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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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paul:the stage is set for the republican national convention that will kickoff in milwaukee as republicans select donald trump as the nominee for president. trump's running made announcement is coming up soon. let's go, one more hour. molly:the list of speakers includes a wide ranging group of vip including trump challenger ron desantis and mysterious vice president all pick. bill melugin is in milwaukee with a look at the latest. >> reporter: we are getting a few more details on what to expect on monday when things kickoff in milwaukee. the trump team says the goal is
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to reach out to every day voters. their platform reflects that. >> donald trump's message is resonating with everybody and he continues to make inroads with voters indifferent demographics. black, white or brown, ever everybody's money is green and nobody has enough of it. >> reporter: this will take place at the pfizer forum where republicans will enjoy the media spotlight after weeks of president biden and democrats being in the headlines with their party's internal turmoil. we asked how people feel about the rnc coming to town. >> not a lot matters, just the trump wave and the rnc regardless. >> great for the economy of milwaukee which will bring in money which is positive.
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>> reporter: democrats are hitting republicans on who won't be in attendance including former trump vice president mike pence. democrats say as the maga committee nominates a convicted felon prominent candidates are disavowing him. we are still waiting on the official agenda from the rnc but we have some speakers fox news has confirmed will be on stage. a wide variety includes ron desantis, amber rowe, trent conaway, dana whiten and the still unnamed vice presidential pick will be speaking monday. it's not just big names next week. the rnc confirms they invited that group of unc frat brothers
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who went viral for defending the american flag from anti-israel pro-palestinian protesters. there will be a group of frat pro-plaps here as well. send it back to you. molly: partly excited and thank you for building the suspense. we appreciate it. ♪ griff: president biden pushing forward with his campaign as kamala harris and president biden are campaigning. in battleground pennsylvania. in rehobeth beach, delaware, where the president is. >> reporter: last night speaking at a rally in detroit, more questions about president biden's age and fitness for office after he appeared to forget the name of michigan congresswoman debbie dingell
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who has been his friend for decades. >> president biden: members of congress, the haley, excuse me, by the way, i wanted to know, i spent a lot of time with debbie. she has helped a lot. i forget which event we were at, someone said you are his wife, aren't you? she looks like jill. >> reporter: debbie dingell's late husband was the longest-serving member of congress serving 60 years in the house beginning when eisenhower was president, died at 92 when obama was in office. before speaking at the rally, biden stopped by a restaurant, telling patrons, quote, i promise you i am okay. president biden in delaware after midnight has no public events on his schedule and plans to hit the phones and
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ensure democrats he has what it takes to be there nominee to serve another four years until he is 86 years old. detroit, biden with donald trump. >> president biden: donald trump finding it frivolous. donald trump raped her. the judge's line, not mine, raped her. he filed bankruptcy six times. he went bankrupt running a casino. i didn't think that was possible. doesn't the house always win at a casino? >> reporter: president biden spend the weekend at delaware manning the phones trying to convince democrats he's the man for the job and to be there
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nominee in the presidential election. the first lady in pennsylvania today at a rally in pittsburgh and kamala harris will be in philadelphia later today. griff: lucas tomlinson, thanks. molly: 19 congressional democrats calling on biden to withdraw after he made several gaffes at the nato press conference and had a poor debate performance. madeline rivera is keeping track of this. >> reporter: for days, democratic house lawmakers have been pushing the president to air their grievances about his path to reelection. they are getting those calls now. the president virtually met with congressional hispanic caucus friday and huddled with progressive caucus today. the meetings have only widened the divide between several democrats in the biden camp because the president is not
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leaving this race. >> the president understands there still some anxiety on the hill. we all understand that and that is why he's focused on demonstrating that he's the best person to take on donald trump and defeat him in november. that's what the campaign is focused on. >> politico reports during a lunch with senior biden aids, pennsylvania senator john fetterman asked democrats who is sticking with him as the president's party nominee, four people signaled they were. going back to the president's schedule meeting with new dems is important because many members are from vulnerable districts. half of the 19 democrats who called for the president to step aside are part of this coalition including brad schneider, angie craig and mike live in. in a rare instance, levin told the president and his call with the hispanic caucus to move the race. a comment another lawmaker in
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that meeting says left a stalemate. >> there's growing concern in down ticket races. griff: republican strategist chris johnson a democratic strategist joining us now. let's jump in. let me start with you, you've got the campaign clearly in crisis with president biden having to reassure nervous, concerned democrats that he's up to running in four more years but he is at the beach in delaware with vice president harris and his wife, jill biden. what do you make of this and where are you on whether or not biden should step aside? >> president biden has served this country for 50 some years.
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it is time to retire. i think it's time for the president to listen to what the democratic base is telling him. 6% of democrats believe he should not continue his campaign. the president at the nato meeting called president zelenskyy president putin, referred to vice president harris as vice president trump. not sure whom is more offended by that. vice
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yes democrats are freaking out and that's a good opportunity but that's the reality of what's going to happen. there is no way to undo that at the convention. until people can show the pathway how to get to another
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candidate who is not vice president harris whose deeply unpopular and focus on a miracle candidate whose more charismatic. i don't see a pathway there. molly: if harris was to step in and biden steps aside, to pick a schapiro and deliver pennsylvania where trump is leading. the democrat wall in wisconsin and michigan, trump leading in all of this. the rnc starting monday, what do you make of trump's vp? >> doesn't matter at all. people who will vote for trump will vote, that hasn't change the base. people aren't going to vote for anybody else are going to do the same. this is never about mike pence
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always about donald trump. one of the reasons i'm adamant about picking a candidate with whom we can win, he is not fit to govern. the argument is changing, we should not be losing this argument. president biden has governed well, is better on substance but we are losing this argument. griff: i've got to get to you. veep stakes, what do you think it is? >> money is on j.d. vance. when he was running for senate, talked about his story, it does matter who the vice president
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is and it shouldn't be jd, makes me sad one of us won't be in the white house. in a way that wins over voters you are not winning, if donald trump wins over these amaga voters, j.d. vance is in the same lane. he's a smart communicator but communicating the same ideas. to get on to assuage voters but want to see the case made, rather than just against president biden, talking about building american back better and leading on stuff the challenges china. griff: maybe he will pick one of those unc frat boys. chris johnson, thanks for being here today. molly: last night, a new mexico judge dismissed charges against alec baldwin in his involuntary manslaughter trial.
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baldwin was charged with the death of halnya hutchins. we have jonathan hunt with this remarkable story. jonathan, to you. >> reporter: of all the trials i covered i would be hard-pressed to think of a single more dramatic day in a court room. it ended with alec baldwin breaking down in tears, hugging his lawyers, hugging his wife, the judge in the case said this. listen. >> the state's willful withholding of this information is intentional. motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> reporter: what she's talking about is the bullet evidence that was brought up yesterday. a package of bullets handed prosecutors a few months ago by someone who said they might be
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connected to the shooting on the set of the movie rests. the judge asked to examine those bullets, prosecutors have them but not shared that evidence with the defense. they don't think those bullets have anything to do with the rest money, the judge disagreed. we have this personal spat between defense lawyers and lead prosecutor whether they were out to get baldwin. >> you don't like mister baldwin very much? >> that's absolutely untrue. i appreciate mr. baldwin's movies. i appreciate the acting he did saturday night live and appreciate his politics. >> reporter: carrie morrissey is taking some criticism as
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lead prosecutor for having withheld that evidence, bullets from defense lawyers, led the evidentiary area matter is what led to the case being dismissed. i asked if she felt she had let down the family, she said no. we did everything we could. molly: tremendous job pulling that together. that was great, appreciate it. >> president biden is bound to finish the job but how do foreign leaders see him handling the world stage, that is next.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere.
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but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. molly: israel says it targeted mohammed daif overnight. he is among those killed in that strike. he is believed to be the chief architect of the october 7th at hacked. stephanie bennett is here with the latest. >> reporter: the latest numbers from the ministry says 71
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people are killed in the latest airstrike. 280 were injured. this is happening in khan younis where thousands have fled to, many living in tents. a local hospital is overwhelmed and unable to function due to a large number of casualties. israel says they are verifying the result of the strike. it's not confirmed whether mohammed is among the dead. israeli officials confirmed he and a second hamas commander were the targets. we know benjamin netanyahu is expected to speak within the hour and that might help clear some things up a. he's been hiding two decades and is believed paralyze after surviving previous assassination attempt. hardly any images of this man. we showed an interview with him. he is believed by many to be the chief architect of the october 7th attack that killed
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1200 people in southern israel. he is believed to have developed hamas's network of tunnels. this potential killing threatens to derail cease-fire talks and a major victory for israel. this after president biden announced israel and hamas agreed to a framework for a cease-fire deal using a plan that was laid out in may, which would lead to releasing those hostages. hamas described the latest strike as a great escalation. it is evidence that israel is not considering a cease-fire. we will be tracking this closely in the next two hours. molly: great point about the announcement of that framework. we will see what this means for that.
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>> president biden: latest gentlemen, president putin. president putin? he will beat president putin. president zelenskyy. i am so focused on beating putin. anyway. >> i am better. >> president biden: you are a hell of a lot better. griff: president biden mistakenly introducing president zelenskyy as putin. more on this is radak sukowski. i want to start with that sounds like getting so much attention. were you in that room? what was the feeling in the room? >> i was satisfied to hear that beating putin is a national priority for the united states and president biden. griff: i think the country was taken by surprise during the debate where biden struggled and things weren't sure, they
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couldn't believe their eyes there was such decline in stumbling moments for the president. >> we all make slip ups. we need strong american leadership in beating this threat to our way of life from president putin who has invaded ukraine, breaking international law. europe is sharing the burden, spending more than the united states and we are grateful to both parties her passing the supplemental. griff: poland is leading the rearmament against moscow in a remarkable way. if you look at the top four spenders in gdp on nato defense, poland, the only country on the planet, about 4%, the us in third. what will the next administration whether it is
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biden, trump, or someone else, what is poland looking for in terms of leadership? >> the world's fourteenth military budget, we are spending 4% gdp and are going to go higher next year because we will do whatever it takes. we tried to civilize russia. vladimir putin has chosen to rebuild the empire. he will end of a vessel of china. that is choice. when he threatens us, we take him seriously. we are doing what we can. we need strong american leadership to sustain the deterrence of russia. nato has gone back to basics. it was founded to deter an aggressive russia. russia is aggressive again. griff: president biden talked about how a future trump administration would be bad for
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nato. here's what he said. >> president biden: my predecessor has made it clear he has no commitment to nato. he made clear he would feel no obligation under article 5. he has already told vladimir putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. griff: do you see a trump administration is a threat to poland? >> i reject this invitation to interfere in american politics. we appreciate what president biden has done to ukraine. we thank donald trump was right when he called on nato members to spend more. i talked to the current administration. i talked to the alternative administration. what they say, they would like to influence vladimir putin by threatening him with escalation of help to ukraine. that is the line of policy that prevails, i think we will have a chance of success.
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griff: you are good at not interfering in american politics but you had an entertaining tweet after the debate. here is what you said after watching the the debate. marcus our alias was a great emperor, but he screwed up his succession bypassing his but on to, dose whose disastrous rule started romance decline. were you calling for president biden to step aside? >> i firmly maintain my position on marcus our alias and his mistake in appointing commodus his successor. griff: in the last we 10 seconds, do you worry americans don't fully realize the threat of vladimir putin to polish citizens? >> yes. we also worry that they might not know that on this, europe
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spends more to help ukraine. the best to deter vladimir putin and aggressive plans by china is to help ukraine win this war. eric: molly: donald trump will rally later today in the battleground state of pennsylvania as he announces his presidential pick, coming up next. dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish?
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yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. griff: donald trump expected to make his vp announcement any day with the rnc set to kick off monday. he has a larger alien pennsylvania and alexis mcadams is live in pennsylvania. >> reporter: donald trump will take the stage behind me in butler as he tries to win over as many voters as he can in
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this important swing state. donald trump is teasing america with who he will pick as his vice president. fox news asking about that. he says he's looking for someone to help him win over voters. >> the choice will be very good. it will be a great vice president meaning a person that and do a fantastic job as president. you have to think of that first. and second, somebody that helps you get elected and there's nothing wrong with that. >> reporter: who could that be? sitting at the top of the short list would be ohio senator j.d. vance, doug bergam, marco rubio and tim scott. he expressed concern over north dakota's near-total abortion ban. trump calling bergam's signature on that an issue but he will oppose a national ban.
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>> there 0 daylight between his position and mine. if he's going to pick someone to run with, pick someone who has had the position he landed on which is i'm totally opposed to a federal abortion ban. >> reporter: the rally tonight the final event before the rnc in milwaukee, that is where trump will accept the presidential nomination. this rally shows working hard to win over voters in the swing state, he will talk about kitchen table issues including the economy, border security and crime. people tell me they can't in for gas at the pump or groceries at the store. not just trump sees pennsylvania as important but president biden, and jill biden, the fourth time this summer, she has been here campaigning. griff: interesting to see if donald trump takes a poll of the audience.
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the parlor games everyone is following closely. alexis mcadams, thanks. molly: for more on the upcoming convention we are joined by shannon bream live in milwaukee looking ahead at this exciting week. we have paid so much attention to the democrats and the dark cloud and what is going on. maybe that light spotlight will shine on the republicans. what can we expect in this week ahead? >> reporter: they want to get the message out but there's a little bit of a mixed feeling. there are those who say we want our time in the spotlight. make our nominee official. by everyone turning their attention they are taking focus off of tough headlines for the president, the democratic party, they have this public
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spat. there's a little reticence to turn away from that but they have a message to sell this week and on fox news sunday brand-new polls in which people talk about these issues, how people feel the various candidates handled them. not only with donald trump and president biden head to head the head but how donald trump does with other big democrat names who have been floated to be on the ticket if president biden drops off. molly: we heard from alexis in butler, pennsylvania. so many rallies from donald trump. biden also got out on the campaign trail. he believes the media is turning on him and his rally had a moment that seemed like a trump rally. >> president biden: the press and they are good guys have
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been hammering me. i make a lot of mistakes. no, no, it's okay. they've been hammering me because i sometimes confuse names. i say that's charlie instead of bill but guess what. donald trump has gotten a free pass. >> i've been on that stage at trump rallies. what do you make of this? hinting the press are the bad guys but they are not the only ones who are his critics. we are seeing democrats whether it is house, governors, the list goes on. >> reporter: such an ironic moment. any of us who have been on the campaign trail have been in this moment where there's booing of the press were donald trump calls them fake news and president biden found out what it feels like when the press is
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against you so he's having that moment but not only dealing with the press but there's an argument about whether they had signs and new how he was doing the last couple years and were complicit in keeping it quiet and not being front and center with people. some of the polling tomorrow is whether the white house has been transparent when it comes to the president's mental health. whether it is from the media or anywhere else you have lawmakers and others publicly saying time for president biden to step down in the number are privately behind-the-scenes also, ask io's said plotting to get him off the ticket. griff: you have a show today, i want to make sure, it is so exciting on the ground, have you heard any hints about the vp pick?
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>> when you are at these conventions, in the press rooms, spending time getting to know these facilities the delegates are showing up, running into the mid-everybody has their guests and their rule. could it be ron desantis? the ultimate curveball? there's talk of glen youngerkin but with virginian players that a movie could make? the consensus seems to be focus around j.d. vance, marco rubio, tim scott whose name was in the mix. they will all bring something different to the ticket if donald trump feels confident, more about him and his messaging. we asked if the ticket is secondary. molly: we know from his television career that he knows how to set a stage and have a big moments. we have to wait for that. thank you very much.
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very excited for your show today. thanks for giving us a couple minutes of your time. griff: coming up, how hollywood has bailed on president biden's campaign. stick with us. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. (♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. molly: late-night hosts following george clooney's lead after the biden ally called on the president to drop out of the race. christina coleman is live with the latest out of hollywood. >> reporter: president biden's fundraising efforts taking a big hit as he slips in the polls, the swing states and hollywood celebrity's call on him to step down. late-night show hosts weighing in. listen to bill marr -- maher last night. >> the walls keep crumbling, my pick for when he gives up his
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august 9th, the 50th anniversary of when nixon did for different reasons. replacing a president and his party's candidate will seem like a big deal. for about three days. molly: others are joking about biden's age, blaming his campaign for being dishonest for trying to downplay how bad he did during the debate. >> campaign based on honesty and decency, the spin about the debate is blatant [bleep] >> i'm not saying biden has to drop out but can't we stress test this candidacy? molly: george clooney sharing a similar sentiment, he wrote party leaders need to stop telling us 51 million people didn't see what we saw. we are also terrified by the prospect of a second trump term
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but we opted to ignore every warning sign. clooney is among a growing list saying it's time for biden to drop out of the race. others include stephen king, michael douglas, charles barkley. usa today actress and democratic activist ashley judd said i realize my belief is what i should no longer keep to myself and i ask president biden to step aside. despite calls for him to throw in the towel he has pushed forward with his election campaign. in michigan he told the crowd i am running and we are going to win. molly: great point, very important. griff: as democrats scramble, voters in georgia are sharing their shock, madison scarpinno, what are you hearing from voters.
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>> a lot of mixed opinions. a lot of concern for people, even his supporters. a recent poll shows trump is ahead of biden in georgia and the state is traditionally red but president biden narrowly won in 2020. will the peach state remain blue in 2024? plans on voting for donald trump this election. he says he doesn't think the president is mentally fit to serve and is not happy with the economy. >> i have been out of a job interviewing every week. my skill set is the same, i've been employed the last we 10 years with no problem but the economy is going down. >> reporter: the latest quinnipiac poll shows 50% of
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georgia voters agree with trump's hush money conviction. he's facing dozens more state and federal charges including election interference charges in fulton county. >> crime is crime. you don't put it away because you want him to be president. >> reporter: some refusing to vote for convicted felon. some telling us it won't impact them voting for trump. it is one of the key swing states. we will see what happens in november. molly: coming up, we will look at stories going viral this weekend. >> a special preview of the republican national convention. fox news will keep you ready for all the action. democracy 24 coverage with the premier lineup from the number one name in news. can't miss analysis from the
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voices america trusts. >> this is democracy 24. >> your freedom, your vote. >> a preview of the republican national convention sunday on the fox news channel. america is watching. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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molly: look at this. this is a koala joey caught peeking out of his mother's pouch for the first time in australia. joeys will go from their mothers couch for the first time. the sanctuary referred to this joey is a pouch potato and it will only get cuter. pretty cute already. griff: california's oakland zoo released fire goats amid the possibility of a blaze erupting during the wildfire season. goats travel away as ryegrass produces a potential fire during the hottest months of the year. fire goats might seem crazy, but believe it or not, i know the epa at one facility in narragansett has what they call
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goatescapeing. it is eco-friendly. griff: these are not fainting goats are screaming goats but working goats. griff: go and get your goats to goatescaping. that will do it for us. fox news live continues with eric and athel. thanks for watching. coworker, and trusty copilot. for all your dog does for your family, give them cosequin a daily joint supplement that supports healthy joints and cartilage for dogs of all ages and sizes. it's the number one veterinarian recommended retail joint health brand. for your dog, your co-everything choose cosequin and other nutramax laboratories brand products.
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