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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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mean they said this three-point advantage that trump now has, he's never been ahead. not in 2016, not in 2020 and in any of the polls. so like it's only two or three points, but he was never ahead in any of these major poles. >> the national polls he was never ahead. he was barely ahead in the swing states but he always outperforms the national polls in the swing states which is why right now there's a lot of reason for optimism. republicans, they can find a way to blow it so they have to be very vigilant over the next few months. >> laura: trump has to be smart and nato won't save joe biden. they can't probably save ukraine and they won't save joe biden. thank you so much, good to see you. that's it for us tonight, follow me on instagram, new stuff going up there and remember it's american now and forever, jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters "primetime". tonight...
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i think the bite -- that biden debated as well as abraham lincoln. if you dug him up right now. >> jesse: late-night digging biden's political grave. but is it too soon? >> i guess he's sleepy joe. >> saying kamala harris is the heir apparent, would you run as her vice president? >> never say never. >> jesse: women are making their moves. >> i can't believe this. just the classic features of neurodegeneration. when he turns it's kind of and block turning, another quick turn. that's one of the hallmarks of parkinson's. >> jesse: biden, parkinson's and botox. >> a little more work done? >> just a bit. >> jesse: plus... thank you for being here, north carolina, thank you. [ cheering and applause ] [♪♪] >> jesse: fox news alert. president donald trump is about
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to rally his supporters, expected to talk about his opponent joe biden. he's there with marco rubio who's on the short list for vice president. down there where he has a country club. and this is his first real major event since the debate. he did sean "hannity" last night but has laid pretty low since that historical -- that has disconnected biden from media,'s donors and many democrats in the house and senate. so as joe biden struggles to regain his footing, donald trump has a completely consolidated republican party today. nikki haley pledged her delegates in the primary to donald trump. so let's listen to the former president right now. >> thank you very much, hello
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miami, hello florida, thank you. there is nowhere else i would rather be on this beautiful very cold summer evening then right here. beautiful, is in it? on one of the greatest golf courses on earth and we really want to thank all of the tens of thousands of people who showed up, because there are a lot of people. a lot of people. as the world can see, we are under the leadership where the republican party is bigger, stronger, more vibrant and more united than ever, ever, ever before. every day we are welcoming more americans to our ranks, african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, young people, old people, union members, nonunion members.
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basically everyone is joining our movement because it's a movement of commonsense. commonsense. whatever happened to commonsense in government? we've got more than anybody's ever had. meanwhile the radical left democrat party is divided in chaos and having a full-scale break down all because they cannot decide which of your candidates is more unfit to be president. sleepy crooked joe biden or laughing kamala harris. as you know in our recent debate , and in honor of all of you, i dealt joe biden, even according to the fake news media, the most decisive and overwhelming defeat in the history of presidential debates. i think so, right? i think so. that was a big crowd that was watching, one of the highest
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rated shows over on television so i'm honored to be a part of it. i don't think he's too happy but i like being a part of it. even cnn said, as i walked off the stage, that it was one of the greatest performances they've ever seen, but it was sort of easy if you want to know the truth, our victory. we are so absolute that joe's own party wants him to throw in the towel and surrender the presidency after a single 90 minute performance. they want crooked joe out of the race. it's a shame the way they are treating him. but don't feel sorry for him, he's a very bad guy, he weaponized government, remember that, don't feel sorry for him. so tonight i'm officially offering joe the chance to redeem himself in front of the entire world. so marco and byron and everybody, here's what we are going to do, you guys can be referees if you like.
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let's do another debate this week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. but this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred catches name to the put -- name the place, any time, anywhere. and in the debate, sleepy joe also declared that he wanted to test his skills and stamina against mine on the golf course. can you believe this? did you ever see him swing? he's like this. that's why this evening i am also, and this is in honor of you and everybody, the 45,000 people, that's a lot of people. i'm also officially challenging crooked joe to an 18 hole golf match right here considered one
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of the greatest tournament golf courses everywhere in the year -- anywhere in the world. it will be among the most-watched sporting events in history. maybe bigger than the ryder cup or even the masters. and i will even give joe biden ten strokes aside. that's a lot. that means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. i will give him ten strokes aside and if he wins, i will give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants, $1 million. and i will bet you he does not take the offer. because he's all talk. but what that match will do is prove that joe is in fact all talk and no action. but on many things, not just golf. when pilots walk into the white
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house he says he used to fly planes. he didn't. when truckers come and he says he used to drive a truck. he didn't. when jewish people are here, he always attended synagogues, he said. he did not attend. he doesn't know what a synagogue is. when black people come, he spends his sundays in black churches. all of it is a fake, he's a fake. unfortunately he was like that in afghanistan, it was like that with russia ukraine and like that on october 7th and the attack. he did not know what he was doing. but whatever else can be said about crooked joe biden, you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision, probably the smartest decision he's ever made he picked kamala harris as his vice president.
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no, it was brilliant. because it was an insurance policy. maybe the best insurance policy i've ever seen. if joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can't because she's got to be their second choice. he has no choice and no chance. as vice president, kamala harris was given two jobs. two very important jobs actually. first she was put in charge of the u.s. border security at the border. and she never showed up. she's never gone. she never went there once, and the border is the worst border in the history of the world. not just in the number of years, we had the best border in history, she has the worst border in the history of the world. and then she was sent to europe to deter russia from attacking ukraine. how did that work out? that did not work. both times the result was a deadly failure.
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since she was made, the biden-harris administration has lost track. 150,000 children, many of whom have undoubtedly been raped, trafficked, killed or horribly abused. 150,000 children are missing. missing, gone, nobody knows where they are. many are not with us any longer. she is 100% for the green a new scam, supports banning the sale of gas powered cars. who wants to drive an electric car for the rest of your life? you don't want to drive for 45 minutes and then stop for three hours, is that what -- and once the american industry shuts down starting with pennsylvania bracken and texas drilling. no drilling in texas, no fracking in pennsylvania. we just gotta pull from
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pennsylvania, 12 points out, that's a lot. a poll from texas, 16 points up. and we have some great people from texas here tonight. as a senator, kamala cited with socialist bernie sanders. he's a real socialist. but not as bad as biden turns out to be. bernie is embarrassed by some of the things biden did because they push them around. it's the ultra- far left government takeover of the entire healthcare system and i don't think kamala harris is california socialism is going to go down well with the people of doral, the people of miami or the people of florida. because in florida we don't like socialism, we want our freedom, right? and we have a lot of people from cuba, from venezuela, from all over, and they don't want to here about socialism or
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communism. [ chanting ] >> thank you. despite all of the democrat panic this week, the truth is it doesn't matter who they nominate because we will beat anyone of them in thundering landslides and this november will be amazing, the most important election in the history of our country because our country is going down the tubes. that's a nice way of saying our country is not doing too well. we've never had anything like it. our borders, economy, the worst inflation ever. we have the politics on our side, we have the policies on our side that will make america great again. if they don't they will only continue to destroy our nation. our nation is being destroyed. joe, kamala and the entire democrat establishment have been caught red handed in the thick of the biggest scandal and the biggest cover-up. it's a cover-up, that's what it
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is. i said it when they hit this guy in the basement and then cheated on the election. it's a cover-up. it's the biggest cover-up in political history. as you know, they are all co-conspirators in this sinister plot to defraud the american public about the cognitive abilities of the man in the oval office. sometimes he's there, not often. laffin' kamala was in on it. crazy nancy pelosi who's also cognitively impaired, she's not doing too well. i think she's worse than joe, you want to know. she was in on it. brian, you ever seen him cry? the phone is crying you've ever seen. -- crying chuck schumer was in
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on it, they all knew this guy was grossly incompetent and every democrat in the house and senate was in on it. it was a scam. the american people can never trust this group of lawyers over again. they put our country at great risk and danger. that is why we are going to sweep them all out of office this november. i believe it will be an election like no other. but the biggest problem for the radical left democrats is that their candidates are very much, if you take a look, mentally deficient. i'm saying that because the other term is too tough. the biggest problem is that their policies are no good. their policies are horrible. americans want strong borders, not open borders. we want low taxes, not high taxes. they want to increase your taxes four times by four times. we want a strong military caulk
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not eight woke military. we have a great military. we have a military that defeated isis in four weeks once i got in. we want no inflation, not 30 or 50% which is what you had. think of it, people were destroyed with the inflation. i don't even order bacon anymore. it's so expensive, i don't want it. gonna many times. byron likes bacon. i think maybe -- stand up byron. >> jesse: president donald trump in doral, florida challenging joe biden to an 18 hole golf match, giving him ten strokes aside. he says of it's televised it will beat the masters ratings and if he loses he will give $1 million to joe's charity of choice. also challenged joe biden to a debate, no moderators, this week
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said he would be doing him a favor. said his movement of commonsense is growing while the democratic party remains fractured. went in pretty hard on kamala harris, called her laffin' kamala and says her brand of california socialism, no one will want that in the rest of the united states, said she was given two jobs, to tour russia, failed, secure the border, failed, and she hangs with bernie. said the entire dumbest -- democrat establishment from nancy to chuck schumer, all conspirators in this broad against the united states for hiding joe biden's cognitive disability. and says it's the biggest cover-up in american political history. but in the meantime it's day two of biden's hostage crisis and today there were actual tears as house democrats held an urgent come to jesus meeting in washington. one congressman said it felt like a funeral. another said that's an insult to
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funerals. they are all starting to realize there's no easy way out. >> are you all on the same page? >> know. >> what you mean? >> not even in the same book. >> jesse: biden has been reportedly hunkered down working the phones demanding money and protection. but the problem is, no one is picking up the phone. a well-connected democrat fundraiser says it's gotten so bad some of biden's campaign bundler's have given up. now it's a staring contest until someone makes the first move. the times says it's increasingly clear that the president is unwilling to accept the reality of his situation. he's engaging in a staring contest with democratic leaders and he appears to be winning. the only way to persuade mr biden to accept the need for new leadership is to demonstrate that the party is no longer following him. is it a civil war or just a cold war? too early to tell.
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and the democrats are afraid to shoot first because they are facing mutually assured destruction either way. so the party put biden on the clock. he has until this weekend to surrender. >> are you personally confident that he has what it takes to not only continue this election but then to serve another four years? >> i think that, you know, if you just wait until this week when more comes out, i believe there will be a clearer view of what's happening. >> jesse: biden does not come up with his hands up by saturday, democrats will have to send in the political swat team. nancy pelosi is going to come through biden's bunker with a battering ram. sources say that he would listen reluctantly but he would listen to her. next up, jim clyburn who speaks for the black caucus and who saved joe in 2020, paired with nancy. sources say it may move the needle. but if that does not work, chuck schumer would have to be the one
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to tell him it's over. step down or risk a political slaughter down the ballot. handing republicans both chambers and the white house. biden's heart remains in the senate and hearing this from chuck would hit home. but if that does not work there's only one person who can take -- talkshow off the ledge, barack obama. biden knows he owes him, he made him vp, helped him beat trump but he also resents the messiah for choosing hillary instead of him in 16. so biden world is mourning obama world, be cautious. barack obama better not come in too hot because it will backfire, only make biden digging deeper. like we said last night, it's a chinese finger trap. the more both sides pole, the tighter it gets. biden's current strategy is debate the party back into his corner, telling donors it's time to put trump in the bull's-eye. this election was supposed to be about trump but now it's about biden and he has to change that
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fast or it's over. but the leaking makes it impossible for biden to get out of this doom loop. sources tell the wall street journal that biden's whole presidency has been a cover-up. biden once skipped out on a g-7 meeting with the german chancellor because he felt fatigued. the germans even scheduled the meeting at six so biden would not be sleepy but suddenly blinken showed up to the meeting instead of joe and announce that biden had to go to bed. sorry, it snapped time. biden reportedly also only functions from 10-4 and after that who knows. >> he's sharpest before 8:00 pm. so say the pentagon at some point picks up -- it's 11:00 pm, who do you call, the first lady? >> he has a team that lets him know of any news that is pertinent and important to the american people. he has someone, decided with his
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national security council, and who gets to tell him that news. >> jesse: sources also told the wall street journal that during a fundraiser, biden cannot remember the word veteran and had to ask staff, what's the word when you used to serve in the military? biden's bouncers on late-night aren't protecting him anymore, that's how bad it is. >> he addressed concerns about his health, stating he was fine but then adding, it's just my brain. >> oh, good. it's just his brain. and that sound is just my sphincter clenching so tight i think i just made a diamond. >> jesse: and it's not just stephen colbert. >> are you telling me you [
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bleep ], are you coming to my house and saying to my face that the united states, bruce springsteen's america, can't hold an election better than a [ bleep ] french? is that what you are telling me? four months! 119 days. there are contestants on the bachelor who haven't even met yet that will get married and divorced between now and the election. we have nothing but time. >> jesse: a famous publicist once said, in politics you can win when you are feared but you will never win when you are ridiculed. joe biden is now being selected to ridicule and has never been feared. can the president survive an election campaign without air cover from the press? here's 45. >> they cover for him and they still are sort of covering but now it's getting difficult to do that. it looks to me like he may very well stay in. he has an ego and he doesn't
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want to quit, he doesn't want to do that. it looks to me like that's what he wants. >> jesse: donald trump fought a civil war before he was president and fought off a coup while president. now he's sitting pretty with a unified party and the democrats plot their own insurrection. trump sods get better every day. he's the first republican in a quarter-century heading into the conventions ahead in the polls. look at that. and just breaking, the cook political report announced that six key states moved towards trump in the electoral college. democrat senators are looking at polling and having aneurysms. one lawmaker said if they stick with biden, it could be a weekend at bernie's situation. when a dead man hold you hostage , it says more about the hostage then the dead man. jason is a silicon valley, entrepreneur and cohost of the all in podcast.
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you have a prediction? what happens with joe? >> it's pretty clear what's going to happen, he won't make it out of the next week or two and then the democrats will take over the entire summer with their speed run primary. they will just let a half dozen, eight potential candidates run. they will do three or four debates and pick their two winners but it's over. if you have the late-night hosts mocking him like this, i think we all know it's over. of close the donors are backing down, all of these deep-pocketed donors saying we are done. and so if the media is done and the donors are done, we are done and it's all a matter of what comes next. i also predict kamala harris will take over as president, the first female president. biden will step down, she will get that is her consolation prize and she will get to do the democratic spirit run primary and fight for her slot which i
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don't think she will get. >> jesse: you seem so confident that this thing is going to play out exactly as you described it. what happens if biden does not agree? what happens if he looks at the money drying up and he sees stephen colbert making fun of him? so what? it will take someone like a barack obama or jill to come to him and say you have to go. >> you are closed but you've left out one important possibility, a whistleblower. that's what will happen next as well. if he does not drop out in the next week or two, a whistleblower will emerge, somebody who has some fortitude, some ethics, morals inside of joe biden's cabinet, somebody inside of that white house who knows what's going on, who understands the cover-up, and they will leak something to you for your "primetime" show. and then he will be forced. i think the cover-up here is very deep. the fact that you have the new york times, new york post i think broke the story of this neurologist coming to the white house, and then you have the
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press secretary not able to explain this. he's refusing, after we saw the george stephanopoulos interview, did a pretty hard-core job on him. he did not pull many punches. he won't take a basic cognitive testimony release information. after that debate performance, the first thing you would do is take your parent, husband, wife, spouse, cousin, brother, anybody, you take them to a neurologist. the fact that they did not use elder abuse. it is absolutely abhorrent and i think the fact is the white house probably knows he is suffering from cognitive decline and they covered it up, and that will be the huge scandal. if he does not step down, a whistleblower will be e-mailing you. >> jesse: you are right about the whistleblower and i hope he e-mails me and gets my name right, two t's. i believe it would be somewhat on the national security side because that would do it. if you had a national security whistleblower that says this guy is asleep at the wheel, dozing off in the situation room, putting national security at risk, that would do it.
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>> absolutely. the supreme court can't keep the documents in order. this could be an executive assistant, maybe an intern or somebody who really has a significant position in the white house. it could be the doctors, who are these doctors that would cover up for the president? >> jesse: they are donors, both of them, they are all donors, they are in on it. is there ever going to be accountability in terms of these doctors, in terms of these staff members? they can't just walk away from weekend at bernie's and expect to not be held accountable, can they? >> absolutely not. the chances are that they don't know what's going on here is crazy. when you read the transcripts of what biden is saying and you compare it to how, you know, i don't know if he's ever been eloquent but he was crisp and clear, he had great energy, decent dictation about four or five years ago. so this is significant and these things occur very slowly and then all at once.
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i think that's what you are seeing. it's sad because sadly if we all get to a certain age, we will go through this. i think give the man some grace and dignity, let him step down and let the democratic party do something very easy, which is beat trump. these are the two most unpopular candidates in a long time in american history. twenty-five% of the country hate both candidates. if you put a moderate up against trump and you get two swings, you could pick the president and vise president in this instance. there's no way trump can the two of the top democratic candidates >> jesse: and who do you think these moderate candidates are that can beat trump on a ticket? >> they could be any of them. gretchen. you put together dean phillips. let alone if they do what the republicans did. >> jesse: gretchen and dean phillips? >> any of these folks. >> jesse: i don't know. >> any moderates can be trump 100% because the election will
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be picked by moderates. that's why they have done such a brilliant job remaking trump 2.0. trump has become a moderate. he has flipped his position and his rhetoric on abortion, he's flipped it on immigration, he's become so moderate and he feels presidential, which is specifically designed to win moderates. >> jesse: i don't think he's become a moderate. i think he's moderating, let's put it that way. >> okay great. >> jesse: moderating, maturing, and that something a lot have wanted to see for a long time. i think he's aging into it. >> absolutely. >> jesse: i'm sorry about gretchen, i don't think she can hack it. but anything could happen. urinalysis always intriguing and i will be looking for that e-mail. thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> jesse: so who is really stopping biden from dropping out? a white house insider joins "primetime", next. [♪♪] got me s
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[♪♪] >> jesse: joe biden may be fighting to hold onto power but some on the left have seen enough and they want to commit political euthanasia. >> i have to be the only want to stand up for joe biden, to protect them from the cruelest form of elder abuse i've ever been forced to watch. well then that's what i will do. he was an epic distressed thursday night. every cognitive default in his mind seemed to be shutting down. if this had been somebody that you truly cared about, loved, embraced, what would you have done? >> jesse: the victim of elder abuse joe or us? dr jill biden is reportedly the fiercest advocate for her husband staying in. why?
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>> i think jill would like to see him stay she's having a good time. i noticed she seems to be having a good time and i'm hearing that hunter is calling the shots. so this isn't necessarily a positive thing for our country. >> jesse: editorial boards across the country are begging doctor jill to pull the plug. but the biden's don't listen to the press, they don't even talk to them. biden thought the press was unfair while they were covering up for him. joe was forced out of a presidential campaign before, he doesn't want to cava again. plus, you can't beat the perks. jill biden likes being first lady so much she reportedly has her own hail to the chief style entrance theme song that she makes the marine corps ban play for her. plus, school is over summer so jill is not teaching, she's traveling, it's to campaign and fly around a nice jets. kevin mccarthy revealing that dr jill would often sit in on high-level meetings. >> jill does not want to leave
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either. many times when we had meetings in the oval office, jill was there as well. >> interesting. so the first lady was in some of your meetings about policy? >> many times jill would come in. there was one time when i would sit there and the president said something in this famous to are down to the pool saying to you want to go outside. jill turns very quickly when she hears that and says no, they don't want to go outside, because she knew exactly what position he was in and what he was doing. and then he turns around, you don't want to go outside? and then let us outside. i don't think she is there for policy, i think she's there to give him comfort and direct the meetings. >> jesse: former jill biden press secretary is back. mike, before we get to doctor jill, is hunter really calling the shots? >> well i don't he's calling the shots but i have to say, hunter
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has pretty good media savvy instincts of his own. >> jesse: he does? >> the answer to that would be where is jim today? it was really hunter who beat back house republicans on his own. no help from the white house or the campaign, that's for sure. he was kind of left without any air support. and he pulled some trump like moves. he came out and was confrontational, used the element of surprise. sort of was able to manipulate the media to win the coverage at the end of the day and shakes her -- sake sump -- shake at some the narrative. say what you want about hunter. >> jesse: mike, he was also convicted of felony gun charges and is facing tax felonies in a trial in september. i'm not sure he's as savvy as you say. >> so is the nominee though. >> jesse: tell me more about
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doctor jill. we don't know her the way you do. she is apparently telling joe to stay in and is not listening to the press or anyone at all. why? >> no. so one thing that was so interesting about the george stephanopoulos interview, when he said that if we lose he will have given it his all, and he got a lot of flak for that. it reminded me so much of what happened at 87 because as soon as he dropped out, that same day he was going in to a hearing, in this really was going to be the next up for political rehab for him. jill was with him in the anteroom and she heard him say something very similar, like well at least i can focus on this hearing now. she cut him off and took him by the shoulders and just kind of took him by the lapels and said no, you have to go win. because she knew that was sort of a rehabilitation moment for him.
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they were driven from that campaign and i think they learned a long time ago they were not going to let poles or pundits really push them out again. i think that moment was scarring for them. she had never seen his character or integrity attacked before. he had been groomed to run for president for 15 years, he was a great rising hope and the way that campaign ended was pretty devastating for them but it was a huge learning lesson in political combat. she's from philly like you so she likes to fight. >> jesse: we like to scrap and we will just do it for fun, we don't even care. did you hear michael more at the top accused doctor jill biden of elder abuse? what would doctor jill say to that? >> what she would say is that she hates politics but she loves him. and he never got in the way of
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her career, she was not going to get in the way of his. they never did that with both of their aspirations. it's not a leave it to beaver 1950s comedy for them. they are pretty independent. they lived independent professional lives outside of each other's shadows, so she would never -- she would probably not -- this is his decision, you know,. jill and the advisors and his sister and family are probably there giving advice, but jill alone won't make this decision. i don't know if democrats really want her to be making the decision for the party. i don't think she would want that decision, i don't think she's comfortable with it. >> jesse: so she won't advise him out of anything, she will just support whatever he wants. we know joe wants to win, we know he might lose, but he wants to stay in. >> that's right. >> jesse: mike crack great to see you. >> it will have to be a compelling case. >> jesse: there might have to be a whistleblower.
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i don't know if you heard about rumors of a whistleblower. that could come any day. thank you mike. >> you are welcome, thank you. >> jesse: clinton world comes up with a plan to replace biden. and botox shots at the white house. [♪♪] to duckduckgo on all your devie
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[♪♪] >> jesse: hillary clinton might be supporting biden publicly but behind the scenes she's scheming in a way that only the clintons can. she's circling biden like a vulture waiting for him to drop so she can pick at his carcass and finally shatter that glass ceiling. but clinton can't just go in for the kill, she's taking down biden slowly and methodically. it starts with a poll leaked by a sketchy democrat firm. they put out a lot of positive polls to spin for clinton in 16. they are back. this time they say clinton is the democrats test chance to beat trump. with kamala as her bp. so insulting to kamala. meanwhile emerson college, a legit pollster, as kamala polling hired think clinton but
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both losing to drum pretty significantly. but that won't stop hillary. her husband's right-hand man is doing the rounds, going on news nation to tell democrats biden is cooked. >> he's going to come to the conclusion that this is just not a good idea. i don't predict things, i'm just telling you it's inevitable. he will come to the conclusion. people will get the message to him. he will understand. his family will understand. they will prey on it and make the right decision. i don't have any doubt about it. >> jesse: that sounded like a threat. clinton world is confident biden is toast, all they need to do is have a plan to replace him. luckily one was written up for the times. he wants biden's political replacements to compete in four town halls across the country, live on tv, says it will be like the political super bowl. but who will the candidates being?
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carvel says let bill clinton and obama pick. i would advise presidents 42 and 44 to select eight leading contenders out of the pool of those who choose to run. but kamala isn't going to sit and let clinton and obama bulldoze her, she knows this is her only shot at the oval so she has some irons in the fire herself. new york times trying to rebrand kamala for the 18th time. now she's the strong independent black woman who's not here to make friends, here to govern. one of her close friends is telling the times, i think she's got into a point were most black women get, when the criticism is unrelenting the expectations continue to mount. and she just said i'm not quite to make everybody happy, i'm not going to please everybody all the time. but what i am here to do is be the very best vice president for this country that i can be and i'm just going to focus on doing that. democrats always make it about race with kamala, never
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substance. but kamala can do something biden can't, walk and talk. she met with america's olympic basketball team today in vegas, there she is with lebron and steph curry. it was just a photo op but something biden can't do without a teleprompter. kamala did not embarrass herself, this time. the democrat civil wars only getting started. alliances are forming, knives are drawn, backs ready to be stabbed. but trump says it does not even matter who he runs against. >> despite all the democrat pan think this week, it doesn't matter who they nominate because we are going to beat everyone of them in thundering landslides and this november will be amazing, the most important election in the history of our country. >> jesse: clay travis the founder of out,.com. rocket circling. you can see the wind beneath her wings. >> right off the top will you
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join me and also put up $1 million alongside of president trump giving 20 strokes to joe biden? >> jesse: i don't have clay travis money. >> she won't ever see this. join me, i will put an additional billion. this would be the most amazing golf ever. think what they are setting up for there with the clips your show, james carville is bill clinton's top advisor back in 92. david axelrod is the top advisor of barack obama in 2008 and 2012. what's going on here? they are trying to get the two guys who could actually end biden to come off the sidelines and say we can't allow biden to run again. the two double termed. most popular democrat presidents of the last 30 years. if they were to come out and say joe biden is done, i think that is the only way for -- for bill, it allows him to have more free
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time, it a new mistress, it would fit him well. for obama, puts them squarely in the circle. maybe he can become presidents again. he said he wanted to, where he could just talk into somebody's year. although i think anyone who's married knows that that will probably not work very well with your wife. but i think these are the two guys that would have to make the move. >> jesse: that's the move. >> if they don't, i can't believe it jesse, it's going to be trump against biden. biden will. >> jesse: a landslide other way. the biden a ministration doing cleanup on joe's medical problems. they say that that top parkinson's doctor who visited the white house, he was there to just visit other people, not just joe. you know what, dr, not just a parkinson's expert, he gives botox too. he's a big botox guy. he was there for shots, clay.
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>> first of all, that would be unbelievable, but also the white house isn't a normal place. ask anybody out there who is working, who works outside of their house, how many times have you had a doctor come to your place of employment eight times in the last eight months? i would bet not one person listening has had that happen. this is about biden, about his dementia, that you can suddenly talk about after all of this time where you and i were getting accused of spreading cheap fakes because we just shared videos of joe biden wandering around getting lost every time he tries to do an event. i can't believe i'm saying this, this race is over. just a question of how much trump will win by. everybody go vote like your life depends on it. but we will win. >> jesse: clay travis who's never gotten botox in his life, you can tell, just look at his face. >> you can truly tell. my wife told me i should. i would not choose this place if i had other options. >> jesse: but we would choose that blazer any day of the week. clay travis, a million on the
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golf match, thank you very much for your generosity. more "primetime" next. [♪♪] it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything, choose cosequin.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: we have rules for men on the show, nude -- no drinking through straws, looking ice cream in public. we have a new rule, don't wish other men happy birthday. if you are a man, do you want to go up to another man over 40 and say hey, happy birthday? no. you should not announce that your birthday is that day when you are over 40 or even over 30. and it's a little bit -- i don't mind when women say happy birthday, it's nice and pleasant, i expect that from women catches not from men. something not right about that. something weird about that. text me -- don't text me happy birthday, only if you are like italian or really good friend,
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then it's fine. dave from minneapolis, happy birthday, jesse. okay dave, we just went over this. evan from florida, and you host "primetime" live from the presidential golf match? yes, joe biden is on the 19th. that would be great. i don't have a million to put up like clay. yet. tino from valley center, california, would the gulf challenge have to be between ten and four? steve from michigan, gretchen whitmer a moderate great sounds like j cal needs a cognitive test. merry from georgia, do you get botox, jesse? how dare you! i don't drink from straws, i don't like ice cream in public, and if i do, with a spoon. dvr the show, sean "hannity" is next. always remember, i'm watters and today is my birthday. [♪♪] welcome to "hannity" pick this is a fox news ale


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