tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News July 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. sean: all right that is all the time we have left. thank you for watching, set your dvr so you n never miss an episode of hannity. stay with fox news channel continuing coverage of tonight's breaking news, let not your heart be troubled. mark levin is next. ♪ ♪
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mark: hello america, i'm mark levin this is "life, liberty and levin." we're in our old time slot. welcome. you know the democrat party is upset about we conservatives and republicans, we demand voter i.d. they are upset that water is not hands out in lines when people are voting, they did on about vote or suppress, oppression, repression, they want to change our election laws make sure that everyone citizen can vote and ever noncitizen can vote, now they have a new view, no voters. say what? no voters. that is right. democrat party is doing remeaneds me of something that conservatived on october 22 of 2022, hugh hu jintao, former
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general secretary of chinese communist party, he was escorted out of the hall of closing ceremony of the congress of the chinese national party, pulled from seat you see by two men followed by xi jinping'si instruction. let's remind ourselves what it looks like with an auto crottic party, we have not seen that man since. you know what else sense resting, you watch this, they had about 3,000 delegates there. delegates, delegates? yes, to the chinese comest communist party, they voted like 3,000 to 0 to make xi president for life, the democrat delegates who do they represent? what do you mean? the people who voted, voted
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for biden-harris, not harris-biden, let me tell you something. think about this. if there hadn't been a debate before the convention pause all debates take place in september. after the convention. if there had not been a debate before the democrat convention joe biden would be the democrat nominee for president. period. the media, democrat party, don't give a damn about this country. they just stole an election from their open voters, they stole an election from their open voters. i love the way that media feels we were lied to, you were not, you are the aljazeera media. the pract provda media. democrats and our media have made a mockery of the
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presidency, vice presidency and the entire electoral system, democrat party is trying to install harris into presidency like any autocratic regime would, the delegates they don't represent anyone. they don't r represent anyone, you might want to call them sp fake electors, the people didn't vote -- for harris-biden, we talk about the debate. the debate. wow. remember what i said this is very important, if that debate, my chance and luck and stupid tie ity of biden and his family had not taken place before that convention they would still be nominating, and pushing for a man who should be nowhere near the oval office. now it is okay they say we fixed it. move along, now we have
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kamala harris. yes, she is new rosa park, susan bank anthony, and mother teresa wrapped in one. not quite, joe biden has an excuse, we all know it he mumbles because he has dementia, he cannot complete thoughts. what is kamala harris' excuse? a good question. we're told to ignore what you see and hear. we have our constitution, you know here it is, little book form, you open it up there is the 25 amendment. who is in change of the 25 amendment, kamala harris. she is the vice president. what is her role? she is supposed to bring together a majority, majority of the cabinet if the president can no longer serve as president. we have a president who can't be charged, because has dementia who democrats tell us, he can't be the nominee, why?
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just move on. just move owe'll take care of business. we'll have what they call a -- a mini election. a mini primary, what the hell is that? that is tyranny, there is no mini primary, no one is voting. but we'll be transparent? really, they used to have cigar smoked room now they are marijuana smoke roomed, you are not fooling anyone, this is the most grotesque violation of our constitution of voting in american history. ladies and gentlemen the vice president of the united states is not qualified to be president for a thousand reasons, but most of all she took an oath to this document and will not up hold it for that democrat -- want to nominate her for president as a democrat.
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why? she has covered up for biden and the democrat party, she is the cabinet, the biggest lie, most massive lie about a man who has a nuclear button right here. joe biden. what is that? no, joe. so he comp competent to be a president for the next 5 or 6 months but not competent enough to be a nominee, you figure that out. here is an example why kamala harris should never be near the oval was on the, because she violated the constitution of day she has vice president. >> first, i would say that age is more than a chronological fact, i spend a lot of time with our president, be it in oval office or situation room and other places, i can tell you, as i mention, not only is he absolutely in oval
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office meeting with members of congress and leaders in industry, meeting with community leaders, i will tell you, that he is in front of often, everyone in the room in terms of thinking about how we can resolve issues, negotiate in a way that is about concession where necessary, but for the sake acoach accomplishment in work, so many talked him, one in particular infrastructure week, about joe biden's leadership. he was steady, he was mature, and he made the call. every time. only one person sits behind the resolute desk. >> a lot of people say she capshe conditions say -- she can't say anything else. >> i'm not lying, i'm
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telling you a fact.. . mark: yes, you are. >> do you think in your role, you are in position to tell the american people lick. american public. >> of course in necessary, there is no need for that, that say political argument that is made. that is not based on substance. and you are asking me around what are my duties to american people as vice president. that are based on ethics and morals and the law. i will always follow those rules, but i suggest to you it is important we not be seduced to one of only arguments that side of the aisle has right now, on this issue. in a way that is intended to distract from the accomplishments. mark: she is collusion,
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conspiracy. next to joe biden, she is the biggest liar in the united states of america. she has violated her constitution -- you don't have do much as vice president, just hang around. 5 or 6 duties this is the biggest one, 25 amendment, she and make majority of cabinet covered up biden for biden and this regime against the american people. against the american people. look how irrational democrat party s they want biden out but they won't admit he has dementia, we have to play along with this alike this is no big deal. this our country too, we conservatives and republicans and nondemocrats we don't have to sit here and watch with your tongue hanging out and chin hitting floor and eyes popping out of our heads, this our country, they are making a
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mockery of it january 6. mark? january 6. august 1, 2023, right here. look at this, oh, it's very long and very involved. it is an indictment against donald trump. former president donald trump was indicted tuesday by a federal grand jury on 4 counts related to efforts to overturn the results of 2020 presidential election. wait a minute. isn't the democrat party overturning the results of a primary election, mark, come on. trump charged with conspiracy, and witness tampering, and official proceeding. wow. by god if he is charged with obstruction, thrown out by a supreme court, what the hell
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has democrat party done, they just stole an election from 15 million voters, lelied to them then and now. about what has kamala harris done for the country? i keep hearing, she is female and black. so, younger voters, and minorities, she will be able to attract them, she has never been able to before, she dropped out before iowa and could get net south carolina. she has done a lot, i have to confess, washington time, illegal immigration is bringing slavery to america, she is the border czar. there is more slavery occurring on our border in the united states since the end of the civil war. under kamala harris and biden, his presidency. they write -- there is a real human cost to open borders, monday everyone day
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slavery right now the southern border is least secure in history. mexican truck cartelling taking advantage. and -- wow. she has done a hell of a lot. more than 6 million illegal aliens have crossed our border in lest 7 months, this human sorrying on a massive scale, would not be happening if not for biden administration's unlawful open border policy its goes on. that is what she has done for all of the black and brown people, women and children in southern border, i congress kngts can't think of anything else. if trump had to pick someone to run against biden would be number one but a close number two would be his vice president, kamala harris. i notice all of the democrat
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and liberals and media on cable and networks and newspapers and on-line, they are giddy. finally got rid of biden, now we have harris. they are giddy. but you know what, those voters who were disenfranchised, i don't believe they are giddy, the people on the border suffering from harris a czar rina position, i don't think they are giddy. i think the minority community, has no love for kamala harris. they never did. and i think that ruling class democrats, ruling class in washington d.c. and their media are giddy, they are giddy because they lie, they cover-up, they impose, they want to install her. they have a problem, we the people. i'll be right back. ? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right?
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biden-like candidate is that not ha is going on now? >> look that is right, they want a coronation. today of is an historic day. there has never been anything like this in history of our country, we're 106 days from general election never had one of two major party candidates pulled from ballot, sadly this is predictable, i said 10 months ago, the democrats are going to pull joe biden off the ballot, at the time corporate media said i was a tin foil hat, it would never happen, i also predicted it the night of presidential debate, i did a podcast that night, i said this will go down as most con sequential presidential debate, i believe this debate will change the names on ballot
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in november, i think it is unavoid able that democrats will pull joe biden and the ballot it will take about 3 weeks it happened today. why? i think it speaks volume, it did not happen because joe biden is mentally incompetent or because he is not fit to be commander in chief, that was true in 2021 and 2022 and 2023, and true today, every democrat knew it, when you played kamala harris right there. she was lying every minute in every word that came out of her mouth, she knew he was mentally en competent, the democratsen to leak, that they bailed on him, because -- democrats don't mind, that they bailed on him, suddenly american people saw he was mentally incompetent. then you saw everyone jump ship it had nothing to do with having a man with
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dementia with his finger on nuclear button, they jumped ship, after america saw he was incompetent, they were afraid they would lose, there may be others that squawk. the democrat party is a bean counting party, kamala harris is an african-american woman. gavin newsom will not replace her. i think that kamala will pick a boring middle of the road white guy as vice president in democrat party dei c c this is designed to jam the same failed policy to keep jo jamming it down the throats of the american people. mark: why would we rely on or trust the very people who sphoal the
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stole election from the primary voters and want to take kamala harris who is in the even qualified to be vice president and put her in presidency. the same people, they are giddy and on tv, they have screwed the american people. >> they did. and they don't care. for them it is all about power, not about democracy or about doing what is right. every democrat today knows that joe biden has dimentia is anyone calling for him to step down now, no. ? they don't mind. and kamala harris -- listen this is all about continuing the same disastrous policies, kamala is the border czar, every democrat is complicit in the inflation, assault on nerve will and open border -- on
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energy, and open borders and abandons israel and sending 100 billion to iran and funding our enemies, these are their failed policies, but what happened today is dangerous, this last week at convention, it was the best republican convention we were more unified than i have earning i left very worried, i fear that republicans are over confident, there was an air of celebration, and now is not the time to celebrate, celebrate after election day, now is the time to work, and i got to say this is very dangerous, we're about to see for the next month a month-long democrat convention, reason that candidates get a bump out they get tons of free media, media is about to spend billions try to convince american people that kamala harris is brilliant and beautiful and historic and they are going to do such a sell job, that it is
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dangerous, unwhat is described to do -- you know what it is designed to do? drive off news any of coverage of joe biden open borders, and failure of democrat policies how american people are hurting, they want people exciting about how historic this is, people need to double down, good to work, fight to reelect president trump but true in senate races, i am running for reelection in texas, i face a very tough race, i'm chuck which chuck schumer number one target. he is spending over a hundred million trying to bmbeat me, schumer and soros are flooding the party. if you want to help us fight back, come to ted cruz .org. our web site, we're facing 100 million right now,
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latest polling, has it 3 point race, schumer wants to defeat me in texas, they want to defeat donald trump. let me say this, if schumer succeeds in gaining 3 points in texas and beating me and drtrump is elected and schumer is leader, you will see trump's ideas destroyed. we have to stand up. mark: well ted cruz with any luck kamala harris will come down there and cam pawn campaign against you in texas. there you have it ted cruz thank you. >> god bless you my friend. >> thanks mark. mark: we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back america we're here with ben domenech, editor at large of spectator, we have a situation that democrat party is so power hungry, making such a mockery of our democracy. we'll have a man in the oval office that they have determined has dementia. we'll have a vice president running for president who helped cover it up the fact that the man in the office has dementia and lied to american people and still has a responsibility under the u.s. constitution the 25th amendment to do something about it we'll have an oval office with a president that has dementia and a vice president who is lawless, have we ever had a situation like this. >> we have not had this kind of situation, mark.
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in american history, this something that i think some disturb all of us as weres regardless of you're ideological beliefs about president biden or vice president harris, we can't afford as a nation to have a situation in oval was on the where we're run by a chicken with its head cut off. my big question today is when do you, they will tell joe, i don't think that we have any evidence he has been told, we don't have a statement from him, we have nothing along lines that we saw from lbj in the past, a public statement you would expect. instead we have is a depiction of a white house that is at odds with itself and with the way that media has responded to this moment, i don't know if you had a chance to see it, it is disgusting.
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they have immediately shifted to spin for kamala harris. someone who is a failed presidential candidate. who didn't win anything about where, had to drop out, she had funding and a lot of backers early on. they will suggest that she is someone who is swing in and be a wonderful history making story with the white house and everything that we need. this critical moment. this is absurd, i think that un, american people will see through it, as they saw through all of the attempts of this media landscape to spin on behalf of joe biden for such a long time, what we're learning now, really is that this was spin that was going on, back years. there were events way in 2021 that were jarring to nancy pelosi, who at-this-point, the person who is runs democratic party, and determining you
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know who ends up being the nominee of that party in a way that is anti-democratic. as much as they talk about dangers to democracy, they are sweeping away any decision that democratic voters made, and i think this whole thing is abhorrent and sad, i think it is a depiction of a white house that is not truly in control, and i don't think that we can afford to have a commander in chief over next several months, who is just going to be awol in capable of doing his job, it means that alternative is kamala harris that can't give anyone any confidence or faith in the leadership we have in our country given the dei fac path she took to vice presidency. mark: we have a situation where the president has not spoken to the american people and vice president has not spoken to the american people.
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>> she has not. mark: reminded me of xi situation, and also the old days during cold war, when reagan said, i would negotiate with the head of the soviet union but they keep changing, the excuse was they have a cold, where are they, he has a cold, he will be back in biden, he has covid, this is reprehensible we have china on the move, north korea firing missiles in the middle east we have terrorists on the move, israel surrounded at war with iran and ukraine and russia at war, we have all kinds of things going on and president of u.s. is awol and vice president of united states running around trying to coalesce her party around her hope to be a nominee there is a disafltser. disaster. >> it one of the situations that i think up we have to look back and we can't let
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them get away with this concept it was unavoidable it was very unavoidable, he was have been honest to us about being a transitional figure, saying i need to step away from this, any . in last 6 to 8 months they could have been honest about what was going on event going back years they would have been received in a more honest and positive way, but they lied to us, theylied to lied to us for months and months, now we're in horrible circumstances where the world is on fire around us and we don't have someone that is in charge, that is unacceptable. we should not allow this current leadership, of the democrat party, that occupying the white house and wanted to hold on to power and white knuck tell knuckle it no november, i believe without that debate they wit would have
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tried to do that, that is how how much hey love pow -- that is how much they love power, that is unacceptable, we needed more transparency and ho honesty, i believe that voters will hole them accountable it will be a challenge, the media will do everything they can to lie 1 more about the can't o capacity of kamala harris to lead the country. she has no capability deal with, and i think that meadial do their best to try to spin this in a way that is positive, we should not let them get away with it again, they have lied to us so many times this lie in particular puts america's interest at risk to a greater degree than anything i have seen. mark: you are right, that is why i have been calling it
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the provda media and aljazeera media. that is it. not the american people. ben domenech thank you, appreciate it. see you soon. >> good to be with you. mark: we'll be right back. from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america's #1 gutter protection system.
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mark: welcome back america, hans von spakovsky is an election expert, he used to litigate with department of justice. senior legal fellow, hans, you are the election expert. how hard is this for democrat party to pull this off with delegates. does kamala harris have inside track will they be able to block anyone that wanting toking ki
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challenge them, can it be done in secret. >> they are facing fact that many states have laws that require the delegates to vote the way they were pledged to vote when the primaries happened. dnchas similar rules. not clear what happens in a candidate withdraws. keep in mind the democratic party changed will routes a couple of -- rules a couple of years ago they have a huge number of superdelegates who are not pledged but under the new rule they can't vote in first vote of almost 4 thousand delegates, i think they have to try to change the rules at the convention so that the folks are not voting for joe biden. you know potential is there that if enough delegates want to make a scene, they could try to open it up as a open convention, we have --
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when is the last time we had one of those? mark: beats me, i tell you this. this is a party that rules with an iron fist, they wanted biden, they pushed him through the process, and changed process. move south carolina in. they pushed rober robert kennedy out, this is an autocratic party, it should be called autocratic party, they have the convention rules that are intended to empower all of the ruling class of the democrat party. yyou tell me they have a rules committee that could just vote, change the rules and give it to kamala harris. >> they could change the rules then try to push her through. what you said it correct. the republican party only has i think over 100 super delegates, democratic party
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has over 700. these othese are people who are there because of their positions, they have more power in the democratic party than they do in republican party. keep in mind other big problem. the dnc faces is that about half of the states have august deadlines for the party to notify state election officials who they their nominee is to get their names on the ballot. that problem has gotten worse in recent years because of the big push for early voting, they have to get names for ballot earlier than ever so that ballots could get printed in time. for early voting and for the large numbers of absentee ballots, which is something that really pushed by the left. mark: as i hear you say that, attorneys, can begin to litigate in various states and so forth, whether
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they are attorneys for outsiders who want to take on kamala harris or republican attorneys. and slow that process down further? correct? >> yeah, they very much could. particularly in states where individuals of plemmed to -- pledged to vote for joe biden in the first vote after that with right kind of lawsuit they could try to get it opened up. mark: and they could also try to challenge, what the democrat party is trying to do. what do you think their game plan is then, to rush this through as fast as they can. >> yeah, i think biggest fear they have right now is this will turn into the 1968 convention. and you know funny thing, this will be in chicago. just like back then.
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as you know there were huge fights within the con rconvent don, lindh lyndon b johnson said he would not run, they have not faced this problem in a very long time that brings up the issue of the almost 92 million dollars cash on hand that the biden committee has from their last fec report. kamala harris if she is the nominee probably has control of that money, but if they come up with someone else as the nominee, that new nominee will not get the biden campaign chest, they have to do then is give it to the party. mark: democrat party is very good at breaking the rules and creating new rules then wrapping themselves in self righteous indignity, the republicans and trump
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mark: welcome back america. we have not heard from house majoriti leader, steve scalise, a good man. pelosi, and obama have not endorsed kamala harris yet. >> this is telling that the leaders of the democrat party, who were behind this coop of joe biden, started with opponent, pelosi and -- obama, pelosi and schumer, may have not endorsed kamala, i think there might be a michelle obama play they are working on. these people have no respect for their own voters, we have seen, that they lecture you and i on democracy they trashed 14 million democrat primary voters who went to the polls to pick joe biden. they don't care. what is next? unkamala harris i think is out there as a trial balloon, as we saw before,
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she ran for president, she is only person to run for president in memory who never won a single state. it is because she finished 1% popularity in primaries. and look how well she has done as border czar, the biggest problem and crises in america america. lock at so many other things. crime is out of control, she is the one that raised money that minnesota freedom fund in summer of love, when they were burning police stations she raised money to bail people out of jail, to help those people out who were committing the crimes. that is her record, and that is not where most america is. mark: you know, steve scalise, to back you on issue of maybe she won't be one she polls poorly. she has never caught on with the democrat base, including
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the black community and among women. she is very weak. i guess the question is, would they go through all of this, in order to nominate someone who is fairly weak? your point is no, they are not, is that your point? >> i don't think they went through this. they have all known just like we knew for the last few years that joe biden was in cognitive decline, don't let anyone tell you they found it out the night of the debate, that is the person that is lying to you, they have known for years, then they saw donald trump doing so well, you then a great unified republican convention. donald trump brought the party in together and more people into the tent. so many new people coming in they have to jettison the guy and the party boss it was all obama, pelosi and schumer, the party bosses got behind some smoke filled room and we'll pick someone
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else but jetson joe, who they pick, i don't believe they are settled yet on kamala, they are justin interested in raw power, to continue this -- that is running america they are lose, they are the problem they push this far left agenda that america is tired of and joe. >> donald trump is talking about fighting for those families. >> steve scalise, i am thinking they have a weak bench. don't they? what senator or congressman could step in, they keep talking about governor of pennsylvania, been governor for three and a half minutes, talk about governor of north carolina cooper no one heard of. they talk about the governor of michigan, she is not that popular and newsom is very unpopular. they don't have a very strong bench do they? >> they really don't, and
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the people that have been around, and democrat politics that achieved high levels like gaffe gavin newsom and whitmer look at their states their states are in disarray, they are losing millions of people, where are they going to states that are run by republicans, do you think in this year where everyone in california, new york, michigan, illinois are moving to texas, florida and tennessee, which are all run by republicans, do you think this is year magically a liberal will beat donald trump who has a great track record in his 4 years of president turns t the exacter round and securing border and establishes peace in the world. now we have disarray from every part of the world because of the failures of will whole biden- biden-harris administration. mark: h harris on hostile to the state of israel,
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cheering on protests taking place in the streets. they were riots, she s said i don't support the extremists but that is all they were. >> she is to the left of joe biden. mark: she is hard-core. steve scalise, thank you my friend, i appreciate your input, very interesting. we'll have to keep an eye on this. >> good god bless you mark. mark: we'll be right back. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and a lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough had a vaccine or plan to, or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions
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>> welcome back america, simple question, we really were this party the party controlled country, another day, he was a president who has dementia, vice president, who acts like she has dementia, andn from their own voters, they will change the rules of the convention, so that they can try and enshrine kamala harris as their presidential candidate, you cannot think of three things off the top your head that she is not been helpful to this country and i can think of 20 that have been unhelpful any work hand in glove with — media, and it is time to throw these people out of time to like donald trump, and j.d. vance affixes country, i'll see you next time on life liberty and limited. >> good evenin
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