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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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bad night. i don't think anyone believes he just had a bad night, even the people telling us that, and people are going to look for clues, and he has so few public unscripted appearances are looking for clues, and again, their problem is they can't leave americans to unsee what they have already seen. >> neil: got it. >> harold: anyone, thank you very much. you can't rely on the prompter. just a reminder, we are going to be right here covering on this fine network come again at 6:30, joe biden's crucial news conference. they say it is a big boy news conference, i don't know if it came up with that, but the pressure is on he delivers the goods. we will see if he can. in the meantime, "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone be a crime dana perino -- that's my
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name! [laughter] judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld has a new shirt. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ [laughter] in just 90 minutes from now, joe biden, who presumably will know his own name, will face the biggest test in his 50 year long political career, high-stakes solo news conference in his presidency, his legacy come and his reelection campaign all on the line. it could be his last chance to fend off a rebellion that is growing by the minute. one tiny verbal slip up or misfire, this could be the downfall. new reports says that if biden fails, he is poised to face a delusion of fresh calls from democratic lawmakers to drop ous giving her party the green light to go after him. the president's supporters and the media are getting ahead of damage control by trying to lower expectations that they had already raised. >> i don't think we should set the stakes too high.
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>> there is a conscious understanding out to over prep him. not to give him the numbers. not to have been prep until the very last moment. >> i think this is our last opportunity to defeat trump again pure fun not going to suggest there is a benjamin button, he's going to get younger. >> biden vulnerable numbers? >> no. >> wake up america. wake up democrats. it's time to stiffen your spines and knock your knees and be for your president. >> dana: and are never that moment when the president looked frozen while everyone was dancing at a juneteenth concert? well come according to a new report, multiple people, including a state lawmaker who attended that event, is telling abc news they had concerns about biden after personally watching him. using terms like "aloof," "stiff," and his speech as "garbled." the media called a cheap fake at the time but the press however promises to go hard after biden at this upcoming news conference. a biden it advisor to scrubbing
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it this way: "the dogs are loose." i also found out, greg, cnn has this report, for closed-door cabinet meetings combo of which president biden has not had one since last october of 2023, they had it all orchestrated and scripted. they would tell the cabinet secretary, he's going to ask you this, what are you going to say? they had to have all the points rather than just a general idea. >> greg: exactly what they do with "jesse waters primetime." i don't see the problem with that. we can think for ourselves. >> jesse: i didn't even know you watched. >> greg: since it appears right now that joe isn't going anywhere, perhaps they are just letting him do this to embarrass himself out of the office. i don't know. if they really cared about joe, the press conference wouldn't happen. >> dana: right. >> greg: and i kind of hope he does well just to make this even more of a long-suffering period. if he cancels it, then that means hunter was able to strike
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a deal for that golden parachute, you know, they half a billion dollars, the golden library, the new corvette. remember they said trump was in it for himself? after becoming president, losing his celebrity prestige, the people that used to kiss his with ass now hate him, and of course the lawfare, he was in it for himself. seems like joe is the one in it for himself, refusing to drop out much less stepped down as the nation pleads for. he has not president. that is the purest definition of a selfish person. this has always been -- my sense of joe as president, he's always seen our problems as temporary, for him, right? these are long-term consequences, and he is not here for the long-term, so he never really took our stuff seriously. whether it is wars, inflation, debt, or crime, maybe they will turn around, maybe they won't. he won't be there for that. he has lived a full life. we are stuck with everything he has done. i have my bigger question, and
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then i will shut up. we know that biden isn't running the show, nor has he been running the show for some time, so you look at decisions like the student loan bailout or what he has done with the border, how can those decisions be seen as legitimate? because either he didn't make them or he was mentally incapable of making them at the time, and this matters because if joe vetoes that bill, that keeps illegals from voting, can that be acceptable? because that's clinically insane. that's antidemocratic if he vetoes that bill. but if he is insane, that makes sense, or if someone else is doing it, that makes sense. i think we are dealing right now with an illegitimate presidency. where did you hear that before? >> dana: and what if he does super well tonight? i mean, the bar is low -- the expectations are high, but the ball is low, which is sort of strange for him. if he does very well, that means the rest of the members chomping at the bit to cut him loose, will they be stuck? >> richard: i think this is an
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interesting moment, right? because i think you are right. the mistake i think the biden campaign is making over and over again is putting the president in these really, really high stake moments. when you put someone in a high stake moment where they are known for gaffes, you create a sort of conundrum for them. listen, if this is my campaign and i were running it, i would've had the president the day after the debate on every news channel. you would have gotten so tired of seeing joe biden. he would have been everywhere. because the whole ideal is being able to campaign and prove he is good, he is fine, everything is okay, nothing to see here. in order for you to get nothing to see here, you should see a lot of him. >> dana: right. >> richard: therein lies the problem. if you talk to folks on campaign, they would rather have a conversation about project 25, rather talk about why vice president mike pence is not endorsing donald trump or a majority of donald trump's former cabinet is not endorsing him, but in this moment, the news cycle is, can joe biden make it to the convention?
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can joe biden make it to the election? right? the good news, the silver lining for the biden team, a majority of these polls don't have -- i'm talking what the battleground states, the blue wall, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin -- have this race in the margin of error even though trump is up in most of them, that's the good news and the silver lining in this cloud, a very, very thin silver lining, but that is the silver lining the advisory watch this press conference in the next 90 minutes, this will be a tough moment for the president. can he pull it off? and if he does pull it off, i do not think that silences the voices that you are hearing on the other end, saying we need a new nominee. i don't think it is going to cause george clooney to write a new op-ed in "the new york times" saying now i love him. >> dana: yeah, i was wrong be at i'm on record saying i think they should have canceled the press conference for his own good, save him the embarrassment, but if he does super well, i'm not going to change my opinion about what is ultimately going to happen here because i think it is happening and he will not be the nominee, at this point. >> judge jeanine: well, i think the first thing people should think about is the date
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today. today is july 11th. today is the day that donald trump was supposed to be sentenced on those 34 felony counts. today was the day when people wondered if he would be going to jail. and what judge merchan would sentence him to. and instead of donald trump being sentenced to jail or anything else, that case has been put off, and right now, we have joe biden, who thought he was riding high with this warfare, this illegitimate lawfare, that he was engaged in, and now joe biden is holding on himself for dear life. the irony of what's going on in america today just shows you how politics can be crazy. everything is upside down. the republicans want joe biden to do well. the democrats want him to fail. that way they can get rid of him for once and for all. but make no mistake, it was joe biden who grabbed the shovel to dig his own political grave, dana, when contrary to what you
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think, he wanted to do that debate, and he wanted to do this press, and it tells me that they have been talking to him for some time about whether or not he can continue or whether or not he should continue. and this presser today, in 90 minutes, i think the die is cast. >> dana: i do, too. >> judge jeanine: the press is furious, as well they should be, although there is a little bit too much fury because they live in that fishbowl and they covered up a lot themselves. they could find out how many times a neurologist is going to the residence, that kind of things. but make no mistake, these people saying these concerns we had on juneteenth, and clooney three weeks ago, and chuck todd two years ago, but biden thinks he's going to prove to the country that he is up to doing this job for the next four ye years. when america knows he is only proving to the country whether or not he can do this job for the next five months. and i want you to think about the next five months, because
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who's running the country? a -- a former, sex addict, and a make-believe doctor are running the country, and that is not a good place to be. >> dana: george clooney came out after that fundraiser, where he asked people to give money, hard-earned money come i'm here to raise money, i think you should part with your money and then three weeks later, actually, no, i don't think that is true. >> jesse: i would ask george for my money back. that's not right and that's why don't give to candidates. then they can just fall apart. >> richard: i donated $34 in your name to joe biden. >> jesse: i want that money back! [laughter] so joe should just go out tonight and say i am tired in the latest abc news poll, what are you guys talking about? reagan was down. jfk was down. these people came back and won. i've come back in won. the red wave never happened. i would just throw that right in
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their face, and then i would stop criticizing democrats because that is what the democrats are getting mad at, joad criticizing them. he needs to make this about trump again. he's i beat him once, bowing to beat him again. and we are running to restoring democracy and you want to rip away millions of people who voted for me. you can't just change the rules in the middle of an election. and just say oh, you know what, my candidates probably going to lose, the polls are back, let's just rip them off the ticket. when is that ever happened before? it's never happened before in the history of this country, when just because a candidate is down in the polls, right before the convention, he's gone? they are not ripping him off this ticket because of his mental state, they are ripping him off because they think he is going to lose. the democrats can't lose one election? it's one election, richard. and trump is only going to get in for four more years and then you guys will get back with gavin, everybody knows.
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it's like, lose an election. it, like, you are just going to throw this democracy up in the air and just shoot it with a canon? that's the craziest thing i've ever seen. >> greg: you are amazing. you are giving the most persuasive argument for the democrats to keep biden in. >> jesse: are you saying i am not being honest with my analysis, greg? >> greg: i think you are being brilliantly deceptive. >> richard: to jesse's point, i do think the problem for democrats in this moment is they read project 2025, written by a lot of former trump cabinet members, if this is what trump is going to do, then we need some thing to stop it because it is very scary when you read it. i have read some pages of it. >> jesse: lose the election. can't win with joe. can't win with kamala beards before i still think it is meant to be a very close election, i do. >> richard: it will be close. >> greg: especially the mail in votes. >> dana: the trump campaign basically not having to worry about three additional battleground states, georgia,
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white -- >> jesse: arizona. >> dana: nevada. still a possibility. as north carolina, thank you. they are adding some other battleground states, like new hampshire, so it is interesting, at least. up next, the ultimate biden betrayal. was barack obama behind george clooney's op-ed to dump joe? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the hits keep coming for joe biden. barack obama is more than happy to let the bus run over his old pal joe.
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the hollywood actor reportedly reached out to barack to give him a heads-up on that scathing op-ed he wrote, calling on joe biden to drop out. "politico" is reporting "while obama did not encourage or advise clooney to say what he said, he also didn't object to it." clooney-obama hit is clearly getting under joe's skin. check out the expression on biden's face when he got asked about it. [overlapping questions] joe's campaign is suggesting that our 81-year-old president has more stamina than the 63-year-old hollywood heavyweight. >> a campaign official who attended that los angeles fundraiser tells me that george clooney left three hours before the president, so clearly, the gloves are off.
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jake? >> what does that mean, that george clooney left three hours -- what's the point? >> the point of that is to suggest that biden's stamina is better than clooney's and clooney didn't have, you know, eyes on the entire event. that's the response to the clooney op-ed. >> okay. >> judge jeanine: and joann mika are fuming over the possible obama-clooney coup. >> this wasn't george clooney. >> what do you mean? >> come on. >> who do you think it was? >> it was not matt damon or julia roberts, either. >> who do you think it was? you can say the name, it is not voldemort. are you saying you think barack obama put him up to this? >> i think barack obama has a lot of influence, and i think that there is -- there is a lot there. >> judge jeanine: all right, dana, i'll start with you. >> dana: okay. >> judge jeanine: who do you think came first, obama or
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clooney? >> dana: i think maybe somebody in obama's orbit encouraged george clooney, or they are probably on a group text, and they said, hey, would you mind doing this? hey, we better run it up the food chain, rounded up by the boss, that obama -- i think tha. let's say obama had nothing to do with it, some but he came to you and said i'm going to put this out there, does he want to be t the one to say no? they are not even denying this report, so i assume that it's true. yesterday, what happened? pelosi poured out the gasoline, clooney lit the match, and obama and his team coming to putting schumer and jeffries, refusing to call the fire department. they are like, let it all burn and going to see what happens be a guy could not believe they wanted to pick a fight with george clooney on his stamina? that, to me, i don't think we have ever seen worse crisis communications than this. this will be studied for years to come. but more than just the communications part of it. this is a scandal. i know chris hayes will say this
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is not a scandal. it's a big deal, and we are living through a gigantic, huge political story. i don't exactly know how it ends, but i'm grateful to be here to live through it. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, i think it was on joann mika, they said if biden believes that obama is orchestrating the campaign to oust him, he will only dig his heels in deeper. what do you think biden's reaction to this is? >> jesse: he knows barack has his fingerprints on it, and he's probably pissed. i would become too. the second time he stabbed him in the back. first passing them over for hillary and how this. barack is a smooth operator. remember, he had spygate on donald trump. they took flint out during the transition. these people really know how to play. and it's clear barack either blessed this or orchestrated it,
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but it doesn't even matter because all of hollywood is out the door. ari emanuel, netflix, abigail disney, barry diller, they are all gone. he was just a front man, he was the handsome face that landed them in the times. it's embarrassing now they are saying he doesn't have stamina. it is so pathetic. this is like kgpe when she said he runs circles around us. they are continuing the cover-up. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, the debate was something that joe offered to do and this pressure is something again that joe offered to do. it tells me that they were pushing him before all of this. >> greg: maybe that's why they scheduled it earlier, to get the embarrassment out of the way. this really is like a family ordeal masquerading as political theater. joe is the senile, suspicious, paranoid dad and barack is the smooth talking son who comforts the old man people don't worry, pop, no one is stealing or
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baseball cards. meanwhile, behind the scenes, he is securing a hospice, getting the doctors and assorted friendly faces together to get him outside and into sunny pines. maybe they will trick him and tell him they are going to friendly's for brunch. >> jesse: i love friendly's. >> greg: is interesting to me because this is the difference between parties. the biden chaos has two realities. what's probably unfolding and what is behind the scenes. that's a democrat given, it's always two-faced. give trump his due, there was no distinction between the public and behind any door. you know more about trump than you know about yourself. but the media discovers something is afoot, and once again they are ready to receive, not waiting to investigate, no one is doing any investigating, they are just waiting for the drips and the drab's and the leaks to come to them because they respect the double life. that is why they didn't investigate. they knew this was going on, but that's how the democrats roll.
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they'll stay away. this is an advantage that trump or republican never had. if they thought there was something going on behind closed doors, you could bet the investigators and reporters would have pounded their way in. >> judge jeanine: and you know, richard, 47% is the number that joe biden has, the overall job approval number, which they say is the lowest of anyone running for reelection. so knowing that, i mean, are the democrats, they said they are waiting for polling and everything else. do you think they have already made their mind up? >> richard: i don't have anything inside the campaign, but i do think what makes this particular story so interesting -- on the other person who has been in washington want of me is dana -- most of these times, these stories, you have a bad news cycle, ten days, maybe 11 -- >> dana: that's a long time. >> richard: we are at two weeks, maybe three weeks. i thin the problem with that is let's be very clear, at the beginning of this race when trump announced he was running for reelection, he was a weak candidate. nikki haley, 20% of the democratic party, she just released her delegates last week
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so they could vote for donald trump. so donald trump should not be doing this well in the polls. he has a weak candidate. half of his former cabinet has not endorsed him, his vice president -- >> greg: you wish you had a weak candidate beard >> richard: he is a weak candidate from his former vice president hasn't endorsed him. the fact is race -- he has attacked this network for very good polls we run. the fact we are here in this moment tells you this race should not be this close, which is why the biden team and folks in the democratic party are having a real conversation on whether or not joe biden should stay or go and i think -- i don't think it is a hollywood problem, this is a dz problem that has now become a hollywood problem because they too are saying d.c. should have figured this out already, day 15 and we are still here. >> judge jeanine: d.c. is the one that is leaking every 30 minutes and schumer is changing -- >> richard: the drip drip drip is because the story should have wrapped up a long time ago. >> greg: it's not -- >> dana: it is not a comms problem. >> judge jeanine: is it game over for joe? biden's campaign is checking if
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♪ ♪ >> greg: is america ready for a mom-ala? quietly carrying out head-to-head survey between voters and the vp and dt, in a sign of uncertainty. a brutal bite and poll, 85% say he is too old for a second term. kamala still toeing the company line. >> one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. [applause] he is a fighter. we will continue to fight, and we will continue to organize. and in november, we will win.
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[applause] we will win. >> greg: but is america too racist and sexist for a black woman president? let's ask. >> the alternative is very clearly come in my view, there's a lot of really amazing democrats from the bench, because of the timeline and everything, i think it is clear, it's almost like public opinion hasn't caught up with what she is doing out there, and also we live in a country that is sexist and racist, so there is that. not everybody, but there is a level that does impact elec elections. >> greg: typical white chick. so judge, she says kamala struggles because we live in a country that is sexist and racist. isn't kamala a black female vp? didn't we have a black president for eight years? of course, those are just exceptions. we are all white racists here. >> judge jeanine: you are right, it is eight years, we voted for a black president, not once, but twice, but we are still racist and we will be
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forever. here is the bottom line. when biden says that 8 out of 10 polls have him ahead of donald trump, you know that he is not going to give in that easily. kamala, it sounds like, and i hurt her a couple of times, it sounds like she is -- she is keying herself up for a debate of some sort. i see her kind of out now sounding a little more articulate, very energetic, you know, kind of jazzing up the audiences. i think it's kamala, i don't think there's any question that it will be kamala, who will be up at top of the ticket. not only because of the money, but because, you know, she is the one in waiting and they have set their own dei policy to not ever do it. but what i think is interesting is that she will get a lot of support from the black voters. and i'm curious as to how that is going to impact new black support that donald trump is
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getting. and if you remember, the first time joe biden ran, he said he was a transition candidate, a transition to the next generation you got the sense that he was either going to leave at some point in the first term or handed over to kamala. and i think the older he got or the more curmudgeon he became, the less like he wanted to do that, and that is where we are right now. >> greg: you know, jesse, 85% say biden is a too old. you can't get 85% of anyone to agree on anything unless they say your shirt sucks. >> jesse: very funny, greg. biden doesn't think kamala can beat v8, and that is why he is staying in the race. she has lunch with this dude constantly. she was at juneteenth. she's been all around with the guy. you can't leave her and say, let's just talk about nato and the border. wait a second, you were in on the cover up, lady. now she has a great new
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nickname, laughin'. for some reason, this jen psaki lady, michelle obama could walk into the white house, black female. that doesn't mean this is not a racist or sexist country. i don't believe kamala has the black support. you ever see johnny out there? like people don't even know who kamala harris is, and whenever she has brought up in any conversation, she is not taken seriously, the way i am taken seriously, as a serious news man. >> greg: and you are part black. >> jesse: .1%. it's just enough. >> greg: just enough. [laughs] richard, i think the issue is, if you think about that 85%, america saw biden, sometimes for the first time, they got into the race with the first debate. you can't gaslighted a country, 300 million people. >> richard: i mean, you can't unsee the debate. that's true.
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listen, i'm not sure i fully subscribed to what jen psaki is saying, but you say she is the dei vice president, you feel the argument that jen psaki is making. she is the vice president, she is not a dei higher, she is a former prosecutor, the first ag, the first african american first woman ag of california. she is a slew of accomplishments. she brought down -- she brought up the conviction rate in san francisco. beyond that, she has been the sharp edge of the biden white house when it comes -- >> greg: why was she selected as vp? >> richard: because she is qualified. >> greg: joe biden made it clear -- >> richard: and to be fair, i could spend this whole segment, or read my piece on where i talk about her, but let's also remember that one, the issue she has been focused on since she's been vice president has been maternal health. it is an issue that has plagued this country we don't talk about on the show a lot, folks talk talk about it, but she has actually made a lot of headway on this issue. this week specifically, she has pushed forward, the country has its first ever maternal safety
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policy, so -- >> judge jeanine: what about the border? >> richard: women overall are dying from giving birth in this country, one of the greatest country on earth. >> judge jeanine: really? >> richard: yes. in the developed world, more women die in this country than any other country on earth. >> judge jeanine: during childbirth? >> richard: look at statistics. >> greg: do you know why that is crust mike >> richard: not all hospitals are prepared. >> greg: we actually try to save more children. a lot of other countries don't. they don't have the technology to save -- >> richard: no, hold on a second. first of all, 5.6 million in this country live in a maternity desert -- >> greg: maternity desert, you say? >> richard: yes, they wake up, the march of dimes -- no, no, no, actually, it is true, they wake up any place where they cannot give birth, there is not a hospital within 15 miles of their home, look up the statistics. >> greg: all right, dana. when they bring up dei, i find
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it funny because all we are pointing out is that it was successful. all we are saying is that she was picked because of diversity. and everybody goes oh, that's racist. that's what it is. it's not racist to say you guys fulfilled the mission. >> dana: and they are already doing it again by saying -- by not supporting her, the country is sexist and racist. you have already done it to her again. instead of saying she's obviously the most qualified and she is incredible -- i remember when obama, he didn't actually do this, he had let it be known that he wanted to hire a woman press secretary. just pick her. because you have already diminished her by doing that. she is about -- forget d&i, she is about to get snr, strange new respect. but all of these report, how many pieces have there been per year about the, now the new makeover of kamala harris is
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coming. here is 45 staffers who said she is terrible to work for. but she is about to get some s and r. >> greg: i thought that stood for something else. it does. coming up, chuck todd up chucks the democrats big biden secret. ♪ ♪
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ask me, do you really think -- e can't run again like this. and i said, well, you have more interaction with him than i do. and they said, i don't have a lot of interaction with him. this is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. and this was two years ago. >> jesse: richard, journalists, do you think that they are obligated to report things at that level, where it's like, oh, my god, the president might be shot? or do you think they are allowed to keep that a secret? >> richard: you've had this for two years and you just said it now? that's what bothers me about this story, which is why i question its truthfulness a little bit. especially because two years ago, he was the anchor of a major sunday show. so if you had this, why wouldn't you put this out on your show at the top of your show? >> jesse: just for selfish purposes. >> judge jeanine: i agree with you. >> richard: so i don't understand that. that's all i got on that.
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you know, that being said, yeah, that's all i got. >> jesse: judge jeanine, how many scoops do you think democrat journalists have been sitting on and are still sitting on? >> judge jeanine: are you kidding? we've been doing this for two years, okay? and we are not in the fishbowl that they are in washington, d.c. and the outrage about this is now you've got, how ironic, the media is making news now because they didn't report on the news because they were complicit with the democrat power brokers. i have to say one thing about chuck todd. do you remember he threw a hissy fit when nbc was going to fire ronna mcdaniel -- was going to hire ronna mcdaniel? he said that nbc should apologize to kristen welker for having ronna on the show, forrest kristen welker to have ronna mcdaniel on the show. they are not honest brokers.
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they are complicit with what's gone on, and i am tired of hearing about it weeks and months and years they do, nicole wallace, not for nothing, i'm not going to shield you from the truth. he walked off your set while you were still talking. >> jesse: you mentioned this to blocks ago, greg. they just sit around and wait for leaks, and then they report them or not. basically conduits for the democrats. >> greg: i guess the real reporters were always local reporters. that follow crime. and once they reach a certain spot, they think, you know what, i'll just surf and rewrite stuff. all these blogs that basically feed off each other. our journalists pick sides, they don't pick stories, and they receive their opinions come almost always, from other people. what chuck said is true. he did know it. it was an open secret. but the other open secret is he was fine with keeping the open secret. now they made their urine-soaked
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bed, and i don't mind watching them lie in it. the press is in a quandary. that's a pickle for you, jesse. >> jesse: thank you. >> greg: do you come out looking stupid, or do you come out looking like a liar? you are stupid if you believe joe is fine, you are lying if you knew he wasn't, but you hid it in the service of a cover-up. it seems like chuck is in the middle between stupid and lying because he realizes in the media, lying is a given, but if you are stupid, it could end your career appeared cuomo, don lemon, stelter, he is now time to figure out what path do i pick? >> jesse: it will be very interesting to see how these media people navigate the next couple months. dana, we are just hearing that joe biden just called zelenskyy putin accidentally and had to reverse and clean that up. >> dana: i didn't even know my own name when the show started. a couple of things. think about the media you guys just mentioned and how they came
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after anyone, including people at this network who suggested that biden might have a problem. now you have a and entire op-e, meghan markle's piece, there is a problem in newsrooms, and the other is this, reporters are so focused on the white house that they don't ever go -- the department of interior -- >> greg: rachel levine, another crazy decision by joe that someone no bothers to look into. >> richard: i don't understand, she's qualified. >> greg: you have to do more reading, richard. look at our policies and trans kids. >> judge jeanine: as it relates to kids. >> greg: that will be for another day, you will say, when we have -- >> richard: non sequiturs, greg. >> judge jeanine: that was very relevant. >> jesse: is a non sequitur desert, richard.
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be careful. >> richard: i think it is raining. >> jesse: joe biden has event before addressing reporters, where he calls a zelenskyy putin. top democrats are quietly getting on the trump train. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults
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♪ ♪ >> richard: is trump a threat to democracy? "new york times" writer what top democrats are privately telling him. >> i have had top democrats say to me basically something like, i don't know why all these democrats who think donald trump is an accidental threat to democracy. the reason i am acting the way i am is because. >> richard: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: you know what? the point was made earlier tonight, donald trump cared about the country. it wasn't about him. joe biden cares about himself and it's not about the country. i would really be curious about what percentage of democrats are enraged about the cover up. now that they know what it is,
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if they haven't been watching it because understand, you watch nbc, abc, cbs, or your algorithms, you don't know what we know we have been talking about. i'm curious as to how many democratic voters are now going to be curious because they now know they have had the wool pulled over their eyes. >> richard: greg? >> greg: the wheels have come off the short bus. all of the hoaxes that were interconnected are falling and collapsing because the big one, biden is fine, has gone away. and with that comes the trump isn't accidental threat threat to democracy. because now dems are saying they are okay with trump winning because of the questions that i posed to be up if trump is an accidental threat, why are you running and incoherent, feeble mess? turns out they didn't believe he was a threat. why is that he lied? so awful? because by making trump annexed agile threat they created a reay or all actions to take trump out. they made everything that is
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illegal acceptable. voter fraud, lawfare, weaponizing intel agents, russia gate, the lie was a foundation for hysteria that pitted americans against americans. people got attacked. when trump supporters were called nazis, what does that tell you? you can do anything to a nazi. this was an incredibly divisive, hysterical hoax. >> richard: dana? >> dana: i don't see how a democrat can say i don't believe biden should be the nominee, complete a sentence, while also saying democracy is on the line. they wanted democracy to just be about january 6th. when you look at these polls. now people polled are saying they trust trump more on democracy because they are worried about national security, immigration, crime, quality of life, and education. all of those things are tied up in a democracy. >> richard: jesse? >> jesse: if i were the constitution, richard, i would be offended. because you have this beautiful constitution that is designed to prevent a dictatorship. you have checks and balances.
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you have the supreme court. you have impeachment. all of these beautiful facets that have been laid out by the founders to restrain tyranny, that is saying they constitution is worthless. >> richard: i agree. "one more thing" is out next. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: we want to thank all of you, our viewers, today is our 13th anniversary of the show, "the five." go on my instagram and can you see all of your great responses. we don't have time to read them tonight but thank you for sending them in. >> greg: 13? >> dana: never thought. >> greg: i don't look a day over -- whatever. tonight michele tafoya, vince, august, kat timpf and vladimir putin -- i'm sorry, tom shillue. [laughter]
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>> jesse: "jesse watters primetime" live reaction to joe biden's solo press conference at 8:00. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: it's time for -- ♪ jean i got to change that picture. in a deliciously saucy collaboration heinz partnered with kate spade and dropped the condiment can a during line. flavorful collection features totes, purses, clothing, foot wear and more. my personal favorite is the catchall ketchup purse? get it. >> dana: i will pay you $50 if you see you walk in those shows. i will pay you $50. >> richard: fat cat biggie smalls a little bit smaller lost a lot of weight. pretty cute. >> dana: how did he lose the weight? >> richard: yes, ozempic. good night, everybody. >> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bream in for bre


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