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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 20, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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will: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, trump undeterred after a his assassination attempt, rallying in michigan with j.d. vance for the first time today. we're talking to several in attendance in just a few moments. pete: they're waiting in line right now. we're going to talk to them. and dems divided. just yesterday 12 more democrat lawmakers called on biden to abandon his campaign. and as a reports swirl about nonus mouse, prominent democrats making a quieter pushes aoc, she's not having it. rachel: plus, businesses, airlines and hospitals still recovering from yesterday's massive global tech outage. we have what you need to know. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. will: fox news alert, former president trump and his vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance, are heading to michigan today for the first event since the assassination attempt at a
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trump rally in butler, pennsylvania, last saturday. rachel: this as more details emerge if about a how suspect thomas crooks carried out the attack. pete: fox news national correspondent c.b. cotton is on the ground in pennsylvania. >> reporter: good morning. there are now multiple, overlapping investigations into how the gunman, thomas crooks, was able to gain access to a rooftop here behind me with a vantage point less than 400 feet from where donald trump took the stage. at least four congressional committees have indicated they plan to open probes into saturday's rally with the with the first hearing slated for monday when secret service director kimberly cheatle testifies before the house oversight and accountability committee. cheatle said in an abc news interview, quote, the buck stops with me when yesterday on the security lapses at the rally in butler, pennsylvania, last saturday is. a federal law enforcement source tells fox there are now two working theories about how crooks carried out his
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assassination attempt without being noticed. the source says the most likely scenario is that crooks hid his father's rifle near an a/c unit he used to climb onto the roof. the other idea is that crooks could have carried a gun in a backpack, but a source added this would have required a significant amount of disassembly and reassembly. between federal law enforcement sources and local officials, fox has been told that these officers were at the rally. 22 secret service agents to include secret service snipers, 16hsi agents, 30-40 pennsylvania state police troopers, 7 butler township police officers all assigned the traffic detail can and 1 butler township emergency services unit sniper team. republican senator josh hawley says he's learned there was a complete breakdown in communication among them. >> the idea that you could have all of this time elapse and nobody if notices, no no law
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enforcement notices he's on the roof? whistleblowers tell me that law enforcement were actually on different channels, different radio communication channels. there were multiple difference channels, and they weren't -- different channels, and they weren't coordinated. >> reporter: now, the gunman reportedly flew a drone over the rally site an hour -- in the hours leading up to when he would open fire on this crowd just trying to celebrate and campaign with the former president. back to you. pete: c.b., thank you very much. while she was laying that out, with we were discussing the fact it's really hard to keep your arms a around the latest details. and one of the things we said even from the beginning is whatever investigation happens from the fbi has to be as transparent as possible is people done lose trust in it or start to develop their own theories based on other information which is obviously happening. but even something like a ladder. okay, we've learned that the authorities are telling us there wasn't a ladder. originally it was he had the rifle in his backpack, now it's
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he hid it behind the a/c unit. it needs to be definitive and clear so that people can believe what actually happened happened. rachel: they said it was this a backpack, and people were, like, well, that would be really hard for him to assemble that -- pete: it's easy to assemble and disassemble an ar if you know what you're doing. how much does he know what host doing? is. rachel: exactly. i think the point is i don't think anybody's going to trust this if it's being done by the fbi for reasons that we've been talking about basically for the last four years, and so i think what needs to happen, and my husband sean talked to some members of congress who sit on committees, this could actually be farmed out to an independent, to a law firm, to somebody if who could handle this investigation separately outside of the government. so that's one thing that could happen, because i think people have lost trust and the congress isn't really meant to
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investigate. will: well, despite security concern cans, trump supporters have been waiting in line since thursday for today's grand rapids rally including our next guest. rachel: that's rick phrase. >>ier part of a group called front row joes who travel the country going to trump events, and with lori peña with who's been going to trump rallies since 2015, and they join us now from where that rally is going to be. welcome to both of you with. why don't we start with you, rick. why are you so excited to be there today, and are you at all nervous if considering the events of last weekend? >> well, first of all, thank you for having me in today. you know, the events of last weekend was pretty tragic. at any other trump rally prior to last weekend, it was the safest place in my mind to be. people would always say, do you feel safe at trump rallies? we never felt unsafe at a trump
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rally. we figured all the protection that the president had, it was the safe safest place in the world. we're not sure what happened last week to cause all that, but it's just something that should have never happened. as far as today, i feel very safe, and that wouldn't deter me from coming here to see the president today. pete: good to hear. lori, how long have you been waiting there? where are you in line, and how many rallies have you been to? >> [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] pete: very good. it's hard to hear because there's a lot of folks -- rachel: yeah. president. pete: as is often the case, so pipe as much as you can so the audience can hear you as well. >> all right. >> so this is my second rally --
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pete: okay. >> [inaudible] pete: got it. will: rick, i don't know if you can hear us as well, we can hear you a little bit better, rick, so we'll direct, this question to you -- >> i hear you. will: what is security like around the event? i don't know how many trump rallies you've been to, but do you notice if anything different from what you might have experienced in the9 past when it comes to a trump rally? >> yeah. i've been to a little over 800 trump rallies, and -- 800 rallies -- 80. there's more gating around certain parts of of the venue that we haven't seen for a long while, you know in to keep the attendees safe from anything out on the streets. and there was a protest zone that heavy set up across the street -- they've set up across the street to keep people safe is. as far as security, you know, i feel more secure today than i did prior to the incident last
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saturday. pete: well, that's good to hear. and you enjoy the time in line. it sounds quite festive, and we'll be watching tonight at the rally, first one since the rnc. thank you both so much for being here. >> all right. it was a pleasure and thank you for having us. lei ray thanks, rick, thanks, lori. pete: it's true, he probably felt if prior to the attack it was the safest place you could possibly be, and that was the right aassumption until now. will: well, on thursday night donald trump gave a speech, the conclusion of the republican national convention, and the first 20 minutes, i think -- at least for those who don't pay attention to donald trump -- may have felt like a difference gear, a different speed, a different pitch that he had in his bag. for those of us who have known him, you knew he's a storyteller and thoughtful. that's what you described when he described in detail the moments from last saturday. he told this on thursday night at the republican national convention. >> i will tell you exactly what
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happened, ask and you'll never if hear it from me a second time because it's actually to painful to tell. to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my if leadership, the numbers were absolutely amazing. in order to see the chart, i started to, like this, turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which i'm very lucky i didn't do. when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear. i said the myself, wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and
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moved my right hand to my ear. when i brought it down, my hand was covered with blood. there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way i felt very safe because i had a god on my side is. i'm not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here. >> yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! >> once my clenched fist went up and it was high into the air, you've all seen that, the crowd realized i was okay and roared with pride for our country like no crowd i have ever heard before. [cheers and applause] never heard anything like it. for the rest of my life, i will be grateful for the love shown
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by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in pennsylvania. rachel: i was with pete and sean when that speech was being -- when donald trump gave that speech inside that convention hall, and and you could not hear a pin if drop. people were rivetted because, of course, this was the first time that donald trump relayed publicly can and in very much detail what had happened to him from his perspective. and yet there are people like joy behar who think that donald trump talking about what happened, telling that story is a form of narcissism. listen. >> i'm speaking to fellow christians. i was raised catholic, i'm a christian girl. when something like this happens to you like this assassination attempt and you say something like god is watching, was watching me, that is a very
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un-christian thing to say. it's very narcissistic. , what about corey -- what's his name, comperatore, the fireman who also -- i don't think so i don't think so -- [inaudible conversations] >> sandy hook, all of those people. oh, god was watching me and not watching them. there's something very can disturbing -- >> god should have pulled the plug if on that mic yesterday. rachel: she also said take that thing off of his ear, the patch, the cover over his ear and put it over his mouth. that's what anna navarro said because the speech was too long. will: i don't know what joy behar, is she tries to qualify what her position is. i don't know what the qualifications are to judge someone else's christianity. but i do know that speech in that moment where he went into detail and talked about the attempts assassination, it's a focus group that we're all guilty of, scrolling new our x feeds, social media. i'll just tell you, as that portion of the speech was with
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happening i'd say trump haters, trump journalists who lied about him for years almost universally, everyone watching was, like, this is gripping. this is different. this is a different donald trump. pete: for sure. by the way, reverend franklin graham came on a few speeches before president trump and acknowledged the reality that, of course, we don't know how and why god works, why donald trump's life was spared and another was taken. and, of course, donald trump knows that too. and that was reflected in the fact that he brought corey's gear out. rachel: that's right. pete: you know, it's not tasteless, it's entirely tasteful to say i know i'm here and this guy isn't, and it was because of me that he isn't here and gave due reverence to that man, corey comperatore, and just had the kind of tone you would want of someone who had a brush -- you would expect from
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someone who had a brush with death and was internalizing it all week long. you could see it on his face. yes, the speech went on for another hour, but that first half hour as he laid it out was some of the best story the telling, as you said, rachel, that i've heard. and it's what people wanted to hear. rachel: yeah. pete: what happened. rachel: but not joy reid, not joy, "the view," not ana navarro. these are people that no matter what happens the donald trump, they're going to find something negative and awful -- pete: they was a disease -- they have a disease. will: it's not joy. [laughter] pete: it's not joy. it's a nasty case of tds. will: meanwhile, the pressure mounts against biden to drop out of the race for president. but representative aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez, is pointing out, hey, you might as well put your name on it. if you want to push joe biden out of the race, you might as well put pit on your chest.
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>> what i see right now and what i want you all to know is over the last several weeks there have been lots of democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalists to print. and i'm not here to knock the press on it, i'm here to knock my colleagues on it. because to me, i think that's -- and i'm sorry, i'm going to say it because it's after midnight, that's [bleep] if you have an opinion opinion, say it with your chest and say it in public. but the idea that you are an elected official is and you are supposed to be responsible for a community and you're just gonna, like, text some journalist on the low and say this is what i think but don't put my name next to it, what are you here to do? will: i think she's right. pete: that's fair. will: actually, she's right. pete: there are 34 of them that
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have put their name on it. will, you laid that out in a segment earlier. and most prominently, folks running for re-election. sherrod brown came out because he's not a really tough race, jon tester. that's the best indicator of where the poem are -- will: do you find it interesting that the squad has largely rallied around joe biden? rachel: that's what i was going to ask -- pete: he's completely captured by them. he's done whatever they want. he's become bernie sanders, all the congressional black caucus, congressional hispanic caucus, the most liberal aspects, progressive, left-wing aspects are sticking with him because he's their vessel. rachel: right. everything in the democrat party is done with this kind of deal making. so when you wring in joe biden to be the unity guy and the adult in the room, you know, in the last election that he was pretty much brought forward, all of these progressives were ushered into the administration, and they have been doing -- will: she also said if you think everybody's going to rally
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around kamala harris, there's a consensus for kamala harris, she said you're out of your mind. that's not the case. rachel: they have a lot of problems there. will: she shockingly flashed a white power symbol. i don't know what she was trying to get -- we had a national reckoning about that years ago. many people were fired. rachel: you can be sure she -- will: all right, turning now to to your headlines. israeli's defense minister they will be, quote, settling the score after a drone strike kill one person and hurt another en. the attack happened yesterday with morning just one block away from the if u.s. embassy in tel aviv. the idf says they were unable to shoot down the drone because of human error. defense secretary lloyd austin has spoken to the israeli minister of defense continuing to assure them of the u.s. commitment to israel. pete: great. will: the first baptist church of dallas catching fire last night. the blaze growing to a four
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alarm fire. rachel: wow. will: the roof, which was built in the 18000s, partially collapsed. investigators are still looking into a cause. the church's pass for says no one was hurt and is asking for prayers saying, quote -- yeah, it's -- i was trying to figure out if it's the one downtown as well. it is. we thank god for his protection. he is sovereign even in the most difficult times. pete: wow. rachel: just keep thinking about joy reid's comment about white christian men being a problem. i mean, this is -- pete: it's a big, beautiful church. will: country star brian kelly revealing he has a new song on the way after performing american spirit on the third day of the republican national convention. the new track is called make america great again. listen. ♪ love this country, love this land. ♪ gotta get her back to god and the bible. ♪ if need a red, white and blue revival. ♪ make america great again ♪
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will: that song comes out next friday. and those are your headlines. pete: all right. well, you saw us at the rnc all week and it was electric. even the liberal media taking note. >> i think it's like this, the last time i was at a convention that felt like this was obama 2008. pete: "fox & friends" was there which means brian kilmeade was there, and and he tells us what he saw. make sure you get dressed. he'll be checking on you. ♪ ♪
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good to see you, rachel. we're at a historic diner in your hometown. i cannot believe the velocity of stories taking place right now. how can we even sleep? if. will: what was your big takeaway from the convention? if. >> family. i just think that you're going to have a hard time looking at donald trump. you want to vote for him, that that's fine, but you're going to call him a narcissist, an egomaniac, a dictator? really? could you tell that to his 17-year-old granddaughter who talks about getting calls from her grandfather, how's your day going, somebody like eric, if you looked at eric's speech and lara trump's speech, what he's like behind the scenes? can you tell it to the gold star families who told stories we never heard before about a former president inviting them to a luxury golf club to spend not 45 minutes, but 6 hours and hear their stories? these are the personal stories of things that happened behind the scenes.
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you talk about the diller family who's one mile from my house who went to a wake which is a hall mile from my house and they go and talk about a former president who has questions about what they went true and the loss that they just went through. so if you don't want to vote for donald trump, go ahead. but if you want to ice isolate him as some crazy guy that is not capable of running the country, who's in this for himself, if you kept the audio up over the last four days, you're going to have a hard time selling that story. whether donald trump likes it or not, we got his personal side. rachel: yeah, there's no question about that. and, yes, those gold star families all received phone calls. and they a said in the remarks that joe biden never even will say their child's name. it just, it's a remarkable contrast. you know, van jones said that he felt this kind of energy in 2008, and i think the differenco get your opinion on it, brian. in 2008 that energy was around
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obama, the idea of obama, breaking that glass ceiling, if you will. what i felt also at this convention, and i was there for the whole time and watched almost all of the speeches, this was a very policy-oriented convention, that this was about ideas and america first which is a big change from even where the republican party was ten years ago. >> i do, i think it's ideas too, and they're the also saying you know those policies that you might have been critical of in 2016? you got to like in 2018, you certainly miss them in 2024. rachel: yes. >> and this is what we want to do now. instead of a new president who spent his life in the business world, he went from the if most inexperienced president with politics to the most experienced ever, and they want to mange stories about project project 20 that -- 2025? nobody told anybody at the convention. that's an interesting thing they might want to a page through, but for the most part, donald
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trump's got his own thing going. those court cases and the releasing the document case and, of course, the the immunity victory at the supreme court p i really feel after talking to people they are going through these court cases too. they feel the weight of the trial, the convictions. they feel the weight of the pending doom of him having to sit for january with 6th, and they're watching a guy who's been under pressure for two and a half years since he left beginning to shed that political weight and the legal weight. so there's wins, wins, wins, but it's not just for the party. they like him. they almost feel like donald trump is a part of the family. he makes them feel that way. they get more momentum. the crazy thing is they do not know who they're playing. it's like going to the super bowl, getting to the game and having no idea who to point is. we don't even know how to characterize this rnc. what kind of lip do you get,
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against what? your popularity? it's supposed to be against joe biden who pais finish if ugh -- who they're pushing out in realtime. as much as people want to say what are bob trump's chances now, we have to come back and say, well, against who? and what are their messages? and how much money are they going to have? and now the money is actually coming this to the are rnc, and the billionaires are lining up behind this president who, like elon musk walked away from in 2017 after a charlottesville? these guys are back. steve schwarzman, he's back. because they want their financial future to be better. pete: brian, you're right, it's a nonstop news cycle, and you've got a big show tonight on "one nation." >> we're going to be live tonight. mike allen's been leading a lot of the great reporting, he's going to be joining us from axios, cofounder there. piers morgan is flying in from london, he's going to to be in the a block, live at 9:00 to
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give me perspective abroad of what's happening here. he's been brawling about donald trump. cory mills is doing his own investigation if as is chris swecker, and looked at miranda devine. she says a lot of these stories about biden considering leaving are flat out wrong. she says the biden family isn't budging, and they are going business as usual and offended by obama, not clinton. they said they expect it from clinton. the obama fracture is what's hurting them most. we're going to have all the news which is going to change dramatically. date early and come back at nine. and, please, get dressed. you should be dressed by 99 p.m. will: all right, brian -- [laughter] we will be dressed and ready at 9 p.m. tonight for "one nation." thank you, brian. rachel: thank, brian. >> all right, see you later. will: fox news alert, new reports trump's attempted assassin flew a drone over the pennsylvania rally site before
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the shooting. rachel: paul mauro is on the ground with more next. to duckdue duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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and get in the picture. learn how abbvie can help you save. pete: we're back with a fox news alert. new reports revealing hat gunman who tried to kill former president trump flew a drone over the pennsylvania rally site before the assassination attempt. our next guest got a chance to speak with the butler township commission per about what happened that day. >> so if i'm hearing you right, butler township police department didn't actually have anybody physically at the event. >> no. not in a capacity of protection detail or security detail, that is correct. there was no one at the event. we started to get information that there was a suspect and things were starting to happen.
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actually, four of the officers that were serving in that the traffic control capacity left their position and to help engage in a search for the suspect. pete: here to react, fox news contributor and attorney paul mauro. paul, thanks for being here. it really, as is always the case, being on the ground helps you gather information you otherwise can't get. that's what reporters are supposed to do. what have you learned in there's so many details that have come out, they're difficult to confirm. what's stuck out to you? >> so a couple of pieces of the narrative that i think have coalesced is that the seven cops from the butler township, the so-called locals as per the u.s. secret service -- pete: yep. >> -- actually played a very significant role in this thing. they were given traffic posts, and when they were alerted there was a threat, they ran into the event. they hadn't been in the event, they were on an egressed road. two the of them approached the
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building that, ultimately, crooks was found on. one gives the other a boost. the top one peeks up over the top of the roof, sees crooks with an ar. crooks turns towards him with the gun, the cop lets go, drops to the ground, immediately radios it in. the thinking here is that that precipitated crooks rushing his thought, took him out of his comfort zone. he knows at that point he's been discovered. the call has gone in to the command center that crooks has been seen, and that could very well have played a significant role here in the way things worked out. could have been a lot worse. pete: paul, do you have a sense of the timing of that? was that mere minutes before the shots were fired? that's what's hard -- trying to get my arms around the timeline. >> i actually think it could be seconds. pete: seconds. >> i think he hit the ground and called it in, and crooks realized, okay, i better get set and do what i gotta do here. the question is very perfect acceptive because that really the issue. how long did they know that
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threat was there? they reportedly had acquired him as suspicious 10-11 minutes earlier. why was donald trump still brought out onto stage. ask you've got to say to yourself too, where was the pre-event scanning that we hear so much about? site surveys is what secret service i calls it, done it myself with them. it seems like thomas crooks did a better site survey than the service did because he secrete cited -- secreted an, a a r-15 on the roof. pete: it just looks like so many things were missed. if there's something that was stashed, line you said, a drone that was flown, also you've got the video of the trump supports pointing him out on the roof. if it was just seconds before the police got him, that was even before the police were able to look up. so much time lost and yet they let him go on stage which is one of if questions that'll be
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facing this u.s. secret service director, kimberly cheatle. she's going to come before the house oversight committee. you've been a part of securing a lot of sites yourself. ultimately, the buck stops with the person at the top. do you think she'll take that kind of tone? >> you know, she hasn't to this point. the service wasn't present, would have been within her remit to to order a service officer to be at that press conference the day of. it took six hours to get a press conference, but at least we got something and really pennsylvania state police ran it. service didn't give a comment. they haven't come out and given a public comment since. and, you know, when you consider the fact the rnc is a national security event, you don't get too many of those during the year and it only occurs once every four years, and she had chosen to be in aspen for a security conference on wednesday in the middle of the event, that tells me for whatever reason there was a lot of slippage at the top. it doesn't seem to have been taken seriously. it was underresourced. they expected 20,000 people.
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the story goes, that we're hearing, they got a lot more. 2400 people alone had to get $2400 people had to get removed because of he's exhaustion. 240 to. it does not seem like the planning or the execution went well. president the numbers were big, and we're told only 22 secret service agents in total on the ground plus other assets but definitely not enough. >> if i could just close that loop, the operations plan is what they need to get at this event. if she doesn't come across -- [audio difficulty] at least to the senators and congress people that are quizzing her, we know there's something to hide. that plan will tell us everything. pete: interesting. paul, thank you so much. well, joe biden, at least according to reports, is fuming at his delaware beach house as we learn democrat leaders are pushing for a mini primary. so will this plan if work? we're going to ask former economic adviser to obama robert rolf. -- robert wolf.
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while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. will: an embattled president biden reportedly fuming while in delaware where he's recovering from covid. apparently angry at what he sees as a coordinated effort from his closest allies to force him aside is.
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sources telling "the new york times" that biden, quote, considers representative nancy pelosi, the former house speaker, the main instigator but is irritated at mr. obama as well, seeing him as the puppet master behind the scenes. our guest is fox news contributor robert wolf who joins us now. robert, what's happening? everyone stabbing julius caesar in the back and it's et tu brute for barack obama? >> i don't want see it that way. obviously, it's been an incredible difficult, volatile three weeks. the democratic party is fractured which really as someone who's been part of it for my whole life seeing this type of tug-of-war is not good. when we're a fractured party, we don't do well. we have about a hundred days to get our you know what in gear. will: you know, i actually think my analogy is spot on, if i do
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say so myself, robert -- [laughter] it's an attempt to take out the king, the dictator, for better or worse. joe biden is the, at least, frontman. he is the king. if you don't see it as a coordinated effort with obama and pelosi trying to push him out, how do you see this? >> yeah. so, first of all, i've been with obama i think three times in the last week, so calling him brutus would be about the last thing i'd call him. he's been an incredible leader for our party. i see it differently. i think there's a tug-of-war going on, and it's between the high-end donors and the congressional members who are in tough swing states and it's versus many groups of our party who support president biden and vice president harris. women, minorities, labor progressives. this is a tug-of-war that started three weeks ago because of the brutal debate that president biden had. will: well, can can i can ask you this, robert? >> yeah, sure. will: if you've been with him three times in the past week,
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you've divided the party, as you just said, into this tug-of-war. and think you probably accurately describe the camps. "the new york times" is saying joe biden believes barack obama is in the camp along with the donors and the high congressional leaders. so you've been with him three times in the past week. which side is he on? which side -- >> will, it's interesting, i've been on fox now as a contributor for eight years. it's amazing you guys are now touting "the new york times" as the outlet that a tells the facts? is that what you guys are saying now? will: you know what,? no, way tonight say something. that's a legitimate -- >> i'm answering your question -- will: relax. i'm about to give you credit. i don't trust "the new york times" now after covering for joe biden for four years. i agree with you. i don't think "the new york times" can be trusted. with but guess what i have? i've got robert wolf with me who's been with barack obama three times this week, so you can tell me, what side is he on?
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>> you know me, i've been in the fox tent for eight years now, so i don't back off. pete knows. listen, this is not about president obama or former speaker pelosi. this is about president biden and vice president harris. they are the nominees of the party. they won the democratic primary. they got 14 million votes. this whole idea that there's puppet masters behind them is all b.s -- will: yeah, or but you're not answering the question. "the new york times" might not be telling the truth, but you're not answering the question. what side is barack obama on? >> you'd have to talk to barack obama. here's the way i would frame it, it's up to president biden. i've said that all along. if president biden decided to step aside, in my opinion, it would be vice president harris as the presumptive nominee. if i think this idea of a chaotic convention would actually be brutal for the party. we saw it in '68.
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it was a disaster. that led to president nixon. i think that there's no question that the trump party's unified. we have to get there. all this gossip aside, it's great media, it's great red meat and it's been disastrous for us as democrats for three weeks. will: right. >> it's time to the move forward. president biden made a decision. whether he's staying with it, i don't know, but i don't with support this idea of this chaotic convention on a 60-day -- will: we'll see if you'll be able to avoid it. truly. do me a favor, robert, on fourth time you see him this week, will you ask him, which side are you on? [laughter] >> yeah. i think he can speak for himself. will: book him for it. i'll be right here waiting. guess what? i'll be on tomorrow. see if you can get barack obama -- >> he's looking for you. will: okay, good. just text me his number, robert. thank you. kurt the cyber guy on that global tech outage next. ♪ ♪ no ceiling, i cannot deny ♪in
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♪ rachel: non-urgent surgeries and medical visits canceled after a global tech outage knocked hospitals and banks offline while grounding flights and leaving travelers stranded.
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how is it that one glitch can knock out such vital systems? here to react is kurt the cyber guy. kurt, so how is it that this glitch could knock so many things out from travel to medical? what's happening? help the layperson understand this. >> i think we're all asking that question, and i think i've got with an answer for you with. good morning, rachel. it is that tsunami of tech destruction after that single glitch on a windows computer system by one company, crowdstrike. here's what we're learning in the aftermath, it is not over. airlines are still recovering from the flight disruptions. already 13,604 delays today. 1225 the cancellations, many rnc attendees are unable to get out of milwaukee, at least 999 911 is medical centers still affected $91. fedex and ups experiencing substantial disruptions. mcdonald's and starbucks at some locations couldn't process
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orders. early voting in maricopa county, arizona, with us disrupted. people couldn't get their licenses at at least two state dmvs. how did this happen? if in order for crowdstrike to work to protect if systems in the background, it needs to take control of the entire system. and when that one system breaks, and in this case the microsoft windows system, it gets disabled. so there needs to be a much closer look at how a single company's mistake can disrupt everything in life throughout the entire world. rachel: right. is that the issue? >> -- fix this automatically -- pardon me? rachel: is that the issue, this crowdstrike had some sort of monopoly on this? >> well, if it's not crowdstrike, it would be in the another. it's how did we design a system that could take down the world. and this morning if you think you escaped this, homeland security issuing a warning that criminals are now taking advantage, and you might be on your iphone this morning, and you'll get a message that says,
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hey, let me tell you how your iphone's affected by this or your mac or your pc. it is a scam. here's how to protect yourself against these actors. avoid clicking links. if you've got that so-called blue screen of death on a windows computer, only use a legit source to pick it. be ready to ride out digital storms like. the one way to do that, rachel s to wear a life jacket that you got for yours in the form of strong the antivirus protection. as you know, i say -- i'm all about privacy and security. cyber, you can see our reviews of the best protection whether you have a pc, mac, android or iphone. rachel: okay. >> just get protected. rachel: all right. thank you, kurt the cyber guy. always with good advice. thanks a lot for joining us. ahead. ♪ imyame f and ask for something for memory, ♪ ♪
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