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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 16, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> donald trump survived an assassination attempt bullet, now stunning details about security failures that allowed that killer to get a clear shot at the former president. fox is confirming local police reported suspicious man using a range finder 30 minutes before the shooting. the local officer took a picture of him and we're seeing video of the crowd that spotted the gunman one minute and 26 seconds before he opened fire. the assassin was still able to fire eight rounds. this is "outnumbered" live from milwaukee, i'm harris faulkner with co-host emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. joining us fox news contributor
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leslie marshall and charlie hunt. let's get started with david spunt, great reporting from the justice department and you have new information for us? >> we do, we are cysting through information, there is a lot of things that don't make sense from multiple different law enforcement agencies, what happened. this video is minute and a half of people screaming and warning law enforcement someone is on the roof with a gun before anyone did anything. take a look. >> laying down, see him? >> yeah, he's laying down. >> what is happening? >> you can see people warning law enforcement, fox can confirm the fbi interviewed 100 people, including the law enforcement officer that saw thomas crooks armed on the roof and retreated from the scene. fbi agents were on the scene
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looking at the building where crooks fired his gun. local law enforcement was in charge of securing that building and staging in and around the building and still missed him on the roof. they were inside the building, he was on the roof. it was reported there was a s suspicious man with a range finder, this suspicious person was pacing around asking questions, looking suspicious, the man turned out to be crooks who shot the president and killed corey comperatore. the secret service is under increasing pressure to explain how this could have happened. director kimberly cheatle is m meeting with federal lawmakers today in washington to answer for the deadly mistake.
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here she is defending her agency. >> the buck stops with me, i'm director of secret service. it is unacceptable and be shouldn't happen again. >> kimberly cheatle stopped short of saying she would resign. she will appear before congress next week, expect tough questions. thomas crooks's family is being cooperative and fbi continues to pour through his phone to see if anybody else knew of the plan before it went down saturday. harris. >> harris: thank you. straight to our guests and co-host. range finder. emily, my husband uses one in golf, just a device that estimates sdan for a camera or gun. you want to know how many yards is such and such, how do i aim at that?
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what can it tell you, the timing of what was going on and how long people say they saw things, man on the roof and this, that and the other? emu >> emily: i don't have expertise needed to analyze this information. it reveals information i have as an american who invests faith and truck in organizations to protect the highest office and these individuals we love and hold so dear. questions i have, if we have use of technology and demonstrated at that time, even a half second on air feels like an attorney on air. a half second talking about guns and battle and war and potential of asasassination and one that came to fruition. that means there was eternity to stop this. it reminds me of the uvalde
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situation, valor, protocol, training that is put into place. there is supposed to be organ organizational structure that provides for a fail safe like overlay so if someone fails, someone picks up the slack, so if this web fails, there is a scaffolding we can rely on. >> harris: redundancy. eric >> emily: raises questions. >> harris: that gave me chills when you talked about failure of uvalde. this is critical, and lester holt's interview last night with joe biden, there was back and forth between the two men, the interviewer pressing the president, don't you think it would help if you pushed a little bit for more answers in the investigation, i'm
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paraphrasing, that is where they were going. >> charlie: it is amazing and she says the buck stops wither had. if the buck stops with her, she should be fired this morning or maybe sunday morning. it is interesting, i'm not a golfer, i did not know range finders were used in golfing, they are used for deer hunitting and primary use is for shooting distances over 80 yards or so. i would call this single greatest, biggest blunder by secret service in history. it is extraordinary, number of things that went wrong and fingerpointing about perimeter, that is all bunk. the reason we have secret service as emily pointed to and mention the, this is a unique sort of security problem that
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secret service is designed to deal with. the idea you had a suspicious person walking arn with m magnometters, what secret service is doing is looking for suspicious people and random citizen walking up and asking odd, weird question, you are going to get cornered and asked a lot of questions. the fact they let this happen is astonishing. >> harris: united states secret service director, kimberly cheatle, i imagine, will have a lot to say and answer to some questions we hope she'll have a lot to say on the hill, she's being called to. i had congressman wall street journal waltz on last hour and republicans are investigating this. what do you make of combination, two sets of things in our lives to go after, getting answers
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here. >> yeah. there are a lot of questions, there is no doubt there was a failure, this should have never happened and we need to identify where the failure was. i spoke to senior law enforcement official familiar with presidential protection and let me provide nuance and detail. you heard david spunt layout, there was call from local law enforcement official to command center and they observed this individual with a range finder. there is cbs reporting two calls from local law enforcement and security center. they call it a command post, i believe the security center on site. radio frequency goes to the security center and radio frequency would have gone to head of local law enforcement who share that information with everyone in the room. it is alarming to hear there were two calls of this suspicious individual. what is important to find out,
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what was conveyed over radio frequency. if local law enforcement said there is a man with a backpack, okay, tons of mens with b backpacks. if local law enforcement said there is a man with a range finder, different story. we need to know what was said. our source was there was report of activity at 3:00, president on the stage, 3:00 means to right of stage there was local law enforcement activity. counter sniper on the roof had a line of sight issue, he could see the head and neck. he got the clear shot on this individual within three seconds, shot this individual through the neck and ended his life and neutr neutralized the threat. >> harris: that is helpful. follow-up question, why the timing on when he did fire? was there anything to delay his
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response to see somebody bear crawling across the roof and people shouting about it, with a gun. do you wait for the individual to fire? i'm not sure where command comes to fire or not. leslie, your thoughts? >> leslie: i flew, huge assign at the airport, if you see something, say something. that is phrase we are familiar with since 9/11. it is interesting, emily, you and i think alike and i was thinking how many mass shootings, i thought about uvalde and time. kayleigh speaks about the time and emily spoke about the time. that is what people are looking at, the time. you have according to the local sheriff who reported to kdefi kdeficiency -- kdka, there was a picture taken, did they receive it in time? it goes to time.
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again, with time. allegedly the shooter pointed his rifle at local law enforcement and the officer fell from the roof and within seconds that is when they say that the shooting started toward former president donald trump. the time, how fast this goes, that is what americans want regardless of political ideology, answers to what happened in those seconds and minutes. if you see something, say something, people saw something, they said something, what happened then? >> harris: what happened and use of time know between what they said they saw and what action should have been taken. we'll stay put and hope you will, too. learning detail about the gunman action and 48 hours leading up to his assassination attempt. a live report next.
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>> emily: investigators are combing through the digital footprint trying to piece together a motive for the assassination attempt. getting new information about the gunman who tried to kill president trump and did murder husband and father of two daughters corey comperatore. live with the latest on what the shooter did days before he unleashed terror. >> we are learning more about what thomas crooks did in the hours leading up to the shooting. we know witnesses saw ladder leaning on the building he fired from. he purchased ammunition on
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saturday in hours before his attack. reports are emerging he purchased ammunition -- learned he purchased ammunition and leader at home depot before the saturday attack and he practiced firing at a gun range he was a member of. federal agents have visited the gun range, not clear if they found any evidence. a lawyer for the claritan sportsman club. the club admonishes the violence that occurred and offer sin sincerest condolences to the comperatore family and to those injured, including president trump. the gunman and his family kept themselves. >> he was quiet, never said anything to anyone. same for the family, they kept
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to themselves and didn't say a lot, i don't think anyone would have anything negative to say about the family. >> as federal agents try to find whether crooks detailed his own reasoning for trying to assassinate former president trump we are getting look at chaotic moment secret service agents swarmed trump taking him to the ground to take cover. one agent tossing trump's shoo off the stage. a viewing for corey comperatore is scheduled for thursday and private services slated for friday. thank you. >> emily: i come to, you fbi indicated technical specialists are analyzing eshg lect ronnic devices belonging to the shooter, released no further details. what do you think they will
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co uncover? so many tragedies result in long period of time where there is no access possible to the phone. we have what could be a mine of information. >> harris: yeah, in years i covered, before we had a pleth roof digital devices, differences we have seen point more to the mind set of whatever the individual was doing, whether robbery, murder or mass murder or whatever it was. why is that important? it helps fbi build bigger and better profiles. you will hear the word motive, the motive was to kill and he was successful at that and missed presidential target and killed one and injured two others badly and they are hospitalized in stable condition. we know that, we'll learn about
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what led up to that. you are seeing videos on social media, curious to see if his family confirms that. he was shouting about hating republicans, reportedly that is what videos show. is there anybody else out there like him? i feel like you find surprising information in people's texts. we know that from everyday life, doesn't have to be a criminal. we will learn more than they know to ask for. >> emily: that is right, you are so right the intimacy and freedom people communicate with text can be revealing here. i spoke with kyle bowwinkel, a hostage team negotiator that trained with secret service. he was guiding me on questions. you brought up earlier, how did this person gain access,
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technical advantage with sight to the protectee? will we learn more? was he stalking trump? was this similar to john lennon assassination, where he wanted r relevance and sought notoriety. they will review evidence from people there that have photo gra graphic evidence that could reveal information. >> kayleigh: brilliant questions. and according to epiradioing, there was a ladder on the side of the building. was this ladder brought in? you would notice a guy bringing a ladder across a field. more stunning questions every minute, it seems. on receiving information, it is
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amazing kimberly cheatle did not give a press conference and share what she knew. we saw the abc information, fine to say there is an ongoing information, we need information in realtime. >> emily: that is right, that is a distinction we have to make, there are multiple layers here. ability for an individual to exploit security lapses and succeed in murdering someone and almost in murdering the president and lapses in security, need to be accountability there. >> charlie: yeah, it is important to get to the bottom of dark recess of whack job but most important thing, he was stable enough to pull this off and what matters most is
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accountability and transparency and ability to explain to the american people everything that the fbi and secret service uncovers is vitally important. >> emily: esly. >> leslie: i agree with the transparency, it is also important that people don't speculate like referring to john lennon shooting. we hear he gave $15 to act blue, registered as a republican and voted in the midterm. online, they are finding things 20-year-old would look at, gaming and computer programming, we'll find out more, we are not being given information along the way and we need to be, not just final answers when the investigation is concluded as to motive. >> emily: that is right.
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biden is denying he said anything negative about trump that could have played a role in influencing someone to decide to attempt to take his life. >> president biden: not say anything because it may insight somebody? i've not engaged in that rhetoric. (♪) dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestrydna. see which unique traits you inherited, the places where they started, and the people you share them with. get movin' and try ancestrydna you might learn what makes you legendary, too.
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>> kayleigh: president biden is urging americans to tone down our political rhetoric. this past friday he had these wo words to say about former president trump. >> president biden: trump is a threat to this nation. he led a violent mob on january 6 overturn the 2020 election. >> kayleigh: that happened friday. then after the shooting he took to the oval office, to call on
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americans to lower the temperature in our political climate. >> president biden: political rhetoric in this country has gotten heated, it is time to cool it down. we all have a responsibility to do that. >> kayleigh: last night president biden denied he had anti-trump rhetoric and said this in the past. >> have you taken a step back and done soul searching on i think thises you may have said that could insight people who are not balanced? >> president biden: i don't think, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when hes things like hes? do you just not say anything because it might insight somebody? i have not engaged in that rhetoric. >> kayleigh: he doubled down saying he will not stop going
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after trump. >> what will you do, things you can control to lower down the temperature and rhetoric out there? >> president biden: continue to talk about things that matter to the american public. it matters whether or not you accept outcome of elections. >> kayleigh: i want to start here, harris. j.d. vance is announced and first thing joe biden's twitter feed is echoing democracy is at risk. so close to events of saturday, maybe you pause on that. >> harris: yeah, the only thing we've seen that has been putting democracy at risk are words they are using. rhetoric used against u.s. supreme court in july of 2022,
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we had a man go to justice brett kavanaugh's house with a gun and a knife. are you going to say that the victim caused that to happen or that all of the words need to be taken down to a new tone and why the president can't consistently lead on that issue is mind-boggling, it hurts him. the american public is looking for a word right now, maybe peace, unitity, if they can't get that and he becomes a hypocrite with those words, i ges i combiened democrat and hi krith krit there. this is about politics, that is not where the american peoplel are living right now, it is safety and keep ing com
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commander-in-chief safe. >> what is stunning to me, biden seemed to echo hoaxes to deem on i onnize his opponent. here is the president on s charlottesville. >> president biden: i want going to run again because i lost my son. and until hiwatched what happened in charlottesville, virginia, folks coming out of woods with torches, with swastikas and sing ing vile things says by ku klux klan. the then president was asked what do you think and he said there are very fine people on both sides, not fine people on both sides. >> kayleigh: snopes fact checked that as false but you reiterate that as fact.
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>> charlie: and they finally fact checked it, not only is the rhetoric like 10 from this guy, it is also filled with absolute literal lies and same with the january 6 thing, he says donald trump led a violent mob, that is techn technically inaccurate lie. when you mix lies with this kind of rhetoric, really bad things happen and democracy doesn't work. you don't debate issues like we are supposed to. >> kayleigh: joe biden was asked if he's done soul searching and he resurrected blood bath hoax. play it. >> president biden: my opponent is against that rhetoric and talked about blood bath if he loses and he will forgive -- actually i guess suspend
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sentences of those arrested at the capitol. >> kayleigh: he said trump predicted a blood bath, here is president trump on blood bath. >> let me tell you something to china, if you are leading president xi jinping, monster car manufacturing know plants you are building in mexico and you think you are going to not hire americans and sell the cars to us now, we'll put 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. if i get elected, if i don't get elected it will be a blad bath for the whole, least of it, blood bath for the country, that will be the least of it. >> kayleigh: he was talking about the auto industry and president biden resurrected the hoax. >> emily: careful selection of president trump's words to further a narrative by the left
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that he is indeed a monster the likes of which we've never seen. leslie -- >> we have breaking news now, you may have seen me looking down, let me get this in quickly. a verdict has been reached in the trial of senator bob menendez, new jersey, remember, he's charged with using his senate office to influence u.s. foreign policy on behalf of countries like egypt, qatar and three new jersey businessmen. just to go back in case you have not been keeping up, this is the senator who accepted thousands of dollars in cold hard cash and gold bars. remember that is what they found in his home. they say he did this, charged with doing this as political bribes. we have a verdict, we are waiting to see timing on reading of that verdict, it may come
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e expeditiously or we will have to wait. we'll bring you this as soon as possible. a senior senator from a blue state, bob menendez, he's faced this before on different cases. this time he went to trial and this time, this time there is a verdict. we don't know what it is. we'll bring it to you when we get it. back to you guys and our conversation. all right, we're going to take a break, after this, we'll be back. an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra.
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>> harris: breaking news, more now as we await the verdict reached in the corruption trial
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of senator bob menendez of new jersey. a verdict will be read in court, we don't have the timing of that. his wife nadine were part of this. the case against her and the relevancy of what she had done along with him has been put on hold indefinitely, it has been reported she has a pretty advanced stage of cancer, not reported if that is the reason for that. nadine menendez trial put on trial indefinitely, but corruption trial against her husband, bob menendez, a verdict has been reached, we will wait moments from now to see highway quickly they read that in cocourt. your thoughts. >> emily: during the deliberation process, the jury sent a few notes to judges
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asking whether they needed to be unanimous in voting not guilty on a specific count. it sort of suggested maybe they were considering acquitting the senator or his co-defendants. there are 18 felony charges. jury said not guilty verdict require unimity, the judge responded it does conviction or ashes quital. 90 minutes after that, they asked for a break on the -- deliberation resumed and third note 1:55 asking whether ya allegations fell under two of the specific counts the men were
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faces and judge responded it does not up with the count. 16 felonies, bribery, extortion, acting as foreign agent and scooping up gold bars, cash and other bribes in exchange for catering to whims of new jersey businessmen and foreign governments. his co-conspirator face those charges, too. hads wife's trial postponed indefinitely. menendez maintained his innocence and refused to resign. we will see if the notes portend to the verdict. >> harris: they just got this case on friday, this would have been a full third day and verdict has been reached for bob menendez at manhattan federal court. live to eric shawn.
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eric, this was quick and there is no tea leaf reading, i just point that out because man go on much longer. >> this is the verdict sheet, we were talking about how 18 counts, 16 involve menendez, two others additionally involve two co-defendants, two new jersey businessmen who he accepted payoff and bribes to help their businesses and government of egypt and qatar. jurors asked if the verdict has to be unanimous not guilty, there are feelings they could be gearing toward not guilty and there were hold outs. they wanted a break on the tariffs inside. if a jury want to come outside in 96 degree weather in new york city, you got to think they are sick and tired of being together
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and they want a break. get out to the terrace and back to the real world, take a breather and go back in. the questions yesterday afternoon complicated on the law in terms of finding guilty over an alleged bribe. as you have said, menendez, is charged with accepting 480,000 cash, as well as 13 gold bars, earning him moniker of gold bar bob. the defense, those were not his, they were his wife's nadine's, they were locked in her closet and he did not know anything about them because the house is actually hers and the defense claims the bars are in her house, her closet locked away and he did not know. see what the jury said about all of this momentarily. harris. >> harris: the jury be
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deliberations on friday and today we have a verdict and waiting to see what that will be. it is interesting part of defense was throwing his wife nadine under the bus. as we have a verdict, we'll report it. more "outnumbered" next. losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy®
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>> harris: a verdict has been reached, we are waiting for it to be read in court. huge trial for senators on the left to know would they lose senator bob menendez if he were found guilty of 16 felonies as emily pointed out. he is charged with using office to influence foreign policy on behalf of egypt, qatar and businessmen. he chose to continue to seek reelection, long-term incumbent in the state of new jersey, full disclosure, my home state, for a fourth term. now he is running as an independent. why would he do that in the middle of all this chaos for him legally? >> charlie: that ticked off and
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angered his democratic colleagues, he is putting his political career above the party. the thing that strikes me about this case, this is second time bob menendez has been charged with this kind of thing and the first time he skated through. if found not guilty again, this is more smoke than i've seen where fire was not found. that's a side thing. the thing that strikes me about this issue the clarity of what he's been charged with, international bribery scheme and you compare that to all of the constellation of cases brought about against donald trump over past three years and nobody can really put a fine point on what donald trump has been charged with in any of the cases. in the case he has been found guilty, nobody knows. the jury could not agree on what
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they were finding him guilty of. it is interesting juxtaposition between the two. 13 gold bars in your jacket with your name on it, in your wife's locked closet, it is pretty clear, people get a good sense what is going on there. >> harris: you are not buying they were her gold bars or they mysteriously appeared? >> charlie: i think he threw his wife under the bus. >> harris: we know they have a verdict, we don't have a camera inside the courtroom, not saying if there are newspapers or other people with access, i don't know, we're not there. we don't have pictures of that, we are getting moment by moment report on the ground. jury entered the courtroom and judge stein will begin to read the verdict moments away. we'll stick with this.
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this is interesting, kayleigh, because we know the pressure that is on democrats right now to try to retain what they have in majority in the senate and tli try to win the house back. we know what that is like, all the pressure put with man at the top, joe biden, who has not delivered them the opportunity to win the way they would like to, he has not delivered popularity, every senator counts. >> kayleigh: yeah, fascinating parallel. it is worth pausing to consider br brazenness of fact pattern. you heard charlie mention that 2015 case that was brought, it resulted in a hung jury in 2017. i'm in awe, regardless what the verdict is here he would engage in behavior that could be brought to criminal trial, koofr ko
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according to the indictment between 2018 and 2022. you get a hung jury and now dealing with gold bars and mercedes and did use influence and power in ways that benefited government of egypt? stunning allegations, we'll see what happens, word i'm thinking is brazen. brazen. >> harris: leslie, talking about politics of all of this, i imagine for democrats, you heard charlie talk about they wereot happy, he wanted to seek reelti his legacy depending how this case turns out, what do you know about bob menendez on the left, four terms, big name in new jersey, escaped this before. >> leslie: when this first came out democrats largely had his back. when this came up again, we saw
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more and more democrats and prominent democrats saying it is time to ep it is down. to charlie's point, are you putting your own personal political career and power and ego before your party? clearly he is by running as an independent, that can hurt the demo democratic party when you have a tight house and senate, either a democrat or republican if either lose a site. if democrats do not have a democratic seat in the senate, he is running -- >> harris: we have a verdict. thank you so very much, let's go to eric shawn, we have the verdicts, we know who it is, live at the manhattan federal court. >> guilty, all defendants found guilty on count one and two, we're being told from the courtroom. this means new jersey senior senator robert menendez, seeking
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reelection has been convicted of conspiracy to commit bribery and conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud along with two new jersey businessmen. he was able to skip out and avoid this type of kwksz in his last krucorruption trial that ed in hung jury. long-time democrat, robert menen menendez, former chairman of the foreign affairs guilty for sell his office for power. he was accused of helping government of egypt and qatar acting as a foreign agent for egyp egyptian government in exchange of bribes $480,000 in circumstance found strown all over the house, even in jacket pockets, clothes, boxes, 13 gold
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bars found in the closet of his wife nadine, who is also charged. mrs. menendez trial postponed because she suffered from breast cancer. so far it seems sweeping victory for the government. three through five, menendez is guilty, so far the senator from new jersey is getting a total conviction sweep by the federal prosecutors convicted of conspiracy to commit bribery, count one, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud, conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right charge he extorted these businessmen to be part of the scheme, there are 16 counts related to menendez and 18 related to the other two defendants, the businessmen,
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actions guilty, services, wire fraud guilty, obstruction of justice is when a prosecutor tdz he sent an attorney in to explain this before he was charged. they deemed that obstruction of justice tlieing to prevent him being charged and trying to obstruct federal prosecution. basically the businessmen -- nine through 12 guilty, clean sweep of guilty verdicts here at this courthouse so far. >> harris: we're getting them contemporaneously, 12 of 16 and other men facing 18. eric, i will keep you in the mix and go to emily, we don't have a lot of time. talk to me about these types of crime. >> emily: each count has minimum of 20 to 25 years, that is why they are successful in plea
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agreement when federal government dangled in front of a defendant. menendez attorney said it would be a win for this country if acquitted. he said this case ends here. indeed the case ended, thein with was on behalf of the prosecution. >> harris: gold bars found in your wife's closet and you throw her under the bus. eric did say they delayed her case because of her advance stage breast cancer, very sad. in this case, we're up to 12 of 16 and it is growing. we want to thank everybody for watching, we're on this and i know they'll pick this up next hour and then there will be talk about what happens politically with the seat of bob menendez senior senator from new jersey. thanks for watching "outnumbered."


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