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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 17, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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lawyers, analysts are high-paying jobs. in response governor newsom mocked musk for pandering to donald trump and texas welcomed the news. >> bill: might roll out the red carpet in austin before the day is over. nice to see you. >> dana: i think they will. also the people who live in austin now who are dealing with all the traffic issues. they are probably thinking great, gavin newsom. keep screwing up and sending them here. >> bill: musk with a big pac he announced, $45 million a month for several months. peter teal, david sax and j.d. vance draws a thread between these guys. >> dana: he raised $12 million for the trump campaign at that event there right as there was discussions of who would be the v.p. i have a feeling trump knew who it would be all along. entertain some ideas maybe.
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let's get you to this. [crowd screaming and yelling] >> dana: exclusive video shows some of the chaos in the immediate after math of the trump assassination attempt as we continue to learn more about the invest almost by the minute. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. we were told over the weekend sunday night they said a lot of the things are being reworked for this convention. we saw that last night in a prominent way. they referred a lot to the events of saturday night in those speeches. now on this investigation, we have a long ways to go, folks. taking place about 400 miles away southeast pennsylvania we get ready for day three of the republican convention in wisconsin. a prime time keynote speech by
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the v.p. pick, j.d. vance out of ohio will go down in prime time. >> dana: former president donald trump was in attendance last night. i bet you see him again tonight. republicans uniting strongly behind him. many pointing out his remarkable ability to overcome adversity of all kinds in the face of repeated attacks. >> they tried to ruin his reputation and he is more popular now than ever. and then they tried to put him in prison. and he is freer and has made other people free him. last weekend we tried to kill him and there he is over there alive and well. [cheers and applause] >> bill: so now day five on the investigation as law enforcement builds a timeline of events at the rally trying to piece together all the facts and evidence digging into the shooter's background and movements, his digital footprint. all of this now is being looked at. based on some of the reporting,
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there does not seem to be a lot of material that they have found online. all that could change certainly but that's really at the heart, i would argue, of the investigation. >> dana: the other thing that happened yesterday afternoon, bill, and i think you might have been on the air at the time or soon after, we find out from many different government sources that there is an increased threat to president trump from the iranians. they would like to see him dead and many of the other people that worked for him when soleimani was killed. they increased protection because of that. that raises the question, then why so much lacks security here. >> bill: is that the best you can do? everybody is asking that now. bryan llenas takes you through the shooting. >> good morning, we now know the would be assassin was on the roof at least two minutes before he fired the gun at president trump. 30 minutes before the first shot
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was fired at 6:11:00 p.m. a local law enforcement officers spotted and reported a suspicious person carrying a range finder in or just outside the venue. questions remain. the timeline with the sights and sounds last saturday in butler, pennsylvania. ♪ >> 21 minutes later the former president arrives. ♪ >> in is a big crowd, a big, big, beautiful crowd. >> right there, right on the roof. he is standing up now. he was flat on the roof. >> officer!
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>> he has a gun! [shots fired] >> duck, duck, duck. >> the shots came from a rooftop 147 yards away. seconds later. >> shooter is down. >> move, move, move. [shouting] >> fox can confirm that rally goers going into the event flagged local police about a suspicious person apparently
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acting strangely and pacing near the metal detectors that set off the search. the question now, bill and dana, when did the search begin? when was the secret service notified? and was it before the former president took the stage? >> bill: more questions to come on that. bryan llenas setting the scene. >> dana: joining us for more on this is josh, a former f.b.i. senior executive and good to have you here because i would love to get your top line thoughts. new information every day and new video and almost feels worse than the moment that you see that there were people trying to alert the police, they might have known before, 20 minutes. the timeline is starting to come together here. >> the timeline is coming together. one of the things the f.b.i. is really trying to figure out is what was the motive. so far we don't know. we have some information that the shooter was bullied throughout high school which could have indicated some mental health deficiency.
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what triggered the event is what the f.b.i. is looking at now? was he consuming hate material? what tipped him over the edge to do something so egregious? >> bill: there will be a briefing today with lawmakers. they've been asking for it. it hasn't happened yet. yesterday they were supposed to go behind closed doors. i don't think that briefing happened. how much will they share with members of the house and senate this afternoon in two separate phone calls? because it will be public and the information is going to go wide quickly. how much do they know? >> absolutely, bill, they are going to balance what they need to do to protect the criminal investigation that is ongoing with the information they need to provide to congress. that is a razor thin margin. congress wants answers, the american people want answers and f.b.i. through their investigation will have to provide that. what we're seeing now is a timeline. what everybody is looking for is that motive and how far the investigation is progressing for the f.b.i. in working in
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conjunction with the secret service and other law enforcement. >> dana: here is the secret service direct or cheatle who said the buck stops with her. she shared support for that particular sight and secret service was responsible for the inner perimeter and we saute' assistance from local counterparts for the outer perimeter. local police were in the building. local police in the area responsible for the outer perimeter of the building and then said the buck stops with her. she is saying that local officials -- she is saying i guess that they dropped the ball. we'll find out in the investigation. there can be tension between the f.b.i. and local law enforcement. here you are adding the secret service into that. tell us more how that goes in an investigation like this? >> so you'll have two competing or complimentary investigations. you'll have as the secretary of dhs says an independent review
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outside of the department of homeland security looking at security failures and how this happened. now you also have the f.b.i.'s criminal investigation. so they are interviewing not only the witnesses in the crowd but other law enforcement. some of that criminal investigation will certainly inform the dhs independent review. the dhs needs to insure they do not get in the middle of a criminal investigation. right now even though the shooter is dead, there are answers that still remain was there any support, was he consuming hate speech, were there any witting or unwitting co-conspirators. i don't think there are but we have a long way to go in this investigation. >> dana: hopefully not too long. >> bill: buys a ladder, goes to home depot. hits the ammo store. drives his car to the scene. got a remote control with some sort of device back in his trunk. on and on and on it goes. purchased the 50 rounds of ammo
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maybe that morning. i don't know, he is 20 years old. do 20-year-old kids do all of that by themselves? >> you wouldn't think so, bill. you wouldn't think that this would be an isolated incident but it is one of the scariest moments for law enforcement. an individual by themselves is consuming hate speech online, is not dialoguing with anybody and intends to act all by themselves. we haven't seen a lot of this in law enforcement where there is no outside communication or no indications or triggers or conspiracy. we haven't seen that. but it is the most scary event because it's hard to monitor an individual like that or have them come up on the radar. thus far, what we've seen is the f.b.i. has said that there is nothing -- no negative information in their holdings which means he has not come up in any previous investigation with any derogatory information. >> dana: josh, thank you so much
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for your time this morning. >> bill: so again those phone calls will happen, one is at 3:00 east coast time and one is 3:30. there will be leaks immediately. >> dana: you have a trump rally happening in three days. i'm sure security will be super tight and maybe everything buttoned up. a lot of questions. i think the questions get harder and the answers sound like they will be more -- >> bill: wednesday afternoon, it was announced that the event this weekend will be inside. bad news for president biden. some democrats now renewing their fight to kick him from the ticket. peter doocy has more on that live at the white house back on the north lawn on a pretty day. good morning. >> good morning. there is now a third thing that president biden says could make him step aside. if the almighty tells him to, if he has a 0 percent chance of winning and now this. >> president biden: if some
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medical condition emerged. doctors said you have this problem or that problem. i made a serious mistake in the whole debate. >> house democrats are racing to stop the dnc from virtually nominating biden before the convention writing to the dnc it would contradict what president has said to members of congress in recent days telling us anyone who wants to challenge his nomination should do so at the convention. >> to try to force something right now, push something that is premature, not needed, i think there is room for us to have a tough conversations with each other. we should do it now. >> about an hour before trump was shot on saturday, biden got frustrated with house dems on a zoom. at one point telling a congressman and veteran who challenged his viability. tell me something you've never done with your bronze star like my son. part of a larger point about his success expanding nato and repairing alliances and it
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doesn't sound like there are any hard feelings from crowe. >> the president heard our message very clearly. reading the tea leaves is very troubling for many of us right now. we want to see a change and that's what the questions that we are asking are about? >> this democratic party effort to replace biden on top of the ticket may have stopped for a few days because trump was shot. it is not over, bill and dana. >> bill: we'll watch it. i know you will. thanks, peter doocy in d.c. >> with god as our guide and president trump back in the white house, we will show the world that america is the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die. [cheers and applause] >> dana: rousing show of support last night. republicans closing ranks behind president trump making no doubt the gop has his back. we hear from house speaker mike johnson on the republicans'
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unity. >> fentanyl doesn't care if you are black or white. it does not discriminate. this is an american issue. we need a president who will call the drug cartels what they are, terrorist organizations. >> bill: she took the needle and just ran it right across that album. a grieving mother brings the republican convention to tears, pinning her son's death from fentanyl squarely on biden's border policy. we're on day three and soon night three and j.d. vance will be on the big stage behind us. come on back right after this. veteran homeowners. if you need cash, the last thing you want to do is spend cash just to see if you qualify for a home loan. yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars in upfront fees just to apply. they keep your money even if they turn you down. call newday.
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>> dana: welcome back. here we are. "america's newsroom." on the agenda is make america strong once again. j.d. vance set to make his debut and buckle down on an america first foreign policy shifting to the wars in gaza and ukraine. alexis mcadams is in milwaukee with what we should pay attention to. >> we heard from a source familiar going through exactly what j.d. vance will talk about tonight. an introduction to him for american voters focusing on his childhood. he grew up dirt poor, dad left him and mom when he was six years old and mom struggled with severe addiction. he is hoping to go through all of that as he tries to connect with the american people. we also are learning more about some of those other topics about poverty that he will also address to the american public. but earlier today on "fox &
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friends" donald trump junior said it comes to that him and his dad and j.d. simply click. watch. >> just the perfect pick. there is a chemistry with my father that i think is perfect. >> so the theme of the rnc tonight is make america strong again, dana. ohio senator j.d. vance expected to talk about trade, immigration, inflation and stopping never-ending wars, they say. those are just some of the topics. ohio senator j.d. vance expected to talk about trade and immigration as well. he is a former marine and grad of yale law school folding in his firsthand experience of a tough upbringing that shape his views on what he is passionate about. this is what he said to hannity. >> it was tough in a lot of ways but blessed in a lot of ways. you have to accept the good with the bad. i wouldn't see the world the same way i see it without that experience. i remember my grandma couldn't
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afford medicaid payments. couldn't afford the prescription drugs she needed and sometimes couldn't afford food for both me and her. those are the people who suffer when we have the policies that we've had over the last 3 1/2 years. >> after that nomination we know vice president kamala harris called j.d. a quick conversation where she congratulated him but already attacks. check it out. >> trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, j.d. vance will be loyal only to trump, not to our country. >> a former communications director for vice president harris has called vance the greatest threat to harris on a debate stage. we'll have to see what happens. >> dana: great to see you this morning. >> like most teenagers, weston wanted to fit in. and in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him and it
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took my baby's life. everything we ever wanted for him was ripped away in an instant. and joe biden does nothing. we owe it to our children to elect a president who will win the war against fentanyl once and for all. [cheers and applause] >> bill: quite a moment. a lot of tears in the room last night and thunder as the woman you heard from there. she lost her teenage son back in february of 2022. he was poisoned by pills laced with fentanyl and at the time fundner was living in california and state authorities refused to pursue prosecution of her son's death. a couple hours of sleep last night. you did great. >> thank you. >> bill: really great. i'm sure it wasn't easy. we speak for a living. that's not your job. >> no. >> bill: how did you feel about the angel of blessing that was
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looking down on you last night? >> i was nervous for sure but, you know, this is a very important time. my son is gone and it's now unfortunately my job to take action and i never want to see this happen to another parent. this country -- i can't understand why they aren't doing anything about fentanyl, which is the number one killer of people between the ages of 18-45. like i said last night quickly becoming the number one killer of teenagers and 14 and under are the fastest growing demographic. it is important. we need president trump back. i know he will be tough. he was before. and he will again. >> dana: it is a bipartisan issue. there are moms and dads and brothers and sisters, grandpas and grandmas from all walks of life dealing with this. i don't know if you have seen the moment, but you spoke so
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beautifully and with such poise an with such emotion and because j.d. vance's mother dealt with a lot of addiction issues, i don't know if you have ever spoken to him, he was visibly moved by what you were saying. and so the strength of a mother. we have spoken to many who have gone through what you are going to. the mothers seem to have such a strong push forward. do you get any sense and ever heard any of the democrats approach you and say we want to help and do anything? >> no. i know in california, they vote down just about every fentanyl bill. democrats, you know, seem to want to enable it. i don't understand it. they were more concerned about removing iver mecke tin and hydroxychloroquine than fentanyl.
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every step of the way the number one killer, where is the covid response? >> dana: do you think covid had anything to do with your child feeling peer pressure out of those years of isolation in his formative time? >> i don't think that covid did. we did okay through covid and once we were a few weeks after the -- when we stayed, we were out and about and resumed a pretty normal life. what i will say is open borders for sure are exasperateing it. we saw all these people coming through our borders just open. california doesn't prosecute -- they will literally find a car full of fentanyl and take the people who are driving the car and let them back on the street with a court date. they don't prosecute at all. >> bill: we know the chemicals are produced in china and
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processed in mexico and come across our border too easily. can i ask you a difficult question here? i think there are mothers all over the country watching you speak right now. you said last night that your 15-year-old son at the time made a mistake. what was the mistake that he made? well, i had those conversations with him. he knew that you should never do anything, drugs period. you should never do anything, never take something that someone gives you ever. i feel like he was in a new school. it was the first time that he was around new friends and he just wanted to fit in. i think in a moment of peer pressure he tried something. i can only set him up for the best future that i can. as a teenager he will make his own decisions. it was important for him to fill in. >> dana: what will you do for
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the campaign cycle. >> i would love to be active in the campaign. i do a lot of work with fentanyl support groups like lost voices of fentanyl. i absolutely am an advocate if a parent comes to me and says my child is struggling, i help them. i would love to, you know, continue speaking. i know a lot of statistics. i can give you everything you need to know about fentanyl. the evils of fentanyl. >> dana: you do all of that but with such heart, grace and dignity. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> bill: you were only nervous about one person and that was? >> i was okay until i found out president trump was going to be there. >> dana: i'm sure he thought it was amazing. j.d. vance, too. interesting to have a conversation with him as well. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: see you around the neighborhood. iranian plot to assassinate former president trump over the 2020 killing of a top military
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officer. the new revelation raising even more questions about security after saturday's rally shooting. plus this. >> enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. we need a commander-in-chief who can lead 24 hours a day and seven days a week. >> dana: republicans coming together at the rnc this week and democrats are slight over president biden. doubts about his campaign are surfacing. much more from milwaukee instead. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td.
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but you know what, they all felt the same about two things: they all loved their home, and they all wanted to stay in that home. and they all wanted to stay in that home. - [announcer] if you're 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle. a reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payments and puts tax-free cash in your pocket. call the number on your screen. - why don't you call aag... and find out what a reverse mortgage can mean for you? - [announcer] call right now to receive your free no-obligation info kit. call the number on your screen. >> dana: fox news alert. secret service ramping up security around donald trump after obtaining intelligence of an iranian plot to assassinate the former president in recent weeks. officials say there is no sign the plot is connected to the
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assassination attempt at saturday's campaign rally. fox news contributor and a former state department spokeswoman are here. iran's mission to the students -- we know that since soleimani was killed in 2020, they've been trying to assassinate trump and many other people on their hit list. dan, what should we be thinking about now? >> we know that iran has publicly threatened former president trump as well as former secretary of state mike pompeo and john bolton. the first question you used to ask our sources when i was in cia, what threats to the homeland, to senior u.s. officials past and present. i'm quite sure that's exactly what happened in this case. it doesn't appear we had the specificity to know the details of the plot but i can assure you that the c.i.a. and rest of the intelligence community along
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with our allies and other foreign governments overseas are mounting a full-court press so that we can detect this sort of threats and preempt them before any harm is caused. >> bill: if that's the case i'm a lawmaker on the phone today if you know all this, is this the best you could do? >> absolutely. first of all, this is not new news. this has been reported in the print media, i've talked about this on fox news for several years. not weeks, months, we know since the end of the trump administration, president trump, mike pompeo former secretary of state and other senior officials like brian hook have to have 24/seven protection from diplomatic security and secret service because of active iranian plots and threats. active on u.s. soil, i might add. this is unprecedented. in the 90s whenever there was a plot by the iraqis against former president you bush, they
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sent tomahawks over because of a credible threat against former president bush. instead what the biden administration is doing, this is what is troubling and i've been talking about this for years. they're saying if an american is harmed that will be consequence. that is not good enough when there are active plots on u.s. soil. we can't wait for a dead former president or secretary of state or cabinet members to stop the iranians. stop the plots, not just the killing. >> dana: dan, we've known this for a while but there must have been something in the last few weeks that made them think there was even more acute perhaps it was the way this campaign is going or they might have heard something. your expertise would tell us what? >> well, the trump campaign has had a lot of rallies, outdoor rallies and secret service has advised them to stop doing that. but it is almost to the point of interference in the political process when you ask for that.
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there may have been some reporting about potentially attacking former president at one of these rallies. we don't know. what i can tell you that is of concern to me we are talking about defending the former president and others at the point of attack here in the united states. what we really need to do to get back to morgan's point is to detect the threat way, way out left of boom. deal with it overseas before those threats are visited on our shores. >> bill: final thought, morgan? >> listen, president trump and mike pompeo took out soleimani, responsible for the murder of americans, continuing to plot to murder americans. he was in charge of the intelligence apparatus and military apparatus of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism and a dereliction of duty we've given billions in sanctions relief by not enforcing the sanctions in this country. the three americans killed in jordan, the service members in january, killed by iranian drones. so they are at the center of
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americans getting killed and plots against former president and officials. >> dana: we'll hear a lot more about all of these threats tonight as that is the theme of today's rnc. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> i'll start by making one thing perfectly clear, donald trump has my strong endorsement period. [cheers and applause] >> bill: all the adversaries are allies and everyone is on board in 2024. former rivals now throwing their support behind the trump train. speaker mike johnson on the big push to unite the republican party. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true?
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>> i have seen this man dragged through hell and back, in and out of courtrooms, indictments, impeachments, mug shots and even an assassination attempt. and yet he has never backed down. >> that was a moment late last night in prime time. rnc co-chair lara trump. a big job trying to get her father if law elected. several of trump's former republican rivals also on stage last night in a show of unity. the house speaker is mike johnson out of louisiana and he is our guest here in milwaukee. good morning to you, sir. how are you doing? >> dana: great to have you. >> bill: just two nights, two shows, two performances however you want to characterize it. how would you rate it so far? >> dana: >> the word is unity. a great feeling among people. 50,000 people here participating and there is a real energy in the place. it was such an experience to sit in the box with president trump
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on monday night when he made his debut the first time he had been out in public since the assassination attempt like walking in. the videos when he walks into a usc fight. that kind of energy. it hasn't stopped as you know. is an exciting time to be a republican. >> dana: i read rich hudson from north carolina trying to reelect republicans to the house. he said if you are in a biden-plus district that he won by three points the republicans are coming after them. maybe you don't want to forecast a red wave. are you feeling confident taking the house back -- keeping the house? >> we're bullish about november. we believe donald trump will be elected president and convinced we'll grow the house majority as well. a unified government and in charge of all three of those centers of power and have a moment to unify the country what president trump is talking about and what the folks on the stage are emphasizing. i think it is an important thing
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for the country. >> bill: steve scalise on accountability. what he was talking about there was trying to figure out the answers for what went down on saturday night as we shift our focus to that dark moment. here is what scalise said on stage. >> one of the things we've seen from the biden administration is so many areas of failure. no accountability. if somebody doesn't do their job properly at some point you need to bring in somebody else. this is too important of a job. your one task is to protect the presidents of the united states and former presidents of the united states. >> bill: what's next? >> we will move quickly, i will set up on monday a task force, special task force within the house. the reason we'll do it that way is because it's a more precision strike. it goes quicker. there is not a lot of procedural hurdles and have subpoena authority with the task force and republicans and democrats to get to the bottom of this quickly so the american people can get the answers.
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within hours i was on the phone with secretary mayorkas at homeland security and did not have satisfactory answers at that time. i have since spoken to leaders of the f.b.i. and national intelligence. there are real questions. the answers have not been forthcoming. they are gathering data. we'll do it as well. we have to have accountability for this. it was inexcusable. security lapses. you don't need to be an expert to understand that and we'll get to the bottom of it quickly. i will call for the resignation of the secret service -- beyond the classified parts. the things that we all understand. her explanation to the media that there was a slant on the roof so there was safety concerns? >> dana: a slant for the shooter, too. >> come on. it doesn't wash. i think she has shown what her priorities are. i don't know her personally but we'll ask lots of questions. >> bill: you reached out to her to speak with her. >> i haven't. she is lower on the totem pole
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of the people i've talked to. the buck does stop at her desk on some of this. >> bill: there is a public hearing on monday for her to appear. will it happen? >> we certainly hope so. it was the right step for oversight and homeland security committees to notice hearings. we hear rumbling this morning that mayorkas may not allow her to attend. >> i've talked to the committee chairmen mark green and jamie comer. we are all aligning this. i will take it into the speaker's office to streamline this thing and move it quickly. those guys will be intimately involved in it. >> bill: when you say move it quickly. america says congress quickly? define that. >> a lot of procedural due process and steps taken in a full committee hearing of impeachment. this is a finite set of facts. important set of answers that we need to obtain and we will do it quickly and in the most
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efficient way possible. >> dana: there is plenty of evidence with cell phones. not like 1963 that took 44 weeks. >> bill: j.d. vance will introduce himself to america tonight. what should america expect? >> looking forward to that. he is one of the youngest persons that will be elected vice president. he brings a lot to the table. he has great life experience, a great story comes from humble beginnings, military background. a thoughtful guy. he is a really intelligent guy. yale educated lawyer. he brings a lot to the table and a lot to the ticket. i think many people will be introduced to him for the first time in that speech. a big one for him and the country. i think he will deliver. >> dana: if they win he will be able to help on the legislative front for trump working with the team. some allies, democrats, warn
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>> harris: brand-new information and new exclusive video that could shed more light on the assassination attempt own president trump. the secret service is feeling fire as pressure to find out who did what and what went wrong is growing? plus unity is crumbling for democrats fighting among themselves after an abnormal move to make sure biden is the nominee. we'll hear the voters' voices, six conservatives from across america join me. congresswoman nancy mays and steve hilton. live from the rnc in milwaukee milwaukee on "the faulkner focus" next. >> dana: democrats are divided. the rebellion of the future of
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president biden's candidacy is back if focus. sean duffy and juan williams. there was a movement, juan, that was going to have the dnc go more quickly to get this roll call done so make sure that joe biden is the nominee. there was a rebellion. a lot of democrats said you cannot do that. we just found out that they said they will not begin this before august 1st. they had wanted to move it up to next week. now we know. so that might have been a good negotiation, i guess. >> i think the key from the co-chairs including governor weiss of minnesota you have to be transparent. if you aren't transparent you invite further rebellion. the pressure was coming from the biden camp to get this done for the ohio ballot so the audience understands. >> dana: that already got taken care of by ohio. >> it could potentially remove biden from the ballot if not the
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nominee. >> dana: they want him to be the nominee now. why would they do that? >> bill: you said august 1st. i look at the calendar, that's two weeks from tomorrow. it will come up like that. >> two weeks before the convention and pushing the envelope to get joe biden on the ticket. it is great for democrats. i think joe biden is a faulty candidate. the mess they will have on their hands if they take joe biden off and go with gavin newsom or harris will be the disaster. they will be more divided and fractured. >> bill: a great point. if you want him off the ticket, be careful what you wish for. >> i was saying earlier to sean that i think it is deep water for the democrats. on the other hand let me quickly say that if you look at the morning numbers and a lot of democrats are and the poll numbers other candidates do better than joe biden against donald trump. but the question is, what a risk. you are taking a huge risk by jumping in the deep ocean. >> you have a primary season for
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that. democrats believe in democracy. they had an election. joe biden won. you have to move forward with your candidate. i think -- and again -- performance on stage and this has been a successful convention. the messaging is wonderful and because of that strength they are even more afraid of joe leading the ticket and making the argument for democrats on the issues that democrats are right for america as opposed to what america is hearing here. >> dana: what kind of damage to you do to the democratic party if you know president biden will lose and the speaker say they believe they will increase the house and take back the senate. house, senate, white house in the republican camp if everything goes the republicans' way and stuck with joe biden. what kind of political damage does that do to them for a generation? it does damage. the damage is worse, dana, if you try to take him out. you will fracture them even more. there was a time for this. it is the leadership of the democrat party and media that have caused democrats to be in
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that position with joe biden and again i think that's -- i'm not a democrat but i think that is their best run. >> dana: do you think he is capable to be president for the next four years i think all democrats would say no. >> bill: we want you guys to participate in something. before we go. say hey, baby dog. you are the star of the show in milwaukee, jim justice out of west virginia brought his best friend on stage. look at that. >> dana: that dog is super famous, baby dog. the governor bringing him there to give everyone a huge amount of joy. i wish i could pick up percy like that. >> bill: he is running for senate and we'll see baby dog on the floor. >> used to be you kiss babies. >> dana: america has changed. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> president biden: we begin


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