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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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the cracks in the wall. >> bill: thank you, william. better you than us keeping an eye on it. before we go a bunch of things going on. starting on sunday going through the week on friday the rnc. check out the campaigns that made us. we helped on fox nation tackled three elections. you can watch it starting on sunday. >> dana: mine was 1968 and it was fascinating. >> mine was 2,000. a major trip down memory lane. i liked it. >> dana: i don't know if i could take it. >> bill: tallahassee, 37 days, nothing else like it. >> dana: john roberts is in for harris on "the faulkner focus." >> john: the year 2000, 18
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months of my life i'll never get back. fox news alert. president biden will face what could be the biggest test so far of his political future, what the white house calls his big boy news conference. the white house and the campaign are hoping it can be something of a reset after his disastrous debate. it comes as pressure for him to step aside grows from within his own party. this is "the faulkner focus" and i'm john roberts in for harris faulkner today. and we have got a lot going on today, including that big press conference at nato a little bit later on today. all focusing around whether or not president biden is still fit for office. listen here. >> there will be a press conference next week. the nato big boy press conference. >> the president will hold a big boy press conference we're calling it. >> he will give his big boy press conference on thursday.
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>> john: one democratic operative if he performs well it doesn't put it to rest. he has to do that over and over and over. that is the problem for him. biden is going to continue his recent media tour to try to ease deep concerns about his mental fitness. his next interview is with nbc's lester holt on monday, the first day of the republican national convention. biden sat down with george stephanopolous of abc last week. the anchor with this admission after the interview. >> how are you doing? what do you think? do you think biden should step down? you talked to him more than anybody else have lately. you can be honest. >> john: peter doocy kicks us off this hour here in washington where biden will hold that all-important news conference later on tonight. peter. >> summit that is situateed in a
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convention center that's the halfway point between the white house and capitol hill. we are hearing now that while these visiting world leaders are very polite to the president and staff while he is here at the summit location they are privately on capitol hill expressing some anxiety to lawmakers about the president's acuity. >> nato leaders are hill on the hill as you know. the foreign leaders are coming in. prime ministers, heads of state and they are telling us privately that they are deeply concerned. a weak america is bad for the whole world. >> nancy pelosi is putting out the word democrats should wait until president biden is done hosting all these world leaders before making any other big moves away from him. that's according to a report in "politico" that also states barack obama had advance knowledge of the clooney op-ed dumping on the president yesterday and did not intervene to try to save biden the
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embarrassment. officially democratic national committee is saying none of this matters and president biden has the delegates to be the nominee and he is digging in with their help. >> he has earned this nomination. it hasn't been given to him. wake up, america, wake up, democrats. it is time to stiffen your spines and knock your knees and be for your president. >> we already have a pretty significant delay here before the president's day even started they told us the 5:30 p.m. press conference will be more like a 6:30 p.m. press conference. >> john: that is getting closer and closer to the all-important hour of 8:00 p.m. peter doocy, thank you. to our power panel now. david avella and jose. jose, let's start with you. this will be a hire wire act for biden tonight. nato policy won't be front and center.
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the president's capability of being the next president, maybe remaining president now, is going to be top of mind and the potential for disaster is absolutely huge. >> there is no question about it. i think this is a make or break moment for the president. here is the good news for democrats, right? i think we have to put this to rest and speak the truth. the anti-trump movement is a lot bigger than the pro-biden movement. we've seen that because the president -- the polls haven't moved one bit. democrats, if they stay with joe biden as the nominee they can do well and even win in november. but i think the president needs to reflect and think long and hard whether he wants to stay in the race. i think sit a real question and i think democrats, depending on how he does tonight, will continue to push him to step aside. >> john: do you agree with jose it is a make or break moment for
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this president? >> i agree with jose the anti-trump movement in the democratic party is far bigger than the pro-joe biden movement and we are at a point they continue to ratch up pressure to joe biden either he gracefully steps out what they are trying to get him to do or they will embarrass him and make him have to move on. all of that to say, john, here is joe biden's bigger problem. if he gets out there and shows a great command of the issues and what his administration has done, he reminds folks why he is at 36% approval ratings. voters don't like the fact the border is in chaos, the economy continues to put pressure on everyday americans making a living, and he is only going to remind them of all the reasons why they don't like his policies. >> john: you are suggesting it is a lose/lose proposition for the president. he ran the basement campaign in 2020.
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a lot of people have said he has been running a basement presidency as well. during the last 41 months, 16 months during which he did not give any television news interviews. there were 30 months where he didn't give a solo news conference and ten months where he did neither. jose, the point is being made by a growing number of people now that this white house has gone to great pains to try to hide the aging process with this president from the american public. what do you say? >> look, i think there is no question that age is an issue for both joe biden and donald trump. but i think at the end of the day the greater -- the majority of americans care about the economy. we look at the numbers that just came out this morning inflation at 3%. down from 3.1. inflation is going down. economy is going up. i feel like overall the country is going back to what it used to be. so i think age is an issue but i
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i really don't think in november when we have to vote i think it will be third or fourth on the list. first the economy, immigration. there is no question about it. but age is an issue but not the number one factor when it comes to deciding who you want your president to be. >> john: to be the number one issue whether joe biden should remain as the nominee. a growing numbers of democrats, including george clooney, who seems to have lit the fuse to a large powder keg to say love the guy but it is time to step aside. >> don't be surprised if the president takes the nomination and then to your point goes and spends the rest of the summer in delaware. to put what ultimately the democrats want, to keep the focus on president trump. now here is the challenge for them. the trump campaign continues to expand the map. now all of a sudden states like virginia look competitive and minnesota looks competitive and
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there are more battleground states in part because of biden's low approval rating and in part because you have a third party candidate that will get somewhere between four and 5% of the vote and puts more states in play. it is not biden just being able to focus on michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin. now you are looking at other states, minnesota, virginia, go down the list. it becomes a whack-a-mole of how many states trump can start making competitive. >> john: joe biden won the commonwealth of virginia by ten points in 2020. as you point out now a virtual tie. a new poll shows president biden and former president trump in a virtual tie with president trump up by 1%, 47% to biden's 46% if the election were held today in spite of 67% of voters who say they want biden to step aside. 56% of democrats say the same thing. just 30% say biden should continue his campaign. 42% of democrats want him to stay in the race. so there is some conflicting
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data in there, jose, that so many think biden should step aside yet the polls show things pretty even. >> i care about joe biden and he is a great man and a great american. i think the issue he will face from here until november not only does he have to do well in today's press conference, he has to do well in the interview on monday and has to do well every single day after. i think the level of scrutiny and the standard of vigilance that the american people are looking at this president is going to be very tough. again, today is a make or break moment but has to continue to do that over and over and over again until november. >> john: in addition to concerns about biden's cognitive abilities and ability to continue as the president and the nominee and win the election, there is a lot of down ballot candidates are saying we're wondering how big the coattails are going to be. >> absolutely. you think about six months ago, john, we were talking about the fact that will the democrats
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take the u.s. house. that talk is almost all gone now. republicans just as easily will keep the house as they will keep the u.s. senate. here is the race to keep an eye on. it is michigan. there is no incumbent in that race. it is a race that will be a presidential battleground and currently the republican nominee, mike rogers, is up three. you already have west virginia in the u.s. senate that will become a republican state. now you look at a very competitive michigan. republicans have the majority and then all the other states, montana, pennsylvania, ohio, where we have very strong nominees, wisconsin. potentially puts republicans in a good spot to have a governing majority in the senate. >> john: they were in a good spot in 2022 as well and we know what happened to that. so a lot to discuss in the months ahead. >> absolutely. >> john: gentlemen, thank you,
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appreciate it. president biden's solo news conference set to start at 6:30 eastern tonight and we'll bring it to you live followed by the best analysis in the business. biden campaign advisors hoping to ease many serious concerns when they meet with senate democrats next hour. it comes as the first sitting democratic senator has now publicly called for biden to end his 2024 campaign. plus big questions about former president obama's role in all of this as his allies are shedding support for biden. agreeing with george clooney's call to step aside. >> i was there. clooney is exactly right. every person i talked to at the fundraiser thought the same thing. >> john: most hollywood's mostly elites are calling for a change at the top of the ticket. jason chaffetz in "focus" next.
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>> john: a crucial gathering coming up. several top biden campaign advisors set to meet with senate democrats to talk about growing concerns regarding the president's ability to serve a second term. that meeting set to begin a little more than an hour from now. fox is told lawmakers will have the chance to express their restlationvations about his re-election bid. a 10th house democrat has called on biden to withdraw. the first sitting democratic senator to join that list. axios reports that senate majority leader chuck schumer is open to that idea. schumer denied it but democrats uncertainty is certainly growing. >> it's becoming increasingly
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likely that this may be just too high of a hill for him to climb. this isn't about being president as much as it is making the case that donald trump is unfit to be president of the united states. biden has to do it. if he can't do it, then he has got to let somebody else do it. >> john: democrats are waiting to see how the president fares at his all important press conference scheduled for 6:30 this evening. one democrat saying i told my coms team have our statement ready to go next time he has a big f up. you know this will be another one. he went on to say if the nato speech is a debacle you might see a new wave of democrats calling for him to drop out. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram with the very latest. it looks like it is rapidly approaching critical mass. >> even in the past couple minutes we have another statement from ritchie torres, a
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democrat from new york saying the reality we saw with our own lying eyes is evidence of a deeper challenge. he accused democrats of denial and delusion. now today's meeting with biden campaign officials is not so much about them selling the president to senators but senators expressing their reservations about president biden. democrats are worrying about hemorrhaging seats down ballot. >> i am hoping that in addressing the concerns that have been raised the president's advisors will present data, clear analytics that show the path to success in november. >> what i want to hear is how they are going to win the election. >> democrats are practicing avoidance when pressed about the president's chances. many would not even express what they need to hear in the meeting. >> what do you need to hear?
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senator, what do you need to hear from the advisors today to -- what do you need to hear, though? what do you need to hear from the advisors today to assure you that president biden is the right person. how do you arrive at that decision? peter welch is the only senate democrat calling for the president to step aside. even senators with competitive re-election bids aren't outspoken about president biden yet. >> do you think a joe biden -- >> i'm hearing legitimate concerns from ohio voters. my job is to listen to them. >> will you still support him if the president remains as nominee? >> should he drop out? >> fox is told some democrats do not want to call for the president to step aside until the nato summit completes in d.c. democrats don't want to undermine the president with
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world leaders in town. >> john: chad pergram with the latest in the quickly evolving situation on capitol hill. thank you. the "new york post" editorial board weighing in on the turmoil. the headline, democrats' civil war continues and biden has no way to end it except surrender. jason chaffetz is a former utah congressman and fox news contributor. what do you think. is the dye cast for biden? >> i think it is. i was really smiling on that chad pergram report because as a member of congress walking from hall to hall and room to room the last thing you want to do is say is your candidate fit for office and then having to go on the record. they are getting that same drumbeat at home. they are not profiles in courage if they think at this point there is still more information that some advisor is going to give them. why is it all about winning an election? why isn't it about the good of the country and the good of the presidency? this guy still has six months
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left in his presidency and, you know, his ability to move four years forward, somebody make a pro-active case that he has got four years and six months left in him. i haven't heard that. >> john: there is a lot intrigue of this today. "politico" has a headline saying what obama and pelosi are doing about biden. the former speaker created a fear when she seemed to soften her support of the president's re-election bid and after that comment she lashed out at a reporter who asked her about it. listen to this. >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do and that's the way it is. whatever he decides we go with. >> do you believe that him waiting so long to make the decision is -- >> i am not making a comment in this hallway about -- okay? >> are you concerned whether or not he can win in november? >> i think he can win in november. >> do you think he should run for re-election? >> i'm not -- i'm not -- i'm not
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going to make any statements about any of that right now in the hallway. >> john: we never talk about anything in the hallway. when it comes to obama world it looks like a pile on is on. long time advisor david all ex rod and campaign management david -- >> nancy pelosi is a very deliberate person. she says what she wants to say. she never says what she doesn't want to say. she said that for a reason. >> the president does respect nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, all of these people around him that he served with for years. i still believe that joe biden would make what i think would be a very courageous, honorable decision to say i want to finish out my job as president here in the next couple of months but i want to pass the torch to the next generation. >> they are three years apart
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and seemed 30 years apart tonight. i think that will be the thing that voters really wrestle with coming out of this. >> john: anchor joe scarborough going after this this morning. >> is this biden campaign and many democratic officials do believe that barack obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. >> john: this goes back, jason, to the moment at that big fundraiser in l.a. three weeks ago where barack obama grabbed joe biden by the hand, led him off stage. put his hand on his shoulder and back and people looked at it and said why did obama do that? and then all of this happens. >> well, he had to do it. the reality is that this is not a condition that came on in the
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last few weeks and these are not the clooney op-ed and what not, these are not profiles in courage. they saw it up close and personal and shame on them for allowing him to continue on in this state. they've known this for months, if not years that this is a problem. they saw the state of the union and said he can read a teleprompter we'll be okay. the idea that joe biden will make this decision? that's the question. is his cognitive capability to actually understand reality? that's at the heart of this issue. and why don't they allow the doctors to be candid about that? where is jill biden and hunter biden and shame on them and the media, they never did their job. this has been an issue for years and only on fox would you actually see the stories and see it for yourself. >> john: according to a lot of reports we're hearing joe biden and jill biden are encouraging joe to stay in.
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george clooney's call for biden to step aside is just the start of hollywood abandoning the president. rob rhiner and michael douglas also called on him to drop out. david axelrod saying this. >> clooney, who just hosted a fundraiser, major fundraiser for the president a few weeks ago in california said you can't win the battle against time. the joe biden i was with three weeks ago was not the joe biden of 2010 or 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. that's devastating. that's devastating. >> john: a new report says that clooney actually told former president obama before his op-ed was published about what he was going to write and obama reportedly had no objections. critics say clooney's call was too late since he said he had seen biden's decline at the fundraiser that he hosted in mid june. a headline, quote, there is
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nothing honest about george clooney's op-ed. portnoy tore into them today. >> if all these people, everybody knew that this man is basically a vegetable, why would you ever let him do that debate unless you wanted to show the world that he is gone and get rid of him? it is shameful and the crazy part is, i think a lot of people -- i said this in the rant. you can say is trump a head of lettuce and people hate trump so much they may vote for the head of lettuce. >> john: a lot to unpack. why did they have the debate early? to show biden was not confident. why did george clooney wait three weeks to do it? will this create a chain reaction? is obama really behind all of this? >> well, i think barack obama is still the leader of the party. he is the one. those people are not going out there writing opeds and talking
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the way they're talking is with the approval of joe biden. he was in the second of command and gave us joe biden. he got behind hillary clinton and pushed that and she failed. when joe biden was there i think he has known this is a problem for a long time and shame on him for not dealing with this last year. now these people want to by pass democracy, they are saviors of democracy want to give that up and allow party elites to pick somebody else. i don't think it will go over very well. you don't get a redo. >> john: we'll see. they just might. jason chaffetz, great to catch up with you. thank you. >> thank you. >> john: the white house under scrutiny after a big cleanup admitting that joe biden was in fact seen by a parkinson's specialist after karine jean-pierre initially denied it. republicans say they want to know what else staffers may be hiding. >> these three individuals i
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subpoenaed. no name people, very behind the scenes staffers have been leading the cover-up protecting joe biden. are they privy to national security information? this is a serious issue. >> john: they plan to get to the bottom of it all. texas republican congressman and medical dr. michael burgess in "focus" next. r, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in
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shake this person's hand. turn around and leave. head towards the exit. what it appears may have been happening these three no name staffers may have been running a shadow government. it is a major cover-up. >> the white house said these subpoenas are a baseless political student. his attacks on the president have been discredited and continues to debase the house by weaponizing subpoenas to get headlines. texas republican congressman michael burgess is chairman of the house rules committee and a medical doctor. congressman, thank you for being with us. obviously the white house is going to say something like that in response to what comer is charging. but there does seem to be an awful lot of information coming out that people knew about biden's cognitive decline and weren't letting the public know about it. what do you say? >> what do i say is you knew it and i knew it and we saw it with our own eyes.
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we were told repeatedly by the white house personnel, press personnel in particular, that no, there was no problem. it was an off day, off night. the fact of the matter is it's the old watergate question, what did you know and when did you know it? this is why the whole subpoena for merrick garland to release the audio of the tape of the interview with mr. hur. that would have been very instructive as to why did mr. hur come to the opinion that this individual that he was interviewing was not of the sufficient mental capacity to be able to stand a trial? >> john: we should point out a resolution to hold merrick garland in contempt for refusing to release that tape failed in the house just a few minutes ago. more on that coming up with david spunt. but there are two questions here. the first question seems to be is biden competent to stand for re-election? a lot of democrats and big
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hollywood heavy weights are saying no. the other question is do you believe as a medical doctor he is competent to continue being president at this moment? >> well look, let me do your second part first. i watched the debate. i was like everyone else, just as an american, not as a physician or republican or democrat but as an american i was startled by what i saw. and what i saw the entire world saw, our friend and foe alike. and trust me, even your friends will take advantage of you if they think the opportunity is there. this was a person that we saw on the debate stage that night who for 90 minutes was not capable of executing even the briefest of functions. i think the whole world was sat up and took notice when he said we finally killed medicare. news to me. i'm on medicare and thought it was still going strong.
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so this is not -- this is not a medical diagnosis that i would make. i actually have a little bit of a problem with people making a medical diagnosis off television. the goldwater rule says you don't do that. but at the same time i saw what everyone else saw. as an american i have to say i was worried is not the right word. currently who is running the show? who is responsible for making the day-to-day decisions? who would be responsible for making the big life or death decisions that could possibly come through that door at any moment? these are the types of questions that need to be answered. from the democrats' perspective, they preached to us about democracy. joe biden got the most votes. he is their nominee. if you truly believe in democracy, the democratic process, i don't see how you replace him. if you do replace him, i don't know how you do anything but go
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to the person, the next person on the ticket. but that's their deal. that's not something that i get to participate in. but what i do get to participate in, i have a commander-in-chief right now that seems to be missing in action. >> john: at the same time that all of this is going on, the white house this week forced to clarify again that a january 17th meeting between white house doctor kevin o'connor and a parkinson's disease expert dr. canard was indeed for a neurological exam of the president. just hours before president secretary karine jean-pierre had denied that. listen to this. >> correct me if i'm wrong it seems it is described the nature of dr. canard's meeting with dr. o'connor. can you say whether that one meeting was related to care for the president himself? >> i can say it was not. >> john: she got pummeled on monday and dr. o'connor, the president's personal physician
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had to clarify that. then she said that and turns out it is something completely different. do you believe the shifting sands of explanation here at the white house are causing even more suspicion about what's really going on? >> it doesn't help, does it? which is why chairman comer is asking for these other employees to come in and help give us a fuller picture of what is the day-to-day experience in the white house actually like? it is unfortunate that the press secretary chose that moment to mislead. and i feel bad for the press corps. on the other hand the press core, my opinion, just me, the press corps has been remarkably incurious for the last 3 1/2 years. there have been signs and symptoms that have been readily apparent for quite some time. if the president wants to put a lot of these things to rest, then come talk to us. come to frequent, unscripted
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press conferences. show us you guys ask tough questions and show us you have the mental acuity to go one-on-one with an unscripted press conference. i don't see that being set up. i don't see that happening. but that's really what will be required to reassure the american people that things are, in fact, okay at the white house. right now they say they're not. i tend to agree with them. the press corps plays a vital role as does congress. we have an oversight responsibility. chairman comer is exactly right to ask these people to come talk with us. >> john: he has the big press conference scheduled for 6:30 this evening. how many questions he takes and whether or not he can weather the storm. thank you for being with us, congressman, we appreciate it. if president biden does, in fact, agree to step aside, there could be serious legal challenges to replacing him on the ticket in all 50 states. one conservative group threatening legal action to protect election integrity.
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leo terrell has a few thoughts about all of this and he is coming up next. ♪ are you tired of your hair breaking after waiting years for it to grow? meet new pantene pro-v miracles. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen. strengthens hair bonds and repairs as well as the leading luxury brand without the $60 price tag. ♪ for stronger, healthier hair. ♪ if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor.
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>> john: fox news alert. moments ago the house failed to pass a resolution to fine attorney general merrick garland for not releasing the audio
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recording of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. in his report on biden's retention of classified documents hur called biden and elderly man with a poor memory. of course, that debate performance in the past two weeks have put biden's acuity into even sharper focus. fox news justice course upon department david spunt has more on all of this. >> officially the attorney general is in the middle of a crime forum. has no comment yet. i'm told unofficially from several sources there is a sign of relief at the justice department right now. d.o.j. officials have always said it is unconstitutional to even go ahead and do this. meanwhile speaker mike johnson believed just a few hours ago that this would pass. it turns out he was wrong. watch. >> it's moving forward and it will pass today and it is an extreme measure to be sure. it hasn't been used a lot in history but it is not unconstitutional. we have to be as aggressive as we can.
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inherent contempt has only been used a few times since the founding. telling members legally attorney general garland could not turn over those audio tapes. the interview between hur and president biden took place over a two-day period last october. part of the classified documents case. garland released the transcript of the video but no to releasing the audio tape because biden had executive privilege. he insists the transcript matches the video word for word. a d.o.j. official telling fox news just a few hours ago quote, this, meaning the inherent contempt vote, is unconstitutional and confident our arguments would prevail in court. house republicans are suing to get the audio tape and working its way through actual court. not a halls of congress. a source familiar with the lawsuit told me quote inherent contempt will hurt the house's
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litigating position in their lawsuit but as of now inherent contempt is not a thing anymore. unexpectedly it failed when speaker johnson believed he had the votes to get it through. >> john: he said he would support it as well. we'll see what happened there. the growing number of democrats, 11 of them calling for president biden to end his candidacy could face a series of logistical and legal battles if biden does indeed decide to step aside. conservative heritage foundation overnight project has threatened legal action to insure the rules are followed. in a statement the group saying the process for substitution and withdrawal presents many election integrity issues. adherence to the law in some states may result in that process being unsuccessful for the purposes of another candidate being on the ballot. it cites three states in
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particular. georgia, nevada and wisconsin have specific procedures for withdrawal that could complicate the process. who better to untangle after this than leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor. leo, if joe biden does decide that he is going to ride off into the sunset and leave the door open for a replacement, i expect the lawsuits will all come fast and furious. not just from republicans but from rfk junior, cornel west and jill stein. >> absolutely. let me be clear and speak to you as a lawyer. i hope the republican party develop a backbone and use every aspect of the law to prevent biden's replacement. if he is replaced, from being on the ballot. there are rules and procedures, election integrity. republicans need to make sure they stand for election integrity. don't make it easy for the democrats to replace joe biden. in wisconsin, you can't replace the person who won the primary
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election. so there are procedures. the republican party, the heritage foundation third parties have a legal right, john, legal right to make sure that the secretary of state in these three states follow the procedures. >> john: we have that particular thing that the democrats will have to try to get over. then there is this idea if joe biden steps down before the convention and throws open the convention, his delegates are supposed to vote for him. they are pledged to him. they don't have to vote for him but they could in a show of defiance go ahead and vote for him. this could make chicago look like it was a walk in the park to 1968 at least. >> it will be chaotic inside and outside chicago. let me be clear, it is very important, as we proceed to the chicago convention, that joe biden is under a lot of pressure. this big boy conference today won't prove anything. the democrats are on fire inside
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their own caucus. publicly they are saying the right things to protect their constituents. privately they want joe biden out. joe biden is unable to perform the duties as president of the united states. everyone knows it. the problem is, there is a political decision to be made, john. >> john: you said something there that was intriguing saying he is not capable of carrying out the duties of president. the discussion among democrats is whether or not he should stand for re-election and whether he could make it for another four years. do you believe that the 25th amendment should be invoked now? >> let me think about that. 1 trillion percent. let me give you evidence for you, john, to consider. the robert hur tapes. audio tape. ask yourself, why is merrick garland and joe biden invoking privilege on those tapes? i will submit to you and everyone knows it because it
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further provides evidence that he is incapable, john. here is the sad part about it. kamala harris knows it, every democrat and the media knows it. he is putting america in harm's way and those tapes, the comments that have been made the last three weeks overwhelming evidence he is not fit to serve as president of the united states. not just starting today, but he shouldn't have been president a year ago. >> john: they nato conference leaders are asked about this and wash their hands of it saying it is not our business, this is your business. but when you take a look at biden and he has that big press conference tonight and putin and xi are watching this. what do you think they are thinking at this moment? >> let me be clear. it is not just america's problem. it is the world's problem. america is the strongest country on the planet. the world's security is at stake
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and it's in the hands of a man who is cognitively impaired. everyone should be on pins and needles. joe biden, john roberts, is unable to take the 3:00a.m. phone call. we have to decide what's in the best interests of america and the world. joe biden should not be president of the united states of america. >> john: the world will be watching tonight at 6:30 and we'll carry it for you. we'll see you later on today. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm john roberts in for harris, i will see you with sandra smith at 1:00 eastern for "america reports." "outnumbered" is up right after the break. stay tuned.
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>> kayleigh: a


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