoff. watch. >> with the yankees and the reds. the anthem standoff. and now let's go. enough. >> two pitchers for the yankees and reds gheeght a staring match being the last ones to salute after the national anthem. you saw aaron boone right there telling his players to get off the field. that had consequences because the reds were happy that they won that standoff battle. they used that confidence to then win the game against my yankees 8-4. that's when we call a tail spin in baseball. joey jones, that's a tail spin
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right now. yankees are losing july after they lost june. >> you just got to love america's past time. a standoff of the national anthem. i love it. all right. listen, new york city dramatically expanding a program that hands out prepaid debit cards to migrants to the tune of $2 million in taxpayer funds. and the outrage doesn't stop there. while those illegal immigrants get access to the american dream, a disabled veteran gets $100 fewer per month to support their family of four than those migrants are getting. here to react is retired navy seal officer mike sarraille. mike, thanks for joining us. we have talked -- i know you are passionate about this country, about serving this country. i know you are passionate about veterans. i want to bring this stat up. a 50% disabled veteran would get about $1,255. like we just said. these cards will have, i think it's 14, $1,500 a month on them. what do you make of that? >> you know what? joey, the party of the democrats
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is the party of hyperbole's bad policies and really misaligned priorities. we have always got to think the message we are sending to our youth. the future leaders of this nation when we misprioritize foreign nationals who are here illegally over our own veterans, police force and firefighters. the ones who put their lives at risk to defend not only our democracy but to safeguard our people. and for the younger generation, they are looking at this saying why the hell would i join the military? of course we have a military recruiting and retention problem. under the biden administration. and joey, i will say this. you can tell a lot about a nation, a state and a city by how they prioritize their veterans over certain things and new york is a perfect example. these sanctuary cities care more about illegal immigrants than they do our veterans. >> joey: i mean in comparing. this we need to point out that the veteran would get federal funding to where these migrants at this level are getting city funding. this city is as big as a state. this is no small thing. you know, this one quote struck
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out to me when it comes what the city looks at or what they think. and it really shocked me, honestly. this is ann williamson. ann williams and she says new york -- she is new york city deputy mayor for hhs. and this is what she had to say. when we empower people, we help them achieve self-sufficiency and get this: access the american dream. we just compared folks that entered our country illegally that aren't citizens that haven't established their right to be here to those that fought and were injured for the american dream. help me square why this city is prioritizing the american dream for people that broke into this country. >> well, she is right in one sense. americans are entitled to self-sufficiency and the american dream. not foreign nationals. again, it shows this misalignment of priorities. and it goes back to the democratic party. why are we in this mess, the border issue. this was by design. and it just shows ultimately
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what i call a democratic party sort of historical, you know, neglect for our military forces. i call it a liberal disdain. and we saw president biden during the recent debates talk about how he has done so much for the military. and the military supports him over trump which is pa tebilitily false and almost offensive. you look at the heritage foundation with index of military strength. they have voted that our military is weak for the past two years. >> joey: listen, i don't understand it but it seems like getting on board with supporting veterans before you support those that have broken the law makes a lot of sense. you're a veteran. you're around the country doing amazing things. do you think veterans are on board with the policies of the biden administration? >> not at all. not at all. you know, i come from silicon valley, which says they support the military, but there is some things with internal knowledge where they don't. it's -- the democratic party in this liberal disdain for the
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military views us as a bunch of uneducated sort of misfit toys that are expendable no other options than to serve in the military because we didn't graduate high school. you remember there isn't a sergeant masters doesn't have a master's degree. most educated. justice sotomayor with the recent comments in the wake in her dissent of the presidential immunity talked about using seal team 6 to eliminate political opponents. whatever president, if they get on the phone with the chairman of the joint chiefs and says i want you to eliminate my political opponent, they would laugh because that's an unlawful order. >> joey: exactly. >> for such a woman, a justice to not have an understanding of the ucmj certain for the military shows disdain for who we are. >> joey: i hadn't thought of it that way but you are absolutely right. mike sarraille you retired as navy seal officer. i incident to point out marine corps flag behind you marine first. from one marine to another thank
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you for your service and ewe are a: >> chris janson is here for summer concert series and something to teach us. you better stick around for that. ♪ ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet,
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>> todd: all-american summer concert series continues this week with singer songwriter chris janson. >> kayleigh: love his music. you will too. all-american guy faith value and of course love of country. >> joey: chris janson, thanks for being here. thanks for. brought us to. i want to point this out real quick. sent me a text earlier. do you mind if i read this. one i want to talk about. god, family, country, conservation and music. i can get on board with all of those things and that's why i love you, man. >> i love you, too. i'm so pleased to be with you guys. i really appreciate it. this is the one television show that stays on in my house all the time i text you all the time laying there screenshots. man, i'm just so proud to represent country music today. i'm proud to represent our country. this is the freedom capital of the world. new york city. if you can make it here: this
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weekend. there is -- it's more than independence, man, it is a celebration of everything that we get to wake up and do every single day. by the way made fortunate by possible by guys like you who suit up in uniform. create our freedoms, man, it's a luxury and privilege to wake up in this country. last night we were in pennsylvania. now we are in new york. we are about to go to los angeles this afternoon. live the american dream and spread the good vibe of it, man. like i texted you, god, family, country, conservation, music, it goes in that order for me. that's what kind of man i am. i'm america first. i love this country. i was born and raised here, proud midwestern guy and, you know, people always say i can't believe you love new york city. who wouldn't love new york city, man. this is like i said this is the pen capinnacle when people comee they want to come to new york city. this is great place to promote the values i live around the and values i raise my kids with very
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important. i put that in my music with all-american guys as you mentioned kayleigh, a brand new song took off viral hit. two songs working right now one called what you see is what you get on top 40 radio which is crushing it about to hit the top 30. all-american guy literally took off just playing for my wife on camera and posted on social media. people started identifying with the song because, you know, i think that the -- just putting america first, putting patriotism first, bringing prism back into our country is something that i think is our duty, especially to teach the younger generation that's coming up, we got to teach them prism of what guys like this did. sacrifice for our country. and we get to sit here and talk on behalf millions of viewers. and really just put out the message that we want to put out. which is faith. family, god, country. >> kayleigh: that's what it is about. >> music, all of it. >> todd: this is called the harmonica. >> i'm going to try. give you the quickest scenario ever. if you are a johnny cash fan, which i am.
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you always hear like the train chugging beat johnny cash. if you can go tick a. tick a with your mouth. >> numbers up, always. so then you just put your mouth to it. close your lips and do ticky, tick a, tick a. sometimes it helps really ridiculous. move your arm like a train. ♪ >> and then can you go like this >> yeah, that's it. if you wave your hand a little bit. exactly. if you wave your hand. you are killing and crushing on every level. man, this is. >> that was impressive. >> thanks. i was broke once. i was really broke. this was a me end to a means for me. >> todd: check out chris's latest single all-american guy. available chris jans you got to go. you got to get out of here. if you don't go, we're not going
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to hear the all-american concert series. >> we're going to do it. >> todd: 8:00 a.m. >> thank you. thank you. >> todd: sorry for not on the harmonica, chris janson, everybody going to perform live out there on fox square. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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