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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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administration, president biden in particular, could fire her and there's no accountability for a number of these things and so it really begs the question whether there will be real accountability for this at all. i was talking to a security guard wonderful security guard any time your principle gets shot in the face, it's a big f for anyone. and the fact that she saying staying on board she should resign. >> bret: all right, panel. thanks. thanks for getting through the band. good tunes but you have to hear. tomorrow on "special report" day two of the convention. president biden campaigning following his pause due tout trump assassination attempts. tonight j.d. vance talks about sean hannity 9:00 p.m. eastern time for that exclusive. thanks for inviting us into your home. that's it for "special report" fair, balanced and unafrd. special conch of the convention tonight at 10:00 p.m. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham.
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this is ingraham angle live from the republican national convention day one here from wisconsin. new calls for unity and calm by president biden, which he undercut in a new interview with lester holt. >> i didn't say crosshairs. focus on. i didn't say crosshairs. i bullseye focus on it. >> laura: that's his answer? i told you this guy was one of the most stubborn and self-unaware people in modern day american politics has ever seen. eric trump will respond in his first interview since the attempt on his father's life. and disturbing new details of the security break june that allowed auto would be assassin to spend almost 30 minutes getting into position to shoot president trump. >> get to the bottom of it and see what occurred and see what happened and get answers. >> laura: and a new york baby boomer chooses a midwest millennial and the left is apoplectic. >> they picked someone who has quite a lot less experience. >> j.d. vance, a rookie. >> this is old donald trump.
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he is doubling down on maga. >> laura: but, first, a huge legal victory and a fantastic v.p. pick by donald trump today. so if you are an american who feels like you have been abandoned by out-of-touch political elites and if you identify with working class spirit that built this country, if you believe in strong borders. and unrah bashed patriotism. and if you want to return to the pursuit of peace through strength then trump's pick of j.d. vance and judge cannon's decision to dismiss that classified docs case should be putting a huge smile on your face tonight we will tackle every big story. all the right people upset tonight about j.d. vance. >> by picking j.d. vance, who is a flame thrower. who is bombastic. i'm not optimistic that we're going to see a pivot from trump to a more unifying message because, if he was, he wouldn't have picked him. he wouldn't have picked j.d.
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vance. >> he is going to be part of the movement that is filled with hatred and grievance. >> he is now a toxic presence in american life. he is not a bridge builder, is he a barn buescher. if you are in ukraine right now, you are terrified. if you are an immigrant you are terrified. is he a divider and dark moment in the republican party. >> donald trump has pointed the republican party very scary direction for the long term. >> all i can say is van jones queue the laughter. so much for toning down the rhetoric. no substantive points all personal and ventriclive just as they did with president trump. they consider vance a threat because, like trump, is he unbound and undeterred by their baseless attacks. his life story isn't just compelling it, really connection his memoir "hillbilly elegy" adapted into a hit movie. his mother was an addict. his father abandoned the family. >> at some point you're going to have to take responsibility or
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someone else is going to have to step in. >> who, huh? who? >> everyone in this world is one of a kind, good terminator, a bad terminator. and neutral. >> you are a good terminator. >> well, wasn't always. i had to learn. you could, too. >> his story is attribute to americans who refuse to give up in the face of unrelenting hard isship, family addiction, abuse, poverty, all the way to yale law school and u.s. senate because of one person. one person believed in him. his grandmother. this is the american spirit. never give up, and never forget where you came from. the only people disappointed with his pick are the people who think trump should have a v.p. who disagrees with him on all the key issues. i think this is really starting to feel like 1980s, the establishment is out of ideas, and a new era is about to begin j.d. vance pick is bad news for
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everyone in the d.c. establishment who lobbies for china. j.d. vance doesn't just understand trump's platform is he dedicated to the forgotten men and women who have lived this dream. now, we're going to dip into the rnc program now in progress. ♪ > new record. majority of americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck. >> according to the l.a. daily news, bidenomics has been a disaster for americans. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of the republican national committee, michael whatley of north carolina. [cheers and applause] >> laura: economy is always the top concern for voters which is why today's theme of make america wealthy again, i love that, is quicking off the convention. it's been a huge celebration. go out in the streets be there in a few moments. what happened there on saturday night isn't lost on anyone here. that makes this next moment mean so much more to former president trump, to his family and to the country.
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>> on behalf our entire family, and on behalf of the 125 delegates in the unbelievable state of florida, we hereby nominate every single one of them for the greatest president that has ever lived and that's donald j. trump. [cheers] >> hereby declaring him the republican nominee for president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> laura: joining me now, eric trump, executive vice president of the trump organization, eric, this is the first time you were sitting down for an on camera interview since your dad was shot. tell me how you and your family are feeling tonight, given what almost happened and, yet, the unity in this room tonight in this -- at this convention is something i haven't seen in my lifetime, really since reagan. >> well, you know, i think the duality of the world.
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here i am casting the deciding vote that puts my father as the republican nominee president of the united states one minute. two days ago sitting with my wife and two young children on a couch when you hear gunshots ring out and he gets up with blood on his hands and face and you think you might have lost him, you know, forever. and i will have to say, he is the strongest person i have ever met. is he unbelievable. he was unrelenting. we are not changing a second of the rnc. i don't think if half my ear was blown off. i don't care. we are moving forward. we are going to make america great again. they put him through hell. since he went down that escalator. they have tried to impeach him. gone after us, gone after me. i'm probably the most subpoenaed person in the history of this country. >> laura: you are even saint jude work. >> they have done everything to strip him of his wealth and family and tried to break up our family and done everything to try to get him and kill him. they literally tried to kill him this week. despite that, is he undeterred, he is unrelenting. he loves this country. is he one billionaire doesn't
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need to be doing. this his life would be better if he wasn't. he wants to make america great again. i have been so proud of him. never had more respect for a person in h my life. we were in that exact same position in 2016 and we continue to fight on that stage with him every single day and i will for the rest of my life. >> laura: i got teared up. i was in the car and radio was on and listening. it was live. when i heard that stop and i said to my son, i think president trump was shot. and i was bawling. what was your reaction b. you knew that he was okay. >> shooting in my life my hobby. i heard those gunshots and i knew it was bad. obviously when he grabbed the side of his face. you don't get those. you don't get slight grazes to the ear. that is divine intervention that he was not, you know, mortally wounded. he turned his head right at the last second and my heart sank. and my kids' heart sank and larr wraps heart sank. we couldn't believe it.
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we were speechless. as they rushed him to the car and obviously there is chaos after that. you can't get in touch with anybody for a little while. he finally called me from the hospital right as he was going. in cat scan. he called me and was actually incredibly calm and made a couple little jokes. i knew he was back. the bad i know so well. but your heart drops it. should have never have happened. i have to say the secret service agents on that stage were incredible. the girl in the picture was with me for three years. she is unbelievable. what incredible people and make no mistake they would have taken a bullet for him all day long. no one should have gotten on that roof and figure out exactly what happened there i have to say they are some of the most dedicated people you will ever meet. the agents on that stage and people just the agents in general in the secret service are some of the most incredible people you will ever meet. >> laura: i know how much they like your dad and respect him tell me about him in this moment. i spoke to him yesterday. how has this changed him and
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policy. >> when you have a bullet whiz millimeters away from your brain it changes your perspective on life. i can tell you he has never been more determined. >> laura: did he ever consider dropping out after that moment. >> zero. the exact opposite. the exact opposite. when he got off the floor his blood on his face and he starts pumping his fist in the air and says fight, fight, fight. laura, it's so funny over the years donald trump is going to drop out h hear this from political pundits. >> laura: i said that in 2015. he doesn't let me live it down. you said, okay. i was wrong about that. >> he was more fight. he has more determination. he is just a remarkable human being. and he want to save this republic. any other billionaire would have been out of the race in three seconds. they would have made it so uncomfortable for them they would have bowed out in a second. despite that, he continues to
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fight. >> laura: what about j.d. vance as a pick i just adore. his views, his family, his life story? how did the two of them? they are very different people, different personalities how do they mesh? >> they are both anti-rhino. that's what the party needs. we are going to dip in briefly. ♪ ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly ♪ as th whose broad stripes andt stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched
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♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night is ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave
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♪ ♪ >> laura: that's a beautiful moment, the national anthem always sounds beautiful to me, eric, but especially tonight. it sounds amazing. we are going to stay with eric donald trump. i don't know if we're going to a commercial break. oh, good. i don't have to go to commercial break. eric, at this time in america's history where things have been so polarized and so divided, what might we expect to hear. you would have loved it. and he said we're going to change it. what can we expect? >> he did. i have heard some of it. and it's amazing. incredibly inspirational and that's what this country needs right now. we need to stop. i was down on the floor before and got attacked by msdnc.
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you guys couldn't wait 24 hours. please. cool it off a little bit. everybody needs to relax. you know, this room as you can see full of love. the patriotism that american flags, the cowboy hats. >> this is the best of america and we should celebrate. this. >> laura: why does the left hate? they don't like cowboy hats. some of them get triggered by the american flag. people are just happy. >> it's a shame. we need to bring back the american flag. really interesting after 9/11 everybody flute american flag. everybody. it didn't matter party affiliation it was patriotic. we have seen a demise of that. we have to bring that back. we got the best country on earth. achieve more than anybody on earth. that's what my father wants to do. that's what my father fights for every single day. infuriates him when people don't fight for this nation. we are the best. should be number one absolutely everything we do. we can be. the best people, the best resources, the best nation, the best system. >> laura: to hear some of the rhetoric today after everything
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that the nation has seen in the last 72 hours. i mean, that vance is a threat to nato, is he a threat to ukraine. is he a threat to every migrant. i mean, it was so over-the-top and van jones at some point praised your dad for the criminal justice reform and had to give him props it's a reflexive response from them when something good is happening on the other side. >> the mainstream media has been lobbyist for the democratic party for years and years. threat to nato. my one president who didn't get us into a war. he got us all out of all wars. threat to immigration. porousness of our border ca caue 3,000 kids to die from fentanyl overdoses. he wants to fix that make america strong, believes in family and god god constitution. how can you hearing?
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it doesn't make sense. >> laura: i want to read from biden campaign spokesman general o'malley put out a statement donald trump picked j.d. vance as running mate vance will do what mike pence wouldn't do on january 6th. bend over backwards to enable trump and extreme. even if it means breaking the law and harm to the american people. no matter the harm to american people when donald trump was almost killed on saturday. >> i think they are going back. >> wow. >> going back to january he is the guy who had a bullet whiz by his ear. take off part of his ear and yet going back to january 6th. less than 48 hours later. >> laura: they don't say ashley babbitt's name. >> really horrible. biden is a threat to democracy. you know what's really interesting, they are attacking j.d. vance incredible vice president. kamala harris, they gave her two goals, you take on ai and you take on the border. what was the first thing she did? she went to vietnam. she didn't go down to the southern border. she went to vietnam. has she done a damn thing for ai? of course not. i'm not sure she could spell ai.
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>> laura: how do you think the debate between vance, top of his class at yale law school and kamala harris is going to go? she is a lawyer. she has achieved a lot. >> vance is brilliant. brilliant in government but also brilliant in the private sector. he understands america. american roots. embracing. is he going to be amazing in the rust belt. what is actually most important the chemistry between him and my father. the chemistry between the two of them is great. working relationship is going to be unbelievable. you watch what they accomplish. you watch. >> laura: i have to get to this. really hard to hear in here. hearing good music. people think i'm shouting. only because i can't hear all right. secret service director ms. cheatle says the buck stops here and we have the soundbite. >> who is most responsible for this happening? >> i would say the secret service is responsible for the protection of the former
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president. >> the buck stops with you. >> the buck stops with me. i'm the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable and it's something that shouldn't happen again. we're going to continue to be transparent and communicate with penal. >> do you plan to stay on absolutely. >> i do plan to stay on. >> it looks like they have made the division to keep her after what was a stunning breach of security on toward breaks my heart three people in that picture right there, they are some of the greatest people. i said that to you before. those people one of them with me a very long time. >> laura: should she be remaining in her position after what happened? >> no, they should have had more resources listen. at the end of the day we can't get past the fact somebody shouldn't have been able to get on a roof 130 feet away ex-president of the united states and soon-to-be the next president of the united states with a high powered rifle. un excusable. i grew up doing competitive shooting. it's a chip shot. like making a 4-inch putt. this is a chip shot at that range should have never
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happened. >> laura: up on that roof for a while turns it out. >> god bless the u.s. counter sniper teams real deal. i have shot with those people. thank god those people on the stage they could have all been dead. each secret service agents could have had bullets in them there was a lapse in something that happened. >> laura: every day americans unlessed that guy. >> by the way thank god for them. thank god for pointing him out. >> laura: and corey comperatore's funeral, i'm not sure when that is scheduled. will someone from the trump family be there? >> no question. many things we set up a go fund me page and the last time i saw it it's close to $5 million that we're raising for that family. >> laura: heart break. >> unthinkable. he loved donald trump. >> family, he jumped on his children. it's unthinkable what happened there. this can't happen in america. we are so much better than this in this country. >> laura: he represents the spirit of america, too. >> god bless them. >> laura: eric so, great to see you. still remember our first conversation 2015 it's been
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quite the journey. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: we will see you soon. here's the moment j.d. vance now the g.o.p. vice presidential nominee came out to thunder russ applause. >> our nominee for the office of haven't of the united states, senator j.d. vance. [cheers] ♪ let's rebuild america. >> a man who loves america and will represent our people with moral courage, strength, and honor, j.d. is a living embodiment of the american dream. he came from humble beginnings and even as his life took him to places he might have never imagined, he never forgot where he came from, ohio will values are in his blood. >> the j.d. vance, america first is not just a slogan. it's his north star. he has followed it every moment of his life and career.
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>> laura: joining us now chris bedford author of the beltway brief and pete hegseth co-host of "fox & friends weekend." guys, so great to see both of you. chris, what does j.d. bring to the ticket a populist agenda and someone who can actually usher it through congress? >> yes. this is something trump did from a position of strength. is he not trying to expand the votes or go after some of those candidates maybe more popular or some of the suburban women. some of the places he felt like he was weak. this is him saying i'm going to win. i'm ahead and going to choose someone who shares my ideals. it's good because it set the ground for what happens not just during these four years. what's the four years, maybe 8 years after that where it puts vance in a position as one of the truly republican senators continue that maga agenda and
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beyond. >> laura: the jen o'malley statement coming out of the biden campaign. no substance. >> no. >> more personal and invective and nastiness. >> everyone is like tone the rhetoric down. okay. where is that happening? >> they are vectoring, shifting their vector of that very rhetoric. this to me is a generational commitment to the maga movement that donald trump. >> laura: to the new party. >> peter: this is a reflection of we are committed to. this think about it. donald trump is a story teller. he knows how to do it. the story of j.d. vance to where he came from working class, middle class voters across that rust belt are going to be drawn a guy who came from there and now second in command is appealing to a lot of people as you know he knows policy well and that will navigate. >> laura: they can park him in western pennsylvania, in michigan, and throughout the rust belt. he will win ohio but pennsylvania is still a key state for this election. trump is up by 3 in the new
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poll, came out today. we are going to show them in a moment. but that's critical. he has that story, family addiction, family abuse, abandoned by his father. rescued by his grandmother. worked his butt off to get to yale law school. top of his class, yale law journal, u.s. senate. this is the dream, american degree. work hard, personal responsibility. >> he reaches people in the way most politicians don't, actually. his family story is such an american story for the rust belt. grandparents worked in the coal bhins moving up north to some of the industrial towns to try to take advantage of that boon being gutted politician he smeex to them in a different way. he is going to be a powerful voice. >> laura: when i heard the reaction on one of the other networks to this pick, they were -- they are worried that trump is going to be successful. supposed to say i hope your administration is successful.
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i hope it's good for the country reaction is so unhinged. it's like saturday didn't happen at all. it's personal. >> for sure. they know this was not a novelty pick. this was a serious pick. >> laura: this is a substantive pick. >> philosophical pick that says i believe i can win on the merits and i will. add value to me in that process when we win, we will execute the agenda we are talking about. one thing that has been mentioned critically important. this guy enlisted in the marine corps. up and out story. wasn't an officer. he was an enlisted marine who then has now rejected globalism. rejected internationalism. rejected the neocon agenda and committed to donald trump's foreign policy as well. across the spectrum, is he going to have trump's back and that's dangerous. >> laura: one of my favorite lines, guys, from j.d. vance from hillbilly elegy. i may be white but i do not
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identify with the warps of the . he ends it by saying americans call them hill billies, rednecks or white trash. i call them neighbors, friends and family. >> his life story is a dwight yoakum song. >> laura: we're going to listen in for a moment to ron johnson. >> far left agenda. today's democratic party is not the party of our parents and grandparents that party cared about workers and people struggling to get by. now we have the party of open borders. reckless spending weaponed government and weakness on the world stage this fringe agenda includes biological males competing against girls. [crowd boos]
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sexualization and indoctrination of our children. [crowd boos] >> today's democrat agenda their policies are a clear and present danger to america, to our institutions, our values, and our people. democrats have forgotten american families, they have abandoned the hardworking middle class. but with president trump and the republicans, those forgotten americans are forgotten no more. [cheers and applause] republicans are the party of exiewntd, liberty, and prosperity for all we proved we know how to make life better for all americans and we can do it again with a secure border, smaller government. less regulation and lower taxes.
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republicans understand americans don't want welfare, they want work. they don't want woke equity, they want god given equality. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> they want the promise of our founding documents, the right to pursue happiness. that's what republicans will dlirve. we repaired the damage caused by democrats before and we will do it again. [cheers and applause] [applause] >> we will complete the mission president trump first a articulated in 2016 to make america great again. [cheers and applause] >> thank you and god bless you. [applause] >> laura: all right. j.d. vance appearing today as
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trump's vice presidential pick. that was an amazing moment. his name already side by side with trumps on the campaign plane. they are ready to go. pretty fun. joining me now jason miller chief spokesperson for the trump campaign. jason, we go back a long way to like 2015 -- i don't know what it was. but how about this moment right now for all of you who stuck by donald trump, never wavered, everything he has been through including just over the weekend? >> well, it's been miraculous transformation from where trump was when we started this campaign until now. but, in his mind, he always had the vision, he knew what he wanted to talk about, restoring our economy, he wanted to secure the borders. putting together this partnership with j.d. vance with this announcement today i think it shows our commitment to the working class in the u.s., but, also, when you talk about that next generation, how he hand out the baton and make sure this maga movement continues under what president trump has started. >> laura: by the way, people are
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having fun. president reagan used to say politics can be fun, right? people are having fun. it's like a ymca dance-a-thon out there tonight and everyone is having a good time. i think sometimes politics has gotten so negative and dower and americans want to smile. they want to have a good time and debate the issues. but, and enough of the vitriol. >> i think you are going to see a lot of that this week the republican convention as you said, everybody is having a good time right now. even the speeches, the unity, the theme of everyday americans tonight we're going to hear from a lot of folks who are regular people. >> they are not politicians from every walk of life how president trump can restore this economy, make america better again. see the excitement and feel the energy. >> laura: biden's former comms director. i know you guys are late night texting buddies on instagram. they are excited about trump's vp pick over at the biden former campaign. watch. >> i think this is actually an inner jigdz choice for democrats. he obviously underscores this
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notion that our elections shouldn't be free and fair and that people vote shouldn't count. they will use vance as an opportunity to get back to messaging around trump but has been successful. >> laura: vance is going to energize the democrats because they have done such a great job with america the 37% approval rating. >> right. to be clear. everything that joe biden and his white house and his team have touched have absolutely dedisintegrated it's been terrible. for them to say somehow j.d. vance is going to be the lightning rod. remind people of what kamala harris said about joe biden. she said joe biden is a racist. he said that joe biden called black men super predators. that girl wouldn't have been able to go to a different school because joe biden opposed the busing. joe biden said he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle. the difference between joe biden and kamala harris is so stark. americans are smart. americans can figure it out. when you see that unity with
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president trump and j.d. vance. there sachem mystery there. can you tell these two genuinely like each other. spending a lot of time together on the campaign trail. >> laura: i have to push you on the 50 state strategy i have been going on and on about. paying off california, san diego union poll has donald trump and joe biden tied at 49 or 50 each huge movement in blue states. will we see donald trump in california. will we see him in those traditionally blue states. >> we are will already in a number of traditionally blue states. we are currently leading. look at virginia. republican hasn't won since george bush back in 2,000. look at new jersey, we are leading -- laura, we are leading in new jersey which a republican hasn't won since bush in new york single digits. a lot of these blue states, here's the thing. the economy, the terrible economy, inflation impacts everybody not just republicans impacts independents. >> laura: california, jason, are
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we going to california? >> i will be happy with 49 states. maybe we will get there but i tell you president trump wants to go to i tell you he wants to be in every blue state to win it. if there is anyone who could do it it's president trump. >> laura: let's make it 1984. don't forget my old state of connecticut. new england needs to be rescued. jank, great to see you as always. see you during the week. >> thank you. >> laura: all right, the new details in the catastrophic failure of the secret service, that's next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: the more we are learning with the security lapses that preceded the attempted assassination of donald trump, the worse it looks for the secret service. >> look they are all pointing. >> pacific. >> someone is on top of the roof. look.
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there he is right there. right there. see him? is he laying down. you see him? >> yeah. is he laying down. >> yeah, look. there he is. >> because we have millions and millions. >> officer,. >> dangerous people. criminals. >> officer. >> right up here. he's on the roof. >> we have people. right here. on the roof. ihe is standing up now. on the roof again. >> according to a local pittsburgh station, wpxi 11, sometime before 5:45 p.m. a law enforcement officer spotted a suspicious person. that was a thomas matthew corroboration on the ground. so he took a photo of him and he called it in. another officer checked the grounds but didn't find him. then someone on beaver county's emergency services team saw a suspicious man on the roof and took a photo of him well shockingly between the time the second photo was taken andn
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shots were fired from the roof, 26 minutes had elapsed. 26 minutes. joining me now, congressman cory mills of florida. an army sniper. also coordinated protective details for numerous high profile people including then vice president biden and first lady lush. also with me congressman ronny jackson of texas who spent a lot of time since the attempted assassination. congressman mills, your reaction to what you just heard 26 minutes? >> look, i wasn't an actual army sniper. he ran counter sniper team for the state department, other agencies. i can tell you 2 # minutes is a lot of time. when you are talking 160 yards, i want to put this into understanding. i can average american five minutes how to make 160-yard shot with moa of one. when i that means basic production rifle that comes off the line, not a hand built sniper rifle pulls a one inch grouping.
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160 yards 1.6 inches grouping in 3 to # round burst. the fact this is about milliseconds and millimeters changes this from being an attempt and assassination should really talk about the divine intervention that has occurred here. i will be honest with you, as i continue to learn more about the facts, the more i feel this is intense and j-13 commission needs to go forward. we need to understand the incitement of violence j 6 committee go home peaceful. we need to start looking into the real. i don't trust the fbi and others to do this investigation. i think this needs to come to the house. >> laura: congressman jackson, there is a lot 6 pushing and pulling on capitol hill. this committee wants this piece. another committee wants this piece of it. do you not agree with that there needs to be one overarching special committee and outside counsel that is impeccably trustworthy to direct this investigation. otherwise there are going to be leaks and this thing is going to go on for ear i don't. >> i agree 100 percent. maybe put a select committee together pick the most powerful
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members from the other mi miss stick them on that committee. >> laura: to what end? great work has been done. to me outside counsel because it does this all the time. >> yeah. >> laura: to get to the bottom of it with congressional, obviously, input, but this thing has to be done and done expeditiously. >> once you come up with what actually happened, you need an enforcement process to hold those accountable. that's what we have looked to this point. i think if we get president trump back in and he controls the executive branch, that we will not only have oversight but accountability. >> laura: i know you have -- spent a lot of time with president trump and you dressed his wound. what can you tell us? >> he is doing great. he realizes how close he came to death. he has told this story over and over about how if he had not turned his head and drew back just a little bit to look at that chart and done it at the exact time that he did it that round would have entered his head.
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>> laura: how is his hearing. >> his hearing is fine. he wasn't close to where the shot was fired and far enough away from his ear no concussive effects from the bullet. it passed right over the top of his ear and took a piece off the top of his ear as it came across. of course the ear is pretty vascular. it bled aggressively. still bleeding a little bit. >> laura: joking with me and i know you yesterday. congressman, again, the director of the secret service has said she is staying in. independent investigation. president biden has directed independent investigation to get to the bottom of this. is that okay with you. >> no, not actually. i don't trust -- president biden would actually lead an independent investigation. we have seen what happened with the jack smith special counsel. we have seen the continual lawfare. look, the bottom line is. this first they tried to censor and silence president trump. then they tried to indict and imprison president trump. now they tried to kill president trump. we have to have a true investigation into this.
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i think the more and more i look at it from my background and experience the more and more this seems intentional aj-13 style committee needs happen. >> laura: congressman jackson, congressman, thank you so much. all right. let's check in with fox news congressional correspondent aishah hasnie down on the floor. aishah? >> aishah: you know, laura, i'm not usually an energy drinker. i have to drink one tonight. i can't keep up with the crowd. so much energy it's electrifying. you would think after the vp announcement today people would be exhausted but they are not. it's really a party but also about the issues tonight. right now we have got congresswoman marjorie taylor greene on the podium talking about the issues of the day. of course today's issue is to make america wealthy again. walk with me over here. i want to just show you around what we are working with. you can see every single seat here on the floor is taken. people have come back and they are here for the full night. and people are fired up about this vp pick. j.d. vance, it was not a
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surprise to many people. i want to actually show you something real quick. you can tell it was a last-minute decision for the former president because there is no signage that they had prepared. this is about the only thing i have been able to find is that one of the delegates took a lipstick out of her purse and wrote vance underneath trump and that's about the only campaign memorabilia signage we have on the floor right now. laura? >> laura: aishah, thanks so much. joining me now byron york, chief political correspondent for "the washington examiner" who interviewed president trump on his way to the rnc. jason chaffetz, both fox news contributors. byron, this just in to fox, an extremely well-placed source in senator vance's political orbit tells us that he was not told he was being named as trump's running mate until approximately 20 minutes before the announcement. it's not me who is the source but i actually know that as well because i texted him and i said, you excited and he said no one has told me anything. this was about, i don't know,
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noon. >> i am not surprised. i have heard this decision-making process went late, late, late. certainly up to yesterday what do you think about this choice or that choice. he likes to hear from a large number of people. i actually believe if he ordered a pizza, he would ask the delivery man what his opinion was on the various vice presidential possibilities. >> laura: i will tell you, jason, people would often say trump is a bulldozer. he doesn't listen to anyone. he just goes by -- shoots from the hip. he actually does hear from people, unlike biden who is cocooned in some room and he talks to three people. >> >> yeah, president biden his cocoon as you calm it, yeah he lives in an orbit that's not on this planet quite frankly. he linked to trump. he actually will telegraph what he is talking about. and he listens to everyone of all types. that is exactly his style.
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>> laura: byron, just watching people of chatting with people hallway. outside the convention. tell me if you think i'm wrong. has there been a moment republican politics where you felt the party as unified as they are right now? >> no, not at all. and first of all, pretty darn unified coming in. but there was still a group that maybe would have preferred the party move on from donald trump, that's just something that existed since 2020. but, what happened on saturday, the sea assassination attempt changed that. people solidly for him somehow became even mover solidly for him. and people who may have been on the fence they really, really said we have to support him. >> laura: this is the new political party. this is not the old republican party of the bush-cheney days, this is donald trump's party,
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populist and nationalist in its economic outlook. this is a new start for the party. >> it's a great opportunity for donald trump's team to unite the country. that's what he can do. he can be a positive make america great. what is so offensive though that democrats, is he going to secure the border and make our streets more safe. make sure economically we are suck seelgd. get rid of those wars overseas and to take a bullet like he did in that iconic moment and show the toughness god bless him. that's what america knees. needs. they want confidence. got that in j.d. vance. guy who pulled himself up from his boot straps and a president who is a fighter. >> laura: how important is that to get the youth vote. i have some friends. young sons 28-29. think are pumped about j.d. vance. they are young men. >> very trumpy. the idea of unifying the country. 8 years of warfare over donald trump.
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and the left has tried everything they could to stop him. and i don't think that just stops now. and how many times in the last 24 hours have you heard someone on the left say i would not condone political violence but and then they begin to tell you. >> laura: it goes on and on. byron and jason great to see both of you. thanks for coming on. it's been a terrible week politically for the left and judge aileen cannon's opinion dismissing the president trump docs case pushed them into a babble. >> outlier here only judge in 25 years to find this is improper method. >> i mean, the opinion is terrible. it's -- you know, she takes supreme court precedent and just completely distorts it. >> what j judge cannon has done here has nothing to do with the merits of this case. it has absolutely nothing to do with that. >> this is just thomas' telegram
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to judge cannon coming to its full fruition. >> laura: all right, on the contrary her opinion is both very carefully worded and very thorough. in fact, it tracks justice clarence thomas' recent immunity caserrence. of course, that case handed down by the supreme court in the immunity issue. now, the issue of the legality of the special counsel is the subject of a lot of scholarship and it's a lot of debate going on by well-known academics, now for everyone's purposes tonight, this is what you need to know. there are two problems -- there were two problems with jack smith's appointment that justified the dismissal of the case as a separation of powers matter. the office of special counsel wasn't established by law. it's a creature of regulation. and by the way they didn't even do the notice and comment period that you normally do with regulations. and, number two, a.g. garland did not identify any statute that gave him the authority to appoint special counsel jack smith. so, because no statute established the office of special counsel, and -- but no
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one, no statute gave garland authority to appoint the special counsel. his use of prosecutorial power wasn't authorized by law. the case, therefore, must be dismissed. joining us now alina habba, legal spokesperson to former president trump. alina, late today biden's justice department authorized smith to appealed court's order and jack smith's spokesman said the dismissal of the case deviates from the uniformed conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue. your reaction? >> shocking really that they want to appeal it because their henchmen who was falsely appointed and i have been saying this of about. i think you and i spoke about this last time i was on. he had no business in plain english doing what he did. which means the january 6th case should be dismissed. the box's hoax case was dismissed appropriately. you are not allowed to say i'm going to put my friend jack in and jack is going to go after trump. but here we are.
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we have got tissue james, d.a. bragg and we are seeing this the doj spending in people to the states d.a.'s office in new york. at what point are we going to start speaking english to the american people and saying we are not allowed to do. this it's unamerican. let's stop. >> laura: no statutory authority. >> none. >> laura: the office was created by regulatory fiat. >> they should have gone through notice and comment period. they fast tracked this and now they are shocked that a federal judge appointed by trump but nevertheless losing that but they have lost a lot of legal rulings. >> that's right. he was not confirmed by anyone. they basically like i said put in a henchman and said you go and you go quick because we have got an election we are losing in november. you are right. nobody talks about the wins and it frustrates me. we have won a lot. i have won many case they don't get reported. what they like to report and make the american people know is think we are some sort of criminals. that he is worse than al capone, you know, 34 indictments.
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>> laura: hitler, al capone, stalin, what else? >> give it up. the truth we have won decisions. they have caught jack smith's messing with evidence. they talked about that. we have been saying he had no purpose. and here we are it finally got dismissed. >> laura: talk about what president trump's feelings, his mood today, the j.d. vance announcement so exciting for so many americans who want this populist agenda not to be an idea but to be a reality. legislatively. >> yeah. i think that we have an amazing ticket. i'm observation sighted about it. trump-vance is going to be strong. president trump right now honestly is feeling stronger than ever. god had his hands on him the other day. we know that. and now with these decisions, with having a great person stand by his side for 2024, i don't think we could be feeling any more on top of the world. >> laura: excitement is aaz imagine. thank you so much for come in. excitement bristling through the crowds in milwaukee at a moment when the republican party is the most unified it's been since,
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perhaps, 1988, '84. our own raymond arroyo is outside and he is in all the action. raymond? >> raymond: laura, you know, the events have you been discussing have really transformed this convention for so many of the people here. you will remember pastor zoe. he was the pastor that had trump at his church in detroit. how has the assassination attempt on the president's life changed the candidacy for you and this convention? >> can you imagine 30 days ago the president was in detroit. he came to the hood. obama didn't do it. biden didn't do it. and we prayed over him and on saturday the good lord answered those prayers. it was changed everything. >> raymond: how has it changed this campaign and his candidacy for you? >> raymond, that's such an interesting question but it comes down to this: it went from cartoons to the biblical. >> raymond: wow. >> and i cannot believe i'm saying that. >> raymond: that's great. how has the assassination attempt as well as the j.d. vance candidacy joining donald
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trump, how has that changed this convention to you? >> as far as i can see, i just -- i always felt that donald trump was anointed and somebody help our country get back to the values it was and after him -- him being in the internet being shot in the head i know that his prayers and our partners really saved him. >> this is a theme you will hear from a lot of voters and delegates here. that something has changed deep in them and they see this is almost a divine confirmation permit your thoughts? >> as a native pennsylvanian i was horrified with what happened there but think that he's okay and i believe that god had his hand in that day of saving our future president. >> this is our world and we love from. >> is not that she'll, lady, take it easy. but laura, you know, when you talk to these to get a sense of the divine and spiritual calling is really been
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captured in that moment in these delegates are on fire in a new way that frankly i didn't even expect. is something to see it here, also went back to you. >> laura: it's a lot of fun. thank you. turning is no newt gingrich former speaker of the house, fox news political analyst. think of what republican party leaders were saying in the aftermath of the 2020 election and then denari six and yet we saw most of them line up including mitch mcconnell today excited to support this new tickets. what a transformation and what does this save america? >> festival since one of the great comebacks in american history. it was unprintable and i thought it could happen but it was unpredictable. and its attribute to talk more than any other thing. no matter what they threw at him whether it was from his exfriends, the number from pers or the legal system or joe biden they just kept coming. >> laura: what drives him?
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>> -- >> laura: what drives him? >> anything demand very different things. think part of what drives him is just donald trump. when you push him and he pushes back harder. other thing that is increasingly for the last day here has driven him is the sense of mission that this is a country in deep trouble and that he has an obligation and an opportunity to truly help save america. >> laura: finish the job that he started. >> to finish the job and -- it was introduced -- totally true when he first round because he didn't understand it all because he never been in politics. but i think these four years we may look back and say that it was extraordinary that he got -- he didn't want it but he got the time to actually think and to contemplate and to crisscross the country and now, of course, after saturday night he has a famous branch that ronald reagan had in the paul dunphy which is why did god spare him? and i think that -- i think
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trenton is deeply affected by the idea that latinos, african-americans. it's not just -- a lot of older attorneys in the rubbing convention, let's talk conventions often go but something else is happening across country. >> bret: that. >> what you have is a trump coalition emerging which for the first time is -- since 1932 the general -- and what's happening of course is really rich, highly educated white republicans are becoming democrats. and everybody else, latinos, african-americans young people i mean, j.d. vance is 39. and that's going to have an effect psychologically.
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and the choice of kamala harris or j.d. vance is going to be breathtaking. >> laura: in an interview with nbc today, tran then made this claim. check this out. >> how you talk about a threat to democracy which is real when the president says things like he says? do does not say enabling -- look up i am not engage in that rhetoric. >> laura: he is still under threat to democracy because the man was almost killed on saturday but he wishes him all the best and praying for the -- how does that make sense? >> my view is that joe biden is a crook and a total liar. and i don't take anything he says -- i thought his speech the other night was despicable. >> laura: it was during my hour and i was sitting there going you got to be kidding me. >> yeah. and i think maybe because he was from a very small state and around much real opposition he assumes all of us are stupid. >> laura: he's insecure. deeply insecure, in our
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success, selfish and a total grifter. >> but other than that he's a good guy. [laughter] >> laura: other than that. but less and on a positive knew -- not because of hillbilly allergy, that old to the working-class forgotten man and woman that was in his best selling the more, that personal story is something we haven't seen in the republican party in along longtime. >> he's a theme in connection with when eisenhower picnics and. anything that it's a great asset to the ticket. >> laura: newt gingrich, man, we've known each other for decades and this is a spectacular moment. >> -- >> laura: thank you. i'm so glad we got the share of some of what we do. newt gingrich. that's it for us tonight, we're here in the rnc all week in milwaukee permit stick with us. we have updates on instagram and a course on x. remember it is america no and forever. jesse watters, he takes it from here from milwaukee. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪


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