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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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governor of pennsylvania is expected to take questions and make a statement. he has arrived there in butler, pennsylvania. so when that happens, obviously, he's still getting a briefing from authorities on this investigation. we'll bring that to you. the home in bethel park, which is south of pittsburgh, is now being searched by investigators. they apparently found explosives in his car that he drove to the rally. they found explosives inside the home as well, what type have not been described. bill: i believe you and i have on together with jesse watters tonight, special coverage including prime time shows that you know and love. sandra and john roberts are going to take you through the next hour as we even had breaking news during this program, more to come. great to be with you and all of you here on the eve of the rnc convention. bill all right.
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we are now learning new details the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. wall street journal is now reporting explosives were found in the car of the suspect thomas matthew crooks that car was parked near the trump rally in butler, pennsylvania. fox can confirm the suspect gun was purchased by his father. welcome to breaking news edition of america reports on this sunday i'm sandor smith in new york, john gray to be with you. >> not under these circumstances i am john roberts in washington but for president trump is checked at a local hospital site before leaving a few hours later. we are hearing from former first lady for the first time since the shooting. saying she is grateful to the secret service for risking their lives to save her husband alexis mcadams witnessed the shooting first hand is live for us with the very latest she is in butler, pennsylvania. where are we at this point? >> we are still waiting to learn
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more details about the gunman birds exactly how is able sit so close to the former president present on the stage here in butler, pennsylvania right behind me. what started as a fun rally and exciting rally in a hot humid day in the swing state ended in gunfire, watch. you have seen that replaced so many times i'm going to step out of the way so you can see what is going on. agr building. area where the gunmen was stationed on top of that roof. really close as you said you mapped out how close it was. we are talking a football field away. investigators tells three adult men in the crowd were shot. one was killed but witnesses tell me that man's family was screaming for help after he was
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gunned down i'm not sure if we have any sound here if we do let me know where this video shows the gunmen up on the nearby rooftop the fbi identified the shooter as thomas matthew crooks of the bethel park, pennsylvania for this is what people had to say at that rally. listen. >> we heard it something that sounded like a firecracker. we turned around people behind as it was to have our guys shooting back everyone started cheering once i got the shooter you can see him up on top of the building they watch them shoot back they were right there. we hit the ground, hit the ground, i looked over and saw smoke from the gunfire. >> we are also seen clips of the gunmen up on that nearby rooftop as we mentioned the shooter has been identified as thomas matthew crooks of bethel park since only about 45 minutes away from here. i want to show you what is going on at his house but this is where the authorities are where the investigation on the senate remains focused the county bomb squad is on scene investigators
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telling us bomb making materials were found inside of the home and in the gunmen's cart which brings us to this speed this search comes hours after investigators found a van parked in the nearby neighborhood and went to that seen last night, talk to neighbors who saves my parked out there for a couple of hours before that shooting for they notice it did not belong in the neighborhood later notified authorities. investigators use k-9 to search that vehicle as it was later towed away. police and believe the gunmen parked their right before the shooting part how close was he to this area and how close was crooks able to get close to the former president? moments after he opened fire secret service took them out investigators have not said what the motive is or how he got so close. listen. >> that is the million-dollar question and i do not know the answer to that. i would've expected they would've had that building secured. i know we had people in that building.
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so how this occurred, the investigation will determine that. >> once again to set up like it did at the top right behind me you can see agr building. it is not very tall but people in the crowd were trying to yell to the police they had told us he was able to get up and walked through the neighborhoods and those buildings here and then climb up onto that repair long he was there they told us a very short time but a lot that needs to be answered in terms of security. >> so many unanswered questions she is in butler, pennsylvania will get back to you we are learning new details about the suspected shooter and his possible motives the fbi is taken the lead on the investigation. fox news correspondent david his sponsor has a more for this investigation is proceeding at pace progress there really is there's a lot of finger-pointing going on here in washington trying to figure out exactly what happened how someone could have gotten so close to the former president the rally site right now a crime scene behind alexis and it will be for some time fbi does not want people
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coming and going tampering with the scene in any way. as i said here in washington fingers are being appointed that his people on the street although be up to the top of these agencies people asking tough questions of themselves inside the secret service, fbi, atf police continue to search the suspect's home and talk to family but police are talking to family right now authorities are going through that home of the suspected shooter 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks who fox news confirms he took this gun from his father it was purchased illegally in pennsylvania. he graduated, the suspect from high school two years ago no word on social media presence. voter records show he was a registered republican who donated $15 to a progressive liberal organization the day joe biden was inaugurated he was taken out shortly after the shooting by a sniper it with the secret service. what is not certain, how this man was able to stand on top of this roof and take a shot of the former president who was already
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under heavy secret service protection. listen here. >> are going to be a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individual was able to get access to the location but what type of weapon he had, all of that is days, weeks, months of investigation. >> he got off like four or five shots per. >> it is surprising. >> witnesses say they told police on the ground they saw the suspect with the gun moments before the shots were fired for the question is how can the secret service not had seen that if witnesses saw that? out of this all play out? fbi knows people have cell phone but it may have seen this shooter before the shooting 20 or 30 minutes before even getting up to the top of the building they anyone with information to call 1-800-call-fbi again at 1-800-call-fbi. >> david spot let us know if you get anything else. >> thank you present vitamin was back at the white house after speaking with former president trump last night following the
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attempted assassination at the pennsylvania rally. edward lawrence is live outside the white house he's got the very latest from their forest. edward, when you hear in question. >> president joe biden has confirmed it is confirmed he has been briefed by the fbi as well as the department of homeland security about where this assassination attempts investigation is at this moment to read the president cut his vacation short going to rehoboth beach, delaware coming back to the white house very early this morning. that's after he spoke with former president trump. the president with no public events on his schedule so far today we did see him last night talking about the assassination attempts, listen. >> look, there's no place in america for this kind of violence it is sick. it is sick but it's one of the reasons we have to unite this country we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this we could not condone this. lexi biden/harris campaign pausing outbound communication moving to take down ads calling president trump a dictator and a threat to freedom of the vice president of the briefing with
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the president released this statement saying of violence such as this is no place in our nation we must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure it does not lead to more violence house speaker mike johnson called secretary mayorkas today asked pointed questions about the security failures including if drones were involved in securing the area? that could have spotted the potential shooter. possibly the potential vice president pick, senator tim scott said rhetoric from the president echoed by mainstream media is partly to blame for the assassination attempts. here he is. >> the fermenting of violence is a natural outcome of the national media continuing to say that donald trump is an existential threat to american democracy. plus house oversight james homer said he could have an hearing as early as tomorrow about the security lapses that happened in this case. back to you sandra. >> edward lawrence live at the white house force. let's bring in former secretary
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of state former cia director fox news contributor mike pompeo. thank you very much for joining us mr. secretary. i want to start out first with some words from the chairman of the house intelligence committee just moments ago called this a security failure at this trump rally and it said of the shooting how is it someone could get on the roof with the superior position with eight weapon and attempt to assassinate the former president donald trump. he then asks is it just on unthinkable unfathomable we need to know is this a protocol failure? is this a resources issue he asked or just a failure of those who are on site that day? mr. secretary you have had time now to analyze the facts we have right now. what conclusions have you come to? quick sandra, it is great to be with you. i will begin within the loss of life that took place i pray for the family of the deceased and those still injured. and of course for president trump and his family as well but they'll be lots of time to
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answer those questions. the questions the house intelligence chair laid out are exactly the right set of questions as a way to frame what happened it is undoubtedly the case there was a failure yesterday facts him and got a shot on the president of the former president of the night sits at a rally, someone campaigning for president suggest you just did not get it right. whether it was systemic or individual failed to do the job yesterday is hard to know but make a mistake about it we need to get to the bottom to understand not only how it happened yesterday but make sure something like this never happen again. >> mr. secretary, good to have you with us on this day. if donald trump had not turned his head at the last moment before the gunman pulled the trigger it we could be telling a very different story today. we tried to in this moment look back to see what is that route because of what happened yesterday? let me read a little bit from a statement maligning it trump out she said this morning that simpleminded ideas that ignite violence we all want a world
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where respect is paramount, family is first and love transcends we can realize the world in each of us must demand to get it back we must insist respect fills a cornerstone of our relationships again. when you look at the political rhetoric and that victory out vl directed towards donald trump, things like amanda extremism an existential threat to democracy, it does it seem too far out of the realm of possibilities and some went to it would take that to heart and perpetrate the horrible incident like this? >> john it is undoubtedly the case the direct fallout from rhetoric you see someone who know for years and years has been accused of destroying democracy of things we frankly it never had any president accused of before and then echoed throughout the entire media ecosphere i lived at one oh secretary of state i saw it i also saw incredible warrior in the white house and president trump we saw that warrior on display yesterday as well. it is undoubtedly the case when
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you talk about an individual of the way they have spoken about it you talk speak about his supporters and away the become of hilary clinton calling them deplorable's you demonstrate these human beings and do not debate the actual ideas it leads to people who are evil, who are wicked at least to the kinds of actions that we saw it yesterday. the responsibility for the murder that took place the assault in the assassination effort on the former president belongs to that individual but it is undoubtedly the case the rhetoric has been such a high level for so many years you get an event just like you saw yesterday. god was with him and that moment for the lord was there at psalm three got it right in the fight will continue the battle to get america back to the right place just as the first lady described is very real and must continue. >> mr. secretary want to play out this the rnc chair he joined
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shannon on "fox news sunday" earlier. he talked about that messaging that needs to happen after this. listen. >> there is no place in politics in any way, shape, form for this kind of violence for these types of actions it is a horrific act. we certainly do not know all the details we are going to have time for investigations on it. but right now i think everybody in america it needs to stop. they need to pause, they need to reflect what is actually important for us in this political process going forward? >> what does the message, mr. secretary, from your view need to be from all involves all parties? we head now just months from election day to bring calm in this country? >> the message needs to be very clear there is literally no place for violence in our political space at the freest greatest nation i'll be in milwaukee this week will see a bunch of folks from kansas who help me get elected a decade ago. these are people who were just like at that rally yesterday.
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he went there to be part of democracy to express their views and support a candidate that was going to take care of their families in their lives and keep them safe. the message has to beat we live in this incredible place with enormous freedom there is no place for violence. we should debate contemptuously if it is required different visions for how to move america forward and we need to make sure we elect leaders who honor that each and every date who deliver real outcomes for the kinds of folks who showed up there yesterday but senator i'm convinced we can get it right and think president trump's remarks this morning were exactly right when he wrote was exactly right how we bring america back to the place that we continue to live in this incredibly special place i am optimistic we will get there and i am confident we have a candidate in my parting they can help us get there as quickly as possible. it is absolutely necessary. >> on the come back to the security situation at the rally in butler, pennsylvania. clearly you had a picture-perfect reaction by the
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secret service in terms of covering the protect d. the counter sniper team that its work to great effect. the fact this sniper was allowed to get up on that roof which i calculated was a little more than 400 feet away from where the president would speak how to something like that be uncovered because my vented campaign events there is a physical barrier that marks the outside of the perimeter whether it is tthat with dump trucks or buses or something. if you cannot give vehicles in there to create a wall you make sure you got security in the areas that you cannot cover it. yet, that did not happen. >> it looks like this was missed yesterday. i know this myself i have a security team today as well the iranians are still trying to kill me i've been to a lot of events just like you have there is very tight security. the fact that i've seen that map right the fact there was a clear
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line from an elevated position for someone to take a shot at the president suggests it is the hallmark was not done or there was a failure in execution or perhaps both and i am confident chairman comer will get to the bottom of what happened how secretary mayorkas his team failed to protect the president and some was able to get a shot that actually struck the former president of the united states. you have seen these events before we know how to protect senior leaders and america and the responsibility of the secret service to do that, who i have come to love and admire clearly something they need to look at how did they get it so wrong and permit something like this to happen? >> mr. secretary really appreciate you joining us today thank you for your time. >> thank you mr. secretary. the pennsylvania publican congressman mike kelly attended the rally last night with his entire family party joins us now he is still in butler. congressman, their calls for a congressional investigation on the security lapses here. do you see the necessity for
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that? >> and you know what, i was here, my wife is here, our grandchildren here other members of the family were here when this can take place in butler, pennsylvania farm show grounds you've got to wonder what is the country come to? everyone is a wing on the rhetoric they talk but this should not of happened that should not have happened we all the personal responsibility on the same issues to make sure we are not carrying out some of that. i would suggest to people to take a look go to amiri, find amiri take a look as to who it is they can make a difference in the future of this country. it is truly each one of us. this is been a horrible experience for a lot of people we have to wait until we're done investigating everything that took place before we start pointing fingers at people. i washed last night as a secrett service as soon as he shots rang out i was very close to the president i said oh my god i saw him drop i said someone shot the president and then right over my shoulder at someone else was crying out oh my gosh, oh my gosh she's hit and hurt they were people's blood on their shorts you are wondering this is
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my town, this is where i live i know this property. we have exhibited animals here in the past at the farm show. so something went wrong yesterday. before we start pointing fingers let's get a deep dive into what happened we have people who ran to help that they put themselves in the position of being injured themselves but they were more concerned with the safety of others that was admirable. >> a congressman, what do you want people to know that have watch the video play out so many times? and they have learned the details of what happened there. what do you want them to know that you saw there and what message do you want to get out? >> sander, that is interesting. you come to a small town in america, a place where we celebrate life and celebrate the agriculture community. we see something like this to happen if it can happen in butler, pennsylvania it can happen anywhere. it is time for all of us at take
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a look at what brings these type of things on. we have some type of responsibility in it. i just looked down let's get the facts is very close to the president what happened. very close to other people you wake up this morning and say it is sunday. let's go to every worship and let's pray for the nine states of america let's pray for those people who got injured yesterday. we had to take responsibility for the way we act going into the future people wait until we see the results of an investigation. we will wait to see what it is we didn't do that we should have done we've got to make sure protecting everyone in the future it will say that heated rhetoric has got to stop. that is on everyone's shoulders this at present has been pursued since the day he came down the escalator to say is going to run
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for the office that is unthinkable and unforgivable. >> congressman, you talk about people attending church and what their thoughts might run too. great for the families are those or thosewho are still the hospi. you take a look at the president himself you can't help but think providence intervened he was a gesturing to a screen that was up on the television monitor at big screen monitor behind him at the last second before the gunman pulls the trigger he turns his head and that is when he gets hit in the year he gets grazed in the ear had he been looking at the audience and is likely the gunman could've hit him in the head we will be tilling a very different story today. >> or if that wind had blown a little bit. when you look at that it truly is a providential for those of us who are believers and those of us who truly know fate lies in each of our hands to perform the best we can according to the way we believe in our religions.
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yesterday it was a wake-up call for all of america. why in the world would we result to the same tactics as they do in third world countries? if you do not like the person running for an office just don't vote for them. if you think the answer to all of that is you must kill them there is something wrong. we have truly slipped so far went one half million men and women in uniform died to give us this opportunity and we are so casual about what is going on. not that we are casual this morning but the rhetoric taken place in the stances that have taken place and i've got to tell you i watch this a president since 2016. i have never seen anyone go under more scrutiny, be held to a standard nobody else could possibly imagine what he has just endured the last couple of years after his presidency ended and the new president went in. i'm actually right beside the highway. listen we all have a
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responsibility each american has a responsibility to those who came before us and those who sacrifice the most. i am on board with almost everything everybody says but at the end of the day find a mirror, look in that mirror if you want to see who can make a difference it is that reflection. >> a congressman we have this video up we've all seen it so many times now. every time we watch with such shock that this actually happen. real quick before we let you go, we also are taking in the reaction in the crowd at video and the way people were responding the way his supporters reacted to this incredibly scary moment. what have you heard on the ground there during the incident, following the incident, even today what are they saying? >> was so surreal i know people were going through it but at the same time i don't think they could fully grasp what had just happened they're trying to project iran is my wife and grandchildren were here. my concern i've got to find them and make sure they are okay i think people said not here, not
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on this property not in this county, not in the state, not in this country it is a wake-up call for the american people we all have a responsibility moving forward. this is not acceptable at any level people say still have the right to free speech used it you do please and be responsible for what speech you put out there. >> will see will happen in the days and weeks ahead politics intense have a very short memory congressman mike kelly thank you for being with you we appreciate it. have a great sunday. >> you as well our coverage continues for more let's bring in some of our law enforcement experts at this our hour formed inspector fox news contributor paula moreau is with this former fbi special agent fox news contributor nicole parker. thanks to both of you for joining us. paul, i know you are one of the first on the air following this incident yesterday. your thoughts as you have been able to gather more information and more details and more facts
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involved? >> just to try to advance the story a little bit, i remain a little bit leery of the fact there seems to be an information vacuum coming to us from the powers that be. we got it a late night briefing last night after not eating anything for five or six hours we are into a new day. well into a new day and of the fbi reportedly has the lead on the investigation. but the secret service is who we all wanted to hear from were not hearing from mayorkas who the secret service is under nor are we hearing from the secretary of the secret service who is reportedly at a conference in aspen. we all have the same questions is how did he obtain that roof with the direct line of sight to the former president carrying a long gun which is an ostentatious thing to be walking around with. nobody spotted that question was are not an outer perimeter? if nothing else we can conclude
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the site survey which is always done at events like this previously numerous times in fact, somebody dropped the ball there. that should be something they know already we should be getting regular updates because we are going into the convention week and the american people have a lot of questions for. >> pilots was on hold for a second the governor of pennsylvania josh shapiro is speaking in butler. let's listen in hear. >> i just spent time speaking to the families. i want to offer my prayers the prayers of all 13 million pennsylvanians for the two individuals who are being treated at this time. we lost a fellow pennsylvanian last night. i just spoke with corey's wife and corey's two daughters. cory was a girl dad. cory was a firefighter.
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cory went to church every sunday. cory loved his community. he most especially cory loved his family. cory was an avid supporter of the former president and was so excited to be there last night with him and the community. i asked corey's wife if it would be okay for me too share that we spoke and she said yes. she also asked i share with all of you that c cory died a hero. cory drove on his family to protect them last night at this rally. cory was the very best of us. may his memory be a blessing. last night was shocking for this community. and for this commonwealth. and i know for this country.
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political disagreements can never ever be addressed through violence. disagreements are okay we need to use a peaceful political process to settle those differences. this is a moment where all leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with the moral clarity. we are all leaders we need to take down the temperature and rise above the hateful rhetoric that exists in search for a better brighter future for this nation. that is the work i try to do every day here in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that is the work that falls to each and every american right now. and so i ask that you join me in prayer for the two pennsylvanians who are in critical condition that we continue to wish for a full and speedy recovery and pray for the former president.
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in the comfort to the family remains in our thoughts and prayers. they have some very challenging times ahead of them. >> is the governor of pennsylvania josh shapiro talking about cory who was the man who was killed saying he died a hero he was a firefighter he died a hero he was shot who drove on his family let's talk again about the duality of what happened with the secret service. the former presents protective detail here detects book response get on top of the protect the get them out. the counter sniper team took out the shooter but how in the world could the shooter have gotten to the vantage point in the first place? >> purse for the comment about cory, you are a hero. man of faith he went to church every sunday i believe in my heart cory is now in the arms of god and i want to offer my
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condolences to his front lawn perspective this is an epic failure by the u.s. secret service. typically goes and seven -- 10 days before an event they survey the area they did the site assessment do a sweep of the area typically 12 hours before the event. how they did not see this roof which was in 130 yards of where the president would be standing is unacceptable. i want to hear it where is the head of the secret service? aware this is the time to step up and give americans reassurance you are in charge in their absent but frankly i would like to hear from director christopher wray from the fbi. i want to hear from the head of every single department involved in this because a former president was potentially killed there is not been an assassination attempt since ronald reagan this is a big deal and i have to tell you the vitriol in this country is awful. it is discussing i can also tell you there's something going on in these federal agencies that i
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witnessed myself at the fbi. john, i left the fbi because in my opinion they seem to be focus on the wrong things that u.s. secret service is stretched thin i know agents there they are working their tails off the eight work 60 days in a row. rope or they work 12 hour days they are exhausted. all efforts at the focus on helping them, giving them the proper resources, trumps protective detail was immaculate, perfect they jumped onto president trump and saved him. what's going on the upper level of leadership that these organizations they rank and file are working their tails off i want to hear from the people at the top. what are you doing? what is your focus? what's the message and you're sending to your agents are you giving them the resources they need to do their jobs? are you so focus on diversity, equity and closing are not focused on the actual task at hand? that would be my question i want to have the heads of these organizations if there is a time to speak up, it is now there is an attempted assassination of former president trump. i would like to hear from them
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right now. >> it brings up bigger questions the rnc starts in a matter of hours. we will head into the thick of election season we still have the dnc. we've got candidates who want to rally it brings up a huge security concerns aware to your concerns light what needs to happen now to make sure we keep the candidate safe, we keep the country safe? >> i have sourcing's telling me they are pouring in all kinds of resources and response of this. i'm sure there are plenty of resources going in there to begin with. i'm going to zigged a little bit what most of us have zagged, me included which is we do not necessarily know there was a political motive to this. nicole referenced ronald reagan. hinckley shot reagan because he wanted to impress actress jodie foster. the guy who shot john lennon did it because he was a beatles fan. sometimes it's an attempt to become famous and somebody is
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just off in the head for lack of a better term. the idea of dialing down the rhetoric and looking at this as a law enforcement effort is the way to go they have a task force set up. it's going to be joint federal we have federal crimes in state crimes they will be split the attempt on donald trump will be federal. that has to go along the side as they make sure they get the rnc safe. they have to make sure the rhetoric stays low go forward as americans maturely here. but i will say this we need answers. we need to be communicated to regularly with regular updates and press briefings because in the vacuum is where the conspiracy theories grow that is where the political rhetoric overheats. as good a good law enforcement investigation going that is transparent and frankly i am glad representative gohmert is already announced he is putting in oversight because i trust the fbi agents on the ground. i trust secret service agents on the ground.
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what i don't trust is the overhead of washington. not after seeing some the stuff we have seen relative to crossfire hurricane the 51 people who endorse the laptop and angelo leaving d.o.j. to go for warfare against donald trump at the manhattan das office. i am sorry there's been too much of that for me too put my full faith and our leaders in d.c. who by the way we are not hearing from now. click separately we will hear from the president in about an hour he scheduled to speak at 1:30 p.m. nicole, final question to you. after ronald reagan was shot on the 30th of march , 81 outside the washington hilton the secret service completely changed its security protocols reagan have been walking out in the open the secret service said no more presidents walking out in the open as they are transitioning to the limousine. they put the president undercover we seek tents that are outside of venues the limousine will pull in the president will go in undercover.
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how do you expect protocols will change as a result of what happened yesterday? >> a sure hope they change drastically because this could never happen again in our country we talked about the vitriol is at an all-time high people or take out their frustration with political violence and again that is not okay. i was a potentially outdoor events, those are extremely difficult for law enforcement to oversee because again you would hope those buildings will be protected they would have done a successful advance and not have this occur but that is going to give to them to decide. that is why we need to hear from leadership where are you? would like to hear from you what you have to do the fbi's the lead investigation on the assassination attempt they sent in their best from quantico their flight team or reconstructing the scenes going for extremely thorough but i am with paul i believe rank-and-file agents i was a rank-and-file agent but the leadership you need to step up and start taking accountability getting your agencies in order and giving them the proper resources they need to do their job successfully focus on
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nothing but the mission of protecting american people and people like former president trump that is it for nothing else from in the forefront of their mind that is it. this office on the mind of the president we are told following his briefing the smart homeland security and law enforcement officials at the white house he and the vice president met with them the president will be speaking alive from the roosevelt room we've just gotten this word live 1:30 p.m. eastern time's about an hour from now will carry that here live it. paul mauro, nicole parker thank you for joining us by the way could get an update from the fbi we were told we will be looking for all these updates as they come in. meanwhile speaker mike johnson said the house will conduct a full investigation into what lead what lead to the trump rally shooting adding the director of the secret service will be called to testify fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is with us out live on capitol hill. this seems to be happening fast what do we know?
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what would this look like and who will be there? quicksand or good afternoon lawmakers are beside themselves about how this went wrong there are questions about resources and lawmakers are starting to set up hearings as the investigation is just beginning. >> were drones and being used in the vicinity question fell be an obvious thing you'd spot someone on a roof we need to know how good an individual be at that elevation that was seen by apparently bystanders on the ground, how would that not be noticed by secret service? lots more questions and answers this morning. >> house oversight committee chairman james comer tells me he wants a briefing tomorrow or monday he will summon secret service director for what he terms an emergency hearing on monday july 22 house intelligence is probing the shooting as well. >> how is it someone could get on a roof at the superior position with a weapon and attempt to assassinate a former president donald trump it is
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unthinkable, unfathomable we need to know is is a protocol failure is it a resource issue or is just just a failure of those on-site that day. >> house homeland security committee chairman mark green is investigated by the secret service turned on a quest for mr. trump security detail for additional resources. renew speaks of the month security secretary mayorkas today. green is also looking at a hearing next week bipartisan lawmakers are asking people to dial back the rhetoric. >> i think in this traumatic moment it is time for all of us to take a deep breath, remember what this company is about what political campaigns are bet is to figure out how we go forward peacefully, constructively and intelligently. >> green said this is the closest call for a president since ronald reagan was shot in 1981. u.s. capitol police will conduct a virtual security briefing for house offices at 2:00 p.m.
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eastern today. >> a right chad pergram for us on that will check back in with you soon, thank you. >> trump campaign staff memo says a republican convention will go on as planned. new security will be implemented for staff. bill melugin is in milwaukee with more on this. >> good afternoon to you it is full steam ahead at the rnc you may be able to hear behind me right now they're doing practice of the national anthem. they've had bands out here they are doing walk-throughs. everything is a full though the rnc chairman said this morning everything will continue as planned. >> we need to be grateful president trump is alive and is actually going to be here. and certainly we look forward to him being here and milwaukee i think it is going to be a tremendous tremendously important for him to be here. and to deliver that message to america. >> trump campaign wrote in a memo to staff that was obtained by fox news it says quote rnc
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convention will continue as planned in milwaukee we will nominate our president to be the brave and fearless nominee of our part it is in full swing for the patriotic music behind us. terms of the speakers of a variety of people putting members of the trump family like donald trump junior, eric trump and his wife rnc cochair laura trump it's also notable melania trump is not on the official speakers list that was sent out by the trump campaign also expected to speak all of donald trump's potential vp pics that include north dakota governor fortfor senator marco rubio vira governor glenn youngkin whoever the pig will be able will find t soon they have a speaking slot here on wednesday night back out here live we've been here in milwaukee the last few days. evincwe've been seeing on buses around town that have ads on then the dnc paid for attacking donald trump. calling him a convicted felon going after him on abortion. dnc is confirm the pulling down
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all 57 of those ads off those buses given what just happened to donald trump yesterday at his rally in pennsylvania. will send it back to you for. >> pennsylvania governor joshua shapiro said he got to lower the temperature. bill melugin thank you part of public and national conventions had to kick off tomorrow ramped up security measures expected following the attempted assassination former president trump yesterday in pennsylvania. mike tobin with the latest. >> it we are seeing from this vantage point really is a parade of police agencies with a relaxed disposition ahead of the big event you can see there are bike cops without the uniforms on i believe they are from orange county, florida. as you look over my shoulder you have state police from new jersey new jersey department of corrections. we just saw something tactical teams are miami-dade, florida there is another police agency on the marsh. these are the multiple police agencies who are going to be under the command of the u.s. secret service for a national
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special security event. the spokesman for the secret service had the plan here and the perimeter have been and the works for months even years they've always been designed to be expanded if the need to be in the situation is fluid right now spokesman tells me there to new areas of concern. one comment trump supporters who were angered by the assassination attempt. to comment trump haters who were encouraged or inspired by the assassination attempt. large numbers of secret service tweeted a picture one of three charter planes that arrived in milwaukee filled with secret service chief in milwaukee said the local cops like you're seeing here, these are michigan police state police. they are all in communication with the federal partners. >> a lot of resources been provided for this particular event. so the show must go on in regards to what we have prepared we are in constant communication
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with the federal, state, local partners. but we understand this is always a concern regard to the safety of this event. we are taking very seriously. >> a memo went out to members of the trump staff saying rnc will indeed go on. but additional security, additional armed security will be provided to trump staffers. the demonstrations also will go on the coalition to march on the rnc they can draw 10,000 people. as far as any changes i spoke with the organizer of that coalition, he said there has been some contact with the city since the assassination attempt. would not provide any details on changes if any just said there is a presser coming at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon local time. that is 3:00 p.m. eastern. >> again will hear from president biden from the roosevelt room at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. mike tobin for us in milwaukee thank you. click the spring and former acting i struck a fox news
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contributor tom, good to have you here. as we do learn more about the 20-year-old suspect involved in this apparent assassination against donald trump, 28 years old pittsburgh suburb he is not far from where this campaign rally was tom thomas matthew crooks bethel park opened fire from that rooftop as far as working from the fbi they say they have not determined a motive for public court records in pennsylvania should not show it no past criminal cases. what conclusions have you come to at this hour? what do you believe that investigation is like on the ground at this moment? >> i think there are several different investigations going on. you want to investigate the shooter pretty going to search his home, going to go through social media, you're going to go through his computer pretty going to talk to his friends and family and find out was their myourmotivation if so what was ? who else knew what he was talking about doing and did not tell authorities at the whole pc you got the investigation of incident. why was there a guy with the rifle on a roof of a building
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which is a violation of every safety protocol that exists. there will be investigation in the incident and finally there's a group of agents today, hundreds of them working on how do we change the security apparatus running president trump going forward? security will be much tighter the rnc is going to be different i think there's going to be changes in the security protocol. >> a big question is how do we get to this point? word pennsylvania governor josh shapiro saying we need to lower the temperature of the rhetoric. every time president biden talks about trump its maga extremism or existential threat for to democracy. the senator from pennsylvania john fetterman said this about the temperature. >> we cannot assume these kind of things can't happen again. we just have to turn down the temperature on this and this election is going to be the biggest kind of election in our lifetime.
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we have the months ahead of us. >> again we do not know john hinckley junior wanted to impress jodie foster. mark david chapman was a beatles fan. we do not know why this guy tried to kill president trump. when you take a look at it and the overall tone of this campaign are you surprised this happen? >> i am not surprised at all. look, i worry about the safety of the president for years. i talked about this when i was former ice director i had death threats against me and my family ed 20 u.s. marshals surrounding i cannot go to dinner without getting into bulletproof limo and i was just tom holman, i was nobody. president trump is getting this incoming every day massive death threats i've always worried about his safety and now i'm even more concerned about his safety to secret service agents on the ground are heroes they got him into seconds and covered him up and get the right thing but i've heard some talk this morning they should've got them offstage quicker. we do not know what they didn't first about you get six grown men jumping on you, i would think he had the wind knocked
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out of him we gotta get him up and moving. second they are all talking to the incident commander. of the scanning for additional shooters? is he escaped car there yet question rick a lot is going on behind the podium the men and women of the secret service, god bless and their american heroes pick. >> trump is a pretty forceful person if he was to pause even he wants to be hustled offstage they're going to wait for him. >> at social kind of warrior he is rather than rushing to the car he made them stop, pumping his fist, showing is a fighter and he's not going away. that shows what a warrior this menace. >> thank god he is okay. we pray for him, we pray for his family and all those involved including the secret service it came to his protection. tom, speaking of here is the governor identified the fatal victim of this trump rally corey comperatore died a hero protecting his family emerging that time at the pennsylvania rally. >> every american needs to pray
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for that man and his family buried pray for the safety and security of president trump. and pray this rhetoric goes away. if you do not like this at present if you do not want him to be president get to the voting booth and vote. that's where you can have your message heard. but the threats have to stop for the rhetoric has to stop i've said this many times, trump guy, not ashamed of it for a week i do believe he'll be our next president i work for six of them he's the best present i over worked for pickwick to take a look at a comic iconic images from presidential campaigns arer presidential moments a picture of him with his fist pumped up and the air, blood on the side of his face with the american flag behind him surrounded by secret service. that is going to be an iconic image. quickset is exactly the man he is. that was not staged. that was not planned that's the man he is standing up and pumping his fist after is a life almost being a loss that he is a man of character he cares about this continuance everyone to know he was safe and the fight
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continues. that is why love the guy and that's why hope is an ex-president. >> it looks like they're just not releasing a picture from the situation room this morning where the president was briefed by security officials for we do know now it is reportable the president will be speaking from the roosevelt room 1:30 p.m. eastern time about 45 minutes from now. tom thank you. >> tom thank you very much appreciateappreciate it for lesg to attendees last nights rally who witnessed the shooting robert and thomas join us live. robert, you are right behind the president as he was speaking. tell us what you saw. >> it is good to be with you, john and sandra. yes that is correct we were about four rows in front of the president. it was a surreal moment the place was packed. everyone was really excited to see president trump speak. he came out to god bless america
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it was a really peaceful moment to be honest with you and everyone was amped to see the president hear the president and all the sudden shortly thereafter you saw the president talk about immigration and pointing over to the screens. the next thing we knew it we started to hear shots ring out. they were probably a good three or four that we heard and immediately most of the crowded hit the ground after that. we stood up, we looked over to the stands and noticed a couple folks were down they were carrying an individual out unfortunately and now we know that individual was mr. corey comperatore. one to extend our thoughts and prayers to the family as well but there is no place for this in this country. but redeeming only we saw the president stand up, pump his fist and it was a very redeeming
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moment. there was a sense of peace that came over the crowd after that. we just started chanting usa and i think everyone was happy to see the president was okay. >> thank you for the first-hand account. robert thomas thank you for joining us. you've been through a lot in the last 24 hours. give us from your view what you saw. there are so many eyewitness accounts he said they saw something or they were worried some people even said they saw this body up on the rooftop. did you see or feel anything unusual before this ever happened? >> we did not see anything in regards to the shooter. but prior to the president coming out and speaking we did have some concerns with the crowd that was piled in the aisles and the seats. they were on the fence without that was unusual. there were umbrellas a lot of
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people had umbrellas due to the heat which was odd because it look like a security threat. but as he came out president trump was speaking for probably seven minutes in the first set of shots rang off. my immediate thought was firecrackers and i look to my left and look back to the president that is when i see them fall to the ground i couldn't help he jumped to the ground or collapsed. so i thought maybe he just fell down to protect himself. and once he stood up and you can see the blood from his head that's when you really knew there was gunfire and that's when he started seeing people in the bleachers being carried out and it was chaos from there. it was very disappointing and should never happened. this of political hate going on the rhetoric is on both sides
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but i have a little daughter who's four years old i do not one of growing up in this type of environment. we need to better as a country. >> is definitely the temperature needs to be toned down. robert, good to see you again. a solute not that long ago and thomas we appreciate joining us to share your thoughts and experience for. >> me. >> thank you for having us. >> let's bring in fox news and medical contributor marc siegel for more. dr. siegel we are awaiting updates on those listed in critical condition from this rally. sadly, that family man, cory, lost his life at the rally but went there to support the former president and his life is now gone. we now pray for those who are trying to fight back. what do you know? >> corey comperatore 50 years old former fire chief of buffalo township was protecting his family, very, very tragic we add that to the heroic news of this
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entire situation looked more like a war zone. again the crowd kept its composure of this was going on that was important they were led by former president trump's rally cry raising his fist and saying fight and not giving up. from a medical point of view that idea of showing courage and showing compassion reaching out on social media to the families of the victim and those injured also sends the right message. i also thought, by the way, his getting down very quickly and being led off quickly it showed you don't know what you're going to do when you're in that situation for the final point i want to make is we need to emphasize just how miraculous this is. i've been talking to emergency room doctors and vascular surgeons trauma surgeons all
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over the country this morning nobody could remember a case like this i trained in the bellevue emergency room i took care of gunshot victims countless times. never saw anything from a high-powered rifle which only grazes something. high-powered rifles you do not expect with that and that shows you how much more these are being used. people can recount some being grazed by a bullet i have seen that in the er never from a high-powered rifle so the chances of him escaping this alive, especially since it's next to the part of the brain that's absolutely uniformly deadly over 95% deadly had he been hit in the brain there. quick to take a look at that photo from doug mills of the "new york times" you can see the displacement of the air as the bullet is whizzing past him. the fact that just nicked his ear remarkable. thank you so much. more breaking news coverage and the updates on the suspectedusto shooter right after the break.a stay with us.
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