tv Hannity FOX News July 22, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> i have not read hillbillyy elegy yet, but i will. bu or i might see the movie. >> lauren from sun city, arizona love the trump, and j.. chemistry saying, sir, before you jump into a conversation, a class act, definitely a good move when you're sitting next to thettin president. luke from framingham, massachusetts don't le frat trump meet johnny. >> he might hiram to be his press secretary. him don't worry. they met johnny. still working here. hisherry, mississippi. >> joe's uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals, but seeml s wase cannibalized by his own party. poor uncle buzzy and poor joe. ralph from one todd, new jesse, pay up. biden got ouartyt of the race, and now you owe tommy $100. tommy, i'll venmo you. >> i'm watters. this is my world.
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>> and we're going to. hannity and tonight, fireworks on capitol hil>> sean:l more thn a week after donald trump was nearly assassinated. neasecret service, ki director kim cheatle is refusing to step down or even provide simple, basic, fundamental answer s as what, nine days after the shooting, a complete dereliction duty? she should be fired. she should have been fired. her lack of answers. it is repulsive. it is dangerous to the country. thnow we're going to bring you all the highlights and reaction. jim jordan, james colmer,t toni all coming up. but tonight, wght wee begin at 0 pennsylvania avenue, where once pennn, the lights are on,t but nobody's home. itbody has been more than 24 hos since joe biden announced that he was endingre tha his reelection bid in a short letter. biden is i reportedly in delaware, but we haven't seen him in days. in fairness he did had covid. ce he did call in to a campaign event for kamala harriss an
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and sounded, frankly, awful. and by the wayankl. >> take a listen. be real clear. we're still fighting in this fight together. i'm not going anywhere. er.and i want you to know i've always you've always had my back. and i promise you, i wilise youa have your back. and i'm anxious for you all to hear from kamala harris. en h fow, biden has been under the weather with covid for about a week nowweek, and durine that time, the elites in his own party successfully boote d from the ticket. washington elites, nantucket elites, hollywood elites. they did it with 56 days until early voting begins in pennsylvania, rolls out around the country, 106 days until the election t. reaso and yet, for some reason, biden refuses to step downidenso as president, even though he is so obviously incapable o to perform the basic duties of his job. and hasn't even bothered to phone it in this week. his schedule is almost completely empty. if he's not strong enough to run forif he iso president,h
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strong enough to be the president for the safety for ur country, for the safety of the world. e safetythe 25th amendment needa invoked immediately. he must be removed from office, something, frankly, that shouldi have happened a long time ago. now, even michael moorcalline in him to resign from office. but now, well, the of kamala harris is underway without nderway.a single primary vote to her name. the vice president has now been by that handful of elite party leaders to run for president. the results from this year's democratic primary have been tossed in the trash. voters be and completely disenfranchized. and like it or not, kamala will now certainly representt the democrats in november. and she is sthe deo grateful.oo. >> take a look. our president, our joe biden wad to be here today. he is feeling much better and recovering fasng fast.t ande looks forward to getting
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back on the road. and i wanted to say a fed nted w about our president joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in history.e ha in one term, he has already yes, you may class. all right, buckle up, becauseca democratuse s state run media mt they're now pitching kamala as the second coming of , which i can assure you she is not the puff pieces. they are already being written. the accoladeyou, nots they areg in from every radical democratic, leftist, socially marxist in the country. the phony polls, i promise you,h will follow, showing she is energizing democrats. >> she mighte e poll even be beb donald trump in a swing statetr orin two or maybe three. yet in reality, just last pelosi other top democrats go back one year. back othey openly were doubting whether or not harris should even remain the ticket>> vic with biden. >> take a lookident ka.
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>> harris, the best running mate for this president? he thinks sod th. and that's what matters. and by the way, i think so. she's very politically- astute. her >> i don't think people give her enough credit. do you think she is the best running mate? >> she's the vice president ofy' the united states. people say to me, well, why isn't she doing this oe r that?e i said, because she's the vice president. that's the job description j. >> you don't do that much. >> ie best think it's a pretty question. do you think kamala harris is the best running matee for president biden? >> yes or no? i mean, i don't know what else i can sa elsy other than she.>>u you can say yes. c excellent running mate and an yeshe wilexcellent president. >> she's running. absos absolutely president. how's that for a vote of confidence? now, despite ho what you might day hear in the coming days and weeks, vice president harris was weeks consd toxic to the democratic party. and just lastic t week, an insir advantage. that's matt tower. his poll showing kamala down huge in a hypothetical matchup
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with donald trump in every battleground state. she was down ound by ten and georgia down by seven and pennsylvania down by ten and nevada down by six and arizona. meanwhile a recent harrisris forbes poll shows trump beating kamala harris by nine points nationwide. those polls will tighten the will load race into a rescue. but in terms of her approval , v no vice president in moderns pol american history, not one, hasew polled worse than kamalaorse sam harris. but don't worry, the same co mob,corrupt state media the same democrats that lied about and covered up joe's cognitive decline. they will be there. they will rescuel er her., they will bail her out. they will act like she is. you knowseconding., the second . but what's behind the horrible numbers? wellers?, as kamala likes to sa, well, she didn't just fall of a coconut tree. >> take a look. - she
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>> my mother used to she woulds give us a hard time sometimes t and she would say to us, i don't know what's wrong with you young people. i don't you think you just fello of a coconut tree? he exist in the context of allho in which you live and what came before you. >> oh, she loved. that's like her favorite of all time. yes, sure. giggling vice president. you can't say on the viewhi giggling though, that hard yoe think, s show becausng that's sexist. anyway, here's the context. kamala harris has a horrific track record, even worse public persona. and some have pointed ouintete i that harris almost always sounds like somebody trying het for a book reporng a book that they never read. here's exhibit a. take a look. take a lyou know, when we talk about our children, i know for this group, we all believelk whn we talk about the children of the community, they arear a children of the community. and in that way, we should all feel
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a direct sense of responsibility for their well-being. hen yo >> when you talk about serving the community, we're talkingt sn about serving the community. thso that was kamala on children of the community. now, here's kamala on transportation. so you cantransportation get too you need to go. take a loo k. >> together, we are expanding . cess to transportation seems like maybe it's a small issue. it's a big issue. need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and get home. so wso we e have expanded acceso transportation, including what we need to do to invest in public transit.d to >> you need to get to go where . you need to get to go, because g that's what transportation is. i according to one axios report. it appears her,t kamala harris has trouble in public because of her. well, general incompetence. at one point she was so worriedn about an upcoming dinner at a mg
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d.c. news mogul's home that she had her staff quote. a they held a mock dinner beforehand with staffers playing participants. the report continues. harris age even including wine in the mock prep so harris would practice with a glass or two. you know proper sipping technique is very important. sig unfortunately for her staff, this was probably not anis enjoyabl wase rehearsal. quote former harris age told axios that the high turnover is partly because of how the vice president treatso her staff. but despite everything ww e just showed you, kamala's worst showr radicalr is he set of beliefs. and without a doubt, the democrats have neverbeliefvv somebody this far radical, socially marxist left.t from but don't take it from, you know, let's take it from our own words. let's do it that way. hehere's kamala. >> so again, back to the united states congress. cong's my poin t. if they fail to actto
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as president, united state acts geam prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. >> we have to have a secure border. but am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumentearded the border as criminals. >> that's correct. that is correct. will you commit to b implementi. a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? adding the united states to the list of countrieg,s who have banned this devastating practice? >> there's no question i'm in unitg. f banning frackin but would you support changing the dietary guidelines? yes. you know, the food pyramid.elin >> but people. yes. yes. reduce red meat specifically. yees. y, i s. >> would. he's taking the are a big thing right now. yeah. do you ban plastic straws? >> i think we should. yeg ri ss. now commonly gets away. you will no longer i think get y private health insurance or gas powered vehicles o sean: yr str. i don't know about you. i hate the paper straw papers. it'll ruin any drink. and if you think energy costs are bad noe w, just wait.
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if you think taxes are bad now, just. they're going to get much worse under kamala harris if she's ever elected. shshe literally supports the green new deal. she signed on as a sponsor of that very bill in the u.s. senate. she also zero bail laws evenbain supported that bail fund for days after the burning down of that police precinct of t. neapolis that was during the peaceful protest the summer that wa riot, the 574 of them in 2020. 2 you know, individuals because l fund, they went from a quarter of $1,000,000arsn to nearly $45 million. so many were bailed outy and the of kamala harris. and those people went on tot commit unspeakable crimes, including murder and even, you know,, etc.. t if you really want to know how kamala will govern at thee border, she was tasked with thea border. she was tasked with fixing illegal immigration. the crisis legal im this country. but she kept telling us for
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three years she lied and said the border was secure and the border was closed, but she only made it worsee . more than nearly 11 million unvetted biden. harris illegal immigrants pouring into this country from nearly 180 countries, including terrorists,, murderersrrorists, drug dealers, cartel members, other violent criminals. iminal kamala has blood on her hands, just liks.s blooe joe biden has blood on his hands. and still, she has yet to provide a single solution, not one. and now she wants to b onee. promoted to president. she made one trip to the border, but not any poinshe madm that mattered. makemake no mistake, she owns every single one of joe biden's horrendous policy failures from the border to the economy to inflation failu, to energy p, to the disaster of a withdrawal of afghanistan, all the lawlessness in every smallall tn town and every big city in our country. and that brings us to another looming proble citm surroundingn kamala's candidacy. we now have complete and totalg
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confirmation. she spent the last four years ys lying to all of yo lu about joe biden and his cognitive state. she lied. she covered up. she was the liar in chief. take a look. >> we have a very boldbold and vibrant president in joe biden. >> the way that theour president his demeanor in that report was characterizedport cod not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated gratuitous. >> he is in extort mary leader. and i wish that people could see what i see as joe biden is very much alive and running for reelection. re-electioe wasr a problem, i'm not lying. >> if there waere was, i thinka that of it. but i'm telling you a fact. but if there ever is a problemp . >> yeah. do you think that you could go tell the american publi tc? do you think in your role
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that you're that you're in a position to do that?course >> of course, if necessary. >> but there's no need for that. she had lunch with joe biden, we were told every single week e they saw each other. often they appeared together bettvents, frequentlthert y vice president harris knew better, but she made the conscious shet decision to lie to you, to cover it upup, to cover it up again and again and again. and of course, everyone, e ru the democratic party, everyone in the state run media mobn li to your face for yearsye. they are all corrupt to the core. they are completely dishonest. the only thing they know compet, they hate donald trump. they only started to tell the truttrum stah when it became obvious that joe biden was not goint gog to win. everyone has known about joe's cognitive state for years. a it's only an issue when part risk losing power all because of it. party. b they didn't care. the president was barely functioning.
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they just want a frontmant to say the right words. sign the right bills while they work behind the scenes and implemenes andt their radicl far left socialist marxist agenda. that's why harris has now tapped obama loyalistspped, people like eric holder and david plouffe to lead her campaign. while kamala harris might soon be her party's nominee, it will bmight bee democratic elit. it will be the likes of obama and pelosi and schumer and the squad and the congressionalblac black caucus that supported her. witrola will control the agendca . kamala will just be another front person. clearlnty in the democratic party. democracy, the people mean nothing. here with reaction, fox news contributo, r ari fleischer, former white house chief of staff reince priebustaff,s ae author of the brand new book fear itself, exposing the mind ' killing agenda, tammy bruce. you know, tammy, your bookti
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is very timely. congratulations. it's on hannity .com now in bookstores around the country. but the fear part they can't run on are you better off than you were four years ago? that's thing they can't run on. so democracy in peril. 't run how ironic from this party.that january sixth. donald trump is evil. they'll demagogunald true abort. they'll claim republicans are racist, sexist, and my wholabortie list that we hear en two and four years and they've got nothin havg positive to run. they can't run on any policyy success. they can't run on the border for sure. so this is what we'r e left fear . >> well, it is. of co and of course, it's not new. it's aur notn technique. but the good news is all the money in the world can't change kamala harris, the american people, afterreak what we've just seen it's really kind of beginning to break the spell. are things suspiciously as weics should. lybut what they will turn to, sean, to your point is more
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identity politics. there will be more accusations. there will bwill be accusations that if you don't like commonly we've already heard it. we haveyou're a sexist and youe a racist and you're everythingan else. so part of this plan and whyd wi fears us is used by the left ist through chronic fear? it's not fear in general, what should be transitory, but thl which e use of fear to t be chronic, leading to mass anxiety, which causes a retreat of the public at large. it's a way control you to where s it's dangerous to speak up. dangerous to contradict the masters of the universe out there wher ue you will doe as you're told or you will be punished. punished, it similar to the nature of domestic violence. it is domestic violence writy large. so my book, at least certainlybk the key is, is that none of this is natural. none of it is normalatural.. they tell you is not true. and i think that the real key is for all of us to decide. it's a decision to notcisionamaa
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strangers like kamala harris tell us who we and condemn us for what they say we are. when all of that, it's a lie. so that, i think, is key fornexs the next several monthsyear and several years is to refuse this continual demonization. >> yes. trump outdemo other politician they don't like, but of us inof particular. >> sea >> nancy pelosi has jumped in supporting kamala harris, 186 democrat representatives, 41 senators,6 23 democratic set governors, 250 democrats. tota 2l reince priebus. this will not be in any way a contested. well, you're 100% right. and, you know, kamala harris said that all of us that werel saying that joe biden's age was an issue that was politically motivated. this is all politically motivated. it's an affront to the partytic
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these two parties are private these delegatesgates of these parties decide who the nomineties de is going . and when you have an open convention, it's up to the delegates to decide. and i have i have a predictione . what's going to happen here is that this honeymoon is goin g to be over. and before you know it, kamala , is going to be in the exactn same spot that joe biden in.agai and the democrats are going to be freaking out again because they've a candidate that can't beat donald trump. we had a totally unitewe had a d convention in milwaukee. they're going to go into chicago. they ing to gintothey're to be. you're going to start hearing different delegates lookin heags look at polling. they're going to be looking ths. at are their optionin they're going to take some power back. if i was the chairman of the dnc or this is happening to menf at the rnc i would totally reject it that we do the parties not work for the for an eventual nominee.
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the eventual nominee works with the delegates to become the nominee. once they're a nominee, then e,then their melded together. this is like jamming them down to throw. he >> they dropped off one set of baggage. they picked up another. other. there are three glaring namesd that seem to be admitted here. ari fleischer, i want to know what you glean from this. and that is barack obama. chuc k schumer, number two, and hakeem jeffries. now, apparently hakeem andffrys. chuck are having a meeting or, had a meeting with with kamala harris. kamala spoke to barack obamamee but they have yet to endorse her. should we read anything into but that? >> well, before i answer that, sean, i just want to go thatoef back to your very good accounting of all the left wing positions kamala has take n . but you left out, too. don't don't forget the senatet hearing and what she compared. i.c.e agents who protect our borderd ic to the ku klux k
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klux. >> and don't forget, whe n migrants came over the river illegally and the border patrol rode up on horses.atrol she accused those border patrol agents of whipping u the migrans and it reminded her of slavery. none of that turnegrants ad to . >> so don't forget, kamala has never met a cop. slav berated.a co >> as for obama, in fairness to me, i've got about 30 more monologues to go before i can actually get in all the information. ther goingly so much i could put in one monologue, but i'm going to get there, i promise. e and maybe this is one of theposn reasons those three haven't taken a position. it gets to what ryan said. i thinyan k the democrats are gg to have buyer's remorse here after the press has rallied behind kamala, as they've done now, if she doesn't get the boost that she's expectingnd if she doesn't pass trump in the polls after this huge press affair, what she got. and that's because the american people know and i wouldn't be surprised if she right before.
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the convention is still trailing donald trump by a significant marginng donal a. >> what's democrats plan c? and so maybe that's why they're being silent right now. maybe they're just waiting, as obama says he likes to wait. the nomination to be official as a former president because nomit all and he'll come in later. >> but either this boost that the press is goinbut eithg give her is going to be real or donald trump is still the frontrunner for the presidency, which is going nnerto scare democrats just like it, scare them to get rid of biden. democrats, j the problem they h when they had a primary process that muscled biden int bo place, even though he was too sick to run. even te muscled. >> and the donors have muscled kamala harris into place the democrat. people say voters haven't had their choice. their i predict the corrupt meda stat lied and covered up about joe's cognitive state and went along with every trump lid went wite and they ped every conspiracy theory. i think you're going to see a numbercy of phony polls now fl the next number of weeks
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showing that she's doing bettelr than she really is to try to bolster her. and then things will start to settle in. but i don't see how they go to t a plan at this point.l righ but you might be right. all right. thant, all k you.ot thank you all. when we come back, lawmakers seom both sides of the aisle. they laid into the secret service director big time today duduring heated hearing. we've got the highlights. we've got jim jordan and james we a led the way. >> straight ahead with all these things that i anybody
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more activity and less pain. learn more at still gokhan and earlier today secret service director kim cheatle was grilled by both democrats and republicans during a heated house hearing just nine days after the failed assassination attempt of former president donald trump. >> take a look at some of the highlights. the secret service has a zero
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fail mission, but it failed on july 13th and in the days leading up to the rally. the secret service has thousands of employees and a significant budget. but it has now become the face of incompetence. >> you know what it looks like, director? looks like you won't answer some pretty basic questions. it looks like you got a 9% raise and you cut corners when it came to protecting one of the most important individuals, most well-known individuals on the planet, a former president. likely the guy who's going to be the next president. it looks like you guys were cutting corners. >> that's what it looks like to me. is that true? i am here today because i to answer questions. >> but i also want to be clear and i want to. but you haven't answered i don't think you've answered one question from the chairman, the ranking member or me. >> so the idea that a report will be finalized in 60 days, let alone prior to any actionable decisions that would be made, is simply not acceptable. it has been ten days since an assassination attempt on a former president of the united
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states. regardless of party, there need to be answers. >> you stated earlier secret service is not political. >> is that correct? yes. okay. would you say leaking your opening statement to punchbowl news, politico's playbook and washington post several hours before you sent it to this committee as being political, yes or no? >> i have no idea how my statement got out. >> well, that's so sad. there's going to be accountability. i understand. don't want to give us names when you say that. are you telling the committee that once it's concluded, you're prepared to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day? >> i'm prepared to take the actions now. no, no, that's nonsense. okay. accountability. the failure was human. that doesn't mean they're bad people. it means they failed that day. >> and a president was almost a former president was almost assassinated. >> now, following the hearing
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in a rare joint bipartisan move, house oversight committee ranking member jamie raskin, of all people joining chairman james colmer for calling for cheadle's resignation, james korva coleman joins us now, along with house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. well, froze over you and jamie raskin could barely agree on the time of day, sabo. that's a sign of good things. you know, congressman coleman, if there's a school shooting usually within hours, we have a profile of the person that is responsible. this a failure of historic proportions. donald trump was nearly assassinated that day. and i heard her say well, it was outside the perimeter. 130 yards away is not outside perimeter. you define the perimeter as any range in which a primary in this case, president trump could be the victim of a shooting like this. i mean, i can't think of a
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bigger, bigger failure than this one. why hasn't joe biden fired her? well, joe biden hasn't fired anyone. that's our frustration. no one's ever held accountable in the biden administration, not for afghanistan, not for the assassination on donald trump. look to say under oath being 130 yards away from the highest isn't in the range of the secret service. protection of. the leading candidate for president, united states, not to mention the former. that's unacceptable. that admission is unacceptable . no one who's a minimum wage security guard at a mall after closing hours would agree with that assessment. i mean, she has to go. she did not demonstrate today her ability to give the american people answers to what happened. much less confident that it won't happen again. she did not demonstrate to me or anyone else that she has ability to lead an organization
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with a $3.1 billion budget and over 8000 employees. i mean, this was a five hour hearing where she literally didn't answer any questions. and for once, the house oversight committee had unanimous agreement. every question by every single member of the committee on both sides of the aisle was a question i think every american would ask at the cafe or at church or at a ballgame. and she failed to answer any questions. it was a disgrace. and she should resign. if she won't resign, then biden should, for the first time, terminate someone. you know, congressman jim jordan, you know, i used to work in construction. i fell off a roof. three stories actually landed on my head, busted up my arm, my face. but it did knock some sense into me. i became a conservative. but not to crack jokes. this in this insanity of a sloped roof is ridiculous. that's not a drew i used
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to work on, you know, pitch roofs like this nearly vertical, for crying out loud. and so that's a big lie that she told. and if she was going to if weren't going to put agents on it, fine. how about put sniper ray? is on it. and how about instead of putting people inside? yes. surround the perimeter. so a guy with a ladder and an ar-15 can't climb up the roof. that's not that's not a difficult decision, jim jordan. >> no, it's not. and, you know, she didn't many questions, but even the one she did, i don't know that we can believe her because remember what happened in the days that first two days after the assassination attempt on president trump, the secret service said were it was absolutely false that president trump's detail asked for additional resources. >> and secretary, my work has said it's unequivocally false that they asked for additional resources. >> but guess what happened, sean? five days after that, the secret service said. well, there were actually some instances where we turned the request that came from president trump's detail.
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>> well, that's a 180 degree change. >> so they told us something that was not true in the days right after this attack on the president and changed story five days later. how can we believe anything individual says? >> so that was to me, the biggest takeaway is i don't what she says. and i think jamie's right. i think the country sees what needs to happen here. >> okay. but i know for a fact that there's going to be a paper trail. and you went you went down this road really hard trying to get an answer. there's going to be a paper trail that shows that requests were made by the trump team that were denied again and again. how do you justify that? >> yeah, i want to know how many times they ask for additional resources. i want to know how many of those happened after the secret service in our government was put on notice that iran was trying to kill president trump. i think those are pretty important questions and she would not give us answers to those. so i think that is critical. i also want to know all the before questions. how in the heck was he not given the resources he needed?
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how in the heck were were buildings? there's a finite number of buildings that needed to be secured. how come they weren't? it wasn't a huge number. two or three. four buildings had to be secured. and then i want to know what happened in that critical 5 minutes. 609 the shooter is identified as a bad. 610 the message is sent to the counter snipers. 611 the bad guy shoots president trump and others. 612 the sniper takes out the bad guy. 614 the president is escorted off the stage by secret service. what happened in that five in that critical 5 minutes. what happened second by second in there? that's what we need to know to figure out what so that this does not happen again. >> and they identified a suspicious character, maybe a suspect. james comer. and they still allowed president trump to take the stage. >> why did why would they allow that? they shouldn't. i mean, no one would allow such a thing. every former secret service agent that we've spoken to, every whistleblower that's come forward, every person involved in any type of security that i've spoken to in the past
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nine days say this is unacceptable. this is common sense. any mediocre secret service director would know better than to answer the questions i've answered. they made a huge mistake. but today she admitted the mistake. but she didn't. confidence that this mistake won't repeat itself. and that's problem. that's an issue of national security, because there could be would be out there that might be feel emboldened. now that we have an incompetent secret service director and might lead them to do something horrible. we don't need that to happen. we need people to respect the secret service, to fear the secret service. and we need our president and our presidential candidates have confidence that the secret service has got their back. >> all right, jim jordan and james comer, thank you both. when we come back, joe biden called, called in to kamala harris' campaign event today. >> wait until you hear what he said. that's next. >> straight ahead. thank you for joining us for
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>> listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. early today, the american people from joe biden publicly for the first time in a number of day s when he called in to vice president kamala harris' first campaign event. biden still fighting off another bout of coviff cd, didnt sound so good. >> take a listen. so muc ah more we're going to gt done. and so i want to say hello to kamala if she can hear mey he i know she's going to be speaking shortly. and i want to saowhe y to the tm embrace her. >> she's the best. i want to call the every vote. >> everybody is suffering. i know yesterday'swa news was ha surprising and it was hard for you to heat itr. but it was the right thingno to do. it's i know itw hard because you pour your heart and soul into me to help win. this thing helped me get this nomination. help me win the nominationp , and then go on to win the win.
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the president she but, you know, you're an amazing team, but we've got a grea. t i think we made the right decision. i know how hard you've worked. . >> still mumbling, bumbling, byumbling. biden has not been seen by the public since announcing his departurlic e from the racee here with reaction. former white house physiciannd a and texas congressman ronny jackson, fox news contributor charlie hurt. two things. ronny jackson, you had pointed oujatet his cognitive decline le i did even before the 2020 election. >> and you've taken a lot of heat for it. what's your reaction to this,k n number one and the shock and the surprise, which is i think feigne, whd phony. and more importantly, you've been treating president trumou a since his ear was piercedd wi with that bullet. how's he doingth? well, first off, shawn, president trump's doing well. he's really well. he's recovering well despite the fact that, you know, he wa s less than two centimeters from having a bullet travelinlingg hs
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at 3300 feet per second, you know, actually enter his head and probably takehead h entire back of his head off h as it exited. that's how serious this was. this pasowious thit right next s head from a high powered rifle t . and he's doing well. it cut out the top part of his ear. he has a two centimeter deficit in the top of their in the helie de heex of his ear. but it's healing well now. so he's doing well. and i knowell. i express well the same thing most of the country guys i'm really glad that that's the case but yeahy well it will he need any kindr u of operation a surgery or, you know, to fix it. i mean what he said was w a pierced is here, is that correct? >> well, what it did is thee to bullet went over the top of his ear. his thof hise cartilage in his r remained intact. but all of the tissue over the top of the cartilage was o gone. so it's there's a there'f ths a groove. there's a you know, that will be the shape of the bullet tha e just took the top part of the ear off. off., the architecture h of his ear is still intact. so he probably won't have to have any plastict ny pla. l heal
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that would really be up to him. but it'll it'll heal in, but it's not going to be exactly is not going to be a smooth surface like it was before. it's been scooped out by theh sc bullet. and i mean, you know, i just want people to remember that thith bs bullet was, you k had the ability in under normalm circumstanceal is if it would h, have hit him in the head, it would have not only killed him, ha have literally blown part of his head off. and so that's how serious this t . and so it just it irks mehe to know when people are trying to minimize what happened,is w because this was a very, very serious assassination attempas it's a millimeter away from from a state funeral where we were. that's right. what about thee bili big and the biggest liar in terms of covering upup and lying about joe's cognitive state, charlie hurt. that would be kamala yeah. ha. it's, you know, everything that we've sort of been through the last couple of days with joe biden and kamala harris is extraordinar y underrt any circumstances. but it's particularly extraordinary when you realizea,
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that these are the same people, the biden administration, kamala harris, leading democrats, the very democrats are trying to push joe biden offic out of office, are the exact same peopl e who have been lying to the american people for years now in, particularly over the past six or eight months, where it's clears when that that the president's cognitive state has gotten even worse. they've been lying to the t people about who's runninge the country, the state of the president, and his ability to make decisions for the country. and socountry. when you have whf happened the last couple of days and, you kno w, therethi was that that voice call that we heard from from joe biden. but i don't think that that'sthi particularly reassuring. you know, this is a huge momenst in american history. and the idea that the president of the unitef thedd states does not come out and address the american people. there are no photographs. you read that statement. que statement sounds weird.
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it's there are a lot of questions. and whenow the you the track mas record of lying from these people, it makes it all the more troubling ie more. both all right. thank you both. charlie hurt and ronny jackson. appreciate you being with us. when we come back, the co-hosts of that hard hitting news show the view had a lot to say about joe biden dropping outd of the race and kamala harris taking his place at the top of the ticket aboutping out. we we going to tell you what they said and we'll get reaction. we welcome back tonight t. elisabeth hasselbeck straight out, i am about to start the biggest war of the century. what did the president know and when did he know it? mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall, wants to do a before revolution, before america, before destiny came calling. >> it was george.
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breaking story. also today on the viewo monito e goldberg went off on democrats for pushing biden out of the raceg . an and then the co-hosts well, rush to coronate kamala harristy as the second coming. >> take a look. i anticipate every democrat who was kvetching is to stand behind her. i am trustin harris.g that we'r. going to have a problem here because this is what said they wanted to happen. >> mr. manchin yea happen.h, dot think about it. >> don't take a sit down. we don't want him to be more moderate than you think. you knowm more, one thing that i noticed about kamala is that she is a former prosecutor . so now you have a former prosecutor versus a convicted felon. secutor.that's something that i. i like hard work. she's tough on crime. she's on board. ne jobwe've got one job to el have got to beat donald trump and elecect first womanhe president of the country
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allowed the historical opportunity to slip throughug our fingers again today. i'm elated. fid. d exci >> i'm optimistic. i'm ready to go to work. all right. eactio here with reaction, former colleague, broadcaster best "new york times"n, bestsellingt author and former co-host of the view. we welcome back elisabeth hasselbeck, elizabeth harrow. how have you been? w have yi imagine you probably h have ptsd from dealing with that show. >> i'm just guessing. i don't knowguessing. d your sean, you know me. hav well, first of all, thank you and your team for having mie on the program this evening. i'm so glad to be with you and your viewers and gla with td i'm not with the view right now. my, if you could take my pulse. it is nearlyou could take ulse s the studio. and that was not surprisinotg to see by any means, becausee in i know that table really well. and i want to commend you first, if i mayoy, for reminding your viewers continuously since the ten daye0 ago near assassination attempt on former president trumayp, ush
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because the mainstream media is in manipulation mode maght now, they don't want talking about that. that's why the timing of this announcement, the text fromuncee the election and proceedingsnt i going forward with joe biden, that's why this announcement came. right now. right they they don't want us t about what happened. they don't want us talkingtalkgb about a resilient man who faced an assassination and stood upoop with resiliency. they certainly didn't want us talking wit the hearings todr they certainly didn't want us talking about security failings. so and what do they do? a tax break up and a switcheroo. and here we are today. and the view is ofswitch doing doe what the view does best. they're going to pump the girl candidate no mattenext, pur. what when all of a sudden gender matters to them. i look at ana' allsuddens comme, and i'm thinking this is a geman who supports a party that has been all about gender fluidity and now we're supposed to believe that gender su. pillar for our voting you've got to be kidding me. this is a party that wants it both ways. and they believe they can have it both ways in every
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category of life. and the answer is no, you can'rt . >> you know, what was the hardest part when i would watch you on flun i woul that se you came over to fox, which i thought was a great move on your parts a great move. i just sat there frustrated. i mean whoopi goldberg his literally said that if joe his pants, she would still pants vote for him. and if you tried to speak, i mean, it was lik anyou know, they would descend on you and just try to shut you down and i would find that untenable. everyone, i thint k anybody woud . you know, those were a ten year period of time. there's ten years that i'm thankful for. god was really good to me. i think he carrieds reallyood tw with some great friends like you and colleagues that came itiends lito be. i was proud to sit at that table. i really ask god ts proud too my because i oftentimes didn't have thoughts about my colleagues there and co-host. frt i will say whoopday becai g, number one, she and i are friends to this day. we actually have the ability to hav l e civil discourse and hold our politics in one otr
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hand and each other with the other hand. givesionally, we probably want to give each other a little pinch. like today, for example, when she's talkinh other pig about ju blindly having kamala, that men need to stand behind kamala behn because she's female, i think we need to asses s not only age, not gender. how about we look at aptitude and acuityan is why we're in ths situation to begin with. it's sad to me that they're trying to reduce the decision making power of the female feewers mind that's watching by saying, hey, just because she's female and a girl, again, we'rr'e talking gender fluidity table here that we should be voting for her thate she e ad be excited about her. we're not. i think that the democratic partye de party i iny right now. it's disappointing that evenx joy today or yesterday put on that that christine need>> sa to be rereading the bible. >> yeah, you know i too i've always gotten along with will pick over just i our politics are nuts but we've always had a good personal relationshipsona.
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can't say the same thing about joyless didn't have the bestjoe th with rosie when she s there. that i think it was the last time i was do you miss tv? do you miss being on every dayi ? i'll tell you what, when things like this happen, joy, when i se he joy, when i see joy putt out a tweet saying, hey, christians nee d to go back and reread proverbs 1722 and stop making fun of kamala's laugh. i think we need to reassess. hev rey it's not our laugh thatf the problem. it's the fact that her her policiesun and her record i the problem. i do miss tv. i love being her e with youmiss and a good friend, and i think it's a time for americans to shari mie voice in a way that ty feel confident in doing. sok we're out of time.e ou you're welcome. any time you want. elizabeth, to see you. more "hannity" straight ahead. >> itch. itch. scratch. must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone. ten for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended it works
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