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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  July 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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thursday podcast, is hopeful and positive. i try to balance my short comings with the optimism of others. i will say if you came to me with a problem, i would be optimistic and try to give you hope, but when myself, i am a stoic. >> if you have a kuo e-mail us at gowdy america at or social media at gowdy america, thank you for spending part of your sunday night with us, we hope you have a great week ahead, until next week, you can find us on trey gowdy podcast, good night from south carolina. ♪ july 7, 2024. i am brian llenas and for jon scott, thank you for watching. we will see you next week. "the big weekend show" is next. ♪
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>> we beget "the big weekend show" with a fox news alert. thank you for joining us i'm charlie hurt along with tomi lahren, nicole saphier and joey jones. the big story tonight, top-ranked democrats want president biden to step aside while biden tried to show he is still running. he stops across pennsylvania and the calls are mounting for him to drop out. the democrat governor in hawaii tonight says biden could make a decision about his future within days. biden wants the public to think he is all in. >> what you have to say the data that you're up for the job. charlie: fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is live in harrisburg pennsylvania where biden left 90 minutes ago. >> that is right president biden came here to pennsylvania fighting for his political life and while he was here in the keystone state house minority
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leader hakeem jeffries convening a virtual call with other top democratic leaders to discuss should president biden drop out of the race in many democrats were concerned on the call and we just learned reportedly that jerry nadler and adam smith have called for the president to step out of the race, the president was asked as soon as he arrived in harrisburg does he have the support of houston mcgrath. [inaudible] >> yes. >> adam schiff to make an outstanding president what do you think. >> now the new report from the new york times saint senator chris coons of delaware along time biden ally said everyone on the call encouraged him to stay in the race relayed that the supporters had a range of concerns about his ability to keep the job for another four years. earlier on a call saturday with supporters mr. biden told the group of supporters that he
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understood the concerns and wanted to do more interviews with unscripted appearances, here is adam schiff the earlier on meet the press about another candidate that he thinks could do a good job as president. >> i think the vice president would be phenomenal president i think she is experienced, the judgment, the leadership ability to be an extraordinary president. >> and she went overwhelmingly. >> i think she could win overwhelmingly. >> there is a few hundred supporters at the union hall behind me at pennsylvania's capital at harrisburg. we spoke to some of them and one woman said she would vote for joe biden if he was in a casket. charlie: amazing and probably true. and talking to people do get a sense from the broader group of supporters that they are concerned about where the party is right now or are they pretty locked-in.
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>> there pretty locked-in. it's important to note the crowd size a few hundred supporters a far different story a week ago when i was in chesapeake virginia with 10000 supporters for donald trump window walk a mile to get in because the line of cars stretched for miles, this we had no trouble getting in and most of the people seem fairly prescreened and able to walk around it interview most of them and a lot of them said the same thing there behind joe biden 100% when i asked about, here is taking over they said only a positive biden chooses to get out of the race. tomi: tomi lahren, talking with supporters about their excitement for the president or the vice president. have you heard any of the supporters float any other names like a california governor gavin newsom, anybody making those murmurs or suggestion amongst the couple hundred that president biden was able to unmask there? >> i asked that question because they're trying to see if there's anybody else. everybody here this is a pro
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union hall behind me, joe biden claiming to be the most pro union president in history. all these people looked like it was prescreened and they were here to talk about joe biden, one gentleman said he supported, here is in the primary and if she was the nominee he would support her. president biden spent 20 or 30 minutes on the rope line talking to supporters, numerous times i yelled trying to get the president's attention asking him about nadler and adam smith to drop out of the race and the president appear to hear me but ignored my questions. joey: joey jones, i would ask about the vegas odds on who might replace biden but were not at that point we might need to get the another day but wisconsin rally he had somebody behind him with signs and said pass the torch is there any detractors there today you know it look pretty well screened but did you see anyone protesting or detracting in any way? >> i did not.
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when i yelled those questions to president biden a number of people turned my way and asked why i was yelling that stuff and i said you get to eat here and the only way i get to eat is by asking questions, they seemed firmly in the biden camp. nicole: nicole saphier here, quick question, there was a post debate from cbs that said 72% of all registered voters had concerns about whether president biden would have the mental stamina to do another four years. the top democratic lawmakers are they just voicing the concerns of the voters and their constituents or do you think there is a bigger picture here. >> there's no question. that was good be my first question to president biden until news came in with jerry nadler and ada adam schiff thate vast majority does not want joe biden to be in this race. that was a question i was going to ask and i asked other people but the people i spoke to here were firmly in the biden camp
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and certainly when you hear about the democratic lawmakers who represent these people who were in the poll certainly there sharing the same concerns of people they represent and what i mentioned the five house democrats perhaps more were up to seven calling for the president to step and bow out of the race when i mentioned that to the supporters they thought they were representing their local interest in fact you could go back two years to a cnn poll july of 2022 the said 75% of democrats did not want joe biden to be the nominee and here we are. charlie: great reporting lucas. thank you very much. obviously we are hearing a lot from democrats especially with the call that house minority leader hakeem jeffries had with house leaders, there is a lot of off the record unnamed carping about him. but obviously he's got a real problem on the dam flank for the president. tomi: he certainly does. we talked about this earlier but
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i think you will see a slow trickle leading to a waterfall later in the week. i really do i talked about this yesterday and this morning on "fox & friends". after the debate you can't put the genie back in the bottle. yet top democrat leftist media pundits after the debate saying it's time to pull a record on joe and i am top democrats potentially leaking that they want joe to step down in there saying maybe they have support for vice president kamala harris. there is no way to reverse this at this point the man could do somersaults and cartwheels and i don't think you will convince any democrat that this is the way to go. i know we've been talking about if joe decides then that's what joe will decide but i don't buy it. i think democrats are cutthroat and they will find a way if it's a death by a thousand cuts that's what it will be but i expect a waterfall by the end of the week. charlie: if he did somersaults that might change it. tomi: it can be a falling
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somersault. charlie: can't be falling up the steps. joey when you put democrats names to it, gets a little bit more, they get a little bit more careful about it, watch this. >> i think it is important to be loyal but part of being loyal is being honest and i think we have to be honest to each other of how difficult the situation this is. i think you see a significant amount of pressure weather today or tomorrow or sometime this week as the numbers come back that this may be untenable for them to all want to run under a biden ticket. >> voters do have questions and personally i love joe biden and i don't know that the interview on friday night did enough to answer those questions. i think this week will be absolutely critical. i think the president needs to do more. >> president biden can clearly defeat donald trump the most dangerous president in the history of this country.
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the choice is quite clear. charlie: of course bernie sanders doesn't think is too old. that would be self sabotage. nicole: he is good recall which is very different. charlie: he is getting everything he wants. when they go back to the record joe biden is been a great president for the percussive then the party in the far left. i don't see how they can be upset with him, maybe that's why they have blinders and want to carry the water as much as they could. the big problem is logistically how do you make it work. i would love to know where the dnc is they have lawyers calling states to find out if they could change his name on the ballot or are they pushing back to the dams saying there's no way that we can. i would like to know where the party leaders outside of office and i think that'll be a big part of what happens. charlie: they did hold a primary. meantime other democrats livid by the digging in. many are talking to the media saying they pit their breaking point with biden. axios reported tonight democrat lawmakers have gone from shock,
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sadness to madness since the debate ten days ago. the stuff is going to hit the fan on monday when congress returns. people are scared about their own races but there also worried about the country and democracy. i don't really think that they care nearly as much about democracy or the country as they do their own party prospects. is this breaking through going beyond the world of politics for people. nicole: if you look democrats are just going to all the stages of grief, they are grieving the death of the idea that joe biden can survive a presidency into another four years, denial, anger, there going through the motions and i think they do have some concerns about their own election coming into the election cycle. at the end of the day they have to put up a strong front. it's hard for joe biden to come forth and say i can't do this and get a step aside p vice president kamala harris.
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also the americans did not choose kamala harris. if you look at the primary for the 2020 election they did not choose her so americans might not be happy with the fact that they may be getting her. i think it's a tough time and i think joe biden will have to step aside and i do not believe is going to be the nominee for the next election but they have to be very careful with their messaging. if they give the appearance of complete chaos there certainly not could get the moderates, the independents the boats that they need. charlie: is exterminated to see kamala harris command in 2020 with all the advantages and literally flamed out before she got a single delegate out of the process. nicole: nobody wants vice president kamala harris that's why a been saying this for so long. they will find a way everybody has a price i don't know how to get her to step aside but i imagine it'll be immediate support for her and the idea of her followed by we need to have integrity to the voter as you mentioned she did not win a primary server can have contest with interparty ended it'll be
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people still don't like kamala harris and there will be gavin newsom. nicole: there okay with her being vice president they just don't want her to be president at all she clicks boxes when she comes vice president that they do not want her to be the presidential nominee. charlie: president trump has been pretty quiet his best option is to run against joe biden because he is a failed candidate at this moment. if it is not biden i think the best hope for republicans is whatever process that plays forward is messy and divisive and i think that'll be a winning strategy. i'm less worried about who you in the running against and how they get there as far as it affects the general election. charlie: whether the end of getting got shot in wind up with kamala harris were biden limbs all the way through. it's probably, you would rather be trump right now than joe biden or the democrats. nicole: he needs to sit back and
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not say anything and not make any of his own headlines and watch them implode. charlie: big our still ahead including this. >> he is not come to grips with it. he is not winning the race. charlie: obama's former top dog has choice words for biden plus, what is next, blaring lights the crazy notecards biden needs to get biden from point a to point b, also had the liberal media says there are two reasons kamala harris will b never be president because voters are racist and sexist. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪. nicole: welcome back to "the big weekend show". does it make or break moment for president biden or a point of no return. david axelrod says biden is out of touch. >> he is not come to grips with it. he is not winning this race, he is more likely if you look at the data and talk to people around the country political people around the country it's
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more likely he'll lose by a landslide then went narrowly this race. if the stakes are as large as he says and i believe they are the knee really needs to consider what the right thing to do here is. nicole: 's, but here is the answer, that remains to be seen but one los angeles times reporter thinks she knows why harris cannot win, what i do know is that harris faces a higher bar due to her gender and race, the out race dismissal of her as a serious replacement for biden is irresponsible, not to mention sexist and racist and underscores the double standard that people of color face especially those at the top of their game. first of all, to say she might be at the top of her game politically we could talk about that separately. but one thing charlie mentioned that the last block as a primary contender, kamala harris got 0 delegates she dropped out of the race before iowa.
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she did not get 0 delegates because she's a woman, they loved hilary clinton and certainly not because she's black because they loved president obama even more, she did not get delegates because they did not like her they did not like her policies and they did not want her to be the next president. tomi: what she done as vice president, that to me, she's been given a golden opportunity one that i don't believe the democrats thought she earned other than her being there as a placeholder that i don't believe as vice president she has done anything to make us say she takes this job seriously. she's been given a number of opportunities, borders are being the most important given what's going on at our southern border for the last three and half years and not only has she not solve the problem or gone to the root cause, she seemingly done nothing at all and has it attempted to do anything at all. when you say she's going to be the replacement for joe, where
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is the hard work for the last three and half years to show she can even be palatable to democrats because she's done nothing. nicole: you know what she has done, what she has been doing is telling us president biden is doing okay there's nothing to see he's doing great. take a watch. >> i think age is more than a chronological fact to be frank with you. it's about thinking whether we have another leader which we doing joe biden somebody who is bold. i can tell you this is someone who is tireless in terms of working on behalf of the human can people. >> the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gratuitous. nicole: the whispers of kamala harris being on the ticket for the next election for the last several months, six-month even to a year she has been covering
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up the fact that may be present in biden is not doing as well as she wants to portray. charli.joey: god bless the her , but so many people on record and being complicit. if you're used in the montage over the last couple of days excoriating robert hur for doing that, you need to set this out, don't say anything because you're going to look like a bigger fool than you already do and she's at the top of the list of not calling her a fool i'm saying when she gets up there and points the barrel of her words toward someone who said nothing more then he'll come across as a well-meaning forgetful old man i'm paraphrasing and go after the person why isn't she saying the same thing about half the people on cnn and msnbc why isn't she sated about democrats and calling for congress to step down reaches beyond complicit she is part of the problem in
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the real litmus test. if they think biden's record is strong enough to beat trump, it's a fact that he's old and absent-minded than she should be at the top of their list, they should want her to ease into the role. if that's not the case another record is not enough either. charli.nicole: david axelrod isg how out of touch by dennis and he will not win and he'll lose in a landslide. charlie: you have obama behind-the-scenes saying the same thing and all the best people but as you point out they were complicit in the cover-up from the beginning and they have been for a long time. kamala harris we've seen with companies gei has fallen out of fashion with a lot of companies. biden's own description and gei higher in a think the los angeles times congress has a fair point if you hire somebody for gei you cannot fire the person the whole reason you hired them was for the gei and democrats are getting a real
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fast hard lesson that gei is not working for them and their terrified as they should be. charlie: it's good to be an interesting week. biden says he won't take a cognitive test. >> look i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have that test. nicole: what to his fellow democrats think. that is coming up next. ♪ smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill.
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♪ ♪. tomi: welcome back to "the big weekend show", 48 hours ago president biden refused to take a cognitive test. >> have you had the specific cognitive test and have you had a neurologist, a specialist doing examination?
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>> no, no one said i had to face at i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological cognitive test and release the results to the american people. >> i have a cognitive test every single day, every day i have that test. tomi: comforting, fellow democrats are also dodging questions on the issue. >> i don't know the substance of the test are whether the measurement would be impactful for voters to have questions. >> i would be happy if the president and donald trump took cognitive test. >> that is a yes. tomi: i believe president trump has taken more than one cognitive test but we often talk about the issues with joe and we say i'm not a doctor but guess what we have a doctor at the table and now all of her questions can be answered, you have examined the president yourself but i asked you this earlier to get the t from you off the record in the green
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room. i walked on the record for the american people, when i heard him say he will take a cognitive test or he hasn't taken one because they told him he's good and doesn't need to i asked you as a doctor, if you're a doctor and you look at joe biden or any man of his age even if they're not showing the signs would you say you don't need a cognitive test, you are good you got up today. >> first of all james comer is calling for the president's position to come to d.c. in front of the oversight committee questioning some of his medical ethics part of the business dealings i'm sure we'll see more on that this coming week in the next few weeks. let's take president biden out of this equation, medicare recommends cognitive evaluation beginning with medicare age the age of 65 every year when you have the annual physical because you want to make sure your patients are in the best physical and mental fitness. because if you can detect early signs of things early detection is best and that's when you can intervene and especially when it
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comes to cognitive decline there are things that we can do to slow the progression. of course the group recommended because it's an acceptable recommendation as people age especially when it comes to president biden where we seen every day he likes to say i have wood every day and unfortunately mr. president that's why people are concerned they watch him every single day there watching his physical stumbles, his verbal stumbles, the gas, the difficulty with memory recall, coming up with certain things. sometimes i forget things on there all the time but i think people are growing concerned with it because it seems to be getting progressively worse, we go through the motions every single year that the president has his physical exam and as a whole show and the physician puts together the health summary and they submitted for the american people to see, locale for our president, he is so strong and able to be in the white house and deserves the title, this gentleman happens to be of age where we would recommend a cognitive exam and they've never release that, do i
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think he has had one, i do i'm sure he does i'm sure the physicians know that he is shown some level of cognitive decline as he aged, most people do in a habit that the age of 45 you can actually start i'm sure they know about it. it's very unfair to the american people not to let us know but they also have concerns. if they put it in writing and came out and said the president has this cognitive decline that is a huge problem for them and you are right president trump had made the record public to cognitive evaluations which according to his doctors he passed with flying colors i think you should get one every year as well, it's amazing it feels like a big cover-up going on. we talk about this and there are other folks on other networks that are talking about this in another part of the interview where george stephanopoulos question joe biden if he were to lose to donald trump and what does he think is that being a possibility in the cnn contributor is very upset and
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the answer that joe biden gave in the interview. let's take a listen to this. >> i'm not sure what democrat is going to win right now, the entire thesis of the campaign the entire thesis of the campaign's democracy is on the ballot and when george stephanopoulos asked him if you lose in all these bad things come to pass will you be okay with that, he said as long as we gave it our all. if i was a democrat who hasn't blinked since january of 2017 or whether the never trumper sues worried about all of this and i heard joe biden admit it's a façade in just a talking point i would be freaked out right now to find out there is no animating issue for the campai campaign. tomi: is not necessarily a democrat but is on cnn and they're talking about it for the first time the debate open the floodgates. when you hear him say that that this is a riff he's okay with losing, what you make of that? charlie: can you imagine if your
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cnn viewer hearing this for the first time, what is going on. of course scott is exactly right about it. it is a riff and in terms of politics i was fascinated everything you said about the cognitive test. in terms of politics at the huge cognitive test called the democrat primary. they cheated on the democrat primary to make sure he would be the nominee and they kept people like dean phillips and rfk from competing to the primary but they held a primary and joe biden got the nomination, he's got the nomination and is going to bequeath the nomination because he earned the delegates. they get it taken away from them because the polls don't look good for them and it's so shocking to me and i think evidence they have for democracy and elections and voters and as
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you point out, voters are going to have a say in this if they jerk them out and put in somebody else and make them step aside enough kamala harris because they voted according to the process which i think was janky to put it kindly. tomi: my question for you how wild is this convention going to be laboring the primary to get joe biden the nomination and now they're about to break that to get away from them, that's where they are. tomi: do you think this is all part of the plan or is that just me. >> the plan was for trump to be removed that's what they thought would happen. charlie: they thought he was the best shot. tomi: how the cookie crumbles, coming up one new york times columnist wants biden off the 2024 ticket, join the club what should democrats do next, hold a primary election?
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♪ ♪. joey: welcome back to "the big weekend show", the new york times is all but called for biden to step aside, one columnist agrees with one democrat congressman about what should happen next. >> the process is already in place to make it a mini primary and open up everything for the general elective in that they kamala harris held herself pretty well and that kind of a process and that it would be fair to everybody. joey: the new york times op-ed reads if democrats need to choose another candidate, they need to make the process as competitive and open as possible, democrats have spent so much time imagining what
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could go wrong if biden steps down, did they struggle to imagine what could go right to find the nominee, democrats need to hold a real contest, democrats tried to play it safe and failed it is time to open themselves to risk. sometimes you cannot make this stuff up, i read the op-ed so much out of it and i realize all op-ed is the fever dream that really ignores the fact that they ignored the democratic process to get to this point. >> exactly all because they want to get the orange man out and they think this is the only way to do it, what were looking at right now in real-time is immediate insurrection in the media is supporting it and then jim clyburn who has served his constituents for a long time a bully from south carolina, he's sitting here spinning the complete canard of how will have a mini primary, no they're not,
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there is no way to have a mini primary between now and august, what is going to happen they want to cashier biden and then cashier kamala harris and so democrats can do what democrats do best which suits it in the smoke-filled room at the convention and pick the next person that they think will be best. luckily for republicans i think their judgment is so terrible that they will end up picking somebody just as bad in donald trump and up winning. joey: i wouldn't be fair to clyburn in the point that he was responding to a hypothetical if biden had already removed himself out of the race. but he got really excited as he wanted to explain that. he stowed his cards a little bit. this is a point i want to bring up and i wasn't sure where we can talk about it but i think you're the best one to ask about it. it's a series of logic, say this happens is op-ed proposes somehow biden gives up the nomination and they need to figure out how to pick the next
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one. if biden comes out tomorrow and says i'm withdrawing from the nomination because of the concerns within my party over my cognitive ability, how does that not disqualify him for being president today. nicole: i've had similar thoughts, this is a huge hypothetical, it's a big if if you asked president biden he is running he is the nominee and he will be on the ticket, he is the only one saying he is running but is also the one that was at church today we watched the stephanopoulos interview and he was looking orange and i think they put on tanner or bronzer and is looking more awake now that's a great question. if he actually comes out now and says i'm stepping aside because of the concerns, that is not necessarily him saying i don't have the ability to do it but i want to respect the concerns of the voters i mentioned earlier 72% of the voters in the cbs poll has concerns.
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he could just be saying it i'm doing this because this is what americans want without actually admitting to some sort of lapse. joey: he would next himself really is what he will be doing. i'm knocking to be admit to being guilty, i want to play this i feel like it's perfect for you to respond to this is gavin newsom on the idea of who he things will be for the nomination. >> at the convention will you run. >> no absolutely not. >> it's hypothetical it gets in the way of promoting the candidacy and that's exactly where trump asks a question but it's where the other party wants us to be his having an internal fight. what do you think. tomi: we talked about this this morning, the body language is really textbook trademark gavin newsom but if you watch i can smell the hair gel and the breeze coming off of that man through the screen. he also stop short of saying the vice president kamala harris
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would be the likely nominee because he wanted. when they do have the mini primary that they're talking about the most competitive are going to step forward and gavin newsom, i don't know who else there would be. it's not going to be kamala harris it i don't think it's gretchen whitmer and gavin newsom is been a good boy following joe biden around it circling like a vulture for a year now, gavin is setting himself up but he so offended that we would say something about it he's probably watching right now, gavin, we know what you are up to. joey: whatever happens it looks messy. coming up president biden's new note cards complete with large. and pictures, coming up tomorrow morning on "fox & friends" former white house press secretary and outnumbered cohost kayleigh mcenany joins the show for the media meltdown over biden's disastrous interview, vbr "fox & friends" if you can't catch it by. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪ mom: hey honey, we thought we'd try something new. dad: family art hour! what do you think? mom: you got jokes, you're funny. vo: learn about adopting a teen from foster care. you can't imagine the reward. learn more at ♪ so when they stand and tell the stories ♪ ♪ of who we are and what we've done ♪ ♪ of a thousand things that we could leave behind us ♪ ♪ if they say just one word ♪ ♪ let that word be ♪ ♪ kindness ♪ ♪ you can save the world with kindness ♪ ♪ your kindness ♪
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♪ kindness ♪
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♪ ♪. nicole: welcome back to "the big
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weekend show" president biden gets dinged a lot for his notecards. now that he's fighting for his life to stay in the race he decided to go without the metal at the events today but it turns out his notecards are now next level. axios pulling back the curtain showing this is what he gets. a note in large. walked to the podium and with the picture just in case, the document axios writes a short and simple with one large picture of the event space on each page accompanied big text in large font such as view from podium and view from audience and the five-page document, two pages are separate pictures of walked to podium. the timing of this axios article is impeccable, i'm starting to wonder if the white house staffers are growing a little impatient, concerned and their wanting to speed up the process. charlie: that's the most alarming thing the unnamed
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democrats doing what they do is not like a five alarm fire, what is a five alarm fire you have staffers inside of the white house and we have individual members of the administration who have been talking to the press supposedly senior-level you always are suspicious with senior-level off the record but they're bringing the receipts and evidence, these photographs showing joe biden this is how you walked to the podium, when you are done this is how you walk away from the podium, nobody made this up this is real and somebody is leaking it, these are the people closest to the president who see president biden personally the most and whose jobs depend on them being in the white house and even they are leaking to the press. nicole: i wonder if the pictures came out before her multiple times the president got lost leaving the podium. charlie: where were those all
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the times over the past couple of years. nicole: this is it new if we go back to june 2020 biden flashes his notecards with the instructions you into the roosevelt room and say hello to participants, you take your seat and you give a brief. president biden has been in politics for 50 years, he's been there very long time i'm not sure why they would feel he needs a note card telling him that he has to walk in and say hi and give comments. tomi: we know why, this is so disturbing because as we talk about this, the fact that the president the commander-in-chief with nuclear codes has to learn how to walk to the podium and as a visual picture of where the podium is in the step-by-step instructions for a toddler playing candyland, other world leaders are looking at this and are thinking if there was ever a time to go after the united states and their allies, this is it and they've done it when it comes to ukraine and israel but imagine what the world is
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thinking when our president has to have a pictogram of where he walks in a step-by-step on how to be a normal functioning human, that is embarrassing. nicole: every step the president takes is calculated they don't do things casually or off-the-cuff it is really programmed out, is this really are we making them all into an anthill, whatever the saying is my husband will kill me. is this a big deal? >> all play devils advocate, why not. first of all i made binders this the with pictures of people's faces in bio along with pictures of this is where you will have to walk in this is what you have to do for generals james madison being one of them before he got there that day. in those scenarios the general had never done the ceremony and never been to the place were met those people before and i guarantee by the time general mattis i'm made those binders by the time he got there he didn't need the binder he needed every
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face and could recall where he was going, the idea prepping someone for a situation they haven't been in that makes complete sense even the pictures biden had a front row seat to this for eight years sometimes stepping into the role as vice president this is not a new scenario is not a new ceremony is not new grounds for him it is the white house that he worked in for eight years there is not a lot of excuses on type a and planning its handholding, that's tough to know people have known this for four years. nicole: stick around a special edition of the big four about president biden is coming up next. ♪ (birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show it's time for the big four. our predictions on what will happen this week and president biden's reelection campaign. i will go first. this'll be a crucial week, obviously. i think the path and solving kamala harris is a lot tougher than people are saying right now i think the possibility of getting rid of him and kamala harris is virtually impossible for what what i think is going to be more interesting is looking at the week of the
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republican convention. if they want to take out some garbage and have people looking in eight different direction that is the week they're going to do it. who is next? parks i am next big cognitive recall, charlie. time for a test. anyway i know i've bolded predictions i've had bold predictions for two years. i believe that by friday they are going to convince joe to step down. quickly going to put money on it? are you calling up your bookie? >> i think they'll be a legal project do not think it is. what's i think by the end of the week. >> i am next here's the deal. i do not know if it joe biden's faked as a nominee will be decided by the end of next week i think his fate as far as being the next president is already decided regardless if he is the nominee or not joe biden will not be reelected for the president 2025 >> very safe and separate lexmark production. [laughter] >> i agree joey i do not think of any major headlines coming out of this week i do not think
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so. i do not believe joe biden will be on the ballot in november i think it will be kamala harris it's virtually impossible to get her off the ticket. i do not think they're going to mention much until the democratic national convention and that is where they will bring it home. >> joe biden is inside pocket aces is that the? he is really good at pretending to be president and pretending to be presidential. he has had for used to practice it so he is just going to keep doing that for as long as he can. >> a great step before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on ex, facebook an instagram at big we can show that is a for us. we will see you next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ shannon]: i am a shannon breamps political life trying to co


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