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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 16, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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new details emerging as we learn more about the 20-year-old man identified as the trump rally shooter. multiple points of failure by
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the u.s. secret service. we're learning the f.b.i. interviewed a local officer who says thomas crooks -- saw thomas crooks but retreated. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good to be with you the second hour. here we go. >> bill: second hour on day two. i'm bill hemmer, good morning. f.b.i. finally gaining access to the gunman's locked cell phone tracking his digital footprint while searching his family home. so far interviewed 1 hundred people seeking anyone who came in contact with him and so far no clues about a possible motive that we're aware of. >> dana: the failed assassination attempt putting a sharp focus on secret service leadership amid calls for the director to resign. this new video reveals the gunman was spotted on the roof nearly 90 seconds before he took aim and opened fire. >> he is laying down. >> yeah, he is laying down.
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>> that's happening? wow. yeah, look, there he is. officer! up on the roof. >> up here. >> he is on the roof. right there. right on the roof. he is getting up now. >> bill: the further we get away from it the more eerie the sounds appear to be. david spunt, justice department. more on the investigation now and david, good morning to you. >> that's just one angle from one cell phone. f.b.i. sources say are looking through multiple different cell phone videos, multiple different angles to try to put together the timeline before this happened. 1 hundred people, more than 1 hundred people interviewed and fox news can report this morning one of those is that local police officer that went up to
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the roof, saw crooks armed and then retreated away only to hear the gunshots just seconds later when president trump was hit, when corey comperatore was killed and two others were injured. right now in quantico, virginia, not far from washington, d.c. the f.b.i. pouring through his cell phone, pouring through crooks's cell phone. who was he talking to? pictures, videos, emails. they want to know if other people may have known about this plan. this investigation certainly is far from over. this morning f.b.i. agents were on scene at the agr building. the building where crooks stood on the roof. that's in butler. it's very close to the site, obviously where he fired his ar-15 style rifle according to police. employees are back at work for the first time today since the shooting. sources tell fox the building where he stood outside the perimeter was the responsibility of local authorities and we reported first yesterday local police used it as a staging
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ground. police were actually near or even in the building and still millsed the suspect on the roof. the secret service under increasing specter to explain. the director will be answering for the deadly mistake to lawmakers later today. they walked in and out of crooks home and explosive material found in his home and ieds in his car at the f.b.i. lab in quantico, virginia. the crooks family is cooperating with authorities. the gun was bought legally in 2013 by his father. more than a dozen guns in the home. crooks bought multiple rounds of ammunition before saturday's shooting and belonged to a local firing range. the site of the shooting still a crime scene. now police were told that they saw a suspicious person in and around the mag -- it turns the
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person was crooks. many questions. those questions we'll hear posed to secret service director kim cheatle meeting virtually with lawmakers today but next monday appear before the house oversight committee and expect intense questions and a lot of criticism from both sides of the aisle. she said in an interview last night she will not step down but the buck does stop with her. >> bill: we'll play more of that for you coming up. seems like he was hiding in plain sight. >> please welcome the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> dana: an electric moment at the rnc, tens of thousands of republicans uniting behind former president trump here in milwaukee and his new running mate senator j.d. vance. it was just 48 hours after a gunman nearly assassinated the
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former president in pennsylvania and we're gearing up for another big day in milwaukee. the agenda is jam-packed. today's focus is make america safe once again. congresswoman elise stefanik a republican from new york and somebody -- i don't know if you will be there, maybe not. your prosecution of witnesses in these congressional hearings is something that everyone has taken notice of. kimberly cheatle in an interview yesterday before she talks to house investigators. watch. you don't have that. all right. this is what she said is that she does plan to stay on. she appreciates the secretary's comments. we'll continue to be transparent and communicate with people. what are the questions you would ask her? >> many questions. more questions than answers particularly the video footage you played earlier of the fact that visitors and attendees at the rally were pointing out the gunman and assassin and on top
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of the roof. we need to make sure it never happens again. it is members of congress who will do our oversight responsibility and ask those tough questions. the american people deserve answers and there needs to be accountability when there are these law enforcement failures to improve to make sure it never happens again. my colleagues on the house oversight committee are looking forward to the opportunity to ask those questions on behalf of the american people. >> dana: you called for the university presidents to resign in the wake of the protests where they did not protect jewish students. do you think she should resign? >> i think depending upon how she answers the question i think it needs to be considered for her to resign. we need to get more answers. a lot will come out when members have the opportunity to ask those questions. >> bill: we'll cover it on monday. it will be live and a lot of people will be watching it. millions of americans. let's talk about what's happening here. national review, our new right is what the national review calls it. donald trump, j.d. vance and the transformation of the gop and
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conservative movement. think of where he was in 2016 going into cleveland, ohio. the governor john kasich didn't show up. half the ohio delegation was absent for most of that convention. and now you have this third time he is the nominee. is he right about this new right in that article there? >> this is a growing republican party because of president trump's leadership. look at the historic support of african-american and hispanic voters and states coming online that democrats have taken for granted for years, places like minnesota where president trump is ahead. even in my home state of new york think about this. president trump is polling in single digits. every swing district in new york state president trump is winning. districts that joe biden won by 15, 17 points. it shows he is growing the republican party and it also shows that today's democrat party under joe biden is becoming radical and far left and i think that very much ties into dana referenced the college presidents and university presidents. that is a radicalized unamerican
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viewpoint and strain in today's democrat party but deeply out of touch with hard working americans. this is a unifying event. what a powerful night for president trump and the american people to see that sign of strength and unity last night. people are excited. the american people are tuning in. i know my constituents at home are so excited to be here or watching. >> bill: new york has a front row seat. a long time -- i think you kicked california to the back row there. they were first in 2016. >> dana: we've been following the youth vote, hispanics and blacks. i want to ask you about other constituents that you represent in some of these districts in new york. jewish americans. tonight and today the focus at the convention is make america safe again and many jewish americans today don't feel safe. will that come up? >> it will come up and a theme of what i talk about as one of the keynote speakers for the house republican leadership. we're standing up for all americans, particularly jewish americans under physical and
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verbal harassment on college campuses. president trump stands strongly with the jewish people and condemns anti-semitism and the greatest ally for israel. we're growing the party and as you look at the polling differences jewish americans are voting republican because they know we'll stand strong and stand up for what's morally right when condemning anti-semitism. >> bill: how tough will we get on the rhetoric regarding crime? coming in on sunday everybody said they are rewriting the speeches and talk about unity in light of what happened saturday night. >> there is a discussion of results of joe biden's failed policy and take my home state of new york. we have a crime crisis in new york state. a max exodus of new yorkers, young women raped and murdered. jewish americans getting harassed, physically assaulted. the smash and grabs. that's a result of democrats'
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failed policies. defund the police policies and rhetoric which is part of joe biden's democrat party. we see it in new york state and one of the reasons why the polling is moving. we believe that victims need to have a voice. family members need to have a voice who have been impacted by this surge in violent crime resulting from pro-criminal instead of pro-victim policies. >> dana: you include the open border in that? >> absolutely. i will touch on that as well as any other speakers. every state is a border state now. not just the southern and northern border states. people forget along the northern border that i represent we have the highest rate of illegal crossings on the northern border ever in our nation's history. of course, the southern border, historic number of millions of illegals pouring across and front and center for all americans. >> bill: thanks for coming on today. >> dana: we'll watch you today. >> bill: thank you. i want to get to grady trimble now with more on what we can expect from the rnc today.
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day two. good morning. >> good morning to you, bill. you know, we just heard from the congresswoman talking about giving a voice to americans and to that end we expect relatives of victims of migrant crime, criminal justice advocates, justice reform advocates as well as people who have lost loved ones to fentanyl overdoses to be among the everyday americans speaking today. here in wisconsin they have personally experienced crime. in some cases very high profile crimes. here is a father who lost his 8-year-old son when a repeat offender drove through a christmas parade not far from here in waukesha three years ago. >> our system is broken in some sense. we need bail reform. we need to be harder on crime. we can't let, you know, criminals who have such a past and we should have a system in place in order to identify these things and make sure they can't hurt us. >> but democrats, including the
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mayor of this city, don't seem to think crime is such a big deal. >> we've seen crime trend down year-over-year in milwaukee. i don't think there is really much to touch in terms of public safety when you compare the policies, when you compare the records of donald trump and joe biden. joe biden is the clear winner in terms of reducing violent crime in the united states in his presidency. >> and on the border in his first interview since former president trump chose him as his running mate j.d. vance called for deporting illegal migrants starting with the most violent people. he also spoke about making it more difficult for people who are here illegally to work saying it undercuts wages for american-born workers. looking ahead to tonight, bill, maybe the most notable speaker is former south carolina governor nikki haley. we saw her and former president trump trade jabs but it seems like the message from both of
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them as well as the rnc at large is we're letting bygones be bygones, moving on. a display of the republican party's unity as we hear for calls for unity across the country after the attempted assassination of former president trump. >> bill: nice to see you today here in milwaukee, grady trimble. >> americans need to have the confidence they can go to a political rally and not be shot at. for heaven sake what is going on. it needs to be done in public. >> dana: anger boiling over on capitol hill after the assassination attempt on donald trump. will there be any accountability for this tragedy? the latest on the search for answers next. >> bill: we're hearing the widow from a heroic firefighter killed in the rally. what she is now saying as our coverage from the republican national convention continues here in milwaukee.
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>> the shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion. by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president. >> dana: the director of the secret service is under pressure following the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. as lawmakers demand answers how this tragedy could have happened. chad pergram is live on the hill with more. will they get some answers? >> good morning, dana. bipartisan lawmakers are seething over what went wrong, secret service director kimberly cheatle appears for a hearing monday before the house oversight committee. cheatle says she will not
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resign. >> the buck stops with me. i'm the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable and it is something that shouldn't happen again. we'll be transparent both internally with my own folks and externally with members of congress and the american public. that's what the public deserves. >> two virtual briefings today for two separate house committees. homeland security committee and oversight committee. lawmakers are mystified at the spectacular level of security failures. >> they are all appalled someone could climb that roof and be noticed and stay on that roof for so long without anyone doing anything about it with the president of the united states speaking just 150 yards from there. >> comer is requesting all documents and recordings related to the rally and wants a list of all personnel and their responsibilities. local law enforcement may also face questions. >> i want to talk to the local police officer who confronted
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the bad guy, who confronted the assassin. i would love to talk to the secret service agent who took the shot who took out the bad guy. how soon did he know? all those are important questions we need answers to to find out what went wrong here. >> now the senate homeland security committee plans a hearing before august 1st. the house judiciary committee hears from f.b.i. director christopher wray next wednesday. that hearing was already planned but there will be lots of questions about the shooting. dana. >> dana: chad pergram on the hill. thank you. >> bill: charles moreno, national security analyst. appreciate your time. back to kim cheatle on abc. she takes the blame. >> the buck stops with me. i am the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable and it is something that shouldn't happen again. >> the president and homeland security secretary said today they had 100% confidence in you but there are some members of
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congress calling on you to resign. >> i appreciate the secretary's comments and we'll continue to communicate with people. >> so you plan to stay on? >> i do plan to stay on. >> there is no reason for these investigations to drag on. we are talking about the overarching security plan that failed at a single site here and it is what needs to be looked at. did the secret service put together a solid plan here? we know they are dedicated to doing the job. we saw the reaction of the agents as they protected the former president down on the ground and got him out of harm's way. but this is a question about das the secret service come out as a stronger agency from all of this? and is the current director the right person to continue to lead the agency? congress is going to make that decision. >> dana: secretary mayorkas said i have 100% confidence. no problem here. obviously there was a problem.
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>> yeah, there was a big problem. look, a lot of things need to be looked at besides the overarching security plan that failed. they have to look at what is the hiring. is the secret service resourced the right way? are they funded the right way? is training up to par? are the operational standards for these protectees up to par with what is required? there are questions about former president trump's detail and was it staffed accordingly. all of this will be discussed and come out. at the end of the day the secret service is too important of an agency within the department of homeland security with respect to the continuance of our democracy here in the country. i know the secret service is viewed as one of many components under dhs. that needs to stop. they are the u.s. secret service. there should be no limit on what they need regarding funding and resourcing to accomplish their
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mission. it is too important of a mission for this country. >> bill: what does your hunch tell you. investigators were on the ground for three days. they can look through technology starting saturday night. i'm certain they did. what is your hunch on how far they are in getting their answers? >> well, as far as the operational plan and the review of that, that should be very simple. the documents have been requested. of course, state and local law enforcement provides a great deal of assistance to the secret service not only in pennsylvania, but around the country. and the secret service owns that. they are the ones that request that staffing. they are the one with the statutory authority to protect the former president and they are the ones that create and own that overall security plan. so the police are really there at their direction and the secret service needs to take the hit on this.
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but there will be technology questions that come up and whether or not the use of technology was there. and if it wasn't, that's a question that will have to be answered by the director. >> dana: chuck moreno, thank you for joining us today as we work to get answers. thank you. >> thank you. >> we have close to 100,000 americans dying of drug overdoses every year. most brought in by mexican drug cartels manufactured in china and brought in by the cartels. do you have a personal -- my mom struggled with addiction for a big chunk of my early life. >> dana: j.d. vance revealing personal details of his life taking a deep dive into trump's running mate and the campaign to make america safe again. the widespread security threats from coast to coast and around the globe, pete hegseth is up next. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> dana: make america safe again is today's theme at the rnc with immigration and border security top concerns for republicans. as more americans lost their lives to crimes committed by illegal immigrants, vice presidential candidate vance telling hannity what he thinks he needs to be done. >> what do you do with the 11 million people? i think it's more than that right now. number one start with the most violent people with criminal records and you have to be willing to deport them. the second thing is we have to make it hard for illegal aliens to work in our country. it undercuts the wages of american workers, invites more people to come in illegally and if you make it hard for people to work a lot of them will go back anyway. >> dana: pete hegseth, we're hear to talk about making america safe again. the mayor of milwaukee did a press conference saying crime is down, everything is fine. >> classic, tell that to the people of milwaukee or the people that visit milwaukee.
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we're in a city that is locked down now. >> dana: the stores aren't even open. >> it is no man's land. he will be an amazing spokesman for donald trump. donald trump tamped into speaking for the gotten men and women. j.d. vance grew up as a forgotten man and woman. understands what it is like to be poor and have financial and physical insecurity inside your own family and community. tapping into rural communities who feel invaded by drugs, inner city communities invaded by gangs and crime. communities invaded by illegals and migrants and ignored taking over schools and opportunities. he has a unique opportunities to be the right hand man to trump. if you don't have financial or physical security you don't stère anything. right now we don't have either of those in country. the mayor of milwaukee and mayor of chicago can tell us something
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else. the people of milwaukee and chicago no better and i think will vote differently. >> bill: i don't get a sense that all the delegates know vance that well. i think wednesday night is a big moment for him. this is his introduction night. the only comparison i think i can find now is the 2008 sarah palin, st. paul, minnesota. america didn't know who he was. >> dana: he is a best selling author. >> bill: but in terms of policies and supports and brings to the ticket i think wednesday night is big for you. >> i agree with you. sarah palin, there will be moments like that and i think he will be remembered for on wednesday night. i think you are right. we all watched the channel and watched tim scott and -- who is
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he. what is the central message what he will bring? every word he says will be parse had and what he said with sean we'll start with illegals and deport them. that's different than donald trump saying mass deportations. everything will be parsed and dug into. i have think -- i agree it is a really important speech and set the tone of tenor of his candidacy at the vice president and a debate with kamala harris, too. >> dana: as we came on the air msnbc had pulled morning joe for the day. >> it's delightful. >> dana: joe scarborough not happy about that. call for number four here. >> we'll talk about it on the air. we talk about everything on the air. we were very surprised, we were very disappointed and if we had known that there wasn't going to be the one news feed from nbc news across all nbc news channels we would have been in yesterday morning.
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>> network tone down coverage. staffers were peeved at the decision after pulling morning joe. >> what a display of a lack of trust for your flagship program. if something had happened to joe biden and they said steve doocy and brian kilmeade take the morning off. that tells you how they feel about these anchors. i think it tells you they have a sense that they know certain people have gnarly, nasty cases of trump derangement syndrome and doesn't allow them to be wise and fair in moments it calls for that. our anchors do so well. the other networks have lost their minds so much that executives may start to notice it. that just doesn't happen. to go on the air and criticize and you said this before this segment it is clearly open season to talk about your own network. >> dana: remember what happened when they tried to hire ronna mcdaniel. there was a mutiny.
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>> bill: scarborough went on x on sunday and said i'm praying for donald trump and his family. executives said you aren't good enough? we'll stay in the breaking news mode here and not give you the opportunity? >> it should be offensive to the spence built of an anchor who is supposed to be trying to represent news but they know -- these executive knows who morning joe is and what they were prone to say. it should have frankly all the networks should have pulled off the view and joy reid. >> bill: what officials might be learning as of today. the political contrast count be starker. republicans uniting in force behind donald trump.
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>> he is laying down. >> what's happening? >> look, there he is. >> officer!
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>> he is on the roof. he is right on the roof. he is standing up. >> bill: doesn't get more obvious than that. one of the many videos we're taking in. so many images from it. moments before that shot rung out. chilling new video coming to light from pennsylvania. the gunman spotted on the roof barely a minute before he opened fire. i believe they said it was 86 seconds later after you watched that video there. martha maccallum is here with us back here in milwaukee. hello to you. just made the observation with dana last hour. the more we see these images and hear his voice in the background echoing through the field the further we get from it, it actually gets more eerie to me. when you realize how close we were to watching an international tragedy. >> absolutely. i'm so struck by all this video. you have all these people who go to a trump rally, every one of
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them have their phone out. every day we see new images of what happened there and you think about j.f.k. and daily plaza. we have so many clear images of this shooter and his positioning and the people who were around him and what they knew and what they were saying and who they were saying it to. it is extraordinary. i was talking to someone on the bush detail last night who was saying that it's clear to him. he said i don't like to criticize. clear to him the standards have slipped. and there is complacency and that what happens when nothing like this has happened for 43 years and no institutional memory in the organization of the feeling when reagan was shot. and i think we got to a point where we felt it wasn't going to happen anymore in america and it has. >> dana: a september 10th mentality. everything is fine. he is fine. everybody loves him here.
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it will be fine. can you describe what it was like for this crowd, for the first time seeing him and when he popped up on that jumbotron behind us and you see him and you saw the bandage, i mean, i don't know if i could put into words so i won't make you try. >> you know what? it was a moment. i think i've been having other people outside sending me the videos of last night, you know, did you see it? what was it like to be in there and feel it? there are very few moments like this in history. last night was clearly one of them. watching him walk into this arena with that bandage on his ear and he did have a different kind of demeanor on his face. you could tell he was clearly moved listening to that song which has been his walk-on song for all of these years and greeting the people. >> dana: and he was this close to not being here. >> that's right. >> dana: he knew it. he has the gratitude. he soaked in the moment.
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nothing was rushed at that time. >> that's exactly right. and i think that, you know, how could it not have just a lasting impact on you when you are so right? we all know how close we were to having these days be something completely different. >> bill: that's right. speaking of completely different let's talk about this campaign. i want to read two things to you real quick. "politico." jonathan martin. former speaker nancy pelosi convinced biden will lose has been working the phones since june 27th in hopes of finding way to ease him off the ticket. cnn this morning the banner at the bottom of the screen had the word nudge in quotes. democrats try to nudge biden off the stage and crossing now. adam schiff, "new york times," apparently warning of a wipe-out for democrats if biden remains in the race. >> dana: and schiff close to pelosi. >> nancy pelosi would never bring a vote to the floor as
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speaker unless she knew it would pass. they is looking at the vote for joe biden and fearing it will not pass. she is like don't bring the vote to the floor. don't let him run because he will lose is what we're learning from all of this. >> bill: if he were to drop out, think about the complications that may follow. who fills his slot? do you have a better chance of success with him or without him? >> two days ago i couldn't help but think we were in a situation where you have no nominees on either side. and think of the chaos. this is as tragic and historic a few days as this has been for donald trump, the wind has been at his back, the case was dropped against him yesterday. he has had an extraordinary -- you can't compete with what is happening with him politically and you put on the other side of the equation that joe biden, the president of the united states, had a bad night, a bad debate and said when you get knocked out you get back up and days
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later president trump is on the ground as a shooter has been firing and gets back up. tough to compete with. >> dana: it is amazing. i said this last hour president trump has the big mo and biden has whatever the opposite of that is and taking on water. i'm in a small camp of people. i don't think he will end up being the democratic nominee. you want the secret password to my camp? >> bill: see you at 3:00 on "the story." see you in prime time today also. have a great day. >> who do you listen to on deeply personal issues like the decisions whether to stay in the race or not? >> me. look, i've been doing this a long time. >> dana: top of ticket drama as we were talking about is brewing for the democrats. dnc might have found a way to squash the rebellion against president biden. details on the potential early
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>> harris: new evidence in the attempt on president trump's life shows a stunning breakdown in security. it is unacceptal and americans can't stand for this. all this taxpayer money and we nearly lost trump. plus the former president brought down the house last night when he took the stage with his brand-new running mate. if you thought democrats were going to tone down the rhetoric, forget about it. they immediately went right after senator j.d. vance. caroline sunshine with the trump campaign, congressman mike waltz and marc thiessen. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: anti-trump protests intensifying in milwaukee. griff jenkins is on that detail. how is it going outside the
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perimeter? >> good morning, bill. mayor johnson gave us an update on the protests yesterday here at city hall saying that there is only one arrest, no significant property damage and no one was injured. but take a look again at the footage. it was anything but toned down. we marched with the protestors. they came within feet of where you are there and the rhetoric against trump in the wake of being shot was extremely hot, even blaming trump's own rhetoric for the attempt on his life. meanwhile mayor johnson, who runs this democratic city in a swing state struggled with crime took a shot at one of the biggest speakers at the rnc, senator tim scott. you recall he made trump's short list is holding an event today to black voters. >> even though mr. trump is supposedly trying to make inroads with african-americans, i don't buy that. i just don't. so as much as i can appreciate
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the efforts of senator scott as i said before, i don't think he has the juice. i think donald trump recognizes he doesn't have a juice. >> we'll see what senator scott has to say about that later today, bill, as president biden is in las vegas today reaching out to the naacp at their convention trying to make up for lost ground among black voters. >> bill: we'll watch it. griff jenkins in milwaukee. thanks. >> dana: over to the democratic national committee. the scoop from axios, alex thompson this morning. how the dnc plans to run out the clock for biden. he joins us now. they are quietly steaming ahead with plans to technically nominate president biden before the june 27th debate. this was -- there was no move to push him out really then. after the debate there was a move. now you have this amazing performance by donald trump last night. the party, this energy, and so
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now you hear the dnc is trying to speed it up. >> a democratic rebellion inside the party that joe biden's team is trying to put down and end once and for all. they know he doesn't become the nominee until a month from now, four weeks from now and make sure he is the nominee as soon as possible and basically say it is over. i'm in the race. you notice that joe biden has continued to say i'm staying in. i'm staying in. i'm staying in. democrats are is that your final decision? it is an effort to move this and do electronic voting on the nomination. do the roll call vote as early as august 5th if not earlier. >> bill: that's a monday. looking at the calendar. right now biden is expected to speak in chicago on august 22nd, that thursday night. five weeks and two days from now. ohio had this law august 7th you had to report by then and so they sped it up for that. is this the same vehicle perhaps? >> that happened before the debate in may. ohio changed its law. it is no longer an issue that they have to resolve.
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ohio fixed it. the internal conversations that we have reported say they don't really -- >> dana: the rebellion within the party growing or shrinking? >> i think they are quiet right now. i think there is lots -- i know there is lots happening. >> bill: if they push him aside, what happens? >> it will be chaos. kamala harris would be the frontrunner bust she will have a very critical week or two right after that where she has to answer questions about the president's mental fitness and her role if she has any stumbles. >> dana: do you think democrats will lose everything if biden remains about the -- >> he is very close to nancy pelosi, adam schiff. >> dana: i love it when i'm right. >> bill: come back with more when you have it. okay? nice to see you. >> dana: thank you so much. >> bill: before we go, even in
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milwaukee before we go. >> dana: we love the band. the house band here at the convention. they are very, very good. >> bill: you tell me what song do you want to hear tonight? >> dana: we make a request to the house band. play for me "take it easy" by the eagles would be great. >> bill: i would say play the entire greatest hits album from the eagles. can you imagine witchy woman in a place like this? life in the fast lane? >> dana: they could do hotel california, the long version. we don't have to waste time. we have to get going. a great morning. today is make america safe again is the theme here at the rnc and see you throughout the day. i will be on "the five" and special coverage and you will be on the floor tonight. >> bill: talk with the delegates grow more and more throughout the evening and fill up all the aisles on wednesday and thursday is the big nights. >> dana: we'll turn it over to harris, here she is. >> harris: breaking news


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