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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 12, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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[ ♪ >> all right, programming note, next week, we'll be live from the republican national convention in milwaukee, wisconsin, starting sunday night, hope you will join us. that is all the time, set your dvr, never miss hannity monday through friday. gregg mcelhannon is next. . [ ♪ ]
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>> greg: i know. i know. i know. must be hard to want what you can't have. happy thursday, everyone. nancy pelosi snapped at a reporter asking her about biden dropping out and she said, am i speaking english to you. last time nancy snapped like that when they forgot to properly fasten her face. president biden turned down trump's challenge to play golf with the money going to charity. hunter agreed, saying charity? i thought i paid her off. the astronauts stuck in space from star liner problems are confident boeing get them home safely. when they heard joe biden is
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still in the race, they said, we'll take our chances up here. with donald trump set to announce his v.p. soon, doug doug burgum is rumored to be at the top of the list. trump likes him and enjoys his cereal. [laughter] >> greg: yeah. you'll never unsee that. three administrators at columbia have been removed after posting antisemitism texts. they have been replaced. yeah. funny, but true. 7/11 turns 97 today. also turning 97, 7/11's hot dogs. and pennsylvania, a professional clown has been charged with of
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offering prostitution services. >> ooh. >> greg: cops knew they had the right guy, they found one ofs had his condoms. all right. to the monologue, shall we? once upon a time, george clooney held a huge fundraiser for joe biden. if you don't know who was there, where it was, joe biden felt the same. he's basically a heartbeat away from the receiving end muof a sayance. this week clooney took a break to write an oped for the "new york times." as you know, celebs are brilliant when it comes to politics. i guess this guy was busy. title of the piece, i love joe biden, but we need a new nominee, which speaks to the gutfeld rule of getting dumped, everything before the word but means nothing. in the oped, clooneys he be
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believes biden is a friend, believes in him, believes in his morals. why is it everyone who is about to dump joe starts with sentimental accolades about what a wonderful man he is? i'm sorry, guys, would a wonderful man say this. >> president biden: too much of what is happening in our country today is not normal. donald trump and the maga republicans represents extremism that threaten the foundation of our republic. the republican party today dominated, driven and intimidated by donald trump and the maga republicans. and that is a threat to this country. >> greg: mmm, dementia peeled facade of empathy joe, the lie he was a kind old man, no, he was always a self-serving prick
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who won't let go of the car even if he drives it off the cliche. clooney putting the knife into his old buddy, instead of blood, there was dust. clooney writes, the job i was with three weeks ago was not the joe big f'ing deal of the past, he wases what i witnessed at the debate. he was not a big f'ing deal unless f stood for flatulence. nice of clooney to finally speak up, this is hollywood once again, where harvey weinstein trapped more women on couches than a roof and hollywood clammed up for decades. clooney ran it by obama who
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approved, biden campaign downplayed the piece saying the president stayed at the fundraiser longer than clooney. we knew for years what clooney is just saying now, biden is not just a vegetable, he's the whole farmer's market. the flood gates have opened, big shot hollywood donors, distancing themselves from biden like he is at the jamboree. rob reineres we need someone younger to fight back, that narrows it down to about everyone on earth. biden suddenly got too old just a few weeks ago, which shows how detached these idiots are from real life. if you don't experience crime, inflation, or illegals, do you think they are going to care your guy is clinically dead?
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biden backer is telling the heifers on "the view" that he's deeply concerned. >> i'm concerned, the democrats have a big bench and heavy hitters. i worry with the debate, difficulty with the debate, it was relatively simple, you just should have told the president, stand up, put a little makeup on for the debate, which should help him and where to look. >> greg: looks like a vegas magician. no amount of makeup could add moisture to the corps. you heard the phrase polishing a turd, with biden, it is polishing a fossilized turd and there are plenty more. pretty much everybody who has been with joe last four years is telling the truth about him, like chuck todd who says he's known about biden's condition
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for years. if only he knew a journalist who could warn us about it. instead, the media called us f facist and it only took one bad debate. that is 4000 verbal gaffes, falling, fouling down. does it matter what hollywood says about biden? not really, now it is about donors so they are abandoning ship like the titanic and joe is the iceberg with a lower body temperature. these actors get paid to say what is written for them. they may play heroes, but in real life, they wait for brave people to step forward first. they are in hollywood, in real life, they are extras. let's welcome our guests, he is so religious he makes mitt romney look like a hell's angel,
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tom. only panelist, expert on pulled groins, former sideline reporter michele tafoya. he's a judge and comedian and will throw the joke book at you, vincent august. she is so thin, girl scouts sell mints, "fox and friends" news contributor kat cammack. tom, before i get to your mundane opinion about life, i'd like to play a clip that just happened with joe biden introducing zelenskyy. roll it. g volodymyr zelensky. rowlett. >> president joe biden: now i want to hand it to the president of ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. >> president biden: ladies and gentlemen, president putin. president putin? president zelenskyy, i'm so
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focused on beat ing putin. >> i'm better. >> president biden: you are a hell of a lot better. reg: tough. so much to choose from her so much to choose from here. isn't it amazing that george clooney has this fundraiser where he basically goes through the wallets of all these donors and gets $30 million and waits until now to say it because obama blessed him? >> and he lied after the fundraiser, he was talking about it. i looked at rob reiner's feed on x and he was a couple weeks ago saying no finer man than joe biden. we know these people are a bunch of liars. it is all because he failed an audition. they know this whole thing is fake and the presidency is another acting job because he's been doing it since he's been in office. is it hard to be the president?
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obviously not, an old man can do it. they knew he was an old man at the time. we know there are a bunch of elet'ses running the country and they are proving it. he did one thing, you can be a completely ineffective leader, as long as you pass the audition, hollywood elites are okay with you. >> greg: very smart point, tom. michele tafoya, delight to see you. >> michele: likewise gregory. >> greg: it is true, that is why they kept biden behind closed doors. we knew, either hollywood was stupid and did not know or they are lying, could they be both? >> michele: absolutely could be both, stupid liars, a bunch of stupid liars. george clooney has come out with this oped, and other politicians are saying george should stay in
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his lane. he's a movie producer, right? a. when george is there to raise money for them god bless you george clooney. these politicians who rely so heavily on hollywood, i am from minnesota and i live there now. al franken was our senator. he invited john hammond all these people tend -- minnesota to raise all this money. that's when hollywood has depreciated in value. suddenly know that clooney tells the truth which you all have been saying for years, these other politicians who want to stand by biden are like clooney should stay in his lane. it's complete and utter hypocrisy. but talk about reading lines for a living. that's what joe biden is doing now. it is sad. >> greg: he it -- it is sad. he is reading lines while hunter was snorting them. vince what's your take on all of this? talking a clooney or obama, my
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-- i predict that biden will drop out tomorrow. >> there's been a celebrity that's george that's nailed this for 20 years. unfortunately he is dead but it was george carlin. he's been talking about this for 20 years and he's been calling this out and he said in special after special it's an illusion of choice, the elites run everything and the donors run everything and we see it play out. to george we should be listening to isn't clooney, it's carlin. i don't want to hear about the soul of our democracy anymore. and clooney's op-ed he actually talks about the names. here are the replacement everybody. this has nothing to do about democracy and has nothing to do on control. and we know who the substitutes are and ready to put him up. so let's knock off the hole illusion. >> greg: no longer kat are they talking about the excess dental threat about trump. right? >> i thing they still are.
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i think they always kind of our. i am mostly irritated by their high and mighty attitude. they are still brave and bold to say that biden appears to be not well. we can all see it. if there would've been maybe... this is a strong maybe because probably not, but it was so obvious to people with eyes and ears. but if he could have admitted i didn't say something because of this or i should have said something earlier. it's so weird and he didn't write it of course so whoever wrote it for him, made clooney some kind of acknowledgement of i noticed this and he goes into and it's bad without acknowledging how much time has passed. i think if i turn that essay in in the eighth grade, my teacher would be like there is something missing in the middle. why did anybody push him on that? i want to know why. >> greg: he should have known that question would come and the
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key to riding something is always answering the question that you know. >> that's the editor's job as well. >> greg: with the power that celebrities have among democrats. actors have been screaming about donald trump for years and it just bounces off of them. you know? one actor writes one thing and all of a sudden the presidency is crumbling. >> does he have power over actual people or just the candidate? because we saw de niro yelling a month ago in front of the courthouse and people were ignoring him. >> but it's also are the people going to listen to george clooney or is it just the politicians? because that's where the money comes from. >> it's about the donors. >> do you hate the fair sex if her laugh makes you vexed? >> and history will be made.
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>> the republican national convention. >> live from milwaukee. >> this is democracy 24 coverage he won't see anywhere else from the number 1 name and news plus special analysis from the voices of america trusts.
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>> greg: you are a >> our view on "the view." >> according to joy behar, men are sexist if they are not a fan of kamala's laugh or funny men in general, especially if they are in bed. roll it. >> what ticks me off is this
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laughing kamala remark. it is such a sexist remark. guy i was with over the weekend, friend of mines kamala's laugh annoys me. they said this about hillary's voice. they don't like a funny woman. they are afraid if you laugh or make a joke, maybe they will do that when they are in bed with you. >> greg: joy behar in bed, ooh, i thought cows slept standing up. . that has nothing to do with anything. michele,. [ laughter ] so now we make fun of everybody's laugh. >> absolutely. >> greg: this is always going to be there default position. >> precisely. just lick saying about kamala that we are a racist, sexist society we don't keep up with here and a vision or ideology.
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i am so sick of this. a remember after hillary lost in 2016, my moms that i have to listen all my liberal friends say she lost because she's a woman and people can't stand the thought of a woman. we can't stand the thought of that woman an office. there are plenty of women. she is black as well. so, you know, this idea that just because, and by the way kamala's laugh, call me sexist, it is annoying and constant. and i say that not only because she's a woman but because i hate it. >> greg: i think the lead -- the laugh is the least of her problems vince. >> she comes out to say i know i have an annoying laugh let's talk about other things you have with me and the other things are
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worse. so what are you going to do bring up the border? how you talk to people like there three years old? she always can't defuse it but when will she stepped forward at any point of time and tell everybody look, this is the president and i'm the next stop. i'm ready to go right now. she has been mia. so you know what, that hole administration seems to hide. she hides behind people like joy behar defending her and hides behind the laugh comment. all these people do is hide. >> greg: it's interesting when biden ran that she was the next person in line. and now she's like i'm not going anywhere, who's being the racist? seems like you're the only white angry man as you topped into. >> who's laughing now? >> greg: who's laughing now in bed? [ laughter ] >> greg: kat, you have a
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noticeable laugh but it's a guys laugh. >> that's the thing. it is sexist when people don't like my left because beavis and butthead have the exact same one and they made a lot of money off of that much more than me. i would trade labs with her. no way, no, michele, i get e-mails about how annoying my laugh is and i know that. you think is the one i have chosen for myself? i. >> i personally love your left. >> thank you. your very sweet. i think it be easy for me to play my problems with the p. reason people don't like me as they are afraid how funny i am. >> greg: seems like a pathetic opinion. >> every time i've been rejected it's because the man was simply afraid of how funny i am. [ laughter ] i would be much more medically healthy probably. i hate myself. >> greg: those of the articles
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you see in the new york post or the daily mail. i am so attractive i can't get a date. remember those articles? >> or you laugh when you're supposed to laugh. that's the thing about her laugh. she's laughing when she's not supposed to and it's uncomfortable. >> greg: i have to bring a sexist in here. tom shillue... do you agree with joy? do men have a problem with met -- women's laugh because they might laugh when they're in bed? >> we will take it when we can get them. i like getting laughs. i can get laps at a comedy club or a tv show but if you want to laugh at me and a bedroom i will take it. >> greg: do do a lot of stand up in bed? [ laughter ] >> what do you mean by that? >> men love women who laugh. when michele was on the panel she laughed at my joe biden videos. and it comes through.
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kat, it's harder to make her laugh but when she does laugh i am very excited. because she is a tough laugh. it's true like what vince said. she mentioned hillary clinton as well, she also had the weird thing. they left when they don't know what to do. the thing is with hillary clinton they get stuck and then they have to laugh. kamala will be in front of nasa and she will say i like the moon. [ laughter ] but you know what, that doesn't bother me. what bothers me is when she... kind of gets up here. like, you know, it's the way, you know, the busses, we need more busses. we need busses for maternal health. it's like that. it's like she is tired and drunk.
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>> greg: tired and drunk. up next to maxine gets a scare from her phony hair.
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[ ♪ ] [ cheering and a >> it's coming your way, video of the day. ] >> greg: did her hair go mental, because it was a rental? our video of the day comes from california congresswoman maxine waters. no relation to jesse although they both have fake hair. [ laughter ] watches maxine fiddles with her weight for 30 seconds on cnn as her due becomes a don't.
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>> they see president biden and live through their presidency and also see former president trump, they live through his presidency and they hurt his arguments about democracy and the fate of the election. and yet trump is not only winning but increasingly by a larger margin. so what is the plan? among democrats to change that trajectory? it sounds like you're talking about saying and doing all the same things but do you think something needs to change? [ laughter ] >> greg: something does need to change. starting with the brand of glue that sticks that muskrat to her scalp. but here is the really sad part, maxine's wake is currently pulling 20 points ahead of joe biden. all right kat you are the expert on voluptuous hair extensions, do you have any advice for
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maxine waters? >> first of all it's a low bar but i thing is the most likable she has looked in a decade. >> greg: i agree. i thought it was adorable. >> as far as advice that would never happen to you here on fox news. our hair and makeup people, i do not look like this ladies and gentlemen. they make you look so good. he would never be allowed out of fox news airwaves with a way that was not secure. >> greg: that's true. >> right? that would never happen. obviously she should have owned it. because honestly i looked at that and i was like i like you for the first time in decades. >> greg: i wonder if she just didn't know she was on camera. may be she forgot. >> she is old all right? and joe biden is old and they have this problem. back in her day when they did media when you stopped talking it was a shot of the newscaster. but she doesn't understand the split screen. she's like my kids when you play hide and seek, they just go like
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that. and they think they disappeared. >> greg: your kids aren't very bright. [ laughter ] >> joe biden wasn't during the debate win trump was talking. he looked like he was plugging into a charger. in fact a lot of people don't talk about that enough. that might have been the real contrary to the debate with what biden was saying, it was the look on his face win trump was talking and he was on the split screen and it was just kind of frightening. he looked like a steal out of a 1950s horror film. like you. are you ever going to be able to do your impression again? >> i don't know. with the putin video fiat shot that today i wouldn't have sent it in because i would've been like that is too ridiculous. you can't say putin. >> it's amazing. i want to play that again soon. vince your not the expert on
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this. >> nothing on this. i'm out. some thing that will never happen to me for 200? >> greg: kat does make a point that it makes her likable given that she told her supporters to go after and get in the face of trump's cabinet and stuff. she is quite the firebrand. >> i just don't understand what is happening with all of the people that are representing us in washington. when you look at the [ bleep ] show. let's be honest, i know how this room is going but trump's hair, her hair, federman's war drove, biden looks like he is frozen on zoom. its something, anything man. >> greg: you wrote -- left out rachel levine, sam brenton, tyler cherry, there are so many others. it's a bunch of looney tunes. >> and it's glitching. >> greg: we are in the matrix.
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it's a simulation and we are running out of memory. >> they are just like roombas that are dying slowly. >> greg: roombas. all right michele bring it home. any insight to what's going on there? >> yes, because i have sat in front of a camera to do a podcast and i think... oh it's the reverse so i need to flip it. my shirt,... okay. so one time so far that i've done sunday, one time i've done it and here's why i don't think they've asked me back. right before i sat in the chair the stage manager asked me do you always wear your hair like that? so the whole time that shannon was like doing her opening i'm like oh, my god what's wrong with my hair? i was petrified. >> that was on purpose. is that steve? steve always done that. >> i don't know who it was. >> greg: maybe it's that guy.
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>> do you always wear your hair like that? [ laughter ] >> i don't think it was. but it was emotional warfare. it was brutal. >> greg: that's what you do before someone goes out on stage and you say something, tried to ignore the guy in the front row. >> exactly. then you just fixated on the guy in the front row. i felt for her a little bit. still don't like her i have to be honest. i don't think i could ever like her. >> greg: she was poking your hair like roadkill with a stick. >> you have to know what shift. right now tom shillue is going full open on his shift and for me i go side to side. you have to know what your shift is. >> i don't know what he's talking about. >> it's a hole new term for me. shifting really? >> greg: coming up didn't know
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[ ♪ ] [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: are rolling stone makes thousands of canadians grown. canada thinks trudeau is addict. just ask the guy named mick. second video the day comes from a rolling stones concert in vancouver canada where mick jagger mentioned prime minister justin trudeau and win that didn't get the reaction he expected he pivoted. roll it. >> we love mr trudeau and his family has become such big fans of our band. by the way congratulations on the canadian soccer team. >> greg: i'm just glad keith richards -- keith richards
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wasn't alive to see this. all right events. pretty big pivot right? if things go bad shut out the local sports team. >> 's and it amazing to see an 80-year-old have the awareness of the room. and that just goes to show the attacks on biden are not because he is 80, it's because the 80 that he is. because that's an 80-year-old that immediately read the room, pivoted and went the other way. this guy is still performing in concert. when you said you start me up i never stop i think he took it a little too far. it's time to stop mick, your good. but that's the difference between two, eight -year-olds. >> greg: would be great to see joe biden front the morning stones. -- rolling stones. give me shelter could be i think i smelter. painted black could be you ain't black.
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start me up could be far me up. where my, kat. it is kind of impressive. of esau mick jagger's face he was absolutely surprised. >> how could he be surprised? who do you think is there? a lot of rolling stones fans drive trucks. who do you think that people are in the crowd out there? they are not nine -- nonbinary jens he podcast hosts at this concert. to bring politics to summary don't have to you have to be sure. like look around. you are a classic rock guy. maybe there is some conservatives that your show. >> greg: i can't think of the type of music fan that would like trudeau. you know what i mean? >> taylor swift.
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>> greg: taylor swift, yes. they are slightly map -- less masculine than taylor swift. >> it gave me heart a little bit because i can't stand trudeau. he is as bad as gavin newsom and that hole ilk. i was thinking that's a large poo that came out. >> greg: wasn't it beautiful? >> it was beautiful. like you said no the crowd. so true. but i hope there are a lot more of those in canada because i would like to see him go the way of the stones. >> greg: i don't know how he is still there. seems like he's been there forever and he is a young guy. it is weird tom. you should never bring up politics in a foreign country because chances are you do not know the reality. in america it is bad enough but going over to canada, which i believe is a country right? it's a country. >> yes. mick is very comfortable doing this. he does a lot of talking.
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>> greg: you know him by his first name? >> mick jagger. e. has a lot of time to intro songs and likes to talk to the audience. he was surprised when they booted but it wasn't a political thing. he thought the audience... there was a famous video of the trudeau family rocking out to rolling stones and i think he was trying to make a reference to that and he thought the audience would be like oh, yeah, the trudeau's love the rolling stones. but when they booed he immediately pivoted because he's good with that kind of thing. >> greg: i want to pivot because mick jagger is six months younger than joe biden and he is out there performing. let's show the difference from the same age. >> president joe biden: and now i want to handed over to the president of ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen president putin.
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president putin? he's going to beat president putin. president volodymyr zelensky. i'm so focused on beating putin. anyway. mr president. >> i'm better. >> greg: >> president joe biden: you are a hell of a lot better. >> better than putin. >> greg: you're much better than putin. how many billions of dollars are we sending there? >> untold. >> greg: is there president where you think people would actually cheer for? obviously other than if you're in russia you better cheer for putin. but if you go to a country, what country right now do you think is a popular president that people just love? >> at a country concert if you say trump. >> greg: yes. but foreign countries is there somebody that that popular right now? >> who's that dude... that's a tough question. i ask the questions! [ laughter ] coming up did his hot dog eating feet require him to cheat?
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>> this stage is set in the party is ready. >> we will fight for america like no one's ever fought before >> and history will be made. >> the republican national convention. >> live from milwaukee. >> this is democracy 24 coverage he won't see anywhere else from the number 1 made in news plus special analysis from the voices america trusts. the republican nat
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm.
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it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> greg: a story >> a story in five words. >> greg: five words, a hot dog eater is a cheater. competitive eater, nick, has been accused of cheating at legendary hot dog eating contest by using slight of hand tricks to increase total. eaters are given plates of five hot dogs and empty plates calculate scores. footage shows this man moving empty plates around after the competition. are you shocked by this? >> flabbergasted and floored. i've never been able to of coer
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one of these, it is really unfortunate. apparently his wife is backing up the claim this was cheating. sounds like the guy who was going to finish behind him, he pulled a plate from his stack to his own stack to get an extra five. now last i heard, he copped to this, it is nice to know the gentlemanly rules of in this. >> he got caught. >> this is the moment and the tipping point in the hot dog eating contest. >> greg: it really is a stain on the hot dog contest eating reputation. it so pristine and sophisticated. >> it's the one sport that was untainted by scandal. they had joey chestnut signed a deal with a vegetarian hot dog and they kicked him out because
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if they had high standards. now they owe joey chestnut an apology and i don't think they should take the hot dog of the bun and dip it in water. they should eat the whole hot dog. >> greg: that is so true. what's next? they have trans athletes participating in a hot dog eating contest? i won't have it! [ laughter ] >> that made zero cents. >> greg: i was not trying to make sense. nick acknowledged he touches plates. regardless his major-league eating score lowered it to 46.75 very exact numbers here a competitive anti- eater.
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>> that is so much fun. [ laughter ] >> instead of going with that it is really great -- sad, i agree with you tom. but it's also how do you think he would get away with it? now that there is camera phones everywhere. now you can't nobody's looking. summary on their phone is looking. now that there's not as many serial killers anymore. same thing. >> is that why? >> that and dna. i don't think dna plays a role here. they should swap the plates and see if there's any foreign dna. they need to have forensic analysis. >> greg: that is true. >> i watch a lot of dateline. >> greg: vince i don't know what is sadder. being a competitive eater or cheating at being a competitive eater. >> i think it says something better country that a hot dog eating contest are actually better run than our elections at
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this point. with regards to cheating and finding out who won. they figure this out in two weeks? in the litigation going on over months of elections. >> greg: we should introduce malin competitive eating. were you eat at home, throw up into a bag and then you mail it. the person gets it, they weigh it and they go that guy eight a lot. >> may be we should put the actual ballots on plates and let nathan's considerate
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[ applause >> greg: i love you, america. >> todd: president biden heading to detroit today after his


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