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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 6, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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we went to thef statue of liberty, the intrepid freedo m tower, and allrm throughout new york city. that's them. colby normarksa judson, neiman and i'm so happy to have them here. and gos americ d, america, happy birthday. >> god bless america. that was your posse that whilee you didn't listen, we've got some really cool footage here of som e of some police canines,anines thme sheriff's canines playing catch with some hot dogs and enjoying. moreir 4th of july. check this out. some of them are more agile and have more coordination coori the others. >> but that's just an awesome video. all righs womat, quick. >> this woman just loved everyt employee's worst nightmare. she hop on a plane.. >> she called out sick. guess who was on the plane? her bosso wa. >> oh, leslie, i'm sorry. ♪> oh, that's. >> have a great weekend. oh ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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[the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] pete: welcome to "fox and friends" on saturday, july 6th, joey jones and lisa ruth in for me this weekend, good morning. lisa:couldn't let it go for the fourth of july spirit. joey:this is the holiday weekend. i feel bad i didn't wear red, white, and blue. maybe i'm dragging, i don't know. in a commercial break with my red tie, i am happy to be here.
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you've been working hard in the evenings this week. will: i had thursday off. it was an awesome fourth of july. we hit the sweet spot, the bull's-eye, fireworks and the appropriate amount of danger. i was surrounded by 13-year-old boys. had a fence about yea hi, it signified inside here, your own risk. i would say there was probably 70 people lighting fireworks which added to the danger. it was a big community country event and you don't know, is that my turn, a lot of timing involved, i know i'm talking to and eod but there is a lot of light is, run from the -- lisa: my older brother would set it off at 12 feet.
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will: fireworks are very different, like black cats. roman candles. a whole new level. joey: i use to launch bottled rockets, i'm not endorsing it, you shouldn't do that. >> president biden sitting down for his first interview since his debate. >> it would take a message from the lord. good morning, madeline. >> reporter: that's right. in an exclusive interview with abc news, george stephanopoulos, president biden indicates nothing but divine intervention could get him out of this race against donald trump. >> president biden: have convinced myself of two things. on the most qualified person. i know how to get things done.
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>> if you're convinced you cannot defeat donald trump will you stand down? >> president biden: it deepens on if the lord almighty comes out and tells me that. lisa: the president was asked whether he had the capacity to lead for four more years. >> going back to 2020, watch me. people are concerned about your age, 50 million americans watched the debate, it seems to confirm fears they already had. >> president biden: after that debate i did 10 major events in a row including until 2:00 in the morning after that debate. i did events in north carolina, in georgia. i did events like this today, large crowds, overwhelming response. no slipping, so i just had a bad night. i don't know why. >> reporter: he says donald
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trump was shot at which he says distracted him. the president rejected the need for an independent medical examination or cognitive test. >> have you had specific cognitive tests and a neurologist or specialist do an examination? >> no one said i had to. >> would you be worried to go an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the american people? >> president biden: i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have that test. lisa: registered voters preferred donald trump to president biden 32 to 49%. 60% believe president biden should be replaced but the president says he doesn't believe the polls. a statement that is making democratic lawmakers more wary. looking at ahead, the next big test is the nato summit in dc next week.
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will: it does feel in the wake of that interview with george stephanopoulos like it didn't go well for president biden measured by the response of his friends, his colleagues, his fellow party members. there is a snowballing happening when it comes to criticism of joe biden. joey: he is trying not to be egregious in lying about his physical ability that people are just turned away but also not admitting or bending into the fact that a lot of people are calling for him to get out of the race because of this. the evolution of excuse of why it was a bad light has gone from a cold to flying 2 weeks beforehand to hell he prepped for the debate all the way down to stephanopoulos to his credit continued on it, i just had a bad night. if it's just having a bad night and you saw that a dozen times
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in the month before, we have to presume those two nights were not great nights. joey: and lisa: he went to the waffle house with the cold, the excuses don't make sense and you watch this, does he still have a cold. how i felt watching it was every one in their life at some point had somebody taking the keys away which is our parents, haven't gotten to that point that way. a grandparent, you are dangerous to get out there and drive so what i saw from this, almost felt like we were witness to an intervention, george stephanopoulos being dad, you got to give us the keys on behalf of the democratic party, that's what is happening, the democrat party trying to wrestle away the cues to the car and he doesn't want to give them up. this is the position he's wanted his entire career and doesn't want to give them up.
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i mean it is happening. ask actio's rights east coast, his interview flops. politico in denial. biden charts course for dems, worst-case scenario. not just the opinion of youtube at the mainstream media and democratic officials, congress men and women. senator mark warner, senators might be asking him to call to step aside. hakeem jeffries, on and on, starting to snowball. joey: this reaction from ari fleischer said this interview is the worst of all worlds, he
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noted -- committed no real flubs, nothing to force himself out of the race but appears old, week, losing to trump. what he is saying is. all on the debate stage, he's way too old for the job.
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and not bad upper democrats can easily give him -- in washington he is convinced he is okay whether it is joe biden or hunter biden wanting the pardon wanting to come you the sentence, joe biden thinks he is okay. he's not caught up to where the rest of america is with 70% saying he's not up for it. he thinks he is. will: mark warner's coalition of senators, he was asked about that by george stephanopoulos. >> the washington post reported in the last hour that senator mark warner is assembling a group of senators to convince you to stand down because they don't think you can win. >> president biden: mark is a good man.
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mark and i have a different perspective. i respect him. >> what is he going to say? they are crazy not to get me? he needs their support between now and end of summer, we have a different perspective. the problem is that perspective is more than a little thing. it is whether he should be running for president. lisa: virginia is an incredibly important state. it' s an striking distance for donald trump. there's a concern for every senator and i don't believe he is up for reelection but nonetheless you have virginia an important state. a lot of democrats are concerned what this could mean not only at the top of the ticket with the presidential race but the down ballot affect as well.
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will: america's crime crisis pushed out of the other celebrity from california to tennessee. a current camera announced he's leaving california. it is too much under the guidance of gavin newsom. here's kirk cameron. >> i'm from california and our state desperately needs god's hand of mercy to be upon it. we just moved to the state of tennessee so we are tennesseans now. joey: you some buddy moving from california to tennessee, you think economy, money, the price of things is probably why and that's not what he says. he's a devout christian, he talks about that, that's a huge part of his life if not the definitive part of his life but what he's saying is i don't want to raise my family summerlike tennessee, not california. will: kirk cameron will join us
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at 9:20 a.m. eastern. lisa: they are chipping away at parental rights. if you're a parent there do you want your kid in that environment particularly public school? joey: my son goes to a public school but also charter school. it is small, it is well -- parents are invested. georgia has, depending on where you are, has school choice within the school district. if you live over here and the better school is over there you tell them i want to go there, might pay her tuition, one hundred something a year so georgia has a version of school choice, the voucher system is what we should have but the states the believe in freedom understand this issue, if you were here he would have a lot to say. talking about the states to move this on a little bit, we
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all want to retire. i retired a 24 from the marine corps, that's not a pension you can live on so i'm working today but if you want to retire there's a list of states where a one million-dollar retirement fund will run the longest or shortest so in that list, these are the top 5 shortest, hawaii not only 10 years, massachusetts at 11 years, almost well, the district of columbia 11, almost 12 years, california, almost 13 years, new york, 13, in 8 months, 14 years. those are your top five quickest. here are your top five longest. alabama makes the cut, 20 years, kansas the same, oklahoma the same, mississippi and west virginia more than 20 years, talking about this, we have texas, florida, georgia. rachel: not on that list.
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will: obviously it's the cost of living is what we are talking about. hawaii, you've got flights back-and-forth from the mainland, grocery and gasoline and every cost of living over there so it makes it less then half the amount of time you can retire living in georgia. thinking about how long do i want to be retired, i don't know what that number is. joey: what part of your life -- will: the time that i'm done working in the living, how long is the right amount of time? >> when you become middle-age you obsess over your mortality. at 38 it has hit me, the next 5 years i'm going to worry about my mortality and then accepted and be okay. will: someone more than 5 years
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older than you that's not how it's going to go. joey: you want to get to a point with that you don't have to work, you're doing it because you still enjoy it or it keeps you mentally sharper gives you purpose in life, but you would like to reach a point where i don't have to do this, there's less pressure on it but if you live in the some of those states, it makes it more difficult. joey: the things i want to do cost money. you want to travel, you need to buy some your, the nicest thing to go to montana. will: police identifying three people killed after suspected drunk driver plowed into nine people in a fourth of july party new york city. a mom and her son and another woman died. the suspect ran through a stop
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sign on the sidewalk into a park. he faces assault, vehicular homicide and other charges, the suspect has a long criminal record including a february assault charge for an attack on his addiction counseling instructor. brad schneider says his washington office was vandalized on independence day. it took social media saying the capital office was vandalized yesterday. the posters of more than 100 people held hostage in gaza including 8 americans were tossed across the hallway. also revealing 50 masked demonstrators rallied outside his house in illinois last weekend. and emu is back with its owner this morning after escaping his farm in pennsylvania on independence day.
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the animal broke through a 7 foot fence and was wandering around the neighborhood since thursday but late last night police found him in the woods a mile away from where he escaped. the bird was limping and will be checked out by a veterinarian and those are your headlines. neil: just what you are doubly sure texas guy, those rio grandes, they are huge. we want i wasn't thinking rio grande turkey but people having their coffee, what is that is that an ostrich? what is that? lisa: you might think it is liberty mutual. >> biomass make or break interview ripped apart by the new york times painting him as an elderly pay it parents. joe conger has a breakdown of the rare interview.
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>> new prime minister in the uk. >> what these results mean for republicans here at home. can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add a base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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will: here is the new prime minister dealing a blow to the right wing party that has been there for 13 years. here to help us understand what this could mean for republicans here in the states, great to see you this morning. we watched a few weeks ago france, germany, italy move right and a lot of there -- eu and parliamentary elections, the uk going in the opposite direction. what's going on in england that's not taking place in the rest of the world? >> many thanks for having me on the show from london. if we look at what's happening in the uk it's very different than most of europe where many european countries are moving to the right but in the uk they
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have a new left-wing government headed by keir starmer. this is a socialist government in power for the first time in 14 years. the key difference in the uk is you had conservatives in power for such a long time many voters want a change but i think the defeat was the fact that the conservative party abandoned many voters by moving towards the center ground and allowing mass migration, conservatives raised taxes, pursued a net 0 green agenda, all of these very unpopular with conservative voters many of whom stayed at home or switched to reform which is a new party on the right headed by nigel farage so you have the votes split between the conservative party, this allowed the socialists to take
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power. the lesson for conservatives in the united states, if you abandon conservative principles your voters will abandon you. will: i don't want to superimpose this too heavily on what is happening in america but if i look at the you can't what happened to the rest of the continent, it seems that immigration is being overriding voting issue. voters don't like what's going on and the left is in charge they will punish the left. in denmark the left actually adopted some policies, restriction us policies when it came to immigration and reaped the benefit. in the conservative party if you are not enforcing control you are punished. whoever is addressing the on the street voters concerns
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about mass migration reaps the benefit in politics. >> that is right. that is the number one issue across the atlantic and we are seeing impact at the polls in france, germany, the netherlands, austria, belgium, the entire continent. in the uk, 14 years allowed mass migration and did nothing to stop it, voters blame you for it. ironically, the socialists who are now in power will be far far worse and they have pledged to end deportation of illegal migrants. i think it's an open borders party similar to biden's democrats in the united states. we see the disastrous course, the biden record, for 10
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million illegal migrants crossing the border. i expect the uk will face a huge new influx of illegal migrants as a result of socialists taking power. will: if you and i are correct we should anticipate this to be a major issue in november in america as well. will the left be punished for their policies when it comes to legal and illegal immigration. thanks for filling us in on what is happening in the uk. fox weather other, texas bracing for tropical storm beryl. what you need to know. majority of middle class americans as prices continue to rise. we are challenging -- navigating these challenging times next. ♪
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will: texas is bracing for tropical storm beryl to hit as a hurricane on monday. storm watches as it passes the southern gulf of mexico. he hit as a category 2 hurricane yesterday. no one was hurt or killed. let's turn to rick reichmuth. >> reporter: it became a category 5 in the caribbean, impacted jamaica. than the yucatán. now back towards the gulf of mexico. hurricane watches in coastal part of texas looking for big impacts, some will start sunday night, threat of tornadoes as the storm gets closer, talking some sort of landfall, storm surge. look at the satellite imagery.
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very disruptive storm. you want to see that, it moves across yucatán, the landmass disrupting it and we have drier air that will have some impact and probably keep this from intensifying rapidly. the official forecast gets us to a category one, 80 mile an hour hurricane somewhere off the texas coast. it could pass that but this track here we are seeing this right-hand turn. maybe it hugs the coastline. hard to say where it comes to shore but some storm surge for 5 feet along the texas coast. if you are anywhere in the yellow, get your preps ready. you have another day tomorrow. do expect to see big impacts here especially flooding rain, 5 to 10 inches when this is done. will: a new survey finds 2
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thirds of middle income americans falling behind financially blaming high inflation, housing. the same survey showing a majority of americans opting to cook at home instead of heat out. one third of families can't contribute to their savings. university of san diego professor joins us now. thank you for joining us. >> how are you doing? joey: i would be better if this wasn't what we were talking about. the majority of the family are middle-class americans and they are struggling. the first thing i want to talk about. we can bring in numbers. does the mentality, how people feel about their finances matter as much as the numbers? >> it is huge for people's pocketbooks, for the political
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system. without burying ourselves in numbers, three years of inflation above the target of 2%. the kitchen table recession. we have decent jobs which we could find a new job if we had to but we need a second mortgage to take our kids to dairy queen because things are so expensive. joey: we talked 3% inflation, not a big deal but when you break it down to things that we purchase or need, things we have to have, groceries are up 25%. i don't even know where the housing market is. how do those things factor in, the president can say inflation is down but housing is unaffordable, doesn't matter. >> absolutely right and that's the problem for the administration.
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you and our, when you stop at the grocery store to pick up some items, 25% more than it was a couple years back. you will notice that. he will also you will also notice a lot of young people in this country can't afford to buy a home, double-headed monster of record high home prices and interest rates and that puts the american dream further out for a lot of folks. joey: should be available 20 american willing to work hard. this is such an old saying, kids in high school don't know how to balance a checkbook, they don't understand interest on a credit card but it is true. many states, less than half
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don't teach financial literacy. california passed a piece of legislation that looks like governor newsom will sign that puts literacy education into the high school. then i worry are the politics of california going to teach kids the wrong thing? what is your perspective? >> what is unusual about our politics in california? you are right to be skeptical. 57% of adults can't pass the basic financial exam. i've got four kids. my thing is i don't teach them, who is going to teach them? they are not going to learn. a lot of parents are major shipwrecks. it is tough for them to teach. you and i have an obligation,
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equipped and with good knowledge about the three basics. budgeting, saving and credit. joey: maybe parents should join the kids in these classes. thank you for joining us. all right. biden is making more excuses for his disastrous debate performance as he tries to salvage his campaign. >> president biden: i was exhausted. i didn't listen to my instincts. joey: joe concha reacts to the make or break interview. the kio turbo-hybrid... ...we recreated some of the wettest springs, hottest summers, windiest falls, and coldest winters. all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs
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get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ >> president biden: have convinced myself of 2 things. i'm the most caliphate person to beat him. i know how to get things done. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump will you stand down? >> president biden: if the lord almighty tells me that i might do that. will: it will take nothing less than a message from god in an exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos. lisa: he seems like an adult son guiding an elderly parent or a conclusion it may be difficult and painful to accept.
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joey: imagine you watched the interview, what are your thoughts? >> if you big take aways from this interview. none of them are good take aways. this refusal of the president to take on neurological test when asked on several occasions if he would. a majority of democratic voters now want him to drop out of the race. 's records of the country overall say the same thing and that is a cnn survey. take the test because otherwise you look like you are in denial about we all witnessed on the debate stage in atlanta last week. biden's refusal to accept basic reality, approval ratings at 36%, he denies the number is real and as it stands now he would lose to donald trump who leads in every swing state even new hampshire, mexico and virginia and biden says the
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polls he sees says otherwise. this man came across as stubborn, defiant and detached from reality. years of the almighty himself or jill biden who financers herself in the same manner given she wants her husband to stay in the race knowing what she knows, that's the only two people, one is a god, what is a person that can get biden out of this race. joey: will the interview move the needle? >> no, perhaps even in the wrong direction because there's a consistent theme we've seen from joe biden not just as president or president will candidate but going back to his days in law school, the lies he told last night including the whopper that trump was yelling at him the entire night when trump's mike was turned down and that was distracting him. the fact that stephanopoulos didn't push back on it was incredible. he said he was the guy who shut down vladimir putin. he is not shutdown.
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he said trump recommended during the pandemic, he created 50 million jobs, the most of any president in history, most of the jobs were restored that were lost in the pandemic so ask yourself this. why does president biden need another 6 days to press for the press conference he's going to hold next thursday, the first that he has helped this year of the solo variety, why does he need a days prep, why was he so slow to do this interview after 8 days of news cycle that completely swept this president away and his chances of winning. too old, not noble enough for the job. the election is held today trump wins quite easily. will: either this will push them out of the race or reconfirm for democrats relax, everything is going to be fine. ari fleischer was interesting when he said he might have hit
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the imperfect sweet spot. put democrats in the most difficult position. he wasn't bad enough to push himself out but wasn't good enough to calm the waters. >> reporter: if he was debate joe that we side atlanta that would have been the end. he wasn't quite that but at the same time the fact that he denied all the things that were being presented to him as if he was hearing that information for the first time, and the fact that the one impression you get most from that interview and that speech in madison, wisconsin is he isn't going anywhere and he is the only one who can decide that, nobody is going to invoke the 25th amendment and remove them that way. some democrats want him to stay. others like mark warner, the senator is not a loose cannon by any means is trying to draft the letter and other senators to have them step aside. it is a party that is incomplete disarray and the
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convention in chicago is six weeks away. if this isn't resolved before then they are stuck with president biden and we've seen what the numbers look like and he has a record he has to defend, if you take away the mental stuff, inflation is too high, crime out of control and immigration is the top of mind issue from a national security perspective. if he said is himself the record is still the record and trump is on the right side of those things. neil: we love seeing you, thank you. turning out to your headlines. the family of an american teenager who got out caribbean princess cruise ship alone claims he was lured away by a stranger with jaden brown was last seen leaving the ship alone an independence day a german port two hours from berlin. after getting into an argument with his grandmother. cruz officials are working with
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german law enforcement to try to find him. around 70 people were caught on camera ransacking a gas station in oakland, california yesterday morning. according to the owner two employees work threatened to during the robbery. the suspects cost one hundred thousand dollars of damage, police are investigating but so far no arrests have been made. those are your headlines. will: a new study has even harvard researchers admitting electric vehicles are less reliable than gas powered cars. one in five charging stations don't even work. joey: our next guest says this could be the end of the failed electric experiment. stick around. your yard looking lush. and which paint color matches your bold style. so hurry in for fourth of july deals at lowe's. you got this. and we got you.
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that.
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adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit
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joey: lisa: one in five electric vehicle chargers in the united states don't work, ev sales are down 15%. what does this mean for biden's green energy put in the future of evs in america? the founder of the american
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energy institute, jason isaac. one in 5, that is substantial. why are we seeing this push toward electric vehicles? >> controlling every aspect of our lives. as we cellophane our nation's independence, one thing we would like to do is move around our country and people are finding out electric vehicles are more expensive to own and maintenance costs, the values are dropping ten times faster than gasoline and diesel powered cars. imagine going to fill up your car in the station not working? that's the case, 20% of ev chargers are not operational, numbers are worse in california where there are the most electric vehicle owners, nearly 25% of their stations aren't operational so people can't charge and sales are declining.
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people but these as our fancy gadgets and they are not going back by and large. lisa: why are they so unreliable? >> the electrical infrastructure is one thing, the demand for copper is a reason for problems with charging stations. they are taking out wires and stripping them for their assets and selling them to make money. that's partly driven by the mandates from governments like california and the federal government. copper is through the roof so thieves are, especially california, dealing with cables and wires but they don't work like gasoline and diesel stations do. joey: lisa: are be equipped to handle this? >> this country is not building new reliable affordable generation from natural gas,
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coal, nuclear. that's the biggest concern. look at places like california where they tell you in the evening don't charge her electric vehicle because the wind is not blowing and the sun isn't shining so they don't have electricity so you can't charge your car. people are being locked into their homes like the covid lockdowns. that is why consumers are going back to gas and diesel vehicles. lisa: thanks for joining us, still had, passed the torch, that's the message one rally goer is giving biden. the president's response next. stay with us. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog,
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the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do.
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when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare—ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars
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