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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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the whole campaign with biden writing on an interview as he sits across from george stephanopoulos. george will he be ask hard questions and will biden be able to answer them and will the white house leak because the white house will have a transcript before the interview even errors? people in the administration will know what is said, we may get leaks, we may no details, and we may be able to see if they are in damage control mode or double down mode. that is the question i would be asking tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time i will be filling in for the great sean hannity after that 8:00 p.m. interview. the first big sitdown interview president joe biden will have this evening. we will break down all the latest, there is bound to be news a busy news night tonight so buckle up, guys let's go. ♪ ♪ >> joe and i, this is awesome we are honored so many families here on the special day. we really mean it. >> we are also not on a winning
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trajectory and i think we have to be honest about that. >> i've been all over the world come in and out of battles, anyway. >> he has to get out there on a sustained basis and do things spontaneously. >> the former president didn't want to go and be up there. i probably shouldn't even say it, anyway. >> we have to be honest with ourselves it wasn't just a horrible night. >> president biden's the steps leading to a revolt in its ranks is more dominant nomadic democrats call for them to drop out of the white house race but he appears to be paying them no mind as he gets set to hold a rally in battleground wisconsin. hello i'm alicia acuna good to see you, julie. >> good to see you i am julie banderas john and said to have the day off this is "america reports." so the president making his fifth trip to the badger state this year where recent polling is showing a very tight race this as president biden tries to turn the page after the
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disastrous debate performance. today he'll be sitting down with "abc news" for his very first national tv interview since then with questions lingering about his ability to serve a second term. >> alicia: fox news team coverage karl rove joins us, edward lawrence live at the white house with a look at the latest job report in the biden economy but we begin with mike tobin lives in madison, wisconsin, where the president will soon speak, michael? >> all eyes are now on this campaign event with most people watching just to see if the president can get through this particular event. it comes just one day after the economist put out a magazine cover that showed a walker with the presidential seal mounted on the front of it. "the new york times" the "chicago tribune," most recently in an article in the atlanta call from president biden to step down with the atlantic's writing "that gives democracy the best chance of surviving"
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carry democratic governors rush the white house for an emergency meeting on wednesday and at that meeting the president reportedly quipped that his health was fine "it is just my brain" the president's people said that was just a joke. everything from the biden camp publicly anyway is resistant to throwing in the towel. from the $50 million ad buy is that drop to the comments he made while boarding air force one. >> can you still be trump? beat trump? >> this be the president fifth appearance this year in wisconsin proved that team biden won't make the mistake the clintons made by escaping them, showing the biden pulls her up for 50 but that was before the debate. tammy baldwin a staunch supporter of president biden will not be at this event. her campaign, well, she has her own campaign worry about. when this is done the president will then sit down for that much
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anticipated interview with george stephanopoulos, his first since his performance of the debate. back to you. >> alicia: mike tobin reporting live in madison, madi, wisconsin, thank you, mike. >> julie: meanwhile a warning sign for another one of president biden's most glaring campaign issues, the u.s. economy adding 206,000 jobs in the month of june but the unemployment rate edged up to 4.1%. that's the highest level in more than two years, not good. fox business's edward lawrence is here at the white house with more. >> hey, it looks like a good report 206,000 jobs put arising in the the on employment rate is because more people entered the workforce. not necessarily a bad thing and that this was the president has clued onto in his statement president saying this "we have more work to be done but we wages are growing faster than prices and more americans are joining the workforce" now they are in the short-term but overall real wages are down 2.2%
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from the month president biden came into office and the jobs report when you look at where the jobs are the government sector lead the way adding 70,000 jobs. manufacturing lost 8,000 jobs. now when talking to the acting secretary i also pushed her on the president of hospice mental, listen. >> has there been any conversation among the cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment? >> no, that's absurd. i will say what we are talking about is recognizing we are in a moment where there have been incredible progress in the time we have been here. and we want to keep building on it. >> at the present has issues getting three 90-minute debate and on the fourth of july shouldn't there be a conversation about the 25th amendment? >> i was there on the fourth of july, i was there as you said but we made history announcement. >> you talk to the present a lot. have you noticed a decline in the president from today a year ago and two years ago? >> i have not pay what i've noticed is his concerns remain
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consistent. they remain steady. they are the same concerns i have to make sure workers get a fair shake, that they get a real voice on the job. >> you see she quickly deflected trying to get back to some of the issues they are the acting labor secretary did tell me when she has meetings with the president he does not rely heavily on the cards. you decide. julie? >> julie: i think the nation has decided thank you so much come appreciate it. alicia? >> alicia: thank you, julie. spring and karl rove a fox news contributor and former deputy white house chief of staff. pearl, limited to see you today. really good to see you today. how critical the next 7-8 hours are, right? >> absolutely. first he has a rally which will give him some energy i suspect there is 100% probability that his speech is going to be delivered off a teleprompter. anybody can be reading off a teleprompter so the mistakes he makes in reading are going to be a critical and then he has the
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interview with george stephanopoulos. we don't know how long that's going to be, we don't know if it will be 15 minutes, 20 minutes, an hour, but it is high-stakes because the shorter it is, the greater the questions will become the longer it is the right of the likelihood we will see more of the word salad we saw the other night during the debate. >> julie: we've also seen the biden campaign working to get through hours and days when the president is really asking the american people for another 4.5 years and then we also looked to this "new york times" piece when the governors met with him on wednesday and "the new york times" reports that he told the governor's he needs more sleep and less work at night and a quote he repeatedly referenced pushing too hard and not listen to his team about us schedule saying he needed to work fewer hours and avoid events scheduled after 8:00 p.m. these are not qualities for one of the toughest jobs if not the toughest job in the world. >> absolutely right. peggy noonan got it right by
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signaling that he will not be working and what do we think we've accomplished by that? will they say oh, well let's not make a move on taiwan when the president might be getting close to the time he needs to go to sleep? oh, jeez let's threaten poland during one of the morning hours when he has a better response because he has had a good night's sleep and has not been worn out by the day. look, you said it earlier. this has been decided. we made this decision a year ago. if you look at the polls a year ago there were deep doubts he should run again because people already looked at him and said he is not up to the job. poll after poll after poll said he lacks the cognitive skill and mental stamina to be effective as president. doesn't have what it takes. reword it to anyway you wanted and we have seen polls over the last year and a half that before the debate said the american people had deep concerns that he was not ready to serve another four years. i worked in that place seven years. i saw it did when a young man of
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54 came into that office and aged over the course of those eight years. we all saw it when barack obama in his 40s came in and by the time he left he was gray-headed. we really think joe biden already suffering as he is is going to be better over the next four years? and if not do we really want kamala harris to be the president of the united states? that's a question a lot of americans are asking themselves today. >> alicia: that brings me to my next question because as the biden campaign tries to work with his missteps the democratic party as a whole seems to be facing nothing but potential missteps at every turn. if they are considering or placing the top of the ticket isn't it really, really late in the calendar? >> it really is, but frankly they are facing absolute doom at the polls. think about it, 57% of trump voters say they are very excited about voting for him. and i think it is 29% of biden voters who say they are very excited about voting for him. a couple of months ago two months ago it was 37% of trump
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voters were excited about voting for him and 37% of biden voters were very excited about part of them for him. the situation is deteriorated and who thinks it's going to turn around? it's not. so better in politics things go in a certain direction as long as they can and then they don't. we are reaching the moment where people will say you know what? no way in heck will that guy get the votes of enough americans to get elected and if you want to lose as a democrat and throw the action done my collection away, stick with him but i don't think that's how most democrats are thinking. i bet you he is gone bleeding out and his campaign is bleeding out in front of us and it will and an end shortly. >> julie: and the big money problem also because we have the disney aris abigail disney calling for a dem bar go against biden in a statement to cnbc saying i intend to stop any contribution to the party unless they are placed biden at the top of the ticket. this is a realism, not disrespect.
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if biden does not step down the democrats will lose of that i am absolutely certain the consequence is for the loss will be generally dire. crawl your final thoughts here? >> she is the disney aris >> she is the disney aris heiress but ordinary americans have concluded he doesn't have what it takes to be the president of the united states over the coming four years. at some point the family will put the country first, i think, above their own personal desires to remain in office. >> julie: sony people are waiting for that so good to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me on. speech we have much more on this coming up congressman mike lawler representative debbie dingell, shannon bream, and brian brenberg all coming up with their thoughts. [chanting]
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alarming texts are casting doubt on columbia university's efforts to combat anti-semitism. michael lawlor will join us on that coming up next. >> alicia: plus shark attacks and two states this fourth of july holiday how did that happen? dom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. introducing kardiamobile. with kardiamobile, the fda-cleared smart device, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition.
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>> alicia: we are awaiting the start of president biden's campaign rally in madison, wisconsin. noticeably absent will be wisconsin's democratic senator tammy baldwin who is facing a tough reelection battle principal. how the president's troubles affect down ballot races joining us now is new york's public and cars been michael lawlor, thank you very much for coming on today. what does that say to you that senator baldwin has snubbed
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biden as he heads wisconsin today? >> i think it speaks volumes to where democrats think the state of the race is. they are very concerned, obviously, following that disastrous debate by president biden and you see in my state of new york many democrats refusing to answer the question of whether or not president biden should remain on the ballot including my opponent, mondaire jones, who has been silent on the issue. it really speaks volumes to the fact democrats realize he is an anchor, and albatross come around their neck heading into november with just four months to go until election day. spewing baldwin's g.o.p. opponent slammed her on biden and baldwin on "fox & friends" this morning was pretty harsh, we have to watch this. >> she has voted with joe biden 95.5% of the time. she is an absolute rubber stamp for whatever the progressive left wants, but now she is going
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the other way and trying to avoid him at all costs. with joe biden being at the top of the ticket and continuing to press arguments against her, i think it will be very succ successful. >> alicia: that was eric huckabee, obviously democrats want nothing to do with running in cahoots and also supporting the president of vazquez campaign considering they too are worried about their own reelection strategy and it seems biden will only bring them down. polls have shown democrats and edit candidates are outperforming biden in better ground states. what is the idea if biden stays in the race? >> look if you look at recent polling in new york showing donald trump within single digits of joe biden and what that tells you is in all of these swing house seats in new york trump is either tied or ahead. that is the same in these swing states and swing senate seats.
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so the bigger the gap between donald trump and joe biden, the more negative impact it has on these u.s. senate races and house seats. that's why democrats are incomplete revolt behind closed doors and trying desperately to get joe biden off the ticket. they realize what a drain this will be end most of them have voted hook, line, and sinker for the disastrous policies that gave us record inflation, open borders come over 10 million migrants crossing into our country, most of them illegally, and is disastrous form policy that has left the world a tinderbox with the russian invasion of ukraine, the terrorist attack on israel, with threats in the endo pacific from china, this is a result from the biden administration's agenda. and democrats have pretty much voted 100% of the time with joe biden. that is why now they are starting to do everything they can to distance themselves from him. >> julie: you have admittedly a difficult election fight in a
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swing district just north of new york city. how do you see this impacting your race? >> look, joe biden won my district by ten points in 2020. there is 80,000 democrats than republicans. it's home to bill and hillary clinton and george soros. but i have been leading the effort to fight the biden administration policies on affordability come on the border, and on foreign policy standing up for our allies the state of israel fighting back against the iranian regime and the illicit oil trade between iran and china. my district knows who i am. on the fourth most bipartisan member of congress because i am willing to do what it takes to get the job done on behalf of my constituents and my district. which is why my most recent internal poll had me up 8. if you want to support me so that we keep a house or republican majority can go to
10:21 am >> by the way on the side of your screen is gavin newsom in pennsylvania so a lot going on whether or not the president is in it to win it we will have to see. okay i have to talk to you more scandal at columbia university in the midst of an the midst of costs will not come clumping with have actually accused jewish students, get this, of asserting that they call "privileged and mock them for need a place to quote huddle" to avoid anti-semitism and harassment on campus. something must be done to stop this. i know you've been outspoken, we've been an advocate for israel, do you see this as a winning issue for you and your tight race for reelection? i believe this is an issue that will be a very strong one specifically for republicans to stand on and stand up for. will come in my district has one of the largest jewish population
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in the country. i have been a fierce advocate not only for the jewish community and combating anti-semitism but for standing up for the state of israel. certainly in areas like chappaqua with a clintons live i have seen movement toward republicans because of this issue. i went to columbia university at the height of these protests in spanish down these hamas agitators including the fact and the fact is that during the trump administration these artists and faculty that will calling for safe spaces for students because they were appalled by the policies of the trump administration. and yet they are talking about language for jewish students who want to make sure there are safety and well-being is protected by the administration of that college campus? the hypocrisy is just alarming. is disgraceful. and those professors and part of the members and administrators should all be fired. every last one of them. they had the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of every student including
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jewish students and to allow for robust debate but people should not be subjected to anti-semitism on college campuses for physical threats of violence because they are jewish and with these schools have allowed is absolutely disgraceful. >> julie: and the hypocrisy and irony you can't ignore. this is the liberal left that are insistent on creating safe spaces such as sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants coming in and the violent race the rate of violence in this country at the hands of legal climbing by the day. but yet no safe space for jewish being attacked based on their religion. take a look at this video of congressman brad schneider's office being vandalized by anti-israel protesters. it was posted on x this morning. i mean, this is the sort of thing that has become okay in this country. it does not seem there is a lot of pushback from the white house
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either. whenever we hear anyone from congress, from the left, talking about it they refuse to admit this is absolute hate in this country. they almost the protesters. this is why anti-semitism has never been worse in this country as it is today. the white house does not seem to take a stance on it. >> no question. look, i've passed the anti-semitism awareness act just a little over a month ago through the house, 320-91. chuck schumer, senate minority leader, the highest ranking jewish official in american history is sitting on that bill right now in the senate refusing to take it up, which would actually allow us to combat anti-semitism on these college. like brad, my office has been subject to vandalism. the code pink lunatics running around capitol hill screaming at every member who stands up for the state of israel it's disgraceful. but this is what is happening within the democratic party. they have april, growing group
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of supporters that are absolutely anti-semitic. i will say this, it goes beyond anti-semitism and jew anti-hatred. it anti-americanism and if you capitalism, we are seeing it for coke within the democratic days and it needs to be stopped because it is descriptive to our country and obviously the anti-semitism is absolutely horrific what has happened across america. >> julie: congressman michael lawlor congratulations and welcome to your campaign. >> sean "diddy" combs facing new accusations of sex trafficking and sexual assault from his parties in florida. how does this lawsuit compared to all the others? >> alicia, it is similar. this is at least the tenth civil lawsuit filed against sean "diddy" combs since november
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alleging sex trafficking and sexual abuse. all ten included some forms of allegation of drug filled sexual assault, rape and physical abuse. he has been accused of flying her from new york to florida between 2004-2009 to engage in acts at his famous "white parties" in the hamptons and on star island in florida. english a former adult film actress says she was forced to drink copious amounts of liquor laced with ecstasy before being passed off to be sexually assaulted sometimes unconsciously. did he is even likened to jeffrey epstein. like epstein relied on galen maxwell the suit claims it did he relied on a woman defending tamika thomas accorded the sex trafficking "without defendant thomas a woman using her inherent goodwill as a woman to gain the trust of another
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woman coordinating and acting as an avatar for defending combs. defending combs would be unable to execute his corrupt sex trafficking organization." in a state with a fox diddy abbas best attorney jonathan davis says no matter how many losses are filed and it will not change the fact that mr. combs has never sexually assaulted or sex trafficked anyone peering we live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason and without any proof. according to nbc news diddy is subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation and a federal grand jury is a hearing evidence. three months ago, alicia, the feds rated diddy's homes as part of a sex trafficking or investigation. >> alicia: will continue to watch bryan llenas thank you so much. >> julie: democrats are trying to take credit as migrant encounters at the border are dropping but they won't blame president biden for the millions of illegal immigrants still in this country. former border patrol agent chris clem joins us after the break.
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>> dozens of migrant children missing while the biden administration can't account for them. >> we are talking about a population of unaccompanied alien children that if they were all in the same school district it would be the fifth largest school district in the united states. i'm admiral tom lynch chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break
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11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. earn your competency-based master's at university of phoenix. >> alicia: we are awaiting president biden's scheduled arrival in madison we have a camera there it's a critical day as he tries to right the ship on his campaign many democrats fear is sinking. will bring you his remarks live as soon as they begin. stay tuned to that. speech of the number of migrant encounters at the southern border is down and now some blue cities are giving president biden credit for his recent crackdown on asylum-seekers, but what about the millions of migrants who already came into the country illegally under biden's policies? let's bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem.
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chris, really good to see you today, thank you so much. i will put up some headlines here we have seen in some of the newspapers in these cities including denver where i am speaking to you from coming of axios denver sees record low number of migrants for the first time since 2022. cbs news chicago closes daily college migrant shelter if cities asylum-seekers population continues to drop, "l.a. times" held the california border changed after biden's order limiting asylum. but back to the original point, we have millions that have already crossed and that's where we actually are right now. >> thank you for having me on the show this is a great topic because they are taking a victory lap of a solution in their minds of a problem they created. there is a quote by harry brown that says "the government is good for one thing, they know how to break your legs and give you a crutch to say look if it wasn't for the government you wouldn't know how to walk" and that is what this administration is doing in border security and immigration. they create a problem, they
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ignore the leadership and the people on the ground saying this is a problem and now it has taken their poles and impacted people around the country, not just the border, they are trying to make some headway. again, they are just displacing the problem because, it's great for the border that things have slowed down, it's great for these cities that have had to deal with this but where did they go? they didn't remove anybody, they just dispersed them around the country and we are seeing that everywhere it not just major cities. >> julie: i can tell you the city of denver has purchased bus tickets and plane tickets and sent folks to other cities without notifying those other locations. they spent $72 million dealing with the crisis here and they have moved people out of the shelters but to your point they've moved them around. now let's talk about what folks are dealing with in their cities and the crime. so number two here customs border patrol track these numbers on the number of criminal noncitizens. these are people convicted of one or more crimes attempting to
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visit the country. the number has spiked so more than 13,000 attempted and are branded by border patrol agents in fiscal year 2024 it was more last year but look compared to 2020. 2,438. these were those arrested. were not even talking about those who got through, got away, who don't we don't even know about. >> statistically speaking when you look at 1.8 million got aways those demographics will be in the got aways and that's where we are seeing a lot of the crime play out and again, that's what we are hearing and what is being reported. you know the difference is and why things have changed when you have washington, d.c., encouraging people to come in here and advocating for them to come in and try these new pathways they've created versus leadership that says border security is national security and public safety at its finest, it turns out away and shuts it down. it also sends a clear message to these countries letting these people pass through that we are not going to tolerate that. and that changed over that administration, look at the amount of people and the type of
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people that we are encountering at the border and it is putting people's lives at risk. and that's the important piece for this audience and everybody that listens, look, this is a public safety and national security issue. stop conflating immigration and border security. when you look at those criminal aliens being caught entering the country illegally showing up around america, that is a public safety and national security interest. let's get this fixed and let's keep america safe. we do that by securing our borders on the front end instead of having to deal with these problems in the back end. >> alicia: as the numbers are coming down let's talk to moreno as the americans crossed the border more quickly to have run-ins with migratory criminals. speak of these encounters will continue to go up. criminal aliens, those numbers continue to climb being allowed into the country. their encounters with the american public are also going to increase. so this is a huge problem. they are really not doing anything to not only deter the
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entry into the country but then conduct interior enforcement's and large enough operations to identify and remove >> alicia: so, chris i will also say that fox has been accused of being alarmist when it comes to this. but that does not erase the fact that there are children who have been assaulted and there are migrants who have been accused of assaulting them. you have police officers who have been assaulted, he of migrants who have been accused of assaulting them. this is not something we are making. these are actual numbers, these are actual victims committed to actual people >> everyone is entitled to their opinions but not to their own fact and the fact we have millions of people who come in here illegally come with criminal aliens coming in here illegally connolly of the assaults you are talking about and we see assaults play out across the united states and the pipeline flow when they have in the hands of this moment organizations when they come to
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the border they are exposed to so much but let's get some facts out there too 1.7 million arrests this fiscal year three months remaining and the numbers are down but this is going to be the third-highest art out of the focal years of this administration. over 3,000 encounters every day over 50% are being released into the countries. plus the 30,000 in being paroled all the time so this isn't some great solution, they have just kind of tempered down the problem right now because it is impacting their polling. we still have a problem and everything you have been reporting and this network has been reporting has been factual based on evidence out there and back by the numbers not just emotion and making stories up your reporters are living in seeing it every day. >> alicia: exactly, they will continue to do so, chris clem thank you so much. >> thank you. >> julie: record breaking number of migrants crossing in the u.s. under president biden his administration is unable to account for tens of thousands of
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migrant children. willem lodge nasa's live in los angeles with the very latest on that hey, william. >> hey, julie. many of these children are 16 or 17 and they don't want to be found. dhs report found estimates at about 135,000 children were lost on accounted for under president biden. the irony is president trump took a beating when he could not account for 1500 unaccompanied children. >> the u.s. government has lost track of nearly 1500 migrant children. >> we can find isis in the caves of pakistan and afghanistan but we can't find 1500 kids. >> 1500 children are just gone. >> that number may have reached 54,000 by the time trump left office. so, what about now? >> if anything things have gotten worse under the bed and a administration. >> cup unaccompanied migrants under 18 cannot be deported. mo spend a few weeks and
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government shelters before they are handed over to relatives or sponsors. case managers are supposed to follow up but according to government data obtained by "the new york times" more than one-third of the migrant kids released into the u.s. can't be reached. >> the truth is the biden administration does not know what has happened to those 85,000 children. is that correct? >> the fact that a telephone was not picked up, a telephone was not picked up does not mean that child did not have post relief services. >> estimates are now that biden lost contact with twice as many children as trump. >> what percentage of those children's whereabouts can you tell me with any degree of certainty? >> it is not accurate to say we have lost -- that we have lost them. >> julie, the bottom line is regardless with these children whoever was in office, you know, they are being sent here and they crossed the border alone because their parents are either already here or on their way.
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and the fact is neither one, parent or child, is likely to be deported. back to. >> julie: william la jeunesse, what a sad story, thank you. >> alicia: thank you, julie. as we've been mentioning president biden is on his way to a critical event in wisconsin. karine jean-pierre when air force one and a gaggle was pressed on reporting that president biden has said that he has been checking in. he checked in with his doctor gave karine jean-pierre saying that really was not unusual. she did not have extended details on that but also on this "new york times" reporting that he told the governors the democratic governors on wednesday that he needs to be not doing events after 8:00 p.m., he needs fewer hours and more sleep she was pressed on that and she said but that is not what he is saying he said he understands about striking the right balance. but i think we also have to -- we got to look at this in its
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totality, right? we do. this is a president who has done more than any modern-day president, right? more than historically unprecedented record then any modern-day president and i am happy to go toe-to-toe about his record so that matters as well what i laid out to you at the top when i asked you to question you understand about having the importance of a balanced approach and taking care of himself. he is human. he is human so not continuing to answer the question but instead, venting the president on what he has done. julie? >> j>> one of the biggest reasos why inflation has been high, has been because of energy costs, right? he is focused on ways to be able to bring that down. >> julie: the white house seizing on the lowest fourth of july gas prices in three years, but is there any at lasting relief on the horizon? phil flynn is out on the field finding out for himself and he is going to join a live.
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>> hurricane beryl making landfall in mexico after pummeling the caribbean we havec the latest storm track. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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♪ ♪ ♪ penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes ♪ >> the white house touting gas prices saying they are at the lowest level in three years in response to a 1 cent to drop last fourth of july. phil flynn a fox news contributor. one sense, that is better than nothing i guess but i do believe the president ofs have little or nothing to do directly with gas prices, but they are often credited are they like to take the credit for it in anyway but what is that say about president biden trying to take credit for a literal 1 cent d drop? >> you know i think it's a sign
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of desperation and it's a good thing because i'm in fontana wisconsin today. this is right off the shores of lake geneva they call it the cape cod of the midwest. everybody i talked to i asked are you filling the low gasoline prices and i couldn't find one feeling good. there in the mood to celebrate but not a penny on gasoline i can tell you that. >> julie: is this another band aid solution keep voters happy had a november because it's a desperate move i'm not an ally. >> it is we are really releasing millions of gallons of gasoline look how great we are. of course we consume 9 million barrels a day, that will be gone by noon. i can tell you this, people are getting the energy policy matters. if you make mistakes, talking about alternative energies come all of this good stuff it sounds great on paper until you have to start paying for it and people are paying for it right now. >> julie: days after the white house posted from that 1 cent decrease the administration actually announced like you just mentioned the sale of
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1 million barrels of gasoline which is good but experts are citing mild demand and cheaper factors as reasons for the moderate costs. so if the white house is taking credit for something it had nothing to do with, then why not focus on something they actually have done or they have nothing to focus on because it doesn't seem anything comes out positive under this administration when it comes to rising costs, the economy, the jobs numbers, as you know, they were up but unemployment is also up. that is not something to brag about either. >> it isn't and i will tell you you are right one of the things we have seen in the gasoline demand numbers in the recent weeks the reasons that it is weak to be us because people can't afford it. them to cut back on driving and cut back on food they are not traveling as far. they are being more judicious. this weekend we are supposed to see a record amount of demand in places like this that depend on that. they depend on disposable cash, people being able to spend money on vacation. is a good thing that
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president biden is coming to wisconsin because everybody i talk to from wisconsin is not very happy with the price of gasoline or the way our energy policy has been going. >> julie: we will see if you will win them over. will see if it pans out for t them, phil flynn thank you. >> alicia: thanks, julie, president biden on his way to swing state wisconsin where he hopes today's campaign rally will shore up his shrinking base of the plus this. that will keep me out of the water, shark attacks on multiple states the warnings from officials next. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off.
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♪ ♪ >> alicia: that's on a sow prevents next story, fancy billionaire mark zuckerberg posting a video for the fourth of july that appears to show him surfing a wave sipping some kind of beverage and flying the american flag and of course all while dressed in a tuxedo not everyone is convinced it's real. just check out that skyline and a wave that is moving away from those mountains in the background.
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i don't know, do you think this is a little fake? if not it is impressive but i'm not really sure. would use if this is real or fake? >> alicia: i feel like mary aia, very, very ai. too much going on there. it goes on too well. i am not convinced. speech a very cool i mean i could do that in my sleep but i wouldn't have to fake it. >> alicia: of course you can. >> julie: i've never wakeboarding or doing anything such of that. i say it's a fake as well as too good. >> alicia: multiple shark attacks in florida's with panic steve harrigan has more on the dangerous encounters what happened, steve? >> you see that first attack in south padre island in texas occurred at 11:00 a.m. paired authorities say there was just one shark involved about 6 feet long and attacked four people. one woman who survived was the most seriously wounded, she was flown out for a hospital outside of the state when people saw her
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come out of the water, one person said it looked like her calf was completely gone. the other attack in florida a town already notorious called the "shark bite capital of the world" from a number of attacks that occurred at this time a 21-year-old from ohio was playing football with friends in the water, that water was knee-deep pure in people's i'm going to water, saw the attack, and spread panic along the beach. here is what one observer had to say. >> the lady came screaming and saying i need help, i need help, and the man was kind of limp again, fell in the shallow part of the water and next thing you know paramedics were coming up to him here you could tell he was in pain. you could see the blood coming off him into the sand. >> 16 attacks in florida in the past year more than any other state. alicia, back to you. >> alicia: steve harrigan thank you so much. >> julie: president biden will soon be speaking to supporters in the battleground state of wisconsin soon. is it too like to turn his
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campaign around? michigan congresswoman debbie dingell, shannon bream, and brian brenberg will join us on just that next. foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. shop now, and save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going,
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