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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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pete: it is the 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" trump undeterred rallying with j.d. vance for the first time today. rachel: dems divided just yesterday 12 more democratic lawmakers called on biden to abandoning his campaign as a pass the torch rally expected outside the white house this very afternoon. will: plus businesses airlines and hospitals still recovering from yesterday's massive global tech outage. we have what you need to know. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ pete: good morning welcome to "fox & friends" this saturday morning kiss me florida. it looks like kiss me.
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will: it is in my radar. not sure why. oh. it is disney yeah it's -- orlando. >> disney is orlando. isn't orlando in the middle of the state why is there a white t hour? you need a lighthouse in the middle of florida? will: you're getting me there. i don't know. pete: if you're from kissimmee and you can tell me why there's a lighthouse. will: there's european villages it is disney world. pete: what do you think you've been to disney more than us? rachel: i have that is not disney that is some swampy areas with a lighthouse we'll get to the bottom of it. pete: we will get to the bottom of that in kissimmee, florida. will: there's an alligator there was a pond and i told my family don't jog too close to the pond and sure enough --
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my wife had a video of the alligator -- pete: watch it emerge? rachel: scary. pete: looking at the graphic of the 34 in democrats who have now rachel: there's treachery there in florida. will: alligator there as well. pete: i don't see florida that was my hook there. but alligators closest to the joe biden canoe coming after him saying joe we want you out of the race. ten alone yesterday and really what a lot of them are waiting for was the rnc to be over right? rachel: these are the most noble of the alligators if you will because these are ones who have put their name and face to say we want you to step down we've just last hour we're talking about aoc getting angry at those democrats who are leaking and not really putting their names behind it. and even the puppet master obama you have a great interview earlier, will, with a democrat
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operative closer to obama everybody knows what obama is doing but couldn't bring himself to say that obama is pushing this along. even though he was with obama, he bragged about it three times last week. will: well you're talking about my interview with robert wolfe i want to play you a clip from that but one thing that is interesting and he should credit for is that we're reporting in "new york times" right now talking about what's going on behind thes scenes. when it comes to pushing joe biden out, in fact, "times" writes pressures to drop out of the race. they write in there, sick with covid abandoninged by allies fuming at the florida beach house resentful what about he sees as orchestrated company to drive him out of the race and builter to those he wants considered close including his one time running mate barack obama and considers pelosi main instagator and mr. obama sees
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him as puppet master behind scenes now wolfe said when do we trust new york times? i think it is a legitimate point. "new york times" has spent four years covering up for joe biden's mental incapacity. and now that he can't win an election, they are telling us that it's time for him to go and the pressure is mounting. now, i'm not saying that's untrue. i'm just saying that "the new york times" isn't the best source they have burned their reputation. pete: everything on thrump with norms sourcing all anonymous sourcing and puppet master those are words chosen by reporters based on anonymous conversations they're telling us that they're having with people that are in his house. in rehoboth and we don't know for sure. rachel: here's wolfe. listen. >> i think there's a tug-of-war between high end donors and
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congressional members in tough swing states and verse many groups of our party who support president biden and vice president harris. the women minorities labor progressives. and this is a tug-of-war that's front and center that started three weeks ago because of the brutal debate that president biden had. he said watch me. yeah, sure. listen this is not about president obama or former speaker pelosi. this is about president biden and vice president harris. they are the no, ma'am -- nominees of the party they won the democratic primary and got 14 million votes this whole idea there's puppet masters behind this all bs. will: you know, may be in terms of puppet masters as the ability to directly pull strings. but you know, i used analogy with robert about julius it is
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not one knife but it is 34 names are like multiple stab wounds to the back of joe biden. and we had rich lowery he said you're seeing this play out so first it is pressure. then it's leaks from pelosi and schumer and jeffries. the next step is open it will be open. it will be one of those schumer pelosi, jeffries or obama that's like time for joe to go. rachel: i think that the reason this -- i think that there's a possibility real possibility that joe biden as you said earlier is digging his heels in and more he wants to stand. here's the other part, the delay could also be i think, very likely is, that joe biden is trying to work out a deal. you know i've always compared bidens to castros there's similarities both to imprison their political opponents. but really the main thing they have in common is corruption.
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and the biden family is extremely corrupt. they're probably working out deals. and when the money is right, when "the price is right," the bidens will step down. that's my feel. >> there's reporting that the family is trying to prepare an exit ramp wrornght he makes that decision. which would be prudent for them as a political family at any level but -- it is only joe, it is like what we say with donald trump only with the vp knows but they're at the very least gate keepers but he doesn't say without nancy pelosi saying that's at least okay. will: grilling robert herteling him how inappropriate his characterization is -- rachel: are you surprised is that the next step? will: could be something like
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that. brought up that what we're talking about this "new york times" and this this cover upof joe biden cognitive incapacity there's a new show out on fox nation i participated called white house crisis cognitive coverup available right now that goes inteeferg that -- everything that was done to cover this up for, you know, we go back a couple of months for herr but goes back years. it is interesting really quickly of see joe biden i'm talking 70s, 80s stark to see his difference right. but also similarities. like his -- like his gear -- his gear is anger by the way. that's like push me i get angry. i put that's what's happening behind scenes they say you're pushing him so he's -- just getting mad at democrats. pelosi you're pushing me i'm angry. rachel: cognitive decline can also that's one of the emotions
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that is easily accessible for those suffering from that. it is all very sad. and fun to watch. pete: it's something. a fox news alert -- former president trump and his vice presidential nominee j.d. vance are heading to michigan today for first event since the assassination attempt on trump at a rally in butler, pennsylvania, last saturday. rachel: we're learning more about how suspect thomas crooks was able to go through the attack. >> c.b. cotton in butler, pennsylvania, c.b.. >> former donald trump and j.d. vance first joint campaign rally is a high profile visit but peoples 'minds it is called a security failure. and now a federal law enforcement source tells fox there are two emerging theories about how the gunman thomas crooks was able to get on top of a roof undetected.
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the source says most likely scenario is that crooks hid his father's rifle near an ac unit he used to climb on to the roof and source says crooks could have also carried the gun in a backpack but source added required a significant amount of disassembly and reassembly and flew a drone hours before he opened gunfire and classmates say he was highly intelligent but also isolated with parents who were not active in their son's life. now, we are seeing that overlapping investigations are underway as to how crooks fired from that rooftop roughly 400 feet from where trump was speaking on stage. our colleague david spunt learned butler sniper team inside building and crooks fired from we're told snipers were looking outside windows for any suspicious activity. ultimately, though, it is on the secret service to protect former presidents. the agency and its director
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kimberly cheatle faces tough questions as to why building was not within the most secure perimeter and josh hawley says whistle-blowers said there was a break down in radio communications between officers and other missteps. >> they were not patrolling the perimeter with k-9s as they were supposed to do. they were not patrolling the crowd. they weren't adequately keeping area around stage safe. and, of course, we know that they didn't have eyes on that roof and that building. it is unbelievable. reporter: now, all eyes turn to the secret service director kimberly cheatle and her testimony on monday before the house oversight and accountability committee. back to you. rachel: thank you so much. pete: thank you very much. she's hidden every aspect of this exact opposite of what you would. and vacuum will be filled with thoughts because she's not been transparent at all. rachel: you saw josh hawley he
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said he actually went to the site, and that the fbi had more security on the site right now than it had when donald trump was there when donald trump was there for the rally he said they tried to kick him off the site they said get out of here u.s. senator. i certainly trust republican senators more than i trust the fbi. and getting to the bottom of this. on a sad state of affairs of the country when that distrust of a institution that we used to revere has gotten to that point but you're right there's a vacuum it is going to be filled with conspiracy also going to be filled with on twitter with some things that are true and some that aren't. but nobody at least on the republican side very few people are going to have confidence in an investigation out of this government after everything they've seen done to donald trump and his supporters. and so my suggestion and i heard that they can do is that this could be taken to an independent organization whether a law firm somebody who is accustom to
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doing investigations something has to change because people want to know what's happening and we have senators who are also skeptical and being told get out of here. that's a problem. pete: that hearing will be something to watch monday. usually hearings whatever what does he take a defensive perspective i can't tell you that or come with actual information and willing to accept responsibility doesn't happen very often in washington. so i'm not betting that will happen. will: i'm -- i'm sympathetic to not being first but being right. and i understand that necessity to come up with that investigation requires to get the facts. i do think there's some time now where -- rachel: do you trust the fbi, will? will: of course i have my skepticism about the fbi but i am interested in open questions and answerrens not conclusions at this point. i can't leap to conclusions. i think there are no inappropriate questions. but i think you after five days starting on monday fbi, secret
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service better have answers to those questions. pete: well part of the reason the rnc was such heightened scrutiny, of course, is what happened on saturday that culminated with former trump taking the stage on thursday night and that feeling on monday morning when he emerged you about describe electric especially when he came out just a reminder if you're watching some of the high points of what president trump said. [applause] >> in an age when our politics too often divide us now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. we are one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. [applause] and we must not criminalize desent or demonize political disagreement which is what's been happening in our country
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lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before. to every citizen whether you're a young or old, man or woman, democrat, republican, or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic, i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen -- no victory in winning for half of america. will: that was donald trump that night. thursday night, talking about how he wants to represent all of america. there was a lot of energy at the republican national convention these two were there but felt through the television screen. as well, and it was felt even by people who worked for barack obama here's van jones on cnn. >> this spirit this guy has you guys think he's drunk, he's not. this whole thing is like this and -- well -- hey, listen. guys -- the last time i was in
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commission that felt like was was obama of -- twailgt there's something happening. >> there's difference he's right two powerful figures barack obama, donald trump, man in the world formidable political figures and something in 2008 that made republicans go there's no way we're going to beat this. i think democrats are feeling some of that but i think the differences between those two movements that van jones is talking about is worth noting. in the case of barack obama it was about barack obama. and the color of his skin, and the fact that we could have this, you know, the first time we would have a black president and then there were even many black republicans that said i have to vote for barack obama. because it's so historic, and the case of donald trump, no one has been more vilified by the media the opposite of what happened to barack obama. this is really about ideas it is
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about america first. and the movement that they're talking about isn't just that donald trump might be getting some independent voters to come over. this is the victory of -- the america first ideas inside of the republican parties. do you get what i'm saying. pete: i do get other reason it is staggering is the movement around obama was he was new, he was fresh no one -- he's this -- this is after eight years. of donald trump -- think about that -- no one knew anything about obama and that was the spirit now this is the spirit after -- will: i disagree a little bit. rachel: you don't think it's been a battle? will: i think america first takeover of the republican party was on display. that -- that -- glai. the people won. not the donors. will: i had this conversation with pete this week. i think in -- and i know we've got time careful how much i drag this out i think we lived in a bubble of humanity half a century where we
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have an everything is ideological marxism and conservatism i think most of the people go to big personalities peening you line up the presidents you're going see that. few exceptions clean ton, obama, w, donald trump when i see here right now, and his ability to win this election and independence to gravitate towards him i think this is so -- i think that assassination attempt is huge. i cannot overplay how big that is and the way he reacted rachel and i think the way he reacted in that moment is historic. monumental, and i think it is people gravitate. we need american leaders we need strong leaders, symbolic leaders not weakness i think that's what the convention was about. it was about that we need to be this again. pete: mark zuckerberg came out and said -- rachel: it is a lot more dynamic
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than that. i think what was happening inside that convention you saw -- perhaps -- will: you guys were there. but this is my perception. pete: it can be both. it is consolidation of the america first agenda and what happened was massive. mark zuckerberg said that's one of the most bad, you know, what things i've ever seen. mark zuckerberg who spent a hundred million, billions last -- will: i don't think he's all of a sudden america first. rachel: no. but i bet mark zuckerberg probably thinks border is out of control. [laughter] even somebody like him says that. and those are america first ideas. the who would establishment party trying to be more like democrats trying to find middle ground there with donald trump is accomplished in terms of very substantive policy ideas that are now being normalized because they're so darn common sense. i think that's part of it. i'm not undermining what you're saying because i think you're
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right about that as well but there was a battle -- of ideas and the people and america first won and it was on display there. all right well trump undeterred after assassination attempt rallying with vance for the first time today. will: congressman john james will be there, and he's next.
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♪ ♪ pete: turning now to your headlines start requesting this at least seven officers are hurt after a high speed chase in washington state yesterday. spokane police were wrapping up unrelated search warrant and noticed a suspect that was allegedly involved a drive by shooting passed by them. they chased the suspect until they saw the suspect's car slammed into an armored police vehicle. so far three suspects are in custody, and were taken to the hospital. the officers involved with expected thankfully to make a full recovery. and texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee passed away last night. a month after announcing her pancreatic cancer diagnosis her office announcing the news governor greg abbott paying tribute calling her, quote, a
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proud texan and a tireless advocate for the people of houston end quote funeral arrangements still pending she was 74. rachel. rachel: thank you pete. former president trump and vp pick j.d. vance heading to michigan today for their first rally as running mates also trump's first rally since his assassination attempt. supporters are already lining up but what measures are being taken to secure the site? our next guest will be at the that rally today michigan congressman john james he joins us now welcome congressman. >> good morning, rachel glat to be back with you again. rachel: what is being done differently during this rally in light of what happened last weekend? >> well i can tell you there's going to be a bunch of folk who is exercise their constitutional carry rights out and about. in the city, and i'll tell you -- being at the rnc i definitely
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felt a higher sense of security. i think that people are upping their games. not just with the security there but we also have a personal responsibility too if you see something say something and remain vigilant for our own safety. rachel: you can tell donald trump had michigan on his mind during convention talking about ending ev subsidies. talking about crime and so many of the top issues. in michigan, meanwhile the media, the liberal press was watching and here's a really interesting take away from alex wagner a host from nbc there. listen to this. >> the fact that the people leading into the former president's acceptance speech this night are golf pros and ufc fighters tells you a lot about the administration and how can you get it done in i don't know the doj? >> i literally am still scratching my head like what is
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she trying to say because there's a few celebrities endorsing donald trump whether they're in the sports world or entertainment? that that means this isn't going to be a serious administration? >> well, she's not a serious person. she's not a -- she's not serious person. these are the type of peel who scoff at us and laugh and look down their noses at us and marie antoinettes these are coastal elites who think flyover states have people many them who don't know what's going on how to protect themselves or what our priorities are right now we have a wide open border with fentanyl pooring in with illegals pooring pouring in we have a ev agenda that removes choice from americans, and empowers china's middle class. building china's military we have an administration that has completely lost focus, and folks in nbc are continuing to turn a
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blind eye while america is hurting these are voice of average every day people and this is a voice of donald trump. this is a voice of jd vance and when the gop takes back the white house. >> democrats have all kinds of celebrities at their convention always outdean dana white, hulk hogan these are some of the celebrities of the people i think that's probably what's making them a little bit nervous. that the policies and even the celebrities in this case at the convention is the working people of america like. congressman thanks for joining us today have fun at that rally. [laughter] >> absolutely. rachel: you got it will and pete will go off the wall to cover the no good, terrible, very bad week.
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will: many flights delayed or canceled and passengers strand a global tech outage knocked airports hospitals and banks offline for hours yesterday. several businesses, though, now back online. and chanly joins us live. >> it stems from a glitch of cybersecurity company cloud strike deployed to microsoft windows that caused computers to abruptly shut down. it still causes chaos at airports so far today, there's been 965 cancelations. the outage also crippled services at hospitals and doctors office forcing delays and nonemergency care and proceed that support our patient
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care delivery across our system. our teams will continue to work throughout the night to implement solution and in arizona early voting stations knocked out of use in the state level primary elections maricopa county saying out of the planned 41 are now back open. now the ceo of the cybersecurity company is promising that will work continuously and closely with impacted customers and partners to ensure that all systems are restored eventually because experts say it could take days or even weeks to fully recover from what is now being considered one of the largest outages in i.t. history guys i'll sending it back to you pete. pete: as part of the rnc speech donald trump issued a stern warning to those holding american hostages. >> and the entire world i tell you this, we want our hostages back. and they better be back before i
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assume office. or you will be paying very big price. >> kind of alluding to iranian hostages back before ronald reagan. five americans are still being held in gaza by hamas. but an estimated 120 total hostages remain unaccounted for after being kidnapped on object object -- october 7th one is eden taken from the nova music festival called moments before her abduction her sisters, shuni and my join us now and thank you so much for being here. you were on the phone with your sister at the nova music festival until other voices were heard. and she was no longer able to talk to you. first of all i'm sorry for what you're going through have you had any updates since on the status of your ?r >> sister?
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>> no since october 7th we haven't had updates to eden but when she was kidnapped she wasn't injured. we asked them on the phone. >> when she was kidnapped she was on the phone in the process of being kidnapped? >> no i understand she wasn't injured before when -- wasn't injured by gunfire before she was kidnapped? >> yeah. >> got it. >> do you feel like enough has been done to try to release your sister? >> i don't know about all of the things that they're doing because we're not there. we're not in the -- to discuss with this organization. but i hope. i hope they're doing everything. >> shuni how do you maintain hope it's been a long time since october 7th.
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you've got your sister's beautiful picture on your shirt how do you stay hopeful? >> so i think the fact that eden wasn't injured when she was kidnapped -- it's we keep the hope. and we believe in bondness between the sisters and me and my -- we can actually feel eden and we -- we believe that she's alive and we believe she will come back home to us. pete: do you support the israeli militaries efforts to keep going keep pushing into gaza completely eradicate hamas? >> i support everything that will help bring our sister back home, and all of the rest of the hostages. pete: from either view you heard the soundbite of donald trump at the republican national convention talking about bringing hostages home.
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do you think having a new president in the united states might create a new environment to get the hostages back? >> we hope so. it's been -- more than nine months maybe some changes will bring the change. >> yes. pete: tell us a little bit about your sister real quick she loved going to the beach -- tell us about her. >> she turned 24 a week after she was kidnapped tons of friends, generous she looks at the waitress in tel-aviv, and she's the best sister in the world. pete: she is an innocent civilian. taken by terrorist organization, and if governments have any responsibility is to get their citizens back. first, the israeli government for israeli citizens and the u.s. government for the five american citizens that are there as well. well, we will pray for your sister eden all of the hostages we thank you for telling your story. thank you both so much. all right it has been --
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287 days as we mention since october 7th when 24-year-old eden was taken from the nova music festival we pray for her and 120 other hostages that they all may come home safely.
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will: it hasn't been a very good week from joe biden from interviews appearing frustrated to the push from fellow democrats for him to step down his days of president might be coming to an pend. pete: might is the important wortd there off the wall how this week has unpolled day by day. terrible, no good, terrible no good bad week started on monday remember this is all still fallout from the debate will he's trying to prove to his own base that he's capable of being a candidate and that started with an interview with lester holt. >> he was pressed in the interview about things why pull a bull's-eye on donald trump and i said cross hairs. >> i didn't say cross hairs but i said bull's-eye. >> it was jumble confusing uv into and he focused lester holt why don't you look at donald trump. look at donald trump pete this interview i think had not been for assassination attempt in the
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republican convention this interview might have been the one that pushed him out of the race. pete: yeah. watch. >> you prepare to be confused. >> lester look why don't you talk about the 18, 28 lies he told? where are you on this? why doesn't the press talk about that? >> only thing that stepped tide for him was assassination attempt everybody went quiet about the status of joe biden. but still this -- everyone at his party watched this interview and said this did you want he help me anymore so u roll forward to tuesday. >> and then on tuesday there was "fox reporting" that biden campaign would push for a virtual roll call august 1st for democratic national convention as a way to sort of establish it ahead of time to avoid any type of contested convention. pete: they couldn't wait into
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august and tried to speed it up and then this came also as a letter fox painted a letter from congressional democrats saying that democratic national committee that they'll be no virtual voting so ultimately they had wanted to speed it up but this is the day we found that no, we're not doing that anymore. because they heard from the grassroots others that said let's not speed this up. will: right. and then wednesday. wednesday new polling comes out it was a busy day but in that polling from first associated press 7 in 10 adults including 65 percent of democrats said biden should withdraw and allow his party to select a different nominee. pete: another big piece of education that came out premise of joe biden as a candidate was i'm the best guy to beat donald trump. well there's holes falling into that as well alternate democrats run by average of 3 points and they put that information and he says i'm the best guy to beat donald trump. displil tested positive for
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covid-19 -- pete: in a medical sense yes he -- will: positive. i stole from jimmy fallon i think. pete: equal to that imagery of him walking up short stairs on air force one barely going up. that came outs on wednesday as well. will: and then there's thursday and thursday ised day we begin to see exactly the push behind scenes to get rid of joe biden. axios believe joe biden will exit several top democrats privately telling axios pressure within the party and top leaders to persuade president biden to drop out could mount into a culmination as early as what we thought would be this weekend. sphwhreet a little bit on wednesday but especially on thursday at the rnc elsewhere where the chatter was about big names about pelosi it was about schumer. their name was in the press are they allowing this to happen are they ones behind reports? for people who felt like joe was
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the nominee this is first day where it felt like maybe not and washington post reported on this as well. former president hugely influential, talking about obama, has told associates that biden path to victory has significantly shrunk then obama threw his foot on it too. will: behind scenes. only -- but in front of the scenes, this is what began to look like by friday sherrod brown added his name, ohio, swing state, somewhat of a swing estate leaning more right over the past couple of election cycles but to join peter welch and martin and numerous people in the house who have come on the record and said, we need somebody besidings biden. >> including adam schiff when he speaks he's speaking probably most of the time usually -- with permission from her which tells you a lot. will: bad week for joe biden. could get worse this coming week. rnc focusing on bringing america together but big surprise that's not what the media saw. we roll the tape, next.
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will: despite all of the energy he brought to the rnc media couldn't help but claim trump speech was a net loss. >> this is first good thing
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that's happened to democrats in the last three weeks. >> trump dodged a bullet on saturday, and democrats dodged a bullet tonight. >> you have to wonder how much viewing audience stayed through it was longer than current modern baseball games. >> it is too bad bandage should have been over his mouth. will: here was reaction as alex, love your review of the speech i will say what we just heard alex, i did hear some of that. you know scrolling social media listening to people, i also heard the first 20, 30 minutes were riveting and gripping and bipartisan appeal for the first half hour. so is it a tale of two speeches or is that partisan analysis that we're watching? what did you think of the speech? >> i thought donald trump had a tremendous speech and a very successful convention. democrats are outraged that he actually is uniting the country if you look at that convention,
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we had a teamster, a union leader speaking coming over from the democrats, trump is appealing to blue collar union workers, democrats, amber rose young black woman entrepreneur coming over the republican party, young black men, exploded on twitter after the attempt on trump's life because they've been excluded by the same establishment that trump is fighting again and they see this macho superhero standing up and hispanics same thing. so they may criticize truch for not uniting the country but they're outraged that he actually is. will: to their criticism, alex, their criticism is it went on and on over 90 minutes but i heard a bit of criticism i'm not sure how long viewing audience stuck around. so if it is too long, to their point, and i'm not sure that it
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is a little self-defeating you know what i mean a swingable audience watched first half hour, what's the second you know, two-thirds hurt if they're gone? >> over 30 million americans watched this thing. on different platforms, so the audience was there, and more importantly bites from this speech will play now for weeks. and what they saw is a dimension of donald trump they haven't seen before. they saw him not as the political leader. they saw him as a human being and saw his family to pay benefits going on. again this convention humanized donald trump. this convention reached across the 50-yard line into a general election audience, and it really is a beginning of a political realignment with the republican party reshaped by trump has working class people hispanics, young black men, a much bigger tent. will: i think you're exactly right alex i think it did
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humanize him and did reach across the 50 yard line for the independent voter. so in that way i think not just the speech but the entirety of the week to your point was a huge win for donald trump. this while democrats try to get it together in time to see who their candidate will be before the democratic national convention alex great to see you this morning. >> thank you. will: don't move a final hour of "fox & friends," coming up. ♪ ♪ next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and a lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough had a vaccine or plan to,
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6:00 am
will: we begin with a fox news alert, former president donald trump and his vice presidential nominee j.d. vance heading to michigan today for their first event since the assassination attempt on donald trump at a rally in butler, pennsylvania p last saturday. rachel: this as more details emerge about how suspect thomas crooks carried out the attack. pete: fox news national corres


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