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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 16, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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a centimeter difference and that's it. when you face that, i think your life changes. i know a lot of soldiers who talked about this and police officers. when you face this your life changes. for president trump it is a unifying thing and i think his tone and tenor will be one of yoonfication. >> lawrence: we've started to see it, brother. thank you for joining us. when can we see the latest movie? >> god is not dead. we the people is coming out september 12th. don't miss it. >> lawrence: make sure you support him. tomorrow you can see our brother, pete getting rnc reaction from voters live at the lumber inn in delafield, wisconsin. he wants you guys to come out and have breakfast with him. have a good time and he will pick up the tab for you. great show. dean. the rest of the three will be back with me tomorrow. >> bill: thank you. good morning everybody. a live look now.
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bethel park, pennsylvania, 20 minutes due south of pittsburgh, pennsylvania. and that is the home of the alleged assassin thomas crooks, age 20, now dead. his parents are cooperating with investigators. to what degree we don't know. what they are finding we don't know. they have his phone. late last night it was opened up and going through it. so far very little information is revealing as to the motive. we watch that as we continue to move into day 2 in milwaukee, wisconsin. 8:00 local time. a thunderous welcome for the former president making his first public appearance after being nearly picked off by that bullet 50 hours prior. it was a comeback that will go down in american political history. wow. good morning, everybody. i'm bill hemmer going here. >> dana: such an honor to be here with you and then with the crowd last night.
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amazing. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." such a triumphant moment and kind of emotional. i thought you could see the former president almost get a little emotional like wow, filled with gratitude that everybody had shown up here. >> bill: a great point. i thought his son eric, throughout the day. every interview he was asked, my dad is different now. he has changed. moments like that will do that. >> dana: the former president making his entrance. his right ear was wrapped in bandages and if you missed it last night we'll show you the full moment as it happened. >> donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] ♪
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♪ i thank my lucky stars, that the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today ♪ ♪ because there ain't no doubt i love this land, god bless the usa ♪
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>> we are here tonight for one purpose and that is to elect donald j. trump as the next president of the united states. he is here tonight to show his courage, his defiance against somebody who tried to kill him. you will not take this man down. he has the courage, the strength, and he will be the next president of the united states. >> bill: you can live 100 years, dana and may never see another convention moment like that. the reaction speaks for itself. it was the moment that everybody came to see, frankly. you mentioned before about how it moved you. gave everybody goosebumps. crowd chanting usa and fight, fight, fight. our look at the top of the ticket. he appeared with j.d. vance.
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>> dana: 39 years old a first millennial is on a ticket. he told sean hannity he is ready to go. >> donald trump has given me an incredible honor and we get to go and make the case to the american people that president trump's next four years can be as great as the first four years, maybe even better. >> dana: it was an incredible moment and the pick for a lot of people who don't know who j.d. vance is and learning today about his upbringing, american story, his views, right? he has had some bipartisan efforts on capitol hill. so he is an interesting and inspired pick by president trump. i think it shows that president trump was feeling bullish on his chances to win. >> bill: i think a lot of the delegates are getting to know him, too. reflected in the reaction last night. listen, there are amazing moments in convention history but that was an amazing moment
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when you think about what we've been through over the past three days and what that family has been through. here we go. you got it? >> dana: karl rove, kevin mccarthy and harold ford junior are here. first let's go to bill melugin with a look at day two. what are we looking at today, bill? >> good morning to you. tonight's theme at the rnc is make america safe once again. look, it will be hard to compete with what we just saw on the floor last night. you guys were talking about. it former president trump showed up making his first public appearance since he was shot over the weekend. this place was electric. take a look. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting usa, usa, usa] [cheers and applause]
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>> tonight's headline speaker is former u.n. ambassador nikki haley recently invited by trump campaign. we remember it. it was a brutal primary season between her and trump constantly attacking each other. trump called her bird brain and upset she stayed in the race so long. we were in the room with haley when she dropped out of the race. she didn't endorse him at the time. she told trump to earn the support of her supporters. she will be speaking tonight. a possible sign the hatchet is finally being buried. eric trump said on fox this morning it is a sign the party is coming together. >> i think it will be a great message. a warm message. nice to see. politics is brutal but it is also brutal on the other side. kamala harris who used to call joe biden a racist and everything. it happens on both sides. >> aside from nikki haley we
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expect to hear from senate candidates set to speak here tonight. a few in states that donald trump is trying to flip red. kari lake, jim justice, sam brown and dave mccormick. he was just at trump's rally in butler, pennsylvania on saturday when that attempted assassination took place. take a live look at the fiserv forum. the theme make america safe again is a heavy emphasis on crime and what we've covered on fox news the southern border. both of those topics show up as top -- earlier this morning a mom who lost her son to fentanyl spoke out on fox. >> the night he passed away he was at the university of wisconsin a few miles down the road in his dorm room. took a pill. it was fake, looked real. killed him within minutes.
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>> just about an hour ago the dnc announced they are opening up their first media campaign of attack ads against the trump/vance ticket saying they'll put up 16 billboards here in the milwaukee area attacking both donald trump and j.d. vance. the temporary pause in attack ads the dnc had after the attempted assassination, that pause is now over. send it back to you. >> bill: thank you, bill melugin here in milwaukee. >> dana: we go to alexis mcadams. more on j.d. vance. hi, alexis. >> yeah, exciting day for j.d. vance and his wife inside that rnc as he took the floor in an emotional showing there. almost looked like he would cry yesterday when everyone was cheering him on announced he was the v.p. pick. he hasn't finished his first term in the senate. he grew up in ohio could be on his way to the white house after trump picked him to be his vice presidential candidate.
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he talked to sean hannity trump giving him a call needing the midwest guy to get midwest votes. >> i think you can help me govern and win and help me in some of these midwestern like pennsylvania, michigan and so forth. >> you are looking at the new gop duo seen sitting together at the rnc. former president donald trump and ohio senator j.d. vance. what a career he has had already. he was a once fierce critic turned a loyal ally. he rose to national fame called "hillbilly elegy" and growing up in appalachia. describing how his mom left him and mom battled addiction. a marine and grad of yale law was elected to the sen a in 2022 and one of the biggest advocates of the former president's make america great again agenda. despite being in the senate for
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a short time he has a list of policy positions. he wants to close the border and finish building the wall and talks about that a lot and increase tariffs on china. he has pivoted on abortion saying it should be left to the states. trump's view on abortion will dominate this party going forward. >> his views are simple. you have to follow your heart and believe in reasonable exceptions where the american people are and you have to let individual states make this decision. >> we are waiting to see more of those billboards in milwaukee. they will be back up just a short time after they were paused by the democrats who continue to slam j.d. vance. watch. >> i think he is a ruthlessly ambitious politician who will say and do whatever he has to to get ahead. what we saw all through 2022. >> j.d. vance isn't afraid of the media videos. he will be on the campaign
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travel and hitting oklahoma for a fundraiser in the coming days. >> dana: not sure billboards will cut it when everything is looking at their phones, not looking up. >> bill: say hello to karl rove, kevin mccarthy and harold ford junior. how did we get so lucky? the big red machine here. >> we thought we saw dana come. >> dana: naturally. >> bill: "new york post" cover. everything is coming up trump. talk about classified documents, that broke on our watch yesterday. nomination and kevin to you is he three for three and not yet? >> more than that. this convention eight years ago where you had people speaking that wouldn't endorse him like ted cruz. when is a trump convention. he is stronger today. taking nothing away from j.d. vance. smart and young. it didn't matter who he picked for a v.p. this party is rallied
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around him and a unique opportunity to expand this party. when we talk about him being different i talked to him the day after he was shot and when he would tell the story of hearing the bullet, you would hear in his voice that he realizes the place that he is. i think this is much different of how he is thinking about it. in 16 he wondered when he could win. he knows he can win but he knows he can do the job and he knows what the country needs. so he is much more focused. he is more disciplined. he is a better candidate than i have seen him at any time when he served. >> dana: he seems to have the big mo but it will be a close election, right? >> we're a deeply divided country. we are talking about him being ahead by two points, three points, four points. it will be a close election. the iconic moment we saw on saturday and then how he has reacted to it. last night you picked it up.
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he was emotional and he realizes that the country needs him to be a unifying voice. let's see if he can find that unifying voice thursday night. if he does so he will rocket out of this convention. >> bill: i made the comment last night democrats are known for keeping a tight script and message and republicans go a little wobbly. that wasn't the case last night. >> good morning. thanks for having me. good to be with kevin and karl. a couple of things. i watched him last night come in as well and you used the right word, gratitude. you could see it in his eyes. the president was more subdued. i'm a democrat but i'm an american and watching him come in the room reminded me the passion we all have for our positions and our ideas should always be above anything that relates to bullets and violence. i thought every american should have been proud to watch a former president walk in after what happened 52 hours before. there will be billboards and ads. this is a time-honored tradition
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in politics. karl ran against me with candidates back then in tennessee and we went at each other on ideas. i hope that what they both do, what both campaigns do is point out the differences in the competing visions. i have to say as an american i couldn't have been prouder to see president trump walk into the arena last night. >> dana: i don't no, kevin the opposite of the big mo. biden has it. he tried to do another interview yesterday with lester holt. they are still on this topic. watch. >> you said it is time to put trump in the bull's-eye. there is some dispute about the context but i think you appreciate the word -- >> president biden: crosshairs. i guess what i was talking about at the time was there was very little focus on trump's agenda. >> the term is bull's-eye.
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>> president biden: it was a mistake to use. i didn't say crosshairs. bull's-eye. focus on him. how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? do you just not say anything? look, i -- i'm not engaged in that rhetoric. >> dana: i remember my former boss and karl's, president george w. bush said one time americans want to see a politician and a leader who knows how to get up off the mat. i feel like biden hasn't been able to do that since the debate. >> you are watching why his staff has hid him from america these numbers of years. things i saw one-on-one. he won't help himself by talking more. there is no greater contrast in policy from the border to economics to where the parties are at. his own party and his own people, only 33% support him being the nominee. they are more divided, they have a convention coming up.
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maybe they can bring it together. we're most united as a republican party. i don't think we've felt this way until after 9/11. george bush getting up to the microphone and we hear you for all america. it will still be close. if you go back eight years ago, hillary clinton was ahead by 2.6 right now. trump is ahead like that. it is much different where this president biden was four years ago ahead by eight points. it will still come down, i think the pick for the v.p. is focused on pennsylvania. come down to pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan and i think virginia is in play now, too. >> dana: looks like it. >> bill: seemed like the prime time hour was directed toward michigan last night. two everyday americans from michigan and the head of the teamsters union. his message was about the union vote and the reagan democrats. axios is reporting today the democrats -- the biden team may try to move up the schedule to put his name and nomination
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earlier than we would see in chicago in the third week of august. >> the events of the last few days have undermined to remove him from the particular it. that will go away when the republicans finish on thursday night, the momentum to do something about biden is going to continue to grow. so they will try to get ahead of that by having this so-called virtual role call in order to lock him in as the official nominee of the democratic party before they ever meet in chicago on the 19th of august. they are doing this oz tenibly because ohio had a law saying you had to name your candidate before the democrats got their convention underway. the ohio legislature changed the law so that now the deadline is september 1st. but that hasn't changed the attitude of some inside the biden campaign leadership. we ought to get the virtual
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nomination. lock him in as the nominee and kills the chance to force him out of the race. >> dana: harold, final word on where the democrats' are today. >> the white house has to get the tighter message for him. it was the wrong language. here is what i meant by that and lay out the policy differences. between this convention which i think will be a massive success for republicans you have the olympics and distractions. we'll all come together rooting for athletes and hope the country takes home golds there. karl makes the right point. if the choice of j.d. vance. i'm not certain it was the right choice for the president. it was his choice. this is about pennsylvania, michigan. democrats have to think very seriously to karl's point, i think a lot of democrats are thinking about this, is this the right ticket to combat this? the other thing when you put a 39-year-old on a ticket with almost at 80-year-old president
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with four years left he is signaling to the country and party this is the person that can take this for the next eight years. democrats have to understand an 82-year-old being on the ticket, is that the right way to go after and the challenge this ticket in the fall? big questions for us over the next few weeks. we'll see where the party ends up. i agree with karl. the stuff about him not being the nominee will continue to rise over the next few days. >> bill: great chat. >> dana: see you on "the five." harold. catch our special coverage of the rnc convention. every night at 10:00 p.m. eastern and "america's newsroom" live from milwaukee all week. catch us every morning here at 9:00 a.m. eastern and have fried for you to wrap it all up. >> bill: oh yeah. >> it's shocking. knowing that someone who grew up in the area that i go to school and graduated from there could do something like this and that he lived right across the street from me, it's shocking. >> bill: it is shocking by the day when we learn more about a
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stunning report on what went wrong at the rally. what we're finding out today about the suspect on that rooftop before he opened fire. the details are pretty outrageous. >> dana: j.d. vance is the man of the moment getting the nod at donald trump's running made. who is he? we'll do a deep dive ahead. >> bill: donald trump making history. we watched it together at the rnc arriving to a hero's welcome and bringing the crowd to its feet. only night one. more throughout the mayorkas as we look forward tonight number two here in wisconsin. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is,
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>> dana: is secret service directly was almost a no show at
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the rnc convention being slated to speak at this week's aspen security forum. the plans are now scrapped. kimberly cheatle will be in milwaukee after the failed assassination attempt and not ducking blame for this horrific event. >> who is most responsible for this happening? >> what i would say is the secret service is responsible for the protection of the former president. >> so the buck stops with you? >> buck stops with me. it was unacceptable and something that shouldn't happen again. >> dana: secret service seen surrounding trump last night amid intense -- >> bill: new video emerging shows witnesses pointing and shouting at the suspect took position on the roof. we have seen some of these videos prior but this is another clip that was revealed just about late yesterday barely moments before he opened fire. the clip is long. we want to show it to you.
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this is butler, pennsylvania, 6:15 eastern time saturday evening. >> see him? >> he is laying down. >> oh, look, there he is. >> officer. >> dangerous people. we have criminals. -- >> right there. right on the roof. he is standing up now. he is on the roof. >> bill: we've been saying for some time hundreds, thousands of these images out there. this is one of them. jonathan serrie is live in butler, pennsylvania with the latest there. >> saturday's events went
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quickly. were there any missed opportunities to prevent this shooting from even occurring? a law enforcement source tells fox news digital a local officer took a picture of a suspicious man carrying what appeared to be a range finder and showed it to state police. that happened almost 30 minutes before the shooting and citizens alerted police when they saw the gunman on the rooftop as we saw just there. the rooftop of a nearby building that ironically was being used by a police counter sniper team. in an abc news interview the head of the secret service explained why there was not a law enforcement presence on the roof. >> that building in particular has a sloped roof. at its highest point. there is a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody on a sloped roof and so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> two federal sources confirm
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reports a local officer climbed up to the roof and spotted the gunman but quickly retreated. butler county sheriff tells kdka news. the officers had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof. never made it because the shooter had turned towards the officer and rightfully and smartly the officer let go. bill and dana, this is the general area from where the bullets were fired. it was obviously an active crime scene investigation for some time after that. just this morning we saw f.b.i. agents return, remove some equipment including a ladder from the area, and this is the first time that we've seen employees returning to their workplace here. back to you. >> bill: it gets more outrageous by the day. good to have you back there on the story and the investigation. thank you. >> dana: let's bring in former f.b.i. agent, great to have you
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here, bobby. it is eerie to hear the woman screaming to the officers he is on the roof, he is standing up. he is on the roof and it was 86 seconds from when they started alerting just in that video, not to mention the one from the bbc interview the other days when he said it was three to four minutes of watching it. >> it is chilling and disturbing. not only you could hear the woman imploring the police, there is somebody up there. the concern in her voice is such that you know that they have some reason to believe this is a danger to the former president and what's even more chilling is the secret service director and get saying the roof was too dangerous. you don't secure a building from the inside. the value of that building to an adversary is the rooftop and direct line of sight to the stage. that's where you have to secure it. you scant secure it from inside.
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there are a lot of very frustrating. i watch the videos and here the secret service director stay these things and it is strange credibility. somebody has to answer. the investigation has to be transparent and know what the investigation reveals and who will be held accountable and how. >> bill: a neighbor lives across the street talking about what he thinks is going on. >> he was real quiet. he never said anything to anyone. he just kept to himself. same for the family. they kept to themselves a lot. they didn't really say a lot. but i don't think anyone would have anything negative to say about the family. >> bill: so gained access to thomas crooks phone yesterday and continue to -- 1 hundred interviews conducted by the f.b.i. continue to review incoming digital media tips. still no motive on that phone
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apparently, either. >> yeah, that's going to be -- motive is a tough thing. he hated the president. there is an implied motive that they wanted to stop donald trump from becoming president again. that's implied by why else would you want to kill this particular person? the only other person going to become president other than joe biden. those are the two only possibilities. to try to kill donald trump, the implied motive is you don't want him to become president. you hate him so much to the extend and it is disturbing the rhetoric that not only was before and even still i see every day on twitter and x people saying too bad he missed. people in positions of responsibility, by the way. it's why the investigation by secret service and f.b.i. is important. we have to make sure going forward between now and november it doesn't happen again. the rhetoric hasn't been tampered down. >> dana: bobby, thank you so much. we'll be back in touch as this investigation is in a way just getting started. thank you. >> president biden: i will debate him when we agree to
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debate and i will debate him in september. >> but if the opportunity came up to do one between now and then? is there a sense of wanting to get back on the horse? >> i'm on the horse. where have you been? >> bill: some describe that as combative in the prime time interview a day after calling for cooler temperatures in american politics. did that interview backfire? plus a fierce trump critic to republican running mate, to now his v.p. pick. who is j.d. vance and how will he impact the ticket? bret baier is up early with us and coming on next. >> he calls you and you are like okay, this is the call or maybe not the call. >> or maybe a bad call. the call whether good or bad. then he has me put my 7-year-old son on the phone. takes the time to talk to my 7-year-old. it is a moment i will never forget. ecause of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma
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>> we're here tonight for one purpose and that is to elect donald j. trump as the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] he is here tonight to show his courage, his defiance. >> bill: this was the moment former president trump came on and shook j.d. vance's hand. first time as running mates. he is 39, freshman senator. bret baier is with us now, good morning to you, sir. we did not have lee greenwood live on the schedule last night. >> bret: the little riffing in between had a song and riff. >> bill: one thing we were talking about. the house band is pretty good especially for a convention, they are excellent. >> dana: i can't wait until tonight. >> bill: here is vance on his upbringing. >> i grew up in a poor family. i remember when my grandmother
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who raised me used to negotiate with the meals and wheels people to give her additional food so she could feed me. how does a family like that deal with joe biden's grocery price inflation and gasoline and energy price inflation? it has gotten more expensive just the live a good life in this country. donald trump and i want to make that better and we have policies to make it better. democrats have lies and distortions. >> bill: nothing like a 20-minute heads up before you get the big notice. how will he do? >> listen, his story is really interesting. his upbringing obviously in poor appalachian community. goes on to school, lawyer, marine, is accomplished. his wife clerked for supreme court justice john roberts. the highest of the hierarchy of clerks in the supreme court. very accomplished lawyers.
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three kids. he identifies with rust belt blue collar workers. they will stick him on a bus in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, back to pennsylvania and go back to pennsylvania and i actually think that he is going to help in that aspect of it. there were some concerns about some of the things he said before. but he has gone from never trumper to full on trumper and how this relationship evolved is really interesting. i think the former president trusts him. >> dana: the youth and vigor is to be part of an invigorating moment of the whole day and last night. somebody wrote president trump up staged him. obviously that would be the case and should be the case. i want to show you this. some montage of some of the media ripping j.d. vance. the unity didn't last too long. >> even before we have the
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election. >> he is unqualified. singular issue. >> he is picking a vice president who has pledged 100% loyalty to the cult of donald trump. >> he would never stand for the constitution before he would stand for donald trump. >> senator vance assumed the presidency say in the short term in the next year or two he would be one of both the least experienced and youngest presidents ever. >> bill: the coffee wasn't even cold. >> bret: it didn't last the whole unity thing didn't last. remember all the experience questions about barack obama when he becomes the nominee? i don't think i heard a lot of that. and those people are not marines, either, who volunteered after 9/11. there is a lot here that will be vetted out. >> bill: a know a lot about his hometown, middletown, ohio. i will give you a sense of where he comes from. in the meantime joe biden did an interview and we'll see him again today. here he is with lester holt. some people thought it was combative.
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i will let you decide. >> obama put out a statement after the debate but should he and michelle obama be doing more to express their confidence in you? >> they are helping me and helped me from the beginning. this is my job to get this done. >> have you talked to him recently about this? >> i haven't talked to him in a couple of weeks. i'm on the horse, where have you been. i can answer any questions at all. sometimes come and talk to me about the issues. >> that was the end of the interview. get one hit in there at the end. it appears that he and obama haven't spoken since the debate. >> appears he hasn't watched the full debate. he said again he was asked whether he watched the debate. and he said only clips. listen, i'm not sure these interviews are helping him, i really don't. that said, i hope he comes on special report or here on "america's newsroom." he is invited. mr. president, we would love to have you.
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i'm not sure that this is, you know, working on their effort to try to quell the upset in the democratic party. we have a long way to go before the democratic convention. a lot can happen. there is still an effort to get him off that ballot and it is real and not going away. >> dana: the money could be drying up. we'll have more on that by the end of the month when they report. we'll see you on special report. i will sit where you are. disturbing new details in the attempted assassination of donald trump. why the crowd who spotted the gunman over the minute before shots were fired was ignored. >> right there, see him? he is laying down. >> yeah, he is laying down.
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>> dana: the secret service under mounting pressure to explain the huge lapse in security at the trump rally in pennsylvania over the weekend. a former counter assault team leader is here. what's the first question you would love to ask the secret service director when she testifies on monday? >> what i would like to know specifically is i know she talked about no one was on the roof because of an angle. why wasn't eyes on that roof? it was too close to even concentrate that it is not a threat. that would be my number one
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question to identify why wasn't something there? why wasn't a law enforcement officer? i do have to give accolades to all those that reacted so swiftly and the fact the director took full responsibility for it. it looks like it was too close for comfort in my perspective. >> bill: there was apparently behind closed doors meeting today with members of the secret service and maybe the head and members of congress today. i have to think some details will leak out. what we've seen and heard, it gets more and more outrageous by the day, sir. >> yeah. it is kind of unbelievable. when we go and do protection, there is a timeline. we are there for quite some time. i would like to know is the assets available during that day. looking at the specifics of the event. you have on the back end of it the convention, which is a lot of manpower. i know they said they didn't ask for specific numbers and they
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never denied it. when it comes to this, there is a package, right? a pre-set idea of what you will have for each event. with something like this it would be interesting to find out if this was a threat and i know they had law enforcement was supposed to be there. what was the follow through? did someone do the check? someone has to sign off on that. the fact it was a potential threat and they know that, again, who signed off? whose responsibility was that? overall it's the secret service. the people on the ground did an amazing job. the advance work is so critical. everything that comes up to the event that secures the event. when it comes to the day of, that is something that flows, it's the practice. when you practice to be perfect that's what they try to do for the week trier property event. who is responsible and who was supposed to be there. all kinds of rumors. i know that those guys are extremely professional and did their job and like to understand who was supposed to be there at that time. this is a big event that
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happened. what is happening next? >> dana: but keith, ever since 9/11 we have this phrase that we've all learned, if you see something, say something. and citizens on the ground, rally goers were pointing to him on the roof. and we had the bbc interview as well saying guys trying to get officers' attention to try to do something about that. is there some sort of a lack of rules of engagement? is there something that needs to be changed on that front? >> communication, 100%. that brings up a very good point. how many different communication methods are there? is there a relay? do you have to go from a to b or a to c with radio communication. by the time it happens something like this could happen. it's another great question you need to ask. what was the communication policy and procedure for that? you're right. everything you see people are identifying this guy before he set up. 150 yards you should be able to see that immediately.
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>> bill: hundreds of people, in fact. late last night while everybody was watching the convention the secret service put out a statement of support for local police. really important because they have been pointing fingers at each other for several days now and as i mentioned at the outset we learn more and more each day and learn more today. keith, thank you for coming on. he took us through that today. thank you, sir. more on this investigation with el el elice -- day two and night two and guess who is on stage this evening? nikki haley and maybe the first lady.
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new details emerging as we learn more about the 20-year-old man identified as the trump rally shooter.


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