tv Gutfeld FOX News July 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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i'm sorry, michigan, i had to get that in there. [ chanting ] >> come on, come on, we've had enough political violence, let's -- after ohio state, i went to law school where i met my beautiful wife and i started businesses to create jobs in the kind of places i grew up in. my work taught me that there is still so much talent and grit in the american heartland, there really is, but for these places to thrive, my friends, we need a leader who fights for the people who built this country. [ cheering and applause ] >> we need a leader who is not
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in the pocket of big business but answers to the working man, union and nonunion alike. a leader who won't sell out to multinational corporations but will stand up for american companies and american industry. [ cheering and applause ] >> a leader who rejects joe biden and kamala harris' green new scam and fights to bring back our great american factories. we need president donald j trump [ cheering and applause ] >> some people tell me i've lived the american dream, and of course they are right and i'm so grateful for it, but the american dream that counted most was not starting a business or becoming a senator or even being
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here with you fine people, though it's pretty awesome. my most important american dream was becoming a good husband and a good dad, being able to give -- [ cheering and applause ] >> i wanted to give my kids the things i did not have when i was growing up, and that is the accomplishment that i'm proudest of. that tonight i'm joined by my beautiful wife, an incredible lawyer and a better mom, and our three beautiful kids, seven, four and two. they are back at the hotel and kids if you are watching, that he loves you very much, but get your butts in bed. it's 10:00. but my friends got things did not work out for a lot of kids i grew up with. every now and then i will get a call from a relative back home who asks, did you know so and so
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i will remember a face from years ago and then i will hear, they died of an overdose. as always, america's ruling class wrote the checks, communities like mine paid the price. for decades, that divide between the few with their power and comfort in washington and the rest of us only widened. from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. [ cheering and applause ] >> that is of course until a guy named donald j trump came along. president trump represents america's last best hope to restore what if lost may never be found again. a country where a working-class boy born far from the halls of
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power can stand on this stage is the next vice president of the united states of america. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] home-mac jd! >> but my fellow americans here in this stage and watching at home, this moment is not about me, it's about all of us. it's about who we are fighting for. it's about the autoworker in michigan wondering why out of touch politicians are destroying their jobs. it's about the factory worker in wisconsin who makes things with their hands and is proud of american craftsmanship. it's about the energy worker in
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our movement, ladies and gentlemen, is about grandparents all across the country who are living on social security and raising grandchildren they did not expect to raise. while we are on the topic of grandparents let me tell you another story. my grandma died shortly before i left for iraq in 2005 and when we went through her things we found 19 loaded handguns. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] >> now, the thing is, they were stashed all over her house, under her bed, in her closet, in the silverware drawer. we wondered what was going on and it occurred to us that towards the end of her life, she could not get around so well and so this frail old woman to make sure that no matter where she was, she was within arm's length
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of whatever she needed to protect her family. that is who we fight for, that's american spirit. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] >> joe biden has been a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive. thirty-nine years old. kamala harris is not much further behind. for half a century, he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and poorer. and in four short years, donald trump reversed decades of but trails inflicted by joe biden
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and the rest of the corrupt washington insiders. he created the greatest economy in history for workers. really was amazing. there's this chart that shows worker wages and they stagnated for pretty much my entire life, until president donald j trump came along. workers wages went through the roof. just imagine what he's going to do when we give him four more years. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ]
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>> months ago i heard some young family member observe that their parents generation, the baby boomers, could afford to buy a home when they first entered the workforce, but i don't know this person observed if i will ever be able to afford a home. the absurd cost of housing is the result of so many failures and it reveals so much about what's broken in washington. i can tell you exactly how it happened. wall street barons crash the economy and american builders went out of business. as tradesmen scrambled for jobs, houses stopped being built. the lack of good jobs of course led to stagnant wages. and then the democrats flooded this country with millions of illegal aliens. [ booing ] >> so citizens had to compete with people who should not even be here for precious housing.
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joe biden's inflation crisis, my friends, is really unaffordability crisis. many of the people i grew up with cannot afford to pay more for groceries, more for gas, more for rent, and that's exactly what joe biden's economy has given them. [ chanting ] >> so prices soared, dreams were shattered and china and the cartels sent fentanyl across the border, adding addiction to the heartache. but ladies and gentlemen, that is not the end of our story. we have heard about villains and their victims, i've talked a lot about that, but let me tell you about the future. president trump's vision is so
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simple and yet so powerful. we are done, ladies and gentlemen, catering to wall street, we will commit to the workingmen. [ cheering and applause ] >> we are done importing foreign labor, we will fight for american citizens and their good jobs and their good wages. we are done buying energy from countries that hate us, we will get it right here from american workers in pennsylvania, ohio and across the country. we are done sacrificing supply chains to unlimited global trade and we will stamp more and more products with that beautiful label "made in the usa."
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[ chanting ] >> we will build factories again, put people to work making real products for american families made with at the hands of american workers. together, we will protect the wages of american workers and stop the chinese communist party from building their middle-class on the backs of american citizens. [ cheering and applause ] >> together we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace. no more free rides for nations that betray the generosity of the american taxpayer.
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together we will send our kids to war only when we must, but as president trump showed with the elimination of isis and so much more, when we punch, we are going to punch hard. together we will put the citizens of america first, whatever the color of their skin we will in short make america great again. [ cheering and applause ] >> one of the things that you hear people say sometimes is that america is an idea. to be clear, america was indeed
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founded on brilliant ideas like the rule of law and religious liberty, things written into the fabric of our constitution and our nation. but america is not just an idea. it is a group of people with a shared history and a common future. it is in short a nation. it is part of that tradition that we welcome newcomers, but when we allow newcomers into our american family, we allow them on our terms. [ cheering and applause ] >> that's the way we preserve the continuity of this project from 250 years past hopefully 250 years in the future. let me illustrate this with a story if i may. i am of course married to the daughter of south asian immigrants to the country,
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incredible people, people who genuinely have enriched this country in so many ways and of course i'm biased because i love my wife and her family, but it's true. when i proposed to my wife, we were in law school and i said honey, i come with $120,000 worth of law school debt and a cemetery plot on a mountainside in eastern kentucky. [ cheering and applause ] and i guess standing here tonight it's just gotten weirder and weirder, connie. but that's what she was getting. that cemetery plot in eastern kentucky is near my family's ancestral home and like a lot of people, we came from the mountains to the factories of ohio, pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin.
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that's kentucky coal country, one of the ten -- [ cheering and applause ] >> it's one of the ten poorest counties in the entire united states of america. they are very hard-working people and they are very good people, the kind of people who would give you the shirt off their back even if they can't afford enough to eat. our media calls them privileged and looks down on them, but they love this country. not only because it's a good idea, but because in their bones they know that this is their home. and it will be their children's home and they would die fighting to protect it. [ cheering and applause ] >> matt is the source of america's greatness. as a united states sent in there
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i get to represent people with similar stories and it's a great honor of my life. in that cemetery there are people who were born around the time of the civil war. if, as i hope, my wife and i are eventually laid to rest there and our kids follow us, there will be seven generations just in that small mountain cemetery plot in eastern kentucky, seven generations of people who have fought for this country, who have built this country, who have made things in this country and who would fight and die to protect this country if they were asked to. [ cheering and applause ] >> that is not just an idea, my friends, that is not just a set of principles, even though the ideas and the principles are great, that is a homeland, that is our homeland. [ cheering and applause ] >> people will not fight for
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abstractions, but they will fight for their home. if this movement of hours is going to succeed, and if this country is going to thrive, our leaders have to remember that america is a nation and its citizens deserve leaders who put it's interests first. [ cheering and applause ] >> we won't agree on every issue, not even in this room. we may disagree from time to time about how best to reinvigorate american industry and renew american family, that's fine, it's more than fine, it's good. but never forget that the reason why disunited republican party exists, why we do this, why we care about those great ideas and that great history is that we want to this nation to thrive for centuries to come. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> eventually in that mountain cemetery, my children will lay me to rest. when they do, i would like them to know that thanks to the work of this republican party, the united states of america back as strong and proud as great -- and as great as ever. [ cheering and applause ] >> that is who we serve, my friends, that is who we fight for and the only thing that we need to do right now, the most important thing that we can do for those people, for that american nation that we all love, is to reelect donald j trump, president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> mister president, i will never take for granted the trust you have put in me and what an honor it is to help achieve the extraordinary vision that you have for this country. i pledge to every american, no matter your party, i will give you everything i have. to serve you and to make this country a place where every dream you have for yourself, your family and your country will be possible once again. [ cheering and applause ] >> and i promise you one more thing. to the people of middletown, ohio and all the forgotten communities, in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio and every corner of our nation, i promise you this, i will be a vice president who never forgets
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where he came from. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] >> and every single day for the next four years when i walk into the white house to help president trump, i will be doing it for you, for your family, for your future, and for this great country, thank you, bless all of you and god bless our great country. [ cheering and applause ] [♪♪]
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>> jd vance, the 39-year-old senator from ohio, now the vise presidential nominee. in the speech there was a bit of a political realignment, a republican party, the workers party, talking about where he's from, poor community, mentioning ohio nine times, pennsylvania three times, michigan four times, wisconsin three times. you think he's not going to be effective in the rust belt weight republicans in the trump vance campaign believe he is. a powerful moment, a standing ovation for his mom who's been clean and sober for ten years in the hall here. talking about his story, but then translating it to why a trump vance ticket is the american workers story. this is a different pitch for
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the republican party, this is a pitch for and every man, the forgotten man, the middletown, ohio man and woman in this convention hall and around the country. >> i could not agree more. we watched donald trump talk about the forgotten man and woman. jd vance represents the next generation of that, he represents youth, he's 39 years old, enormously successful, from a very top background -- top background and the theme is working hard, we heard it from donald trump junior, we've heard the world war ii veteran who said that he would storm the beach again tomorrow. this kind of ability to embrace the country, faith a huge theme through all of this, we've heard a lot of talk about faith. very different republican party that is galvanizing tonight. >> this is not about wall street or establishment in washington, this is a different pitch. that's bring in our panel.
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>> we saw what a capable speaker this young man is. tremendous talent and promise. making this hairpin turn from being someone who was ardently anti-trump eight years ago to the man now standing as his vise presidential nominee. but if you follow the intellectual thread through the speech about the kind of populist policies, distinct from the economic policies republicans traditionally pursued for a long time, you can see that in donald trump he might have found someone who's willing to put them on the ticket but also found i think someone he thought would adopt and pursue policies that are consistent with what he's thought for a long time. you can see the threads of it in his book, sociological book, and you sought throughout the speech tonight. it might give people reason to think the guy made a conversion, based on ideas he thought he could pursue in this job with
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this president. >> this is a transition for this party. at the beginning in 2016 it was just about donald trump. this has been an evolution for the republican party and jd vance is a part of that and that messaging. >> it's a speech that if you are fortunate enough to be elected in politics, you hope to be able to give one day. you aspire to your dream to be put on a national ticket. he spoke from the heart, i agree. i don't think he was articulating an ideology as much as telling a life story and saying our politics ought to address my life story and the life stories of so many. he went so far as to talk about his life and even where he and his family want to be buried and that was a part of that story. in so many ways i thought as he talked about the workingmen being forgotten, it sounded a lot like the 84 and 88 democrat conventions where jackson spoke
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about america being a big diverse place. it will be interesting to see how the republicans on the country adopts and adapts to this. i found it interesting, i found a powerful and we will see how it resonates with the rest of the country over the next several weeks and few months. >> on the point you are making about this being different, it's sounding like 84, 88 from the democratic convention, i think many republicans may not be okay with that, but there was another thread through the speech and over and over again he said we might not all agree on how we want to get this economy moving again, and that's okay because we will talk about it and that's how the party will be for the next four years. obviously very comfortable and fluid. if he does debate kamala harris, that i'm skeptical that happens, i think you will see a really good event. but that moment with his mom, very special. and grandma stole the show. >> nineteen guns all over the house. joe biden has been a politician in washington longer than jd vance has been alive.
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think about that contrast. we don't even know at this point of joe biden will be the democratic nominee, all that has happened over the past couple of days. we have bill down on the floor, what do you have? you there? okay. >> okay. >> i guess we don't have bill. but this moment in this convention is about unity, they are trying to portray here and the contrast of what they are seeing on the other side. >> unity is a bit of an easy task here because this hall, trump won the nomination overwhelmingly, these are his delegates by the thousands, they have control of that. i think the question for the convention really is who else in the course of this convention can they draw in who would not have maybe voted for donald trump and who had not planned to
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vote for donald trump. i think that that's got to be what they are looking at here because look, it's important to note that despite this debate performance by joe biden which i think is going to end up with him not on the ticket, the lead that we see donald trump enjoy is quite modest. all within the margin of error. the democrats still have a shot here. so i think that's what we are looking at tonight and what we will be looking at tomorrow night. >> this is night three, the big night, former president trump taking the stage tomorrow night. we have you covered. thank you for joining us. >> great to have you with us tonight, look forward to being back together tomorrow night and all day throughout tomorrow as well. this addition of gutfeld coming up live from milwaukee right now. [♪♪]
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[ cheering and applause >> greg: okay, all right. i get it. i get it, i get it. i get it. i would applaud two -- too if i were this close to me. happy wednesday everyone. so joe biden has covid. i guess there's another shot that did not work. his symptoms, a brutal cough, raspy throat and not being able to think clearly, and that was before he got covid. according to the white house, he's experiencing general malaise. the president and thanked general malaise for his service in afghanistan.
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the president appeared tired heading up the air force one stairs, worrying staffers it would be -- he would be too week to fall back down the stairs. following this sobering news, everyone is advising -- advising to wear a mask. nothing to do with covid, people just prefer her in a mask. thank you. meanwhile according to new research, 41% of people are looking for a random hookup. with others preferring a more steady hookup. during a recent call with house democrats, president biden was handed a private note telling him to "stay positive loco which he then read out loud.
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aids say it was one of his most inspirational phrases, right after "caution, use handrail" and end of quote. joe biden says he watches his favorite show morning joe while working out. he's partial to deadlifts. that's when his staff hoists him out of bed. in a new interview, biden said he would drop out if he was diagnosed with a medical condition. fortunately his doctor says he's fine. they all can't be winners. and the country of columbia is suffering from a glut of cocaine due to a decreased demand. i guess hunter really did quit. all right. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: so. so the more the outside world notices how senile biden is, the
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more he retreats from reality. lucky for him, that's a very short walk. according to the new york times, old joe isn't consulting with his advisors or staff anymore. his cell phone rings and rings but joe keeps trying to answer a banana. true, biden's inner circle is tighter than a meerkats bottle. don't ask me how i know. he needed a suppository. apparently he's down to a tiny group of loyalists including his son and wife. the fate of the world hangs in the balance and the people in charge are a substitute teacher and a guy who snorts grated cheese. i guess bert and ernie were all tied up. but why listen to the advisors in a crisis when you can run light on a convicted felon who smokes crack like it's brisket in north carolina. the biden's are running the government like their sex lives, they prefer relatives.
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so as joe biden's brain shrinks like jesse watters package in the swimming pool, so do his allies. he closes himself off from facts that upset him, like mister president, your polls are awful, your uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals and joe, you have applesauce in your eyebrows. biden is so desperate he's now targeting the supreme court. finalizing a proposal that includes term limits for the judges. talking about term limits is like stormy daniels talking about sperm limits. i blame that on joe mackie. it's not likely to pass in congress, but if it did, where does the appeal go? back to the supreme court. so do they decide if they get to fire themselves? that's like the president deciding that he doesn't have
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dementia. meanwhile during a speech at the convention for the naacp, joe lied about the george floyd riots calling them peaceful protests. >> peacefully protested george floyd's murder, donald trump called for the national guard to go after you. what's the matter with this man? >> greg: $2 billion worth of damages peaceful? that's like saying jonestown was just a slumber party. but once again, joe lied. nineteen people were killed in the first two weeks of the 2020 riots and trump called on the national guard to quell the violence in portland but democrat leadership turned it down. but joe does not care because all he has left his race baiting and now he admits he ran as a transitional candidate, but won't leave because he did not expect it to be this divided. >> when i originally ran, i said i would be a transitional candidate. i thought i would be able to
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move from this, pass it on to someone else. but i did not anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. >> greg: he's surprised by this division? it's like an arsonist who did not expected to get so hot. this guy shits himself literally and figuratively and has a disaster zoom call with congressional democrats over the weekend that was even worse than the debate. and i've pissed out kidney stones there weren't as bad as the debate. during the call biden yelled at a congressman, a veteran and former recipient of the bronze star, telling him "tell me who did something that you've never done with your bronze start, like my son." what that has to do with anything not even joe could explain to you. but that's his default way to get out of a debate, no one wants to say to him, what does your dead son have to do with
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this? reportedly the zoom call made democrats so angry the only reason they did not lash out biden publicly was because less than an hour later, trump was shot. you know your campaign is in deep trouble when your opponent almost getting assassinated can only help you. people were suddenly talking about joe's idiocy instead of his dementia. so how much longer can joe hold out? he supposed to debate trump again on september 10th. will he still be the candidate by then, will he even be the president by then? if you saw him crawling his way up the stairs of air force one today, you would tell covid, get out of him while you still can. let's welcome tonight's guests. he's the sexiest man alive named walter, novelist and literary critic walter kirn. marriage councilors have him a freak rent cryer discount, jamie lissow -- frequent cryer
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discount -- she's like crystal pepsi, big in the nineties, kennedy. she puts the sin in wisconsin, new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. walter, you look quite -- you look like you survived pompeii. >> what you mean, that hand? >> greg: yes. >> well drink it and people, you don't get to see it very often. and it goes all the way down. much like biden. >> greg: so what do you make of this whole covid diagnosis. i'm going to believe it, choose to believe it, but it's convenient if you want to drop out of a race. he was supposed to make these campaign stops and now he's
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going to lie low, he's going to self isolate. when you think about it, why would you campaign anymore if you are not running? >> right. well, you know, most people fake sick to get out of a boring dinner party were so they don't have to go to school tomorrow. he's faking sick to get out of the presidency of the united states. no one believes he has covid. he said last night that if a medical condition emerges, he will consider leaving the presidency. voilà, covid the next day. he talked about a season of severe illness and death a couple of years ago, he predicted that for the unvaccinated. well, boomerang time. i just think that they've used every excuse. maybe they will say he has long covid in reverse, it went back four years and made him senile.
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a medical excuse will work because we are looking for any excuse to get rid of him. >> greg: it's kind of like the fake excuse. we can all agree and pretend like this is the way out. >> yeah, we are giving him a social, you know, pelite exit. we will take anything, whatever it is. >> greg: just please leave. all right, kennedy, isn't it weird that post shooting it's biden's health the got worse, not trump's? it's like an attempted assassination of trump and trump looks better than ever and biden keeps getting sicker. >> maybe they are connected. maybe one of them donated a kidney to the other and their organs still manifest in each other's bodies. i think what it is, and i think we've done this as a society, since 2015, since trump ascended the escalator, our politics has moved so fast and gotten so crazy that we've got -- gotten addicted to it. now i'm thinking we are the ones
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who think about how crazy politics are so much that we make it even crazier. could you have imagined six days ago that we would be having the week we are now? between biden's covid and the assassination attempt, it's getting more and more insane, which makes me think that the chinese are getting us addicted to our own politics and they are bringing it over the border. [ laughter ] >> greg: so you don't believe it's covid? i don't want to be like them and think, like, -- >> i don't believe anything. i believe anthony fauci will come out and say, you know, one of the side effects of covid is that causes parkinson's, just spontaneously, it's the weirdest thing. i blame the pangolins. >> greg: the pangolins at the food court. now i'm going to do that all day. jamie, you are a miserable person. your life is empty, your family
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hates you, but compared to biden, it can't seem so bad now. biden is actually making you have a lighter step as you go about your miserable life. >> i have long loneliness. i'm going to miss biden, i think he might have covid. they go yes, covid, you won't be able to perform as president. i was like man, he can't perform as president without covid. i worry about what will happen. can i make a request for the gutfeld show, next time biden talks can we have subtitles? i could not understand. >> i'm glad it wasn't me. >> they panned back and the sign like which interpreter was just shrugging. absolutely terrible. i can't wait to get rid of this guy. i'm going to miss him. i was on the phone with my friend the other day and he goes what's your favorite biden fall? i was like there's never been a president before where you can
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be on the phone with your friend and say what was your favorite fall of biden. i don't have a favorite but my favorite video, remember when he tried to put a suit coat on for like four hours? he just kept putting his arm in and spending it. had no one stopped him, he would still be doing it today. that's how inertia works. lastly, they had that's whom meeting with everybody. the hardest thing about a zoom meeting with biden is trying to figure out if your computer or joe is frozen. >> myah. >> greg: so much to talk about, what would you like to talk about. his incendiary comments, the covid, the timing of covid, what do you say? >> it seems interesting for him. let's say it's not covid, it seems early for him to be wasting the covid excuse. i feel like that's an easier situation, to perform a prewritten speech. i think he does pretty well at
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that. that, again, being reading. but i also think that it's interesting that he's only keeping yes people in his inner circle and i think now more than ever i'm convinced as of today that joy reid is trying to become a member of his family. do you know what she said on msnbc about the covid today? she said that if biden and beat covid, then it is exactly the same thing, her words, as trump surviving the assassination attempt. she said that on tv! >> greg: it was amazing. >> she's like it's exactly -- you know, it's like how do you say that and then be like i'm going to keep saying -- she was like yeah it's the same thing and jen psaki was even -- like know it's not the same thing but i don't know why there are these few holdouts still because like you said, even in the interviews, the sentences all have large amounts of slurring in them. there will be like a few
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distinguishable words and people are like yeah he did pretty well. >> greg: well joy reid, it really is a bald-faced lie. >> i think he's jealous of trump for almost dying. he's going to try to outdo him. have you noticed in biden speech, even the audience, they don't clap because of the content of what he says, they clap when the sentence is okay. it's almost like when you have a kid who's not supposed to be on the football team and then your team is up 60 points and they go put him in and nobody tries to tackle him and everybody's like yeah, you got a touchdown. >> greg: wait, is that why they put me in? >> you think the suits at msnbc look at joy reid and go what the hell are we doing pulling joe off the air? >> greg: i don't know what they are going to do. that's an entire network that's been infected by the trump virus. it's not a syndrome anymore, it's a virus. you can't get it out and it's
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permanently kind of contaminating their brain. these were actually not totally crazy people six years ago. like that do, what's his name, from the rnc, michael steele, he's bonkers, he still believes it's a teleprompter that attacked trump, not a bullet. i mean they are crazy. up next, fist got pumped because village kids love trump.
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♪ it's coming your way, it's a video of the day ♪ >> greg: yeah! it really was the shot heard round the world. kids in an african nation reenact the failed assassination. our video of the day comes to us reportedly from uganda, i think, who knows. according to social media, ugandan children re-created the assassination attempt on the former president, even down to trump's iconic reaction. take a look at this. >> see something that said take a look at what happened --
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[ gunshots ] [ screaming ] >> greg: i mean if you look at this side-by-side, the children, they really nailed it. proving trump is officially a global legend, reaching even the far corners of the earth. i heard the kids wanted to reenact a scene involving biden too but they could not find a follow -- flight of stairs to fall down from. kennedy, this was too good to verify. it could be uganda, i don't care >> the secret service director is looking at this going i have to hire those kids, nice and short with guns made out of sticks, perfect for our new dei secret service docu are all hired. >> greg: what does that tell
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you about trump as a phenomenon? >> it tells me that if he were running for emperor of uganda he would win by a landslide because i think you can vote at any age there. >> greg: i didn't look at the gender, because i don't see gender, but there is something innately in human nature that likes heroism. there's a biological response to it. they respond to that moment. do you know what i'm saying? >> yes, because it's one of those rare moments that's absolutely crystallized and perfect. in it's improbability and the reaction of the former president in that moment. that's not even something that you could think about ahead of time. you never know how you will react when your body should go into shock. and it did not and the fact that he elevated that and we were able to see that so quickly. >> greg: it's insane.
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jamie, as someone who hasn't seen your children since the divorce, how does it make you feel? >> those were actually has children. >> greg: how does it feel seeing these precocious kids reenacting that heroic event? >> i thought the production was good. they had like 24 hours to come up with this, better than any player i was in in high school. we spent months on those things. i was just thinking, you said they would have done like a biden one, that's so true, no one is talking about the stairs with a bicycle that tried to kill biden. isn't biden lucky he will never -- no one will ever try to assassinate biden because you would just wait. i'm just saying, like, don't throw your life away, just give it a minute. i feel like if biden had gotten hit and then secret service
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piled on top of him, i feel like that would have killed him. i don't know, right after it happened he be like i'd pooped my pants if i hadn't just on it. >> greg: i feel like trump has become like an element. like fire and water. it seems to be everywhere. it's like a thing that is just, i don't know, it's just -- before he was an outsized personality and now it's something else entirely. i can't quite explain it. >> yeah, i don't think they will be reenacting biden's covid. sorry joy reid, i just don't think if he recovers from covid, they won't, you know, what without even look like? he gets up in the morning? >> greg: remember when chris cuomo came out of the basement? it would be like that. >> that was unbelievable. i feel bad for whoever has a film that. was it his wife? you know he said no, no, not
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that take, i look fat, let's do another. but i also think honestly, it was such an unbelievable thing that happened, to have a former president be shot in an assassination attempt. i think it's just hour news cycle in this country and our culture moves so quickly that we are already not talking about it as much. this was not even a week ago and we are like biden had a hard time going up the stairs. i feel like i haven't even wrapped my head around how insane it was. >> greg: you go back a week and it is like a before and after, a transformational framework. >> greg, this is help major religions start. if trump does become a dictator and takes over american society, there is going to be a holiday every year on that day and we are going to be expected to reenact with our families this scene.
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kids will do it at school, they will say, they will come home and say, mom i got the role of second secret service agent in the assassination play. but i like that they chose the shortest and smallest kid for the role of donald trump. and he pulled it off. >> greg: he did. >> i want to see them do every major american history. the ugandan kids crossed the delaware, ugandan kids land on the moon. >> greg: i still hope it's ugandan. tomorrow we will have to do a correction, not ugandan, just down the street. >> those kids are at the rnc right now. >> want to here a conspiracy theory, wait until they find out that was made days before. >> greg: walter.
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