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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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milwaukee before we go. >> dana: we love the band. the house band here at the convention. they are very, very good. >> bill: you tell me what song do you want to hear tonight? >> dana: we make a request to the house band. play for me "take it easy" by the eagles would be great. >> bill: i would say play the entire greatest hits album from the eagles. can you imagine witchy woman in a place like this? life in the fast lane? >> dana: they could do hotel california, the long version. we don't have to waste time. we have to get going. a great morning. today is make america safe again is the theme here at the rnc and see you throughout the day. i will be on "the five" and special coverage and you will be on the floor tonight. >> bill: talk with the delegates grow more and more throughout the evening and fill up all the aisles on wednesday and thursday is the big nights. >> dana: we'll turn it over to harris, here she is. >> harris: breaking news this
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hour. the secret service under a harsh microscope. what did they do wrong? evidence reveals a shocking collapse as former president trump's life weighed in the balance. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." i'm live above the convention floor here at the rnc in milwaukee. more video has come out. it was taken before the terrifying assassination attempt on the former president trump. you have to watch this. we'll watch it together. it seems to suggest -- of course we haven't heard officially from authorities but we have our own eyes. watch for yourself. the attempted assassination could have been stopped before the man fired. look at the people in the crowd pointing out the assassin on the rooftop before shots rang out. here is a witness. >> i turned around and it was -- we saw a younger kid running through the crowd and somebody had spoke up and said the guy had a gun. at first i just thought it was
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somebody trying to get a better vantage point of the rally and i didn't think too much of it. i went back to listening to trump. and then once somebody said that he had a gun, all chaos ensued and everybody was screaming at the cops to get over there. a small crowd around us. the rest of the crowd was also trying to tell them, he is right there. he is right there. and it seems like there was enough time that, you know -- >> harris: those words were chilling. and you know what? so are these. they come from intelligence agencies warning the f.b.i. and dhs remain concerned about the potential for follow on or retaliatory acts of violence following the attack. particularly given that individuals in some online communities have threatened, encouraged or referenced act of violence in response to the attempted assassination. david spunt is live at the justice department for the
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latest on the investigation. david. >> the f.b.i. continues to pour through the phone of thomas crooks, the 20-year-old alleged shooter at quantico, virginia looking through text messages, emails. the secret service director says she won't step down. >> the secret service is responsible for protection of the former president. >> the buck stops with you? >> the buck stops with me. i am the director of the secret service. it is unacceptable and something that shouldn't happen again. >> she will appear virtually before congress in the next few hours. the new york citing reports that cheatle got her job thanks to pushes by first lady jill biden's staff. they were looking at the agr building where crooks fired his rifle according to police.
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employees are back at work at that building since the shooting. fox told the f.b.i. interviewed the local law enforcement officer who reportedly saw crooks before the shooting on the roof and then retreated. only moments later did crooks open fire. investigators try to piece together how he could get on the roof and take a shot. before the rally began people reported to police a suspicious person near the -- pacing around. the man turned out to be thomas crooks who later took shots. a live look at his house in bethel park, pennsylvania south of pittsburgh. his family is cooperating with authorities. the gun was bought legally in 2000 by crooks' father. crooks bought multiple rounds of ammunition shortly before saturday's shooting and also belonged to a local firing range. a lot of blame going around and finger pointing in washington. secret service director kim
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cheatle will a appear in public before congress next monday and face intense questions from republicans and democrats. harris. >> harris: i hope they are intense. my goodness. david spunt, thank you. several congressional committees want answers as well and justice where warranted and launching their own investigation into what went wrong with the hearing that will begin as early as next week. mike waltz is with me in person. a member of the house intel committee. haven't seen you for awhile. a terrific venue to have this conversation. they'll talk safety tonight. how about keep america's presidents safe plural. what do you think about this moving onto the hill? what will we see as an american public. >> i'm on the oversight committee and have director cheatle, the secret service
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director before our committee next monday or tuesday under the leadership of jamie comer. i came out on sunday after talking to agents directly involved with the president's detail who were frustrated, angry, upset because they had repeatedly asked their headquarters for more resources for trump's detail and were denied there and denied at dhs. then mayorkas goes on cnn and says congressman waltz is irresponsible and it is false. he is saying his own agents are wrong. so we will get to the bottom of it. we'll put a spotlight on it. >> harris: what you are telling me now and confirming this all on "the faulkner focus." you have spoken with people that he also could be talking to, right? so he knows what the truth is. >> in writing and verbally they've asked for more resources for trump. you don't just give the same security package to jimmy carter as you do to trump with his residences and rallies and not
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only domestic and foreign threats from the iranians who are openly talking about trying to assassinate him as well. and what happens when they don't get those resources? you are reliant on local law enforcement to supplement like the building where the shooter was. we all love our local cops but they aren't trained at the level of the secret service. i predict that is going to be at the heart of the matter. >> harris: i want to look at this. a group of 27 texas lawmakers and candidates for office who wrote a letter calling for one state democrat, jasmine crockett, to resign saying it is because she co-sponsored a bill in april that would have removed trump's secret service protective detail and introduced with veteran democrat bennie thompson who yesterday was defending the bill. he said in a statement my bill would not have affected the secret services presence during this tragic event. the bill aims to automatically bar secret service protection to anyone sentenced to prison for a
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federal or state felony conviction. that's why the bill slid in at the time of the 34 convictions against donald trump. not only would it have affected that, it affected him. it would have affected him. it was aimed at him. >> bennie thompson was also the chair of the january 6th committee. i wonder if they feel the same way about hunter biden and pulling his secret service detail away. he is a convicted felon. we didn't see any push there. look, this was partisan politics. >> harris: he still has that protection. >> of course he does. this was partisan politics at its worst. at a minimum they should pub politicly apologize and call president trump and apologize. i think we should put censure on the table. the details should be commensurate with the threat. as members of congress if we have our lives threatened we can get additional security but this is part of the vitriol and
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demonization of president trump personally and his maga supporters that came directly from president biden's mouth all the way through the democrat party and clearly 120-year-old was so convinced that he tried to kill him. >> harris: i want to ask my team if they can pop up quickly. i'm sure you've seen the video that shows there was a gunman on the roof. you are seeing it all over social media. we have a little bit to show. i want to get your take on that because it appears to show that there were several minutes before shots were fired that this whole thing could have been foiled. it is on the screen now. what is your take? i know you are studying this. this will be part of your investigation, i would imagine, on the hill. >> number one, what happens the core security detail is supplemented by local secret service field offices, pittsburgh, philadelphia, what have you. i want to know how vice president harris being in philadelphia near the same time affected resources, but also
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were supplemental resources and denied like the agents were telling me. you had one cop standing on the roof and the sniper couldn't get up there. he was in dead space as he was coming up the sloped roof and the counter snipers, i don't think, just looking at the imagery could see him. >> harris: people on the ground could and local cops could hear the people. >> as soon as you call in gun, gun, gun the president is off the stanley. that is how it should have worked. we have a lot tactically. i give nothing but praise for the detail near him. i suspect it was a headquarters resource issue who said we won't get all these agents for all his rallies. we aren't going to exhaust our budget because trump wants to run around. >> harris: i wonder if there is any >> no accountability for afghanistan, no accountability for secretary of defense
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disappearing. i don't expect accountability. >> harris: my interview with former president trump at his home in mar-a-lago that happened just hours before an a says nine tried to kill him. we were there for hours and a couple hours later he was already in butler, pennsylvania and know what happened there. one topic we talked about was foreign policy specifically our staunch ally in the middle east, israel and its war with hamas terrorists. >> so israel versus hamas, the terrorists. biden has said he will deal with hamas and there has to be a different way. and i don't hear him talking about the hostages. i want to bring them into the conversation because those lives, those 120 or so. >> the first thing is we want our hostages back. you have to let the war finished out. they have to get -- it has to be done because otherwise this is going to continue to happen and
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it will happen more frequently. you take a look at what biden has done. he has run it so badly. he is trying to be friendly to one side. he doesn't know what he is doing. let's face it. this would have never happened, they would have never attacked. this is money that came from iran and they fed hamas and they feed all the terror groups, hezbollah. iran was broke when i was president. they were broke. there was no terror, no attacks. take a look, check the facts. iran was broke. they are the purveyor and the ones that finance terror. they finance terror. if china bought from iran oil, which they were buying a lot, i said that's okay, you can buy it but not doing anymore business in the united states. we go cold turkey, no more. israel never happened. the october 7th attack would have never happened. iran had no money and it wouldn't have happened. they had a certain fear or respect or fear or something of
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me. >> harris: that interview was over an hour long. you will begin to see more and more of it and so we move into foreign policy. the president and i covered so many topics. you were nodding at certain points there. what is on your mind. ? >> president trump nailed it. the core of the issue is iran and their cash. if they sell their oil around the world to china they'll continue to -- this will never end. we have to go back to miss maximum pressure campaign that dried up the cash and if china keeps buying them we put secondary sanctions on china. and i guarantee you they will stop buying iranian oil. it is all about iran. but biden is obsessed with humanitarian aid to gaza because of his progressive left. he is treating a symptom, not the core disease, president trump knows what worked, what would have prevented this attack and what we have to go back to. >> harris: president trump said to me while you put pressure on
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iran israel can finish the job on hamas that he told and viewers got to see that portion. interview yesterday. he feels strongly that israel needs to finish it. >> we had reporting from hezbollah and hamas and all of them that they were all complaining where is our money from iran? we can't do anything, right? that's the core issue. >> harris: representative michael waltz, you bring so much. thank you, i appreciate your time. just moments after president trump made his choice, team biden was already pushing against senator j.d. vance. to get on the debate stage they want versus vice president kamala harris. they are pushing against him in what they are saying but really want him to debate kamala. what could that look like exactly? plus there would be laughter on her part. just one day after calling for americans to political to lower the temperature and tone in our
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words everybody, president biden is the exception. he went right back to tearing into trump and defended earlier rhetoric. power panel on all of it next. >> president biden: look, i -- i am not engaged in that rhetoric. now, my opponent is engaged in that rhetoric. to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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>> president biden: look, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? do you just not saying anything? look, i have not engaged in that rhetoric. now, my opponent is engaged in that rhetoric. he talks about a bloodbath if he loses. >> harris: well, so much for lowering the temperature on how he talks. some headlines on that interview last night. here is one. biden turns focus on trump's rhetoric and biden rejects accusations that his rhetoric fueled assassination attempt on trump. just one night earlier biden sat he oval office calling for unity after the assassination attempt on the former president. biden did offer one concession. >> on a call a week ago you said it is time to put trump in the bull's-eye. there is some dispute about the
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context but i think you appreciate the word. >> i was talking about crosshairs, focus on. i guess what i was talking about at the time was there was very little focus on trump's agenda. >> the term is bull's-eye. >> president biden: it was a mistake to use the word. i didn't say crosshairs, bull's-eye. i meant focus on him and focus on what he is doing. >> harris: power panel now. kellyanne conway and former senior counselor to president trump and kevin walling. kelly ann, what is he talking. >> now the oval office address it looked authentic and genuine looks phony within hours they changed course and raising money now. they don't have a campaign strategy outside of trump, trump, trump. it is almost impossible to turn off the rhetoric if your entire message is donald trump. the president is struggling to
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convince people in his own party that he should remain at the top of the ticket and be our commander-in-chief given his mental and physical decline. he is playing to a couple different audiences here, isn't? he they are in dangerous territory now. vice president harris is challenging j.d. vance to a debate. that's fraught territory for her. she is known for her word salads and going -- as opposed to this yale graduate. it has a lot to do with the collapse of the democratic party inward. joe reid is saying donald trump should stop playing the hero and victim card. he was here -- what does that mean? >> harris: they are trying to figure out why they had to take the morning show off the air and talking about it was too potentially toxic. >> i don't know if the left is capable emotionally and physiologically capable of
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having a conversation with donald trump is the nominee to the republican party and not be heated and hateful. >> harris: kevin, if there is any point of that that you want to debate we'll take out the popcorn. >> love that. as a representative of the left, mostly on fox, you know, we need to tone down that rhetoric. want to focus on policies. >> harris: why didn't the president do it last night? >> he said it was important to use that word to talk about the bull's-eye. >> harris: do you think most people when they hear what he said are looking for the difference between the crosshairs and bull's-eye? don't you think most people think violence when they say bull's-eye. him explaining semantics ds what? >> he said it was a mistake to use that kind of language. not the smartest thing to split hairs over what crosshairs versus a bull's-eye. to kellyanne's point.
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democrats will win if it's a referendum on donald trump and we need to focus on that. the president in that address in that interview with lester holt talked about the former president's own language talking about a bloodbath for the economy, pardoning january 6th violent mob members. so using the president's -- former president's own words i don't think it is a personal attack. >> harris: to go from there right into blaming the victim. so that's -- it's the timing, the tone, it's the moment that the president -- the current president said he wanted to create and then violate. your last quick thought. >> the word bloodbath has been totally misused. he was talking about the auto industry. a specific talk. if you take that word with no context and say on national tv as a sitting president my opponent said there will be a bloodbath you are picturing in the streets violence. he said the auto industry will suffer a bloodbath if he is not
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back there because everything we see in the terrible economy. we have to be careful. words and tone matter. and i think that president biden has -- just has a chance he lost because he is woreed about his party replacing him. he lost the opportunity to be a healer. >> harris: the 19 or 20 democrats who were very mentally pushing. >> that we know about. what about all the ones in secret? >> harris: to move on and let somebody else be on the ballot. now this. >> donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> harris: well, there he is former president trump's first public appearance since the attempt on his life just two days earlier. thunderous applause as the gop
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seems more united than ever and the ticket is official. trump tapped j.d. vance as his running mate. caroline sun shine is in "focus" with me here next. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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him for a third timeless than 48 hours after he was nearly killed. but he wasn't, he survived. >> the president of the united states and soon to be the 47th president of the united states, please welcome donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting usa, usa, usa] [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting we love trump] >> harris: and it went on after that. you see his vice presidential choice senator j.d. vance right alongside him there. vans 39 years old. junior senator from the state of ohio saying he is ready to back the former president whenever and wherever. >> the president can't be everywhere, even donald trump can't be everywhere. you have to be a person he can
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trust, he can rely on to actually advance the agenda. that's the most important job. >> harris: democrats pounced after that choice. so much for those calls to tamp down the red hot rhetoric. we said this about biden. now it's about others. all of this after saturday's assassination attempt. biden's campaign chair had this to say. it is a statement. former president trump picked j.d. vance as his running mate because vance will do what mike pence wouldn't on january 6th, bends over backwards to enable trump and his extreme maga agenda even breaking the law. the president himself piled on. >> president biden: he is a clone of trump on the issues. a clone of trump on the issues. so i don't see any difference. >> harris: senior white house
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corres correspondent peter doocy. >> president trump is trying to create trump and j.d. vance by citing past criticism of trump without mentioning specifics. >> president biden: see what he said about trump. what's with you guys? come on, man. look, the point i'm making is that j.d. vance has adopted the same policies, no exceptions on abortion. making sure that new $5 trillion tax cut that trump wants to give. >> dnc chairman is warning about democracy here. a trump/vance ticket would undermine our democracy, freedoms and future. anti-trump advertising is back with only minor tweaks to the language and the biden campaign is explaining why. >> it's important that we draw contrast, project 2025 agenda is dangerous.
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it is harmful to americans. >> the campaign says kamala harris is prepared to debate j.d. vance and the d.h.s. secretary saying they are prepared to protect him. >> former president selected j.d. vance. what can you tell us about the security for the running mate? >> the united states secret service, when a selection is made, will provide the appropriate level of security. >> and we'll find out just how much j.d. vance factors into president biden's updated stump speech when he gives one at an naacp conference in las vegas later this afternoon. >> harris: peter, thank you. caroline sunshine trump 2025 deputy communications director. let me say they will be testing the microphones. so no band today like yesterday but it could get a little loud. first of all, toning down the rhetoric actually has to happen.
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why is it not happening the way that it should top down from biden down faster on the left do you think? >> because the democrat party can barely even -- have hope unifying this country. you have seen divisive rhetoric from the left for years now particularly against president trump. cnn had a contributor vetting a former biden staffer it's time for democrats to train fire under president trump. 72 hours after trump barely survived an assassination. the comments shouldn't be made in the first place. the only thing more remarkable than donald trump surviving is the moments after with blood an his face in the midst of danger he gets on has feet and says fight, fight, fight. he said it for our country. the american people do want unity. they are not looking to the democrat party to provide it.
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they are looking to president donald j. trump. >> harris: i've been traveling on the road for a couple of weeks now and that's right. people are tired of the -- the fienth. they feel like they're not being heard and ms. faulkner, can i tell you what's happening at the grocery store? i want to get to this. one headline has it this way. trump's extraordinary run sets up rnc for the ages. the piece says that run started the last month's presidential debate. they handed trump with supreme court and saturday's assassination attempt on trump's life and trump's fist of defiance you spoke of. yesterday's legal victory, dismissal of his classified documents case in florida. so it is a moment of continued run but also victory.
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i would say a spiritual victory. people are praying for him. people have tapped into that. how does the left come against that? what is their -- what are they going to do? >> i think the left is godless. i don't say it from a place of malice. i know how having god at the center of my own life in moments like the one we all just lived through has an impact and living without god i wouldn't wish it on anyone. this movement, the maga movement is full of people who love our country but love god. and what president trump survived, as i said, divine intervention that we were speaking. the bullet pierced president trump. i also think it is important to remember maybe i'm feeling a little old-fashioned today but it's important to remember that good does defeat evil. what president trump did in that moment by getting up reminds us
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good does defeat evil when we have the courage to stand up and fight. fight for god, fight for our families, fight for our country. i think president trump is the great american fighter. >> harris: have you spoken with him since saturday? >> the president is in very high spirits as you saw last night. >> harris: do you see a difference in him? as i was watching last night it seemed he is always present. that's his personality. after spending a lot of time with him hours before the assassination attempt he is funny, he is warm, he is a fighter. he is tough. but he seemed very emotional last night as we watched as an american public. >> i love what first lady melania trump said about her husband. the forces of evil that thought to end my husband's life didn't see him as a human. they didn't see he is funny and love music and a genius and inspirational. we as a campaign are so grateful that president trump is alive.
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president trump is so grateful to be. you look also what he said to the american people. gratitude. how could you not be? and renewed purpose for why we are here, right? to fight. president trump is among a small group of people who have cheated death. people who have been at the brink and come back. it is extraordinary. it is a remarkable man and remarkable movement. yes, gratitude. you notice president trump got up and said fight, fight, fight looked at the crowd in pennsylvania. their fear immediately dissipated. president trump gave them hope. i looked at that crowd last night and they gave right back to president trump. >> harris: that contagion isn't for a party. you talk to people across the country, it is not for party. people want to be unified the way you said. caroline sunshine. your name is perfect for you. thank you, good to see you. all right. a lot of drama for the liberal media after the attempt on former president trump's life.
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off the air, back on the air, a whole bunch of finger pointing. plus a study in contrast. republicans -- biden trying to -- has the assassination attempt killed the democrats' messaging? stay close. the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> harris: republicans are pulling together their party, unity is on full display. meanwhile democrats are left with a messaging conundrum. "politico" with a headline it's like a pep rally around here. republicans greet trump as a hero while dems simmer over biden. the hill writes biden walks a
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fine line to make anti-trump case after assassination attempt. a new column argues the attempt on trump's life means that democrats can no longer carry on as if their rhetoric against him doesn't inentice violence or division in america. they have to focus on policy, a losing narrative for democrats who have made the country poorer and unsafe over the last four years, end quote. former house speaker kevin mccarthy has more here. >> the president is trying to reset his own campaign. the one thing that has happened for him since this shooting is no one is talking about democrats removing him from the ballot. he has pulled the ads off and wants to reset it. >> harris: just last hour "the new york times" reported congressman adam schiff warned donors there could be a democratic wipe-out if biden stays in the race. i think if he is our nominee we may lose and lose the senate and our chance to take back the
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house. marc thiessen is here, "washington post" columnist. has everybody forgotten that there are all these people who don't want biden to run in his own party? an hour ago that's what you get. >> he is a very tough position right now after this assassination attempt. he is the most unpopular president in the history of polling going back to world war ii. he is underwater by double digits on every single issue that voters care about. seven in ten americans say he is too old to serve another term. his only play was to say that donald trump is a threat to our democracy. his only play was to say donald trump will be a dictator and unleash a bloodbath. he said it a couple days before the assassination attempt. now he can't say it anymore. he gave an oval office address saying we have to tone down the rhetoric and take responsibility. how do you say trump will be a dictator the next day? he can't say those things because it sounds like he is
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putting trump's life at risk. >> harris: kellyanne conway said their only messaging revolves around trump. if you can't put trump in every single sentence with vitriol and hate basically, then how do you win? that means that it was going to be a sad campaign anyway. it can't all be about one individual period. it has to be about the country to motivate people to vote. >> that's exactly right. generally speaking voters respond to a positive message. >> harris: or message about them. >> where you want to take the country. the next four years and where you want to lead. that's what you will see from president trump on thursday. >> harris: as we're watching each night is make america great, make america safe, so on and so forth. what are the bottom lines for the democrats right now? is there anything equal to any of that in what -- they have messaging on abortion and so on and so forth. what do you say are the pinpoints for them? >> they don't have anything and why they were so focused on
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attacking trump and his character and the threat to democracy because they don't have any other message. think about every issue on immigration, the border, the economy, everything else. biden has double digit disapproval. so how do you make a case that i've made your life better? you can't. he hasn't made your life better. the only thing he can say is this guy would be worse. this guy would make things worse and put the country at risk losing our democracy. >> harris: the biden/harris ticket. as time goes on and you can't go after donald trump what will she be saying? finger pointing at msnbc this morning after the network took the talk show off the air yesterday. they pulled the program out of fear that some guests would make inappropriate comments about the assassination attempt. the network denies those claims. here is joe scarborough's explanation. the key host on the show. >> before we start this hour, i
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just wanted to briefly talk to our friends and viewers that watch us every day. and talk about what happened yesterday. we were told in no uncertain terms on sunday evening that there was going to be one news feed across all nbc news channels yesterday. that we were going to stay as a network in breaking news mode throughout all day yesterday. that did not happen. i guess after there was such a strong blowback about yesterday morning, i guess they changed their plans. we were very surprised. we were very disappointed and if we had known that there wasn't going to be the one news feed from nbc news across all channels we obviously would have been in yesterday morning. >> harris: his wife is looking at him like okay, really? let me just get through this. fox news contributor tore joe concha writing in a new op-ed even msnbc can't trust morning
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joe after trump assassination attempt. what they appear to be saying is we don't trust our most prominent full-time hosts during this crucial moment. >> it is an admission that it is not just the biden team and the democrats that have been using this irresponsible heated rhetoric. it is the left wing media as well. they understood in the wake of the trump assassination, they understood that millions of americans saw what happened to donald trump and said enough. enough. it has gone too far. we impeached him twice, 91 indictments, trying to sue him in civil courts to bankrupt him, and all the rest of it and now an assassination attempt. at some point it is enough. i think millions of americans are saying i'm ready to give donald trump a second look. i don't like the media establishment or this president and not sold on trump yet but willing to look at him. he has a chance for a second look and he needs to seize that
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on thursday. >> harris: talk to me about the categories of voters that democrats like to target with, you know, all of their campaigns and whatever, black and hispanic voters and young voters and suburban women. how does this affect them? because none of the conversation coming from the left is about inflation right now. they are in survival mode to get past these moments. in the meanwhile at the rnc convention those topics are on full display. >> every one of the groups you cited is paying $125 for a basket of groceries. every one of those groups is paying 50% more for gasoline than four years ago. they aren't happy with joe biden. they don't approve of him and think he is too old but not sure that they can pull the lever for donald trump. they are looking at this convention to see is this a man i can trust to put in the oval
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office. i'm open to the sale. >> harris: will they see enough here to make the decision? >> they will see a president focused on uniting the country and putting the vitriol behind us. it won't be just the convention but in the months after. how he conducts himself and carries that message. don't even -- forget joe biden. talk about where you want to take the country. >> harris: thank you, thanks for watching "the faulkner focus" in milwaukee. "outnumbered" next. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and a lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough had a vaccine or plan to, or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop
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