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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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the boss. there was a momentary pause in the nasty comments back and forth. they returned a little bit on both sides i would not say anything threatening. but that is the part that they have to watch? >> we have seen this before unfortunately i am a little bit sceptical about the unity weather the shooting of gabby giffords. but hopefully this will be somewhat different. but neil, as you know we are 100 plus days into very intense presidential election cycle it will get nasty again. >> neil: that is the bagels. and you and i are too young to remember that but bob can. editor-in-chief, so much at stake for young jd vance. i am understanding that we have a guy who is my daughter's age.
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[ >> "the five." ♪ ♪ fox news alert. an update on what the secret service knew about the shooter minutes before donald trump took the stage. much more later. g.o.p. unity is stronger than ever. the bandaged ear bad ass sizing up the stage and the podium. vance gearing up to give a prime time speech at the republican convention in earlier he gave us this preview. >> trump has taken everything they have thrown at him and come out stronger and the country has come out better for her service after he came within millimeters of losing his life in the service of this country.
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what did he do? he called for national unity, called for calm. he showed leadership. the guy who actually connects with working people in this country is not fake president joe, it is donald trump. >> donald trump has my strong endorsement for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump. >> america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency. >> donald trump has shown us when it feels impossible to keep going, those are the times we must keep going. he is bold and strong and fearless and he is exactly what this country needs right now.
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>> meanwhile, kamala harris, the vice president rivals had this brief call and she put out this ad. >> trump looked for someone who would be a rubber-stamp. j.d. vance will be loyal to trump, not our country. >> she is committed to three potential dates with vance and is waiting for his move. dana. the framing here is so stark. on one side you have order. coherence, unity, optimism, and the path forward is obvious. people are coalescing. on the other you have incoherence, chaos, and joe biden. i have never seen anything as stark as this. >> it is growing by the hour. what is interesting as you have
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seen, as trump builds the coalition he wants to go into the battle for the selection, he has figured out a way to invite nikki haley and ron desantis. they gave speeches where they got a ton of cheers. if you say you think it is fake, they use to say this about him, imagine what it is going to be like in chicago if biden is the nominee and democrat after democrat pledges their undying loyalty to biden, who they have already told reporters they don't think he should be president. nikki haley answer to question a lot of democrats will put forward, saying 18% of republicans voted for her in the primary. she is going to fall short in these states. that is not what is happening. if you don't want the nikki haley voters, i saw some people on the right thing she is horrible and she is a snake. you can say that, but this is
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going to be a close election. you need everybody you can get. donald trump could not have asked for more. >> it is amazing how the media rivals when they endorse each other. this is what happens when the rivals lose to the winner and everybody says i support that guy. that is how it works. >> jeanine: politics makes strange bedfellows. it is the history of how it works. the interesting part is you have j.d. vance, who criticize donald trump. nikki haley more than criticized donald trump. desantis criticized donald trump. amber ruiz, ted cruz, marco rubio. let's just recognize -- everybody is criticizing biden now that's another story. donald trump has turned his detractors into his supporters
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and we have seen the republican party more united than it has been. the republican party is solidly the magna party. -- the maga party. when we hear from j.d. vance, people will be intrigued. the voters will recognize it is maga today, tomorrow, and the repurepublican party has been solidified. today's theme is about making america strong again, about global issues. it is interesting this is the day j.d. vance is speaking. the democrats are global laughing stocks. afghanistan, and everything else. going forward, everything is
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being steamrolled on the republican side toward a win. >> i want to ask you about this debate. kamala harris and j.d. vance presupposes joe is going to be on the top of the ticket. how does she know she is going to be debating vance and not trump? >> she put two coconuts tog together. thank you for laughing at that. as of today, she is the vice presidential nominee and joe biden as the presidential nominee. it is great that she accepted, i was heartened to see that she called him. it is good for this particular moment in the country when we had an attempted assassination on a former president. all of that is good. in terms of unity, nikki haley was winning 18% of the vote in some states. the part i am looking at is what were those voter saying in terms
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of whether they would support donald trump if he was the nominee. a variety of states, between 30 and 50% said we are not going to vote for donald trump. we don't want him to be the nominee and we don't want to support him. this election is going to be won in five to seven states in those numbers can matter a lot. it is unified. i feel the energy. i get it. j.d. vance once said he was like cultural heroin and i feel that is a wonderful summation of what is going on. i feel it. i was in the convention center when he came back and they saw him for the first time and people are addicted to this man and they are going to be through the election. what happens to all of the people who are not here and did not want this outcome? time will tell whether they will stick with biden or they come
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home. >> you look at the republicans and the people speaking, you notice the level of talent compared to the demoralized democrats. it is like the adults have come home and the democrats are dealing with the fact being woke has killed their party. >> i am a junkie. stick it in my vein. >> i have methadone for you in my purse. wicks give it to greg. >> the trump campaigns that we are not going to commit because we don't know who is going to be on the ticket. they haven't committed. what was reagan's 11th commandment? thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow republican. i don't hear about rhinos at all. there are two types of parties, the ideological type of party where you have predetermined beliefs and they try to convert
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everybody and you have the party that has a broad range of beliefs that if someone believes in 15% of what we believe, come on in, let's go. you can see in the lineups, you have crypto fanatics, union guys, black, white, hispanic, this influencer brit told me all about. i had no idea who she was. nikki haley nailed it. she said you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to vote for him. we must not only be a unified party but we must expand our party. you had the national security people, the business people, social security people. that is potent but it is deemphasized and now it is about economic populism and creating a broad platform that can i feel to people across -- that can appeal to people across class and racial lines.
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we are the party of reality and results, not ideology. j.d. vance is going to be a great, young face to get that message across. emma is watching this from home. she said she can feel the power of this convention. she is great at feeling powder. >> jeanine: that is why she is with you. >> very perceptive. >> we have a fox news alert. a huge update on what the secret service knew about the shooter. minutes before donald trump took the stage. there was a briefing today about what happens. >> we got a big information dump. i am going to hold your hand and walk you through this. there are a lot of notes i am going to look at here. a couple of minutes ago, the
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senates came out briefing with secret service, asking for for days now. finally got it with the director and secret service staff in the top headline that has come out of it, just spoke to john as soon as he hung up. he said the secret service had identified as a character of suspicion, this man, this shooter, because they saw a range finder on him as well as a backpack. this happened more than an hour before the shooting occurred. they saw the guy and they identified this guy as suspicious. more details coming from a source familiar in the meeting tells me that about 10 minutes before formal president trump went onto the stage, they had gone from looking at the sky from the night as suspicious to looking at him as a threat. that is coming from this briefing the senators were in. secret service had called in to
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a center, that this guy, they now identified as a threat, about 10 minutes before president trump walked on stage and they still allowed him to walk onto that stage. i am told the secret service agent in charge was on the phone with local and state police about the threat while the shooting was taking place. that is huge. that is raising a lot of concerns and major calls for the director of the secret service to step down immediately. mitch mcconnell just tweeted he wants her to step down. several senators want her to step down immediately. another nugget of information that came out of it that is interesting as they don't have a motive. they are trying to hack into his phone right now, but some things they are unable to access
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because of encryption. they don't have a motive. they don't know why he did it but the timeline the senators have received now, creating a lot of troubling concerns about how this was allowed to happen and why the former president was allowed to take that stage when just 10 minutes before they identified this guy as being not just suspicious but being a threat. >> dana: let's go to you, judge, about that information they had. >> jeanine: the fact they identified him as a threat 10 minutes before donald trump took the stage means they violated their own operational rules. at that point, the protected he should not have been allowed to take the stage. he should have been removed from the premises. there is no question here. the secret service has failed miserably, they failed in their
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responsibility to cover the totality of the circumstances and their surrounding peri perimeters. they initially blamed the local police, the building the assassin was on, but the truth is, they are responsible for following up on what the locals do and for the secret service director to think she should remain in place is stunning. she should be fired and her boss, and not speaking to this issue, none of them have spoken to the issue but what is more shocking is the fact there was an iranian threat on the president of the united states and this inept, incompetent and anyone would feel comfortable saying this, secret service, allowed a 20-year-old punk they saw with a range finder, 31 hours before and he was acting suspiciously and they couldn't take him out or respond to him.
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apparently, the members of secret service and law enforcement inside the secured perimeter could not get out without jumping the fence because there was no guard posted there to control the entrance and exit from the perimeter. it took them too long, believe me i am not trashing the secret service. i am trashing the people at the top. it is like the fbi four or eight years ago. it took more than 2 minutes to get the president off the stage. once they got him into the car, it took another 2 minutes for the car to move. you know why? the convoy wasn't ready. if this really were a threat, those wheels would have been shot out and they wouldn't have been able to move. this is incompetence of the highest level. when the report comes out, it won't be did they mess up, it will be how bad did they mess
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up? this is on the level of afghanistan. >> this is a cascade of incompetence. >> how is it possible this teenager doesn't have social media? it is not about the agents. it is about the bureaucracy, if it is not affecting their priorities. why did trump have less protection at this point? it may be another example of how trump arrangement contaminates every decision you make and you don't even notice it. it is trump. politics is downstream from culture. those are the words of andrew breitbart. even secret service politics is
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downstream from the media culture. that rewards the easy virtue of dei over the traditions of meritocracy. the news amplifies the hoaxes, they assign opinions to people, including those mentally ill. the secret service bureaucracy is seduced by the headlines. they know you will get a positive reaction if you sync your costs into that rather than face the challenges of the harsher stances of meritocracy, whether it is the physical fitness standards or the things you demand from your agents. this has nothing to do with the agents. it has to do with the bureaucracy that has become contaminated by a mind-set. >> and content. >> jesse: i blame the head of the secret service and whoever the secret service site commander was for this. they set the parameter and did not act when locals were
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radioing in this guy was all over their radar. they were sending text messages, pictures of him, they were saying he had a range finder, a backpack, he was acting suspicious. they didn't do anything about it. the men in charge of that site security did not take action. the locals were the one chasing him. it was the locals doing all the work around this perimeter and that was not their job. their job was traffic control. this guy was not ex-military. this wasn't a 900-yard shot with a $50,000 hunting rifle. this was a soft 20-year-old with no military training, who knew what roof to climb, got up there and got off eight rounds at the president from 150 yards like it was nothing. this woman has to resign right now and the fact that joe biden says he has confidence in this lady is asinine. >> he doesn't even know she is a
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lady. >> i agree with all that has been said. it is particularly that the cops had seen it and recognize that but that people who were attending the rally and may be drinking all day were saying there is a guy up there on the roof, i think i see a gun. i do wonder, adding to your point, a soft 20-year-old with no military training, and on top of it, his rifle club said he was a bad shot. i am prone to a big government solution but when there are kids in these high schools that have mistreated a proclivity for wielding a gun, wanting to shoot a gun, they are loners, they got bullied, i wonder if there is some way that can be tracked so every time we have one of these, the evidence comes pouring out of the kids 'mouths.
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>> guns in the house, the parents know the situation, the parents are the ones -- >> that is a much harder ask than expecting the secret service to protect. >> i understand, but we are sick of the whole cycle of it and the target was so much higher, unimaginable. every time, within 24 hours, there are a bunch of people on television who can tell you they knew the person who committed the atrocity was capable of something like that. >> the secret service mission is to protect the president of the united states. that they cannot do that is stunning and an embarrassment for this country. >> i don't think we know anything about this kid. >> his classmates have been talking about him. >> they say he has been bullied.
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i don't know anything about that except he was in an ad for blackrock. which is so weird. >> we will keep at it as the breaking news just came out a few minutes ago. the media wants to censor donald trump's fist pump photo. ♪ ♪
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my mom used to tell me if you want to be a champion you got to be a champion at life. i got to watch her play at her highest from when i was born. from one generation to the next, to the next, we don't stop. i always wanted to know why i'm the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it breaks down like everything genetically. what that means. that's amazing. — right. it all comes full circle. (♪)
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steven spielberg is there to try to make some sort of image for president biden, so that he looks like he's awake after 5:00. i don't understand the complaints. i think it is a pretty outrageous. i think of iwo jima and of course, what did i think of iwo jima. it galvanized america to win the war. it continues on to -- this is only for the republicans out there that i care for the country. that is preposterous.
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would it be better if you took the bandage off? would that be better for you so you can see the blood? >> it is crazy, jesse. that is going to be a statue sooner than later. the people are getting a tattoo of that image. are you going to get a tattoo? > >> jesse: right on my rear end. will you give it to me? >> no. >> jesse: i will have to get greg to do it. getting shot will elicit sympathy. this man is vain. he doesn't want the ear patch. he would have rather not had that they are. we have seen the video 1,000 times. we don't see the teleprompter smash. it is obviously a bullet. it is not like they were squeezing heinz ketchup packets
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onto his ear. imagine barack obama before the last election and he is in hawaii, the place of his birth. he is riding the waves and some child starts drowning from a riptide and he grabs the kid and rescues him and comes back with the pacific surf glistening on his body and the photographer captures it. do you think they are going to be mad that shot is being used politically? they are not going to be mad. this is the process. they take the picture of the news. the public consumes it. if you don't want to be part of that process, make pottery and sell it on the side of the street. >> are they saying the shooting was a cheap fake and that this is? >> i don't think anyone is disputing that something happened to him. it has been debunked there was
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glass. that was the going explanation for an hour or so on saturday when this happened but we know what it was. i don't think it gets anyone bonus points. not only that, if you want to be thinking about this in terms of the political future, people are not going to be happy to hear you advocating for that. some people think, it was stage door it was glass or not a big deal. you could be using a smaller mandate or whatever they want to say. the average person, i have spoken to a lot of people. they acknowledged it happened and it was serious and they are concerned about what it for boats the future. i have been thinking about when bill clinton said it was better to be strong and long than right and weak and i think that is
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important advice for this exact moment in time. whatever you think about donald trump and you know what i think about donald trump, that look strong, and i also think he is wrong. this particular moment, images coming out from the debate or these interviews joe biden has done after the debate, he looks substantially weaker and i believe he is right on the issues. we have a tremendous record to be running on and i don't want to waste time demeaning that photo or that moment for trump and his family or the americans that support him by not talking about policy issues and things i think we will be able to win the election on. >> jeanine: it is interesting michael was questioning the issue we haven't seen the doctors report. is there really ear damage? isn't that ironic when joe biden won't take a cognitive test?
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>> he wasn't like this ten years ago. he is permanently damaged. i don't think there is a worse punishment than just being them. you can criticize them all you want but i don't want to be inside that head if it is so infected. it is no longer a syndrome, it is a virus. it has moved on. i kind of agree with you, jessica, if i were a democrat, i would sit this out. the stars are aligned against you. i mean the actual universe. when you realize you are the bad guy in a movie, leave the movie. there are other projects, other films to do. sitting in this one and leaning into being the villain is bad for you. did reporters ever worry about
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an iconic photo when it wasn't trump? the goal is to use the power of imagery to persuade somebody. they showed the rubble of gaza, did they say i hope this doesn't affect the status of israel? no, they want to win a pulitzer. it is only a problem when it involves trump. there is a fear of people as being helpful to trump simply by doing your job and telling the truth. you would rather not do your job and not tell your truth and keep your friends? they could have pushed back on the fine people hoax. they did not. they could have reported on his infirmary, but they did not. they did not want to lose their friends. somehow they feel it is better to bury the truth. that picture blew a hole through
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the operation. the general public saw this and the only way to destroy it in media industrial complex was to tear a hole through it with a photo like that. >> jeanine: the plot against the president just got real. top democrats are uniting to send him packing. ♪ ♪ make your dreams come true. but the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e-class sedan, c-class sedan, cle cabriolet and cle coupe. hurry, these dream offers won't last forever. come in now through september 3rd.
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this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services
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and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love
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that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them. ♪ ♪ >> top democrats working behind the scenes to topple the house of biden. chuck schumer and jeffries spoke to one another and both agreed to make the push to delay biden's nomination. the dnc says it won't happen before august. adam schiff calling on biden to drop out of the presidential race and nancy pelosi said to be
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cooking up a plan to ease biden off the ticket. democrats showing how four prominent democrats and kamala harris would beat trump and outperform him in key swing states. joe biden says he needs a doctor's note to get him out of the race. >> if the doctors came in and said you have this problem or that problem, but i made a serious mistake in the debate and when i originally ran, i said i am going to transition the candidate. i thought i may have passed this on to someone else but i did not anticipate things getting so divided. >> cnn is warning about a possible trump tsunami. >> you look at the now, the difference is striking. this is how our political union projects the race right now.
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right now, deep red, solid republican. if this map played out like this, even if the toss-ups went blue, donald trump would win the election. >> where do you see things standing now with the attack on the house of biden? >> he is still the nominee and he is getting more defiant about it. his interview with lester holt, they showed a clip of it and the only person he is consulting with is himself. that is a lot smaller than the inner circle we thought of. his wife and hunter. while all of that is going on and he has recognized that the debate was startling for people and that he wants to have conversations about it, i keep thinking about the big tim alberta piece in the atlantic. >> me too.
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the trump campaign's plan and they think they can get 320 electoral votes, hinges on biden being the nominee. there is no back up on how to run against kamala harris or figure out who gretchen whitman is. that is weighing heavily on these officials. biden is the nominee. you see 65% of the dems want him to step aside. 57% of the general voting public wants trump to step aside. this conversation that the elites are calling for him to move, they are getting calls from their constituents that are concerned about this and if we lose those seats and we don't maintain control of the senate, you are looking at a trifecta with donald trump on the top,
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coming into full view, project 2025, that is a reality not any democrat wants to live with. >> jeanine: the democrats were quiet for a few days after trump was shot and now all of a su sudden, they are beside themselves. the head of the teamsters for the first time in history is speaking at a republican national convention and saying donald trump is tough and the kumbaya is over. it is time to get rid of him. they know it. the only guy he listens to his himself but initially it was god and then it was the second person, the second reason he would give up but now he added a doctor to it. >> the polls showed he couldn't win and then he added a doctor to it. what he may or may not know, 63%
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of americans don't think he is involved in any decision-making in the white house. that is scary. we have a vessel, or a trojan horse, who is running the white house. has the white house been honest and transparent with the american people? 7 out of 10 people say the white house has been misleading as to information. he can show there are no signs of budging, but when you have adam schiff, he doesn't move without nancy pelosi. clooney doesn't move without obama, and you have the teamsters, it is time to go. >> the california contingent doesn't want joe biden in there. >> they said the donors are freaking out. i imagine adam schiff's numbers are so bad that he realizes he could lose and he really wants to win.
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that they are going to lose the presidency and the majority in the senate. rich lowry rode a piece that posted about an hour before the show that says this is getting embarrassing. we feel that. there is a 92nd clip going around. you had a box reporter saying the president is having a hard time reading the teleprompter. he said he was going to cap length at $55. we have all made verbal stumbles at times, but it is getting to be concerning. it is embarrassing. i also want to add this. it is unethical what the democrats are asking voters to do. they are asking them to give their hard-earned money to a campaign to elect somebody they know cannot serve for four years. it is not right. >> it is not right.
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>> it is just not right, but enough about your career. the democrats are seeing what we have already solved. this going on too far and it is too late to create a new course. when a movie is about 90% finished and the lead actor is kevin spacey. it was like house of cards and all of a sudden, what do we do? do we replace him with christopher plummer? is christopher plummer still alive? they are in a panic because they are almost finished with this movie and the movie is doa. joe is now living by the reflexes of past cliches. now they seem tied together like tin cans on the bumper of a dead automobile. he is the last guy at the bar who will not leave and everybody wants to go home.
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the democratic party wants to go home but he is still sitting at the bar because he is the brother-in-law of the owner and he is going to have another drink and all the waitresses want to get home and feed their cats but they can't because he won't leave. i would feel sorry for him, but i do not. i alternate between pity and he is despicable. the falsehood about trump calling the national guard to quell george floyd's peaceful protest. he said the naacp that trump called the guard on them. he is obviously grasping at the only weapon he has left, which is racial conflict. if you live by identity politics, you are going to die by them. trading in the idea of an american identity for these contentious victim ecology groups has done nothing for the democrats but rip them alive
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inside and they thought this hollow husk of a man could carry them across the finish line. >> i felt like joe biden at dinner last night. it was 1015. we were the only ones at the restaurant and all the help surrounded us and started staring at us. >> and you did not care. >> i was going to finish my dessert. >> though race is still a toss-up. >> no it's not. in your head. wait till you hear about the latest wacky character from president biden's pass. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> no, i love you. president biden is telling us about his best friend mouse. >> i have real friends. so many of you had my back and i have had yours as well. i will never forget it. one of my best friends when i was a lifeguard in the projects, his name was mouse, his nickname
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was mouse. >> real person, just like corn pop was. what do you make of his storytelling about him? >> some of his best friends are mice. that has persuaded me. i don't care about the stuff. i didn't care about the bull's-eye comment. it is the stuff that led to people wanting to kill people. fine people hoax, the lies about george floyd. everything that comes out of his mouth that is a racially charged live. this is just a man making up. i know they are real people but i don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. >> you don't believe he was raised -- and that he went to the jewish synagogue. he drove an 18-wheeler, he is a
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real man. >> i think it is obsolete. i think this is wrong. i feel for him. i want him to be well, i want his family to help him figure this out, but i do not think it is right to ask people to send their hard-earned money to a campaign that is lying to them. >> you are like an upset angry "american idol" judge, why is this person here? >> he named all of his black friends, jessica and i have the list of his black friends. chopped somali, mouse, corn pop. are they real? we don't care. we love the name. >> at least when joe biden speaks to the black church but there are actually black people in there. >> what does he say?
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>> thank you for having me? >> no, he says horrible things. >> are you daring me to count how many black people are here? >> don't make me name my black friends. >> talk about not going well. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪) frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for.
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♪ >> greg: omt, dana? >> dana: the judge and i did something with fox weather that was super fun. it had to do with dogs. a dogs days of summer special. one of the things i talked about canine companions organization super dear to me. raised in a program make huge influence on people's lives. love them. judge jeanine, red, ted and stella made an appearance on the special they are super cute and so is she.
3:00 pm
check out that position special on youtube channel and keep up with fox news. >> greg: tonight, what great show. we ever kicking some serious liney. walter kirn. kennedy, jamie lissow, kat timpf. we are live. you never know what is going to happen. right, jesse? how is your pathetic show? >> jesse: before we get to my thatthey thick she doppelganger. >> dana: someone call wardrobe. >> jesse: tonight senator dead cruise, dana perino, miller. >> greg: 13. >> jessica: virginia woman bought six lottery tickets matched all five numbers, 30 k per ticket. congratulations. >> greg: something doesn't smell right. have a great night


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