tv Fox News Live FOX News July 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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him from seeking second term in the white house telling abc news his mental sharpness is tested every day and new calls from concern democrats calling on biden to step aside. welcome to fox news live i'm griff jenkins hey anna one more hour here we go. anita: i'm anita vogel meeting with campaign co-chairs to discuss what they call their shared commitment to winning lucas tomlinson is following the president's movement in wilmington he joins us live with more on the move today in delaware. lucas, what is it? reporter: well anita news is that five house call democrats calling on him to drop out of the race and before the abc news interview president biden was defiant and said he's not going anywhere. >> i'm staying in the race. [cheering] i'll beat donald trump. i will beat him again in 20 --
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by the way, we're going to do it again 2024. i learned long ago, when you get knocked down, you get back up. [cheering] and i'm not letting one, 09 minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. >> now later in his abc news interview president biden mentioned one thing that would make him drop out of the race. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> well depends if i'm what the lord all mighty says i might do that. >> when george stephanopoulos presented polling information behind swing states president biden insisted he was getting different information from his staff. >> do you really believe you're
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not behind right now? >> i think it is all pollsters tell me it is a tossup. it is a tossup. and am i behind? there's one poll i'm really far behind cbs poll, and nbc excuse me -- >> biden also claim that interview that each quote shut putin down on europe on high alert not doing small part to vladimir putin and sabotage concerns across the continent. anita: lucas tomlinson live in delaware. griff. griff: we have a brand new call from another sitting house democrat this one in a battle growngsd state calling for president biden to step aside as democratic house leadership is set to meet virtually tomorrow madeleine rivera live here in the capitol on these growing calls for biden to drop out. hey, madeleine. reporter: good evening griff for a lot of democrats when they saw from the president last night was exactly the opposite of what they wanted to see from him and
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now some of them are planning to ramp up the pressure to get the president to step aside. minnesota congresswoman angie craig is now the fifth house democratic lawmaker to call for the president to pass the torch. in a statement she says in part, this is not a decision i come to lightly but there is simply too much at stake to risk a second donald trump presidency, that's why i respectfully call on president biden to step aside. craig is in one of the most competitive house races this fall when democrats are hoping to take back a lower chamber. california congressman brad sherman was less critical of the president but he does suggest that president needs to do more. sherman saying on x, we need an extended rather live interview that focuses on where biden plans to lead us over the next four years if fox is told there are multiple letters circulating among house democrats urging the president to drop out. at issue that is lookly to come up when house minority leader hakim jeffries meets with top committee members tomorrow and
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to be clear president biden says he has no intention of leaving if he does one democratic lawmaker pushed for president to exit the race indicates he won't immediately throw his support behind vice president kamala harris. >> all i can say is that it is the vice president would like to be part of that conversation that's great. there's a bunch of other people that we all have been talking about, you know, five or ten, 15 other people, again, i'm just prodemocracy pro-choice, procompetition. >> on the senate side democratic house senator rather democrat senator mark warner reporteddedly trying to gather group of senate democrats to convince president to drop out, griff. back to you. griff: that will be something we'll be watching madeleine rivera live on capitol hill, madeleine thank you. anita. anita: for more on this we're joined now by democratic congressman from california. and member of the house foreign affairs and intelligence committees, ami bharara. congressman thank you so much for joining us today. i want to ask you, you know,
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straight away your reaction to the interview yesterday should americans feel more reassured about president biden after watching that? >> anita thanks for having me on. you know, one that was a tough debate a little over a week ago. i'm glad that president did that interview. i'm glad that he's out there campaigning and so forth but my advice he needs to meet with us in the house democratic caucus. meet with the senators when we get back next week and you know, it is going to be tough to win this election. unless he's got the full support of the electives. anita: speaking of, you know, tough to win the election, i want to listen to the part of the interview where the president is asked about his chances of winning if he stays in the race this is from the exclusive interview with abc george stephanopoulos, let's listen. >> if you stay in and trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i feel as long as i gave it my all, and i did the goodest
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job -- >> okay. so your thoughtings on that, is that going to satisfy people? if trump wins the election and joe biden says well i gave it my all. i did my best is that enough? >> no. this is about winning. and you know, again, i would just objectively look at poll numbers look at the swing states. this was always going to be a very competitive race. we forget that 2020, was less than 100,000 votes over a handful of states. so this is going to be a real close election regardless of who our nominee is if it is president biden or someone else. again, this is about winning so we should put our best candidate forward. anita: speaking of putting the best candidate forward, you know, we heard in m.a.d.d. madeleine rivera's report that brad was doing a lot of tweeting yesterday one of the tweets he put out is what can happen at the convention if biden stays in the race counter to popular belief, rules of the democratic party do not require that
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pledged delegates vote for biden at the convention. party rules require delegates votes reflect the sentimentses of those who elected them at the time that delegates cast their ballots. what do you make of that? because that certainly could become a question if biden continues digging in. >> yeah. i don't think that's a good idea that's a gift to donald trump and his campaign. i think we ought to have a serious conversation amongst elected members of the house, the senate, the president -- now, the president may be the best person that we put forward. this is not about his ability to govern. he's been a great president, you know he's governing every day with everything that's going on in the world. it's about who can go out there and win this election. anita: we know there's a virtual meeting taking place tomorrow. convened by minority leader hakim jeffries he's going to be talking with ranking democrats, on the hill. what do you know about that
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meeting and what's -- what are they going to be talking about exactly are they going to be talking about this tweet? >> you know, i think they're going to be talking about a lot of things, obviously, we have to rally together as a party if president biden is our nominee then we have to do what we can to win that election. again, i would just be called octave look at the poll numbers look at the swing state, and then make the best decision possible again i think it is going to be a serious conversation. my advice to the president and his team would be come up to the hill or have us come over to the white house next week. and let's just have an honest conversation. that's the best way for him to reassure members of congress. anita: yes congressman but part of that honest conversation is growing number of colleagues calling for president to step down. you know, at some point that -- that is the conversation. what do you think about the people who have stepped forward so far and do you expect more in
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the coming days? >> you know, i would be cautious that if the white house -- if the administration if the president doesn't have that conversation with members of congress, with members of the senate that you probably will see a number of folks starting to come out. i think that is a little bit of the frustration folks aren't necessarily rank and file members aren't hearing from the white house on a regular basis. you know, that debate was concerning to a lot of people. anita: all right. well i guess the debate will definitely continue on monday when lawmakers are back on capitol hill. this is going to be -- the topic of the discussion. so we will be watching it. we thank you for coming on today congressman ami bhara. >> thanks anita. be well. >> thank you, griff. griff: all right anita let's bring in today political panel with us a founder president of moda knock treasuries and democratic congressman julianne epstein thanks for being here.
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julian you 16 months ago i remember your wall street journal article one of the first to get out there and you wrote a piece saying that biden shouldn't run and policies were wrong. what is it like for you now sitting here 16 months later seeing what's happening which is a very best is turning into quite a disaster for at least house democrats? >> it makings the point that debate and diversity of view makes you smart group think makes you stupid and there was a gross group thing voters of the betemporarily to engage in the debate and to just follow along like a bunch of sheep with the group think. and you know now this is just horrible situation we're in the denialism of biden is scary. it makes you think if he's at this disconnected how does he deal with an attack from northern israel. the cravenness of the inner circle in the family who always talks about the noble goals that
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they have. i mean, this is border line narcissism the fact they're trying to stay into power when cling on to power when they know that man at the top doesn't have the capability to do the job. that the betemporarily -- betrayal there's a fiduciary responsibility and what the party lead verse done for 16 monthses is a refuse to engage and effectively lied to the voters about this. and that's a betrayal that's a betrayal of their duty. lastly, it's the news media to really seriously examine this issue. news media's roll is a check on power to check the powerful through independent investigation, rigorous work and this news media now for the most part has put its thumb on the scale of one the parties that it likes and completely responsibility to do the proper investigation on something that sing the most important issue in the country which is does the
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man at the top have the competency to run the country? griff: you're seeing to that point jesse -- there's just opinion page after opinion page now calling for biden to step down. i've thought it was fascinating looking at the "new york times" opinion columnist christoph frieze man after the debate were moved to call for him to step aside. but ept to -- i want to show you for the trump team how should they interpret what is happening? here you've got leader jeffries calling this a immediate meeting apparently possibly senator mark warner convening a meeting but "new york times" poll "new york times" jana poll 49, 41 i believe is the number here. yeah. 8-point difference there. is the trump team worried that it is going too well? that their opponent is having too much intraparty problems? >> campaigns are long and
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arduous and good moments you cherish them. right now you're seeing the trump campaign wisely not throwing their droning opponent a life vest. so the debate performance was a bell that can't be unrung for millions of americans who have questions about biden's cognitive ability to do the most important job in america. in these are concerns that existed prior to the debate. you have the cbs poll that came out that showed 65.of voters prior to the debate thought biden was too old to do the job. after the debate, 2% of voters think biden is too old to do the job. and that's a huge concern if you're the biden campaign because that debate was really supposed to be a reset for you. it was supposed to change the race and there's the growing concern that we're talking about democrats you know bailing on his campaign but i also thought intriguing you have a staunch defender supporter of his tammy baldwin decided not to attend that event with biden and then dodge questions about him remaining as the nominee when she was asked later in the day. they don't want to have to
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acknowledge that they're -- they vouched for his competence now they look complicit in the entire endeavor. >> napoleon said you never get in the way of opponent when they're getting ready to commit suicide and nick christoph and who i read regularly and like, it is not enough to come in at the end of the day when everything is so obvious and to say oh he shouldn't run. i mean, that doesn't show any courage that's more of a covering your butt -- and where were the news media? you know you asked me about the piece i wrote in in "the wall street journal" in march of 2023 and plainly obvious that biden had questions about mental fitness where were they doing that and when were they doing that honest investigative work that independence of being independent from both parties to tell the american people what they needed to know? they weren't there. they advocated the responsibility again, and there needs to be a reckoning. i think there needs to be a reck
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wng the news media and with the leadership. griff: do you think reckoning will come i asked congressman democrat from california in the last hour, should president biden stand for a prime time hour two hour long news conference with the white house press corps.? >> that is -- that is the ultimate question. if the president and the white house really believes he's competent to run the country then there's a simple test. have a prime time press conference, if he can answer the questions and get through it that's one thing if he can't then the -- the question is answered. fact that the white house won't do that, and refuses to do that has refused to do that for so long tell use everything you need to know here. shameful. >> you wonder who is making the decision and i want to play before you run out of the time jesse and julian watch the stephanopoulos exclusive interview and then i watched the after the interview part, and one sound bite from martha caught my eye. watch this.
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>> very tight circle administration officials i have spoken to said that very tight inner circle is telling them he can win that he needs to keep going. this, of course, includes his wife jill who they said is lashing out at those who want hill to get out of the race. >> julian spoke, the bubble do you think it is jill biden driving this? >> family has intervened that includes hunter biden all of the baggage that comes with him that's going to be a very important development to continue to monitor. look he's digging in he was defiant in that interview last night and he doesn't want to go anywhere. but i do think you heard how he reacted when it was brought up that mark warner was considering, you know, getting together group of senators to ask for him to step aside. and he, you know, took at that -- >> he did let me give you last 15 seconds. >> this should be a teachable moment if you're in the bubble
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listen to debate listen to different points of view. the fact this actually believe this is delusion he can when i know registered votessers are showing him ten points behind it shows how stupid you are when you exist inside a bubble. >> have a great saturday great discussion we'll see where it goes. anita. anita: okay great discussion there griff. moving on now, the florida judge in donald trump's classified documents case has granted the trump team's request for more briefings on the supreme court immunity ruling ordering a partial stay in a move that will pause several upcoming deadlines in the case. trump's team had urged the court to pause the florida case while the presidential immunity issue is resolved. griff: still ahead this hour how americans respond when asked if they're proud of their country. the answers may shock you. and we're tracking beryl on a collision course with texas, that's coming up next. e ♪ ♪ ♪
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still likely this restrengthens becomes a hurricane again. before it ultimately makes that landfall winds currently 0 miles per hour it is moving to the west northwest at 12 more than a it is running over warm water that's going to help the storm fuel. now there's still some indecision about it this is cone of uncertainty so track within this cone. if you're on left side of the cone you're talking about hitting land fall a little bit earlier. if you're on the right side of the koab cone you're overt water longer and that will make a big difference but in general we're getting an idea here at least in the forecast. 85 miles an hour winds that's a category 1 hurricane starting to approach landfall before ultimately this storm then lifts across the united states, obviously, weakening but still bringing damaging weather to a whole lot of the folks now the water temperatures and the longer over the water to heat up the storm to fuel the storm and that's where that storm gets a little bit bigger be it takes more path along the right, you can be seeing this up to a category 2 hurricane on the left probably closer to a tropical
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storm. so there's still a little bit of wiggle room here as a result we see several different advisories now we know there's going to be a tropical storm that's why it is a tropical storm warning everything here further to the south but then everything here in the orange is a hurricane watch. just let you know that we may have a hurricane i'm actually on the side that it probably will become at least a category 1 hurricane. that means it is gepg to bring a lot of storm surge and bring a whole lot of rain anita maybe some areas getting up 10 to 15 inches but widespread there you're looking at a good 5 to 8 inches of rain and flooding could be a major concern certainly one to pay attention into into the weekend into monday morning. anita: the possibility you said of a category 2 what is no joke i home people are getting ready heeding your advice adam klotz thank you so much for that. griff: tragic news nfl rookie chose incline this year draft dead at 24 and vikings fourth round pick kyrie jackson died overnight in maryland when the car he was riding in was hit
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forced off the road by another vehicle. the driver in another passenger in that same car were also killed. investigators say alcohol may have played a role in the crash. anita. ♪ ♪ anita: well no bail for a new york city substance abuse counselor accused driving drunk into a fourth of july barbecue killing three people and injuring several others including an 11-year-old boy. c.b. cotton live in new york with more on this heartbreaking, tragic story. cb. reporter: hi anita heartbreaking indeed well daniel hydeen had a book sober addict according to sources and now could face up to 25 years in prison or more on the criminal charges against him in this deadly fourth of july crash. a crash that left nearly a dozen people either injured or killed. so daniel hydeen he held his head low in court this morning
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with signs of the crash still fresh on his face. you can see right here, that bloodied and bruised eye, he's also got a swollen lip. now just before 9 p.m. local time on the fourth of july, hydeen blew his ford f1 50 through a stop sign jumping sidewalk and plowing the truck into a crowded city park. these grim details are according to officers who say they watched the deadly killing on surveillance video. three adults died and eight others as you said to include an 11-year-old boy were injured several of the victims remain hospitalized as of this morning according to investigators. witnesses said families were just out enjoying the summer holiday when chaos and horror up ended the fun. >> we always barbecue there that's where it is permitted for us to barbecue as he kept going, we all screaming for him to stop. reporter: hydeen has a rap sheet includes case another case in new york city from february of
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this year. law enforcement sources tell me he was arrested for assault and harassment after punching someone at a counseling school and court records show he pleaded guilty to a dui charge in wisconsin nearly ten years ago. new york post reports it is now learned from sources that hydeen was refused entry at a downtown bar before the fourth of july crash for being too drunk. anita. anita: that is just a terrible story. cb cotton thank you so much with that live report. griff. griff: out west dozens of people ransacked an oakland gas station in minimart on friday in a flash mob robbery causing tens of thousands of damage. christina coleman live in our west coast newsroom with the very latest hey christina we see this far too often. reporter: we do griff dozens of thieves ransacked oakland gas station during a flash mob robbery causing at least 100,000
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dollars in damages. that's what the own or estimates after seeing his business ripped apart. surveillance video shows a massive crowd robbed the 76 gas station neither oakland airport early friday morning store owner say this is robbery went on for nearly 40 minutes, i mean, take a look at that. those guys are taking their sweet time. the store owner walked us through the aftermath. take a listen. >> this window was just replaced you can see the shattered glass right here. this is the way they entered. they stole everything and that wasn't enough for them they took all of the shelves dropped them out of the floor, broke everything. reporter: two employees were working at the store during all of the chaos fortunately they were not hurt. the store owner says it was a lot of work opening up this business and he's worried about his store getting hit again. >> sweat and tears 7 days week -- you know, working hard just to make a living, you know? and then in a blink of an eye
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like that just everything is gone. you know, it is not fair for anybody. reporter: now, some california lawmakers are reportedly frustrated with california governor gavin newsom leaving this state this week to campaign for president joe biden. while they stay here and try to figure out what to do about this ongoing crime. on tuesday, newsom and some of the state top democrats scrapped a last minute push to get a crime fighting measure on the ballot in november. and a statement the governor said they were unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary attempts to ensure that measure success. meantime smash-and-grabs continue to be a big problem here in california. and so far no word on any arrests from friday's flash mob robbery at that oakland gas station. griff. griff: that video is unbelievable. christina coleman live for us on west coast newsroom christina thank you. anita. anita: well coming up we will speak with brand new u.s. citizens just naturalized this week on what's becoming an
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(♪) griff: record amount of migrants crossing into the u.s. has led to explosion in the number of immigrant children who can't be accounted by the government will lam has the information. >> u.s. has lost track of 1500 migrant children. >> we can find isis in the caves of north pakistan and afghanistan but we can't find 1500 kids. >> 1500 children with just gone. >> that number of may have reached a 4,000 by time trump left office now three years later. >> if anything things have gotten worse under biden a administration. >> 1800 can't be deported most spent weeks in government shelters before they're handed over relatives or sponsors.
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case managers are supposed to follow-up but according to government data obtained by "new york times" more than a third of the migrant kids released into the u.s. can't be reached. >> the truth is that the biden administration doesn't know what has happened to those 85,000 children. is that correct? >> the fact that a telephone was not picked up a telephone call was not picked up does not mean that that child did not have post release services. >> dhs estimates biden administration lost contact with twice as many children as trump. what percentage of those children's whereabouts can you tell me with any degree of certainty? >> it is not accurate to say we have lost -- that we have lost them. >> number of children who have been lost probably is somewhere in the 120,000 range. >> our author a former immigration judge. >> we're talking about a population of unaccompany alien children if they were in the same school district it would be fifth largest school district in
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the united states. >> most unaccompany minors cross border alone because their parents are already here or on their way. and it is highly unlikely either parent or child will be deported. in los angeles, william la jeunesse fox news. >> we have a special story now, about some extraordinary children who have ceased on the american dream. a teen from virginia recently competed in the world's largest student rocket building competition. sponsored by the defense department nasa and the faa. this particular group of students belonged to families who have immigrated to america from afghanistan, azerbaijan and turkey and chief correspondent jennifer griffin has their story. reporter: an hour outside the nation's capitol, teams of middle school students reached for the stars. competing in the american rocketry challenge their mission along with the top 100 finalist
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assembled from across the nation to launch a rocket carrying an egg high into the air and for the egg to survive. >> three, two, one -- >> what makes this team from france middle school in alexander, virginia different it is not yet american citizens children who fled their homes in afghanistan and ukraine. 12-year-old artim came to the u.s. after russia invaded two years ago now while country men used drone and rockets to stave off russian military -- artim is designing rockets outside washington, d.c. >> we need to put the motor in, motor didn't fit so we need to make the space bigger and what i was doing -- >> 13-year-old ferhan fled afghanistan when the taliban took control now he's focused on
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physics. >> we did pretty good and happy we made it here and proud of us and my team has accomplished a lot. for his father worked for u.s. government as kabul fell he scrambled to the airport with his family. a two-day long journey in the scorching heat repeatedly beaten by the taliban. when they reached abby gait a u.s. marine on the perimeter recognized for his his father and ushered his family to the airport and made it to safety on a u.s. military plane. now, he say he wants to grow up to be a pilot. >> country has been taken over, and it wasn't, it wasn't safe anymore. >> yostra fled with her family in august of 2021 now she's studying and building rockets. she wants to be a lawyer when she grows up. and work for the u.s. government. >> it feels like i'm free i wouldn't be able to even speak
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english, not even go to school -- so like it feels nice to like i feel proud. >> babar arrived three years ago from afghanistan his father worked as an interpreter for the u.s. military. >> thankful because i'm independent i have a lot of opportunities to do here and programs like right now rocket -- >> on hand to observe student success was nasa astronaut woody who represent his pittsburgh high school at the same competition in 2003. >> i'm really passionate about students able to get their hands dirty and build things, experiment, may be fail once in a while find out that flights don't go perfectly an successful launch team rocket landed in a bush on decent. students anxiously waited to see if their eggs survived. it did. team made up of afghan and ukrainian immigrant students from francehamen middle school came in 50th place.
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technically they didn't win the competition, but for all of them just getting to america means they've already won. at the pentagon jennifer griffin. fox news. anita: thank you jennifer courageous inspiring kids there griff. griff: indeed now dozens of new americans are welcomed as social citizens during a naturalization ceremony on the battleship new jersey on july 4th. you're looking at that image right here and this was just one of many similar ceremonies happening across the country this week. we're pleased to have joining us now, newly naturalized u.s. citizens emma ramos and recruit yoho kim congratulations to you it is quite a special moment and couldn't be a better time to talk about this. emma let's start with you. how did you feel when you were sworn in as a naturalized citizen? >> very special. i feel like you guys have emma
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roberts and you guys have emma stone and now you can claim emma ramos. [laughter] griff: well said what's your thoughts? >> coming to america on fourth of july was the best experience of my life. and i'm very grateful to finally call this great nation my home. >> wow. hey, guys -- newly american citizens it is angt anita vogel here i want to you both you're both so accomplished emma you're an accomplished actress you're a writer for nickelodeon and youngho studying to be a doctor you both have so, so impressive. i want to ask you when you think about now you're american citizens, in the united states, i want to put up a graphic showing how people feel about our country. you know, and whether they think that this is a great country. there you go. you know back in 2011, 84% of
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people thought this was best country in the world to live now we're back up inching back up to 69%. what do you think when you see these numbers? youngho let me go to you first? >> there's no question in my mind there's no doubt that united states is the greatest country in the world, and the opportunities that this country has provided for me and will continue to provide for me to become a doctor and continue saving lives in the medical field, i'm very grateful, and i agree that the percentage should i feel like the percentage should be way higher. [laughter] anita: i do too. i agree with you there. emma let me ask you you've chosen one of the most competitive fields to work in. but you are a thriving actress and writer in hollywood. what are your thought when is you see these numbers? >> sad. understanding -- but i also lean on the fact my
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chosen family is now in new york so those numbers go up and down. and the reality is my personal connections are here and are in mexico. so today i'm here. and today i have citizenship, and that means that i will vote. and i will go to jury duty i can audition for jury duty become a house of representative because i'm a actor hey. but it is a very -- a huge responsibility. >> yeah. >> it is indeed emma and youngho i think it is a fascinating contrast here you both are, the next group of the most recent american citizens that will contribute greatly in your own right to the fabric of this nation and what makes it the best on the planet. but yet on the same day, on the fourth you're being sworn in. a group of protesters burning an american flag in new york city. just literally old glory there, burned to shreds i'll start with you youngho what do you say to
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those protesters? >> it is very sad to see the -- our national flag being burned at the i'm currently at the boot camp we salute the flag every single day. with pride, proud, and respect and honor. and it's very sad to see. griff: emma your reaction? >> i'm an artist i'm here for freedom of speech. therefore, i have no comment. >> yeah. >> okay. >> well we'll take that answer. we want to congratulate you guys again -- on becoming u.s. citizens and on the third and fourth of july couldn't have picked a better time congratulations to you both best wishes. >> thanks for taking time and just last ten seconds i want to ask each of you quickly your comment what's your reaction to the thousands of illegally come across the border every day and don't go the right way about
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that that you did, youngho. >> my family -- my country of origin is from south korea. we migrated to the country back in 2014. we went through the immigration process for ten years, and it was arduous and hard but we still did it the right way and i believe that -- and that's the right way to do it you have to be patient. i know this country has a lot of opportunities to offer. so people want to come -- but you have to do it the right way. griff: the right way and the last ten seconds i got maim. >> grateful for the privilege i had that i came here as a student and then i had an artist visa and then a green card and then i have a citizenship also developing a show about my connection from mexico to new york. and all of the ways i've been kidnapped. >> good luck with that we shall be looking forward to it emma youngho thank you very much.
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griff: electorate in the suk more divided than it may appear disiect labor party landslide victory that led to gnaw prime minister we're also watching the elections in france. stephanie bennett tracking all of that from london, hey, steph. >> it was a massive victory for left leaning keir and holding his first press conference. take a listen. >> we're a labor party and yesterday we started work of changing the country. >> starmer country 58th prime minister and elections move quickly here in the u.k. just as moved owl within the same hour starmer was meeting with king charles to officially form new government. hey spent the rest of the day yesterday apongting his staff starmer huge victory comings as voters punish the conservatives for a cost of living crisis.
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failing public services and a series of scandals. today starmer announce he will visit scotland back to england before the visit to washington, d.c. for tuesday's nato summit. president biden called him to congratulate him. >> i've already had a number of international calls as you will know and as you would have expected. to establish the relations across with other countries. to have really important discussions about ukraine and other pressing issues. reporter: yeah, other key allies are dealing with major political changes tomorrow it is the second round of the frnch parol meant rei elections potentially lead to far right prime minister taking office. and if the national rally party winning macron says he won't step down before presidential term expires in 2027 but cohabitation would weaken him at home and also on the world stage. griff. back to you. griff: stephanie bennett live in london thank you. anita.
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refuel with some skittles before finally catching little guys. the police department said in a statement that, quote, no chickens were harmed in the making of this video. and all were caught safely eventually well thank goodness for that gri who knew chickens like skittles? i didn't know that. >> a new meaning to free-range chickens -- no doubt -- although you know, as a kid that grew up at one point farm outside memphis, tennessee chickens are pretty hard to catch. so if you're going to undertake it you should know it is very difficult. in fact, it is probably even more difficult than trying to find sharks which i shall report to you since i was with you last, that would be surfing in south carolina here we go. this old man doesn't have much grace still can catch a few ankle biters, small ones there. i was surfing but we didn't see any sharks in that water and, of course, had there been we would
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have been careful in doing so as you go into the water anyone watching, remember, they are the gray man in the suit be weary of them get out of the water if you see them. great to be with you anita. anita: looking good in the water there too. anita: alicia acuna and mike emanuel i'm griff jenkins. anita: i'm anita vogel thanks for watching.
10:59 am
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