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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 11, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> lawrence: a lot happening in the world. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and thursday, july the 11th and this is "fox & friends." >> ainsley: the first senate democrat is calling for president biden now to drop out as the world watches today for biden's solo big boy-that's what they're calling it like the big man, nato press conference. >> brian: plus, chuck todd, now you tell us? >> had a cabinet secretary two years ago all out of the blue ask me do you really think -- he can't run again like this. >> lawrence: incredible. >> brian: waits two years. he had a show. >> steve: former speaker nancy pelosi 24 hours ago made headlines and then in the afternoon snapped at reporters after comments on joe biden's political future. here's nancy. >> am i speaking english to you? i'm not going to be making any statements about any right now in the hallway. >> lawrence: the second hour of
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"fox & friends" starts right now, and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: happening today, president biden will be taking the podium for what the white house is calling a big boy news conference as part of day three of the ongoing nato summit. >> brian: right and his rehab tour continues. comes ahead of another sitdown interview planned for monday. >> ainsley: planned. >> brian: she is mocking me in real time. with nbc as he fights to save his re-election bid. >> steve: jacqui heinrich on the north lawn of the white house where i can hear the leaf blower right now they are getting things night and tiedy. >> brian: where are the leafs? we are in the middle of summer. >> jacqui: i think i'm the leakf they would like to -- [laughter] >> steve: jacqui, who is paying attention to the nato business and who wants 5:30 press conference to happen? >> jacqui: i think all eyes are definitely on this press conference i think actually this nbc interview was that scheduled
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for monday is really sort of an insurance policy if it goes haywire. this is the president's first solo press conference since last november. he has given fewer interviews and fewer press conferences than any of his immediate predecessors. comes after a really bad day for democrats. you know, yesterday, the white house faced calls from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, basically both indicating that what he is saying about his intention to remain in this race might not be the final answer. and it seems like there are more and more reports democratic leadership, you know, sort of nudging the president toward the door and gently asking him to change his mind, and that comes after the congressional plowx bk caucus stemmed the tide for him to drop out. didn't stop it entirely. the fire wall didn't do the job. vermont senator peter welch saying biden saved us from
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donald trump once. and wants to do it again. he needs to reassess whether he is the best candidate to do so. in my view, he is not. that makes the tenth democrat calling on biden to withdraw. now, none of them are the powerful leaders that we're watching. but, it is the language from democratic leadership at the top that is making clear that they really want biden to change his mind. and new polls show 56% of democratic voters agree, despite biden's claim that it's only the party elites that want him out. that number rises to seven in ten among independents. questions about biden's future in office are hanging over the nato summit. even though he had two pretty smooth days there. foreign leaders are facing questions, also, about what the alliance looks like if biden is not in office. >> does not see any issues with dealing with trump presidency or whoever is the president of the united states. the united states is a close ally and partner and friend for us. i have a lot of respect for
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president biden and almost four years that has been president and that's all i have to say. >> have you seen him this week. >> i have seen him just as recently as 50 minutes ago. >> how was he. >> he was doing great. >> jacqui: there is some vocal support coming from folks whose names are being floated as possible replacements including michigan governor gretchen whitmer. the white house might not have been too happy with an answer she gave last night. asked if he should take a cognitive test and she said it wouldn't hurt. that has not been what the white house line has been. >> steve: as senior white house correspondent i want to read an item in axios right now and get your response. the headline is behind the curtain, mad media versus beat up biden it. reads a red hot press corps which feels ignored, used and deceived, will get its first true unfiltered crack at
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grilling president biden tonight. the most media sheltered president of modern time. the dogs are loose, biden adviser told us. so it sounds like they are bracing for members of your press corps to just go after him. >> jacqui: well, yeah. i think the most telling line in that article, because it's no secret that the press has had no access to biden and wants more. most telling line is that they think of us as dogs. that was, you know, the line that stuck out to me. traditional liberation you know, this has been a white house that is very data heavy. they can go to certain friendly areas to reach groups of people they want to reach. friendly podcast hosts. black radio hosts to get to a zip code in georgia where a few thousand people might listen to that broadcast they don't need to deal with us. more risk than benefit to doing that they often will give us a workshop line to try to satisfy sort of their message that they have decided to put out.
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and not take the questions, you know, and that has put also president biden in a position where he is out of practice. so, we'll see how it goes today. >> ainsley: what are you expecting? will all the reporters be shouting questions? so reporters who used to favor him not so much anymore. >> i think that there will be -- well, we have been told there will be a mix of outlets to be called on. is he going to take more than two questions. is he going to take at least a handful. i hope that there will be some order to it. i will say in the last several months, it's clear that the president can't really hear us when we are all shouting at the same time. >> steve: good point. >> jacqui: we try to shout one at a time. maybe we will come up with a plan today. it's a big group. everyone has got a question they want to ask. so, after the selected people, whoever they are, hopefully they will take a few extras. i do hope that my colleague peter doocy is on that list he will be in there today. >> steve: he has never been on the list. you have never been on the list. >> brian: answers ahead of time.
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it looks pretty obvious that some of these q&a's have been scripted. is there a situation where some of your colleagues are going asked what questions they are going to ask? >> no. not that i'm aware of. of course, we all think back to that press conference where he had the cue card in his hand with an indication pretty close to what the question was he was going to be facing. but, this is a totally different circumstance. and especially after that podcast or excuse me the radio host got fired because she accepted questions from this white house? i think that they would be remiss if they were hand out suggested questions again after costing somebody their job. and i think anyone here would not want to be part of that. but we will see how it goes. because, again, they don't get called on. >> steve: i hope the white house has called that radio host who lost her job and apologized.
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hey, sorry you did what we have been telling you all along. >> brian: black radio host gets the break of a lifetime to get the president. they go okay. here's 8 questions. all right. i will choose these four. within 24 hours she is fired. >> lawrence: brian, goes back to the axios piece. the stunning part to me was the press corps said they felt used. you allowed yourself to be used. you should never be carrying the water for a administration just like giving the suggested questions. >> steve: one of the problems is, lawrence, and there is great item that i saw a couple of days ago about how i think it was jeffrey catsenberg out in hollywood. a lot of hollywood heavy weights were going -- you know, i heard rumors about joe biden. catsenberg has said he was absolutely fine. which, echo what is we have heard from a million biden administration officials, yeah, i see him all the time. is he sharp as a tack. they were just spinning, is he not sharp as a tack. two weeks ago today, it was all
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revealed, chuck todd was talking to a top cabinet official, who saw the president a while back, and he is known -- he has been sitting on this nugget. we wonder why, listen. >> i had cabinet secretary two years ago. okay. two years ago. out of the blue ask me do you really think -- he can't run again like this. and i said well you have more interaction with him than i do, and they said i don't have a lot of interaction with him. this is a pretty senior cabinet -- secretary. and this was two years ago. >> brian: to me it's too bad he didn't have a show where he could talk about that. he had meet the press, the longest running show in the history of television. they say it all the time. all he had to do open up one time i am getting direct reports there is a problem at the white house. you could sit there and do cya if you wanted, at least address it. he is so cluely that he indicting himself and his own
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integrity by saying i held onto the story for two years. >> lawrence: there would be a difference, ainsley. of course, there was never any off-the-record remarks made talking about donald trump's mental health, but you had the press run stories all the time from senior white house officials saying this about donald trump. and they are questioning the fitness of the president two years ago and you didn't think that there was a public interest in us knowing about it? i mean, that's a big scoop for a cabinet official to say. >> ainsley: well, and then a few weeks ago, you had george clooney raise all this money out in hollywood. remember? he left -- he was over in europe and he came back to california. >> brian: zelenskyy press conference scheduled please don't go i got to leave. >> ainsley: so important for the president to be with julia roberts and george clooney raised tens of millions of dollars. now we are learning that george clooney not only wrote an op-ed in politico -- or "new york times." saying this is devastating.
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biden, he said three weeks ago he was not the big f'ing deal biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he wasn't even the joe biden of -- yeah, of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. so now here we are three weeks later and now he is saying that. why hasn't he been saying that for the last three weeks? it's because then there was the debate and now everyone is talking about it. george clooney, one of his biggest supporters saying he should drop out. >> steve: why people who have seen the president in a sorry state of affairs as apparently he has been for a while why they didn't speak up. we have been noticing things and running stuff on this channel for a couple of years. >> the question for chuck todd is if you had that juicy nugget, why didn't -- to brian's point, why didn't you open up "meet the press" and say it. we have heard from a lot of white house reporters and people tight with people in washington, d.c., oftentimes they get some nuggets and they save them for
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their book. and they write a book. some times,you know, we heard,after obama left. look at all these nuggets that came out when the obama book came out? that would have been damaging to him had we known about it before. same thing with the trump stuff. people sit on nuggets. we don't know why he did it. ultimately, it looks like chuck had a headline and ultimately, by not broadcasting it, protected the president. >> lawrence: speaking of obama, brian, if you have been watching this program. i have been telling you about the obamaboros. the reason i know about the obamabobama bros. back in 2015 on the obama campaign. >> steve: you were one of them. >> lawrence: i was an obama bro, sadly. the hillary clinton team hated our teen they said that we had chicago-style politics. and we gold after and would plant stories. it was a big thing about it. didn't know it at the time. but we know it now. >> steve: it was happening.
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>> lawrence: there is a scoop in politico. i have said they have been behind this. this is what they are saying now. while obama did not encourage or advise clooney to say what he said. he also didn't object to it. we are told from people familiar with their exchange. so they are coming out with this now that essentially, the obama bros are doing this with the blessing of the former president. and if you read into clooney's article, this is the biggest nugget for me. this isn't only my opinion. this is the machine of every senator and every congress member and governor i have spoken. to say none of those governors or congressman, with the exception of the 8 that we have seen on the screen, have been willing to go public. they tell their donor, but they don't tell us. >> ainsley: here is one of the obama bros. listen to this. >> i mean, it was not enterprising to any of us who were at the fundraiser. i was there. clooney was exactly right. and every single person i talked to at the fundraiser thought the same thing. i remember my wife emily turned to me after the fundraiser and said what are we going to do?
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i said well, there is a debate in a week either he will do well in the debate or he will be like this at the debate and then the whole country will be talking about it so here we are. >> brian: by the way. >> lawrence: let him implode. >> brian: him and obama. >> steve: speech writer. >> brian: they all know about it. they all know he wouldn't have won in 2020 if he had had to campaign. he would have fallen over a sandbag unable to answer questions because he had all the same signs back in 2020. they act like he was in the prime of his life. he wasn't. especially if you look back premaybe four or five face lifts. he looks like a totally different person. has to be reminded that guy was once a senator. a couple of things lester holt on monday night. press conference today. he has got a series of events with nato sit-ins with zelenskyy. this should be great time for nato. why? 75 years? now, because 23 of the 32 or the 31 are spending the 2%.
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why else? they are actually getting f-16s to the ukrainians and they are starting to push back the russians or at least hold that line. and now there's a real reason to have this alliance where during the clinton years we talked about that peace dividend and dialing back. instead, every one of these leaders is looking at biden and saying you're in the middle of peril. we are in your country. >> ainsley: if you are an independent, what are you thinking about the democratic party? they hid his health. they hid the russia thing. they hid the laptop. hunter biden's laptop. they run on putting president trump behind bars. yet, hillary clinton did virtually the same thing that he is being accused of in many of these cases. >> steve: sure, ainsley we saw jacqui talk about a brand new "the washington post" poll this morning and talks about independence. it goes on to say you know, joe biden says only the party elites want me out. that's not true. apparently, most democrats, 56% want him out. and two thirds of adults say them want him out, including
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seven in 10 independents, here's the thing. what's going to happen this afternoon is, to your point earlier about how why haven't we heard from more democrats? we heard from nancy pelosi yesterday saying is that your final offer? so many have remained silent or have shown tepid support. that is why they are waiting for tonight. 5:30. if he does well, that will turn the corner. because then is he going to do lester holt and then the rnc is going to take over. but, if he does badly. look for a wave, a tidal wave of defections saying joe has got to go. >> lawrence: here's the problem, steve. i want to go back to your poll that you just mentioned. there was already polling two years ago suggesting that the democrats should hold a primary. because the voters did not want joe biden on the ticket. >> steve: right. honors lawrence but the party leadership decided they didn't want that to happen. >> steve: that was joe. joe and his team.
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steve. >> lawrence: all these insiders going on record or behind the scenes saying joe is our guy. is he going to be the guy. is he on the ticket. they didn't give voters the opportunity to vote on it. donald trump may have said the same thing, but the republicans had a primary and they fought it out and duked it out. my position is, i think it's unfair to now the voters and the delegates that voted for joe biden in that primary to try to take it away from him. if you want to take it away from him. do the 25th amendment. you don't get to take it away now after people have already cast their vote. >> steve: also he releases it. >> brian: new yorker magazine says look out if you want to hurt the rnc you have joe step down on monday or tuesday and that becomes the number one story and start ignoring trump where traditionally after the rnc you get like four or five pointed bump. trump is already soaring. even though they say this snap poll is at 46-46. look at all the battleground states, new york is in play, virginia and minnesota, new hampshire. is he on a roll in every single battleground state even in
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wisconsin, up by 4 in pennsylvania. if he goes to the rnc and has momentum. how do you stop the momentum? you push joe resign on monday. >> right. >> brian, the moment they do that. then it's going to be talking about the chaos in the democratic party that has no nominee. then you will have the debate it has to be kamala harris. so they may get a slight jab at donald trump up end the convention. but then they will have to decide who is going to be there their guy or gal. >> steve: actually wind one mini primary we were talking about. >> brian: it will be in milwaukee on monday. >> steve: heard from people in big media they think that joe could bough out in the next five days. >> lawrence: if that happens i will owe you. >> steve: we will wait. >> ainsley: interview on monday night. if he bowed out on monday they would have an opportunity to talk to him about it. do you think he would do that. >> steve: if he does really badly tonight as jacqui mentioned, certainly monday is another okay.
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he wasn't so good. he had another bad day. let's try it with lester. how many try do you get? >> ainsley: nancy pelosi said i support his decision. his decision was i'm staying in as of now. >> brian: as soon as he makes a decision i will support it. i'm in. make a decision. carley shimkus i fully support you doing this update. i'm not sure of the others. >> carley: we're going to check in on a story that broke six months ago, guys, the medical examiner who investigated three kansas city chief fans found dead in the backyard in their friend's backyard says their work is complete. despite their families being told the case is still open. the victim's families saying their questions are being ignored and there is a lack of communication from police and prosecutors. leaving them unsure if anyone will ever be charged. a fourth juror now says jury found karen read not guilty of second degree murder and leaving the scene. this comes just days after a mistrial was declared. read was accused of killing her
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boyfriend. police officer john o'keefe with her car. now, according to new defense filings, this fourth juror says the unanimously voted to acquit read on two of the three charges. but were divide on the charge of manslaughter. while driving under the influence. read's attorneys are asking the judge to dismiss the two counts when the case goes to trial again. another shark bite in florida. a 14-year-old boy was bitten by a shark while standing in knee deep water in daytona beach yesterday. he is the fourth person to report getting attacked by a shark in volusia county within this past month. witnesses say they believe the shark was a black tip. thankfully the boy is expected to be okay. and we are just days away from the republican national convention and we are learning more details of the week's events. florida governor and dana white confirmed to speak next week in milwaukee, but nikki haley isn't expected to be in attendance.
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the former president spoke to brian about whether or not she should be invited. watch. >> brian: would you want to invite her? is that an oversight or intentional? >> i will take a look at that i have heard that this morning. so i will take a look at that. >> brian: so you would like to see her go? >> i don't know. i'm going to take a look at it. i know she gave her delegates over. you know, there was a lot of bad blood there she stayed too long. >> carley: haley said she is going to be releasing her delegates that she won during the primary and encouraging them to give their support to donald trump. >> and those are your headlines, guys. >> >> ainsley: that's very big of her i like that she did that i hope he invites her to the connection and that bad blood can go away. >> carley: unite the party. i would love to hear her speak. >> brian: hey hasn't done almost any interviews since she is out. made a couple of speeches and released her delegates. we will see. >> steve: the convention starts on monday. we know what the themes are. each night is going to have a different theme. monday night, make america wealthy. tuesday night make america safe.
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thursday -- wednesday night make america strong and thursday night make america great once again. >> lawrence: i think what the former president -- listen, i don't disagree, unlike marco rubio and cruise, they actually had a path in 2016. she didn't have a path. i do think if he allowed cruz to speak. >> brian: he didn't endorse. lawrence he said vote your conscience. she has already endorsed him. i don't think there is any negative move that can happen. she says she is voting for him. she is releasing her delegates. why not just let her speak then. >> brian: i would think so. >> steve: her message is joe biden would be much worse. >> brian: 23 minutes after the hour. be sure to tune in to "fox & friends" next week. according to reports i just confirmed myself in my own head we will be there next week monday through friday. there is no way to leave early even if we wanted to. we don't want to. because they make bants and pabd
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milwaukee's best there. >> lawrence: i will do doing a diner on monday. will brian kilmeade stop by the diner. >> brian: no. steve. >> lawrence: i will be there by myself. >> brian: what are you thinking? >> lawrence: you might want to tell the people hello since they watch us every morning. >> brian: maybe i will do that. >> lawrence: thank you for paying our bills for us. >> brian: all the charisma it you bring to the tactical. >> lawrence: i'm not face the of the show. >> ainsley: he doesn't want to be there alone he needs you. >> steve: you won't be alone there will be a bunch of people. >> brian: see him there with an untuckit shirt, maybe sleeveless, just walking around the diner. brian. >> ainsley: checkered design. white house in crisis. now hunter biden is seen so often one democrat is calling him the gate keeper. >> brian: that's unacceptable. >> steve: that's crazy. plus, what is project 2025. why is the biden team using it to go after former president trump? the trump campaign sets the record straight. their explanation coming up. stay with us. ♪ are you worried about it righl now? yne ♪,
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and we have been, i mean, it's just been so hot across the west. this area of high pressure has just been anchored over that region. and then we had beryl. look at all of the tornadoes we saw across the south up towards the ohio valley and even had tornadoes across the interior northeast. power outages still in houston area, over a million, and the humidity is going to be oppressive again today and then we are watching this area of low pressure off the coast. i want to say hi to my friends. come on over here. what's your name? >> tina. >> bernie. >> >> janice: and you love "fox & friends"? >> yes. >> you want to say hi, ainsley. >> hi, ainsley. mornings are always better with friends. >> janice: you did it. good job. >> ainsley: welcome to new york. thank you. >> janice: very nice. >> ainsley: doesn't that just warm your heart? >> janice: yes, did does. >> ainsley: they wake up with us every morning we love them. thank you so much. >> janice: you, too ainsley. >> janice: good job. >> ainsley: good job. fed chair jerome powell making a huge admission during yesterday's hearing. >> over two years with inflation
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still nagging us, with costs out of control, president biden has not asked to meet with you in over two years? >> i haven't had a meeting with him. he hasn't sought a meeting and of course i don't seek meetings. >> ainsley: the news comes as june's consumer price index will be released in just over an hour from now. meanwhile costco is increasing its membership fee for the first time since 2017. standard membership will increase five bucks per year bringing the yearly membership from $60 to 65. while the executive level membership will increase $10 by $130 a year. but i hear the hot dogs still stays at 1.50. speaker emeriti nancy pelosi lashing out at a reporter when asking if she thinks president biden should drop out of the presidential race. >> i don't believe that him waiting so long to make -- >> -- i'm not going to make any comments in the hallway about
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the fate of our nation. am i not speaking english to you? i'm not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway. >> ainsley: then let's go to your office and talk, nancy. the reporter was following up on pelosi's interview with nbc earlier yesterday saying it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run or not. those are your headlines. over to you, brian. >> brian: he decided he's going to run. >> ainsley: well, no, i'm going to go with whatever he decides. >> brian: okay. that's fine. we will play that clip a little bit later. >> ainsley: jimmy fallon. >> brian: democrats frantically trying to tie president trump to project 2025. the heritage foundation conservative policy proposals which the biden campaign is going so far to say trump and the project one and the same while ump trump said he has nothing to do with it the nichive. here to set the record straight
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trump 2024 deputy communication director caroline sunshine. what should we know about project 2025 as it relates to the trump campaign? >> well, president trump said it best himself as he usually does. he doesn't know anything about project 2025. he doesn't have anything to do with it. it's very clear look, president trump was directly involved in crafting the republican party's brand new platform at the top it says it is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of america, which is exactly who president trump has been fighting for ever since he came down that escalator in 2015. look at the number one priority on it. secure our border and the invasion. deport the criminal illegal immigrants who have been allowed into this country under joe biden. that's exactly what president trump has said he going to do on day one of his administration. look, the same people for the last four years who have told the american people that joe biden is fine. is he shark as a tack. is he doing cart wheels same people pushing this current disinformation hoax. that's what they do. they lie for a living about president trump. whether it's the bloodbath hoax,
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the laptop collusion, laptop from hell. that's what they do lie for the a living. democratic party should renamed their platform 2025. if these people allowed to keep governing this country we won't have a country in 2025. what biden has allowed to have. immigrants coming. fentanyl. 30 names on the terror watch list. weaponized the government against president trump and american mothers using counter-terrorism resources they are extreme. >> brian: some of the 900 pages. conservative view of what they would do and recommend for a conservative president. it doesn't mean everything is great or everything is bad. it's just an interesting 900 page read. donald trump made it clear on truth social he said nothing about it. i have no idea what's behind it. i disagree with some of the things they are saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. anything they do i wish them luck but i have nothing to do with them because mcintyre and
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tom homan and others have contributed to it that a lot of people are saying that it's donald trump's doctrine. it isn't. here's an example. on abortion, the g.o.p. platform was rel released it says we proy stand for families and life. states are free to pass laws protecting these rights now project 2025 says this. the next conservative president should work with congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn which maybe would include a national ban. that's not where trump and the platform is. when it comes to marriage the trump 2024 platform says promote a culture that values the sanctity of marriage and punishes families. not just any two adults but one man and unrelated woman. the president doesn't feel that way about same sex maker as heritage does. it doesn't mean they are bad people. it means they disagree. important to point out. got to be responsible for your track record not everybody else's. what about the other story about
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hunter biden. not only is he by the president's side, the daily beast writes he has become his father's gate keeper like a deputy chief of staff. what's your reaction to that? >> yeah it appears hunter biden and the big guy are back together. it's comforting to the american people were joe biden goes to bed at 8:00 p.m. with guy like hunter long history of selling access to the government personal profit is there to answer the call in the event of nuclear war call from the pentagon that's perfect. if hunter biden is around. that means the biden crime family is back together. let's not forget this is a family, joe biden's family made $24 million from foreign sources over the course of five years when joe biden was vice president. it's $11 million from china. $6 million from ukraine. $140,000 from kazakhstan for a sports car. i will let your viewers figure that one out. we know that hunter biden's business associates have been to the white house over 80 times. we know that joe biden has met with 14 of those business associates over 16 times. so the biden crime family is
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back together. by the way, for the white house press corps i would invite them, since joe biden wants to do a big boy press conference. go ahead and ask c karine jean-pierre since hunter is around maybe hunter and the big guy can come out and apologized to the american people about lying about the laptop to hell and 51 intelligence officials lied as well. the american people won't forget. >> brian: thank you. it will be an interesting week. see new milwaukee. frustration as democratic leaders fall in line behind president biden. are they listening to concerns? our panel says they are not. why they feel the party is ignoring their needs, again. next. ♪ ♪ it takes healthy joints to be a costar,
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democratic senator to call on biden to step aside as more lawmakers call on him to withdraw. and with biden saying he is staying in, democratic voters including our next guest say they don't feel like they're being heard. let's bring in our democratic voter panel chris cornell, mark westbrook and jamil jackson. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining the program. mark, i want to go to you first. because you say in some of your points that you thought all of this was just a g.o.p. talking point and then you saw the debate. >> yeah. yeah. i followed politics for a very long time. and i had a number of conservative friends tell me even four years ago they didn't think biden would finish the term. and i just figured it was sort of stuff i normally hear on conservative type tv like this. and he seems to have done a good job. i like his presidency. but then i saw the debate and,
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yeah, i have seen debates since ford debated carter back in '76. and i have never seen anything close to what we went through this last time. >> lawrence: and, chris, obviously, we're getting all these new reports of all these donors as well as democratic elected officials knew about this. even cabinet members knew about this two years ago. but they didn't tell you guys and they wouldn't even give you a primary. how do you feel about that? >> >> i think that it is an injustice to the people that are voting. i think can you look at biden and tell he is not mentally there. just by his mannerisms and the way he acts and talks. i mean, you have to have jill biden walk him off the stage to greet people. it's just not a good look all around for the biden family. and i definitely think that they should have given us a better option as far as presidential candidates. >> and jamil, you say that the
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biden team are thinking that black voters are going to push them across the finish line? >> yes. i'm from philadelphia where biden has visited the most, i think on his campaign stops. so, when i see clips of biden saying i couldn't have done last time without you guys or i'm really going to need you guys, and the amount of tokenism and events he has done to kamala harris to reach out to the black community, i think it's now going to be a make or break between county black vote in my opinion a test on whether or not african-americans are brainwashed enough to vote for someone no matter who the person is as long as democrat elites have control over, i guess, in other minds they are the education the public schools there really a test to see how much control they have over the african-american party.
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>> lawrence: going to ask you all who you are going to vote for at the end of this segment. mark, i'm curious as someone who has been a lifelong democrat, are you upset with the party right now? >> well, it's hard to argue you are going to save democracy if you be not going to include it. i wish they would be more open to where we are. i am going to wear -- time just getting frustrated with the entire partisanship of our entire country. we need to be a country first. we need a president who is able to be president, who, if there's a crisis is able to come and talk to us. commands the room, and able to answer questions on the fly. and right now i'm not sure that biden can do that. and we need to be able to have a president who can do that. that's more important than whether or not i'm a democrat or republican. i'm an american first. this country matters.
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>> lawrence: i don't think anyone could have said it better, mark. chris, i will say this. if it's trump vs. biden, who do you vote for? >> i have to vote for trump. >> lawrence: go ahead? chris. >> i have to vote for trump. >> lawrence: you'll have to vote for trump. mark, you will vote for who? >> biden. >> lawrence: jamil, who would you vote for trump vs. biden at this current state? >> i have to vote for trump. are a the debate. me and my friend trump 2024 shirt that was the first kind of gear, political gear i ever bought. and my message to every single african-americans watching this is to vote for trump. the moment you vote republican, democrats will actually come to your cities and hear you out because they also want to win. you will force democrats to -- people you comfortably vote for to actually listen to you if you vote for trump this election term. >> lawrence: i got to go real quibblingly but, chris, did you make that decision to change after the debate as well to vote for trump instead of biden?
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>> i think that i slowly have been making that change over the last four years, just based off policies that i have seen the democratic party roll out. and then when i watched the debate, it was really the changing factor for me that i was like, i don't believe that biden can lead this country the way he is supposed to. i don't believe he can interact with other leaders the way he is supposed to to help guide us in the way that we need to be guided. and it's like choose the lesser of two evils. do you pick biden or trump. i will pick the guy i think can do to the job that's why i'm going to pick job. >> lawrence: wow, incredible. gentlemen, thank you so much for being so thought 68 this morning. >> thank you. >> lawrence: you got it. so alec bald win is on trial inside the courtroom, next. ♪
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>> steve: all right, happening today alec baldwin's trial resumes this morning after arguments begin with the jury watching cinematographer helena hutch ns final moments on the movie set. joining us is mark eiglarsh down in florida. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you are shocked the prosecutor brought this case, aren't you? >> that's correct. you know, they know better.
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there's no criminal negligence here. you want to go sue him in civil court over money? go right ahead. there's not a willful and wanton disregard of human life that's required. he had every reason to believe that the a armorer the sole jobf the armorer no live rounds in that gun. he had evidence reason to believe there is no rounds in that gun. his job regurgitate the line written by others and return his chiseled cheeks to the camera to know which angle is best. that's it. steve the prosecutor said yesterday, you know, alec baldwin did not follow basic gun safety. he knew -- he's making a movie. he knew it was a real gun that he presumed had a blank in it. he didn't know there was a real bullet that was going to kill her in it. don't they have to prove that. >> yeah. i believe that they have to prove recklessness. now, let's change the facts. he's on break. he's not on the movie set.
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let's say he goes into a cafe in town. and he grabs a person's gun because he thinks it's kind of cool and he starts playing around with it and even pulls the trigger. that's recklessness. that's a willful and wanton disregard of human life. that's a criminal act. but this? the person responsible, the armorer she is in prison where she belongs. she screwed up. this actor, he's not responsible for knowing the difference between live rounds, blank rounds. he should be an expert. he should open up a gun? absolutely absurd. >> steve: so at the beginning you said this should be a civil case, not a criminal case? >> at worst, if you think that he did something wrong, and there's mere negligence because it's reasonably foreseeable that something could go wrong, then you sue someone in civil court. but he don't somehow bring a case in the criminal arena because you have sympathy for people who passed i get it but you don't do it. they do it too often nowadays.
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>> steve: no kidding. mark, thank you very much for weighing in on. this thank you. >> steve: all right. final big hour straight ahead. kellyanne, dave, and jacqui. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off.
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