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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 9, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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at. he was always supposed to attend that event. nato members refuse to talk about what they say. the german chancellor hasn't seen health concerns. they're hearing private and public concerns from democrats. >> they are saying he can't be president now. the hypocrisy is interesting when you get into their arguments he shouldn't serve another term. he shouldn't have the nuclear codes right now. >> we should get a nato statement out of this. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> dana: this just in. democratic meeting has ended. lasted two hours. hakeem jeffries left out the back door. >> bill: and went in the back door. >> dana: we don't know what he is thinking but hope we'll find out later today. sandra smith will take you through the next hour. hi, sandra. >> sandra: fox news alert as we
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begin a new hour, seismic fracture in the president's party and he is the cause of ch chasm, an intense meeting brought no consensus whether the 81-year-old president should stay in the race. senate democrats are set to have a similar discussion about that an hour from now. and this is "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris. house democrats started to trickle out of that closed-door meeting an hour ago. most of them basically just ignored reporter questions that were shouted at them as they departed. senate democrats will be discussing biden's viability during their weekly lunch meeting. the questions dividing the party, can biden win? if he can, is he up to serving another term? yesterday the president was all about tamping down what some see as panic. he sent a letter to house democrats telling them to support him. he did a phone interview on msnbc and held a call with top
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party donors and a virtual meeting with the congressional black caucus. the issue took center stage at the white house press briefing. >> i have not seen any reason whatsoever to question or doubt his lucidty, his grasp of context, his probing nature and the degree to which he is completely in charge of facts and figures. >> i will say when the president gets knocked down he gets back up. this is joe biden. there are a long list of other congressional members who have shown their support for this president. >> sandra: former president donald trump is staying out of the conversation. he did say this on fox last night. >> he has an ego and he doesn't want to quit. he doesn't want to do that. >> what do you make of all the talk if biden steps aside or is pushed out, that it would be vice president harris? do you expect that much would
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change? >> i think that it will be her. i think they are very concerned about the vote if it is not her. they are very, very -- they're gun shy and don't want to do it any other way. i have actually come to believe that's what they are going to do. i think she is an ineffective person. >> sandra: aishah hosni is outside the dnc where house democrats had the meeting this morning. what did you hear as they were leaving? >> not much. if you were going to ask me the question if they were all united behind president biden i can't answer that question. they don't have an answer to that. that meeting, top secret, just ended. we are watching the doors closely. some members will start to trickle out. we tried to talk to some members earlier that had to run to committee and we were just getting ignored left and right. people were staring at us and
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told not to speak to the media. one lawmaker said there is no consensus. another one told us that they are still talking. take a listen to this. >> [shouted questions] >> this is what democracy is about, right? >> what did you get up and say in the room? >> i shared my position and how i came to it. >> is there not a -- is there any consensus in there? >> they are still talking. what does that tell you? >> we are united. our caucus is united in supporting each other. >> okay. so none of that sounds good for president biden. seth mouleton is one of those eight defectors he being the only one who stopped to talk to our camera. it tells you everything about
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how today went. senate democrats in the meantime will meet at lunchtime this afternoon to talk about biden. majority leader chuck schumer says he is for joe. his vulnerable colleagues aren't on the same page. brown, tester and others distanced themselves from the president. senator murray with a surprising statement saying that after she talked with her constituents she believes that president biden must do more to demonstrate that he can campaign strong enough to beat donald trump. while democrats are talking, republicans are trying to weigh in, too. >> house republicans have known that joe biden is unfit for office. we also know that he will go to any lengths to maintain his grip on power. >> now republicans actually, sandra, sent over their interns to troll democrats. you can see they are holding up the sign is joe biden fit for office? and at this hour, i don't know if democrats can answer that question.
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sandra. >> sandra: thank you for setting that up for us, aishah hosni. gianno caldwell is a fox news political analyst and joins us now. the democrats, welcome, are clearly worried about biden's impact down ballot if he stays in the race. are their concerns warranted? >> absolutely. to aishah's point that was clearly laid out, democrats don't know if he is fit for office anymore and unfortunately for them they are being fed this poison pill that we can now call joe biden. the truth of the matter is the american people saw that debate to the tune of what, 50 million on television, hundreds of millions on social media. i don't believe there will be another debate and this is the image that is sunk in their heads. it will impact democrats down ballot. they will have to say joe biden is fit for office. they will have to lie, lie, lie and lie some more and the american people know that it is not true. so they are losing credibility on their own issues and races and the impact is what we'll see
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in november. >> sandra: perhaps very telling we heard from the democrats as they were leaving that meeting just a short time ago, gianno. looking beyond the presidency, republicans currently hold a slim majority in the house and democrats are in control of the senate. but there are major questions, gianno, on how a continued biden candidacy could effect the balance of power in congress. one headline says democrats could be faced with losing both chambers if biden runs. as it stands, republicans are favored to win the senate but the party will face much stiffer competition in the house where democrats are expected to prevail. biden's inclusion on the ticket could flip the odds in the gop's favor. democrats weighing in on that. >> there are concerns with the impact on down ballot races if the president doesn't do well. >> it may be untenable for them to all want to run under a biden
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ticket because it is going to drag everybody else down. >> sandra: it is becoming more and more clear they're sounding the alarm on this issue, gianno. >> absolutely right. to that point of that article the senate probably likely going to flip to the republicans and we saw the chaos that we've seen with the speaker fights and all those kinds of things. it seemed like a slimmer chance. with the new information coming to light and the fact that democrats have to defend their nominee. they can't take him out of the race. the only way they could do that if they invoke the 25th amendment, the only way. they aren't willing to do that. they know what kind of chaos that would cause even though so sad our country is having to live through a president who can't function as our commander-in-chief. they are choosing politics and power over the american people and it is unfortunate. the set of circumstances they find themselves in. truth of the matter is, the chickens have come home to roost. they knew for months what kind
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of condition that joe biden was in. we've been talking about it on our air for how long? they did not report they just said that's fox news controversial statements that they are making and not true. we have been right all along. this is where they put themselves and only have themselves to blame for it. >> sandra: it was called right wing propaganda. there is also big questions over next steps here. what would be the next step for democrats if president biden does end up leaving the race? biden campaign co-chair in south carolina congressman jim clyburn said if that were to happen the party should hold a mini primary. long-time clinton advisor james carville goes further than that calling for a, quote, super democratic process. one where former presidents barack obama and bill clinton pick eight candidates including harris, suggesting four town
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halls, one each in the south, the northeast, midwest and west. also says democratic could test the candidates. if biden steps aside the democratic party has two options core nation of harris. democrats denied themselves over the past few years with information. if biden had run in a competitive primary debates including debates democrats would have seen earlier how he would perform. if biden had sat for extended tough interviews and given news conferences his shortcomings would have been clearer and they would find themselves in a much different position today. your thoughts. >> they would. the democratic party isn't a party of allowing a party compete or let people get out there and possibly beat whoever
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has been anointed at that particular moment. the problem i think for democrats is they are locked in. they don't have a choice. you can't introduce a new person to the country. the debate people saw is probably all that many people will see in this election. they are turned off. they saw what they saw. you won't get a new face in there and especially it's problematic if you bypass kamala harris who black women support and the message you are going over this black leader, this vice president, to go pick somebody else that could be of another color. we know how identity politics work in the democrat party. it dominates them. they are losing -- whatever your resolution is, you lost on each one of them. you better buckle up, get with joe biden, and try to feed him some lines that tell the press. it is just not working out for them. >> sandra: always good to talk to you. thanks for coming on the program today. democratic lawmakers in both
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chambers asking how do you solve a problem like joe biden? it looks like some might think the answer is his wife. three stump speeches yesterday compared to 0 from her husband. new questions about hunter's influence as well. plus yesterday's white house press briefing devolved into complete chaos. >> has the president been treated for parkinson's? no. is he being treated for parkinson's, no. he is not taking medications for parkinson's, no. >> sandra: new revelations about the president's medical exams are raising more questions about his health and cognitive abilities. dr. marty makary is in "focus" and will join us live next. m adh chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget.
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>> sandra: breaking news, former oklahoma senator jim inhoff has died at the age of 89. a former aide tells fox the senator's death came after a sudden, unexpected illness over the holiday. senator inhoff retired from congress in 2022 after being reelected in 2020. he served nearly 40 years on capitol hill making him the longest-serving senator from the sooner state. the former aide also says the senator passed peacefully with his wife, kaye, holding his hand surrounded by his kids and other family members. are prayers are with them. and it was an absolutely wild white house briefing yesterday. we carried it live on america reports dominated by questions about parkinson's disease specialist who logs show visited the white house eight times since 2022.
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karine jean-pierre cited privacy concerns on whether the doctor treated the president. later that afternoon the white house released a letter written by biden's doctor, kevin o'connor, with this admission. dr. canard was the neurological specialist that examined president biden for his annual physicals. his findings have been made public each time i released the results of the president's annual physical. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical since february. there are questions about both doctors' connections to the president. house oversight chair james comer wants to investigate dr. con or's business ties to the family. dr. canard has donated to the biden campaign several times. it boils down the briefing in a nutshell. [inaudible] could you state very clearly yes
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or no was the expert's visits to the white house for the president? >> can you confirm whether or not the president -- [inaudible] >> very basic, direct question. >> hold on, wait, wait wait a second. >> eight times or at least once in regard to the president specifically. you should be able to answer by this point. >> no, no, no, wait a minute. ed, please. a little respect here, please. so every year around the president's physical examination, he sees a neurologist. that's three times. every time he has a physical, he has had to see a neurologist. that's answering that question. >> new york city -- new york city no, it's not. >> i also said to you for security reasons we cannot share names. we cannot share names. we have to put --
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>> others he would have met with. you share names? regard -- >> miffed around here how information has been shared with the press corps. everything he just asked about. >> and then every time i come back and i answer the question that you guys ask. >> come back and clean up. >> sandra: we said chaos, it was chaos. in 90 minutes that press secretary will likely face more of the same in the brady press room. marty makary joins us now. i have many questions for you and you have a lot of thoughts on this issue. this is the white house that promised the american public transparency. why not bring the president's into that press briefing room today and address not only the media, the press questions, but the american people's concerns over the health of this president? >> hi, sandra. first of all i need to be non-partisans.
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i have patients republicans and democrats and i need to take care of all of them. we need to be very objective here. the reality is people want some answers. there is a controversy brewing now around the president which can be settled in about one hour by him taking a mental status exam and getting an independent evaluation. i would tell people not to rush to judgment because a parkinson's specialist went to the white house. it is suspicious and begs a lot of questions. there were nine visits in the last year roughly. and there was one visit in the preceding three years. now, because he specializes in parkinson's doesn't mean -- i think when you look at the constellation of symptoms, the slowing, the confusion, the sun downing, the very odd movements that people recognize from a loved one that may be suffering from dementia or one of the alzheimer's-related conditions, people recognize those and what
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we likely are witnessing is age-related demention which gets worse over time. >> sandra: what observations as a doctor have you made especially of that debate performance. >> there were times of intense confusion. it is hard to make a curbside diagnosis from a distance. but when you look at the shuffling, the slow motion movement, when a hand goes out very slow for a handshake and that kind of very slow movements, those are signs of somebody with cognitive slowing. if i put a medical student of mine in front of the president and said here is a standardized patient, do an assessment. if they came back and said there is no diagnosis they would have failed the exam. we are are seeing age-related dementia signs. >> sandra: all that said and
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considering that observation, this is according to people close to the president in the "washington post." biden's mental acuity is reportedly getting worse over time. one health expert says the president could be in a case of denial. the person with dementia or alzheimer's believes they are fine and can be angered by anyone believing they aren't. she noticed he stares, loses his thoughts and sometimes walk slowly. also said watching him is like watching my own mother, who had alzheimer's and that he may not be knowingly covering it up. and as he said himself in that interview post debate yesterday on morning joe, he feels frustrated and that would make sense if this were all the case. >> yeah, consistent with some of the age-related decline and dementia symptoms is a sort of loss of a social filter. so you see more aggression, more
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outrage sometimes creep up. it is almost unpredictable. that's common in a constellation of symptoms in sun downing and later in the evenings. what we do know is that they've not been forthcoming with his condition from early on. if you remember when someone noticed a sort of indentation on his cheek they said that's because he is using c pap for sleep apnea, something no one had known prior to that. we learn from questions, we don't learn from a forthcoming disclosure. but i would just generally say as a broad statement i don't trust any political statement or rumors because we saw, for example, with barbara boxer people said she is fine until suddenly she wasn't. >> sandra: it's tough for anyone to watch a loved one or our president go through anything like this.
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and to his point about it being frustrated, we are seeing that play out in realtime. doctor, thank you for joining us. >> thanks. >> sandra: former president trump will hold a big rally in florida as suspense builds as who he will name as his running mate. people are already showing up, plus all eyes on president biden at the nato summit tonight. reports suggesting some allies are worried after that debate disaster. the white house insists it's all good. >> i think just the fact that this summit is happening here in washington, these leaders are coming says a lot about how much they value american leadership on the world stage. >> sandra: republicans say his recent performances make us look weak to the world as a crucial time. senator bill cassidy will join us next.
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>> sandra: former president trump stumping in florida tonight holding big campaign
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rally as anticipates builds over who he will choose as his running mate coming six days ahead of the republican national convention where the former president will officially become the gop presidential nominee. right now trump holds his second largest lead ever against biden in the real clear politics polling average. bryan llenas is live in doral, florida for us. hello, bryan. >> people have already begun to line up for tonight's rally at 7:00 p.m. at the doral golf club. this is the former president's first rally in 11 days and it appears to be by design. a trump campaign source telling fox digital why get in the way of democrats shooting at each other whether or not president biden should be the nominee? tonight we are told to expect the former president to lay out an indictment against president biden and his white house and democratic party for covering up president biden's cognitive decline. we also expect trump to attack
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biden's potential replacement, vice president kamala harris as more extreme than biden. we're told florida senator marco rubio will speak at tonight's rally. he is thought to be on the short list of possible v.p. picks for trump including senators vance, scott and burgum on hannity last night trump would like to announce his pick at the convention but it could come before. he suggested biden's decision to stay or go could impact his pick. >> they are under consideration. i haven't made final decision. i have some ideas as to where we're going. a little bit. we wanted to see what they are doing to be honest. it might make a difference. i don't know, i'm not sure it would. >> the dnc tied trump to project 2025 today. a conservative think-tank which laid out a 900-page playbook to overhaul the federal government that democrats call dangerous.
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trump has distanced himself from project 25. the trump campaign and the republican party released its own 16-page platform yesterday. the rnc voted to approve that platform yesterday but not without controversy. for the first time in 40 years, the party's platform does not include calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortion. this year's platform only says the party opposes late term abortions. some delegates say the platform is not pro-life enough. sandra, noting they weren't given a chance to read the platform before voting. the platform passed with an 84-18 vote. >> sandra: we see the signs are already up and people are already showing up. bryan, thank you. president biden faces his first big test on the world stage since his debate disaster. the nato summit kicks off today in washington. on the table the war in ukraine
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and our alliances across europe. a bright spotlight on biden's age and stamina as he faces three days of meetings, speeches, and dinner escaped off by a rare news conference on thursday. headlines are highlighting the doubts world leaders may have after that debate debacle. "politico" says this, american allies fear biden is finished and can't beat trump. bloomberg biden all aisles abroad think it is untenable for him to stay on. nbc news, alarm and amusement at biden's performance as world reacts with debate with trump. the white house says, though, no worries. >> how does he plan to reassure american allies in nato he is up for the job now when he couldn't debate trump on stage. >> it pre-supposes the nation they need to be reassured. i don't believe that's the case. we're not picking up any signs of that from our all aisles at
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all. >> stories both sides of the atlantic the last several days questions from european leaders the ability to lead the united states. >> i'm not aware of any such conversations that have been had, none of us certainly. >> sandra: senator bill cassidy, republican from louisiana, joins us now. could you imagine that there are no concerns among world leaders after they, too, witnessed that debate debacle? why would john kirby be so quick to dismiss that that could be the case as he heads into this summit? >> john kirby is very skilled and never directly answered the question. the fact is there has to be concerns. any world leader has to be on the top of his or her game at all times. and president biden is not on the top of his game at any time. now they say between 10:00 and 4:00. maybe between 10:00 and 4:00 he is better. does anyone think world events
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10:00 and 4:00 or sharp enough to take on a foreign emergency? john kirby knows that and he walked around each of those questions. >> sandra: interesting. this is going to be a busy few days. a tough task. he is going to have three days of meetings, as we mentioned and have speeches. he will have dinners and he will top the whole thing off with a very rare news conference for this president on thursday. the world, senator, will be watching. how do you think these leaders are going to judge the president of the united states on this world stage? >> they are probably judge him the way they've judged him for the last year. he has been in significant decline but people around him to seem to be guiding the policy. as long as the policy is pointing in the direction they can live with, that's the way it goes. they can't pick our leaders for us. we have to pick our leaders for ourselves. they probably feel like okay, we know where he is going even if biden himself is not entirely
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there. as an american, i don't think that's optimal. i think that you need a president who is actually on top of his or her game not somebody guided by the hand. >> sandra: just quickly before i move on. what's the chatter on the hill? is the thinking that he is going to stay in it? >> well, i can't tell you what is being said inside democratic offices. the fact that his key supporters are vehemently supporting him shows you how much pushback there is upon him staying in it. his vehement supporters have to be vehement to push back against those who say the guy should go. >> you along with senator grassley and johnson are hosting a round table to discuss the exploitation of migrant children. and human trafficking as a result of this growing border crisis. hundreds of thousands of children enter the u.s. each
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year alone. the biden administration has reportedly lost track of many of those children. you, senator, say the department that is responsible did not follow proper vetting protocols which allows criminals to get their hands on these children. these children. please tell us what it is you are trying to do about this. >> first let's lay a problem where it should begin when biden came into office and changed the policies that controlled immigration, we ended up getting 500,000 unaccompanied children since he took office. overwhelming our response. the office of refugee resettlement just began to move them through, move them through. not doing background checks and not even checking on the identity of the person who wanted the take the child and by the way, not doing criminal background checks. so much so that now we have news reports a child was put into a meat processing plant and was
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pulled into the machine and killed by the meat processing. violating a lot of laws, not to mention a tragic loss of life. the biden administration has lost control of this as they have lost control of the border and things need to change. >> sandra: senator cassidy, appreciate you joining us, sir, thank you. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: the president out of sight yesterday as calls for him to step aside are continuing to swirl. the first lady hit the campaign trail hard and first son hunter is reportedly sitting in on white house meetings and could have a lot of influence on the current decision making. plus we're hearing it more and more what some people say they have known for a very long time. the president's inner circle kept his rapid decline under wraps. our power panel will join us here next. >> we could give you example after example after example all on tape and record, everybody knows it. democrats, our colleagues for 3 1/2 years have been covering
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>> sandra: a lot of attention on the biden's family's influence on the white house and campaign. axios reporting first son hunter biden is sitting in on white house meetings acting as a gate keeper. mike turner wants to know if hunter's convicted felon has been privy to classified briefings. miranda devine with this warning. hunter biden is the real point person in joe's white house. don't underestimate the first son. >> i think people haven't quite given the significance to hunter
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biden's presence in the white house that it deserves. if he is in control of his father, as it appears he is, he is effectively the commander-in-chief by proxy. that's a very frightening thing for the country. hunter biden is deefshous, intelligent, manipulative. out for his own ends. >> sandra: first lady jill biden is taking center stage on the campaign trail. she made stops in north carolina, florida, and georgia yesterday. like her husband, she seems to have little patience with questions from reporters. >> as commander-in-chief, president biden wakes up every morning ready to work for you. because you are what this election is all about. for all the talk out there about this race, joe has made it clear
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that he have is all in. [cheers and applause] >> do you have any message to house democrats calling for your husband to drop out of the race? how are you feeling about the state of the race? [inaudible] >> sandra: lady, she says, campaign advisor for senator tim scott and -- fred, a reasonable question. what is your message for people concerned about the president's health and his re-election bid, do you first? >> i think it's pretty common place for people to get irritated after hearing the same question over and over again. the first lady has fielded this question for the last two weeks in an intense way since the debate. it doesn't surprise me there is a little irritation there. reality is that -- i think what she wants to convey and democrats are talking about president biden has a strong record.
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three years of delivering for america and we're still talking about a 90-minute debate. he stated he is staying in the race. whatever happens, happens, for now he is the nominee. i think she would like to talk about the real issue at hand talking about candidates. trump is a convicted felon. >> sandra: fair to say you want him to stay in the race? >> i want democrats to have a good day on november 5th. >> sandra: is that a yes or no, should the president stay in? sounds like support. is that a yes? >> democrats have delivered for america whether you talk about the president, senators, congress, democrats have delivered for america. i want to make sure that we are still in control after november >> sandra: matt, perhaps the way fred respectfully answered that question that's the position democrats are in right now. answering that very question. >> it is. look, i think joe biden will probably gut this out. calling the democrats' bluff and people don't want to come
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forward, at least the ones that haven't already and call for him to step aside. the jill incident you saw outside the coffee shop. white house press briefing shows that it is a white house that isn't used to getting serious scrutiny from the press and don't know what to do. bennie thompson, a member of the house, call for a cbs reporter to be suspended for how he questioned karine jean-pierre. ridiculous. look, the press was very willfully ignorant of this whole thing for a very long time. it isn't a surprise to anybody. they will drop it, i assume as soon as they realize biden is not going anywhere. they don't know how to handle it because they are under siege right now. >> sandra: fred, your reaction to it. "washington post" readers sending these pleas for the first lady saying things like urge your husband to end his campaign. biden is no longer physically and mentally equipped.
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urgent and compelling for you to persuade president biden to immediately forego his campaign. fred, will she listen? >> let's put this in perspective. you have 250 democrats in congress between the house and senate. fewer than 20 have called for president biden to step down. you are talking about less than 10%. fewer democrats have called on president biden to step down than counts on which donald trump was convicted, 34. the reason why people are asking this and we're having this robust discussion within our party we believe donald trump is dangerous. if donald trump were just -- if he were say ronald reagan or george bush or someone like that this discussion would be as robust. g6 members and several others expressed the same thing including several talking about this several -- >> sandra: democrats, when they
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meet behind closed doors, they come out truly believing that joe biden is the only candidate that they can put forward that can beat donald trump. >> i didn't say that. >> sandra: i will give you a chance to correct that if it's not fair. matt, first your thoughts. >> this is why i believe the democrats say how democracy is at stake. they don't believe it. their words don't match their actions. if they really believed that the democracy was at stake and the only thing hinging was this election, why would they run an 81-year-old clearly diminished and the "wall street journal" reports for over a year now aides have been propping up to let stand? it doesn't make sense. >> sandra: speaking of which, fred, i will let you correct the record however you choose to. the "wall street journal" is reporting how biden's inner circle worked to keep signs of his aging under wraps for months and months aides kept a tight
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reign on the president's travel plans, news conferences public appearances and meeting with donors. while his stumbles became increasingly obvious. here is the inner circle at work. >> i spent a lot of time with joe biden and i can tell you this is someone who is tireless in terms of working on behalf of the american people. >> i see him out, you know, traveling around this country. i see his vigor and his energy, i see his passion. >> the president has no impairment. the president -- >> you have never seen any? >> i don't know how many ways i can say this. i have complete confidence in the president. >> president biden does more in one hour than most people do in a day. his age with experience and expertise is an incredible asset and he proves it every day. >> sandra: are you concerned his inner circle has seen this for quite some time and they've been stage managing him and keeping this to themselves? >> so i disagree with your
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description of it. if you recall in the 1980s, ronald reagan was believed to be very diminished from suffering alzheimer's the entirety of his second term and managed and the country according to republicans ran very fine. i believe that this is not something that is necessarily unusual. what i will say going back to the question about did we feel like joe biden is our best chance of winning. we have a really deep bench if you look at governor west and beshear in kentucky and the vice president, kamala harris, you look at gavin new some. she fares well against trump 50/50. we'll talk about polling right now at this stage it looks like she has a decent shot at it if she is the nominee. >> sandra: matt, 30 seconds. >> they both lose to donald trump. certainly biden loses by more,
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number one. we might agree reagan was a great president. he was giving interviews with all four evening news anchors in the last term. that comparison is ridiculous. they have been finally caught in a lie that they have been building for years now and they don't know what to do and completely under siege. >> sandra: it is a lot for everybody to take in and we're watching what changes by the hour and guess what? 1:00 today we'll get the white house press briefing and carry that live on "america's newsroom." thanks to both of you. appreciate it, fred and matt, thank you. that does it for us. thanks for watching "the faulkner focus." good to be with you all. i'm sandra smith in for harris today. i'll be back at 1:00 p.m. eastern time with america reports with john roberts. we'll covering the press briefing. "outnumbered" will begin after the break. thanks for joining us. oration i.
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