tv Media Buzz FOX News July 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit >> it was just one month ago
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that "the wall street journal" was criticized and denounced for a story headlined closed behind closed doors that biden was slipping. paused for extended periods and closed his eyes for so long that some of the room wondered whether he tuned out and the piece was widely attacked. >> i am sort of actually embarrassed for "the wall street journal" with this piece. >> this piece is so tilted, so off the mark, is he 81 years old? yes. >> in the wake of president biden's disastrous debate and growing media and democratic revolt against the candidacy, coauthor annie linsky was surprised at the correspondent rhus of condemnation. >> what we've seen in the last few days is the reporting we did was vindicated. we had a high bar for -- of what we were willing to report and what my editors were willing to report. >> where does the journal go to get its apology? this cover of the economist says
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it all. now other journalists are digging into biden's mental fitness and new york times reporting to white house officials he appeared confused or listless and would lose conversations. >> there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed. >> with biden betting on interview with george stephanopoulos, some media liberals are saying he should resign and hand the presidency to kamala harris. five members of congress publicly called for the president to step aside and the times in a report that a white house spokesman called absolutely false, that biden told a key ally he knows he may not be able to stay in the race unless he can change public opinion in the coming days. overriding media question now: can he weather this storm? i'm howard kurtz and this is media buzz.
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>> ben shapiro joining us in a few moments. the biden campaign crisis are mostly down beat and james carville signing a post debate poll. >> we have a country that 72% wants something different. if the democratic party can't produce something different that 72% of people want, why do we exist? what are we here for? i mean, the country is clam moraying for change. >> i -- clamoring for change. >> he needs to do everything he can to reverse the clear impression left by that debate. >> there's concern that the president doesn't have the acuity to handle an hour or an hour and a half of questions. i don't understand the delay. why not just have a press conference right now?
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>> in that exclusive interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos biden was on the defensive saying he wouldn't drop out unless the lord almighty told him to. >> would you dispute there's been more lapses especially in the last several months? >> can i run 110 flat? no, but i'm still in good shape. >> are you more frail? >> no. >> do you have the mental and physical capacity to do it for another four years? >> pleas, i wouldn't run if i didn't think i did. look -- >> mr. president, i've never seen a president with 36% approval get reelected. >> i don't believe that's my approval, that's not what our polls show. >> molly hemmingway, editor and chief of the federalist and rich. molly, how do you address biden's low energy and halting interview with george stephanopoulos saying everything is fine, no problems. polls are wrong and it was one
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bad night. >> that interview, you didn't see him accounting much different than you saw him account for many months or years now. this is what a lot of americans have seen right now. yet they've nominated him. this stephanopoulos interview looks like a democrat operative and he's won trying to implore a fellow political ally to get out of the race for the good of the democrat party. howard: well, stephanopoulos not a democratic operative since the clinton house. they said biden was dangerously out of touch and is it enough to do one interview? >> i think david axelrod and other democrats are out there and made it a point. is it enough? no. i think what you're going to have to see to erase the 90 minute debate about two weeks
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ago is you're going to have to see more interviews just like the george stephanopoulos one. molly is right. did this look like the president a couple months ago? yes. but the american people for this entire presidency is used to a president that's a little slower and i think and i said this before eisen think for the bide biden white house for this moment should lean into this a bit more. he's somebody whether you like it or not has expanded nato and a lot of reporting that many world leaders around the country turn to him for advice and the democratic party should lean into that and utilize the new generation that's been built up under joe biden to tell part of this administration's story. wes moore, gretchen whitmore saying look what we've done because of joe biden and governors working together. howard: i think stephanopoulos did a good job of pressing the president and did it with empathy but a new york times poll has trump leading 49-43 n43nationally. molly, this was an unmitigated failure by the media for a white
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house coverup and would have been better if the stories ran earlier, but it's a very hard story to confirm from a cloistered white house. >> i don't know. the vast majority of americans have witnessed the decline of this president. it was a major talking pint in 2020. we're talking about a white house press core that had no problem running wild with accusations and anonymous sources and conspiracy theories when it was a republican, donald trump. but now we're supposed to believe they were somehow duped that the rest of the country could see something they couldn't see? i don't buy it. i don't think any americans buy it. the level of media crops that we're seeing is -- media corruption we're seeing is complete at this point. they didn't cover the story because they thought it would be bad for democrats to talk about the senility of the president and now they are because they've lost confidence in their ability to drag joe biden across the finish line. there's nothing honest and get no points for covering it now or
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not. system of articulation howard: looking at president in mount ayre and seeing them on >> more town halls and events like this for the president's off scripted and off and the media misses and today in these moments and winning a presidential election and part of the men on the top of the ticket and both cases that are both close to their circling 80s and it's also alaska the state parties and the party infrastructure and what we know to be true and the media hasn't done a lot of reporting around it and over the last couple of years, there's a demise in the
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republican party and we've seen the opposite in the democrats and they've made a large investment and why they were able to buttress the red wave. both should be held accountable and transparenting around both of their medical records, and how the parties are structured and the media doesn't do a good enough job covering that. howard: well, former president trump sit sitting in a golf cart talking about biden is kamala harris. take a look. >> [inaudible]. and he just quit and that means we have kamala. i think he'll be better. she's so pathetic. howard: so there's a new buzz about kamala and especially with jim clyburn saying if biden doesn't run, he'll back the vice president.
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what do you make of all that? >> it's worth noting that all of this desire to oust biden is happening only among the media and other top democrats. we're not seeing a ground swell calling for change from democrat voters. again, they just had a primary election. and just overwhelmingly chose this man for their nominee and the media acting like this doesn't matter and don't feel confident and the media claiming they were lied to because they think it would be better -- they're willing to look stupid -- and you have to be stupid to have not seen this story coming for five years, or saying they were lied to and so bad at their jobs they can't figure out how to deal with liars and both mean it's the media that should resign before joe biden or anyone else. they've shown themselves -- howard: every single news organization? >> probably the white house press core in mass unless they can show they tar targeted this
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story for the last five years, yes, absolutely. howard: gretchen whitmer denied a report that she said biden would not win michigan. said it was full of s. if biden doesn't run or pushed out, whatever, no way to bypass kamala harris without a fierce blowback? >> i think molly brings up a good point and what the media has done terribly is neglected where the electorate is and whether you're a democrat or republican or recent cbs poll found young voters under 30 have a problem with both candidates and feel like they're both out of touch. howard: double haters. >> yeah, and young people are the new and largest part of the electorate in this moment and millenniamillennials and gen z e and both parties are guilty of this and get them to believe the men are in touch and john mccain
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brought up all his health records and went through decades of health records and we should look at them with a fine tooth comb. >> but it's not that people don't think joe biden is old. they do. they've said that for years but the reason joe biden has favorability in the 30s prior to the debate is because of policies. they don't like inflation, they don't like what he's doing with foreign policy, they don't like domestic policy and you've not heard the media talking about the actual reason why americans don't like joe biden. instead they're doing all this about his health. howard: hold on, i want to get to this, two black radio hosts have confirmed that the biden campaign gave them questions in advance and >> it was caught on
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tape and video and asking which question and mark of him being well prepared and now claim it's a huge scandal and they were covering it for years just a few years ago. the only thing that's changed is that the media went from covering this up because they thought it hurt democrats to making a big deal because they're worry that had joe biden can't win. everything can be understand through the prism of does this help or hurt the democrat party and only consistency in the media. >> i'm not sure about that . i'm a professor of journalism at georgetown, and we have students every day going into this field and all they want to do is tell fair, objective and reasonable stories. that's what they're doing. whether or not the white house is -- howard: one source said they'll stop doing suggested questions and the new line of media attack here is that donald trump says strong things about sharks and
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showers with low water pressure and the media don't make an issue of that. in is according to to a lot of liberals and that's the way trump talks. >> we saw 50 or 60 falsehoods from the president and one that didn't lay out the clear path of how to take the country forward and talking about president biden for many reasons and worth the coverage. >> it's a great example of media bias and biden lied throughout the debate from the beginning. >> biden is being covered quite fairly here, molly. >> no military died under his watch. howard: that was a mistake and it was false. >> also he has the highest rating in the va and that's not even a thing. then said black jobs. that's not a thing. i don't know what a black job is. >> without acknowledging that the person you adore.
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>> i think they're on both sides. howard: you two have to take this outside because i have to get to a break. washington report wants to report that trump wants to run against biden well of course because the campaign is in very bad shape. ben shapiro of the daily wire has a scathing indictment of the media. ♪ ♪operatic music♪ ♪ ♪
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howard: joining us from florida, ben shapiro, cofounder of the daily wire. founder of the ben shapiro show and no. 1 new york times best selling author. ben, you write in the spectator that the mainstream media, trust in the mainstream media was fractured beyond repair and it's been building for years. why do you think we've reached the breaking point now? >> all other cases where the media deceived the american public on everything from
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overcoverage of russiagate to coverage of covid and black lives matter and there's a level of plausible deniability and they could make the case there were studies supporting what they were saying and experts that suggested the opposite. what happened during the debate with joe biden and donald trump is the case they've been making for joe biden for years is he was mentally and physically sound or sound enough to be president of the united states was exploded in public and everybody saw and no way to deny it. it was perfectly obvious that the press had to be going and obviously people that were in the general public pretty obvious decline over the course of the last couple weeks and extraordinary outrage and joe biden's status and the american public and public generally and you're the ones on the plane with him and at all these campaign events and not surprisingly, we've seen a spade of stories over the last two weeks and said what we all knew, for months and years and over a state of decline and he's been
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for the most obvious case and people see this and can't unsee this and knew this for two years and it exploded and no denying it in this time in the way there was about any prior fits that the media was telling. howard: with the exception of the white house press core, his inner circle kept him increasingly away from the press, which i criticized all the time. i've covered him for 35 years and probably know him better than anybody at fox, and i only saw the deterioration and confusion that everybody saw when watching on tv. in other words it isn't like journalists got to hang out with the president. he was kept in a bubble. >> that's true but with the exception of the white house press core, it's a pretty solid exception there and a lot of people in white house press core and turns out joe biden was going to events and behind the scenes meeting reporters at events or in passing and they could see he was sort of glassy eyed and slack jawed and wasn't all there. this was perfectly obvious in
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bits and pieces everywhere and an avert attempt by the media that any focus was somehow out of bounds. the cheap fakes scandal was three weeks ago. that was not five months ago, not two years ago but three weeks ago when the white house was trotting out this line that all these videos were cut out of context and the president was doing fine and the debate ended and the new york times put out the piece citing the same videos of evidence that joe biden was in the state of decline for weeks, months if not years and the shock that we're seeing right now feels like captain in casa blanca finding gambling and the media is shock that had joe biden's campaign was incompetent enough to put this on full display. that's what shocked everybody. howard: i was going to say, didn't mean to interrupt. one of the videos with obama leading his former vice president off the stage was not touched in any way, but let me turn to this, how much did the rise of donald trump,
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overwhelmingly negative coverage of trump, that seems to only help him and his attacks on media contributed to this plummeting decline and trust? >> if you look at statistics, plummeting decline and trust began during the obama era and not trump era and many times a lot of people are very angry at donald trump about his impact on american politics and suggest that he's the person that did sort of the chief damage to the media. that's obviously untrue by the polling data. look at gallop trust polls in the mainstream, that's been declining since early on in the obama era and it's never recovered and went from about 50% to beginning of obama's term to about 32% and prior to the last couple of weeks. howard: but a president constantly attacking the media and had every right to do and part of the running theme of that presidency. >> but in the 2012 with newt gingrich and people like me attacking the press and during the obama era, a reorientation from the press away from the idea to hold truth to power and
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toward the idea that barack obama was a light bri bringer ad massaged into acceptability during every turn and there was a widespread perception that the media has coming for barack obama and weren't even for that for democrats and trump is a reaction to that for trump and it's for the corner of american polpolitics and the murder of himself. howard: now the media at times have been sharply critical of the biden presidency and the deadly withdraw from afghanistan presiding over open border that took many months to gain traction. so it's not like it was all one sided or that you were supporting him before. >> no, in some of the cases and border in particular was sort of people arriving late on the scene. the media for the first few months basically denied anything was happening at the border and down played and as it became undeniable, you have to cover it. that's what you're seeing now is biden's decline is undeniable and the media have to cover it because it's undeniable. that shouldn't be the job of the
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immediate .y they should be first and not last on the scene. not a random twitter account covering it and the media is like that ran doe twitter account was right. should be the media because they have the most access of course. howard: briefly, ben, can the media rehabilitate themselves and avoid what you call in the piece the ash can of history? >> i think it'll be very, very difficult for them to do so. maybe they can do that if somebody except for biden appears for the rest of the race and kamala harris becomes the new nominee and biden steps back, they'd have to cover kamala harris critically and they'll have to tough time doing that given the fact so many members of the media overtly would support kamala harris in the face of the presidency. howard: i understand the challenge and i'm certainly not arguing that the trust has declined for many years. i think there's many reasons but great to have your point of view. ben shapiro, thank you for joining us this sunday. >> thanks for having me. howard: up next, why karine jean-pierre is grappling with a very angry press
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howard: white house briefing erupted with questions for karine jean-pierre after the president's abysmal debate performance. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day-to-day? >> absolutely not. >> well, it's a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or is this a condition? which one is it? >> what i can tell you is that he had a cold and a bad night. i would not see this as an episode. >> are you being straight with the american people saying the majority of americans are decided and need to trust the doctor and take him at his word. >> i have engagement with the president pretty regularly and i see a strong resolute president and willing and able to work on behalf of the american people.
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howard: we have jacqui heinrich, senior correspondent from fox news. why dot reporters in that briefing room sound angry and aggressive in their grilling of karine jean-pierre? >> well, i think that there's a broad feeling we've not been allowed access to the ft. for so long and there's a lot of rereasons i think why that strategy happened and it's not secretly behind closed doors deteriorating for longer than we know, i think it's a bigger and maybe more concerning layer there, which is they have at an administration they don't need us and doesn't benefit us to talk to us and go touchdown pass a certain zip code and reach a few thousand supporters and a friendly podcast host there and get message out and sort of give us handout video, which is why we as a press core are trying to advocate for more access.
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when the band-aid is ripped off and see him for 90 minutes and all of the sort of arm's length comes spilling out into full view, people are concerned about why haven't we been able to get our eyes on him up until now. howard: right and my own view is that i think many of them felt misled and even lied to, but this raises a point because earlier in the program, some of the critics of the president said the white house press core did a horrible job and you all knew this and you're on the road and how much do you get to see the president? >> not at all. you know, we see what you see. under the wing of air force one and might gavel with us and get a question shouted to him on the south lawn going to marine one and answer a question leaving the east room after he gives prepared remarks from a telepromter and they do this because this administration and people that run it don't like when the president speaks off
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the cuff. you recall when he at the state of the union mentioned laken riley's name and said she was killed by an illegal and then he gets the question at the underwing of air force one, do you regret using that term and his answer was no, technically he's not supposed to be here. then fast forward a couple days and he's having an interview with msnbc and said i should have said undocumented. when the president speaks off the cuff, the answers he gives don't satisfy big parts of the base they're trying to keep in line. it's a very highly choreographed administration and a lot of reasons they haven't let us close to him. howard: right. you had an exchange with karine jean-pierre that got a fair amount of attention. take a look. >> how is it that the president was still tired 12 days after returning from europe, had a cold but then went to the waffle house and then the following day gave a huge comeback with the north carolina remarks.
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>> have you had a cold before? >> of course i have. >> well, come on. howard: what was your reaction and stick to the talking point that behind the scenes the president is very energetic. >> the time line doesn't make sense. he was in the u.s. recovering for 12 days from his two foreign trips and he was at camp david doing six days of intensive debate prep with 16 advisers then all of a sudden goes to the waffle house while sick and stages a recovery and gives amazing remarks in north carolina. it doesn't make any sense. but i think that, you know, when they have an answer that they want to give us, they stick to it as we saw with the whole cheap fakes thing. they seized on a opportunity to have any media where you see the president appe appearing in a negative light, that's potentially the product of artificial intelligence and used deep fakes and the white house never correct that had. they've seized on opportunities when the new york post used that cover, which was zoomed in and misleading to cast any video,
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including pool video. i heard you talk about it earlier. this was juneteenth event was shot by the pool. that was somehow manipulated and it wasn't. go ahead. howard: i was going to wrap by saying they haven't released the medical records and only a summary and haven't made the white house doctor available for interviews, and karine jean-pierre said he hasn't seen a doctor since february but he did after the debate. well, thanks for keeping an eye on us with the white house and interrupting your weekend off. jacqui heinrich, very great to see you. >> thanks, howard. howard: next on media buzz, supreme court hands trump a major victory on immunity and affecting his legal cases and the campaign. ♪ duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies.
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challenged but leaving that unclear. >> i think it is a brilliant decision and a 6-3 and the left will go crazy. >> majority of the court fear what had has never happened and the minority fears what they've already seen happen in the trump presidency. >> the mass hysteria among the liberal media and democrats is really quite overwrought and exaggerated visit reel and it was a common sense opinion. >> this court said today that an american president is a king and an absolute f you to the founders. >> this court will never say no to him. >> the president should be allowed to perform his constitutional duties as president without fear that unscrupulous prosecutors will craft crimes out of thin air to arrest their political opponent. howard: trump said in the post the stark decision by the supreme court should end all of
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crooked joe biden's witch hunts against me. biden settling made a late decision to go before the cameras that night and took no questions. >> so now the american people have to do what the court should have been willing to do and court would not, they have to render a judgment about donald trump's behavior. howard: back with the panel. molly, obstructing cerumen absolute win for -- absolute win for donald trump and impassioned dissent from the liberals on the court that the president is above the law. >> never in the history of this country had one political party use the courts to go after a political opponent so because of that hubris and cel triple-demic, they got a pretty strong pushback from the court. they clarified something that had previously been somewhat ambiguous on presidential immunity and also said clearly that the department of justice is not in fact independent of the president. and threw other trials into doubt. it wouldn't have happened if the case hadn't been brought and
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shows the lack of wisdom involved with some of the hysterical use of lawfare to go after political opponents. howard: richard, does a 6-3 ruling look like a partisan gift to the president? >> when this case began, i saw this as i'm sure this court will give him some level of immunity and there's so much unclarity around it and with that being said, where we are today, right, there are some questions and remember, there are some questions that deserve judicial review, even kevin mccarthy and leader mcconnell said we'll leave this up to the courts do figure out because we're not doing this and put the responsibility that belongs in congress to the courts and the courts are trying to tackle it and saying no, you can't. this goes back to the courts where this becomes problematic is how does congress do investigations moving forward and this ruling puts all of the joe biden investigations with government oversight and it's a watch hall with this and it's
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not the official act and that goes away. including this pending thing against merrick garland. howard: on the campaign and judge merchan and hush money trial postponed sentencing of donald trump and was to be july 11 and september 18th and how can he sentence trump to jail with six weeks left to go? >> judge merchan was criticized for all of the ways he denied due process to candidate tram and the issue with the sentencing now and he shouldn't have disallowing that and it's going to cause a problem with them and going to cause him to push back. using courts as political opponent is not a good thing and we shouldn't do it in this country. we as associate that with russir third world countries and not here. the problematic nature of what deputy haves done and also the
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his terrific surrounding the supreme court decision was completely unacceptable and all rational people understand that if you're going to have a act tram was a candidate and reversement checks for michael cohen and that part couldn't be use and part of that indictment and the whole thing collapses. >> that's very true and we have to figure out and it's up to the judges and the supreme court ruling and going to on the back and going for the law of the
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united states and i do think the trump team will take it back to the courts and ask when do the official accounts end? a day after i'm not the president? a week after. ends up after a slippery slope after a nation and what is presidential immunity and congress to act now never before both deputies and republicans to figure out a bright line between what is a official act and more with the president. howard: it cuts the heart out of the january 6 case and the classified documents and took them from the white house and argue improperly but that be seen as official act briefly. what about the media contention is removing guardrails from the second trump term? >> it was a win for trump but not a complete win. there's some immunity but not for everything. and look, it is still a balance thing. the most important guardrail and norm is not using courts to go after political opponents and that's what we should see going forward. >> response to that?
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>> how will you use prosecutors and that's the question to ask. now we know it's a political thing. >> using retired wings for this. >> to be clear, they did it in the first time around and clinton for hours and went to fbi and other types of investigations and what happens if trump is the president and you want to do this to the biden family. >> merrick garland was bullied into bringing this prosecution and shows who it's not good for a president to bully the attorney general going after his political opponent. howard: once again, you two can take this debate off camera. thank you, millionly thank you, millionly hemingway -- molly hemingway and richard fowler. we'll be back. tory. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs.
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is the biggest issue that the judges are going to have to gap el with, which is -- grapple with, which is most challenging and any evidence stemming from the court constitutional rights as sitting president and talking about whether they're managing the department of justice and whether they're managing the pardoning individuals and appointing electors and all that, we're talking about this -- that's absolute immunity and now you're talking out of perimeter and any evidence that flows from the core constitutional issues cannot be part of any proceeding and any prosecution, and that's what's most challenging for these judges. that's what the judge has to determine when you're dealing with the january 6 matter. so when you look at that and you apply the scotus ruling, the conversations that the sitting president has and president trump had with the doj about the investigation, out the window. even though in your looking at the indictment itself, it mentioned those conversations
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with doj and prior to that time in january and 51 times so that -- howard: i used to cover the justice department and official act and what if you ordered your attorney general to indict your political opponents? >> well, everyone that's saying oh, judge sotomayor, this is hyperbole and she's being alarmist and no. she looked at court constitutional issues and number one, the president can command the military w. she said that a sitting president can now say to the military, i want to stay in power. let's just do a mill stair coup. guess what, she's relating back to those core constitutional rights that the sitting president has. absolute immunity and that's permitted. what about accepting a bribe for pardon? again, someone criticizing sotomayor saying this is outrageous and crazy and hyperbole. she's an alarmist. no, she's going back to the rational given by the majority,
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which says that is -- that's the tore constitutional right of the sitting president and therefore that means he has absolute immunity. it's problematic. howard: accept ago bribe in oral argument and absolutely official act in the constitution but if there's a prescribe involved -- bribe involved, to me these prosecutions become more difficult. there were unusually passionate dissented that you noted and john roberts was a constitutionist and trying to get a bipartisan vote for the ages and failed by winding up with a 6-3 conservative majority? >> well, it's interesting because i think justice roberts tried to deflect a lot of what justice sotomayor wrote in his dissenting opinion and not saying the president is king or has absolute power or above the law. tried to deflect a lot of that obviously lots of criticism. but when you look at the concurring opinion of the
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justice, she wrote this is a bridge too far. when you start to regulate evidence that can be actually introduced in the prosecution of a president, it's a little too far because we have in the judicial system evidentiary rules and they make those decisions every day with proceedings before a jury or without a jury. howard: i think this will delay and possibly undermine a whole bunch cases and thank you for sharing your thoughts. >> my pleasure. howard: we'll be right back. ♪ o-hybrid... ...we recreated some of the wettest springs, hottest summers, windiest falls, and coldest winters. all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia
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merit and the court complaint is from a 2022 streaming program that mr. biden didn't complain till a lateener 2024. it was removed within days of the letter in an abundance ovalf caution and hunter biden is a public figure and subject of multiple investigations and convicted felon and fox news accurately covered the news worthy events of mr. biden's own making and looking forward to vindicating our rights in court. the mock trial posted on fox nation site is described by the new york times as dramatized version of the criminal trial of fictional charges and real life images of hunter biden naked and engaged in sex acts taken from the infamous laptop he left in a delaware computer store. the president's son is suing under a new york state revenge porn law, which allows such claims against those who share sexually explicit images without permission. the suit alleged that fox was
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attempting to humiliate hunter biden is tarnish his reputation. fox took down the trial months ago and the timing is rather curious especially since hunter filed a suit three days after his father's disastrous debate. vanity fair is making a number of allegations against rfk jr. including he once sexually assaulted a babysitter and they wouldn't comment but told them he's not a church boy and had a very rambunctious youth. >> give you a opportunity to address it and has a picture of you holding up what looks like a car kasam of a dog and -- c carcass of a dog and pretending to take a bite. >> that's is real photo and it's
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in the area where we eat goats and that's what they eat. they talked to veterinarians that ashored them it was a dog. that's it for? edition of media buzz. i'm howard kurtz and hope you're having a great independence day weekend. looking ahead to next week and a vp stakes chatter and week after that, republican convention and we'll be busy covering all of that as we have tried to sort of pack everything in here. subscribe to daily podcast and media buzz and rip on the day's top five stories and funny and weird ones and apple and itunes is a good place to do it and with that, we're back here next sunday, 11:00 eastern, see you then. ♪
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