tv FOX and Friends FOX News July 18, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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♪ >> it's time to put that flag on your front porch. that red hat on your head. because we don't cave and we don't cower. >> president trump back in commander-in-chief i would go back to reenlist today. [chanting u.s.a.] >> the media makes my grandpa seem like a different person but i know him for who he is.
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to me, he is just a normal grandpa. >> trump has given everything he has to fight for the people of our country. >> president trump called us personally right after the attack. he stands with the american hostages. [chanting] >> biden may have forgotten that our children died but we have not forgotten. donald trump knew all of our children's names. >> we have another son serving in the army, and we do not trust joe biden with his life. [chanting joe must go] >> let's elect a president who will instill patriotism. >> it's a choice between hermine to ho are proud of america and people who are ashamed of america. >> i walk into that white house to help president trump i will be doing it for you. [cheers and applause] >> that was last night, but today is the big day. former president donald trump will make his first major speech since that assassination attempt
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on saturday. melania and ivanka are expected to be here for the final night of the rnc as well. where the theme is make america great once again. >> brian: last night trump's new running mate j.d. vance introducing himself to the nation as the official g.o.p. nominee for vice president. >> so tonight, mr. chairman, i understand here humbled and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting j.d.] >> lawrence: while trump made another return to a fired up crowd at the rnc. president biden was shuffling off to delaware where he will be isolated after being diagnosed with covid. and it comes as the division within the biden's own party grows deeper. >> steve: the president can barely get up the stairs.
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and that's one of the reasons why top democratic leaders like chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hakeem jeffries, and apparently there reportedly joining adam schiff on the growing list of democrats expressing concerns about the president's ability to win in november. so, on this thursday morning, we have live team conch. peter doocy who is not wearing a tie today is live at the beach in rehoboth, delaware with democrat details on division. but, first, we go to alexis mcadams here in milwaukee with a preview of the day ahead at the rnc. alexis? >> good morning, yeah. very exciting day as we expect former president to get up on that stage later tonight, former president trump and speak to the american people that will be his first address since that assassination attempt in butler, pennsylvania. we also got to hear last night from senator j.d. vance. he introduced himself to america. and his plan that we have been told by sources is exactly what he did. he wanted to show that he is an
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average guy who has been through a lot. he grew up dirt poor in appalachia. his dad left the family when he was 6 years old. his mom struggled with addiction. she was there in the crowd beaming. he told americans has been through it and different than the d.c. elites who don't care what people are going through in the midwest and the r rust belt. watch. >> i pledge you i will give you everything i have to serve you and to make this country a place where every dream you have for yourself, your family, and your country will be possible once again. >> it wasn't a very long speech but it was emotional for his mom that you are looking at right there sitting next to the speaker of the house mike johnson, beverly vance sitting in the crowd mouthing "that's my boy" as people cheered him on yelling at his name and his mom's name. vance says he plans to celebrate his mom's tenth anniversary of being sober while he is in the white house in january.
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former marine yale grad school law school worked his way up. connecting his life's experiences to trump's policies in that speech. we also had to see a little bit of a different side that sometimes we don't see former president donald trump. a softer side with his family. they were sitting there on the rnc floor as well. family members there giving him hugs. his grand daughter kai getting up on that stage how she sees her grand panchts gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. lawsuit when i made the high honor roll he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me. he calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. [laughter] i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot. a lot of people have put my grandpa through hell and he's still standing. [cheers and applause] >> yeah, still standing and will
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be on that stage for his first public address surrounded by his family and so many people who can't wait to hear what he has to say since in se assassination attempt. interesting to hear j.d. vance's story because he was introducing himself to america and i think a lot of people like what they have to hear because they can connect with him. back to you. >> steve: they sure can thank you very much, alexis. given the fact that last night was kind of family night, we got to see more of the families than we normally do. and for j.d. vance, who last night was the big rollout during the prime time hour where it's broadcast on all the networks. his mother really was the star of the show. just by being -- just by her story. the story is so powerful. and the story speaks to so many americans. he had an emotional tribute to his mother named bev who we know from the movie and the book stole the show.
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it was about her addiction and abuse and chaotic lifestyle and she has been clean and sober. and her son, despite all the odds, growing up in that house, is now the vice presidential nominee of a major party. i mean that is inspiring to so many. >> ainsley: wants to celebrate her 10-year anniversary being clean this january when they are in the white house. something we haven't mentioned this morning. usha, his wife. she spoke, she introduced him. so cute. very polished. look how affectionate they are. look at that hug. he clearly loves her very much. >> lawrence: one of the things about j.d. vance 80% of the country don't know who he is. doesn't know his story and where he comes from. >> steve: know j.d.'s mom. grandmother, people who watched the movie they don't have a sense of where he stands on policy. sure they hear what the liberal media says about him. try scare extremist and all this stuff. they don't know where he comes from. as i said from the very beginning one of the biggest
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threats to the democratic party is that j.d. comes from nothing. and he know what is it means to struggle. to be abused as a child. to say see his mother abused. and he know what is it means to not be able to eat and everything. j.d. vance said yesterday during his speech yesterday which i think he did great job. he will say i will never forget where i came from. watch. >> i promise you one more thing to the people of middletown, ohio and all the forgotten communities, in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, and ohio, and every corn corner ofr nation, i parole miss you this, i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from. [cheers and applause] and every single day for the next four years when i walk into that white house to help president trump, i will be doing it for you. for your family, for your future and for this great country. thank you, god bless all of you, and god bless our great country. [cheers and applause]
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>> brian: he talked about his biography. talked about his family. it was more of a conversation for me than a speech. right away they quickly, i got to give kamala harris credit. first she called him. >> lawrence: she called him. >> brian: then she said nice things about him. that's traditionally how it happened. you have that moment when both sides line up and they both name a running mate where you say good luck, best of luck. president biden's team did not do that kamala harris did. and then she said -- their team goes out and says okay, let's pick a debate. j.d. vance says i'm not going to pick a date. he says why. brian hughes came back and said because he was scared. thought you wanted to debate what's your problem brian hughes from the trump campaign says we don't know who the democratic nominee for vice president is going to be so we can't lock into a date. it would be unfair to gavin newsom, j.d. pritzker, gretchen whitmer or whoever kamala harris picks as a running mate. yesterday the story overwhelming i don't know how joe biden
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reverses the tide. all the leadership calling for him to step out. him reportedly being open to this. asking people do you actually think kamala harris can win? the question is who thinks he can win? do you know what is the crazy thing? people don't talk about his health. his ability to do the job. >> lawrence: talking about the campaign. >> brian: talking about the polls. the polls show we are going to lose if you run. i know politics is a tough business. he did win 80 million votes. you told us how great he was for four years. then told us he is the perfect nominee wouldn't let anyone run against him. if you want the democratic process. this is the democratic process. so all those delegates, 4,000 plus, doesn't matter what you think, we're going to tell you to go vote for somebody else. >> lawrence: day up so they can do the virtual. >> steve: they derailed that yesterday. brian, to your point about kamala harris calling j.d. vance, that was after he accepted the nomination. it's not until tonight that donald trump accepts the nomination. so given the fact that donald trump and joe biden actually
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talked on the phone a couple days ago after former president was almost murdered on tv, i wouldn't be surprised if joe biden calls him tonight or tomorrow to say okay, game on. because joe biden wants it to be game on. even though most of the democrats want somebody different. >> brian: what is he doing? he has mild symptoms. 81 years old. >> steve: that's why we are going to talk about it 5 next minutes. >> brian: he has 5,000 booster shots. it shouldn't happen. >> ainsley: third time to have covid in the last two years. >> lawrence: shouldn't become a super spreader. stay isolated part of the plan. g.o.p. united behind trump the division within the democratic party still grows deeper. >> steve: senior white house correspondent peter doocy whose name has been uttered many times now at the rnc in milwaukee joins us right now from rehoboth beach, delaware where the president remains in isolation with covid. peter? >> peter: the white house says that he is here in isolation with covid.
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but, really he is in exile. there are meetings that he had a week ago that are just starting to leak out now. it does not feel like an accident. because cnn is reporting nancy pelosi privately told biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat trump and that biden could destroy democrats' chances of winning the house in november if he continues seeking a second term. the report continues biden responded by pushing back and being defensive about the polls telling pelosi he has seen polls that indicate can he win at one point pelosi asked mike donlin, biden's long time adviser to get on the line to talk over the data. at the moment, 20 democrats have publicly called on biden to leave the race. pelosi though may now be signaling that it's okay for others to come forward. the president is trying to stop this tail spin, announcing today 35,000 more public service workers will have student loans forgiven. but this medical condition for the president comes at a
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terrible time because he just said a medical condition is one of the only things that could make him quit. >> would you be willing to be transitional even at this point? would you be willing to even look at the idea that if you get in, perhaps in a year and a half or two you would look to your -- in your words very capable vice president to carry it over the finish line? >> look, only if i was told that there was some medical condition that i had and that's not the case. i'm only three years older than trump, okay? ha ha, and i think i'm a little better physical shape than he is. the point is, though, it's not unreasonable for people to say wait a minute, you are 81 years old. >> peter: skeptic democrats have been saying at a minimum they wanted to see biden prove that he has it in him to campaign vigorously against donald trump. since the debate, he has not proven that and now for the next couple days, at least he will
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not be campaigning because of the covid. back to you. >> steve: peter, with -- either with the white house press corps or other people in the washington circle, what's the over-under on joe biden still running for president in a week? >> everybody has a different guess, but, his issues are profound. and i know that he is sick. if the control room is able to put up the video of him departing las vegas yesterday. the video is not slowed down of him getting on the airplane walking up the stairs. he was so labored here. so, this clip that you are seeing right now. this is not slowed down in any way. they had just told us that he has covid. he has no mask on. but he is walking -- he is so labored getting up the steps and covid is more serious condition for people that are 81 years old. but that is the exact kind of video, no matter what he is diagnosed with, that they do not
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want out there as he is really, really trying not to be forced into an early retirement. >> steve: right. the contrast with donald trump who just bounds into the arena behind us with endless energy and then you have got this guy can't even make it up 12 steps. >> ainsley: in his defense, he normally does walk like that anyway but he does have covid. >> steve: he stopped in the middle of the steps. >> ainsley: exhausted. taking paxlovid now. we do wish him well. >> steve: indeed. >> brian: never seen such momentum to kick him out. i thought it was going to be subsided the sense was it wasn't. 21 democrats in the house said you have to go. leadership says you have to go. >> ainsley: even nancy pelosi. the reason why i think it's going to be the vice president is number one, passing over a black woman. number two, the money that they have goes right to the campaign. the money they collected will go to kamala harris on the harris-biden ticket or the
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biden-harris ticket. if it becomes the harris whoever ticket she just gets to assume that money. pull in senator mark kelly. talking about senator mark kelly who has unbelievable resume but has done nothing as a senator. >> lawrence: this is if we move on to someone else taking the mantel, but it doesn't look like the family is moving. that's where it is. it seems like the president, according to the reports has become more isolated, dr. jill as well as hunter, and three other -- even anita dunn has been pushed to the second tier now. they seem like they want to stay. in. >> ainsley: one close to the president said in an article i was reading says is he willing to listen. but there are no signs that biden is changing his mind at this point. it's also being reported that nancy pelosi had a private conversation with him. saying according to the polls, you can't win and he said those aren't the polls i'm looking at. i'm being told i can't. you instead a poll this morning. >> brian: reuters is down 2. >> steve: joe biden looks at the polls, one of them is blue rose
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research which had been aligned to one of his super pacs. this is the scariest, if i'm joe biden, this is the scariest one. only 18% of all of voters. and only 36% of the voters who voted for joe biden think he is mentally fit to be president of the united states. you look at a number like that. it's like, wait, only one third of the people who voted for me want me back there? they are going to change the whole ticket. i wouldn't be surprised if kamala harris is gone, too. stay tuned. >> ainsley: i don't know if they can do that to her. >> steve: it's all about survival. >> brian: still be the border czar. she loves it. she embraces that title. >> ainsley: such a good job with that. >> brian: root causes the border czar. turns out the root causes is her policy. >> ainsley: right. >> steve: switch gears for me. this morning butler township officials are publishing back as the secret service blames their police department a force with
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less than two dozen officers for that major security fail at trump's rally in butler last saturday. >> brian: but ler pennsylvania township commissioner edward natali joins us now. thank you for joining us. so far the secret service says you guys were in charge of that building, not them. do you have something to say to that? >> yes, i do. and thank you for having me on this morning. so, two or three days, obviously, after the events that unfolded in butler, i kept seeing the narrative coming out in the media that's it's local police and local police hyphenated. and i said that's just completely unacceptable. the butler township police department san honorable department. works hard. our detail was specifically planned for traffic detail only. there was no security, no protection detail whatsoever. we had seven officers deployed and that's 1/3 of our total force. and that was, again, to control
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traffic, obviously i mean, several thousand cars coming into the area. it was very important. plus, also to be there for emergency situations. not, unfortunately not someone getting shot, but just, you know, heat and everything. >> lawrence: commissioner, a couple questions on that. >> yes. >> lawrence: did all of your officers have comms with the secret service or did you all have someone that was a liaison? >> my understanding, we didn't share all channels, but there was liaison communications. >> lawrence: copy. so the normal standard protocol you have a person assigned. the second follow-up to. that was it your guy's job to secure that building where the shooter was on the top of the roof? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. >> brian: are there other local police forces that were called in or is it just your seven and secret service? >> well, okay. and i know maybe the secret service is local meaning anything but not them. so, obviously, at the site that
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there was the secret service, the pennsylvania state police. butler county sheriff's department, and, of course, the butler township police. i am not here to throw anyone under the bus. what i'm doing is protecting my team for what is a completely unacceptable suggestion and in the media. and by the secret service. >> steve: edward, let us make it this simple. the advance team, the secret service planning, do you feel -- given the fact that it looks like your job was simply to do traffic. they were going to do the mags, they were going to do everything else. make sure the president didn't get shot that part didn't work out so well. are you under the impression that it was adequately planned because at one point we just showed the video where there was such poor planning they had -- they had a fence. and they had a gate. but it was locked. and they should have had a guard
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there with a key. and, instead, they had to have a deputy drive through it so they could get out. did the secret service have the adequate planning? >> again, steve, and i won't call you peter, i'll call you steve. >> steve: okay. >> i really don't want to comment on that. i guess, outage, we can all make a judgment from what we saw on the videos. all i'm doing, primarily is defending my team and from being thrown under the bus if you will. in this situation. and i do hope that the investigation is done rigorously, and that the truth comes out. and that's what i want. period. >> ainsley: secret service was responsible for the inner perimeter, then we sought assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. there was local police in that building there was local police in that area. they were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building. here's my question for you or my thoughts. no matter who is responsible.
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the inside of the perimeter was guarded by secret service. and, according to senator mullen, an hour before, they saw this man with a backpack and a range finder. then they lost him. 19 minutes before the shots were fired. i don't care whose responsible. if you saw this guy and secret service said that they did, then why didn't they take care of it? how did they lose this guy? it's like an argument who is responsible. we see a guy with a view finder or what do you call it a range finder. >> range finder. >> ainsley: people are saying that they see him on top of the roof with a rifle. i don't care who is responsible just get this guy down before he shoots the president. >> right. right. and what my one other additional comment i'll make is that through the comms system, my officers did hear that there was a suspect and they actually left their post and they went onto the property.
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and to conduct the search and when you hear that there was an officer encountering the suspect, the officer was not climbing a ladder. he was actually being hoisted by fellow officer to get a view up onto the roof. as he was being hoisted. >> ainsley: that's new information. >> he was holding onto the edge of the roof to try to get his head up over the edge of the roof so he could see what was going on. then the suspect turned his officer on the officer. he is not in a position to protect himself. is he not in a position to yield his weapon. is he holding himself up to the roof. obviously in that condition, you know, he couldn't protect himself. so, his goal was to -- he couldn't engage him. so he ended up trying to get his weapon but he fell backwards, actually injured in the process. >> brian: all right. he gets injured and he falls back. why would he not call in.
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>> lawrence: where's the backup? >> brian: why is that the plan? one guy hoists another guy? did he have backup to watch the shooter? i mean, by the way, what about the ladder that the shooter had? >> i'm not sure if i follow the question, brian. >> lawrence: how did the shooter get on top of the roof? >> brian: the shooter had the ladder, why didn't the officers use the ladder the shooter had? >> i can't answer that maybe they didn't see the ladder. i don't know. those details will continue to come out in the investigation. >> brian: so one guy hoists the other. one guy hoists the other are you talking getting on the shoulders you have somebody else? >> he was holding him he has his hands cupped like in the military. >> ainsley: around and lifts him up. >> yes, exactly. >> lawrence: real quickly commissioner before we let you go, when the search was done on the initial perimeter, when the suspect was on the side and they saw the range finder and everything, whose responsibility was it to detain him? was that a secret service
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perimeter or were your guys doing that search right there? >> so, again, once the -- once there was a shooter identified and the comms made it to my police officers, that's when they left their position to go over and help in assisting. >> lawrence: no, no, commissioner, i'm talking about the initial search when he was supposed to go through the magnetometer. he didn't go. >> oh. the township police had -- the township police had no responsibility or no deployment. >> lawrence: that was the secret service? >> ainsley: what would have you done differently? looking back, monday morning quarterbacking, how could we have made this a safer situation and gotten that guy down before he started firing off shots? >> well, obviously, as you may have heard yesterday, i'm -- i don't have a law enforcement background. >> so, to make an accurate assessment on how to make it better, i would defer to
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professionals that actually do this for their daily job. i mean, and, again, monday morning quarterbacking, obviously that would have been a great position to have another set of counter snipers on that roof line, why they weren't there, again, i hope that comes out in an investigation. >> brian: i'm sure it. will mr. supervising officer, thank you so much. >> ainsley: thank you, edward for coming on. >> thank you very much. >> brian: check this out. this is what happened yesterday. the secret service director wanted to come in and thank, i guess, all their people for the job they're doing here. >> steve: the partners. >> brian: the partners and everybody else for the job they are doing here. when senator tom barrasso and marsha blackburn saw him and experience the inadequate briefing that they got on the phone from the fbi director and others, they still haven't had a press conference yet. they immediately went after him. almost like a tmz reporters on the floor. listen to this. and we have the transcript of actually more that you might not be able to make out so we will bring be that up to the surface.
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watch? >> [shouting] . you owe the people answers. you owe president trump answers. >> i mean, unbelievable. i mean, one of the senators said during their call she hung up on him. and i just got to say before we just let that interview go of the commissioner talking about -- a lot of the stuff that he is saying on record now with us is inconsistent with the information that the director is saying so who is lying here? this is why there needs to be a full hearing and we don't need two weeks. we don't need one week. as soon as possible they need to putted commissioner there as well as the secret service director. and the representatives of the state police and get to the bottom of exactly what took place. >> ainsley: they had to subpoena the secret service director because she wouldn't talk.
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>> steve: let's talk a little bit about what is going on right here. the senators essentially are saying look, we want answers, and you are not giving us any. and what she says, essentially, is, you know what in the hospitality suite at the convention is not the place. i will answer the questions in the appropriate venue. here's the problem. >> brian: barrasso says we can find place to go right now. i'm happy to answer questions. i tried to that's not appropriate. lankford said what's the procedure for the hearing supposed to be next week. lankford says i'm on the homeland security committee i'm going to leave because i want these people to and says no. we will go with you. thank you, barrasso says no we are going to go with you. don't walk away from us. blackburn says this was an assassination attempt. just say it's an assassination attempt, barrasso says no shame no concern you are supposed to protect the president of the united states. kramer says did you answer to anyone? i'm going to tell you right now who you answer to. you answer to us. you answer to us. and then there is something inaudible. she says say it was an assassination attempt, she just
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walked away though. >> lawrence: she reports to the united states senate. >> brian: show owes us an explanation along with the president. >> steve: the senators demanded after they got no answers you either resign tonight or you start answering questions shield not do that. >> lawrence: if she doesn't resign she should be impeached. >> brian: nobody is in charge. >> steve: had the bullet been one inch away we would be watching a state funeral today. instead, to much luck. divine intervention we have heard some times. the "new york post" has a story that explains that this particular director, director cheatle got her job essentially because she was really close to the first lady. she was part of jill biden's security detail. >> lawrence: unbelievable. that is how she is protecting according to "the new york post." >> ainsley: someone did die at this event. >> brian: funeral today. cindy mccain also director of cindy mccain's personal
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security, too. i'm not too sure that went smoothly. meanwhile, this. >> steve: this right here, behind us, making america strong again taking center stage here in milwaukee at the rnc. >> now, we have another son, serving in the army and we do not trust joe biden with his life. we have faith that donald trump to lead our military, please join us in supporting donald trump for president and commander-in-chief. [cheers and applause] >> president trump back in commander-in-chief, i would go back to reenlist today. [laughter] >> where i come from, when somebody comes for me or my home, you dig in your boots and the ground and never look back. that's the attitude that saved
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the free world. >> ainsley: how cute was he. the be 98 years old. g.o.p. conference chair and new york congresswoman elise stefanik joins you now to react. good morning, congresswoman. >> good morning. >> ainsley: what did you think about last night. what do you expect tonight. >> it was a unifying night. i have been part of the convention for years. this is the most unified and excited that the republican party and the american people have ever been. i had the opportunity to sit with the president in the president's box. two nights ago. and it was just extraordinary seeing him and what a welcome he got on the first day of the convention. i thought j.d. vance did a tremendous job introducing himself to the american people. it's going to be a very strong ticket. and i was honored to speak two days ago about how we are working to make america safe again. how we are working to make america strong again and, of course, the highlight and the culmination will be president trump tonight. and i had the opportunity to speak with him the sunday morning after the assassination attempt where he talked about how he was rewriting his speech and is focused on unifying the american people.
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so a real historic opportunity. >> steve: when you look at the two conventions and the democrat convention has not happened yet. it's a few weeks away. it's a study in contrast. because, we knew as much as a year ago that the whole democratic playbook was going to be the republicans are in chaos. and let's just watch the chaos unfold and the american people will gag on that. as it turns out now. it's the democrat party that is in chaos. and it is the biden family, it sounds like that, is saying to joe you can't go. we need you in the white house. we believe you. he is not listening to anybody else. but last night, here at the rnc, it was all about family, in a way we hadn't heard donald trump describe. and we have never seen a vice presidential candidate with the kind of history that j.d. vance has. >> yes, absolutely. i think another highlight last night was hearing from one of president trump's grandchildren. kai trump which was a surprise speaker. she did a tremendous job talking about this person and this grandfather that president trump
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is that so often gets lost in the mainstream media, you are exactly right, steve, where there is chaos, disarray, free fall in the democrat party where you have schumer and pelosi, meeting privately with joe biden. talking about how it's a problem for the house and the senate. versus the unity we have with republicans. it's a stark contrast for the american people to see. >> lawrence: part of the chaos some of the leadership when it comes to the secret service district director. we still aren't getting answers. there is inconsistencies, flat out lies, there is training policies that are clearly flawed, going on you are assigning people that aren't even in height difference for the president of the united states. what can you tell us about the investigation and how soon will we get answers? >> so, number one, the american people deserve answers, the president deserves answers. it's really about transparency and accountability for the american people. i have called for the resignation of the director of the secret service. she has not been full some in providing 100 percent transparency. we had to subpoena her to appear before congress. we shouldn't have to subpoena.
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they should be voluntarily providing absolutely details as to what went wrong so that it never happens again. this was an assassination attempt on a former president and the candidate who was likely to be the next president of the united states, there was so many security flaws, she will comply with the subpoena and testify on monday, in front of the house year sight committee, and they have to answer some very, very tough questions. they better come with details. because, otherwise, it's unacceptable to the american people. >> lawrence: what happens if she doesn't resign though? what will congress do if she doesn't resign? >> we are going to continue to focus on using every tool we have to deliver accountability. again, we appropriate. we fund these organizations. we have oversight over these agencies and it is unacceptable. it is clear, anyone that watches those videos and looks at more information coming out. so many security lapses, some security flaws, clearly a lack of communication, pointing fingers, burred buck stops with the head of secret service. >> lawrence: she has got to go. >> steve: you know, you have been to mall of those hearings and you are going to ask her a really good question she is
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going to say you know, congresswoman, it's an open investigation, i'm not at liberty at this point in the investigation to reveal that data. >> we have heard that for years from the fbi and dhs and some of these agencies at this moment when you have an assassination attempt, that is not good enough. we need transparency now. the american people need to see that now. when you have such heightened threats for president trump specifically. and an assassination attempt, we are talking about assassination attempt, one inch away from a very, very tragic day. and ainsley you made the point, a 50-year-old american hero died. a family is mourning the loss of their loved one, a dad, a husband, his kids saw him die. >> ainsley: i don't understand why she didn't on monday say i am so sorry this happened. let's figure out why and let's fix these problems within our agency. and to not speak, makes it look so much worse. >> not only did she not speak, she said i'm not resigning, and she pointed fingers at the local police department, when you are
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a leader in these positions, you take accountability. the buck stops with you. she is unfit to be in that position. again, they better come with detailed answers, if they say what you said, steve, that oh, it's an open investigation. >> steve: yeah, they will. >> it's unacceptable. >> lawrence: they got to go. thank you so much, congresswoman. >> thank you. >> lawrence: the wounded warrior projected kicking off their soldier ride this morning live on fox square. >> ainsley: we are celebrating with them all the way from milwaukee, veterans mike owens and james herrera from the wounded warrior project are joining us now. good morning to you, gentlemen. >> hey, good morning. thanks for having us. >> ainsley: we are sorry we are not able to be there with you all. we looked at the calendar and knew this is the 20th anniversary, we were like we are going to be in milwaukee, we definitely wanted to have you all on. it's so important. mike, tell us more about what is going on today. >> >> yeah, definitely. we have just over 40 veterans all across from the eastern seaboard in town for three days. going to be riding about 65 miles. we start today in new york.
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tomorrow we will be in babylon. and then we end out in the hamptons on day three. and it's just a multi-day event to bring these warriors together to be be around each other and have an opportunity for camaraderie and fun. >> steve: james. ultimately, what happens is you're able to raise a lot of money to sustain your program, which helps to so many people throughout the year. >> absolutely. you know, none of our veterans pay a penny for our programs and services so, we can't do what we do without the generous support of our donor base. we got a number of different programs across wounded warrior project from physicallal physical health to mental health, to financial wellness. you know, these veterans come back from war and coming home shouldn't be harder than going to war. but it often is. so they need our services for a lifetime and we are here to stand by them and celebrate them this week. >> lawrence: get suited up, brother. we will be watching. almost time for the race. more "fox & friends." we will catch you on the other side.
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it really works. ♪ ♪ >> brian: hi, everyone. welcome back. here at center stage. right now i'm actually on in front of the stage. and you are seeing what president trump will be seeing shortly. he is going to be broadcasting from there. but, you have all seen this. but, get. this have you all seen. this but i'm going to bring you behind the scenes. so, check this out. [no audio]
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>> lawrence: so that's technical difficulties doing shoat in two different. >> steve: brian sent us a text message because of the transmission inside the hall there is a possibility he would drop out. he just dropped out. >> ainsley: what it looks like behind the scenes couldn't hear him at the end. saw how they are divided by the different states. interesting j.d. vance was talking about ohio. they went crazy but he said hold on, ohio, we still need michigan. when they mentioned texas. all the guys are waving their cowboy hats. >> lawrence: my delegation in texas has made me very, very proud. all in unison. got the texas -- because, you know, we love america. but the texas flag shirts on. cowboy hats on every single day. >> ainsley: such jerks because every time someone is mentioned that was a soldier who died at the abby gates or hostages they take their counsel hats off and put them on their hearts. >> lawrence: home training. >> steve: brian is in there trying to reestablish contact from the mothership. go to griff jenkins. griff has been here all week as
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well. speaking with every day americans to get their take on this week's rnc. good morning, griff. >> ainsley: hey, griff. >> good morning, guys. on that stage we heard so many powerful speeches. but it was truly the speeches from the every day americans that stole the show and really resonated with the every day americans that were the audience. we talked to some of them. take a look. >> they wholly resonate. i was in tears last night just listening to the moms who lost their son to fentanyl and to crime. >> i stopped to listen to just regular americans and the things that they are dealing with because of the biden-harris administration. and so, i think it's incredibly moving. great speeches. holly, what do you think? i think they are moving and great. >> i had friends texting me all morning about being in tears last night listening to all the stories. >> look, these are the issues that your everyday person cares about. people who maybe would have considered themselves a political. until recent events. >> those people are so touched
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they probably never wanted to be political in their lives. and here they are on the biggest platform right now. >> i love your outfit. this is american for sure. [chanting u.s.a. we love trump. >> and you know, there was one other everyday american that spoke last night, a little after 10:00 p.m. a recent harvard grad that spoke about he believes that things now have become anti-western, anti-american, and anti-anti-semitic because of what he sees happening. and, you know, we will hear that great speech tonight from former president trump but, in the weeks and days to follow, we'll probably have everyday americans really connecting with what they heard from people just like them. guys? >> steve: that's right. donald trump will be the final speaker tonight. it will be a cliffhanger let's seal where it goes. >> ainsley: melania and ivanka will be there too tonight. >> lawrence: trump's eldest granddaughter stole the show last night.
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♪ >> brian: i want to bring you back stage and give you an idea what the president is going be experiencing today. is he going to enter through that doorway, right? and then he is going to be walking up these stairs. they have got this pen here. everybody who speaks signs this wall. the president will sign before he goes up. and then he is going to go up these very stairs guys, right? keep in mind dan, turn around. this is what they will touch when they leave. do you know how notre dame touches the sign of the yankees play to win? they will touch that at the end on to november. you will see this long walk. bill clinton had the longest walk, but the president of the united states will have this walk. knowing him, he will try to drama advertise it because he has that sense of boxing, that sense of ufc. dana white will be on the stage introducing him. then he will go through here. the families will go up there or his entourage and then he will walk out right here. mary, come out with me? >> yes, sir. >> brian: this is president will see. over here will be the podium. over here. and mary millman, you'll be singing the national anthem. i know you will be great.
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>> yes, sir. >> brian: up top are the balloons. steve, that's going to be all the excitement. this is ours before the big day and mary is going to be singing the national anthem. she is a big "fox & friends" fan and probably the best in the world at singing the national anthem. >> oh, bless you. >> brian: back to you guys. >> steve: thank you very much for the preview, brian. meanwhile she stole the show. we are talking about 17-year-old kai trump sharing the former president's softer side. we rarely see from her grandfather. here she is. >> to me, he is just a normal grandpa. he gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. when i made the high honor roll, he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me. >> steve: rachel campos-duffy joins us right now. just a regular grandpa. >> listen that girl, kai stole the show. star ever the night no. question about it. she humanized her grandfather. she says he gives them candy and soda when the parents aren't
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watching. >> steve: that's what they want. >> rachel: that's the what you are supposed to do. competitive even with the grandkids. i thought the most important line was they made my grandpa's life hell. and nobody can question that and i think when you see that, i mean, that's what the left has always tried to do. remember how much trouble jimmy fallon got for trying to humanize donald trump? he had to actually apologize to hollywood for it. last night kai did the best jobf showing that side of trump we never see. he looks very change after this near death experience. >> steve: he really does. melania had those comments putting that letter out. talking about him as a father and a husband and a grandfather, it's a different side. it's all about family. >> rachel: much easier to attack someone if you dehumanize them. and that's has happened to the entire trump family. i think this young, beautiful by the way great genes. the girl is gorgeous. comes out and says -- by the
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way, he also calls her and she is at school to talk to her and she is like grand parks i can't talk. i'm in school. call you later. so, just really sweet moments. i think she was extremely effective because it was authentic. >> steve: indeed. we don't hear him called grandpa very much. >> rachel: no. >> steve: it's charming. >> rachel: it's charming. and so are you. thanks, rachel. >> rachel: thanks, peter. >> steve: i have had it with her. join rachel, tomorrow she is going to be at miss katie's diner in milwaukee on e.coli clibornstreet. if you are going to be buying everybody coffee? >> absolutely. come on down we want to have a huge turnout. >> steve: thank you very much. we have one more show hour to go. it's laura, youngkin, and hannity. ♪
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at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelter, not shelter, home, it's not just a place to sleep. it's actually wraparound services, that's what's so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them.
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