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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i want to be very clear. she is his spouse and she -- he has plenty of advisors, trust me. there are a lot of them. he takes a lot of political advice. she knows him better and her super power. she could talk about him as a human being and knows him better than anybody. >> ainsley: will he pardon hunter before he leaves? >> he said he won't. he committed to and respects the institution of fairness and justice. >> ainsley: we were talking about this interview in the greenroom. you were fascinating, i could ask you so many more. thank you so much. great to see you. more from jesse's interview with donald trump and j.d. vance at 8:00 p.m. on fox. we'll see you tomorrow with a lot more news. have a good day. >> bill: good morning, america. does anyone have a compass
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today? american politics entering a week of uncharted territory. president biden dropping from the race at the 11th hour and on ward we move. a ton to get through. good morning. hope you had a joyous summer weekend. we're back at it in new york. good morning. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." i will say it was good to sleep in my own bed for one night. let's get you to the news. it took president biden 3 1/2 weeks since his debate performance to withdraw. he endorsed kamala harris for president. there is reporting this morning that he hesitated to do so earlier because he did not think she was up to the task of beating donald trump. democrats are lining up. they are hoping for a quick coronation of her. republicans are demanding accountability on how the democratic party even got to this point. >> the democratic elite have to answer who is making the decisions and calling the shots.
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>> those 15, 16 million democrat primary voters don't matter. who matters is wall street, private equity and hollywood. that is who controls this thing. >> bill: there is also this. the secret service scandal surrounding the assassination attempt on donald trump. the agency's director will face questions for the first time and these questions will get tough. goes before a house panel one hour from now. meanwhile the former president remains undaunted in the face of near death from his rally on saturday in grand rapids, michigan. >> i shouldn't be here. i shouldn't be here. but something very -- something very special happened, let's face it. something happened. we go forwards as one movement and we have a very special group of people, like the people here. you people built this country. >> dana: jim jordan will be at that hearing. we'll talk to him in just a
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moment. let's get to chad pergram reporting on harris's endorsement but before that jackui heinrich is live in rehoboth beach, delaware with the president. >> we didn't see a still photograph of the president yesterday. what's going on? >> who knows when we'll get one? he is still sick with covid, dana. we know that the president made this decision in near total isolation with two of his closest advisors at his side who worked with the president over saturday afternoon into sunday drafting this letter after pouring over the data that spelled doom for his path to win. the same data that nancy pelosi reportedly was getting ready to go public with if the president didn't change his mind and withdraw from this race. the president made his announcement saturday afternoon to the surprise of most of his staff. he told his vice president only a short while before the
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announcement went out to everybody else calling her sunday morning. she immediately started working the phones, we're told, for the next ten hours she called 100 party leaders, members of congress, governors, civil rights and advocacy organizers wearing a sweat suit. one call to former president obama who didn't immediately endorse harris. we're watching rumored contenders for the ticket one-by-one throw their support behind harris. >> the contrast between her and those running on the other side couldn't be clearer. >> a source tells fox on each of those calls the vice president made clear she was extremely grateful for the president's endorsement but plans to work hard to earn the democratic nomination in her own right.
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congressman clyburn, whose support propelled biden to the nomination in 2020 with the help of black voters made clear to the president the party cannot pass over kamala harris. >> the president called me early yesterday before he went public with the announcement. he said in a second statement expressing his endorsement for kamala harris. so she knew for a long time -- >> the machinery is up and running behind harris posting this ad last night. it hit the internet a full day earlier. >> she is a world leader. she never loses her cool. this is trump. this is the anti-trump. >> harris will have to earn this nome nation at the convention.
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she needs 1,986 delegates. as of 10:00 last night 531 had already endorsed her. we'll see her for the first time with all this happening on the south lawn later today standing in for the president at an ncaa event because he still has covid and we don't have any updates when we'll see the president next. >> dana: one of the things working in her favor is speed. she has her machine up and running trying to knock down the endorsements. thanks. >> bill: on the endorsement front she is raking them in from congressional democrats. 4,000 delegates in the democratic party. chad pergram reports from the latest on that and a very busy day in washington. >> good morning. in the past hour vice president harris secured the backing of house majority whip katherine clark and pete aguilar. lots of democrats supported harris last night. democrats believe harris gives them a major boost.
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>> this is going to completely change the nature of the race. republicans wanted to run against biden. they were very happy with where the race was. it was stable, the polling was completely trending their way day after day. this changes things. >> some top democratic leaders held off with their endorsements want to see where rank and file members land. there is also a question about seeing if harris maintains immediate staying power. that would stave off a messy convention. someone who is not running is joe manchin of west virginia. he does not want a coronation. >> i could not believe there was not going to be a primary process or mini process. other countries do it. why is everyone afraid to speak out and afraid to stay? the system is wrong. >> other people could run. the question is whether the harris juggernaut can quash other candidates. >> we have a process that
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anybody who wants to can get into this race and it's open. you get 300 signatures, right now, and you can have your name placed into nomination. >> republicans are ramping up attacks against harris, gop conference chair stefanik has a resolution to sanction harris for her role as border czar. house speaker mike johnson wants president biden to resign. bill. >> bill: thank you, chad pergram. be in touch all day. thank you, sir. >> dana: let's bring in republican congressman jim jordan, you have a busy day ahead of you. one question is there is a long list of them. you see a lot of republicans saying that biden should resign. if you are not well enough to have the nomination to go for the presidency, are you well enough to serve right now? here is j.d. vance last night with jess watters. >> look, there is a
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constitutional process, the 25th amendment. if he can't run for president, he can't serve as president. if they want to take him down because he is mentally incapable of serving invoke the 25th amendment. you don't get to do it in the most politically way. >> the american people agree with senator vance. what i'm focused on let's beat camp hair and whoever the democrats put up. i don't think it matters that much. you can't change the facts. in 3 1/2 years we went from a secure border to no border. safe streets to record crime. $2 gas to $four gas. those facts won't change no matter who they run. i want to make sure president trump and j.d. vance with the next president and vice president and win the house and senate to deliver the american
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people. >> bill: what went wrong in butler, pennsylvania. conspiracy theories are running all over the place. everybody runs around with a computer in their pocket and say whatever they want. you have to get this right. "the new york times" this morning that i found intriguing. during barron's graduation in may the trump team asked for metal detector there and the secret service relented. but there was some sort of back and forth on this. then another event wildwood, ge that massive crowd they wanted specially trained dog and that request was denied. in milwaukee at the republican convention. the convention officials repeatedly went back and forth with secret service trying to move the protest area to a different part of the city because they thought they were too close to the delegates. that reminds you exactly of what happened in charlottesville, virginia, because the two
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parties that opposed each other got too close to one another. so i turn to you, sir. what are the questions that kim cheatle must answer in 50 minutes? >> you have hit on a number of important things there. the before questions like why were resources denied to president trump's security enhancement resources that his detailed asked for and resources diverted? they were diverted when nato was in town and the first lady in pittsburgh. why did that happen? a finite number of buildings that needed to be secured where you had line of sight from the rooftop. not a huge number. why weren't those secured? i think there are all those questions before the actual event took place and then the key questions about what happened during it. 6:09 the shooter is identified. 6:ten the counter sniper is notified about the shooter on the rooftop. 6:11 the shooter fires and hits president trump. 6:12 the counter sniper takes him out. 6:14 the president is taken off
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the stage. that's five critical minutes. we want to know exactly what was going on in the five minutes and the communications. that's an important line of questions that we need to get to. there have been reports there wasn't just one communication system. not seamless network that they set up. if that's the case why wasn't that done? i think there is the before questions huge and what happened in the five minutes when the shooter is identified and president leaves the stage at 6:14? >> dana: the hearing starts in less than 50 minutes. thank you for being here and there. thank you. >> bill: amid all the turmoil israeli prime minister netanyahu is coming to washington. cbs said it might be wednesday or thursday to meet with president biden. we don't know his health
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condition at the moment. it comes as the war with hamas is still raging in gaza. there is a disagreement how to prosecute that war. over the weekend. we were talking earlier today. israel bombed yemen over the weekend and they went after them en because of the missile that hit near the u.s. consulate in tel aviv. any other news period that would have been a significant story. >> dana: absolutely. kamala harris, when netanyahu addresses the congress typically the vice president should be sitting behind. does that happen this week? to be seen. this is one of the things she said about her stance on the war. watch here. >> i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening in gaza. we've been very clear that far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been clear in multiple
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conversations and every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i am ruling out nothing. >> bill: that was back in march. you kind of see that through the lens is different today. four weeks from today you have day one of the convention in chicago and i think you will hear abortion mentioned a million times that week. donald trump's name named 3 million times that week and protestors will be chanting free palestinian because that's the chant. i wonder how many will be saying the same thing inside the arena during that convention? >> dana: amazing what 48 hours has done to this race. >> bill: back to michigan on saturday. >> i have to be honest. still a little weird to see my name on those signs. >> what a great country this is,
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man, i can't get over it. >> bill: today vance making is holding a rally in middletown, ohio. we're on the ground to bring it to you. >> dana: fox news just confirm kamala harris spoke to former president barack obama after biden decided to leave the ticket. one of over 100 calls she had yesterday. former advisor wolf joins us live. >> 45 minutes from now the head of the secret service will take questions on the failures leading to trump's assassination attempt. we'll watch it live together. don't move. a ton to get through throughout the morning and afternoon here on the fox news channel. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen.
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>> dana: republican v.p. nominee
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j.d. vance horns to his hometown in ohio. his first solo rally this afternoon. some say president biden is not fit to finish his term. who is running our country right now? not crooked joe. he has no idea where he is. if he can't run for office he can't run our country. vance on x. joe biden has been the worst president in my life ime and kamala harris has been with him every step of the way. we have more from middletown, ohio. bill melugin. >> it is all coming full circle for j.d. vance set to hold a campaign rally at his old high school this afternoon when we get some of his first on-camera reaction that president biden dropped out of the race on top of the fact that vance and trump no longer even know who they are running against in this election. trump already reacting posting on truth social quote, crooked joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve and never was.
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he only afind the position of president by lies, fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him including doctor and media knew he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't. j.d. vance also reacting with a post on x about kamala harris saying she lied for nearly four years about biden's mental capacity saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. president trump and i are ready to save america. whoever is at the top of the democrat ticket, bring it on. trump super pac maga, inc. dropped a new ad slamming kamala harris after biden dropped out and made his announcement. this ad will run in key swing states and points the finger at harris. >> our president is in good shape and good health. tireless, vibrant, i have no doubt about the work that we have done. >> kamala knew joe couldn't do the job. >> trump senior campaign advisor
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jason miller tells fox it doesn't matter who the trump ticket runs against. they are ready to run and pivot against anybody. >> how many countless meetings and hours did kamala harris spend with joe biden covering this up over the last several years? there are real answers owed to the american public here. what did kamala harris know and when did she know it? >> some republicans are questioning how biden can remain in office as president right now if he is not competent enough to run for re-election. some even tossing out the idea trying to invoke the 25th amendment. as for out here in middletown, ohio, we expect to hear more from j.d. vance this afternoon when the rally kicks off. a lot of j.d. vance supporters already lining up at his old high school hours ahead of time waiting in the rain to see him. send it back to you. >> dana: i bet they are super excited to have him there.
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big deal for that town. >> i think that we will do what's necessary over the next few weeks to prepare for the convention. an exciting convention in chicago and put out our agenda for the american people and do what is necessary in order to leave that convention unified, get the job done. >> bill: watch his word. hakeem jeffries from the house. yesterday 1:45 east coast time on sunday. biden endorses harris. any candidate with run for the nomination. 300 signatures from the delegates to be nominated. maybe it happens. thousands of democratic delegates out there maybe takes place in four weeks. nominees put to a vote. here are your now possible outcomes. could be option a, one nominee wins the majority delegates in the roll call and it is over and they have their candidate. no one wins in the first roll call. then the second. according to the rules as they
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stand today. the rules committee can change the rules any time they want. 700 super delegates. they can then vote on the second round. so it's possible we could get to that. here is barack obama, a statement from yesterday. we have not seen him publicly saying we'll be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead but the leaders of our party can recite a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. robert wolf, former economic advisor to barack obama. robert, good morning to you and thank you for joining the coverage here from new york today. why did barack obama not endorse kamala harris yesterday? >> well, you and dana know politics better than anyone. you know in 2016 he didn't nominate or support hillary clinton until somewhere around june. he didn't support candidate biden until april. he doesn't get involved in the
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primaries until there is a solidified nominee. he views it if he does it would tip the scale. it is a real nothing burger. there is no question the party will be unified around kamala harris as our next democratic candidate and hopefully our next president. >> dana: that's good spin nothing burger. that was yesterday, robert. the big glaring exception that everybody else had endorsed but obama hadn't. i take your word for it. all in for biden. are you for kamala harris now? >> i am for kamala harris. i was on "fox & friends" before president biden exited and i said if he exited i would throw all my support for kamala harris and went on twitter and endorsed her. i've known her since 2006 when she was district attorney. i've known her for near two decades and i know the family
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well. we need to continue the harris/biden legislation and a lot to continue forward to finish the job. >> bill: aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez on friday evening went to instagram at the end of day late at night and ripped on the whole process and said i'm in these meetings. i hear them talking. if you think they'll support kamala harris you are kidding yourself. they are interested in removing the whole ticket. is she right? >> i heard that. she was obviously wrong because the entire party is unified. the donors, the "politico"s, so looks what's happened the last 24 hours. the most that the dnc has raised in a 24-hour period. so, you know, i think that just wasn't accurate. >> dana: even a.o.c. got on board with kamala harris last night in a tweet. didn't take too long to twist
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her arm. running mate search, the possible list. shapiro, kelly from arizona, whitmer said she won't challenge kamala harris so a lot of these people came out and said they can be for her. moore from maryland will stay the same today. do you have a preference? >> i know just about the entire group there. i'm a huge fan of senator mark kelly of arizona. i think he would be fantastic. i'm a big fan of governor shapiro in pennsylvania. roy cooper of north carolina and andy beshear of kentucky. those would be my four. i think i would love to see it from a swing state. obviously i recommend arizona, pennsylvania, or north carolina. >> bill: robert, thank you for your time. we'll have a lot of questions for the next four weeks, okay? >> i have a feeling we'll talk a lot. >> bill: we'll lean on people like you as we go. hope to see you in person soon.
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thanks, robert. >> dana: secret service director cheatle on capitol hill this morning answering questions about security failures at former president trump's rally. one such lapse the gunman used a drone to scope out the site. >> can you give us an explanation? so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive.
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>> dana: soon secret service direct or cheatle will december file. she will have to answer for the growing list of what happened during the shooting. you have the latest, cb. there are so many questions unanswered. >> still so many questions and dana, she has never been here to the rally site. today secret service director cheatle faces tough questions about what went wrong here. this comes as lawmakers do their
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own digging. republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin released his office's preliminary findsings echoing what we've been told by federal services that thomas crooks was on the radar of law enforcement at least an hour before shots rang out. other key findings include secret service did not attend a security briefing provided to local swat and sniper teams the morning of july 13th. local law enforcement said communications were siloed and not in frequent radio contact directly with secret service and that local law enforcement notified command about crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that secret service was aware of the notification. johnson says about 30 minutes before the shooting, a local sniper took this picture of a bike and bag near the building crooks fired from. we spoke to one rally goer who didn't want to show his face but signs of trouble were spotted
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early on. >> all the volunteers were so upset by the lack of security. he went home and told his wife he is not going in. he stayed out in the parking lot helping people park and never went in because of lack of security. >> house homeland security committee chair mark green and several committee members will tour the rally site behind me at 11:30 local time. afterwards expected to speaks with the media on what they saw and learned in the closed crime scene. >> dana: do you know whether secret service denied requests from the trump campaign specifically for this event? >> the "washington post" reported over the weekend that some information that people in trump's inner circle were saying for quite some time that requests for more security and manpower denied that. our sources confirmed that. my federal source insists this
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rally on july 13th was not one of those instances where resources were denied. that's the latest we're hearing from here on the ground. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: a source telling fox news that trump's would be assassin flew a drone over the building he used for the shooting. when it happened we can't confirm. bill, a drone expert, joins us now. they say gunman flew the drone on saturday discovery as the growing list of stunning security lapses almost led to the killing of the former president. the journal is reporting a program flight path took place earlier in the day. brett, what is a programmed flight path and how would you know that? >> it is a path that you can basically automatically put in the drone so that it will fly a certain path around a site. it can run on an automated loop as long as the operator wants it too.
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i was on the fence just how big of a screw-up the secret service actions until i heard they found a drone in the shooter's car. i know how easily it could have been stopped. drones leave electronic traces of their flight path. i know 100% the secret service has counter drone systems designed to detect the location of the drone, detect the location of the pilot. they should have been stopped hours before this event. even when you turn on before you fly, these systems can within seconds identify the drone's location. common sense tells you that even the standard event security posture should have basic counter drone monitoring tools that should have been turned on that day before the rally and caught the shooter doing surveillance before the event began. it would have identified that drone and the flight path and determine whether someone is doing surveillance. this speaks to the larger problem inherent in our government right now. a child with some basic knowledge of technology is able
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to outsmart our best. we have the are kayic infrastruck sure. hour government is simply not designed to rapidly implement new technologies within our security infrastructure and that has to change. >> dana: you are making some excellent points. while the hearing today will talk about looking back and saying what happened and what went wrong stay on that for a second. do you know if other secret service, the rank and file, are they frustrated with the leadership at the secret service as well? >> i'm sure they are frustrated but i think more of a tactical level they aren't necessarily properly funded or trained with the knowledge to implement these types of technologies. the deployment of drones alone requires specialized training and maintenance. i'm sure they are frustrated about the budgets that should be given to them to allow them to
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actually implement this technology. we require now a new security secret service chief that will be more focused on implementing and r and ding these new technology rather than focusing on dei. secret service agents will tell you that internally. a number of security measures that could have been put into place that simply weren't. >> bill: last question. they find the shooter's car, they find the drone, they open it up and they look at how it was programmed and i guess really all the information this killer was doing would be recorded on that drone. you as an expert, that has to be a significant part of the investigation then. it probably tells you a ton. >> yeah, exactly. the drone is going to have flight logs on it, right? it will be able to tell investigators the time that it flew the height it flew, the
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distance it flew. it will have a photographs logged within that flight so they should have access to that as well. we do know also the faa put in what was called a temporary flight restriction a few hours before the event. frankly, so what? what does it do to stop drone flights? how do they enforce that? it doesn't automatically go to the shooter's drone and stop him from being able to fly. there are more drones now in the u.s. than there are manned aircraft. how is the faa preventing this? i know the secret service has been known to get drones in their security operations. a lot of decisions to use those drones regularly have legal -- the faa has created problems for law enforcement to fully implement the technology in the way it should be. >> dana: thank you. we'll hear. this hearing gets underway in 19 minutes. thank you for being here. >> bill: thank you, brett.
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>> dana: a new piece says biden hesitated to drop out because he had doubts about harris's election chances. alec thompson wrote the story and up next. >> how they waited this long is insanity and they are trying to hijack basically democracy. he has been this way before he went and ran. so that in itself is [bleep] crazy. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. ♪operatic music♪
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>> dana: fox news alert. all eyes are on capitol hill. the head of the u.s. secret service will testify before a house panel in 30 minutes. she is expected to face some tough questions about the circumstances surrounding the assassination attempt of donald trump at that campaign rally ten days ago. republican lawmakers are calling for her to step down so we're on top of this as soon as it gets started. >> do not come. do not come. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> i'm here in guatemala today. at some point, you know, we are going to the border. we've been to the border. this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border? >> and i haven't been to europe.
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i don't understand the point you are making. >> bill: remember that quite well, actually. >> dana: yes. >> bill: the border czar, what did she get done? when did she get it done? she will go to wisconsin later in the week to make her argument to be the democrat nominee. alexis, what is up today? >> good morning. we just got back to milwaukee, wisconsin. we just saw you a couple of days ago. there have been so many news cycles since the rnc. this could be the first campaign stop for now presidential candidate kamala harris here in the dairy state. to say the least as we've been combing through the endorsements she is not getting a full endorsement from some of the main democrats here in wisconsin. take a look on your screen. this is one of the people that we're talking about this morning. wisconsin governor tony evers released a statement on biden's decision to drop out for re-election but didn't offer an
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endorsement of harris. president biden's decision today doesn't change the fact the choice remains clear this november. donald trump wants to be a dictator on day one. he is a dangerous threat to our democracy and to our country and he will enact a radical agenda if he returns to the oval office. there is much work ahead of us and wisconsin democrats and i will spend every moment of every day for the next 107 days working to defeat him. but again nothing about harris there. so this would be kamala harris's expected trip, the fifth visit to wisconsin just this year. shows you how important this area is. remember wisconsin is a state president trump won in 2016 by just over 20,000 votes. the first republican presidential victory since 1984 in the state. but in 2020 he lost the state by almost the same amount showing wisconsin really comes down to the wire. senator amy klobuchar of
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neighboring minnesota, says harris will energize democrats. >> and i just think that you will see new excitement. you see it with the $50 million already raised and she will bring and breathe some life into this campaign and i can't wait. i cannot wait for that debate. >> so you guys were out here a few days ago for the rnc, electric atmosphere for former president trump. keep a close eye on what it's like for kamala harris when she is here hopefully tomorrow. >> bill: nice to have you, alexis mcadams back in milwaukee. >> dana: several top democrats have yet to publicly endorse harris. a headline. biden doubted harris's election chances. alex thompson is a national political correspondent and his latest piece. could you tell us more about that? >> absolutely. when joe biden was really wrestling with his decision whether or not the drop out, one of the concerns that he and his
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senior aides told other people they weren't sure that kamala harris could win. obviously there have been some polls that show that she was a bit more competitive. that is before donald trump and his campaign was going to dump a ton of money on her. joe biden had just concerns that she was up to this. >> bill: we're watching kimberly cheatle arrive on capitol hill. a different scene from wisconsin when she was being chased down the hallway. that begins in ten minutes. alex, let's hang with you on this for a moment. here is the trump ad that came out on harris, okay? basically they are saying she was in on it in terms of hiding and covering up joe biden's condition. watch this here. >> we've been through -- >> kamala was in on it and covered up joe biden's decline. >> bill: a bunch of clips going back to february of 2023 where
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she is defending publicly his age. your team is reporting that kamala harris had massive turnover in her staffing and that she wasn't -- the white house thought that and i'm reading all this and thinking i don't know how many friends she had in washington and the tid bit from 2022 where david bradley, a media mogul in washington, d.c. had her over for a dinner and they did a mock prep dinner where they acted like they were people who would be in attendance at this dinner and asked her question? they considered doing it with wine and ultimately decided against that? where do you get this stuff? and what are we to conclude about what friendship kamala harris truly has in the leadership of the democratic party? >> absolutely. this is why not everyone has endorsed her. she has consolidated a lot of
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support. barack obama hasn't endorsed her or any others. this week is critical. there are significant concerns within the democratic party that she is up to this. she is getting a sugar rush right now. the first 3 1/2 years of this administration have been uneven at best. you mentioned the staff turnover. one stat for you. of the publicly disclosed staff that she has of the 47 that she had in that first year, only five are still there now. compare that to joe biden's first term as vice president, of the 38 he had, he had 18 by that period. she has a mass turnover in her operation and that has led to loose lips which is why i have the david bradley anecdote. >> dana: do you know anything about the condition president biden is right now?
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>> a lot of people are surprised we still have not seen him. the last time we saw a president bow out was 1968 in a televised address. to be honest with you, i don't know what president biden's condition is. we've asked and gotten some answers but, you know, i've learned to be skeptical sometimes of the white house's answers when talking about joe biden's condition. >> bill: alex, thanks. it was nice to meet you with milwaukee and we'll continue. >> dana: good to have you, thank you. >> bill: thanks for coming back today. we're moments away from what will be a hot hearing. secret service director cheatle hasn't taken many questions, hasn't given many statements since the assassination attempt nine days ago of the former president. we'll watch all of it. james comer is ready to go and so will we be. stand by. we'll get to that hearing on the
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>> dana: fox news alert as we get ready for a new hour we're watching two big stories unfold in the 2020 presidential campaign. less than 24 hours after president biden withdrew from the race. brand-new reaction to a political earthquake as vice president harris gets the nod from her boss to head the ticket and take the reins. her path is far from certain with divided democrats in disarray and former president donald trump a back on the campaign trail as lawmakers get ready to rake the secret service director over the coles with pointed questions about the failure to protect the former president of the united states from an assassin's bullet. is that enough for you, bill? welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning, partner. i'm bill hemmer. kim cheatle will be questioned about the security failures at the trump rally in butler, p.a. 51 years old. been in the secr


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