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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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but at the same time and there's a great sense of national pride and patriotism which we needed desperately smattering carter god will assume there is herself admitted by him a feeling of malaise in the country and ronald reagan came back and taught us we are not going down here going up. >> that's it. what weekly tab. i hope you've enjoyed the shows as much as we've enjoyed producing them for you. this is going to be a wild campaign so make sure to follow me on social media all weekend long at laura ingram on instagram and you instagram and jen la grassa. thanks for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse watters he takes it from here. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to the special edition of jesse watters primetime. i'm kayleigh mcenany in for jesse. 's. we start with alert this evening. we are watching a relentless and coordinated pressure campaign building minute by minute against president biden. just minutes ago the new york times reporting this, that president biden is increasinglyg of the fact that he may not be able to stay in the race but he does not want to make any announcements before israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visits washington on july 24th. that's new. me more senior democrats want the question of joe biden's candidacy resolved in the next 3-5 days. those timelines don't match up. the biden family is even talked about a possible exit strategy, significant about an. it's all a perfect political storm threatening to sink
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biden's campaign all while his political opponent president donald trump was at the centre of 1 of the greatest moments in presidential politics. >> are not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here. last time i put up that chart i never really got to look at it. but without that chart i would not be here today. with great humility i am asking you to be excited about the future of our country. be excited. >> they were excited. residence from his ending the week after republican national convention so unified that it is being compared to rock obama's 2008 rise. joe biden has gotten so desperate that listen to this illinois senator a durbin suggested putting him and a muscle shirt
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like reagan chopping wood. that's the plan. i guess they know they can compete with us. >> what happened last week. they took a shot at my hero. they tried to kill the next president of the united states. enough was enough. let it run while the brother. let trump mania rule again. let trump mania make america great again. >> so the amazing. they can compete with the incredible hulk because their candidate is having trouble even getting in a car. this is sad to watch. that's the president unable to get in a vehicle but that's not the worst of his problems. political says these are dark times for brandon. trumps dominating the swing states and polls
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showed trump ahead in virginia. that's a state biden won by 10 points. biden isn't just going up against trump. he's fighting his own party. 1 source close to biden told in bc we are close to the end in bc reports members of president joe biden's family have discussed exit strategy from his campaign might look like according to 2 people familiar with discussions specifically discussing how he would want to end his reelection bid on his own timing and with carefully calculate a plan in place and now we know from the new york times that timing is after july 24th. but the biden-harris campaign share, the chair of the culture a rare opinion said this. >> afzaal in the president's in this series. referred him to time and time again. i'm not here to say this has been a tough several weeks for the campaign. there's no doubt that it has been. and we definitely have seen some slippage in support but it has been a small movement.
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>> small movement some slippage. cnn thinks it's a lot worse and that. >> every single day of the 2024 calendar year joe biden has been trailing donald trump, 100% of the days and any day take a national average joe biden has been trailing donald trump. compare that to where we were in the 2020 campaign where every single day up to this point in the campaign joe biden was ahead of donald trump. 's. pretty brutal and biden cannot survive with those numbers so they came up with a plan. here's what's happening behind the scenes in washington. so step 1 coordinated leaks to the press. this week we heard pelosi told democrats biden may soon be persuaded to exit. then there's leaks about schumer and hakeem jeffries privately telling joe biden to drop out. but then the nuke dropped. reports about obama telling his allies biden not have what it takes to encode. here's a 7 most important words
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in the washington post story. quota spokesperson for obama declined to comment. he didn't deny. biden was loyal to obama for 8 years. and now barack is betraying him to save the party. in fact 1 senior biden campaign aide told politico people who've known this man for 30 or 40 years or stabbing this man in the front and back. they are julius caesar this man. but caesar was only stabbed 23 times. biden has a lot more cuts than that. 34 congressional democrats are openly calling for joe biden to drop out. ohio senator brown just joined the list. skeena that also includes schiff who doesn't do anything without pelosi's permission. biden's old friend congressman seth mouton who said biden did not even recognize him when they met him at an event last month
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and that's not the first to me for this. new york magazine reported quote longtime friends of the biden family who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity were shocked to find the president did not remember their names, these are longtime friends. at step 1 has not worked so they are on to step 2 of the plan. public opposition. among democratic leadership quote there's a sense that if biden does not exit the race by next week schumer and jeffries will be forced to go public with misgivings about biden's candidacy, former speaker nancy pelosi her wits' end according to sources who have talked to the california democrat. public emulation from your closest friends might not be enough's want to step 3. steph curry frightening biden with removal from office. bloomberg reports some members of biden's cabinet, his cabinet have had private discussions about whether it is now time for his closest advisers to reckon with him about his increasingly
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dim electoral prospects. is biden's cabinetmaking move? that sendzik a warning shot. don't make us invoke the 25th amendment. but biden is still defiant. democrats efforts to push him out are only making him dig in more. sources told nbc the president is furious at how the party has tried to force him out, and a longtime biden 2020 campaign aide said this. his last act will not be getting knocked down. they won't allow it. but the new york times reports biden is moving from denial to acceptance quote people close to biden say he appears to accept he may have to leave the race. a source tells reuters once defiant biden is now soul-searching about dropping out of the race. biden confined the so any moment and when he does what he be the first president to drop out since 1968 or will he faced donald trump in november? malinski and partners president
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and reuters quite has performed in jet mason joining now. your devilly source in the biden white house. you are in the briefing room every day and were getting 2 stories. 1 is categorically he will not drop out and then we are hearing rumblings the other near times and reuters that he's thinking about its what's the latest? snake yes 1 of the reuters stories was mine and according to my sources and that piece that the president is soul-searching and a stake in the cost to drop it seriously. that was yesterday. today of course we had general dylan out on msnbc. we watched her out on msnbc talking about the defiance that was at the top of my headline. it is a repeat of that defiance that we seen in waves over the last 3 weeks. i feel live it back and forth. there are times when you really got the sense that joe biden was sticking in for sure and the
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sense that he wasn't. and i can just tell you based my sourcing the donor revolt is not over. the lawmaker revolt is not over your giving a heads up that next week if the president has decided to stay and continues to decide to stay in i think we'll see more numbers added to the list of lawmakers. >> sticking with you from him because you had the reuters reporting. what sense do you get about information flow going on here? because whatever source you talk to that must be pretty close source to the president and i was in the white house. you don't know is get the correct and accurate information i getting the information or is this a tight inner circle where these conversations are happening? >> i think it's a tight inner circle. i not discuss my sourcing but i wouldn't have reported the story if i wasn't confident in the source. but that is means an easy to get information and i think i had a couple people tell me only 2 people know it's going to happen
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next and the implication was that was president joe biden and first lady doctor jill biden. i think that's probably true but that doesn't mean there's not a lot of pressure on him. that doesn't mean there's not a lot of people inside his inner circle and a little bit outside having conversations with him and with people around him to try to impact this decision snack interesting. you know everything appalling you are out there talking to voters. this wall street journal caught my eye and shows 52% of swing voters think democrats in office have been lying about the president's mental fitness. that's a majority and it seems like a problem that if kamala harris were to step in that she would have to deal with. >> it's a really big problem. does a trust problem with democrat party. there's even a trust problem within democrats. 20% of democrats of those who voted for joe biden feel democrats of covered up for joe biden and they say it's going to make them think course of democrats by 2-1 margin and
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that's a really big issue for anybody who comes after because now it seems people are starting to think the democrats are covering up for all this time. nobody really believes the day of the debate with joe biden woke up and was suddenly not well. this has been going on for a while and people think there's a big cover-up. harasses the closest to that. so i think that would really impact her probably the most. but if you look at polling no 1 is doing better than joe biden is against donald trump. so who's gone to put, his gavin newsom going to say this is my moment when i might not have a shot or whitmer she's got to under what is known to happen now but there's a huge trust problem and enthusiasm problem. democrats are much less likely to vote in the selection than republicans. >> we are watching jet mason will be looking at your reporting a week and lee carter thank you very much. >> it's been less than a week since the assassination attempt on former president trump but this week proved the republican party is more unified than ever. the party rallied around trump
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during a historic currency unlike any other. >> by the grace of god and divine intervention and your guardian angels above. you survived. [ cheering and applause ] >> kayleigh: something electric in the air this week. we could feel it there in milwaukee. the media knows it. >> the spirit this guy has you think he's drunk he's not. this whole thing is like this.
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the last time i felt like this was obama 2008. there's something happening. >> kayleigh: given mark zuckerberg who worked with the fbi to barry hunter biden's laptop in 2020 is now admitting trump spirit make some emotional >> kayleigh: seeing donald trump get up after getting shot in the face and pumped his fist in the air with the american flag is 1 of the most badass thanks i've ever seen in my life. i think look at some level as an american it's hard to not get kind of emotional about that spirit and that fight and i think that's why a lot of people like the guy. >> even older week week was historic the races for from over. democrats may be mired in chaos but that doesn't mean republicans can get complacent. have to keep the momentum going. the question is how. i have the perfect guest to
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answer the question. chairman michael whatley joins me now. it was wonderful to meet you this week in milwaukee. undeniable objective from every person i have spoken with. the convention was a success. you to a fantastic job. i'm just wondering democrats are thinking of maybe having some sort of brokered convention or many primary here, and something that will play well. what do you think. >> 1 of the greatest political split screens we've ever seen a is what's happening between the republicans and the democrats. we had an absolutely awesome convention and we focused on touching every single american family. our messaging was focused on reaching out to all americans. it was very uplifting and very upbeat and donald trump met the moment. it was absolutely amazing to see him come out monday night for the first time since the shooting to have him there in
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the arena every night and last night he just absolutely hit his mark so that speech and delivered a really special and unique speech where he got to talk about his experience at that shooting. the fact that he feels that piece because he knows god saved his life and then was able to talk about his mission every single day to represent the american people and you consider what we are seeing on the other side we have the democrats are in complete disarray. it really just shows you that only 1 candidate right now is in a position to unify this country >> i really get a kick out of reading with the democrats are saying behind the eye love that there's tons of leaks that i can read with a sam parry calls and here's what the a biden chairman said on the campaign general malley dylan. it was a call with the campaign all staff call and cling to sources familiar she said when you give me polls i'm going to
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give you direct order contact. in essence bragging she is a better ground game then republicans. what do you say to that? >> what i would say when i had a mile staff call last week was we are going to hit our marks and we absolutely have been hitting our marks. there's a reason donald trump is up in every national poll and he's up in every single battleground state pulled right now. we have momentum. we are playing in states like new hampshire new jersey, virginia and minnesota. states where we have not played in for decades and leading in every single battleground poll and that's because we are leading in the issue polls. americans trust president trump right now on every single issue that matters to them. jobs and the economy, the southern border and illegal immigration, israel and hamas. if you take any set of issues right now president trump is leading and what we saw in
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milwaukee with this convention was a unified party had actually great to have nikki haley there. it was great to have ron desantis and all the other republican leaders but what really mattered to me, what are the most proud of about that convention was every day americans, the real americans talking about their lives. talk about the tragedies and heartbreaks that president biden has unleashed on america and has affected them and their families and talking about needing a better america and america that under president trump is going to be better for them. >> kayleigh: their stories gave me chills and it was not lost upon me that you said you're playing a minnesota virginia and new hampshire. that's a sign of a winning republican campaign. chairman whatley thank you so much for joining me. >> breaking news on the plot to kill president trump. right back after this break.
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>> it's been not even a week since president trump was almost killed and we still don't have any answers. we don't know what drove thomas matthew crooks to pull the trigger. we are learning or new details about his action leading up to the attack. the wall street journal just released the latest update. the shooter was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage before the rally. the shooter crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site. according to the new york post crooks have been keeping tabs on trump's schedule for months and he case to the location a week in advance of the rally. as it turns out this
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assassination plot wasn't a one-off. daily mail reporting crooks had a history of violent threats in high school. congressman mike watts told jesse watters last night crooks had 3 encrypted overseas accounts. >> the briefing we just received he had 3 encrypted overseas accounts the fbi is trying to get into. >> right now they were based in servers overseas' so you have to work over there with fbi liaisons overseas to circuiting into them through their authorities. there's all kinds of issues here. we'll get to the bottom starting on monday. >> while we don't know but the 3 and crafted overseas accounts are and what relevance and i have to case the fbi has not disputed this claim. the more we learn about attempted assassination the more questions we have. a federal law enforcement source telling fox that 22 secret service agents and 16 homeland security agents were staffed to
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secure the butler rally. no secret service drone was used pennsylvania state police telling fox they had 30-40 troopers at the site but that wasn't enough. sources tell fox butler township police gave the secret service advance notice that they did not have enough manpower to police a patrol car near the building that crooks climbed on and shot from. trump's team was not told about reports of a suspicious person before the shooting. and then the secret service director she's making all this worse. why is she not giving daily press briefings so that you the american people have answers in the president has answers. there hasn't been a single on camera briefing from the secret service, that apartment of justice and homeland security. that's inexcusable. but hopefully we get answers and secret service director kim cheadle decides to testify before the house oversight committee on monday.
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former secret service agent chuck marino joins us now. this is stunning that the shooter had a drone and secret service did not. it's protocol? why wouldn't they have a drone? >> there's preplanning involved on the part of the shooter. you can see that play out well in advance of the reported timelines but also what i can tell users go to a hard look at the secret service not only about resources but technological capabilities. the secret service owns the overall operational security plan and we saw that significantly fail. not only are they responsible for creating that plan but they're also responsible for ensuring that it's effectively implement it and that includes making requests for state and local law enforcement counterparts like they do throw the rest of the country and other visits, and making sure those officers are assigned to mitigate the threats that were
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identified during the advanced process. as far as hsi providing agents to assist the secret service in addition to state and local law enforcement, that's not uncommon specially during the campaign season because the secret service has always battled for resources. >> on have a few moments but i'm told by senior law enforcement official that without it out those with the around the present and detail the sarong 7 that jumped on top of him, i'm told the counter sniper it was a hard shot given the line of visibility. the shot went through the individual's neck. o'rourke work by the secret service officers. atira point homeland security it is natural for them to supplement the secret service detail around the president. >> it is absolutely and this is happening campaigns previously. when it comes to secret service resources and whether were not secretary of homeland secure he
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has to answer that. we are in the highest level we've ever had. regretta candidate that's not only a former president but the presumptive nominee or the official nominee for the republican party so the threat is up there. it's gotta be staffed accordingly in the secret service has to have the resources to do the job effectively. i think there's going to be a lot of that information that comes out monday during the testimony before house oversight over the director's. would be nice to hear the commander-in-chief the president of united states call for the secret service director to step down, and curvature, forced her to step down. all of that would be helpful. thank you very much. the media is cooking up a new trump punks after the rnc. you won't believe it more straight ahead. (♪)
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>> it's been a few days since the assassination attempt on former president trump's life
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and it's only been 5 days since president biden called the political rhetoric in this country very heated. saying that it's time to cool it down and we all have a responsibility to do that. i imagine that would include his allies like whoopi goldberg but some of his biggest fans are not on message. will be went on a manic rentable trump and wound up attacking his granddaughter spee michalak a lot of faith in the american people. i don't know very many men who want to be talked to the way that this man has been talking to men in his audience. of any women and i know his grandchild was upon nothing and they are trying to humanize him and change your idea about who this guy is. don't fall for that. >> i think she was talking about her great-grandfather but okay. and in a who is a self-proclaimed republican that it was fitting to poke fun at trump's bandage. >> what we saw yesterday was a replay of trump's 90 minute constant rallies.
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it's too bad the bandage was just over his ear. it should have been over his mouth. >> of course urbino smear campaign without rachel maddow reviving the dictator on day 1 fallacy comparing trump to castro. >> this is not just the longest convention speech in the modern era. it is the longest convention speech in the modern era by very long way. this came in over an hour and a half long. this is for the castro kind of experience. >> msnbc wasn't even there. that was kind of fake news that they're acting as if they were. but the depravity got worse. simone sanders accused the rnc of making a fake human form for fallen firefighter corey to score cheap political points. >> i was second by the prop that
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was mr-- >> exactly. i was second by using him as a prop, his firefighter jacket and the spell the man's name wrong so they said we are so grateful the fire department. these are local dollars. this is not chicago fire pick the names in the back of the jacket cycle refuelling and they spell it wrong. i was just like are we going to props? let's at least get it right. >> that was not a prop. this is not some cheap fake. corey's firehouse sent this jacket to the rnc in his last name is not misspelled. it was shortened to fit on his jacket and it had been like that the entire time that he was a firefighter. what happened to lowering the temperature. feels like the democrats are trying to make thanks harder than ever. host dumoulin joins me now. it's mind belong to me simone
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sanders was a former government official and you listen and see a moment like that about a fallen hero and your first instinct is to attack trump? >> not only that but i hardly believe she and her heart of hearts really cares about a fallen from supported. i don't get any indication the media cares about trump supporters at all because they spend so much time demonizing not only donald trump but certainly his supporters and there's another clip from the viewer joy behar had to get in on the action and she says donald trump thanking god for sparing his life are giving to god for sparing his life is somehow narcissistic. we know this is they hate donald trump's much they are sort arranged at the thought of donald trump being the president again. a reality that will likely come to fruition but there sort arranged they can't even take an entire week off of their typical filth and typical derangement
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after former president was nearly assassinated and 1 of his supporters was murdered and killed. 2 others left in serious condition thank god recovering. but this is about them hating donald trump and it's about them being rendered irrelevant because of donald trump. it angers him so much that this man gets attention and love, that he gets praise and it also makes them so angry that other they've been waging a campaign against them for years and years they haven't been able to take him down and that's what bothers him the most. besides affect their candidate is also failing. it's not a good time to be a democrat in the media right now. it certainly not. >> just a little bit of time but you know the pivot is coming. you know they're either going to go back to protecting biden or celebrating kamala harris. or to republicans do then? >> republicans keep looking for it. at this point does matter what the democrats do. republicans have to stay on message support the candidate. support all the candidates. we look forward with laser focus
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on making america great again and fixing this country. let the democrats deal with their disarray and chaos and meet new within their party. we have a country to save on the side. >> tomi lahren thank you. what happens if biden bands out? straight ahead. and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ are you tired of your hair breaking after waiting years for it to grow? meet new pantene pro-v miracles. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen.
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>> with each our president biden's political future is called into question more. biden harris campaign cochair and longtime close friend of the president chris coons revealing that there isn't really that much support for 4 more years of joe biden. >> i respect those who have concerns because the stakes are so high. but when we gather for our convention next month in chicago i'm confident we will nominate the best candidate to take on and defeat donald trump. for me that's joe biden. for some of my colleagues have different views. >> during his speech at the aspen institute he admitted president biden is currently assessing the situation of his candidacy. >> i think our president is
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weighing what he should way which is who is the best candidate to win in november. and to carry for the democrat party's values and priorities in this campaign smacked that's the biden harris campaign cochair admitting the candidate is weighing all of this. biden's other campaign cochair and self-reliant congress and jim clyburn suggested a few weeks ago the idea of a mini primary. snack the processes are in place to make it a mini primary and i support that absolutely. we can't close that down and open up everything for the general election. >> clyburn later came out and emphasized he unequivocally supports joe biden but the words nonetheless still interesting. but if president biden exits what comes next? all signs point toward a mini
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primary. what would that look like? ground rules have not been fully fleshed out but it could involve campaign blitz between biden replacement hopefuls and a series of time holes, public forums debates and other events on a fast-track schedule. that process has reportedly been endorsed by nancy pelosi behind the scenes. political reporting in the meeting with fellow california democrats last week former speaker nancy pelosi stressed the need for an open process to choose the party's next nominee if president biden steps aside. in an effort to avoid the appearance of a kamala harris coronation. that could get messy banalities of vice president kamala harris getting ready laying the groundwork for her own run in case mini primary turns into a knife fight. earlier shelter call with linkedin founder re. a source listening and told them centred around ending the
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infighting and pivoting to winning. democratic congressman jared moskowitz joins me now. congressman it's great to have you. 6 days ago i was listening to an interview you did and you emphasize support for president biden but you off so emphasize your support for winning taking back the house, keeping the senate and presidency. since all of that there's been 34 democrat senate and house who have come forward calling for biden to step aside. i want to know what you are thinking today. >> thanks for having me. is in this whole thing about winning? being right shows great but if you don't win it's irrelevant so i think democrats are trying to figure out how to win. if you look at the polling the current path at the moment doesn't seem like we are winning. you look at the state polling let's be honest. if we believe the placement now if you look at the wall it doesn't look like right.
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look at the current situation with the biden campaign when getting covid is a best thing to happen to the last 3 weeks that's not good. i'm happy the president is taking the reflection trying to figure out if there's a path for him or a path for common law. that is the decision. this open primary thing might be the method but ultimately this would go to the vice president in my opinion if the president decides there's no path. >> kayleigh: it would go to the vice president. a lot of serious commentators suggest that but what's your opinion? would you join you 3 for colleagues? where you stand on your personal views as a sitting member of congress? >> i'm not calling for the president to get out of the race. he has to make this decision himself. there's 3 races going on. there's a race for the presidency that we are all focused on. democrats and that's the most important thing can republicans
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and that's most important but there's 2 other races going on and for the house and 1 for the senate in both her up for grabs. so democrats need to look at this holistically. you want to defeat donald trump at the same time if the country decides to give donald trump the wheel we would like to also see him get some breaks. that's either winning the house or winning the senate. >> you mentioned the polls and when you see in real clear politics that all of a sudden the republican takes the lead, and nissoo chung currently leading and have democrat internal polling leaking out onto the pages of prominent newspapers showing states like new hampshire and play, is river breaking point in the polling where you reassess your decision or just hold off and wait for president biden to consider this moment? snack president biden has a 50 year career he's dedicated his life to public service. he's been a vice president for 8 years president 4 years in the
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senate is 1 of the longest-serving senators with a body of work that rivals almost nobody else alive quite frankly. i think the president needs to make this decision himself. there's a ton of pressure. 1 more member another member. the pressure is already there. so hopefully the president will look at the data and get real numbers and try to figure it if there's a path for him or if we need to pay the. >> i'm curious if you've been approached on the hill about joining a movement of house democrats or if this is more of a one-off and secondly to that when does the pressure be too much for president biden? mini nancy pelosi venerable speaker ameritech coming forward publicly? spinnaker have any information but wouldn't surprise me that if this goes on into next week and there is an significant direction or plan you could see significant amount of democrats rather than the drip of 1 a day or 1 centre you can see a
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floodgate of 50 or 60, 100 people coming out at once. >> kayleigh: congressman my home state of florida, really valuable insight. thank you. >> 's spearhead jd vance achieve the american dream. that's next. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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5:57 pm
>> kayleigh: this week was jd vance's coming out party but his path to centre stage at errancy started in east palestine ohio. joe biden did not go meet with local residents. it took more than a year but jd vance did and he exposed to dangers they faced. spee scraped the creek bed. it's like chemical coming out of the ground. come here and show this to people. watch this. just see that chemical pop out of the creek. this is disgusting. and the fact that we have not
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cleaned up the train crash, affect these chemicals are still sleeping in the ground is an insult to the people who live in east palestine. do not forget these people have to keep applying pressure. that's how we'll fix the problem spee mcman stood side-by-side with trump. a moment that is now taken on the whole new significance. it became a turning point for the campaign and gave the country at first glance at the ticket that is now vowing to fight together for the forgotten american. abc news ipsos poll finds only 27% of americans say the american dream still holds and on that note carolyn sunshine joins me now. i bring up that pole because you're with the trump campaign and i bring this up because that's a sad pole to look at. just a quarter of americans. jd vance is the life story of the american dream. >> absently is. when we saw jd vance come onto the stage i was reminded of what a phenomenal i president trump
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has for talents. eichel president trump the great american warrior. he's clearly selected a fellow warrior in choosing jd vance to be his running mate. were determined as complement to president trump and his mission to make america great him again. you mention east palestine. you might remember just before jd vance come onto the stage it was the mayor of east palestine who came on to introduce him. nothing is more of an indictment of joe biden and the failures of the ruling class of this country. their betrayal of the american people the way they treat the american people like collateral damage than what we net witness in east palestine ohio. these people will raise literal palestine flag before they raise the american flag or could ever even find his palestinian on the map. you remember this well. and immediate aftermath of the train disaster 1 man showed up for the forgotten men and women of that community. joe biden was nowhere to be found. he was on a flight to ukraine. it was president trump who went to stand with those forgotten
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men and women in jd vance was right alongside him. such a beautiful moment to see these 2 men reunited in milwaukee in their fight to continue fighting for the forgotten men and women of this country to make america strong safe, proud, happy, wealthy again. >> you just laid it out so well. never forget east palestine february 3rd. he gives a state of the union. february 7th and our president doesn't mention east palestinian but the next state of the union he mentioned the floating dock for guys out of a national longer in existence. airline sunshine thank you. brilliantly said. make sure you are turning into jesse watters primetime monday for an exclusive interview with president trump and jd vance. this will be the first tv interview since last saturdays assassination attempt. that's all for tonight. sean is next. hi uncle george." see manikis. lobster season. let's go


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