tv Hannity FOX News July 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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put on a show in new york. you saw that right? saturday on fox. delacruz showed off his record breaking off. and it was saturday on fox when harper was went over to see it . >> saturday on fox is where it happens. this is the greatest moment in the history of our country. put me back in office. we'll get it done quickly. the republican national convention live from milwaukee, democracy 24. your freedom, your. all right. thanks for watching this special edition of jesse waters. primetime. as always, i hope you'll check out the will cain posse podcast. you can subscribe at apple or w spotify or just hang with us every monday through thursdausa 12:00 eastern time. and you can hang with me tomorrow morning. "fox and friends" see the goodn
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. good evening and welcome to this special edition of "hannity". of and fors mcenany sean and this is a fox news alert. >> moments ago, president joe biden wrapped up a high stakesae exclusive intervied upw with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos. now, this interview could determine the future of the presidency and the future of the countrythe pr and. it's been widely viewed as the last opportunityewed a for bideo drown out the many voices governor, senators, congressmen, either questioning his capacity behindd the scenes or in some cases outright heth their name on it. he's trying to prove he's healthy, he's mentally capabl mentalle enough to serve as president. it was also his first on camera scripted opportunity to address his debatet on performance to a national audience. >> here's what he had to say. >> was this a bad episoded. with a sign of a more serious? it's a bad episode.isod i know.
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in occasionally serious condition. i was exhausted. what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate, did you know how badly it was goingt thh th? yeah. , the whole way i prepare for my nobody.t mine top of mind. i i. i prepared what i usually would do sitting dow wn as i did come back. foreign leaders or national security counci nal secul foricit explicit detail. and i realized partway throughne this, you know, i get the newefr york times had me down ten points before the debate. , nine now or whatever the hell it is. in fact, matter r is that when i looked at is he also lied 28 times, i couldn't i mean, the way the debate ran. not my fault. dy enolse' one else's fault. no one else's. but it seemed like you were having from the first questionnaire even before we spok firstd evene. >> well, i just had a bad night
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. now, you heard biden thereea mentioned pollinrd bidg from thw york times. >> he suggested that he gained york t aa point, but biden hasnd making great strides in polling. >> who is tellin greag him this? he did not gain one point. in fact, he lost three in the new york times siena poll. >> among likely voters o , trump now leads biden 49 to 43, and that is the largest lead vor that trump has had in this poll since since 2015. well, next up, biden was asked directly whether he'dng be willing to take a cognitive exam. >> here'to take s what he said. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent >> wcal evaluation that included neurological and cognitive cognitive tests and released the results to thee american people? look, i have a cognitive test everopley single day. every day i have a test. everything i do, you know, not only am i campaigning, i'm running the world and i somehow it sounds like hyperbol e, but we are the central nation in the world. >> madeleine albright was
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he was asked four times whether he would take a cognitive test four times. he deflected. this interview was anunity opportunity for him to lay out s his vision for his second term for the american people. he's been unable to do forhe thn far, and he was given a chance tonight, but it fell flaght but >> this next term, i'm going to make sure we have a straighten out the tax system. i'm going to make sure we're in a situation wherem ina situae have health care for all people who are in ain where we have child care and elder care free up and all these things. the early reactions were not good and even from. some democrats. here's what david axelrod said earlier on cnn afte hr. >> the first clip was released and watching that interview, i found it poignant. i don't know that goingeves a to relieve anyone to hear the presidennyt explain what happened. and, you know, it it seemed
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a disjointed as it, you know, not as disjointed as he wass in in the debate, but it stillde didn't seem like he had completely graspedbate b what happened and why. >> here now to kick off our night of reaction to this historic interviewere to k is to anchor and executive editor of the story right here on fox news. martha maccallume. martha, the reactions pouring in. katie rogers at the "new york times" saying that those in biden's circle rogee ne thinkenough it's enough to keep him in the fight for now. m fnbc reportinge a little differently from a house democrat. it made me sad. fferentlthe house democratstelyo said completely out of touch with reality, insulateutf toucd the truth. i'll be breaking my silence soon. your thought breaks. i thought it was fascinating. kelly. it's great to be on with you tonight. you know that first soundbyte that you played? when i listened to it again, i tried agai the in to put together the train of thought of what
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he was talking about. bricaid, i prepare t whed like o for foreign leaders. then he went into a section hon what the polls are, and thn he finished by saying that for president trump had lied a lot. so, i mean, it would have really liked for george stephanopoulos to have said in that moment, i'm sorry ,what did you mean by that? which one of those points wass a what you were trying to say? and just asked him that rather will all of these repeated questions about will you take a cognitive test which you said no to? and i think that's a very valiit question that he asked, becauseo i think that's what american voters are going to be asking, e because this campaign, day after day and with every appearance, is going to become a cumulative test of thiss president. and we've seen already. so many instances of theseders blunders and lost vacant stares . so this is going to go on andis on. that's what he made clear. kelly and i just will want to p one point here. what i heard from joe biden, i am stubboroint.n. bbor i am not going anywhere.
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i don't believe the polls. nanc e doesn'y pelosi and chuck schu, if they came to me and asked me to get out, cannot me out.get me in fact, only god can get med to leave this race. he said that twice. so he has set up a biden versus many strong of his party battle and he's putting his line in the sand and he says, i'm only talking to a couple of people. g onlytalking ai'm believing wl telling me and i'm not going anywhere. so i think tonight this going mt even more interesting, actually, kelly, in deed.e ha it did.rk i mean, you have senator mark warner, a huge democra wt, ng a biden ally, putting together this meeting on monday. according to the reportseting i and i wonder how some of the, i guess, factually inaccurate moments is how i would describe them, how they'll factor into their calculus. theyactor in one of them. >> this is president biden on nato. can you serve effectively for the next four years? you sergeorge? presi i'm the guy that put data together. the futurede
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. no one thought i could expand. thm the guy that should pu expt down know if i could happen. i'm the guy that put togethe tr the south pacific initiative. but all this i'm the guy that got 50 nations. i'm not only in europe, outside of europe as well to help ukraine. i'm the guy to guide japanesedgt to expand their budget. >> martha the issue is putin was not stopped, invadedat a country and nato he did not create nato. nato was created in 1949. >> president truman again. kelly i think it's a great soundbite to play. i would have liked to have i heard george stephanopoulos this follow up. i'm sorry, you you shut putinsht down. putin has not been shut down and there wouldn't have been a need or a scramble for finland and sweden to join nator if ukraine hadn't been invaded by russia afteinr. tter this president and this is just the fact of the matter asid that, you know,
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a incursion might be okay, but something larger than that wasn't going to be okay. so all the things that he just c laid out happened on his watch and were perpetuated by the allowance of putin feeling that he had the freedom to go into ukraine in the first place. go into cro said we're sort of checkmate in china at this point. and i woula i d have loved to he heard more about what he what he means by thahat. yeah. you know, there was this talk in axios today of inevitability and these democrats most of them anonymously, martha, saying, you know, it's almost inevitable that that he steps down this axios interview is or excuse me, this abc interviewpl isn't enough. >> some people wanted an hour lonwantedhour long intervis very clear upon watching this 20 minute interview that an hour interview would have been ,you know, i mean, this battle is going continue. and i think it's fascinating. you know, it felt very quick to me, it was 22 minutes
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and it's not unusual for presidents to say, look, we're i going to give you 15 or 20 minutes. but it felt feltt as if feels as though he is so committed. 1f you know, i thought one of the here's one of the things that really struck mmee. he basically said, i'm in this until the bitter end and if i lose, i don't it's okay as long as i give it my all. and i thought that was also a very interesting momentment w because you've got democrats and donors across the country who are panicking doand scrambling because they think he might lose to donald trump. he says he doesn't believe any hat as of the polls that show that. but he says, as long as i give it my all m, that'sin my measure for staying in there. and he has all the delegates th. he's got a lot of the cards in his own debt deck. kelly so it's anybody's guesscib as to whether or not they'll be successful. he says only godwhether push h. we'll see. yeah. and that susan said there's a lot of people calling into the white house switchboard needng the lord almighty peopl , we need to talk to you, martha. thank you.
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now, one reason, one reason that so much was at stake w tonight is because of biden's ap public appearances since the debate. noearahe bigt been reassuring.k just take a look at hisles stumbles yesterdayyest while celebrating the 4th of july at the white house. >> you know, i was in that world war one cemetery and in france and the one that mark, one of our caller, the former president, didn't want to goo go be up there. there's probably shooting on saturday, right.o th we got to just remember who the hell we are. we're there. states of america. i've been all over the worldof with you ameri in and out of ba. anyway, and we give thanksgi to our commander in chief,ve the the vice president of the united states, the extraordinary president of the united states, joe biden. and, oh, happy independence day
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. those gaffes came after the new >>r th,erinreported, quote biden, a gathering of democratic governors that he needs to get more sleeg p and work fewer hours, including curtailing events. y as 8 p.m. and earlier today, justed as biden declared he nott of t be dropping out of the race a during a rally in wisconsin. "the washington post" reported that virginia senator markr is warner is seeking to assemble a group of democratic senators to get togethe e r and tell joe to drop out. here with more reaction with morto tonight's breaking ns is louisiana. >> louisiana senator john kennedis y. you know, senator kennedy, this is a big deas l that one of youi democratic colleagues, senator warner, is having this meetinhavingmeeting. when biden was asked buout this, he said, oh, that's just one senator. but it sounds like a lot of senators have. and i'm wondering, you work with these senators every day. do you think their concerns assuaged tonightevery do?
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>> i'm not sure really that interviews like the president gave tonight matter much at this juncture. you can't make this cat walk backwards. t people saw what they saw. and thatward 90 minute debate ai think most of them think tha that it's only a matter of time before president biden stumble s again because they understand that old age doesn't get better. >> it gets worsege fairlts woryn unfairly. i think most americans havk mosp their mind. >> i think they have concludedy that president biden is old, presthat he is suffering from some form of neuro degenerative disease that he's suffered from it for a while. and that's the white house and many members of the media industrial complex have covered it up. and that cover has been toxic,
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in my opinion. >> for what it's worth, politically. i think president biden politically is as dead as fried chicken. >> he can quit, but he can be replaced. >> let me just finish my thought or he can run a and lose. >> you can't successfully run for president of the uniteds yo states when your campaign slogan is i'm only see now some of the time, as one put commentator pointed out today. yeah, that's right. you know, the thought that comes to mind as i'm listening to you speak is what are his advisers telling him? because there was this moment where george stephanopoulosapprv said, you have a 36% approval rating, mr. president. >> and he looked at him with bewilderment, saying, no, i don'ret. d and yet this comes the same day that fivethirtyeight put out
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the average approval rating of the president hit its lowest point of his presidency right, at 36%. >> so are people just telling him what he wants to hear? >> lo well, look, he you shouldn't look to washington for wisdom or comfort at this difficult time. >> as you know, most people, washington, d.c. will they'll unplug your life support in order to charge their cell phone. >> most people in washington, d.c., right now are worried about how the president's problems are to impact them personally. >> i'm more in whate am the american people think and ia don't take any joy in having to say all of thi say as is just a difficult time. well, let me say it again. people saw what they in that
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90 minute debate and they're very concerned. >> they are very concerned. want i do want to play a little bitam more, senator kennedy. kennedy. ore wasumbethis was another ju, disconnect from reality. we heard about what happened at the debate and what president trump did. e debatet presidtlisten. >> and how quickly did it didu it come to you that you were having a bad nightyou're h? >> i, is having a bad night when i realized that even when i was answering your question, you were right, turned as mye wa coffee was still stirring. and i learnengd distract me. i'm not blaming it on that. but i realized that i just wasn't in control. >> i watched the whole debate. w president trump shouting in a microphone that wouldn't let him shout. >> i mean, we would hear his shouting and biden's microphone. that just didn't happestn. micrell, look, i actually as we
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all know, the microphones sure come off when it was off with td speaker's turn. >> and i don't really understand what president biden was referring to. i do think that the white house is doing their presidentas ,our president, a disservice tonight. the white house says that, well, all they're like kevin bacon at the end of animal house. >> all is well, don't panic. >> we've been transparenthite the entire time. >> this white house, they would know transparency if it jumped up and yelled and beat them. >> and the but there has been a cover up and many members of the media have participated in. >> and now some members of the media, they they're running d around going, we're dumbfounded. we neveronfounde any sign of tha >> i mean, and they're asking,sk is the president can he stand
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for reelection? ment >> his own justice department a few months ago month said that he's not even competent to stand trialo said. what parachute? what what planet? >> these people parachute in from the american people maoy poor run for president, but they're not stupid. >> and their their concernsbut and suspicions have been been co confirmed. they happen. and i'll never forget it was the vice president, kamala harrisforget i, in the wake of . her report you referenced who came in and vouched forcuit the acuity of president biden. senator kennedy, always such a waden.y with words and so vivd in your language. >> thank you very much. well, the speculation has raged for a weekaise now over whetherr not biden will stay in the race. the mood insid stay ine the whie house has turned positively grim. biden'lys are reportedly miserable and unable to get much
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anything done. that's according to axios. nbc news, meanwhile, they're reporting that hunter and joe biden are urging him to make changes to his staff and are increasingly conveyingdn their views about his campaign strategy. and don't forget that th yearse entire media ecosystem has been nothing but a torrent. >> bad news for biden all week long. you're looking at the economist magazinet venu for, which even h far as to feature this image of a walker with the presidential seal on its front cover, calling for to drop outoa and writing that this is no way to run a country. now, this highly regarded magazine asked the key question should someone who cannot finish a sentence cann be trusteddes. with the nuclear codes? that's the questiohe questn. joining us now, fox news contributor joe concha and harris poll chairman mark t penn. >> look, joe, i want to start with you. notice i noticed something that came out in the press today and it was how thise ouhe interview cae about. this interview, according to the "new york times", came
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about on tuesday. this was when the communications director texted george stephanopoulos and said, hey, let's get this going. what's curious to me is that is more than a week after the debate, what happened on tuesday? well, there were a series of stories that broke. here are the headlines. "new york times" biden tells allies he knows he only has days to salvage his candidacy. you'll see several others that are pulled up about lord lloyd. lloyd doggett, excuse saying that he's withdrawing support from the president. finally, playbook pm sayingn thi the dam breaks on biden. top democrats, pelosi, clyburn saying biden's age. >> our concern the dam began to break and then the interview came about. >> so this was about stopping the bleeding. and i'm curious if it worked and why did they wait this longg to arrange it? that's the thing. eight days after that debate and, you don't do a live interview just to show people that it's. okay. and oh, by the way, that wasn't
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live. abc, for whatever reason, sodecided to agree to a pre-tapd interview and not live at 8:00, as apparently the president doesn't want to do any the evens after 8:00 anymore. so i think that was a fail anymorthaton abc's part. but the big headline out of this interview is that the sitting of the united states, kelly, the oldest president we've ever had a president that before that debate three quarters of americans didn't think had the mental acuity for tha the job. he will not commit to taking a cognitive or neurologin't comc assessment. i mean, that's a big deal. what is he afraid of? cam exactly. and, boy, the lies during this interview came so fast and furious. e sofast andfor starters, bidenn blamed having a cold for a cold that apparently affects your memory and basic articulation and that ability during that debate. and also he also said that ifidh you had a cold, by the way, why did you go to a waffle house after the debate t house?a and how did that cold justt no magically vanish the next day at a rally in north carolinarth and then he said he was exhausted because he was jetlagged, despite the facd he t he back from europe 12 days prior to that. and of those 12 days p a, he weh
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to camp david for six days before the debate, where he reportedly took dailywhere ht and his prep didn't begin until 11 a.m. and then he told11:0 stephanopoulos that he couldn't remember if he watched the debate0 amn he afterwards o. this interview doesn't change a thing. in fact, it ma.y made things he' worse, if that's possible. give him a bun. he's proble. o >> the only problem here, kelly, is he seems to be the last one to know it t. >> margaret that's just it. you know, you have annie carney over at the "new york times" and she's getting reactions from house democrats. and what they're telling her is stronger than debate. but living in a state of denial is the immediate reaction to joe's point i , i don't know that this shores up congressional supporn't. do you do you think it does? >> well, i think those in congress are waiting forof another round of polls that happen after people get of from the 4th of july, in which a lot of people are sitting around l barbecue talking about this and making up judgments like we saw in the harris poll. the president's approval went 4
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down four points. it went up almost ten points to 74% of people who think that the president is too oldo to serve another term. donald trump is handil y beating o him by four plus points. so this is a dire situation. the polls are grim and getting grimmer. but joe biden throw down threw down the gauntlet tonight. r jon he said, i'm staying in. you better get with me or. thi you're going to just tear this party apart. you choose. partyou chooy the message that i got out of the interview. and that's what democrats in congress are hearing. and either they're going to split the party and try pgo to get them out or they're going to go with it. you know, mark is sticking with you for a second. what bewilders me about whole situation is if the president's so sharp, younger aidesr aide can't keep up with him, he's healthier than all of us. we've heard all of that. i mean, ifs l of thi i was at the podium like karine jean-pierre vouching for donald trump's mental acuity and he wasd he getting skewered, he would have marched to the podium havef. t go for himsel
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>> why doesn't he just go to the podium? i mean, he's going thursday, ful i guess. >> but that's a full two weeks after the debate . well, look, he's been guarded for years and you saw how much i prep it took for a debate. the this interview was largely talking points from the debate s . it's -- it's just not going to happen. right. read going to go out it's no tos and read a teleprompter and he's going to say, make me president, because that's the only option you got. >>n you have well, we'll see if. the democratic donors allow him to do that. >>e will i joe, mark, thank you. coming up, biden apparently cannot remember the nameslongti of longtime friends. and guess who wantmes him to tae a cognitive test. we'll tell you this. independence day. fox nation would like to thank all active military and veterans offering their first year of fox nation free stream exclusive shows that celebrate our country.
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>> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". we'll have more reaction to president biden's exclusive interview with abc news anchorlo george stephanopoulos in just a moment. rebut first, the media is raisig new questions tonight reeut biden's cognitiv decline. there was a blockbuster piece in new york magazine yesterday, was by reporter olivia nuzzi and it made several disturbing claims about the president, including that he does not recognize old family, friends or top donors, that his hand felt cool in a noticeably hot room and that he once looked to her like, quote,he something not of this earth with slow speech, a waxy face and eyes that were open, but not on. newsy writes that biden was overly protective by staff as far back as the 2020 campaign and has recently been ,quote, cocooned within mounting layers of bureaucracybr ef an apparent effort to hide his condition from the public.
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here with their analysis are texas congressman ronny inckson, the former white house doctor and fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel news . you know, congressman ronny jackson. so you were the whitee do house doctor for former president trump and formerform president trump always. he must have done it a dozen donea doze was in his presence, recounted when he took a cognitive test in vivid detail. it's like he had memorized the cognitive test and wouldt it tell people about it. i just was very struck tonighti wawhen biden was asked four times, will you take a full neurological test4 ti? k i have that every day. will you take a specific test with specialist? no, they said i'm good. are you willing to undergod he' test? >> look, i have a test every day. will you do it to reassure them? to whichte every said, watch me. what? we all watched. and a lot of people think he should take them aneye that.k >> so why won't he?o well, you know he won'wht take b clearly because obviously it's going to be a miserable failure. i mean, he would he would do absolutely ller azurae he horrible access o
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that nature. and he knows it. his team knows it. they'v e avoiding it for a long time. i mean, we watch him every day. i think most people in. e countn have known for a long timefor that he's cognitively impaired and that he haa ims no businessm whatsoever being our commander in chief and being in charge. anhief andbut this this recent s on such a grand scale. the one thing it did was it took the people that have been protecting him for the longest time, whic meh the mainstream media and the liberal left, that it made it to where they can'ttho no longert abou defend him. but, you know, to your point about this article, this is ar-p huge cover up at this particular point, and we need to get to the bottom of this as aar point t member of congred i get back, i'm going to start pushing for us to have some congressiona gl oversight here.r we need to have a hearing. we need to get people in. we need to get doctor kevin o'connor in. i'll ask you, kelly, why? why have not we heard from this man the entire time that he's been president? we have no mant had this this person who's the president's position. stand at the podium before the press and answer questions. mo i was, whend president trump's position is, you remember, i stood up at the podium u well over an hour when
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i had everybody in there, dog coming after m eve thee asking s the most ridiculous questions. i answered every single question they had c's at objective data. they're at my side. so, you know, to go over nothing waetelysparens it was cy transparent. i had people like the great sanjay gupta right there was standing there trying to tear me down. suddenly today, he sair he'd he's out advocating for a for cognitive test. where has he been fo a cognitird a half years? where has cnn and the "new york times" and the washington post and msnbc and all these other networks, where have they been? this is a national security issuthe nae. it i have been saying it for and since 2020 and februaryd tak 2020, i started talking about this and i initially got criticizedint and called outg by president obama over it. and i've been criticized ovet or and over for saying this. and now the whole world is seeing it. and there's justg itwhol no ways it. so, yes, you need to take a cognitive test, although some people might make the argument it's too late for that. now, we all know he's got a problee argume m. the co and i don't know if a cognitive test would change anybody's opinion at this particular poingnl cht. >> well, you tweet me up
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perfectly by mentioning hostility of sanjay gupta, cnn, hostilitoward you. because, oh, wait, he had this to say. news flash. let's play is tot. >> i think a lot of the things that, you know, people sawdebate at that debate weren't necessarily new, but they were w sustained and i think more pronounced than what we had seen in the past.t with if you take a look, slow response time, i think we saw that, you know, sort of in a sustained fashion, definitive world, word retrieval, mix ups, ramblings, sometimes confused speech, reduced voice volume as well, and reduced facial movements. >> and these things can all be connected. >> i mean, dr. siegel, that's the cnn doctor calling for this camera. >> well, listen, listen, kelly, we've been talking about this for four years. i talked about this with president trump when i interviewed hi im back in 202, in july. the issue isn't about a cog single single cognitive test, as randy jacksonni just said. te
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congressman dr. jackson just said, there's a big cover up sai going on here and a cognitive test may not be the answer at this poincognitt because he's failed so many real life cognitive tests. and byo many the way, you knowes what happens in a situation like this, the patient is the last to admit it. it's not surprising that he says i'm fine. i'm fine. i don't need a test. my doctors say i'm fine. well, whernd awaree are those ds hiding behind this? >> and by the way, ronny the jackson didn't mention the yearly physical, which always looks p there's nothing to hide. neurologists examined him. they say neurologists examineded him. but we've never seen an mri report. we'v him butver sae never seen e test. and now it's four years later froms late where we first starth talking about this, there's something called cognitiveis reserve. how much cognitive reserve do you have if you haven'ant slept if it's after 4 p.m., if you're disorientedou're pr a little bit, what do you act like if you're president of the united states, not justatet with the nuclear codes,
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but with all of these decisions to make, watch your cognitive reserve, president biden and the wholrve prese world cane that it's extremely thin. there is no cognitive reserv e and neurodegenerative diseases do not happen overnight. i they progress over time. so when i was first asking about this, it was probably mild cognitive impairment. now it looks more like fullit's on dementia. and you're right, all the other full ondoctors on tv that werer asking for this should be ashamed of themselves askiy she president's own doctos should not have been hiding this public. that t >> a right to transparency. that's democracyhe t. >> yes. dr. jackson, you made so many great points s. and look, when i was press secretary, the white house doctor was therese when trump got covid and he went to reporters and spoke with them. and he gave me letters that he signed with medical updates. something has been hidden. i only have a few moments here, but i was thrilled to hear you mentioned congressional oversight. should there be a select committee into this president'thiss mental acuity?l
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because there are soldiers who are deployed abroad and we don't knowabe if they're beinge protected with this level of mental acuitynt. there absolutely should be at this particular point, kayleigh, because weuse we a we have someone who is in the office that's not making the decisions that if you look at the disastrous results of this presidency with our economsulty and the border and e wars overseas and everything else, we need answers on how this happened. and if there has been a cover upa cove and we need to know whs been covering it up and they need to be held responsible, this is completely unacceptablte . what did they know? when did they know it? thank you both. absolutely. are co >> cominmig up, cnn says top top democrats are circulating a memo making the case for kamala harris. they actually have a document. this is all while "the washington post" says kamala dropped an expletive at the white house. senator marsha blackburn will reactuse. if you're about to replace your roof star. here's a that's a fraction of the cost.
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on sirius xm america is. >> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". with joe biden's candidacy on the ropes. top democrats are reportedly biden'ng tac pivoting to kamala harris. cnn actually obtaineomd a googla document that was circulating among self-describede do top democrats. >> you're looking at it. the document admits we toy losing.l like it or not, there's one realistic path out of this mess. khmala and kamala harris knows the stakes are high. tyler page of the washington post reporting the that the vice president concluded the meeting with governors by saying, this is about saving our f-ing democracy. well, if you believe that, you'd be asking your boss to step asidcye. meanwhile, the trump campaign is taking note as they prepare to takd toe on the vicef tr president if biden steps aside. , re now with reactionum tennessee senator marsha blackburn. senator blackburn, you know,
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i'm reading some of the feedback that's coming in frofrom dm democratic aides. and a senior democratic aide said that when they watch the interview, this was to theio publication. notice it's making me feel n notice it'better. kamala. you worked with kamala. she was your senate colleagut.e i'm wondering if you thinke' she's up for the job. well, kayleigh, i thinkhink what the democrats have in front of the wham is a no win situation. they are going to reap what theiny have sown. you've got the democrats and the media that have covered for joe biden and now they are in a scramble. now we know kamala harris would be even worse on a ticket.e on you can look at her record. she owns every failure of the biden-harris admin. she is the one that wanted to defund ice the border is the top issue. and look what that open border. has done to our country. and kamala. the borders are was supposedhe i to go fix this issue, but insteassued you've got
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fentanyl, you've got sex trafficking, human trafficking, you've got gangs, you've got crime. and this gotgs is the reason that women are now security moms. sue it is their number one issue. you look at inflatioyolookn and kamala voted against the trump tax cutsvote and peope can't afford to buy a new car. they can't even afford fill up t the gas tank of the car they've got. they can't fill up car the gas tank and the grocery cart. in the same weekt . the and they're worried about what is happening with the econom y. and then when it comesen i to women, they have a terribleg record. they're trying to erase gender. they cannotot give you the definition of the word woman. they are trying to putf the wors in girls sport. and the democrat bs now think kamala is going to do a better lojob because look at biden-harris. they have made lifok ae difficu
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>> they have, you know, mark levin made the point to me earlier in the week that, kamala harris was part of this cover up vouching for biden overbiden ov and over. so mark levin makes this point. and then the famed pollstert co nate silver says the only thing that could derail her is if she is found to be part of the cover up. >> i've seen other reporters make this point, and i think it's important p to takeers down our viewers down memory lane. i want to play this is kamala reacting to the robert,ac her report that said biden was a well-meaning react elderly olt unfit to stand trial. >> let's roll it. >> te comments that were made by that prosecutor gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. october 7th, israel experienceda a horrific attack. he wasttac front of it all, coordinating and directing leaders who are in charge of america's national security,
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not to mention our allies around the globe. >> so the way that the president his demeanor in that report was characterizedrt was u not be more wrong on the factsld and clearly politically motivated. she misled us. >> oh, yes, indeed she did. she lied about joe biden's record, about the middle acuity ,his abilities. she has lied to the people andtm the americaner people knowe kn they cannot trust her. she is more unpopulaowr than joe biden and the democrats who do not want biden or harrisf at the top of the ticket. and i you know what i look like. i am so please sd i'm running fr reelection with donald trump at the top of the ticket. i know that other republicanss in the senate and the house areo
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pleased that donalusd trump is at the top of the ticket. >> senator blackburn, thank you. always appreciate it . we have a report on the democrats internal polls must win state. it has house democrats panicking. when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent. show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have and less itch because you have plenty of reason your skin. it one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay and allergists, you can stay 90% of inflammation insidecl bodysoe that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from withinveast many adults saw 90% clear skinrc . some even achieved long lasting clearer skin and fast itchsever. relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can
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fat and get lean absolutely free. that's b 82 215215. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". th as the 2024 race heats up,e ts u new polling shows signs that the map is expanding for trump with reliably blue states tr minnesota, new hampshire and virginia. re among those being closelys watched by the campaign. here now with reaction, "new york post" columnist miranda washington examiner opi opinion editor kayleigh mcgee, whitniickey whe, and former spel assistant to president trump, marc lotteecial asr.
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kelly, i want to start with you. i'm fascinated the internalng ot pollings that are leaking out what we referenced in the refer introduction was internal polling from a superpac of biden'sen the was int. sa and now i saw this this morning a wisconsin one. one example, a group of democrats woke up thursday to a y s woke new poll from must win wisconsin. >> that's where joe biden was today, had biden down seven points and only in the i thirties on a ballot with third party candidates. the i can imagine looking at thk and thinking, oh my god, this guy has got to ging o. and these are reliably blue states. so imagine the situation in the swing states right now. and i actually asked some of ask my independent and democratic leaning friends back in my home state of michigaedom n to watchatch tonight's abc interview with president tview biden and i me whether they felt differently about his mental ments. t hi and not a single one said that they felt that biden waides now fit to serve another s four years. they don't feel any differently after the debate yearsthey d. and this just goes to show
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that, you know, this was not just one bad night for president biden. he kept saying this overa ba, on again. but the fact is that his own staff and his own family i confirmed that it's not just one bad night, because if itno was just one bad night, whywoul would his staff need to change his entire schedulhie, accommodate him? why would he now have to go to bed before 8 p.m. and space oute his campaign trail events? why woul 8:0 spacingd family ber a top down erasure of hisr entire campaign staff if this was just one bad night? it's clearly i not. o acco they are trying to accommodate the fact that the president is nommfactt too fit to serve and t continue to hide that from the public is . >> mark, you and i worked together on the trump campaign. we know a lot about pressun and communications. we know about leakications and w about reporters in reporting. and what i'm curious about is the double down of i'm nott going anywhere. you can't stopth. t i'm here to stay not dropping out. and then yet you get headlines . katie rogers at the "new york times".
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th biden ty that he'sdays days from salvaging his candidacy. you have politic salvo people saying the president has shown resolve and moving forward, but is privately expresseshown red. you have nbc. biden privately remains torn between defiance t and acceptance. do you think there's something to this reporting that parre iit has questionedhe? >> well, unless he's being totally lied to, he has to have questions. i mean he was losing before the debate. now, after the debate, he's losing even or and the swing states are all falling away probably m hiand blue states are followie right behind him. it reminds mhind he of a senior citizen relative. when you have to take the car oru keys away from them becauses they're really not safe to drive anymore. e th safe tothey want to keep du i get it. but, you know, the adults to step in at some point, this is not getting any better for joe bide ie poinn. >> it's not miranda, you know,gr a thing or two about cover ups. you know about the hunter biden laptopt that was covered up as russian disinformation. his ssian die we are looking
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at one of the biggest cover ups in presidential politics. you know the new york magazinecb described it as a lie that aides don't know how to wet oued a tt. >> we only know what we're reading, that he's forgetting names, these bizarre accounts from new york magazine. >> i think there's a lot biunts frow. renow how do we get answers here? is this through congress? is it through oversigh e answt? >> we need to know the extenthe of this cover up. look, unfortunately, we have a very dishonest media been covering up since january of 2020, when joe biden i was firs. so obviously cognitively impaired on the campaign trailid in iowa. and it's just i thinkmpaign that there t compromised because they want to have wanted to atal that get rid of donald trump. and they're in the same boat ine been wonderiey'v are caught out and they're still wondering, a i at the moment whether joe biden is really going to be better to try and get rid of donald trump or not. >> it's all about winninald trug the election. but you saw how delusional
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joe bideningn was in that interview. i think george stephanopoulos did a good jobiew. of drawing o those delusions, saying that, of coursoudelusione he was able to continue for another four years, but he was not abln' going to do a neurological test. he's delusiona dl about his poll numbers, denying that he has a 36% approval rating. ratihe's about donald trump. i mean, he lied there that trump was shouting at him. you pointed out that that wasn't trush pointe. there was no evidence. we watched the split screen and donald trump didn't shoutthr once. so i think the problem is yoleus have a delusional candidate. and i think joe biden's been this way his whole life. it's just that now he doesn't have the adequate filters to cover it up himself. >> you kno w, only have time forr a quick yes or no here. but kayleigh, does he stay or doesion buay he go?ay i think he stays. i think kamala is a much worse alternative and democrats know
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it, huivh? mark stays or goes. he stays. they would lose the black vote if they don't nominate kamala and they can't. she's horrible. wow. last one, miranda stays or goe s . >> i because thisy he's secret weapon is hunter biden at the white house now and he's pretty fearsomen unte interesting stays all around. all right. more of the special edition of "hannity" after the break. >> good morning. with the collapse. good, good, good morning. yeah. fried dough collects kiwifruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes, making your good morning. >> even better with all galactose. whether you are in your forties, fifties or sixties and beyond, i know you're seeing changes in the skin on your don't panic. it's never too late to transform yourself and your skin and creepers is here to do just that a creeper has been
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