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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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sea. it's beautiful. but he is just so comfortable and really funny. as she talked about his humanity and his personality, it is just so interesting to have seen him before that attempt on his life. so close to it, so relaxed, looking forward to this convention. he knew people by name. you know, he was just really looking forward to the delegates, to everybody here. it will be a special week and that's not a back drop to this, it is a back drop to our nation and our division right now and it is his goal to bring people together. >> ainsley: excellent job. watch the full interview 11:00 a.m. on "the faulkner focus." thank you so much for coming on this morning. this is day one of the national convention, republican national convention. we have special coverage with brett and martha tonight at 10:00. we'll see you tomorrow. >> take a look what happened --
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[gunfire] [screaming] >> bill: that scene played out 40 hours ago. on this mon morning turning the page on tragedy after nearly an assassination president trump arrived in milwaukee last evening for an rnc convention like we've never seen before. good morning, kicking it off right now on day one. bill hemmer live in milwaukee inside the arena, are you ready? >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it's quiet here in the hall right now but that's not going to be the case in a few hours. it will be an amazing rocky committed crowd, all the feelings all here. the former president is set to appear today. he said i shouldn't be here. i'm supposed to be dead. by luck or by god, many people are saying it's by god, i'm
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still here. >> bill: that assassination attempt prompting president biden to give a rare oval office address in prime time sunday night calling on americans to lower the temperature in politics. >> president biden: yesterday's shooting at donald trump's rally in pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back. take stock of where we are, how we go forward from here. there is no place in america for this kind of violence for any violence ever, period, no exception. we cannot allow this violence to be normalized. the political rhetoric in the country has gotten very heated. time too cool it down. we all have a responsibility to do that. >> dana: the f.b.i. is investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. one of the many unanswered questions how was the gunman able to get 130 yards of the former president? how does it impact this week's convention? rnc chairman michael whatley is on deck and bill melugin is temp
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milwaukee. jonathan is in pennsylvania. >> good morning to you, dana. you can see that home behind me just behind the police tape. so many unanswered questions. obviously many of them that the shooter took to the grave. although he is dead, this investigation is far from over. the f.b.i. is trying to unlock the shooter's cell phone hoping to download some information to give them more insights into the events leading up to saturday's shooting. investigators say they found bomb-making materials in the shooter's home and rude me explosive devices in his car. thomas matthew crooks was not on law enforcement's radar. investigators have yet to determine a motive and are unaware of any ideology he might have had. it is not something that he
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posted publicly about on social media. a former high school classmate described him as a loaner and an outcast who was frequently bullied. the shooting has led to much finger pointing over whether the secret service maintained a wide enough perimeter at the rally since the rooftop where the shooter fired from was just outside that perimeter and inside an area where the agency was relying on local law enforcement to secure. >> essentially what you had was a shooter on top of a building that should not have been there and that should have been a police post. someone should have been up there. >> secret service director cheatle issued this statement. the secret service is working with allstate, federal and local agent east to understand what happened, how it happened and how we can prevent an incident like this from ever taking place again. cheatle is scheduled to testify this afternoon in a closed
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virtual meeting with the house homeland security committee. certainly more details will come out of that ongoing investigation. dana, back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: after narrowly surviving that assassination attempt former president trump reportedly rewriting the speech and also giving a major makeover to what will happen here in milwaukee. the message, a united nation. bill melugin is live outside the arena. good morning to you. >> good morning to you as well. former president trump has acknowledged he was just millimeters away from losing his life on saturday and as a result of that, he is planning to change what he says here at the rnc this week. originally he was planning to attack joe biden and his policies very heavily. he says now he is tearing that speech up and he is starting over. here is what he told "the washington examiner." the speech i was going to give on thursday would be a hum dinger. had this not happened this would have been one of the most
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incredible speeches. honestly, it will be a whole different speech now, end quote. top trump advisor jason miller added this. >> the president was dictating to us additional things he wants in his speech looking ahead to thursday. the tone is going to impress people. he knows this is a key moment and see the only one who can step up and lead in this time. this country is desperate for leadership. >> trump arrives here in milwaukee last night just one day after he was shot and sur survived. the show will go on as intended things kicking off later today. we're trying to find out who the speakers will be today. we do know what they will be speaking about. every single day of this convention has a different theme. today is make america wealthy again. focus will be on inflation and the economy. tomorrow is make america safe once again with the focus on the border and crime. the last two days are going to be make america strong once
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again and make america great once again thursday when the former president will take the stage himself to speak. back out here live big development we learned yesterday former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has been invited to the rnc and speaking here tomorrow night. that is a big deal because we all saw the brutal primary season between donald trump and nikki haley constantly attacking each other. this could be one of the steps towards mending some of those bridges. as for trump's vp announcement, that could be coming down as soon as today. wait and see. >> bill: maybe any minute. thanks, bill melugin with us here in milwaukee. nice to see you. >> dana: rnc chairman michael whatley joins us now. what changes did you implement in order to get this ball rolling today? >> well really none. i think the key for us is that we've had 18 months of planning to get this convention ready to go. we've had a team on the ground in milwaukee for over a year. when you are talking about an event of this magnitude, 50,000
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people will be here, delegates, guests, members of the media, you have a pretty big show. the conversations that we've had with the president was we're moving forward. we are moving ahead. obviously there will be message changes that will be made in terms of how he is going to address the country. how other people will address the country. you can't have an event like saturday, a shooting like we had, without causing everybody to stop and take stock of where we are as a country. and it really does come down to unity. donald trump has unified the republican party but we need to be unified going forward. issues affecting are affecting everyone, inflation, border christ, the fact that every state is now a border state.
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every community affected by fentanyl. they affect every single america family and we want to address that and talk about that. >> bill: if i could jump in. a memo went out yesterday to rnc staff at the convention working in milwaukee and it came from susan wiles and the head of the campaign running this along with president trump and they said stick to the message. stick to the speech. why was that necessary? >> what we don't want is to have all conversations pivot towards what happened on saturday. it was a horrific act. and we are by the grace of god continuing forward with this convention and president trump is here on the ground in milwaukee and is going to be here. we are going to nominate him. he is going to accept that nomination here. but we still have a campaign to run and win. we still have the american people who are hurting right now. inflation is absolutely rampant, people are paying 50% more for gasoline, 20% more for groceries, 20% more for rent.
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costs twice as much too buy a house today as four years ago. our southern border was the most secure ever four years ago and now 10 million illegal immigrants come across the southern border. issues that every american family cares about and the republican party wins when we understand those issues and that when we put solutions on the table. donald trump understands these issues and over the course of the next four nights you are going to see that we are going to put solutions on the table for every american family. >> dana: jen psaki the former press secretary to joe biden and on "meet the press" this weekend and has her own show on msnbc. she is not speaking for president biden but said this. part of that is the convention is starting. unless the programming changes, the rhetoric and how the programming is set up is not actually calming the stone or restoring civility. if it stays the same it's
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escalating it, not a civil approach. >> that's what i'm looking at. >> dana: how do you respond to that? >> i completely disagree. the fact is we came into this convention wanting to talk to every american family and wanting to talk to them about the issues they care about. the jobs and economy, about security and safety. those messages are not going to change. but the fact is that we want to unite the republican party. we have. we want to unite all of america and we're talking about every american family from this stage here. >> dana: michael whatley, chairman of the rnc. good luck, have fun. you have a lot on your plate but it's all here and now it begins. >> thank you. we really appreciate it and we're excited to roll this out and have this conversationh everyone. >> bill: we'll talk to you all week. thank you, michael. >> dana: you can join the fox news channel tonight and every night this week for special coverage of the republican national convention starting at 10:00 p.m. eastern and we'll be broadcasting "america's newsroom" live from inside the
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forum every morning including friday. >> bill: yes indeed. now this. >> bottom line, i think, is when someone is demonized to the extent trump was being demonized you are putting a target on them. >> bill: yes, okay. now the former a.g. bill barr echoing calls to tamp down the rhetoric after saturday's shooting amid growing calls for changes at the secret service. james comer, byron donalds join us on that shortly. >> dana: trey gowdy, kayleigh mcenany and juan williams as our coverage continues from day one of the rnc. the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds)
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>> dana: welcome back to our coverage. outpouring of support and flow
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of donations for victims of the trump rally assassination attempt. former president trump green lighted a crowd funding account to help families of those killed or wounded that day. one of them is corey comperatore, a pennsylvania firefighters and father of two who died protecting his wife and daughters with his own body. two other rally goers were seriously hurt in the shooting. the page has so far raised more than $3.7 million. more to come on that. >> bill: it will probably double. the president was asked about that. in all likelihood he may attend his funeral in pennsylvania. i would expect to see that depending on timing. i can't imagine. >> bill: as we've been reporting earlier, the f.b.i. still searching for the motive the suspected gunman who injured donald trump on saturday. investigators leaving no stone unturned and why the 20-year-old man opened fire against donald
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trump. former f.b.i. assistant director chris swecker joins us now. there is a lot of blame going on now and finger pointing. what the secret service is saying in part is that outside the perimeter they rely on local authorities to help them keep the area secure. what does your knowledge tell you about that? >> i've had discussion with quite a few people in the law enforcement people. they may have delegated the outer perimeter to the local police department but it was their responsibility to set up a perimeter that was safe and this is all about advance planning and then execution. they can't just delegate this to a local police department and point the finger at them. it is their primary responsibility. 100 yard perimeter is not enough. they should have had -- if they didn't have the resources they should have pounded their fist on the table and got the resources. >> dana: a statement from the f.b.i. on the question of
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whether or not the chart had any help. the f.b.i. says it indicates the shooter acted alone, the f.b.i. continues to conduct logical investigative activity to determine if there were any co-conspirators associated with this attack. at this time there are no current public safety concerns. does that ring true to you? >> yeah, looking at this the pictures of this young man, he is a 20-year-old kid basically. i think what they will be doing is looking at the father and how he got the gun and did he train his son for this type of activity as a sniper? people who trained their kids with gun but 20-year-old and they say he is quite a loaner, a little disturbed and if the 20-year-old is not old enough to get a gun and father got him a gun and trained him on the gun there may be some culpability there. >> bill: nbc is reporting something now i want to read off the wires and don't know how to
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interpret this. the rooftop where the gunman fired the shot at trump identified as a security vulnerability before the rally. who would report that? is that local authorities, is that secret service? >> anybody's guess on that one. the secret service sends out an advance team and they should do extensive planning. there should be a very, very detailed operations plan. it could have been a local officer that pointed it out. if they did they should have covered it. the fact is that somebody pointed it out. that just exacerbates the failure here and the breakdown. this clearly is a failure and breakdown. people can point the fingers at who they want, the primary mission of the secret service, what they do. a lot of the secret service agents want to work economic crimes, not the details. and maybe they've lost their focus on the protective detail
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aspect of the mission but that's their primary mission. >> dana: a week from today the house will start hearings on this. so we'll get more information then. you were assistant director at the f.b.i. for our viewer at home are you confident the f.b.i. is the right entity and able to handle this investigation with all credibility and transparency? >> yeah. i will say this. i think they're very capable of diagnosing this and getting to the root of what happened and whose responsibility it was. given the f.b.i.'s behavior over the last four or five years, i'm not sure that they have the stomach to point the finger if the finger needs to be pointed in a way, in a strident way. this is too important and needs to be done in a way that you make sure it doesn't happen again. if they mealy mouth this thing and minimize, it won't help anybody. law enforcement can take criticism. it makes them better.
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if they are hesitant to do that we need to get some other agency in there to do it. they are certainly very, very capable of doing this type of work. >> bill: sir, thank you for your time. these questions are endless and right now we don't have many answers and it may be some time before we get the right answers. chris swecker, come back. >> dana: meantime questions are swirling over how this horrific event could have happened in the first place. the secret service coming under scrutiny within range of the stage where trump was speaking. republican congressman byron donalds, member of the house oversight committee. the hearing takes place -- gets underway next monday. you had a statement from the secret service director this morning, saying she is committed to fulfilling the mission and doing this right. how tense will that hearing be? >> extremely. i anticipate it will be a very
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bipartisan hearing. listen, obviously we're talking about the assassination attempt of former president trump but it is bigger than that. it could be president biden, president obama, president bush and clinton. whether it's the future work before a president gets to that area, the actual security protocols around that, it won't be good enough just to accept responsibility and we'll do better. as far as i'm concerned, we need the names of which agents were doing the advance work, who spotted what? what are the time lines to really get to what happened here so you can truly make sure something like this doesn't occur again, or at the very minimum, that the secret service on an operational basis, step-by-step is making sure you contain an area as best you can. nothing is perfect but as best as you can. >> bill: tim miller, former secret service agent talking about that? >> the fact that this roof was
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not covered, typically we'll cover it for certain visually, but if not and in some cases we'll post somebody there. so this is a big miss and there are a lot of questions that need to be answered in regards to the site advance and especially in regards to actually what they did within the split seconds that an unidentified gunman was seen on the roof. >> bill: leads us to more and more questions. we just had michael whatley on from the head of the rnc. the memo said stick to the script. we won't look backwards but present a unified front here. late last night the president ripped up its speech. many pages long and ripped it up and many changes at that convention to present this unified front. how do you move from saturday evening to later tonight and express that? >> look, it will be a quick change but that's what leadership requires. it is important now not just
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here at the republican national convention but members on both sides of the aisle, people in media, etc. , that we move forward in a posture of uniting this country. we have our disagreements, that's fine. we disagree in families and businesses and you and bill disagree on the set from time to time but we can't have a situation where you have people in our country decide to take lives into their own hands and if it means that we have to be much more thoughtful about how we go about our business even though we have major disagreements in this country, that's what leadership requires. president trump recognizes that immediately, obviously and why i think you are seeing a speech rewrite. i think even the tone from a lot of speakers this week will be something different than probably what people thought a week ago. >> dana: what did you think of president biden's speech to the nation last night? >> to the blunt i didn't see it. i have only heard excerpts of it. i was traveling. it's fine. at the end of the day. >> dana: i thought it's fine but i don't know if fine is good enough. >> i think for them what's
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really going to matter is how will they move forward over the next week or month, four months? that's going to tell the real tale. a speech americans have heard them. we've all heard them. what will you do for the rest of the campaign will determine. >> bill: i ran into two women here from wisconsin, they are both delegates and i said how are you doing? and they said we're okay. and i said why just okay? they said we're just a little calmer now and they are about to go meet hundreds of other delegates over the river last night where they were convening. they understand they are in a different mode now. it is not just to get up and throw balloons around the arena. it is to recognize the moment that their candidate that they want back in the oval office was centimeters from having his head blown off on national
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television. they are aware of the gravity of this moment. >> everybody is. look, with president trump we want him back in the white house. but for him to lose his life just because he wants to fight for this country, we're much better than that as americans. forget politics. as americans we're better than that. i think everybody in this convention hall and town now all recognize that. going forward, what i'm hoping for from my colleagues on our side of the aisle is we remain focused on the issues that matter to the american people, help their lives be better but that we have to lead. not good enough just to talk about these things. we have to lead going forward. >> bill: before we left new york dana and i said it is a good thing relike each other. there is a lot of time together. >> dana: the only thing we disagree on is golf. great to have you. thanks for coming by this morning. >> bill: we're watching as president biden and v.p. harris are set to get a security briefing on the attempted assassination of president trump. biden asking leaders to lower
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the temperature on our political conversations. >> nice for him to talk about unity. he needs to talk to his own party why they continue to say things like nazi or he is a fascist or destroy democracy or we must eliminate him.ese are at have contributed to what's happened on july 13th. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at can neuriva support your brain health? mary. janet. hey! eddie. no! fraser. frank. frank. fred. how are you? support up to seven brain health indicators, including memory. search neuriva on amazon for the best deals of the summer. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs
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end quote from donald trump. >> dana: but he will be here and milwaukee is the most battleground of the battlegrounds, right? >> it is the tightest of all based on the polling. >> dana: i want to talk about went to an art museum, one hour, fabulous. if you are coming to milwaukee, go and visit that right on the lake, really beautiful. i had a moment and we got right back to it. >> bill: i was thinking about the harley davidson museum. maybe get over there for a few minutes this week. >> dana: how will my hair hold up in the helmet? i don't want them do extra work and we'll get to that after lunch. in an oval office address biden says there is no place in america for this kind of violence. peter doocy is at the white house, the sprinklers are on. >> some lawn care happening at the white house this morning. president biden is going to have to completely change the way
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that he talks about donald trump if he follows his own advice. >> president biden: we can't allow this violence to be normalized. the political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. time to cool it down. we all have a responsibility to do that. >> what's the practical electoral impact? we don't know. the latest pre-assassination attempt fox news poll shows trump up one on biden head-to-head. trump's lead expanded to three over biden in a five way race with third party candidates included. that is why the biden campaign's pause is not going to last long. the president will be in nevada talking to unions tomorrow and he says he has got no problems with rnc speakers letting him have it but wants them to stick to policy. >> they will criticize my record and offer their own vision. i'll travel and make our vision for the country this week and continue to speak out strongly
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for our democracy, stand up for our constitution, the rule of law. to call for action at the ballot box. no violence on our streets. that's how democracy should work. >> dhs secretary mayorkas will be here for a couple of hours today understand he will brief the president and vice president in the situation room, then will join karine jean-pierre in the briefing room. his department's dhs oversees the secret service, dana. >> dana: so the subject matter changed dramatically on saturday after the assassination attempt. before that you had a lot of calls coming from inside the democratic party for joe biden to step down as the candidate. is this the end of calls for him to go? >> it is the end at least for now, dana. since the assassination attempt there haven't been any more democratic -- elected democratic lawmakers in washington calling for president biden to go. as he calls for unity, national
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unity and party unity, political calmness, he is essentially putting out the word that he wants the temperature to stay low the rest of the time. his team was digging in for a fight because they were expecting somebody to try something. remember that press conference on thursday he was basically daring some democrat to try to challenge him at the convention. that kind of language is completely gone now. he does have an interview with lester holt later on tonight if there are issues with the interview, maybe democrats come out and once again start calling for him to go to give them the most competitive chance in november, but for the moment, it does seem like he is going to do what he said and stay in the race. democrats are lining up. >> bill: we're trying to follow the schedule day-by-day and hour by hour and changes a lot. the interview with nbc today. i thought he was going to a battleground state. over the weekend the dnc said
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they would pull back the fundraising. now i understand maybe that's going back on later today. what is the status of all of that now? >> we were actually supposed to be talking to you from austin, texas today for anniversary of the civil rights act being signed. that trip has been postponed. later on this afternoon he will fly to las vegas for two days of political events out there in the battleground state talking to union leaders, and from there we don't know. his schedule just says the president departs, las vegas. doesn't say where he is flying to. >> dana: destination unknown. >> right. which is very suspenseful. >> dana: it is indeed. don't get wet on your walk back into the west wing. >> bill: the extent to which saturday's assassination -- the former president hinting at major changes in the tone of his
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speech and maybe the entire convention here in milwaukee. trey gowdy, kayleigh mcenany, juan williams on all of that as our coverage continues on what will be day one live in milwaukee. >> i think the tone will impress people. he knows this is a key moment and the only one that can step up and lead in this time. this country is desperate for leadership. [floor creaks] [door creaks shut] (♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. (♪) ah, these bills are crazy. she
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>> bill: welcome back. awaiting more on the examination into crooks, age 20, what he was about and his background and family are about. explosive devices in his car and some may have been found inside his home and waiting for for clarification. we're very, very early in this
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investigation. maybe 40, 41 hours removed from that moment saturday evening. we have heard -- keep this in mind. there are hundreds, if not thousands of images that we haven't seen yet from this rally. when you've got tens of thousands of people in that farm field on what was a beautiful evening, we will see more of this. here is one moment if you were with us on saturday evening. the bbc had an interview with one of the rally goers and he said we told you so. >> we noticed the guy crawling bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us. so we're standing there, we're pointing at the guy, crawling up the roof. >> he had a gun, right? >> we could clearly see him with a rifle. we are pointing at him. police are down there running around on the ground. hey, man, there is a guy on the roof with a rifle.
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police are like what? they didn't know what was going on. >> bill: turns out in the end he was not the only one who had that warning. we've seen other interviews and other videos that popped up and people saw this kid on that roof. and the images are indelible. next hour we'll talk to a "new york times" photographer who had some of those images that will last forare. bill barr last night with jesse. >> the thrust of the democratic narrative for this election year had become that trump was a mortal danger to our democracy and if he wins the country is going away. they demonized him calling him hitler, a racist, fascist and so forth. it's ridiculous. he is not the threat to democracy that they are portraying. >> dana: that was former attorney general bill barr weighing on the left's anti-trump rhetoric before the
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shooting. trey gowdy, former press secretary for president trump kayleigh mcenany and juan williams. trey, i haven't had a chance to hear your thoughts yet. as bill says it's 41 hours removed from that moment. >> a couple of things. two of which are hard to do simultaneously, grieve and be grateful. grieve for the loss but be grateful it wasn't worse and gather fact and information. nature ab horse a vacuum. we want to fill it in with speculation and con geck sure. there are facts. we have to be patient. the dominant take away, we were inches a way for our republic. inches a way from a significant stress test. every time something like this happens, whether it's stevie scalise, gabby gifford, paul
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pelosi we swear we'll do better, lower the temperature and change the political rhetoric and it only lasts hours until we're back to where we were. hopefully, hopefully this will be the time we decide you can't say some of the things we say and expect irrational people not to act irrationally. >> bill: bring up call for number two. the president did an interview there and he said the headline is this. trump re writes focuses on unity, not biden. there is a chance to bring the whole country together, even the whole world together. the speech will be a lot different. a lot different than it would have been two days ago. also in that interview he said he wasn't sure it was possible, juan, to bring the country together because there are extreme divisions now among many americans on this the eve of day one, how do you see that? >> i think the whole notion of tone it down resonates across political lines at this moment. it resonates because i think
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there is a tremendous sadness in the country. i would say that we feel shaken after this past weekend. so i think there is a sense of reassessing who we are, where we are in the fight. i think president biden last night in speaking to this said we can do better, america. we can have political differences, we can have political arguments, but we aren't going down the line of becoming a country of political violence. when we think about the young man who committed this crime, i'm struck by the idea that he is online and to me that's the breeding ground for extremism. most americans as we sit here on this panel have a variety of opinions here and political affiliations but guess what? we're in the middle, moderates. the extremes are the far extremes and being fed on the internet where they go down these rabbit holes and become more extreme. this guy is 20 years old, a
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registered republican who gave some money to a democratic group or something but it is the extremism and the madness in his mind plus the gun that created this awful moment for america. >> dana: and then also a failure on the security side that put us in this position. sometimes the best thing to do is say nothing at all. this is happening over at msnbc. a headline here, morning joe pulled from air monday because of trump shooting. a personal familiar with the matter told cnn that the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show's stable of two dozen plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on television to assail the network. >> i think they should worry about the host of this program. watching in realtime joe scarborough come out and say that donald trump would execute people. this was said. it was so stunning i wrote down the time and put it in my notes and sent it to our team.
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he has never said or done that. i don't blame joe scarborough any political figure for what happened. i blame the shooter. the rhetoric on both sides should come down. i think what you are seeing from team trump is a hard pivot from fighter to healer. "politico" playbook said there was a call that took place after the shooting and they've called guests who will speak and said don't bring up the shooting. they have picked which guests will bring it up. you will hear about it from the president. i think you are going to see former president trump on thursday night give one of the most unifying, beautiful speeches and i think it will bring the country together and i know he says maybe it is not possible. i think it is when you have a leader who takes that mantel and runs with it. every indication from nikki haley, ron desantis coming and crafted the truth social about unity. every indication points at a president who will go from fighter to healer. >> dana: isn't it interesting,
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trey, on the unity front, i'll make a comment. that the republican party seems to be more unified now than the democratic party and yet they have the white house and the majority in the senate. >> bill: i was just thinking to add to that, dana, there has been a lot of people talking about providence in the last day and a half. i think it's hard to avoid. what trump told selena zito is i have a chance to bring the country together. i was given that chance. that's introspection that you don't normally get from donald trump. >> the second chance at life literally. i was talking to a neurosurgeon who would know how close he came to dying. how close -- inches. less than inches from dying. so that does give you a fresh perspective on life. we hear about unity, we hear about it in the after math of
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national disasters and hear about it in the aftermath of political acts like this. it just never seems to last. so my question, not trying to be cynical, is what is it going to take for that unity to last more than just one news cycle? they tried to kill the leading candidate for president. the nominee of a major republican party. somebody tried to assassinate him. if that doesn't get our attention. look, normal people are not moved by irrational comments but i remember a united states senator telly amy coney barrett will you'll take away everyone's rights. irrational people don't know that. rational people don't fire guns at people's heads. it is the irrational people i worried about that feed into this political talk that is enraging both sides. >> bill: a clear distinction between political violence and a
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debate in a democracy. we can debate the issues all day long and we should appropriately so. but it has to stop. >> dana: we love to. that's what we do. you will be back next hour this same panel. we're so glad to have you. thank you. >> bill: thank you much. secret service facing questions about how the trump shooter was able to get as close as he did to the former president plus you have one of the more iconic photos. the photographer who captured that shot will explain how he risked his own life to stay there in the line of fire. at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers
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has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them.
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that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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the classified documents case against donald trump in florida. this is massive news. we did not see this coming at all. this is a case that she tentatively postponed to a later date. the original trial was set for the end of may. she moved it back a couple of months though not setting a date. she has just dismissed it in a 93 page court document saying that jack smith, special counsel's appointment violates the appropriations clause and the appointments clause of the united states constitution. in laymen's term she is saying he was not appointed lawfully and not appointed appropriately. i'm sure we'll hear from the
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department of justice of this momentarily as attorney general merrick garland believes he had every right and his team believes every right he could appoint jack smith as special counsel. we are going through this now. 93 pages. the printer is cracking up behind me. the bottom line is this documents case goes completely away for donald trump. there was a hearing that was originally scheduled for next week to talk more about this appointments issue. judge cannon issues this on the day of the beginning of the rnc. so right now donald trump still has one pending case against him in federal court that is here in washington, d.c. that is his alleged attempts to try to overturn the 2020 election. special counsel jack smith received a blow to that case just a couple of weeks ago with the supreme court. that seems to be somewhat delayed right now. but this is big news. no q


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