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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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great again. [cheering] >> emily: so awesome. jason, here is what i love most is after that. he just said, my name is terrence. i'm hulk hogan, i'm not here as hulk, he took off the mask also. he said, i'm a normal guy and this is my president. >> jason: i tried ripping my shirt off like that, i never did succeed. i love him, i like the hulk, big fan. >> bret baier interviewed him and said are you going to run for some kind of office somewhere. he did not deny it. >> said he thought about it. >> my favorite person is baby dog. >> "america reports" is next.
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>> the president is not going anywhere, the president can win. >> it may take a moment, he will get where he needs to go. >> he is in this race to win and he'll be president for a second term. we rip off the bandaid, make kamala harris the nominee. >> if he leads, you think democrats will regret it? >> i do. >> call from democrats and far left media for president biden to drop out of the 2024 race is growing louder and biden family members are reconsidering and that brings us to top of the brand new hour. i'm sandra smith in new york, what a week, john. >> john: yeah, which way is this going, anybody's guess. i'm john roberts and this is "america reports." 29 democrats have asked biden to step aside and that list keepses
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growing. >> arkansas republican senator tom cotton is standing by. >> john: we begin with pe peter doocy live in rohoboth beach. what did we learn about biden challengers at the dnc that just wrapped up? >> peter: there can't be spontaneous challenger when the dnc meets virtually. it is going to be possible for somebody with some organization to knock president biden off the top of the ticket, this is how. >> is it possible that another candidate can challenge president biden in a virtual vote? >> i'll take that one. per the convention rules, any challenger would have to have verified support of hundreds of
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delegates. >> peter: from covid quarantine, the president speaks this. i look forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week. make the case for my own record and vision to save our dmsz, protect rights and freedoms and create opportunity for everyone. biden campaign is justifying staying in the race by claiming there are more people whoun wa the president to stay in the race than drop out. >> people are not moving from joe biden to donald trump. what they are doing is they are saying to us, can he do it and the president is saying, yes, i can. >> jason: the president is not going quietly into the night and not going anywhere until tomorrow as he recovers from covid at the beach house, the white house has given us an early lid. >> john: st. petersburg, thank
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you. sa sandra. >> bring in tom cotton. 30 dems and growing, senator. first your thoughts on that, when this might happen and on this from van jones on cnn comparing all the excitement at the rnc with republicans to what we saw with obama back in 2008. listen. >> this thing is like this. guys, the last time i was in a commission that felt like this was obama 2008. there is something happening. >> what a stark contrast, all this excitement and enthusiasm in milwaukee among republicans and this list of 30 democrats and growing calling for the other nominee to drop out of the race, senator. >> sandra, it is remarkable
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contrast. this is my fourth convention, by far the best convention i've attended. republican party is unified and excited about this party and the future of america and look at wonderful moments we had this week from j.d. vance describing how his family overcame hardship and his remarkable success story. his mother overcoming addiction to be clean for 10 years. donald trump miraculous survival of the ch assassination attempt. it was nothing short of a miracle and hulk hogan. democrats are mounting a coup against their candidate, has not changed since millions voted for him. we have nancy pelosi and barack obama and wall street bankers and hollywood moguls launching a
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coup to overthrow him. the contrast couldn't be starker and it gets back to differences american people know it was good and everything has gone to hell as joe biden president. >> john: a lot of republicans are reveling in the idea there is party unity in the gop, which is remarkable in and of itself and democrats are in disarray and people are looking back to 1968 as the last time something like this happened. open convention, hubert was the nominee, he went against richard nixon,s and humphrey did get shellacked in the electoral college vote. this race is still likely to be
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pretty tight. >> yeah, john, that is what donald trump and the campaign is preparing for. he is not resting on his laurels. he and j.d. vance will be in grand rapids, michigan campaigning while joe biden is hiding away from the coronavirus. in the end, we'll win by a comfortable margin, but the campaign is planning for a tough race, whether joe biden or kamala harris or any other far left democrats they want to put up. all of these democrats agree with the same thing joe biden has done for years, it is unconstrained spending leading to out of control inflation, w weakness leading to war and chaos windchill donald trump, stability, that is what we'll have once again. >> i'm getting latest word from this campaign through biden's campaign chair, saying he is very much still in this race. they say multiple paths to
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victory, they are insistent this is the message they are putting out. this is general dillon. they are still with biden. >> when you get to the bottom and heart of what we're doing they have questions, they are staying with joe biden and our numbers show that. >> i mean, is it just anybody's guess what happens here? >> i have no idea what is going to happen and i don't think many other people do either, sandra. look at stories and how they are leaked and where they are coming from, democratic high command, barack obama, nancy pelosi, george clooney, welalthy donors. just months ago they were
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defending joe biden and saying he was sharp as a tack and run circles around us. it is conspiracy of silence to protect joe biden. so is kamala harris and she needs to answer about her own silence about president biden's condition. it is not joe biden's health condition or ability to be president, they dope want him to resign, they are only worried about their grip on power and worried they can't keep this sperse going and it will cost them the election. >> john: the assassination attempt against the former president, you were in the military and served in afghanistan, what do you think of the security failures that happened in butler, pennsylvania and what is appropriate forum to investigate this in? in congress or in the wake of kennedy ashes assassination, something like a warren commission? >> it is an astonishing failure
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by secret service leadership. i want to comment brave secret service and local law enforcement on the scene that protected president trump and the oaudience. sadly one killed and two others wounded, but it could have been much worse. resourcing for it, leadership of skree is deficient. kimberly cheatle refused to accept responsibility and minimizing her role in this, blaming local law enforcement or a slopped roof. this was not something unforeseeable. many people foresaw it. this was a shot from about 150 yards, something we expect privates to do in basic training, it was not the second coming of white death from finland. it was office this roof should have been controlled.
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kimberly cheatle needs to see assign. congress will look into this, as well. joe biden should demand accountability. not just about -- safety of other protectees, secret service has best men and women in law enforcement, they deserve better leaders. >> what is the plan in the senate to investigate this? >> i think we're going forward with hearings, if not this week, hopefully week after that and ms. cheatle need to answer her failures and hear from people on the ground to include local law enforcement about the planning that went into this, why there were not more resources dedicated to it >> this was not a 1500 yard shot with $75,000 sniper arrivally and scope, this is a shot we expect privates in basic training to make. >> they found a golf
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rangefinder. >> john: it was a lone wolf attack, too. imagine if this was a trained team going after the former president what would have hap happened. >> because of threats, this is enhanced or beefed up security, i trust the secret service will be wired tighter from top to bottom for president trump, president biden and r.f.k. jr. and all of the other protectees and we'll provide them resources they need. there has to be accountability and new leadership that will establish a new culture inside the agency. >> so many listening to that wondering how can you fix a problem if you don't admit mistake or errors in execution of the plan. see what happens in the hearings on be monday. thank you. >> thanks, senator.
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>> thank you. >> john: tech companies respond to global outage that forced faa to ground thousands of flights. long lights at airports as passengers try to reach their destination. air travel is not the only industry impacted. steve harrigan is live from hartsville jackson airport. any idea when this will be resolved? >> steve: john, a few airlines are up and running, others, pure chaos. this line goes as far as i can see and it is hard to watch. you have families here been waiting for hours and they get to the front and are told no flight, our systems are down. this tech outage goes around the world and affects banks, hospitals, fed ex and cvs, all
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from a company called crowdstrike. they did a software update and they say this was not a cyber attack. >> it was not a cyber attack, it was related to this content update. we've been on with our customers all night. many customers are rebooting the system. complex world and a lot of interaction and staying ahead of the adversaries is a tall task. >> steve: parents with children, suitcases, they get up there after an hour wait and told nothing for you, our systems are down. delta has begun to fly. some companies, it could take several days to reboot those systems. back to you. >> john: what a nightmare.
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steve harrigan from the atl. >> i imagine those folks are too frustrated to talk. brand new developments in the assassination investigation. paul mauro is on the ground there and will join us next on the security failure at that rally. >> john: more top democrats urging president biden to withdraw from the 2024 race including democrats in deeply blue districts. is a big announcement on the way? >> people very close to the president but congressional leaders, personal friends, they believe he will get there over the weekend. >> he'll make the decision he needs to go. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day...
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>> s >> our officer was trying to lift himself up and peek to the roof to see if he could see the roof and actually the suspect turned his rifle on that officer. the officer is not in a position to protect himself, weerld his weapon, fire upon him. my understanding, shortly after that happened, the officer attempted to get on the roof and fell off in a compromised position, within short window of time the shots rang out. >> john: we are learning about the security break down. corey comperatore died protecting his family during the attack. a private ceremony wrapped up a moment ago, 500 emergency vehicles accompanied corey
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comperatore to the church. they are heading back home. bring in paul mauro, former nypd inspector. after giving information to media outlets, local and state police are saying requests are to be sent to the fbi? >> paul: that is right, we were told we could get more information from the local barracks and we were told their orders from the state police, all inquiries are to go through the fbi. this seems to be of a piece something else we learned, fbi put on the the bible that governs the event is not to be released to media under any circumstances. >> sandra: i found it fascinating we were talking to an official from butler
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township, i asked a question about what time exactly was it that the officer climbed to the rooftop with the help of the other officers assigned to traffic duty before he was able to see the shooter and come off the roof? there was a lot of information missing from the time line. you would think they have this down. are you surprised still at the lack of -- i guess coordinated effort to bring together the facts and timeline of all this? >> paul: i've been surprised since the beginning. we got one briefing day of the event and secret service did not have a presence at that briefing. i thought we would hear from the secret service director who would speak to the country.
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there has been a lot of radio silence. i have to go to the fact and this has been discussed among this town, secret service director was scheduled to speak at an aspen security conference this week. this is national security convention, major paconventions are designated as such. these occur once every four years and director was scheduled to speak in middle of the week for the rnc in aspen. seems like lack of coordination, lack of oversight, some re reporting the venue had changed and there was not as much time to do the site survey and put together personnel. we went to butler city police department, and the captain told
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us they were never contacted to provide resources otherwise they would have. this seems to be poorly arranged, under resourced and wasn't communication on the ground here. >> john: kimberly cheatle will tell her story on know monday when she appears with the oversight committee, that will be must-see tv. you have been looking into the communication between the police agencies. we were told by butler township, when that officer dropped to the ground, he got on his raeddio, shared frequency and said there is a guy with a rifle on the roof aiming toward the president. that should have immediately put the secret service into de defconfive and the president immediately taken off the stage or told to get down or jumped on
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by his personal protective detail, yet we don't know if that happened. and paul will ponder that question. >> sandra: we lost him or stumped him. it's a serious question, john. to your point, detail in that moment, that is going to be so much of this, possible everything. what was communicated and how it was communicated and what happened. >> john: we got paul back. we were told pie town manager of butler when the call went out over the frequency shared by everybody that there was a guy on the roof with a gun, why the secret service did not take the guy out of there. >> paul: reporting is that officer got on the radio and that does form the crux of the inquiry. once crooks was acquired and we
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saw that level of threat, why was donald trump not pulled off st stage. back at the event center, you have bosses from various agencies and there are more than we were led to believe. a number of different agencies had representation in the tent. if there was a tack setup, they could have been listening to a common radio in the tent. a call came in and said i have positive id, guy on the roof with a gun, as you say, that is defcon five and may go to reporting that the command center was on the radio or phone with the snipers when the event occurred. likely in response, butler township police officer getting on the radio. how much lag occurred there? it is hard to say, looks like it happened pretty fast.
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other legs are trouble some and need to be explained. >> sandra: all while friends and family are saying goodbye as we look at live pictures. corey comperatore, the father, the girl dad who dove on his family that day and was one of those shot and he died and lost his life there. it is just, paul, heartbreaking, that story and others that came from that day. what has it been like since you have gotten on the ground there talking to people and seeing how the community is doing, paul? p >> paul: very good question. it is a very small town. it is very tight-knit. emergency services are tight-knit, up to commissioners who oversee them. it is a palpable sense of s sadness, a town commissioner used the word depression.
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it is not uncommon to get halfway through an explanation and not be able to continue. this is trump country, these people wanted to go to the rally and saw it as something joyful and expected 20,000 people and they got more. it was so hot, they had a number of people taken to the hospital and 240 cases of heat exhaustion. so many people wanted to be here and for them, it is a shock, not the kind of thing that happens here. to them, it was a big event and they are upset by it. you see it and sense it. >> john: i'm sure they are, no question about it. the most basic of security protocol not taken into sxkt here we are today. paul mauro, thank you for being with us, great digging you are doing there. >> sandra: thank you, paul. >> paul: thank you both. >> sandra: democrats say
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president biden is ready to end his reelection bid, the white house is ush approximating back on those reports, what does it mean for the state of the race? reuters, jeff mason will join us about that. wall "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich sentenced in russia, reaction coming up next. he is a reporter like me, it is tough to hear the verdict even though we knew it was coming knowing what evan has endured the past 16 months. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> john: "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich sentenced to 16 years, convicted on espionage trial charges in a closed-door trial. gershkovich and "wall street journal" strongly deny he is a spy.
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let's go to nate foy in london. there was a russia to get a conviction, could that mean a potential deal for a swap is getting close? >> remains to be seen how close. the trial happened quickly. entire thing happened less than a month and a conviction and end of the trial was necessary to get to next phase of negotiating a swap. lavrov said russia is receptive to a deal, talks will need to be had in private. here is a statement that reads, we are pushing hard for evan's release and will push to do so. as i have said and the un concluded, there is no question russia ises wrongfully detaining evan, journalism is not a crime. gershkovich is seen nodding when
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asked if he understands. they claim he worked for the cia. now former marine paul whelan has been in russian custody since 2018. president biden is also working to get his release. gershkovich was seen today waving while leaving the courtroom, take a look at this video. a source close to his family say they have been awaiting the end of this trial. gershkovich made a final statement before his sentencing, he and u.s. government reject charges against him. russia has not provided any evidence to support their claim. see how negotiations progress, more pressure on president biden as lawmakers including rick sot apply that pressure posting on x
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calling on him to get a deal done immediately. back to you. >> john: hope evan and paul will be coming home soon. thank you. >> sandra: bring in publisher for "wall street journal" and ceo of the dow jones, all this is very close to you. you are part of this effort everyday to bring evan home. your reaction to seeing him in that box? we have spoken about the way he presents himself and he waves and we have seen him in that box actually smile. what are your thoughts when you saw him in that box this morning, osmar? >> he is an inspiration in the sense he is resilient and held up well in spite of being held with false charges for so long right now. of course, getting this horrible sentences that is unjust and
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based on pure fi fiction. he looks dehumanized. his head issive shaked, he looks thinner. he's in a glass cage with padlock, these are signals russian regime sends their population to see him as a criminal. it is diminishing and wrong and fits with everything russian regime under vladamir putin has done to evan and free press. >> sandra: he is 32 years old. as "wall street journal" said, evan's wrongful detention is unjust 477 days ago. in a statement from you, and emma tucker from wall street jury room, reads this disgrace is after 478 days now in prison, wrongfully detained away from friends and family for doing his job as a journalist. we will do everything possible
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to press for evan's release and to support his family. journalism is not a crime, we will not rest until he is released. this must end now. what is the plan now? how do we bring evan home? >> the plan all along has been to convince russians to release him for a crime he did not commit. that effort has been a global one, one led by the u.s. administration and by many people around the world helping this effort to secure evan's release and you mentioned paul whelan and others who are in captivity. there is concerted effort and has been concerted effort going on. that will continue. i'm glad the president spoke to that today and doubled his commitment to that, that has to
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intensify, wooy have to push on and hopefully this will serve as a breakpoint. >> sandra: russian president vladamir putin previously eluded to a prisoner swap, this is evan's friend, michael schwartz on potential of a swap, he said this this morning. >> russian authorities said they would not consider a swap until a verdict was rendered. it feels like an important mile stone and we can be hopeful about a swap. >> sandra: do you feel the same, perhaps this brings hope now post-sentencing that a swap could take place? >> well, it is of course very counter intuitive and distressing to be happy with a conviction and we are distressed about that. the track record of espionage cases and trials in russia and autocratic russia shows there is
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indeed a conviction usually before there is any action toward a release. time duration can be different. paul whelan has been there five years and we hope, though, and we're pushing and we're confident evap will not be detained for as long. >> sandra: this court, to be clear, found evan guilty of gathering secret information. did russia ever present any evidence to back up that claim? >> certainly not in a public fashion and we also know that evan is an accredited reporter, doing his job, reporting on news in russia as authorized by the rus russian government. it is unclear what the false charges really are and what they
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amount to and no evidence has been shared with us in any meaningful way. it is not convincing, it is a sham trial, bogus verdict and sen sentencing is insult to everyone that cares for free society and free press. >> sandra: you are working with the government to bring evan home. we pray for him and his family and as john kirby said in june, gershkovich is simply being used as a bargaining chip and he's paying the price for that. we saw him appear this morning for his sentencing. we appreciate you coming on, thank you. >> thank you for your support. >> sandra: john. >> john: democrat delegates facing dilemma as president biden faces calls to drop his bid for a second term. should he release the delegates right away and what should they do if he does? our political panel coming up
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next, plus this. >> people are being told to go home. no one knows what is going on. >> came out and looked at the line, my goodness. >> sandra: airport chaos thanks to a defective software update. what could go wrong? that is not all, cyber security expert explains what happened, who got hit and what they are doing to fix it right now. the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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ka kalee -- might be looking for right now, it is getting worse for biden, this is democrat from california who won district with 67% of the vote. she is not worried about reelection. i am aware you have been given data you will likely lose the race, i will not go through it again. your candidacy is on prajectory to impact races down ballot. i urge you to step aside from our party nomination to allow another candidate to beat donald trump in the november election. i've asked previous guests, is it time to stick a fork in him. >> john: is he done? >> it seems we certainly seems
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like we are headed that way, we have leadership coming and saying it is time to step aside, i don't know how you go forward as standard bearer, however, he and he alone decide because delegates are his. we're not going to have a coup. ultimately, either he is going to step aside or he'll be the nominee. the decision rests withim had. >> john: any way to continue the campaign. >> there is. >> i do not think biden will drop out, there is resentment on his part. nancy pelosi and schumer and barack obama are the reason he was elected in the first place. they passed him over for hillary clinton in 2016. >> he decided not to run. >> after being passed over by
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barack obama. >> there were many factors, i think he held them in resentment for that decision for a long time. this is a coup, conveniently timed leaks pressure what democratic leadership want. when you have epitire white house staff continuously presing back, we did not say any such thing, there is a very planned effort to get biden to do what they want. >> john: alexandria ocasio-cortez believe not only do democrats want to get rid of biden, throw the whole ticket overboard and start over again. is that possible? >> no, that is nonsense. >> why is it not possible. >> well, anything is possible, i think the overwhelm ing
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centsiment inside congress and out, the vice president is overw overwhelmingly likely nominee, not certain and maybe some open process, but she would go in as strong favorite for a lot of reasons. >> john: internal polling wes moore and shapiro and senator mark kelly would do better in a match up. >> that polling does not mean anything. a lot of people don't have high name recognition. it is all theoretical at this point. i think we have to get to point where we have a nominee and start doing polling and polling can change a lot in three months. >> john: this is 1968 presidential election, chaos in the democratic party and unbelievable in chicago, history
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repeats itself. h hump hrey barely -- >> it could be and this is part of biden calculation in determines whether you drop out, they can stick to what they know or take a chance of nasty open convention where people get bruised. it is not great for them. >> see what happens, no sh shortage. >> sandra: lawmaker demand answers from the secret service surrounding the attack of former president trump. dor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. no one should have to choose between good vision and great value.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, live shot at the white house. we are getting word that kamala harris, through the "new york times" right now, the vice president is set to speak with major democrat donors, all of this coming as turmoil rules the party and donor base. we are getting word that per a source familiar confirming to fox that biden campaign is right now on a staff call, marty walsh
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is speaking on there, john. >> john: quotes from the campaign chair who earlier today said nominee is staying in the race. saying when you give me polls, i will give you direct voter contact, people the president is hearing from are saying stay in this race and keep fighting, we need you. those voices will never be as loud as people on tv, the people in our country are not watching cable news. i beg to differ on that front. interesting to see what she has to say. >> sandra: how many mill knowios are tuning in to watch the news break all over the country and including the rnc in milwaukee. breaking news afternoon, more on those topics as we continue. >> john: and home of the man who
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attempted to assassinate the former president donald trump. we are still without a motive, we'll talk to former fbi investigator bill daly and head of presidential detail coming up. things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
10:59 am
11:00 am
every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies.


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