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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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three, two, one! go! ♪ >> brian: okay. >> steve: there they go. very nice. >> lawrence: look at them go. >> brian: this is amazing. i love the nypd and fdny clear the way for them to get through new york city. >> ainsley: fly the flag over the street. >> brian: go luck, guys. thank you for watching everyone. >> ainsley: thank you for your service. >> bill: no rest for the weary. this is j.d. vance speaking at
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the faith and freedom coalition god and country breakfast in milwaukee as the sun comes up in wisconsin. let's step in and watch. >> that has been my experience in raising my kids and ralph and others if you have good advice how to answer those questions i would appreciate it. turns out my 7-year-old is smarter than i am already. that's his mother's influence, i think. i appreciate what you said about my wife. she is an amazing person and she gave a really great speech. [applause] you know, it was such a tough act to follow. in part because i was crying backstage and in part because she is beautiful and has this incredible relateability. who in their right mind thought it was good for me to follow this person and give the biggest speech of my life and i realized it was my idea.
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my own fault. let me leave you with a couple of other thoughts. there has been a lot of rumbling in the past few weeks that the republican party of now and the republican party of the future is not going to be a place that's welcoming to social conservatives and really from the bottom of my heart i want to say that is not true. social conservatives have a seat at this table and they always will. so long as i have any influence in this party and president trump, i know, agrees. [applause] but when i talk about his uniqueness in politics one of the great virtues of his approach to politics that his critics will slander every which way but president trump is uniquely capable and aware of politics being the art of the possible. what can we accomplish in the here and now? how do we advance the ball one yard before we advance it ten yards before we advance it to a touchdown?
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i would ask my social conservative friends as you see the campaign and administration unfold, remember this is a guy who delivered for social conservatives more than any president in my 39 years of life. i think he deserves a little bit of grace and he deserves a little bit of trust. i hope we will all provide that to him. i know as his running mate i will. [applause] so i am going to get out of here but i want to leave you with one final thought. it comes from one of my favorite theologians, the character jewels in the movie pulp fiction. and if you've ever seen this movie, sorry, this will make sense in a second. if you've ever seen this movie there is a scene are where jules is a violent gangster. a guy unloads on him ott point blank range.
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he expects to be riddled with bullets and he is fine. he argued whether god had come down from heaven and stopped the bullets. they argue about it and go back and forth and jules, samuel l. jackson's character says it is not about whether god changed coke to pepsi or found my car keys. what matters is that i felt -- i felt the touch of god. and i want to tell you a story because i think -- again, motivated in part by having conversations with my 7-year-old. when we think about miracles and mosts parting the red sea. one of the deep beliefs i have is that there are all of these small miracles and if you look for them, you actually see them. i will tell you, yesterday morning i woke up, went to bed around 1:00 in the morning and woke up around 3:30 in the
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morning and my mind is racing. i'm the kind of guy i sleep like a baby. even the past couple weeks going through the vetting process i slept like a baby. my head hits the pillow and i wake up six hours later and i feel great. it's how it's always been for me. for some reason yesterday the morning on the biggest speech of my life with 2 1/2 hours of sleep. my kids won't be up for three or four hours. i'm bored, alone, anxious and thoughts are racing through my head a mile a minute. i say simply after 30 minutes of trying to count sheep or count backwards from 500 to one i finally just say jesus, please help me. [applause] and i'm not kidding, that was the last thing that i remembered until three hours later. and again, it's a minor thing and i'm sure who don't believe
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in god will say it's a weird coincidence, a minor little thing. but i felt the touch of god. and i think that if we look out there and we look in this country, we look at our past and we hopefully envision a future, we remember there is a lot of little touches of god in our past, in our present, and in our future. we just have to look for them. thank you, god bless you guys and thank you for having me. >> bill: the morning after the biggest speech of his life. j.d. vance speaking in milwaukee. i'm bill hemmer along the dana perino in milwaukee. this is not a rah-rah guy and evident from the speech last night. this is a guy who comes out and wants to tell a story about himself and what he believes and his introduction to america. >> dana: one thing that i think is interesting. you haven't heard a lot about social conservatives here so far, right? what he said just now at that
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faith and freedom breakfast is social conservatives will always have a place at the table in the party. again, he last night i thought one of the themes was showing they want to have a big tent in trump's republican party and that was a nod to the social conservatives. also a personal story from him about how he was baptized in 2019, i believe. he decided to become a catholic and he had been touched after many moments of research and some connections that peter teal, one of his mentors and former business partners introduced him to. a beautiful moment about faith this morning on thursday, the fourth day of the rnc. >> bill: that message last night aimed at the blue wall, dana, right? "hillbilly elegy" is number one on amazon. more coming from last night as we push forward to the big night tonight and many more questions
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than answers. republicans of the rnc hounding the head of the secret service. she was in the building last night. this as we get ready to hear from the former president for the main event, the first time since that would be assassin's bullet came within centimeters on his life on saturday. >> dana: new video from saturday's rally appearing to show the gunman lurking in the background. the secret service flagged him as suspicious an hour before he opened fire. the agency still allowed the former president to take the stage. >> bill: lawmakers not taking that well. new details now on the f.b.i. investigation on the suspect. we are told he searched online for pictures of both trump and biden and wrote an ominous message on a gaming platform. paul mauro and frank has the latest part of the story. bill melugin reports on trump's big night tonight. david spunt reports on the latest on the investigation and a lot to go through. let's start with chad pergram
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from stunning sounds. senators confronting the secret service directly in milwaukee. chad, hello, good morning. >> lawmakers are livid at secret service director kimberly cheatle after the astonishing security breakdown. four senators tracked down cheatle after they were told she was in milwaukee meeting with secret service agents on the ground.
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>> we want answers. >> you owe answers. >> the senators who confronted her with john barrasso of wyoming. lankford of oklahoma. she appears in front of a committee on monday. >> bill: something else to watch. to think it was here. chad, thank you, chad pergram on the hill for that. >> dana: david spunt is live from washington. let me add to that as we get to you. one of the reasons the senators were frustrated. there was a call yesterday and you could press a number if you wanted to ask a question and none of the republican senators were called upon to ask a
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question. that was building up the frustration. what is your report there on the investigation from that perspective? >> we actually have new information to share now. we're learning the range finder that the shooter thomas crooks had was a golf range finder and he was not considered a suspect. he was merely a person of interest. this according to someone with the secret service. a source with the secret service. he was a person of interest until he got on the roof. we're also told by the source that he, quote, retrieved the weapon. that's when he became a suspect. so we asked about the word retrieved. does that mean he hid the weapon there before? the source had to go, hung up the phone. we were told he retrieved the weapon and repeated that wording as well. we talked to many people in the briefing. there is one theme in common. secret service knew about some sort of threat before trump took the stage and still allowed him
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to take the stage. they knew something was serious 20 minutes before he was shot. many new details from the briefing led by wray painting a more detailed picture of thomas crooks. a secret service agent was on the phone with the threat at the ex amount moment crooks opened fire. as for crooks himself, fox news has learned the senators were told he wrote on a gaming platform called steam writing july 13th will be my premier. watch as unfolds. when they looked through his laptop they found searches of donald trump and joe biden, also the july 13th trump rally. when it will be held. a second cell phone and bomb making material at his home. the second cell phone has 27 contacts. authorities are going through those names to conduct more interviews. that phone is separate from this
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phone, his primary phone next to his body after a sniper took him out. there is a remote control authorities believe could have been used as a transmitter or detonator device. 2 hundred interviews so far. no definitive ideology or motive which they aren't sharing with the public. the interviews will continue. more than 200. >> bill: might be a thousand in the end. paul mauro and frank love ridge. marsha blackburn will be in harris in two hours. here is the number of on-camera briefings so far. department of homeland security. 0. department of justice, 0. attorney general, 0, secret service, 0. you get the trend, right? the secret service ultimately is responsible for this and that duty cannot be delegated, would
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you agree with that? >> i do agree with that. thank you for having me on. dana i want to apologize for the mishap in iraq in 2008. you fully recovered. >> dana: thanks for tackling the guy. not your fault. frank, can you tell us what you think about the investigation at this point as the new information that we just had from david spunt suggesting there was a golf range finder? that's a clue. but also i think what's really bothering people aside from the fact there are no answers coming to the american people for transparency is that they knew there was a threat, it was on the premises, and yet they let the president go up to that unprotected lectern anyway. >> dana, i think we need to start looking at the paperwork that was generated. one of the things about the secret service, we document everything. there are documents out there. a special operations division, tactical survey that tells you what their plan was. and we were the mostly let unit
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in the world. no one compares to us. i have oaf been nine years on the president's detail. they didn't miss that building. there was a plan to secure it. we need to find out what that plan was and the execution phase of that is where they likely had the issue. we have to figure out what didn't happen that should have happened. i don't believe with the sight advance agent, elite advance agent, second supervisor all looking at the same threats that were there, i don't believe they would have missed it. there had to have been a plan in play. the way through this investigation is thoroughly done before we jump to judgment. >> bill: a tv station out of pittsburgh has this that we want to roll now. this is as much, paul, as an hour before the event began. we're told he was inside the perimeter, went outside the perimeter. this is outside the perimeter, paul, long before trump took the
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stage. you are an investigator looking at this trying to summarize and look at this. you can understand now why you have so many videos of people saying check that guy out. he looks suspicious. paul, what is your question now? >> so just to double top what the agent says. you will have an ops plan specific to this event. site surveys done and redone and right before the principle takes the stage before the event kicks off you have a final sweep where you get up, look around and make sure something hasn't changed. somehow or other that location was missed. when you have somebody walking around an hour ahead of time and coming as a person of interest, you want to have something called a flying squad, mobile team that you can send out there. one of the things you do at a large-scale event like this is have a lot of fixed posts.
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you don't want people leaving their posts spontaneously and leaves you open to diversion. unless there is a real emergency and at this point you didn't have a real emergency, just a suspicious person. you want to have loose assets to go out, engage, talk to this person and find out what's going on. i would like to see on the ops plan, was there a mobile response team set up? were they in communication? there was a lot of breakdowns in communication. who was a incident commander and in charge with running this thing. what was he or she saying to the people in the field? those are all things that could be gotten quite quickly. the director cheatle has not simply offered the ops plan. that is going to tamp down a lot of -- answer a lot of questions in terms of locals, secret service, who had that post, etc. give us the ops plan and let us see how this was arranged. if nothing else let the senator
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see it. >> dana: so much is breaking as we come on the air. we would love to stay in touch with you and thank you for the tackle. paul, i know you are headed to the scene and we'll see you there as well. >> bill: thank you. in the meantime president biden has tested positive for covid. he was on the trail in nevada yesterday, went back to delaware late last night bringing the schedule to a screeching halt at one of the more critical moments in the campaign. he went back last night when the main speakers were on the stage here and saw the split screen in realtime, peter. good morning. what is his condition now and what are you hearing? >> good morning, bill. in the few times that we've had eyes on president biden in the last 24 hours, he appears to be very sick. if you look at the video when he was leaving las vegas, which we have for you, it looks like it is in slow motion as the president struggles to climb the short staircase up onto air force one.
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you can see there pausing entirely at one point despite telling reporters a few seconds earlier that he felt good. and then air force one got him across country in three hours and 48 minutes. so fast that one of the pool reporters said the plane was shaking. but in this video in the dark you can see he needed a lot of help getting into his s.u.v. from the secret service. now, while he was inbound heading east cnn reported nancy pelosi told him recently there is peril to the party if he doesn't leave the ticket. white house and campaign officials say the president is the nominee. now that pelosi, schumer and hakeem jeffries delivering straight forward warnings in private. democrats friendly to the president are suggesting publicly they think he is going to leave the ticket. >> i trust this man. he has been such a solid leader. he will make the right decision because he knows that he has a
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solid legacy in american history as the most productive president of my lifetime. >> president biden has been asking advisors recently if kamala harris can win according to cnn as down ballot democrats remain concerned about his public statements like this one. >> president biden: it's about making sure, look -- because i named a -- the secretary of defense, the black man. brown, because of the people i've named. it is about making it here american history is black history and that's why we're strong. >> the circle of people telling president biden to stay in the race is shrinking. here in rehoboth beach is not just in isolation, he is in exile, bill. >> bill: we'll watch that
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throughout the day and breaking news from a senator out of colorado. we'll bring it to viewers in a moment. now this. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> president biden: that depends on if the lord almighty tells me that i might do that. unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. >> we will see you on the ballot this november? >> president biden: unless i get hit by a train. >> if you get in, perhaps in a year and a half or two you would look in your words very capable vice president to carry it over the finish line? >> president biden: look, only if i was told that there was some medical condition. that's not the case. >> dana: top democrats are calling publicly and privately
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for him to step aside backed up by a bombshell pole. marc thiessen, former speech writer for president trump and jessica tarlov and karl rove. flailing campaigns don't die from covid but they might die with it. >> good way to put it. they might die because of the polls. a new "politico" poll. should joe biden withdraw and let the party choose a different nominee? 65% of democrats say yes. are you not confident that he has the mental capacity to be effective as president? 48% of democrats believe that. you can imagine what the numbers are like among independents and republicans. so we saw it in our own fox news poll, 63% of all voters basically said he doesn't have what it takes to be president. that included a significant
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number of democrats. i think it was 40 some odd percent. 71% in the polls said they do not trust that the white house has been honest and transparent. they don't think he has what it takes and they don't trust the white house to tell them the truth about his mental condition. >> bill: we've heard it from a lot of leading democrats. the senators from colorado. he just did an interview with reuters. growing indication that a biden exit from the race would be good for the u.s. he said. then he said biden will put america first in his decision. he is working toward that as of this morning according to senator hickenlooper. jessica, the ball is in your court. >> i'm not surprised by all of this and i am glad to see that this is happening in a more public arena. i'm sure that is in coordination to some degree with people in biden's close orbit. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and jeffries don't want to humiliate this president. they have been close to him for
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decades and a tremendous amount of respect. there was concern and reporting was from jill biden herself that the debate would be his legacy. i have not heard that from one legacy. his legacy is what he has accomplished over the four years akin to lbj. if we're moving towards that, democrats will be on board with that. you see that consistently that people are giving pretty good marks, certainly better than before to kamala harris talking about other alternatives. we have a deep, deep bench and if the ticket does slide, people are cautioning you cannot skip over kamala harris. is there a mini primary or it just goes to her? democrats will line up if they are facing a trump/vance ticket which is maga, maga, maga. >> dana: hemingway said that bankruptcy happens slowly and then all at once. this is what is happening to joe biden and the withdrawal at some point. do you think they are probably drafting a speech right now for
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him to give and hold that thought. van jones from that last when you saw the shift change happened within an hour. here you go. >> if you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness, a bullet couldn't stop trump. a virus just stopped biden. you've got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed, biden is getting his butt kicked by his own party. the democrats are coming apart. the republicans are coming together. >> dana: is the writing on the wall? >> i think it may be. it doesn't solve the democrats' problems to get joe biden off the ballot. any time you have a president who is cognitively impaired it's a problem. it wouldn't as big a crisis if the inflation was low, the world was at peace, the border was secure. it is all of these problems. if you go joe biden off the ballot americans are still paying $125 for a $1 hundred basket of groceries and $30 more
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at the tank to fill up. if changing the standard bearers was a solution the tories would still be in power. they changed three times and here is the problem. which democrat wants to be the american sunak? if you are gretchen whitmer or others, why would i want to be the captain of the titanic before it hits the iceberg? i'll wait until 2028. open sea. why would i want to take that on? >> bill: we learned politicians will jump on an opportunity. i think the list would be long that would line up for that. let's turn our focus to milwaukee quick for the next two minutes. j.d. vance speaks last night. seemed to be more of a storyteller, not a rah, rah guys. great lines in the speech. delivered in a way that i think did not get the reception that i
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expected. here is one of them. joe biden has been a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive. j.d. vance is 39. he will be 40 next month. karl. >> i thought it was a workman like speech and the strongest points were the biography talking about his growing up in middletown middle america talking about his mother's addiction and being raised by one tough grandmother. i wouldn't want to get into a gun fight with a woman with 19 loaded handguns. i thought it was the most powerful part of it. of course, then the introduction of his wife, who is an extraordinary human being it seems. it was workman like. vice presidents do not settle the election. we vote for the guy at the top. he did what he needed to do last night. introduce himself in a way that people said okay, he is a nice guy. what he did not do was leave the impression that he is the guy who, if a moment came, would be capable of being president of
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the united states. i don't think donald trump chose him in order to give that vibe. it didn't come across last night. he is one articulate dude and a workman like speech. >> dana: now the trump's chance to unite the country. he should pledge to fight for all americans if they vote for him or not. >> his maga base is locked in. after saturday they'll walk over broken glass to get to the voting booth. he needs to speak to the people beyond the hall, the swing voters who think biden is a disaster, looking at the disaster unfolding among democrats with horror but not comfortable yet with donald trump. they want to see is this a guy i feel comfortable with in the oval office? he needs to show a little humility. i get why you don't like me. but maybe i fight a little dirty sometimes but i'm always fighting for you, something that gives a nod to their concerns about him and they say i get it.
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he gets why i don't like him and yeah, he does fight dirty but my life was better when he was president. give them permission to vote in their self-interest. a lot of people still aren't sold. he has to focus not on that hall. he has to focus on the people outside the hall. >> i said the same thing in my column after marc told me to say it. [laughter] >> i don't know how many times we've said tonight is the night donald trump unifies the country. >> dana: i don't think i've said that. tonight is the night? tonight actually could be. >> there is an opportunity for donald trump to do something different. he always reverts back to the me. >> bill: i would just say republicans are three for three in their presentation. these delegates are jacked up and optimistic and they are positive. >> dana: the moment last night.
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>> bill: they will go nuts tonight. >> dana: the gold star families last night was a beautiful moment. thanks, everybody. >> bill: new video shows the would be assassin one hour before firing the shot. the security lapses continue to pile up by the day becoming more and more clear as we continue our coverage live in milwaukee on day four and the finale for the republican party. >> and president trump back as commander-in-chief, i would go back to reenlist today. [cheers and applause] and i would storm whatever beach my country needs me to. [cheers and applause] scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know.
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>> dana: it doesn't get much bigger than this. donald trump will speak tonight an the final day of the republican national convention. his highly anticipated speech marking his first public remarks since the attempt on his life last saturday. bill melugin in milwaukee has a preview of the night. hi, bill. >> good morning to you. the whole week has been building up to this moment tonight. tonight will be the climax of this rnc when donald trump will get on stage and deliver a speech to millions of americans. a speech he says is going to be drastically different as a result of the assassination attempt against him. take a look. trump has shown up to the rnc every single night this week and the crowd has eaten it up giving him a standing ovation every time he comes here. this whole week he has watched several of his former political
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rivals come under the tent and unify, >> governor desantis, senator rubio, governor haley. everyone is unified. >> the headliner was j.d. vance last night. the crowd seemed to like his speech growing up in small town ohio with a mom battling addiction issues, mom was here in the building and the whole country got to see their connection. take a look. >> our movement is about single moms like mine who struggled with money and addiction but never gave up. i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here ten years clean and sober. i love you, mom. >> now last night also had some incredibly emotional moments. we were on the floor as gold star families who lost their loved ones during the afghanistan withdrawal where the suicide bomber at abby gate and
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very few dry eyes in the arena. >> joe biden said the withdrawal in afghanistan was an extraordinary success. [booing] look at our faces, look at our pain and our heartbreak and look at our rage. that was not an extraordinary success. >> one thing to note we were on the floor as j.d. vance was delivering the speech and watching the teleprompter. he seemed to go off script multiple times ad libing including parts where he got to show his personality a little bit. some of the chunks where he got the crowd to laugh. that ability to wing it is something he obviously shares with his running mate. we'll send it back to you. >> dana: thanks so much. i was with harold ford junior, who is a michigan guy. he laughed pretty hard when j.d. vance said hold on, ohio, we
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have to win michigan, too. even i knew what that meant. a little sports rivaly. >> bill: donald trump's granddaughter sharing the moment when she heard about the assassination attempt on her grandfather. >> on saturday i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot. and i just wanted to know if he was okay. it was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person. a lot of people have put my grandpa through hell and he is still standing. grandpa, you are such an inspiration and i love you. >> dana: i cannot imagine how proud he was of her at that moment. >> introducing j.d.'s mom and saying january you will be ten years sober was quite a moment. they were smart about the following thing. they put her in the prime time 10:00 hour so all the networks took her.
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humanizing donald trump as a grandfather and father. the night before they did the same thing with lara trump, same hour, same time slot and objective as if to say you have hesitations about donald trump. let us show you a different side of him. very smart. >> dana: my favorite line is when she said he sneaks us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. what grand parent could not agree with that. let's give you more here. new reporting on the investigation. secret service revealing the gunman was only identified as a threat when he retrieved his weapon and climbed onto the roof. why is that distinction important? >> good morning, dana. look, you've heard a lot about a site survey operations report that generally is done seven to ten days before a venue is deemed secure. i can tell you my own experience the secret service operates at the highest level.
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all i need to do is get that ops report, that site survey. i want to see whether or not that rooftop was identified in that site survey. why? because those threats would identify the assets and resources that would be necessary to neutralize any potential risk, ie, someone getting on top of the rooftop and perching themselves and taking a shot at the former president. we have not heard anything in connection with that site survey. if that site survey does not have that information, we don't need to go any further. we need to then address how is it possible that the site survey is devoid of identifying that as a potential threat? now on the other hand, if the site survey identified that rooftop as a potential threat, what assets, what resources were identified to neutralize that potential threat and obviously we know it was not implemented
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last saturday. >> bill: sir, i play golf and own a range finder. a couple of them in fact. i have never used a range finder anywhere in my life outside of a golf course ever. i know people bring binoculars to these events. i can understand that. this had to be a red flag. here is the butler township commissioner earlier today with "fox & friends." >> when you hear that there was an officer encountering the suspect. the officer was not climbing a ladder. he was actually being hoisted by a fellow officer to get a view up onto the roof. then the suspect turned his rifle on the officer and, of course, he is not in a position to protect himself and pull his weapon. >> bill: i have a question for you about the head of the secret
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service. does the head of the secret service always attend a political convention? if not, what would bring her here last night? if she wanted to meet with the former president, she could have had that meeting in a nearby hotel. >> well, clearly the director of the secret service has been absolutely absentee as well as the director of the f.b.i. look, bill, here is what the american people need to know. the trustworthiness of any investigation can only be measured by the level of integrity. the f.b.i. director, the director of the secret service, and also the attorney general should have been front and center saturday night to insure the american people that we are going to do everything possible, no stone will be left unturned. we are going to make sure that this threat on our democracy, there is no greater threat to deestablish illizing the united states of america by trying to assassinate a former president.
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this idea that she was grandstanding last night is inexplicable and embarrassing and no idea why she would have shown up there. look, it played out as pathetic as it has been with her to be absentee and try to explain that because the roof had some sort of pitch or some sort of slope is nonsensical period. >> bill: we'll see if she is still on the job come monday. we'll find out together. stewart, thank you, sir. >> always my pleasure, thank you. >> bill: four years of plotting may be coming to ahead. iran apparently has wanted revenge on former president trump for the killing of general soleimani in january of 2020. the threats on trump's life have reached new levels. this is the final night of the rnc. a big one about 12 hours from now. come on back. >> it is safe to say that
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>> it hurts my heart to see what our current president and vice president have done to the country i love so well. >> bill: that was a moment. age 98, veteran of d-day in world war ii. drafted at the age of 17 years old. >> dana: married for 76 years. he brought down the house. >> bill: he does it all, right? in the wake of the shooting of
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trump they're gathering more information about an assassination attempt by iran. it has been looked at for several years. trey yengst has the latest from that front today. >> good morning. following that assassination attempt of former president donald trump, we are learning more about another threat to target him. reports indicate the department of homeland security received high level intelligence in recent weeks about an iranian plot to kill trump due to this information that was received from a human source, the secret service ramped up protection around the former president. the gunman that shot trump on saturday is not believed to have any affiliations with iran but the reports do raise questions about how a 20-year-old with a rifle was able to get so close amid concern about the iranian plot. as election season ramps up in the united states there are worries that iran may use the international distraction as an opportunity to ramp up their country's nuclear program. axios reports iran was warned by
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the united states against expanding its nuclear program as israeli and american officials have noticed what is being referenced as suspicious activity by iranian nuclear scientists amid wars erupting between israel and iranian proxies in gaza and lebanon. renewed attacks by iraqi shia militias against u.s. interests in the middle east. iran is trying to capitalize on political instability in the united states and had a plot together to kill former president trump and are looking to expand the country's nuclear program. bill. >> bill: more to come on that. trey yengst, good reporting in tel aviv. >> dana: the main event, former president trump set to take the stage tonight at the rnc. more on that in a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" live in milwaukee next.
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