tv Gutfeld FOX News July 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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ones, and people who lost their lives. all of our prayers and thoughts with all of them. we can't forget them and this is well. this campaign will move forward, this investigation will take place. the president has been very clear, his campaign has been clear that milwaukee is on and he will be there. jim jordan, thank you, sir. >> "god bless america". >> "god bless america", amen to that. the terrible day. an innocent person dead. others seriously injured. donald trump came within an inch or less of losing his life. prayers tonight go out to him, to his family and all the victims, to all their families. a lot of questions to be answered. much more of that coverage. stay with the fox news channel for continuing --
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was on the top of a building which is approximately, according to the reporting of the new york post, 130 yards from the stage. we mentioned an ar style rifle, meaning 130 yards is well within the range, well within the range of that type of rifle. an attendee behind the former president was also killed, and the fbi has taken the lead on this investigation, although they still have not set up a briefing that we know of, which is unusual in a high profile case like this. the shooter, who at this moment remains unidentified, was seen by eyewitnesses crossing a field outside the rally confines. and this is what they told the bbc watch. we noticed a guy crawling arm. you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50, 50ft away from us. so we're standing there, you know, we're
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pointing. we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof, and he had a gun, right? he had a rifle, a rifle. we could clearly see him with a rifle. absolutely. we're pointing at him. the police are down there running around on the ground. we're like, hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. and the police are like? what? you know, like like they didn't know what was going on. you know, we're like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. we see next thing you know i'm thinking to myself why is trump still speaking? why haven't they pulled him off the stage. i'm pointing at him for two or three minutes. secret service is looking at us in the top of the barn. i'm pointing at that roof standing there like this. the next thing you know shots rang out. all the sudden the shots came from the guy on the roof across one 100%. >> he was up there for couple of minutes? you saw him up a couple of minutes question was absolutely three -- four minutes.
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we were telling the police were pointing and for the secret service for they are looking at us in the top of the bar they were looking at us the whole time we standing by the tree. they had binoculars. >> probably not the way the slope went he was behind where they could see. why is there not secret service on all the roofs here? this is not a big place. >> stunning. that video, that discussion absolutely stunning. president biden briefly address the nation after the shooting is expected to depart dover airbase on route to the white house and a couple of minutes. we'll bring it that libra happens burden of the president did speak with former president trump just a short time ago. a little less than an hour ago. obviously an knights that has the entire country on edge and watching what has unfolded in this shocking shocking shooting in beutler, pennsylvania fox news correspondent alexis mick
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adams joins us with the very latest she was there covering the rally watch all of this play out live. >> we can tell you what started as a fun rally and beutler, pennsylvania which is trump country according to people we talk to they were excited they waited hours in the heat to catch a glimpse on stage it is innate horrific weight we were up there and that media area at which you know from being at these rallies and big events they have to go through a lot of security to go up on the immediate stage were not that far from the former president he was speaking. as he is up there for five or six of minutes he saw, immigration parties on what joe biden, talking about inflation referencing the graphs and people look to the graph off to the side you hear what sound like a bunch of fireworks they happen quick there were a bunch of pops it took us a second for people to get their bearings and think a few people dropped in the front. some people behind someone was actually shot also kind of drop down pretty saw the former
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president get taken down by the secret service. comes back up a short time's later after someone yelled the shooter is it down he had blood going from his ear. people did not know what to do are the gunshots going to continue? where was the gunfire coming from? all this is happening as people were trying to figure out if they were going to be okay. going to the person we know were shot and killed according to police sources that person was in the rally but they're here to have a good time with their family and a witness tells me that as that man was standing there and shot at least one time. his family was so close to him at that rally everyone was wedged in there they ended up being covered in blood. those people were then crying and screaming is that man was taken away by the former president was rushed out. people were in shock. when they're home tonight replaying it they are wondering what to do next. watch this. >> gestured pop, pop, pop you think may be firecrackers and your kind of stunned.
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and then fire and then return fire. and everyone was like get down. we huddled and started praying. >> this cannot be condoned. it cannot be tolerated. we have a very open society. we have a very open political discourse. it should never include violence. >> help the world sees what happen here and is inspired to action but when i say into action it means to prayer, to vote, of course to bring god back into our society but this is an act of a. >> it sound like us 20 feet behind us right outside the fence, right there. it was literally 10 feet behind us. the guys that were our guys were 15 feet behind us we literally watch them shoot back. they were literally right there. >> it was absolutely frightening. i don't ever want to go through that again. >> we are now learning about the
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gunshots being fired, people are still trying to piece exactly everything that happened. one of the other things we are also learning about his police and bomb squad members are responding to a veil without estate plates partner lawrence avenue here in butler pennsylvania that's a short drive from where we are. we were told a short time after the push everyone out of the rally was as an active crime scene. he close the agr building american glass research building this godman was supposedly up on that roof he was able to fire at least a few shots at the former president and into that crowd. that is where the trying to scale and see that p paris rep a second possible crime scene or place of interest to see exactly how that is connected to the government. people want to know and that rally how this person was able to get in and trump was seconds away or inches away from being shot and killed in front of all these people. cook stunning.
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every time you watch it you cannot believe this is the reality of what happened at this rally. former president trump does this all the time is a lot of speculation whether or not he would announce his vice president. they are looking at early this week, monday potentially. this is an absolutely stunning turn of events. alexis, thank you very much for your dedicated coverage throughout the day. >> and martha, before we go on i want to point out alexis was talking about the second crime scene on lawrence avenue. we noted that second crime scene is seven tens of a mile from the actual venue where the rally was held today it's a very short drive butler not all that big of a town or city. that was a short drive from the location of the actual rally
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today. we will keep you posted on the breaking news or a bomb squad is now on the way to the second scene to find out exactly they're looking for but no fbi update, no briefing scheduled so far it means i'm bringing former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy to give us his perspective on what he thanks. it's great to have you on the show. it is a horrifying day for the nine states of america. i want your thoughts when he first heard about this, what went through your mind what is going to your mind now? >> what is going to remind now, first aware of the story at that person an innocent enthusiastic rally gore that shot and killed first our heart goes out to them and our condolences go out to that family. but i should say this, i personally believe god intervened today but not just on behalf of president trump up on behalf of our country. if you think about this 1 centimeter distance and the path of a bullet is the future of not only donald trump's life but that unites its of america. imagine what we were talking about today was on a hair's
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length difference in the path of a bullet. i think that is frightening. it's a moment for us to all step back. do not give your republican or democrat voting for biden, voting for trunk, it does not matter but this is a moment that if one positive thing comes out of this other white near tragedy, let it be desperate for is about we sell a a president, a cup commander-in-chief it is most vulnerable moment you sought unvarnished she stood up, he took the fire, took the hit and still stood up for the people who he stepped up to represent. the other thing we have to take away this is unacceptable in the united states of america. this is not who we are disagree or not we settle our differences peacefully through free speech and open debate not this way. if one is silver lighting comes out of tonight let it be that and i hope we begin the process of healing as a country while avoiding what could have been a national disaster that without exaggeration could spell the end of the united states as we know
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it had this gone a different direction. >> absolutely. it is a martha here at president biden came out and made some comments. he may make more comments we note that a phone conversation earlier. he called but he happened sick and said it's one of the reasons we want to unite this country. we have had a lot of vitriol will be a lot of politics starting this week. what do you think the impact is as you look at where the country is right now question were given the fact the last couple of weeks have been all about concerns that we see in polling over president biden's ability to serve in his fitness? >> i will give you a couple of tidbits i've experienced just in the last few are ceos across the country from different quarters that would have previously afraid to state their support for donald trump or may be
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personally intemperate about it now coming in and asking how could i help? i am all in these are exactly were the people contacted me alone in the last several hours and i'm sure that is true of people across the country but the reality is i do not want to make it political this is not the moment for that but it will say president biden he ran on the platform of uniting the country had an opportunity even tonight to rise to the occasion and away he fell short. i do not say this to criticize as a democrat but some went rooting for a president to rise to the occasion immediately. the only offer the usual ritual incantation the combination of political violence. yes, we got that but a deeper heartfelt sense to say this is a man who i am running against but it is wrong and should happen to anybody and this is not who we are as american. as if i as u.s. at present is filled to grade this environment in this country i will own that because the buck stops with me as the commander-in-chief. do not think we saw that kind of message come from president biden tonight. for all the discussions how he
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came up after the debate i think even tonight was a moment for a man who ran on the platform of uniting the country to falling short in the way he did. this is less about criticizing president biden moore asking the question of how we as americans are able to say we are moving on pre-were turning a page in the chapter of our history see political opponents as our enemies. let's tonight mark the end of that. if so something positive, as you can imagine a small positive came out of this tonight, let it be back. got to talk about read and sing too. went to a back to what you're saying earlier there which was the response of the former president moments after he had been shot. he got up and he said i need my shoes. and then he stopped and this pumped a couple times and said fight, fight. the response was usa. usa. that's a natural response at all of israel as he talks about fighting it has been a theme. the theme is they are coming for
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you. but i am in the way they've got to keep fighting. what you think of that response and having the wherewithal to do that? >> look, those images we saw our kids and our grandkids will be doing that image in their history books that is american history tonight and for the better. like the images of george washington crossed the delaware with the flag in the background. deserts out tonight but it's one of those moments he founding fathers wrist or their fortune but their lives for this country. i think this is one of the moments we have a leader who has made a sacrifice it. i'm personally grateful now more than ever for the sacrifices president trump is made. was thankful god stepped into the night to save them for this country. >> all right vivek ramaswamy thank you very much but none of us thought we'd be having this conversation at this hour as we look at rnc and a big week ahead. it is just an absolute stunning evening.
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these videos, every time you watch it goes right through you as an american. so vivek ramaswamy we thank you so much for being with us let's bring in bill hemmer who joins us from milwaukee america's newsroom and coanchor. good to have you with us. you know, it was going to be a big week anyway pretty think about the facts who were expecting to have this advice a presidential announcement. that was going to be that big news of potentially tomorrow. how do you think this impacts what we are going to see and be covering over the course of the next few days, bill? >> it has become an even larger story than a boat would project. good evening to both le of it we are in milwaukee. we had a store move through so i moved indoors. the city is ready. i will toe in the central part of milwaukee about a year ago the central part of milwaukee is not quite in a locked out yet.
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it is difficult to move around the city blocks. a bit much more difficult starting tomorrow and into the week. a couple things i want to point out is the fbi director christopher rate member reported this if so i apologize for repeating he briefed the national jake sullivan included the head of the secret service to appear for hearing on monday. july 22. that is a week from this coming monday after the rnc convention is behind us. the president's going with the white house tonight maybe around 1230 based on the schedule they gave up this fall back in delaware that may delay his return to the white house but what does he do tonight or tomorrow to see addressed the nation yet again? earlier set i hope to speak to donald president biden that i may see you a bit later but that is not happened i don't know if it will happen. you wonder what the white house
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the message will be and from where that message would come? are we lining up for a potential oval office statement tomorrow? to address what a lot of people have talked about, lowering the temperature. that could be a possibility as we look towards sunday. we are only five hours into the story. and martha we were on together couple hours ago this thing was jumping. we are just at the very beginning stages of this. their conventions are going to kick off around 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon east coast time on monday for those in indication the president might make a cameo appearance on monday. none of that is confirmed. now you start to think monday, tuesday, wednesday, there is a tradition of the vice president goes on wednesday night. we'll see if that schedule sticks. and the nominee goes on thursday night. i don't know when president
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trump shows up inside the arena just around the corner from here. but when he does you can imagine these delegates and the sound they will create when they welcome to milwaukee it will be a moment of history will watch it together, guys. >> i just wondered martha and bill, i am just curious. both of you were going to be at this. i think it is fascinating to see the security apparatus. what is going to change? have you gotten a word, bill, things that might change? this whole securities can be anything but standard operating procedure they're very good at securing buildings when you're not outdoors. but, when you have got these kind of streams of people coming in and out does the security apparatus have to change in 24 hours? >> i am not sure if that will be the case it but nothing concrete yet. this is all very fresh. america is going to go to bed
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tonight and wake up tomorrow and say did that really happen? tonight watch that? that is the feeling i have. you cover a story like this you guys know the information comes rolling in you get caught up in it. it helps to drive your mind and keep certain emotions away. when you walk away it's like wow did that really take place? i will say here in milwaukee there is a perimeter set up. secret service is in charge. they'll have the national guard out here. thestill have sheriff deputies s well. they will try in a locked down, so to speak, lock down a part of the city a couple city blocks getting around is going to be difficult as it is that all of these major events. on the outside to the perimeter they have planned protest civil come in starting on monday. and continue again tuesday and that is the job of these authorities to keep the groups apart, keep them separate and make sure you got right to free speech. we have seen that at every
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convention. you just do not know, you just do not know what that is going to look like now. and the mind reels. we will seat together what indeed it looks like it. >> also we do not know anything about the shooter yet. we do not know whether or not he was on his own or whether he was part of something else. and so all of these concerns of follow us as though it for more information on this person into the coming days. whether or not there for the threats. so bill, thank you very much will be talking a lot in the coming hours and days. thank you, bill. president biden addressed the nation after the shooting at trump's rally. we are going to talk more about those images that you see and the layout is very important but first take a listen to this. >> i've been thoroughly briefed by all of the agencies and the federal government with a situation based on what we know now.
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i have tried to get a hole of donald, he is with his doctors. apparently he is doing well. i plan on talking to him shortly, i hope. when i get back to the telephone. there is no place in america for this kind of violence. it is sick, it is sick. that's one of the reasons we have to unite this country we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. i like to thank the secret service in all of the agents including the state agencies who have engaged to make sure the people -- we have more people to come relative to other people may be injured in the audience i do not have that will make that available to you. it's not convenient for you all. the trump rally, the rally he should have been able to conducted peacefully without any
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problem. with the idea, the idea there is a political violence and violence and america is just unheard of. it's not appropriate. everybody, everybody must condemn it. everybody. i will keep you informed and if i do speak with donald i will let you know that as well. so far it appears he is doing well number one. number two, they are thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience. we have some reports but not final reports. every agency in the federal government and i am going back to my phone to speak with the federal agencies being put together against the elite updated briefing as anything has happened if they'd learned anymore the last couple of hours per it's a thank you very much i hope i get to speak to him tonight and i will get back to you if i do. >> you can visit this was an assassination attempt? likexa do not know enough. i have an opinion but i do not
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have any facts pretty want to make sure of all the facts before it i make any more comms thank you. >> at that lisping and senior white house correspondent peter doocy. the president said there at the end if he spoke to the president he would maybe give us more information. you heard anymore about the conversation? >> yes. after those remarks which are probably the most civil two minutes that joe biden has ever spoken about his predecessor, donald trump in his life. including referring to them donald there twice instead of some of the other things we have heard him call him. they did speak. we do not know how long the phone call went. based on my knowledge and the biden oral for five plus years as a first time they've had a private phone call since biden, then a candidate in 2020 during covid phoned donald trump to give him some advice about things he thought could help the
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pandemic response. it has been that long for they spoke at on debate stages they do not back channel like this. for any reason ever. and right now, even at this late hour president biden is on the move. the plan was to keep them on rehoboth beach through the weekend before some political travel in an official travel is going to go to austin, texas he is scouts looking to go to austin, texas on bennett continue out to las vegas for some of been speaking to union leaders. we do not know if his schedule is going to change. he is going back to the white house a much earlier than planned. we do not know if that is so he can get the early morning remarks about this or if there is some security reason why the secret service said we preferred to have the president at the white house where we have the most control over the environment. but it seems like they are going to be recalibrating things president biden is supposed to
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give an interview to nbc news on monday nights. thought of is going say that continues the campaign is telling us they are pulling down all advertising. they're pulling down all outbound communication about trump and about the political race at the moment. just because they are trying to figure out exactly how to respond. it is an unprecedented situation. they are taking it seriously at the white house and the biden campaign. i had no frame of reference for this before i found a senior white house official with the white house was doing with the president knew in the near term this official comment stop me on the phone and asked what exactly i was referring to. i had not seen the news yet it s
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something like this happens they all get a special alert there is a huge potential destabilizing event happening. they find out about the same weight we do. that has been playing out. but things are in motion. and president biden of federal authority to have spoken about this at all. that he told us are probing this verse. this is unusual at this point peter live the present is about to leave dover and head back to the nation's capitol. we do not know the timeline exactly when he gets back but of course we will keep you up to speed on his travel, arrival, et
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cetera. >> of the fbi and state police are currently investigating a suspicious man and butler, pennsylvania let's bring fbi special agent stuart kaplan. thank you very much for being here. there's quite a bit to talk about the fbi is in the lead in this investigation. initially your thoughts on what took place today? and, how law enforcement and secret service perform their duties this afternoon? then we will get your thoughts on what this van situation might be. >> urgently the men and women on the ground it rose to the occasion for the secret service did everything they are trained to do. neutralize the threat as best they can. there's a lot of questions how there was a breach of the outer perimeter were seemingly was an obvious perch or an obvious
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location where if in fact the person gained access and had the weapon of choice and ar. certainly the president or former president was within sight to take shots at him. martha, i have to pivot. but we have not seen and to some degree i have been critical of my old agency the fbi because of the optics. what is concerning me now even as we go close to midnight is that i know the protocol in place with respect to an assassination of a president or attempted assassination requires the president to assemble the director of the fbi the director of the united states secret service and also the attorney general the fact none of them were brought forth collectively to make a statement, to reassure all of us as americans living here in the united states. we talk about a threat to our
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democracy there is no greater threat to the destabilization of our democracy than someone who has just attempted to assassinate a former president of the united states. my biggest concern is the optics that are playing out right now is aware are those agency heads? i know christopher wray, he is a man of great integrity. i also know he answers to the president of the united states. god help us all if he is given a stand down in order not to come before and make a public statement as i anticipate also the director of the united states secret service. as well as the attorney general. it would be shameful and would certainly play into whether or not we can trust them to carry out an investigation that measures up to and unwavering. quick stuart let me jump in for a second we are minutes away at
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45 after the hour will have a press conference with state police, fbi and secret service. that is being assembled as we speak. you are right's, obviously we have not heard from the powers that be on any of this yet. we can also now confirm the shooter was a 20-year-old man from pennsylvania those of the only details that we have at this time. there you see the alleged shooter lying on the roof after being taken out by secret service. >> i am just when it when you hear that you hear were brought in from the police for the first time it is been five plus hours now. we have yet to hear anything from the fbi or local police they will all grouped together we will have a group news conference. i am wondering what you glean from that? did they not have the information you are the fbi confirmed this was in fact a 20-year-old man from pennsylvania, what do you read into that? what should we read into that, if anything? >> i do not read anything into
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it and quite frankly, there is a breach of the outer perimeter and obvious breach. and so everybody is wondering the united states secret service is great at what they do, how could this have happened? and if it happened is there a more sinister plot we are not aware of? that is why we need everyone to step up and reassure us this investigation is going to have the level of integrity and trustworthiness so that we can rely upon. >> we've got to go but one of the questions is the line of sight issue. you look at the graphic on the left-hand side, that sniper it's almost like daley plaza the route from the sniper location to where president trump was standing on that stage. as one former law enforcement official said to meet you do not need someone on every roof you need to have the line of sight blocked.
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have the president standing deep enough into the structure that person cannot get a sight line on it that's one of the many questions that hopefully will be answered in the coming days. stuart thank you very much for. >> my pleasure. >> if we could leave video for one second look at the graphic on the right-hand side of the screen it is important to note you look at the stage where it says trump stage look at the shooter's location on the right of trump he was hit in the right ear. right before you can see the video he turned from facing the actual audience straight out in the audience he turned his head so that his right ear was on the right side. in other words the right-hand side where the shooter was the left-hand side over the shooter was looking that was really the difference you see the whole line there the turn of the head is really what made the difference. when you turn the head back you
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have a lot more area behind your ear then when you turn sideways. that's one of the things you think how fortunate it was that at that moment in time the president turned his head to the rights and there was hit in his right ear. >> it saved his life. you look at where the counter sniper teams were on the two roof lines we saw the video of the counter sniper team taking this guy out. you have all these people on the ground to claim they're trying to alert people to the fact that someone had just climbed up the side of that building it is absolutely astonishing set of circumstances just absolutely unbelievable. >> it is indeed. joining us and now house majority leader steve scalise. leader it's a very good to have you with us today. obviously i am sure this brings back a lot of memories for you. you've been i in the situation were you suddenly hear this
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chilling pop, pop, pop. and in your case you were hit in a way that almost took your life. so, when you are looking about but were talking about we wait for this news conference event a couple hours for this to sink in, what are you thinking now? >> a lot of those memories come back. you hear the video, the audio especially with the pop, pop, pop it's very some of the first one or two shots you are not thinking it said gunshot but by the third one and be on it is clear what is going on. i was hit early and went down in the case of president trump you could tell when he was hit. he went down to avoid what was coming and fortunately as you pointed out just that one difference may be the turn of the head made all the difference in the world and thank god he is still alive and okay but easily could've gone the other way.
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so this is one of those days god was on the ball field with me i think god was there with president trump. sadly there were other injuries, a casualty of civilians that were watching the rally. this was an assassination attempt. clearly we are going to have a lot of questions we will have hearings on this. how could you have somebody get on the rooftop? there are ports people watch them climb up the roof and alerted authorities we will be looking into that. how could that happen with all of the authorities around that they missed something so clear the shooter was able to do that kind of line of sight just one or 50 yards away from the stage for the leader's police as a trace gallagher we very much appreciate this. you understand the fbi the local police are about to hold a news conference at any moment now we are going to take that live. you went through this as martha was saying. i am wondering what you aren't listening for in this news
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conference. what you think might have prompted this behavior? it is happened to it happened again what are you listening for from the authorities that will give us some indication of what prompted this person to do this? >> i want to hear how serious of the taken the threat and the case of the shooting on the baseball field they initially called sue decided by cop the fbi categorizes as that way shooter's intent was to kill everyone of us on the ball felt that they called it suicide by cop which offended all of us who were there they were not just trying to kill me this shooter was trying to kill every republican on that ballfield. we felt it was not taking seriously the way it should have been. in this case i want to see very stern and serious and focus on finding out where they're other people involved in the planning of this were other people still out there that are planning future attacks? what were his motivations? how is he obviously able to get
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access to that rooftop? i want to see very serious and focus on recognizing this was an assassination attempt on that leading candidate for president of the united states and it should be taken that seriously beefed up security needs to follow from this point forward. >> es,yes, it is such a stunning situation speaker scalise, leader scalise you think about the potential for what might have happened here i brought this up earlier we have been going through a very chaotic. in this election. over the past few weeks the discussion has been centered on president biden. ain his ability to do the job that has been really a story that is had so much gravity across the country. now you look at this what would you say to the american people tonight when they feel a sense of chaos that i think really has
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not been felt in this country for decades. >> look, it is a hyper charged environment but everyone realizes what is at stake. president trump, the weight he left a showing strength, raising his hand and clenching his fist lead in the crowd know he was okay but letting everybody else know i am okay to calm things because the last thing we need is that kind of chaos where potentially the leading candidate for president is not able to follow through. he made it clear he's going to be fine but he wanted everyone else to know that too. and just reminds us all this is such a volatile democracy that we live in. our founding fathers 240 years ago knew it's always going to be up to preserve that for future generations. there is a lot on the ballot this november 5 but what kind of country do we want? to be want america to beat the
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shining city on the hill? i think most americans do. i think president trump showed that strength to date that people want. it is alarming to think we came this close to not having him with us. thank god he is okay. >> i wonder, sir if you think this will calm things down because we could talk what the efforts to calm things down i wonder if you believe that it will or does this promote does it evoke more anger among the different parties? among the republicans being targeted et cetera. what do you think this leads to do you believe there is a calm after the storm or the beginning of the storm? >> i hope it is going to lead to a column. calm. for months we have been hearing he is a threat to democracy. if he gets elective got to stop them from getting elected as if there is some evil that would go with that he was present for four years we had a great economy we had a secure border we had peace in the world. all that stuff is not true but
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the hyper rhetoric has been thrown out there for months all it takes is one person who is unable to act on it. navy that is what happened today it still gotta stop going forgot to lower the rhetoric. cooks leader scalise thank you. good to have you with us. you as well, thank you very much. joining us now former head presidential protective detail for the secret service frank, i am sure so much is probably going to your mind right now as you look at the reaction on the part of the secret service you see that map that shows where this shooter was. tell me what you think about what played out in butler, pennsylvania today? >> thank you for having me on the show. first thing i want to say is how proud i am of the way they responded to the incident today they reacted immediately there is no hesitation in a move toward president trump put their
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bodies between the bullets and the president. by putting a body bunker together and moving the president out of harms way and extract him from the situation. i want to say am so proud of the men and women of the secret service. that being said there needs to be of full after actions review done of the incident. the one thing about our protective methodology is that it's not just based on the acting that's working the president but it is also about advancing the advanced work is the most important thing we win the war before we go to war that is the advance work we do. there might be some things we need to look at i'm not going to pass a judgment on them. obviously the building was in place 130 yards away we know an ar has 600 guard affective range. so i would say it was simply the threat was eliminated so that is a good thing right there obviously but we have got to make sure we do the advance have the proper assets and manpower available to do that. that is what they need to look
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at. >> is a key question right there it's teresa gallagher by the way thank you so much for coming on that is the question. was there enough assets? were there enough resources on the site to be able to secure that building? i know they were people at least reportedly who warned and said what's going on there's a guy climbing this building. do you think they have the resources and the trump campaign to be able to successfully thwart these types of threats? >> i do not want to pass a judgment because obviously i was not involved in the advance itself i will tell you they need to take a deep dive into this and make sure they do have the proper assets for president trump because protective intelligence division will be doing a threat assessment they will determine whether or not which of the proper assets involved because as a threat increases the assets have to increase as well. we will see that here in the near future i'm sure based on the different studies that will be done and assessments that will be done for what occurred
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today. >> should there be a different detail a more extensive detail for a former president? he has detail as a former president now he is also the republican nominee going to be designated as such this week. does that require a higher level? certainly that seems like an obvious question based on what we saw today. >> i believe they will we do increase that when a candidate is involved in an election. the bottom line comes down to this. we see today we have a serious threat i would expect the secret service to take the appropriate actions and deploy the right resources in order to address these types of threats. obvious is that building like said was what her to 30 yards away is definitely in play sniper from her secret service was able to neutralize that threat i'm very proud of that. bottom line is you've got to identify the threat before the good a shot off but want to take
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a look at that and find out what happened. >> is interesting the fbi, state police you can see at the bottom of the screen they are going to hold a news conference. there also at a scene where they are investigating this van it's the second side the bomb squad is there. when you listen to this a news conference, what are you specifically listing for are you surprised quest for the toasty suspect is a 20-year-old man from pennsylvania. earlier they had not identified him. are you surprised it's taken so long to identify him? what are you specifically listing for in this news conference i will give you information about where it's heading? >> first thing i will be concerned about was a lone wolf up person associate with the bigger cause that could decide whether or not we have to be looking for more of these types of events in the future. that will be the first thing we need to look at the be a thorough background check on
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this individual bill whether every social media account the person has they will look at everything about this person to make a decision whether he acted alone or not but that's a first thing the looking forward to find out if it's a lone wolf or not. and besides that we have to do everything we can to make sure there are other people in play. that we neutralize them as well as far as get them in custody and stop them from any more of these heinous acts. >> hopefully we will learn more about this man this 28-year-old who lived a local according to reports in pennsylvania whether or not he was acting alone and what is going on with this van with no license plate. frank, thank you great to have you with us this evening thank you for being here, sir. joining us now fox news contributors jason and katie. jason and katie welcome back. given commenting on this throughout the evening. i am just watching this video again as everyone is at home of
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president trump pounding his fist. and at this point for the secret service is tough to keep that body wall around him he is almost bursting out of it. this is an extraordinary show of resilience in the face of something most of us would be hiding behind the secret service and wanting them to get us out of there. katie? >> yes you watch it over and over again. the shock has not worn off. not only do you see the president's reaction but you listen to the interviews of the people who were there. you talk to people who you know were there i have a friend who was supposed to go and be sitting in the front row he we d up not going to the rally his friends and colleagues were sitting in the front row pretty think about some of your family members and friends who have gone to these rallies in the past we have a person who has
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not been named to his killed tonight and t to others accordig to local law enforcement who are in critical condition in the hospital but not only do you have this a massive historic event that will shake the country in ways we will be discussing now from now until the election but until the end of time. you also have this idea of all these people who have watched him in this movement and the people who have been behind them and how dedicated they are seeing this attack on them as well. and so he is a man of the people he will be at the rnc is going to be amazing to watch on thursday with the reaction is to him having this come back after this incident tonight he said it's not just about me, it's about you when you think about the situation and the people who were injured, killed tonight the thousands of people across the country who showed up for these rallies over the years is star seville pretty personal for them.
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>> absolutely. i do not know if were going to get more details about the person who was killed and those who are in critical condition right now. these people just went out on a saturday afternoon to go see former president trump and to cheer him on. this is not a place where anyone's life should be in danger it is a terrifying situation. sometimes in the moment you think about covering this story as it is playing out. and as we get into details. this is an earthshaking kind of moment in the country. you look at your phone and talk to a friend who hear people buzzing and talking around to the president has been shot at. this is a difficult thing for the country to absorb. >> it is a in god bless those three families one lost their life, to others are fighting for it and all the family members that will be affected by that for the rest of their lives.
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i have got to tell you i'm a bit infuriated though. as much as i like the secret service, this was a failure. our rates, the police and conferences starting to stand by if you would for this is the butler police holding this conference will see who else is involved. let's listen. to make sure everybody is in place there waiting for the press to enter the room. we are all going to learn to get exactly who we are hearing from you see police representatives surrounding this individual at the microphone. let's listen. okay the audio is not working. we are going to work on opening
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that up so that everybody can hear with this individual is saying ther for hoping will gete information, here we go, let's listen. >> we deployed a number of our resource including investigative agents, our evidence response team, bomb technicians, we have additional resources coming from other field offices as well as from fbi headquarters. including our evidence response from quantico, virginia. we have intelligence analysts as well working from our field office in pittsburgh. working feverishly to attempt to identify the individual who did this and any motives behind why this was done. right now we need the public's help. anyone who is on scene who saw anything, who identified any information please report that to the fbi using either the
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phone number 1-800-call-fbi or online this evening we have what we call an assassination attempt against our former president donald trump. it is still an active crime scene as i mentioned we have a number of agents on scene. we are also working closely with other federal agencies, our state partners and our local police partners as well. again, at this time we are not prepared to identify who the shooter is. we are close to that identification and as soon as we are one 100% confident in who the individual is we will share with the press. with that being said also we do not currently have an identified motive. although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to
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identify what that motive was. at this time of going to turn over the podium to colonel chris from the pennsylvania state police. >> thank you very much my name is colonel chris paris commissioner pennsylvania state police. i would just like to say the state police have been in regular contact with the governor's office and the full support and assets of the entire agency are behind the fbi and other federal and municipal partners to assist with this investigation. the thoughts and prayers of the pennsylvania state police are likewise with the victims of this terrible act. participate full they are competent thorough investigation to give an operational rundown deputy commissioner of operation lieutenant colonel george a bivens is behind me he will discuss the operational portion
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that is being conducted by the pennsylvania state police. lieutenant colonel. >> good evening. so, let me describe for you a little bit about the scene we have over there. as you know there was a grandstand a very large area. a lot of people there this unfolded the former president had come out the gun to speak shortly after 6:00 p.m. this evening. within about 10 -- 15 minutes a number of sounds were heard it became apparent shots are being fired in that direction. it was a chaotic scene. law enforcement i believe acted heroically quickly identifying and neutralizing the threat as well as responding to assist the various victims. psp had a significant presence on the scene along with all of our federal partners at the time of the shooting.
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we have since in handset present significantly bringing in resources from all of the commonwealth to ensure we have a speedy, thorough investigation. we are working very closely with the fbi as we work through this. as you can imagine because of the variety of crimes that have been committed somewhere under federal jurisdiction summer under state jurisdiction. and so we are working through all of that. not an issue at all we will work seamlessly. the fbi has maintained the lead on the attempted assassination. psp will take the lead on the homicide and the shootings of the other individuals in the grandstand area. and so there are a lot of witnesses to be interviewed. a lot of things to be process there were some complicate her's that hopefully the next time we speak we can describe for you
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complicate her's that slowed down some of the processing and the positive identification of the shooter. but, know that at this time of no reason to believe there's any other existing threat out there. we are doing everything we can to make sure this is thoroughly investigated and if there is any information developed that anyone else was involved between psp and the fbi that will very quickly be followed up on. this time we will open it up to questions from all of you. >> of this a lone wolf attack? >> again, i think it is too early to say that. we have one shooter tentatively identified. we are not stopping there were following up on a lot of information. it will be some time until we can conclusively answer that question.
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[inaudible] snipers up there as the crowds were mulling in how long a back i've been up there? >> again they'll all be part of the investigation. >> come up to the mike please question would still be part of the investigation. but i can tell you preliminarily it appears everything unfolded very quickly. so again will have more information on that. it is just too early to start definitively saying this happen at this exact time because it is not like is a cybersecurity perimeter the building was outside? how far outside? >> is correct will have that information for it was some distance outside. quickset reports there were people who saw someone on the roof and tried to alert authorities. >> we are following up on those i will tell you i am aware of those and i am aware law enforcement had responded to a number of reports of suspiciou
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