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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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president can deliver tonight. we have got you covered. special conch 10:00 p.m. eastern time. i will be anchor alongside martha mccallum again and all of our analysts for complete rnc conch. been quite something this week. we will bring it home tonight. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. for "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: all right, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle"
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live from the fourth and final night of the republican national convention here in milwaukee. donald trump is taking center stage tonight after nearly being killed just five days ago. and we're also talking to his son don jr. ahead of this emotional return. plus, vivek ramaswamy, speaker mike johnson, we are loaded up. but, first, let's go straight to the floor where bill hemmer co-anchor of "america's newsroom" is standing by. bill, it's all 80's in the room tonight. it's like back to the 80's with the music so i love it. how is the energy in the room ahead of the big speech? >> bill: yeah, i think the house man has undefeated. 6-foot out of nashville. donald trump loves the show and loves nothing more than putting on a show. i think you are going tote go that tonight. a bit of a hit. >> opera singer warming up here. main stage off to my left. saw j.d. vance last night. going to swing on over here. these are the three states he was going for the blue wall. we got pennsylvania here. michigan is over the head of the cheese heads in wisconsin
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wisconsin home state is left. brian, come on up here, man. come on, we are live on tv. he is the chair of the g.o.p. here in wisconsin. how has the week gone as we approach the finale? bill, it's been great. and usually, bill, as you know there is usually a crescendo up to the final day. whereas every day of this convention, obviously. president trump being here the first day and then the j.d. vance announcement, but everyday has been great. i was talking to my delegation this morning. it's like everyday is a new yes sheand dough. okay. >> bill: so what do you want to hear tonight? >> well, i think the -- first of all, i think j.d. vance was great last night. i think he gave a great picture to the country of show personally. and the fact that the fact that
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mid earn is great. other things is you are going to see me, bill, walking around with a folding table, because i'm going to sell tickets to that debate. >> thank you for being a great host for us this week. >> all right. you got it. laura, send it back upstairs and see what we get here in a element no. laura, do you remember when rush limbaugh was given the medal of freedom at the state of the union? >> laura: good friend of mine. >> bill: february of 2020, right in the late rush limbaugh, everybody remembers that moment from that night. what they forget about is the 19 other american characters that were woive woven into that state of the union address. he will get a bit of that here tonight. >> laura: thank you so much. we will check back with you. think about this. in, what, less than a week he had an assassination attempt against donald trump. who only came back stronger. and now we have a coup attempt
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against biden who is struggling up and down the stairs. this is irony overload time. so the self-proclaimed guardians of democracy. those paragons of transparency are plotting right now behind closed doors. they have gone from saying scranton joe to scram, joe. now, in a classic swap move, would he seely democrats for years conspired to hide biden's cognitive decline are now leaking unflattering tidbits about his condition. all of this, of course, to force him out of the race. so we got pelosi, schiff, raskin, schumer, all shame muzely undermining the will of their own voters. biden has all the cards. knowing the bidens and, yes, i know the bidens, they are holding out for the best deal they can get. and if they don't get what they want, they are going to burn down the whole party. all democrats can do now is wait speculate about trump's ear. >> nobody else has any information about this wound. we still don't know for sure
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whether donald trump was hit by a bullet, whether he was hit by glass fragments, whether he was hit by shrapnel. >> they decline to tell the public the extent of his injury. time to release a statement about the extent of his injuries. what his evaluation was and what the follow-up should be expected to be if he had a substantial injury perhaps he needs to take some time off to recover. >> laura: oh, yeah. nice try. forget tds. trump derangement syndrome. temporary insanity. compare the demoralized democratic scrum to the optimistic republican party which is united. it's diverse and you bet it's working class. it is the party that donald trump always envisioned and tonight is he going to lay out his hopeful vision for a more prosperous, more secure and more confident america. joining me now, vivek ramaswamy, former 2024 presidential g.o.p. candidate who was the first
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presidential candidate in the primary, i believe, vivek, tell me if i'm wrong, to endorse president trump. you saw this coming you had the foresight to get behind him 100 percent. >> this could be historic night, larr laura. we had the debate a year ago. now we are united going behind donald trump all the way. history our great grandchildren will look back at hopefully the moment we turned the page on a toxic chapter of american history. donald trump has a chance tonight it is teed up to hit this out of the park and i know he is going. to say. >> laura: have you been talking to him and so close to j.d. vance. give us a little sense and without revealing any confidences about what might have changed in his thinking or in his approach after saturday. >> yonches we will see a pivot in donald trump who he is. what i do think we are going to have a chance to see is a different side of who he is. the side of those of us who know
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him already know his truth. it's been there all along. this a man who doesn't deeply care about national unity has not always come across especially with the media filters being what they are, no. tonight there are not filters. speak directly to the american people. people excited to hereby from him. is he also in a head space where he wants people to see the true donald trump not just the projection of division that much of the media has created that's what i hope they see. has gump vilted how long is this change going to last? it's not a change of who he is. all of us have different sides to who we are i hope and expect we are going to have a chance to see a slightly different dimension of donald trump tonight as we did of j.d. yesterday. >> laura: is he going to come out early. presidential candidates usually don't come out. he may come out early tonight. we're not sure. but a lot of presidential candidates don't really come out much, except to maybe wave, except for the night they are speaking e decided he wanted to be here. it was very important that sent
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a big signal to the party, vivek. this just in from "the washington post." pelosi has told house democrats that biden may soon be persuaded to exit the race she stepped up this behind the scenes roll to bow out of the campaign. wait a second, i thought they were the great guardians of democracy, vivek. their voters picked biden. now the elites are in charge. >> that's actually what you are practicing what they are preaching. administrative stated to run the country. they don't want the people to choose who runs it. it has to be back room deal. the reality is, i said this a year ago on one of the debate stages. dismissed as crazy talk. >> said it was crazy talk at the time. the reality is now it's coming to fruition. biden is not going to be the nominee. we have a way to insulate ourselves against. this let's not even worry about what the shenanigans are for the democrats. who cares? this is about who we are and when we stand for.
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if we nail that as i think we have this week donald trump will consummate tonight. discount matter which puppet they put up. i think we have an opportunity for a reagan 1980's style landslide regardless of which figure head they put up. >> laura: i want 1984. it was a bigger mark up. i remember you said debate i believe i laughed at you. >> here we are. >> laura: vivek ramaswamy, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> what was my father's incorporate stingted as his life was on the line. not to cower, not to surrender, but to show for all the world to see that the next american president has the heart of a lion. [cheers] that the next american president has the courage to put the american people first again. when he stood up with blood on his face and the flag at his
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back, the world saw a spirit that could never be broken. [cheers] >> laura: joining me now donald trump jr. executive vice president of the trump organization who brought the house down with that speech. donny i haven't seen you for a while. >> it's been a while. >> laura: how are you. >> doing well. >> laura: what does tonight mean given everything they have put this man through what does it mean. >> obviously talking about the last four or five days a long one. saturday, after the attempt on his life. but, you know, when you think of what they have tried to do to him for years now, you know, treasonous with russia and that you will nonsense. had you two impeachment, have you seen lawsuits and fine half a billion dollars on time with interest. still trying to wrap my head
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around that one. the numerous attempts to jail him. it's been a long few years. it hasn't been just those couple of days. i'm so excited to be here at the convention this time. i mean, it's such a different vibe than even '16. the unity, the love -- i mean i have seen grown men. you walk up to them and they are welling up. >> laura: you were teared up. >> it was allergies. >> laura: bull, bull. don, i have known for a long time. you are a tough guy. but, when your daughter when you introduced her and walked out we have daughters about the same age. i got teared up. she was so poised and eloquent for a 16-year-old girl to get out there just talk about her grandfather what did that mean to you. >> that was a brilliant political move to bring out a young girl. i would never do that. frankly. i understand they will go after her, hunter biden a fine, is he a child of a president. you got to lowe him alone even
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if he is 50 and a scum bag. she is a golfer. she is a competitive golfer. she spent so much time with my dad because they share this thing. >> laura: i know. >> she spent more time with him probably than any of the trumps. and they have this bond. i catch her they are talking on the phone making smalltalk at random times. they are like buddies. >> laura: what's your handicap? >> the smack talk we get plenty of that, too. she was with me when we got that call. it took 90 minutes to find out what actually happened. we didn't even know. she is 17-year-old girl just wondering what is go going on. she going on on monday. dad, i feel really strongly about this. i want to speak at the republican national convention. wait, kai your first speech ever? not political. i just want to talk about grandpa. because he is so good. he is always i couldn't do it better. her speech is he could be getting indicted and he will call her to ask how her
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tournament went or how her grades are when the world would seemingly being crumbling around him. is he calm and cares enough to call her. she is like i want to do this. i was like kaily that's a big one. >> laura: your dad was tearing up when she walked out. i have seen wistfulness in his eyes and they are tears of joy clearly or emotion. will we see that kind of emotion, do you believe tonight when he takes the stage? >> i think so. i mean, i was with him on friday the day before he was shot. i spent about four hours working going through his speech women had. it was trump fire i think what happened on friday his response under fire, under pressure literally having been shot in the face to stand up defiant and to urge people to keep going. you got nothing else to prove. that's the biggest bad ass i
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have ever seen. >> laura: when reagan was shot he decided that his presidency had an extra purpose. and a more urgent sense of purpose. will that be what your father takes from this, do you think? >> i think 1 100%. i'm not overly spiritual or anything like that. and when i see that i was like that wasn't just like god saving him. that was god trying to save our country. that had to be. one time he uses a graph points to a statistic. bullet whizs by his head, still hits him, you know, if you are ever in doubt, you know, that he has extended purpose on this earth, that should have been a assuaged by that instance. >> laura: at a private event that your dad stopped by he spoke for a moment yesterday, watch. >> i got lucky. god was with me. i tell you. [cheers and applause]
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that was amazing, horrible thing. amazing thing. in many ways it changes your attitude, your viewpoint on life. and i think, honestly, i think you appreciate god even more. i really do. >> amen. >> something happened. [cheers and applause] >> something hand. >> laura: a lot of politicians when they invoke god sometimes it seems kind of trite. but for somebody who has known him your whole life. >> yeah. >> to hear him at public event what does that mean to you. >> real. not trying to overdo it with scripture. no something happened that was not luck. that was not join dense. i don't believe in that level of coincidence where that big a disaster is salvaged by million meters. that doesn't happen without i
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think got is telling us to close down our border. >> laura: mr. president, the chart saved you and what was it of course immigration. let's talk about the left is so unhinged about the photo, about his strength. i mean, they are beside themselves. now they are saying why hasn't your father released his medical records. literally, when i saw a doctor on cnn, dr. reiner saying we need more information. maybe he should take some time off the campaign trail if it was -- had a concussive effect. where are the scans? >> yeah. joe biden has been a vegetable for about 3 and a half years no one has ever questioned anything. trump gets shot in the face. last few days talking to people and that's how insane they are, laura. i saw, i think it was joy reid he has got covid. if he survives covid, that's basically the same as getting shot in the face. like, i swear punched star of
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the truman show, okay, laura blink three times if everyone is in on it. like they can't be serious. i had others say, well, you know, he was only shot in the ear. i'm like what are you talking about? you want him -- he needs to be shot more to have -- it's lunacy. it's lunacy. it's trump derangement syndrome. what's nice there is not an american left, right, center that didn't see and this a say you know what? that guy got up this that situation, every guy behind keyboards and internet think they are a tough guy. get shot in the face stand up defiant. i never thought i would see a photograph that would be more iconic than the mugshot. that image made the mugshot make a child look like crayon and drew it. probably the most two iconic photographs in american history. i have been told that your daughter has been swarmed in
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this arena by teenage boys. so. >> get away you little bastard. stay away. >> you have unleashed the male -- she had the big fan club. she strengthening on the internet more than you. she is ellipsing your father. >> tens of millions by like 11:00 last night. >> laura: they had to shut down a part of the arena because so many people were following her. you have introduced her to the world now. >> perhaps i will regret picking up that phone and say sure you could speak there. i had to do that for her she needed to do that for her grandpa. >> laura: somebody who has seen you grow up through politics. grow up from a younger man to now. i hope have you incredible night. savsavor it. say your prayers, keep saying them. god is -- can i feel. this i'm just so happy for you and your family, donnie. >> thanks, laura. >> lau >> is there anything you would look to to say if i see that i
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will re-evaluate? >> if i had some medical condition that emerged. if somebody -- doctors came in and said have you got this problem or that problem. but i made a serious mistake. i'm in the -- when the whole debate. and -- and, look, the reason i ran you may remember i said i was going to be a transitional candidate. and i thought that i would be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else. but i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. and, quite frankly and i think the only thing age brings a little bit of wisdom. >> laura: tonight, wow. a tale of two presidents. one just shot days ago. making his return to the stage to speak to the american people. the other sees his party turning against him and he has covid. fox is told that biden is getting covid, well, forcing him to slow down for a period of reflection. with one democrat source saying there may be time for him to reconsider staying on the top of
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the ticket. new reports are swirling that he is doing actually that. axios says he could drop out as soon as this weekend. and cbs is reporting that two senior house democrats they say they expect the issue of biden's candidacy to be resolved in three to five days. the betting markets are all in on this by the way. joining me now mollie mollie hemingway. editor and chief at "the federalist." fox news contributor lee zeldin, new york congressman, gubernatorial candidate. lee, let's start with you. having known the bidens as long as i have known them, and it's longer than you, they're among the most stubborn and sorry most selfish politicians around. they must be getting some great deal to get out of this race. i mean a deal -- this is a negotiation right now for the bidens, otherwise, they are not going anywhere. >> not only is he the sitting president of the united states and leader of the party. is he also their presumptive nominee. they already went through their primary process. he has the delegates. if he wants to, he can stay in
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and be their candidate so absolutely, intense pressure, all of the families have gotten together. and they are trying their best to get him out. but, the fact is that they're alternative they all feel they have to go to kamala harris. kamala harris was the one person joe biden could have picked who was incapable of upstaging him. >> laura: some reports, mollie, we have not confirmed them that joe biden is not going to endorse anyone. i don't know what to believe because so many people are leaking against other people that he is not going tone doors anyone if he steps out of this race. >> all of these reports are based on anonymous sources. we haven't actually heard from anyone who actually knows anything. it's clearly a high pressure campaign from the media and other democrats who want him out. but they want him out not because of anything is different than what we have seen for years. i mean, he is about the the same as we screen for years. they want him out because this think he can't win in november. if they were actually concerned about him and the country, they would be talking about him stepping down from the presidency. not just stepping away from the
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nomination. >> laura: all right, panel. stick with us. we have some big rnc speeches coming up this hour and we are going to bring them to you and the panel will stay. ♪
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come back kid, joe biden say watch me, i'm the comeback kid. let's go back and look at some of the headlines from 2021 about trump. he was over. >> yeah, they -- he has been counted for dead politically. and whatever they threw at him, i mean, they threw the impeachments while he was. in and one bad story after the next while he is in office
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trying to do a good job. >> mueller from the beginning. >> oh my gosh. > flynn mueller. >> he decides he wants to announce november 15th, 2022. november 18th of 2022. when merrick garland was at the briefing to announce jack smith at the same time nathan wade was in the white house counsel's office. it was the same day on november 18th. they started instantly and thought they couldn't come up with anything else. tried to lock him up the rest of his life and bankrupt him and his family. different states trying to remove his name from the ballot. >> laura: let's not forget. so many things, molly in this swirl it can cannot be forgottn what they tried to do to subvert democracy as they claimed to try to defend it. >> it's an amazing situation here where the establishment in both parties worked so hard to subvert his presidency to event him from being able to be the nominee and now you have the situation where with the president and the vice president nominees here, you have candidates who are more aligned with the actual voters than we have seen in decades.
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less with the establishment but much more with the voters. which means that the republican party actually has a chance here to hugely expand the vote and have a really impressive victory here. they have been trying for years get more hispanics, asians, black votes. middle class votes. >> laura: we can't do that, molly. if we talk about immigration we will get no hispanic voters. don't you know that? >> that's what you are feeling here is this different mood where finally the voters got more of what they wanted. even if it's less of what d.c. wanted. lawyer the elites want. new polling from cbs news shows that trump is expanding his lead over biden. this is a stunner in a head-to-head matchup. trump now is up five points. among independent voters he has a double dignity advantage. molly, i still wonder who these people are supporting biden. i know you don't put a lot of stock in these polls there have been a hell of a lot of polls. margin growing nationally. >> we saw these bad numbers for
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biden before the debate. getting this narrative the debate changed things for people. biden's approval rating 30th percentile before the debate. it's the presidency and policy people don't like. the democrats have excelled in ballot harvesting in swing states to secure elections. so polling matters less than getting those ballots into the ballot box. and if republicans want to win, they should probably focus on that. >> laura: all right. panel, thank you both very much. great to see you tonight. check back in with bill hemmer from the floor rocking to the 80's. bill, what's the latest down there? >> bill: right on every hour a little more pumped up. within the hour staircase to my left and red banner on the right. that's the trump box. that's the staircase that we have seen him go up every night of this convention. is he going to be here yet again. think about monday night how dramatic it was with that entrance and the patch on the right ear and you can see a lot of delegates wearing those patches.
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laura, last time we talked we were in the front row. now we are in the back row. okay? i want to show you can call it lady liberties if you like. from new jersey, lives in south carolina talk to me about the get-up here. >> i like president trump a little bit. i love him, i love what he has done. what he did for the country. he has my support women bill you got every button on that hat and every area covered. what do you want to hear tonight? >> cut, cut. i'm -- >> bill: it's okay. no pressure. as a delegate though you came here for a reason to support him and certainly you want a message. what would that message be? >> to make america safe, america again. to save america again. >> bill: have a great time tonight. all right? love the get-up. go back upstairs, laura, talk to you again in a moment.
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>> laura: all right, bill, thank you so much. another shocking security failure from the shooting that almost killed donald trump. secret service says that thomas crooks was identified as a person of interest not a threat when law enforcement saw him acting suspiciously. he was only identified as a threat when he went to retrieve the weapon. and then climbed onto the roof. no big deal. here's what i want to know. where was the weapon and how did he have time to go get it than conceal it, climb on the roof undetected and if he was a person of interest, why the heck did they lose track of him why did donald trump ever get on that stage? why did they allow him to get on that stage with a missing person of interest? we need answers. and last night g.o.p. senators, one of the greatest moments of this convention off the floor of the convention was when they confronted secret service director kimberly cheatle who was here at the rnc. watch.
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. . . >> laura: by the way, they are all three very mild mannered people and they're all mad. joining me now is mike johnson house speaker. thank you for joining us. beam said this was bad decorum, whatever. they couldn't get answers from cheatle when they had the chance. what do we know right now and what do you intend to find out. >> your questions are the right
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ones and they are on a list of many. we had a call yesterday with all the republicans and democrats in the house. we had director wray of the fbi and director cheatle on the phone. they gave less than satisfactory responses to things that the american people deserve and demand to know. i love what marsha blackburn and our colleagues did. we have to chase down the answers. they are evasive. i have called for her removal. she should resign. when it looked apparent that she would not. i called the white house this morning and said president biden needs to fire her. the buck stops there. accountability starts at the top. >> laura: she says she is not going anywhere today. late reports. >> going to respond to subpoenas. on monday begin this effort. we will set up a task force. it will be a precision strike with people on -- republicans and democrats on this task force who have specialty and expertise in these areas. and they will get the answers quickly and provide them to the american people. >> laura: let's move on to what is happening here at the rnc. because this is my eighth, i think, rnc. and i grew up in the era of reagan. i was in high school, but i have
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never seen anything like this. the story-telling, the grand during, and more than anything, the camaraderie and optimism. how important is this moment? >> all of it. it feels like a reagan moment it. feels like we are going to restore the shiny city on the hill. there can be morning in america. all those references come back. there is an energy here that's difficult to articulate. people are in a great mood because they know we are going to get out of this malaise right now. all around the country people are completely fed up with what the biden administration has done to every area of public policy. everything is destroyed. we can fix it and people are believing that again and that's why they are so excited. they want to be a part of this movement. >> laura: y'all going to cut spending in d.c.? you are going to get a new sheriff in town, perhaps, if trump can pull it off. >> exactly. >> laura: not going to do do the omnibus spending bills. you got to get rid of all of that. >> absolutely a. >> laura: people are fed up with those bills. >> so are we. first aggressive 100 days agenda. i met with j.d. vance about a half an hour he and i talked
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about that. can he bring a lot to have table. comes out of the senate, brilliant as you know. to say have an engaged vice president and to have the republican senate and the republican houseworking together under trump's leadership, laura, this can be a new era, a new renaissance in america. we are excited about it and planning on it right now. >> working class ethic, you grew you up with it i grew up with it. what made america america. working class people. somehow the party got removed from that for a while and lost those working class roots. do you feel they are back? >> i do. and i think i love what j.d. did on the stage last night. sitting next to the mom in the box up there he comes from that he knows how to look into the minds and hearts and camera and say we can bring it back. >> laura: mr. speaker, we are going to go to the floor with mike pompeo speaking. >> good evening, my fellow americans, it's great to be with you. special shout-out to kansas over there. my good friend from kansas.
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i had the incredible privilege to serve as trump's cia director and secretary of state. [cheers] >> it was my greatest honor to work with him every single day to serve you, the american people. now, you all are paying attention, so you know what the trump administration achieved. but it's worth going through a few of these accomplishments. let's start with this. there were no new american wars. [cheers and applause] our border, southern border closed. [cheers] it may seem like a long time ago. when we took office people's heads being cut off at the beaches. we destroyed isis and its
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caliphate. [applause] and you know, you know here's another fun fact. we never lost our secretary of defense for two weeks, either. [cheers] you'll remember for those four years, the evil of vladimir putin was held at bay. when we walked out january of 2021, the iranian regime was afraid and people of israel were strong and secure and we treated like a friend and ally that they need to be. [cheers and applause] everywhere we went religious freedom was protected. we held three summits in north korea. and north korea was quieted. we had begun an honorable exit from afghanistan.
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and not a single chinese spy balloon flew across the united states of america. four years. [cheers and applause] had i been the secretary of state and the chinese spy balloon flew across our country, i would have been the former secretary of state. and rightfully so. you know, under president trump the chinese communist party which to this day presents the greatest threat to our nation from outside of our country, we confronted it like never before. look, ladies and gentlemen, short, we put america first every single day. [cheers and applause] 42 months on. what has joe biden and kamala harris done? and their leftist what have they delivered to us for security and prosperity? almost nothing. let's start with this. you saw some of them last night.
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13 new gold star families from afghanistan. as an army veteran, i want to speak to everybody who served in afghanistan. and disgusted by the biden administration's incompetent pull-out from that country. [applause] to those of you who served there, know this. know that your service was honorable, that you saved american lives and that the pompeos love and admire you for what you did for america. thank you and god bless each and every one of you,. [cheers and applause] every one of you has served in uniform and the family of those you deserve a president. a president who will not check his watch while he is honoring our fallen brothers and sisters. it was indecent. and, of course, it was that very
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weakness. that very weakness we saw in afghanistan that prompted putin's butcher in ukraine. last week we saw what it meant, what children's hospital bombed, innocence killed. its did d. not have to be. and now, of course, a second war in gaza. president biden won't even talk about the fact that americans are still being held there by the iranian regime. contrast that, contrast that with what we did when americans were wrongfully held. president trump sent me to north korea to bring home three american pastors. [cheers and applause] we brought them hermine. home. we brought them home along with dozens of others. dozens of other hostages and we did so without paying one single penny to the terrorists. [cheers and applause]
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and what about iran today? when joe biden is up on president trump's maximum pressure campaign, we gave money to the ayatollah so he could cut more checks to the genocidal maniacs who conducted attacks, barbaric attacks in israel. now of course closer to home. our southern border is a welcome mat. a welcome mat for islamic terrorists. drug dealers, chinese spies, and violent criminals. ladies and gentlemen, president biden sold out our citizens and our security and our sovereignty and we need to get it back and i am confident that we will get it back. [cheers and applause] i had this incredible privilege to serve as your top diplomat. i saw -- i saw how the world always looks to our nation as the unrivaled example of what a
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free society should look like. but, unfortunately, unfortunately, president biden struts the global stage. maybe i should say he shuffles the global stage. he talks a big game about american values. but what's he done at home? what's he shown the world? what have he and his leftist base actually shown other nations ocensorsed free speech here at home. he has put woke into the military that i and you so desperately love. we must reclaim it. he put it in our schools as well. he has weaponized the justice system against our political opponents. even to this day as we sit here today he and vice president harris are providing appeasement to the pro-hamas radicals on our streets here inside the united states. and even worse, today this administration treats illegals
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better than our own citizens. that is indecent. the entire administration. the entire administration has failed to tell us the truth. the truth that we all know and is so dangerous to our nation. the truth that joe biden can't handle that 3:00 a.m. phone call. indeed, he won't take a phone call after about 4:00 p.m. my call to you sent to is really simple. we can't trust the biden administration. and we have work do to uphold american values. up to those in the room tonight and those of you watching tonight. donald trump will every day, i saw it firsthand, he will put america first. so. so let's do what's right and what's important. let's elect a president who isn't ashamed of our nation and
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will never apologize for our country. and when we do, we will put a strong america first leader in the white house. elect donald j. trump we will make america exceptional, special and of course, great again. thank you, god bless you. god bless our veterans and the united states of america. thank you all. ♪ thank you so much. ♪ >> laura: and speaker johnson really quickly, mike pompeo, another towering figure. hear from pastor in just a moment. well,. >> my name is pastor lorenzo seoul, i have the honor and privilege of being the senior pastor at 180 church. we were blessed last month to have president donald trump tom
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to detroit, michigan. let's go! can you imagine it? can you imagine president donald trump coming to a city and calling a pastor like me? a pastor who was born and raised on the east side of detroit. i was mentored by murderer he is. i was a student of the street. but i had a radical experience with je jesus christ that savedy life forever. come on, if you believe that jesus still changes lives. come on, put your hands together and give our great god great glory. [cheers and applause] entrepreneurship came to a church that is in a democratic strong hold.
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he came to church to listen to average, every day americans like you and like me. he came to a church not to speak to us but to listen to us. he came into a church and a lot of people they were upset. a lot of people asked me questions. why would you allow donald trump to come into your church? how many know that the bible says we are all sinners and we all need the grace of god how many know that the bible says who has not sinned let him cast the first stone. president donald trump he came during his birthday week. let me ask you a question. grand ole party. what would you do for your birthday if you were worth $6.7 billion. what would you do for your birthday? would you come to detroit?
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would you come into the hood, hood? he came to the hood because he cares about average, every day americans. [cheers and applause] grand ole party i need to ask you a question. what would you ask for your birthday? if you could go to mar-a-lago or if you could go to new york, what would you ask for your birthday? >> the american dream. >> he asked for prayer. [applause] i believe that prayer is preventative and prayer was proactive. i believe that praying in the name of jesus changes
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everything. and when we prayed for president trump only god knew that 30 days later there would be a miracle by a millimeter only god knew that if we prayed for him during his birthday there would be a miracle by millimeter. if president trump had moved one millimeter he wouldn't have been here on monday to talk to us about how america was going to be made wealthy again. if president donald trump would have moved just a millimeter he
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wouldn't have been here on tuesday to talk about how he was going to make america secure again. if president donald trump would have moved just a millimeter, he wouldn't have been here on wednesday to tell us how he was going to make america strong again. and if president trump would have moved just a millimeter we would not be hearing tonight how he was going to make america great again. [cheers and applause] before i take my seat, i just got to talk to you about something called providence and
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something called sovereignty. god's sovereignty is his ability to be able to do what he wants when he wants because he's god. and god's providence, it's when he does what he wants, when he wants, for all of you. did you know that president trump was shot on 6/11? and do you know ephesians chapter number 6, verse number 11 says be strong in the lord and in his mighty power. so all my democrat friends, i want to ask you one question. do you know anybody that was the 45th president, he was convicted of 34 accounts, he raised
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$53 million in 24 hours, and could be the 47th president of the united states of america and he was shot one time. do you know anybody like that? [cheers and applause] [chanting trump trump trump] to all my friends back in detroit who are democrats. i want to ask you just one simple question. you can't deny the power of god on this man's life. you can't deny that god protected him. you cannot deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. could it be that jesus christ preserved him for such a time as this? could it be.
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[cheers] [applause] could it be that when we prayed for him when he came to the round table in detroit that jesus asked and he received that we sought him and then he found protection? could it be that the king of glory, the lord god strong and mighty, the god who is mighty in battle protected donald trump because he wants to use him for such a time as this. if you believe that, come on, put your hands together and give god great glory. >> laura: thunder russ applauds and it is rocking here at the rnc. we are joined by peter navarro, former trump white house adviser. he served four months in federal
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prison for defying a congressional subpoena. he also got a huge welcome from the crowd and multiple standing ovations. his new book the new gaga first 100 days and beyond. peter, we have been at this for a long time. my friend. >> great to see you, new maga deal, 100 actions in 100 days. i was there in 2017 when we hit the ground running, with all sorts of executive orders, this time it's going to be -- it's going to be a whole new game. >> a lot of this has been about personality and excitement and optimism frankly people need and everyone is having a good time. getting down to brass tacks, fixing what ails us as a policy prescriptions. give me two things that have to be done. >> border security and basically fair frayed through tariffs by americans because strong manufacturing base is prosperity and national security.
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>> laura: we're here in wisconsin which was a center of manufacturing strength in the united states. you see all the iron and all the things that came through this part of the country. how important is it? >> what we need to do is take milwaukee and madison this time around. milwaukee because the biden regime is -- with the border crisis taking jobs away from black, brown and blue collar americans. that's milwaukee. and in madison, those kids need to understand if they want to have a home, a family, a car and all of that, it's going to be through donald trump's policies. >> laura: peter, congratulations on the book. >> great to see you. you are killing it at 7:00. >> laura: we have been through a lot of years of a lot of debates on trade. >> yes we have. >> laura: i hope you stick to that agenda, peter, thanks so much. >> take care. >> laura: former president trump is now walking out on the rnc floor ahead of his big speech tonight. let's listen to the crowd's reaction. this is wild. ♪ ♪
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[ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> all right there he is, the men of the moment and looking fine and excited let's check on -- check, >> i can hear you. just barely though we are in the
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area of the arena where the president and former president just walked in from the left hand shoulder there appeared he can draw a crowd, it is something else. ac/dc back in black, pretty good walk in song period these gentlemen look like oklahoma sooners, what do you want to hear tonight. >> i want to know what we are going to do in the future i want to come home to a country that is safe and not woke. i know that when i come back it's exactly what -- what i expected it to be when i left. we are the only county that had our precincts completely represented and we make sure that when we swamped the election the votes, they can't cheat we want to put more two, four and a six year terms. >> so you are ready for that. how about yourself?
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>> i'm ready for unity and opportunities for everybody i know we can get along if we work hard all across the aisle everywhere. >> you guys are big enough to get a better seat and i found you in the back row, how did that happen. >> it's easier to stand up on the edges and stretch your legs. >> you have a great view of the former president. enjoy the night. back upstairs. >> thank you so much. joining me now is sean duffy as well as... sean, it's hard to describe this moment for those of us who have been fighting in the trenches of politics for decades and decades. what do expect to hear? >> to see the response here is remarkable what i think is interesting, i was outside earlier today and the message of those men, the message of we can unify the country.
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these convention goers could be passed off and they are not they are like we can bring this country together around a certain set of ideas and make it great again i think it's a fascinating mentality and philosophy of the people that are here tonight. >> republicans sometimes rely on numbers and they talk at people instead of shared stories with people and storytelling is an american arts, if done well it's really persuasive. i find that is the change in this convention. there have been a lot of stories told about the country and about personal journeys of the... >> that's what people respond to the most. it's what democrats have done better. they don't have any stats or results so they tell stories. donald trump has put on a show here that is real and his premise on common since not ideological, it's not about tax brackets. the establishment is completely out and in our reflections of real people who are affected by
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terrible policies. >> the firefighters... that gear is going to be onstage before donald donald trump comes out. the first time i think republicans may outshine and outplay democrats. >> they have the hollywood's and the producers from hollywood come in and stage everything. to have the grander and the celebrities but right now we have the policies that worked in 2019, incomes were up, optimism was up, consumer sentiment was up and we were safe and the border was secure. >> [ inaudible ] we also have kid rock and hulk hogan and dana white's. we've got other places where people response is sheer patriotism and toughness and being resolute, that matters a lot and trump has projected that
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message. >> do you both notice that trump seems to be, he looks different a little bit. he still looks very youthful at this moment of when you focus on death it actually makes you a better person the. we're all here for a very short period of time. >> is going to change him politically for the better. americans who are concerned about donald trump and voting for him are going to see a different donald trump right there but also tonight and it's going to bring... >> see the introspection and this will be a speech for the ages tonight. >> biden is not going to be mentioned. there's no need to mention him. thank you both very much. that's it for us, stay with fox all night. donald trump is going to speak, this is history my friends. we will see you tomorrow night. >> j


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