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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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and biden can't do it any more. >> maybe it is clooney. >> if you were on anybody by kamala harris, there will be a revolt in the party. >> it has to be kamala. i am personally saying it is kamala. raymond for you, we have a special guest that has not been on the angle for 7 years. your god daughter, my daughter, maria that has gone off to texas a and m. she is not saying anything, just sitting looking pretty. i say if we steal time from raymond, it has to be for his god daughter. we are live from sunday, a special sunday show, all the way through next thursday, eastern time, 7:00 p.m. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime, tonight.
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>> it is up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are encouraging him to make that decision, because time is running short. >> reporter: is nancy pelosi about to stab biden in the back? john federman joins primetime. >> clooney is right and everyone thought the same thing, except for the people working for joe biden. >> jesse: obama directing george clooney to abandon joe. >> he picked kamala harris as his vice president. if joe picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago. >> jesse: trump turns his focus to laughing kamala. >> i smell fried beloney, all over you! >> jesse: day three of the joe
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biden hostage crisis. as we witness what political insiders are calling a bomb drop in washington. the first shots fired in the democrats civil war. it was nancy pelosi that pulled the trigger on the favourite morning show. >> it is up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are all encouraging him to make that decision, because time is running short. i think overwhelming support of the caucus -- it is not for me to say, i am not head of the caucus any more, but he is beloved. he is respected. and people want him to make that decision. >> jesse: biden decided he is running and nancy pelosi said, he has not decided yet. (laughter). >> jesse: but time is running out. one senior democrat aid says, she knows she is watching, she is not an idiot, she chose the words carefully. another one said it was a shot
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in the arm. biden thought he had until saturday before democrats sent in the swat team, but nancy pelosi taking aim early. >> do you believe that him waiting so long to make this decision -- >> i am not going to make any comments about the fate of our nation -- okay. >> reporter: are you concerned? whether he can win in november. >> i think he can win in november. >> reporter: do you believe he should run for re-election? >> am i not speaking english to you, i am not going to make any statements about any of that right now in the hallway. >> jesse: it is one thing for the house to buck biden, but the senate, close to his heart, it is starting to crack. >> i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november because it is a threat to the country if donald trump wins.
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>> this race is on a trajectory that is worrisome, if you care about the future of this country. donald trump is on track, i think to win this election. and maybe win by a land slide and take with him the senate and the house. for me this is not a question of polling, it is not a question of politics. it is a moral question about the future of our country. >> jesse: breaking tonight, the first democrat member of the senate is calling on biden to withdraw from the race. senator peter welch from vermont. and chuck schumer is telling donors he is open to dumping biden. so nancy and chuck have formed an alliance, and biden is countering, to sending staff to capital hill to beg tomorrow. but a senator calls it a waste of everyone's time, if biden can't make the case himself. he is done negotiating. cnn says biden is done talking about it and he is staying in the race.
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but this is a delicate hostage negotiation, if biden thinks only god can convince him to bow out, he should prepare for this. >> if he doesn't drop out in the next week or two, a whistle blower will emerge, someone who has some fortitude inside of joe biden's cabinet, that knows what is going on, who understands the cover up. they will leek something to you for your primetime show. >> jesse: biden is about to realize that the presidency is not the most powerful thing in washington. the democrat machine is. we are witnessing a d day level invasion, air, ground, sea. barack obama just directed george clooney to send up the bat signal, that barrac needed to help him off the stage at the la fundraiser. top chicago fundraisers are halting donations. but if major donors don't come along, he says we will do it
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without them. (laughter). >> jesse: tough talk, but behind the screens, team biden is scrambling tonight. delegates were thunder struck at the calls. some of them had to check the caller id to make sure it was from delaware. >> if biden ends up running, potentially, the democrats could lose the senate, the house, and the whitehouse, it is going to be a blood bath. the blue states that we have held for two decades, might potentially turn red. >> jesse: democrats are panicking over polling that shows new york is now a battleground state. sticking with biden has become political suicide. the clintons are saying that the party is sailing into a hurricane. >> it reminds me of a book they made me read in college called ship of fools.
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a bunch of desperate people sailing into disaster. and you know, i just think that cowards have never been criminals in a war yet. and the way to beat criminals is not to be cowards, it is to take it directly home. >> jesse: biden has his own party rooting against him, and it is not just that, trump, the media, and the democrats all want the same thing, biden gone. the time says a long time party loyalists are reduced to hoping for another major public misstep by biden like a serious stumble at the nato news conference to convince the president that he should leave the race on his own. democrats are praying he falls over another sand bag. in june, biden tripping would have been the democrats biggest nightmare, in july, it is their only hope. and his big boy nato press conference could be the final dance, his first press conference where he won't get the questions ahead of time.
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but he should know no one is going to ask about nato. tomorrow's press conference is going to be so brutal that dayna is advising the whitehouse to cancel it to save his dignity and allow him to leave with grace. biden's presidency has focussed on how history will remember him. he has compared himself to washington, lincoln, and fdr. he has steven spielberg corio graphing his campaign. but people will remember how he handles this moment. will there be an extraction team sent into the whitehouse, or does biden hold hostages until the convention, and he is going to dare the delegates to vote for someone else. pennsylvania senator feddalman
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is here. is this a dream of yours to appear on jesse watters primetime. >> yeah, because it is really my dad's dream, as well too. he is going to be watching it, and of course, dad is going to be proud. >> jesse: well we are going to make dad proud. hi, dad, hi mr. fetterman. 72% of the country doesn't think that joe biden is fit to serve. you do. what do you know that the rest of the country doesn't? >> absolutely. i think a lot of that hasn't really changed. i know it went up a little bit, but america has realized that joe biden is old and he is not as sharp as he was five or ten years ago. of course that is a reality, but that really doesn't mean much for me personally about my supporting the president. and i really don't think i have seen anything that makes me want to change that, and i would like to remind everyone watching this, that i don't need a job.
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i don't need anything out of this. this is not -- i am not following him blindly. but i fundamentally believe he has been a great president, and i do believe ultimately he can prevail. and that's where i am at. >> jesse: you saw the debate. just like we all saw the debate. and that didn't change your mind. >> i saw parts of it. i was flying back from israel at that point, when i landed and i started to gelt some of the text, and at that point i realized that i wanted to get on social media and defend our president after that. and that's what i decided to do. but of course, you know, i know you and your viewers know that i had a really rough debate as well too. >> jesse: yes. >> but i really want to remind anybody that i am not -- not the sum total of a bad debate. >> jesse: you didn't see joe biden's entire debate against donald trump? >> i didn't.
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i saw perhaps the most difficult ones, of course. but for me, and i know a lot of the people typically that are watching on fox realize that donald trump may have had a great day, and a great debate on that. but what i do want to remind people, some people thought that donald trump may have had some of the kinds of difficulty that perhaps joe bidenen did, but he was saying things that were untrue or saying things that really -- i think, are not really consistent with some of the values of the majority of people. but without a doubt, joe biden didn't have a great debate. but to me, i think that he is going to be our best -- and i think -- he already beat trump and i think this is our best opportunity to defeat trump again. >> jesse: you had a bad debate. but you recovered and you sound a lot better than you used to sound. and you won. >> i walked in, and i was like
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hello, and good night. >> jesse: right. right. maybe just as bad as joe biden. but senator. >> i knew it was going to be rough. >> jesse: senator, you recovered, and you are younger and capable of making a recovery, like you have. joe biden is not in that position. he is not in a position where he can recover. it is only going to get worse, he trust his ability to execute the duties of commander and chief? >> yeah, well i am not suggesting that there is going to be a benjamin button -- like he is going to get younger, of course that is not going to happen. but it was really just -- it really was a bad night. i have spent an entire year with the president for a bunch of different events in pennsylvania and he was normal and engaged and he was actually very popular and people were eager to have a selfie and do those kinds of things. so i really wanted to remind everyone that joe biden has done
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a really good job as president, and i fundamentally am going to remain loyal to that. and i think we have some things to learn from republicans, is that when things happen, republicans surround and support, and they lean in. and often, democrats when something happens, we might want to panic or we might argue amongst ourselves. and i -- when i have the meeting tomorrow, i am going to be consistent and aggressive and defend joe biden. >> jesse: senator, you are going into the meetings with the democrat senators. and a lot of them are seeming to say that this is going to be a land slide. but they don't have the courage to come out publicly and say joe, you have to go. do you think they are cowards? >> well, without using that word, but what i will say is that anything that i will say that is going to have my name and face attached to that, and i am not a leeker, and i am not
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going to say something about someone's back about this. and i would like to remind anyone watching this too, it is like, if i didn't believe joe biden was our guy, i am not going to be saying some of the things that others have done publicly, but i would not be standing and speaking with you tonight -- i would say that privately. and i am really confused when some people claim to be your friend, but if you are a real friend you are not going to say that in a public way, saying kind of damaging things. >> jesse: obama -- >> that's not the way i would do it. that's because i am 100 percent on. >> jesse: you are a very loyal guy. and you have honour. obama is joe biden's best friend. they had their best friend brace lets and now obama is sending out clooney to say, step down. times up. do you think that obama is
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disloyal? >> i don't understand. i would like to remind -- and i am a fan of all those guys. but remember when obama was a long shot? and clinton was supposed to run the table. and they were not run out of their race. they got in and they held through that. and others like say, james corvoe. it was not about his name in that race, it was about ross purrow. is he is living off a fish he caught 30 something years ago on that, and it is not really helpful to damage the president. now that's not a profile in courage. that is where we are at. and i would like to remind everyone that debates don't really mean much. they don't. i fundamentally believe we need to end the conversation. joe biden is going to be our guy. and it is going to be rough and it is uncertain but it is going to be close as well too. and i just -- everyone watching too, watch how big the crowd is
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going to be of trump in butler. he is coming to butler county. he is very popular in pennsylvania, it was always going to be close and that's the way it is going to be. and nothing has changed in 2024. >> jesse: when joe biden picked kamala harris as vice president, she was supposed to be the new generation. biden was supposed to be the bridge, hand her the baton, do you not think that kamala is qualified to be handed that baton and run? >> well, of course, if joe, god for bid if something happened to joe biden, or if joe biden stepped down, of course i believe she is qualified to do that. and i think she has been a great vice president. but right now, as far as i know, i have not heard anything that she is in on joe biden, too. and that's a powerful team right
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now. and i refuse to turn our back on a great president, and i know people watching this might disagree that he has not been a great president. but i believe he was. and i think loyalty is really one of the last -- one of the last currencies in this lousy business. >> jesse: john fetterman, tell your dad i said hello. >> thank you, and can i say hey, dad, karl fetterman. thanks, it is nice to talk to you, thank you. >> jesse: have a great night. george clooney stabs joe biden in the back, and barack obama's fingerprints are on the knife. where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit [♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray.
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for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> jesse: joe biden says he is not dropping out of
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. >> jesse: just three weeks ago
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after george clooney raised money. the actor is calling for biden to resign. "in the last four years, he has won many of the battles he has faced but the fight he can not win is the fight against time." none of us can, it is devastating to say it, but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago was not the joe big effing deal of 2010. he was the same man i witnessed at the debate. he should have said this after the fundraiser, but he was not brave enough. so he waited like an actor for direction. and the direction came from barack obama, who blessed that script. obama is telling us, biden is freeze, and i had to guide him off stage. barrack has his fingerprints opting job.
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>> it is not surprising to any of us at the fundraiser, i was there, and clooney was right and every person i talked to thought the same thing. but i remember my wife turned to me, and said, what are we going to do, and i said, there is a debate in a week, either he will do well in the debate or he will be like this at the debate and the whole country will be talking about it. so here we are. >> jesse: barrack was not done. another speech writer said this. >> there have always been two joe bidens, the empathetic decent big leader, and there is a blow hard with a chip on his shoulder, stubborn, something to prove. joe biden can leave office as one of the greatest presidents of our lifetime, or he will have hub ris and insecurity to his legacy and perhaps our democracy with it. the same men that put words in obama's mouth for years are spitting daggers at the former vp. this is a sick business.
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barrack cut campaign videos with biden, he knew his condition. if michelle ran for president, and she was going to lose, barrack would probably stab her in the back too. this gives air cover to other democrats, but the bed wetters are hiding in their fox holes. >> clooney has concerns about president biden's mental fitness, do you. >> he is a movie producer, he needs to produce movies. >> reporter: do you have questions about the president's mental acutie. >> i have no comment on this, but thank you. >> reporter: someone like george clooney says you need a new nominee. >> no, we have to go. >> reporter: do you have concerns about president biden's mental fitness. >> my concern right now, i am trying to get to this place and you are stopping me from getting to where i am going. >> reporter: the only response to george clooney is to call him
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sleepy. >> reporter: a campaign official tells me that george clooney left three hours before the president. so clearly, the gloves are off. jake. >> what does that mean that george clooney left three hours before. what is the point. >> the point is to suggest that clooney didn't have eyes on the entire event. that's the response to the george clooney op-ed. >> jesse: maria is joining us now. is this not about money. if you are a hollywood guy, and you are sinking millions of dollars into the biden campaign and then he falls apart, what are you supposed to do, keep funding this losing campaign. >> reporter: i think that donors right how in hollywood are upset with george clooney. why did he go ahead with the fundraiser and got his friends to pony up millions of dollars and tells us after, this was not the joe biden of ten years ago.
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>> jesse: thanks george! >> thanks george, i already spent the money. i think it is interesting because the democrats always stick together. we have seen this over and over again. they get in line under nancy pelosi's leadership, they would get in line, whatever policy it is. but now we see this division. and they are not getting in line. but i think it is worth noting, the reason. okay, so it was all on the debate stage for all of us to see what was happening and what has happened to joe biden. they are not upset with joe biden's policy. that's fine. 10 million illegals in the country on joe biden's watch, no problem. right now we are talking about people coming from africa with ties to isis, and joe biden says we may have to deport these people because of their ties to isis. that is no problem for the democrats, come on in, no problem. inflation up 20%, no problem for the democrats, it is only because now it was all in front of us for all of us to see, he is going to lose to trump.
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>> jesse: it is optics. it was a performance, the performance was not up to speed and they are going to sacrifice their power. when you talk to the people on your show that have money and they are invested in the market and they see what is going on, how do they process this, you have a commander and chief that is literally falling apart. >> we all see it and know what has happened here. even though senator fetterman tried to make the best case for joe biden, it was dogmattic. he is sticking with the machine, but we see what has happened to joe biden, again it is not because of policy, they are afraid they are going to lose. they care about losing their grip on power. >> jesse: it is not about democracy, because they are willing to rip these primary votes away from these biden delegates and throw them away. >> that would go against democracy completely, and they say that trump is the threat to
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democracy, but they are doing it right now. >> jesse: we are hearing reporting that ezra klein, one of these liberal reporters was talking to top democrats and they are resigned to trump winning and they say, we really don't think that trump is a threat to democracy, we just say that. >> exactly. they do just say it because they are losing their grip on power and they need something to say. business people tell me they care about policy. they are afraid this person has their hands on the wheel and we have national security threats, yes, but they also worry about the policy of the democrat party. it doesn't matter who is going to be there. kamala or somebody else. it is the same policies. and that means 5 scpf trillion dollars in new taxes, and a wide open border and threats to the homeland. >> jesse: chuck schumer, said he is open to having someone besides joe biden be the nominee. just rescrambled the entire message. so actually, no, no, no, i support joe biden.
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even chuck schumer doesn't have a handle on what is going on. is joe biden winning or losing this brawl between him and his own party. >> i think it is going to be hard to move him out of the way. you saw -- >> jesse: like physically to take him out of the whitehouse. >> like that, and the fact that the family is digging in. you saw what miranda devine wrote about, the fact that hunter biden is calling the shots, and dr. jill biden is digging in. it will be hard to get joe biden out of the way, particularly if it is kamala. >> jesse: what if a whistle blower came forward. we had a guy come on last night, if this guy was from the national security council and says that joe biden is falling asleep in the situation room, he is not able to process the military's advice when they hand it to him, it is putting the national security at stake, do you think that could move the needle? >> i do. i watched that interview, and i
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was just waiting for the whistle blower to come on this show and explain it to you, as he said. but yeah, there is going to be someone that comes out and says, okay, it is way too close to the election. we need a massive change and, it could be that that someone says, i have seen this all over, this has been the case for the last several years. we have known this, doctors have been talking about this condition for several years now, and there has been a massive cover up by the media. >> jesse: we know how good that democrats are good with whistle covers. maria, we will see you in the morning. >> jesse: up next, the media doesn't support joe biden and here come the whistle blowers. heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: it is hard to know what anybody in the media is actually thinking, except me, i am an open book. but the rest of them, they always have secrets that you will never know about. until they get caught on camera.
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george stephanopolis revealed his true thoughts about biden. tmz got it on tape. watch. >> what do you think, do you think that biden should step down. you talked to him more than anybody. >> i don't think he can serve four more years. >> that's an answer. >> jesse: isn't it a journalist's job to tell the truth. hownk has he been repressing these feelings, he apologized for telling the truth, saying i responded to a question from a passerby, i shouldn't have. then abc news expressed this, he expressed his own point of view, not the position of abc news, even though he is like the chief political anchor of the network. today we are finding out that chuck todd has had a major scoop on joe biden for years, he kept it a secret until now.
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>> i had a cabinet secretary two years ago, okay, two years ago, out of the blue ask me, do you really think -- he can't run again, like this? and i said, well you have more interaction with him than i do, and they said, i don't have a lot of interaction with him. this is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. so and this was two years ago. this is -- this is one of those -- you know, it is the classic open secret. it is the story that everyone knows and everyone was afraid to talk about. >> jesse: it is probably mayor pete. why is everyone afraid to talk about it, powers. they said that him in a italian field were cheap fakes, now they say they were not. now the democrats are saying that he has parkinsons. >> he has the classic features
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of neurodegeneration. it is from degeneration of the world retrieval area. when he turns, it is end block turning, not a quick turn. so that's where the hallmarks of parkinsons, is slow movement. his motor symptoms are degenerater. he has degeneration of the brain. show me the mri, show me he doesn't. >> jesse: they that i biden can't beat trump, and they started telling the truth. because they know how powerful it is. so powerful it can get them another candidate. ist when -- whistle blowers are coming. if he doesn't drop out soon, they will detonate the campaign. these anchors like stephanoplis, they are just actors. they have different opinions behind the scenes but they tell you they are not bias.
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is this pretty much everyone across the board? >> jesse, there are bad actors like at 3 o'clock in the morning, bad actors. >> i wouldn't know. >> jesse: are you telling me that chuck todd spoke to a senior cabinet member two years ago, and said how can we run this guy again, and only reported it after the debate, only when it is convenient. and a good idea of why he has been abandoned now is because they know he can't win. he is a variable in an equation that beats donald trump. it doesn't matter what variable it is in the equation, it could be kamala harris, susan rice, any rice, throw them in there. >> jesse: i would vote for jerry rice. even though i am an eagles fan. >> what if biden's poll numbers
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come back, they are not, but the media will forget about everything they said about the guy, saying he is totally recovered and he is going to make a great second term president. that's how pathetic this is. it is power or nothing. power or nothing. because they get the perks, they get the access to the administration. they don't want a trump presidency even though it makes them rich and famous, they want the invites, and they want the -- all of the perks that go along with being that close to power. >> the name doesn't matter, only the d next to the name matters. as long as the democrats win, that's the whole ball game. by any means necessary. but that's the best part, here jesse. all the democrats and the news outlets that came out in the strongest terms to say that biden should step aside because he doesn't have the mental fitness for the job, then turn
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around and endorse biden after he stays in and ends up getting the nomination, and maybe his poll numbers go up a little bit at the convention in chicago next month, and they say, forget about everything we said about biden, actually, he is really the best man for the job because he will save democracy from trump or something, that's going to be fun to watch. >> jesse: if we had a doctor a month ago booked that said joe biden had parkinsons, we would get killed. and nbc now is throwing on doctors to just diagnose him over the air. that is against like the medical -- what do they call that, doctrine, i don't know. i am not a doctor, but it is against medical ethics, let's put it that way. >> precisely. >> jesse: they don't have journalistic ethics. enjoy skin a macs tonight. it is on at 3. >> jesse: trump's new kamala
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>> jesse: joe biden says he is not dropping out of the race as to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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. >> i am also officially
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challenging crooked joe to an 18 hole golf match. i will give him 10 strokes aside. if he wins i will give any charity that he wants $1 million. >> jesse: the charity's name is hunter biden. democrats ignite their own civil war, trump and the republicans are sitting so pretty that 45 barely has to attack. they can left do the dirt work for them. a republican telling the campaign, we can do the basement strategy too. but that doesn't mean trump is taking time off. he has a new nickname. >> laughing kamala, she was given two jobs, two very important jobs, actually. she was put in charge of the u.s. border security, and the border. and she never showed up. and then she was sent to europe
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to deter russia from attacking ukraine. how did that work out, not too good. >> jesse: trump wants you to know that the party is strong and the vibes are immaculate. >> the republican party is more strong and united than ever before. every day we are welcoming more americans to our ranks, african americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, young people, old people, union members, nonunion members, basically everyone is joining our movement because it is a movement of common sense. >> jesse: nicky hailey pledged all of her delegates to trump, and ron de santis removed mention of a national abortion ban and making room to tolerate gay marriage. trump, not wanting to interfere
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with joe biden's disastrous news cycle planning on announcing his vice presidential pick late this weekend or even during the convention. joining me now, former democratic presidential candidate, tulsie. johnny is freaking out about kamala. he thinks if joe is gone, they are going to put kamala up there and do a dei celebration for four months and she has a shot. are you afraid of kamala, because trump is turning his target towards her. >> i think our country should be very, very afraid of a president and commander and chief kamala harris. i can't think of anyone else who is more unqualified to be president, and commander and chief than kamala harris. i say this as a american and a service member that wears the uniform, working in the army reserve. this will be disastrous for the
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country but a continuation of what we have seen with joe biden's foreign policy, and how he has carried himself as commander and chief. because the reality is, and you know this well, jesse, whether it is joe biden or kamala harris, it is going to be the very same unelected people behind the scenes who are pulling the strings and making our foreign policy decisions that have been disastrous for our country and undermined our national security and pushed us closer to the brink of nuclear war, and nuclear armageddon. this should be a huge concern but you will see why president trump is now focussing on kamala harris. because he sees what the rest of us see, whether it is joe biden at the top of the ticket or if they bump up kamala harris to be at the top of the ticket, either scenario will result, if they win in a president, kamala harris. >> jesse: the basement strategy. donald trump mocked biden for being in the basement in the last election and for his entire first four years. now he is laying low.
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not in the basement, but laying low. do you think that's smart? >> i don't -- i think that he sees that president biden is certainly self-im-ploding and he is allowing that to occur. i don't believe that is his strategy and i don't see him continuing to do that. it would be a mistake, quite frankly to be complacent and think if joe biden continues he has this in this bag. we are four months out from election day, a lot can happen between now and then. and even for those voters who may be leaving joe biden, and saying, i don't think i am going to vote for this guy or the democrat ticket, that doesn't automatically equate to them making a decision to vote for president trump. so he has -- he and his team have work to do to attract and earn the support of those moderate women voters, of the independents, and the civil l
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libertarians. >> jesse: that's a mature and thoughtful strategy. i hope everyone adopts that strategy. because johnny is freaking out about shanan iga ns. no one knows what could happen. we have wanda's crawling all over the place. are you worried about shanan iga ns. >> it is not guess work, we have seen how egregious they have abused their power and weaponizing the department of justice, and undermining the rule of law, i wouldn't put it passed them to do what they deem necessary to stay in power. we can't allow them to get away with it. >> jesse: we won't. thank you, tulsi. >> you bet. >> jesse: all right.
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more primetime next. [ ♪♪ ] quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established
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as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i'm going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i'm able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it's a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. i always wanted to know
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why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing.
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>> jesse: we are going to have coverage of joe biden's solo press conference, probably one of the final acts of his presidency, we think. it is going to be at 5:30. we are going to do the pregame and catch it at the bottom of the however. at 8 o'clock, we have a full reaction. check this out. we are doing texts. john from orlando florida, that was a great interview with john fetterman, i appreciate his loyalty to the president and his willingness to defend him on primetime. he is a loyal guy. maybe loyal to a fault. but loyal. paul says, senator fetterman's loyalty is admirable. but he has a duty to put country first. we will see how it shakes out. fred from california, who are
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you going to interview next, aoc? >> we saw if biden was available next week. becky sounds like a whistle blower has come forward and his name is george clooney! (laughter). >> jesse: sandy from cherry hill new jersey, cloony left early to see if he could stop payment on his check. imagine if george says you need to pony up a million to get joe biden re-elected, and then you see joe biden. i would punch clooney in the face, fig rattively. >> reporter: welfare check on robert de niro. we will see if he comes on primetime. that's all for tonight. hannity is next, and always remember, i am watters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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