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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> fireworks on capitol hill. tu more than a week after donald trump was nearly assassinated. a complete dereliction of duty. she should be fired. she should have been fired. her lack of answers is repulsiva and dangerous to the country. we are going to bring you all of the highlights and reaction. tonight we begin at 1600 pennsylvania avenue where the lights are on but nobody is home. it has been more than 24-hourou since joe bidersn announced he s ending his reelection bid in a short letter. biden is reportedly in delaware but we haven't seen him in daysi he did have covid and called into a campaign event for kamala harris and sounded awfult
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by the way, take a listen. >> to be real clear, we areig fighting this fight together. i amht not going anywhere. you have always had my back and i will always have your, i am anxious for all of you to hear from, love. -- to hear from kamala. >> the elites in his party successfully booted him from his ticket. 106 days until the election. and yet, for some reason, bidene refuses to step down as president even though he ism th incapable, unable to perform th basic duties of hihas job and hs not even bother to phone it in s this week. his schedule is almostty completely empty. if h stre is not strong enough o run for president, he is not
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strong enough to be thee sa president. for the safety of our country,rh for the safety of our world, tha 25th amendment needs to be evoked immediately. he must be removed from office. something that should have happened a long time ago.m even michael moore is calling on him to resign from office. now, the coronation of kamala harris is underway. the vice president has been selected by the elite party leaders to run for president. the results from the democratic primary have been tossed in the trash. like it or not, she will almost certainly represent thes democrats in november and she is so grateful. take a look. wa >> our president wanted to be he is feeling better and is
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recovering fast.a fe i want to say a few words about our president. hilishs legacy of accomplishment over theree past three years is unmatched in modern history.e ha in one term, he has already -- yes, you may clap. >> buckle up. democrats are pitching kamala as the second coming of, which i can assure you she is not. the accolades are pouring in. the phony polls, i promise you will follow showing she is energizing democrats and she d might be beating donald trump iw a swing state or two or three. go back one year, they wereing doubting whether or not heran should remain on the ticket with biden. take a look.
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>> is she the best running mate for this president? >> she is politically people don't give her enough credit. >> do you think she is the best running mate?wh >> she is the vice president of the united states.t is >> it is a pretty simple question. do you think she is the best don running mate for president biden? >> i don't know what else i can say.l be she is an excellent running mate and vice president. >> she is running, she is vice president. how is that for a vote of confidence. despite what you d might hear, she was long considered toxic to the democratic party and just laster week, and insider advantage, his poll showing she was down hugeay in a hypothetical matchup with
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donald trump in every battle ground state. ten in georgia, seven in pennsylvania, te penn in nevada. meanwhile, a recent poll shows trump beating her by nine points nationwide. those polls will tighten. the media will race into rescue. in terms of her approval rating, no vice president and modern american history, not one, has pulled worse than kamala harris. the same lying corrupt state media mob, the same democrats that lied about and covered up joe's cognitive decline, theyey will w be there, they will rescc her, they will bail her out and act like shese is the secondbl coming. what is behind the horriblewell numbers? she didn't just fall out of a coconu t tree. take a look.
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>> my mother would give us a hard time and say to us, i don't know what is wrong with you young people. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?ut you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. >> that is like her favorite line of all time. you're giggling vice president. you cannot say giggling on the view because they think that is sexist. here is the context.a kamala harris has a horrificse track record. even worse public persona and some have pointe d out she almot always sounds like somebody trying to give a book report for a book they never read. here is ask. exhibit >> we talk about our children,he we believe when we talk about the children of the community, theyildr are eight children of a community. iny, that way we should all feee direct sense of responsibility.o
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>> when you talk about serving the community, you are talking about serving the community. so, that was kamala on children of the here is kamala on transportation so you can get to go where you need to go. >> together, we are expandingtai access to transportation. seems like maybe it is a small issue. it is a big issue. you need to be able to get too where you need to go to doth th. work and get home.ande we have expanded access to transportation including what we needpu to do to invest in public transit. >> you need to get to go to get to where you need to go because that is what public transportation is. it appears she has troubleubli d public because of her general ne pincompetence. she was so worried about an
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upcoming dinner at a d.c. news mobile's home that she had her staff -- they held a mock dinner beforehand with staffers playing participants. the aids even considered including wine and the mock prep so harris would practice with at glass or two. proper sipping technique is very important. unfortunately for hepingr staff, this was probably not an enjoyable rehearsal. they told axios that the high turnover is partly because of how the vice president treats her staff. despite everything we showed you, her worst quality by far ir her radical set of beliefs and the democrats have never nominated somebody this far radical socialist marxist left. it from -- let's take it from her own words. >> here is my point. if they failed to act as
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president of the united states, i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a deal. >> we have to pass a securepa border but wsse are not going to treat people who are undocumented as criminals. that is correct. >> will you implement a federal ban on fracking? adding the united states to the list of countries who havee banned this practice? >>pe there is no question. >> would youonsi change the diae terry guidelines. >> do you ban plastic straws? >> i think we should. >> i don't know about you. i hate the paper straws. they ruin any drink. wai if you think energy costs are
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bad now, just wait. if youo think taxes are bad, jt wait. they are going to get worse. she signed on as a sponsor of the bill in the u.s. senate. she supports zero bail laws and supported the bail sun for days after the burning down of the police precinct. they went from a quarter of a million dollars.millf ka so many were helped out and those people went on to commit unspeakable crimes including murder and et cetera. if you want to know how she wilt govern, look at the border. she was tasked with the border.g she was tasked with fixing illegal immigration.
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unvented illegal immigrants pouring into this country including terrorists, murderers, drug dealers, cartel members, other violenmbert criminals.and she still has yet to provide a e single solution and now she wants to be promoted to president. she made one trip to the border but not any point that mattered. make no mistake, she owns every single one of joe biden's horrendous policy failures, frou the border, to the economy, tohn inflation, to high energyte prices, to the disaster of a withdrawal out of afghanistan, all the lawlessness in every small town and big city and our country. that brings us to anotherprob problem.
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we have complete and total confirmation she spent the last four years lying to all of you about joe biden and hise cognitive state. she lied, she covered up. she was the liar in chief. take a look. >> we have a bold and vibrant president in joe biden. >> the way that president 's demeanor was characterized, could not be more wrong on the facts. and clearly, politically motivated.>> h gratuitous. >> hrdine is an extraordinary lr and i wish people could see what i see. joe biden is very much alive and running for reelection. >> if there was a problem.e wa >> i am not lying. i am telling you a fact. >> if there ever is a problem, could you tell the americane public? do you thinkyo you are in a
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position to do that? >> of course, if necessary, but there is no need for that. >> she had lunch with joe biden every week. they saw each other often. they appeared at events frequently. vice president harris knew better but she mad be the deciso to lie to you, to cover it up, d to cover it up again and again and again and everyone in theth democratic party, in the state run media mob lied to your face for years. they are all corrupt to the core, completely dishonest.nest the only thing they know is they hate donald trump. they only started to tell the truth when it became obvious joe biden was not going to win. everyone has known about joe's cognitive state for years. it is only an issue when they risk losing power.nt w party elites.ncti
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they didn't care if he was mabarely functioning. they just wanted a front man to say the right words and signednd the right bills. kamala harris might be themigh nominee it will be democratic elites, the likes of obama and pelosi and schumer and the squan and the congressional black caucus that supported her thattl will control the agenda. she will be another front pe in the democratic party, democracy, the people mean nothing. former white house chief of staff and the author of the, fe brand-new book fear itself, exposing the mind killing agenda. the book is timely.,
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congratulations. the fear part, they cannot run on are you better off than youfr were four years ago. democracy in peril, how ironic from this party. january 6th, donald trump is evil. they will claim republicans are racist, sexist, and my whole list that we hear every two and fourin years.on they have nothing positive to run on. they cannot run on policyth success. they cannot run on the border. this is what we are left fear. >> it is not new.t te it is an ancient technique. all the money in the worlda cannot change kamala harris. w the american people after what we have seen, it is beginning to break the spell. they are seeing things suspiciously, as they should. what they will turn to is more
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identity politics. there will be more accusations,' if you don't like her, we havea heard it. you are sexist and a racist and you are everything else. part of this plan and why fear is used by the left is through chronic fear. it is not fear in general but the use of fear to have it be chronic, leading to mass anxiety, which causes a retreat of the public at large.erou it is a way to control you. it is dangerous to speak up and contradict the masters of theer, universe out there. you will do as you are told her you will be punished.he it is very similar to the nature of domestic violence. my book, the key is none of thi is natural, normal. what they tell you is not true and that key is for all of us t decide. it is a decision to not let
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strangers like kamala harris tell us who we are and condemn us fort th what they say we aree all of that is a lie. that is key for the next severan months. of us in particular. >> nancy pelosi has jumped int supporting kamala harris. 186 democratic representatives. this will not be in any way a contested convention. >> kamala harris said all of usa that were saying joe biden's age was an issue that was politically motivated, this was politically motivated.
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these two parties are privatee r organizations and the delegates of the parties decide who the o be.pen s going t when you have an opengate convention, it is up to the delegates to decide. i have a prediction. what is going to happen is this honeymoon is going to be over and before you know it, kamala harris is going to be inh the same spot joe biden is into and democrats are goin g to be freaking out because thecausy ha candidate who cannot beat donald trump.enti we had a united convention in milwaukee. they the are going to go into chicago and be in disarray.oing they are going to be looking ou. what policies they can take b i ck. i would totally reject it. the parties do not work.inee
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the eventual nominee works with the delegates to become thdee nominee. once they are thy are nominee, y are melded together. this is like jamming them down o the throat. they dropped off one set ofhe baggage and picked up another. >> there are three glaring names that seem to be omitted here. i want to know what you glean from this. that is barack obama, chuck schumer, and hakim jeffries. hakim and chuck had a meetingspk with kamala harris. kamala spoke with chuck. they have yet to endorse her. >> don't forget the senatee hearing in which she compared i.c.e. agents who protect our borders tohe the ku klux klan ad
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don't forget when migrants came over the river illegally in the border patrol rode up on horses, she accord the -- accuse the border patrol agents of whipping the agents and it reminded her of slavery. she has never met a cop she hasn't berateda co. >> in fairness to me, i have about 30 more model leagues tot0 go before i can get in all ofth the information.t i am going to get i promise. >> maybe this is one of the reasons those three haven't taken the position. democrats are going to have buyer's remorse here.te after thr e press has rallied behind her, if she doesn't get the boost she is expecting and p doesn't pass trump in the polls, what has she got? the american people already know. i wouldn't she be surprised if t
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before the convention is still trailing donald trump by a significant t margin. maybe that is why they are being silent right now. maybe obama will come in later.h either this boost the press is going to give her is going to be real or donald trump is still the front runner for the presidency, which is going to scare the democrats, just likedo it scared them to get rid of bide n and that is the problem d ofwhen they had a primary pron they muscled biden into place evenh though he was too sick to run and now they have muslim kamala harris into place.that >> i predicted the media that went along with every trume anpe ng peddled every conspiracy theory.
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she will try to bolster her and then things will start to settl in. i don't see how they do at this point. you might be right.d they laiind into the secret daservice big time today duringa heated hearing. we have the highlights, jim jordan and james, straight ahead.
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>> kimberly cheatle was grilled by democrats and republicans during a heated house hearing nine days after the failed assassination attempt of the former president donald trump. take a look at the highlights.
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>> they have a zero failed mission but it failed and in the days leading up to the rally. the secret service has thousands of employees and a significant budget. it has become the face of incompetence. >> it looks like he won't answer some pretty basic questions, you got a raise and you cut corners when it came to protecting one of the most well-known individuals on the planet. that is what it looks like to me. is that true? >> i am here because i want to answer questions. >> you haven't answered one question. >> the report will be finalized in 60 days prior to actionable decisions that would be made is not acceptable. it has been ten days since an
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assassination attempts, regardless of party. there need to be answers. >> leaking your opening statement to punch bowl news, and "washington post" several hours before you sent it to this committee, yes or no? >> i have no idea how my statement got out. >> you said there is going to be accountability. are you telling the committee once it is concluded and you are prepared to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day? >> i am prepared to make the actions necessary. >> the failure was human. it doesn't mean they are bad people. it means they failed that day and a president was almost assassinated.
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>> following the hearing in a joint bipartisan move, jamie raskin joining chairman james comber for calling for cheatle's resignation. you and jamie raskin can barely agree on the time of day. that is a sign of good things. if there is a school shooting within hours we have a profile of the person that is responsible. this is a failure of historic proportions. donald trump was nearly assassinated that day and i heard her say, well, it was outside the perimeter. 130 yards away is not outside the perimeter. you define the perimeter as any range in which a primary, in this case, president trump, could be the victim of a shooting like this.
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i can't think of a bigger failure than this one. why hasn't joe biden fired her? >> joe biden hasn't fired anyone. no one is ever held accountable in the biden administration. to say, under oath, that being 130 yards away from the highest point is not in the range of secret service protection of the leading candidate for president of the united states and not to mention the former president, that is unacceptable. no one who is a minimum wage security guard at a mall after closing hours would agree with that assessment. she has to go. she did not demonstrate her ability to give the american people answers to what happened or confidence that it will not happen again. she did not demonstrate to me or anyone else she has the ability
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to lead an organization with a $3.1 billion budget and over 8,000 employees. this was a five hour hearing where she didn't answer any questions and the house oversight committee, was a question every american would ask, it was a disgrace and if she won't resign, and biden, for the first time. >> you know i used to work in construction. i landed on my head, busted up my arm in my face but it did knock some sense into me. i became a conservative. this insanity of a sloped roof is ridiculous. that is not a sloped roof.
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i use to work on pitched roofs like this, nearly vertical. that is a big lie she told. if they weren't going to put agents on it, fine. how about put sniper eyes on it and instead of putting people inside, use around the perimeter so a guy cannot climb up the roof. that is not a difficult dec decision. >> she did not answer many questions but even the one she did, i don't know if we can believe her. in the first two days after the assassination attempt on president trump, the secret service said it was false that trump asked for additional resources. they said it was unequivocally falsely asked for additional resources but five days after that, the secret service said there were some instances where we turned down the request that
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came from president trump's detail. that is a 180 degrees change. they told us something that was not true in the days after this attack on the president and changed that story five days later. how can we believe anything this individual says. that was the biggest takeaway. i don't trust what she says and the country sees what needs to happen here. >> there is going to be a paper trail and you went down this road hard trying to get an answer. there is going to be a paper trail that shows the request was made by the trump team that was denied again and again. how do you justify that? >> i want to know how many times they ask for additional resources. how many times where we put on notice that iran was trying to kill president trump. those were important questions and she would not give us answers. i want to know how he wasn't
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given the resources he needed. there are a finite number of buildings that needed to be secured. i want to know what happened in that critical 5 minutes. the shooter is identified in the message is sent to the snipers. the bad guy shoots president trump and others and he takes out -- and the snipers take out the bad guys. what happened in that critical . what happen second by second. that is what we need to know. >> they identified ace dell not a suspicious character and still allowed trump to take the stage. why would they allow that? >> they should not. no one would allow such a thing.
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every person involved says this is unacceptable and it is common sense. any mediocre secret service director would know better. today, she admitted the mistake but she did not instill confidence that this mistake will not repeat itself. there could be would be assassins out there that feel we have an incompetent secret service director and that might lead them to do something horrible. we don't need that to happen. we need people to respect and fear of the secret service and we need our president and presidential nominees to feel like the secret service has their back. >> joe biden called into kamala harris' conference today. what he said.
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>> sean: earlier today, the american people heard from joe biden because of the american people i heard from joe biden publicly for the first time in a number of days when he called into kamala harris' first campaign s event. take a listen. >> so much more we are going to get done. si wanted to say to the team,sa embrace her. she is the best. i want to thank everybody. i know yesterday's news is surprising and hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do. i know it is hard because you poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this, help me s nomination and go on to win the presidency.
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you are an amazing team but we made the right decision. i know how hard you have worked. >> still mumbling and bubbling. he has not been seen by the public since announcing his departure from the race. herehe was a reaction, ronnie jackson. two things. you pointed out his cognitivd oe decline like i did, even before the 2020 election and you have taken a lot of heat for it. what is your reaction to this. the shock and the surprise which is phony and you have been treating president trump since his ear was pierced with that bullet. how isdo he doing? >> he is doing well. he is recovering well despite the fact he was 2 centimetersee away from having a bullet
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actually enter his head and tak the entire back of his head as it exited. it passed right next to his hig head. he is doing well.t it cut out the top part of his n ear. he has a 2-centimeter deficit in the helix of his he is doing well. >> will he need any kind of operation or surgery to fix?rced what he said was it pierced hise era. >> the bullet went over the top of his ear. the cartilage in his earre remained intacmat but all of the tissue was gone. there is a groove. it would be the shape of the bullet, that took the top part of the ear off. i the architecture of his ear is y intact so he won't have to haveu
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plastic surgery, it will heal but it will not be a smooth surface like it was before. it has been scooped out by the bullet. t,this bullet had the ability under normal circumstances if it would have hit him in the head, it would have not only killed him but blown part of his head off. that is how serious this was. endit irks me that people are trying to minimize what happened because this was a very serious assassination attempt. >> a millimeter away from a state funeral. what about thet big lie and the biggest liar in terms of covering up biden's cognitive state. kamala harris.t >> everything we have been through the last couple of days with joe biden and kamala harris is extraordinary but it is extraordinary when you realize
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these are the same people the biden administration,de kamala harris, leading ocrademocrats, the leading demos trying to push joe biden out of office are the same peopleth who have been lying to the american people for years now, and particularly over the past six or eight months where it is clear that the president 's' cognitive state has gotteney h worse. they have been lying to people about who is running the country, the state of the president and his ability to make decisions for the country and when you have what hase of happened the last couple of d days, there was that voice call we heard from joe biden but i don't think that is reassuring. this is a huge moment in i american history and the idea that the president of the united states does not comade ot and address the american people, there are no you read that statement, it
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sounds weird. there are a lot of questions and when you know the track record i of lying, it makes it more troubling. >> thank you both. appreciate you being with us. when we come back, the cohosts of the view had a lot to say about joe biden dropping out of the race and kamala harris taking his place. we are going to tell you what they said and we get reaction. and gutter protection company. leaffilter has over 150 locations and has been installed on over a million homes. we've been protecting homes now for over 20 years. our patented technology offers total protection for your home and comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. the process is simple. give us a call to schedule your free gutter inspection. if you decide to move forward with the project, you put nothing down at all. 833 leaffilter or visit today.
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story. also today on the view,nt whoopi goldberg went off onshin democrats for pushing biden out of the race and the cohosts rushed to coordinate kamala harris is the second coming. take a look. >> i anticipate every democrat r is going to stand behind her. i am trusting that we are not going to have a problem here because this is what everybody said they wanted to happen. mr. mansion, don't even think about it. sit down. >> one thing i noticed is that she is a former prosecutor. you have a former prosecutor versus a convicted felon.rose that is something i like. i like that.s >> she is tough on crime.e ha >> we have one job to do. we have to beat donald trump and elect the first woman presidentt
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or we allow the historical opportunity to slip through our fingers. i am ready to go t eo work. >> here with reaction, a former cohost of the view, we welcomeim back elizabeth hassell back.yo i imagine you still have ptsd from dealing with that show. i don't know. >> thank you and your team for having me on the program this evening. i i am glad to be with you and your viewers and glad i am notiy with the view right now.near if you could take my pulse, that was not surprising to see by an means because i know that table really well.mmen i want to commend you for reminding your viewers continuously since the ten day ago near assassination attempt
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on former president trump because the mainstream media isw in manipulation mode. they don't want us talking about it. that is why this announcement wn came now. they don't want us talking about what happened, about a resilient man who faced a near assassination and stood up with resiliency. they didn't want us talking about the hearings today, about security failing so they do a text breakup and here we are today and the view is doing what they do best. they arevi going to pump the gil candidate when all of a suddent gender matters. a this is a woman who supports a party that has been all about gender fluidity and now we are f supposed to believe gender is a pillar for our voting reasoning. this is a party that wants it both ways and they believe theya can have it both ways and you
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cannot. >> the hardest part watching you on that show before you came over to fox, i sat therepi gfrustrated. whoopi goldberg literally said if joe his pants she would still vote foran him.- if you tried to speak, they would descend on you and try to shut you down. i would find that untenable. anybody would. >> those were -- it is ten yearh i was thankful for.t god carried me through. i was proud to sit at that table. i asked god to help me each day because i often didn't have kind thoughts about my colleagues and cohost but whoopi goldberg, we are friends to this day. we have the ability to have civil discourse and hold ourin politics in one hand and each
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other with the other hand and occasionally we probably want to give eacoccah other a little pi like today when she is talkingil about blindly having kamala men need to stand behind her becauso she is female, but how about we look at aptitude and acuity. it is sad they are trying to reduce the decision-making power of the female viewer's mind that is watching them by saying just because she is female and ash girl, wee should be voting for her, we should be excited aboutr her. i we are not. the democratic party is in disarray right now.rd it is disappointing that juliend put on x that christians need t: be rereading the bible. >> i, you know i too i'veoopi always gotten along with will be over just i her politics are nuts but we've always had aa good personal relationship. can't say the same thing about joyless. tionsh
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didn't have the best relationship with rosie when she was theripe whene. that i think, was the last time i was on. do you miss tv? they mis, s s being on every da. >> i'll tell you what, whenthin thingsgs like this happen, joy,a when i see joy, when i see joy put out a tweet saying, hey, christians need to go back and reread proverbs 1722 and stop making fun of camilla's laugh. i think we need to reassess. hey, it's not our laugh. that's the problem. it's the facnot maket that her,, her policies and her record is the problem. i dot miss tv. i love being here with you and a good friend. and i thin m. k it's a time forh fr americans to share their voice lila way that they fee confident in doing so. we're at a timamerice. you ar you're welcome any time you want. elizabeth, great to see you. e more "hannity" straight ahead >> we're out here telling people about the experience insurance marketplace. >> how do you feel about shopping for car insurance? honestly, like, i never want to do it again. i don't have time. >> what if i told you you never had to shop for car insurance ever again? that would be amazing.
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