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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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individual and the individual's talents. we don't believe in identity politics. the democrats and the left are obsessed with it. they are obsessed with what the color of your skin is, whether you are gay are not, whether you are a woman or not, they don't care whether you are any good at doing the job. >> neil: all right, we will watch very closely. prime minister, very good having you, thank you very much pete >> great to be on the show. thanks, neil pitts b1 liz truss, the former prime minister of the united kingdom. so anything can happen, and as she pointed out, it has not been an easy time for incumbents. sometimes we make a populist or liberal wave, if you are in power in a country we have inflation and economic problems, your days are numbered, so you better be looking over your shoulder as you are looking at economic numbers that don't look that hot. england is just the latest proof. there will be more pure here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dana perino along with katie pavlich, jessica tarlov, brian kilmeade, and greg greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ well, he's back and he's going up the stairs. president biden making his first public appearance days after his party forced him off the ticket, and crowned his vp as queen of the democrats. it took only 36 hours for kamala harris to lock down enough delegates to become the presented democratic nominee and doing so without earning a single primary vote. kamala keeping the momentum going speaking to a crowd of 3,000 supporters in battleground wisconsin. it was our first official rally and harris took the fight right to donald trump. >> helped us win in 2020. ended 2024, we will win again. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. predators who abused women.
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fraudsters who ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. i will probably put my record against his any day of the week. >> dana: and it looks like the media is having a harris honeymoon. speak a kind of fell in love with her. i think she is smart, engaging, she's funny, feisty, twinkling in her eye. >> what is the strange feeling? is like my blood is flowing again. >> the excitement is palpable. >> there was just an incredible level of excitement and support for her. >> kamala harris has had single best first day of any presidential candidate in history. >> they switched it up. it's going to be a southpaw now. rocky is a southpaw. that is my best, for children scared this morning, go back and
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see "rocky." >> dana: donald trump says he is ready to debate his opponent and do more than once. >> if kamala harris does end up being the democrats nominee, will you commit to debating her at least one time? >> oh, yes, absolutely, i'd want to be a guy think it's important. i would be willing to do more than one debate, actually. >> dana: greg, the media reminded me of a 7-year-old kid playing goldfish. i got exactly where i wanted. last week they never would have said that. >> greg: it's like there is a bat signal that comes out to tell them exactly what to say. one minute they are this way, than they are this way, but they are all in unison. you have these two competing factions that are going to arise, and it's not going to be left versus right, it's going to be fantasy versus reality. the fantasy is going to be the media narrative machine. that narrative will tell you, kamala is absolutely amazing, historic comanche is going to show trump to be old and racist.
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the first greatest first day of any president or candidate othe. then on the other side the basket case theory. as time goes by, you will see the flaws, the weirdness, until you realize, holy hell, she is a basket case. so the goal for the media is to get you to stay in the first narrative without ever seeing the second. they did this with joe, right? they tried to stay in the he is as sharp as a tack narrative and not, oh, my god, he is a basket case. again permit is not left versus right, not like i hate kamala harris, no, we are just saying that his fantasy, this is reality. "the new york times" and eight of their prized columnists grating candidates on electability, she was the last. she was seen as fundamentally weak and founded as vp. but it didn't matter. the party has to coalesce around her because they feel they have no choice. they have to do what they are told. the higher-ups say each year
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vegetables, they eat them, or in this case, they cover for them so prepare for the most orchestrated effort to snow the public. she will be genius. she will be focused. she will be on top of things. but, and i will end on this, dana, i would like to think the media has matured in the way they consume information, and you mature by being repeatedly burned by the stove. the stove is the media, right, they tell you the riots are mostly peaceful, their fine people on both sides, joe is as sharp as a tack, so you've got to remember the previous time you were burned or you will get burned again. >> dana: it's almost, jessica, i'm curious what you think because it does feel like the democrats feel freed from the shackles that were tying them down with joe biden, but is she the answer to the question? if you took everything voters dislike about joe biden and solved only the age problem,
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does that get you to where you want to be in november? >> jessica: so, i'll address the joyfulness first. >> dana: okay. >> jessica: because it is permeating all of us. i saw this tweet that i think really summed up what was going on. a staffer on the biden-harris campaign said the last three weeks felt like a funeral, and now i'm at an open bar wedding. and that's how it's going to be for the next 104 days. and that doesn't mean that we are divorced from reality. that the cards aren't stacked against her. that trump doesn't have an advantage. she was pulling behind joe biden in the matchups, most of them on a national scale and in key swing states, and obviously they're going to be very smart about how you pick as vp to try to pick up the state that they are from. but if we are going to lose, we want to go down swinging. swinging from the coconut tree, or whatever, we are unburdened. we are here, living in the context of which we are, where we are, passage of time, inject
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all of it into my veins. i am on the bus, and i plan to be there for the next three and a half months. and i think that, when you talk about the coup, i should have used my quotes, the "coup" of all of this, the fact of the matter is no rules were violated. the dnc rules are the same two weeks ago as they are today that allowed this, these delegates pledged to support joe biden, who then told joe biden what he wanted, and what he wanted was for them to support kamala harris. i know a lot of people, i know what harold, for instance, was in support of a mini primary of some kinds and everyone listening to game out, eager battleground town halls, for instance, let delegates vote. we have no time. and we also have a record of the biden harrison administration that a lot of people are really proud of, and she has the heir to that record and the trump team will try to run against that but she has come armed not
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with a knife, but with the kind of guns that she needs to talk about what has gone on with the economy, to talk about what they have done in terms of producing more oil than ever in history, what they are doing to expand medicaid, capping insolent $35, et cetera, and you are seeing the public react. it is not just democrats, it is swing voters, as well. $100 million in donations, 1.1 million unique dollars, 62% are first-time donors. a lot of the big donors, except for one, i think, notably, are back in. reed hastings just gave $7 million, one of the first ones to call on biden to drop out. should also say that trump's path to winning was running through getting many more gen z voters and many more black voters. the cbs numbers of gen z 62-37, kamala advantage, and organizing calls for black women and black men over 40,000 people run each of those calls. >> dana: katy, today they are rebranding kamala as a lifestyle brand. there is all of that.
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we have a lot more to come on this show about all of this, but it is almost as if the democrats are on this really long flight and when the mail finally comes, you don't care what it is. this is great and i'm going to eat all of this and be happy about it. >> katie: kamala harris can't come to this fight with any knives because they stab job joe biden in the back to get him out of the race. change the rules to get him off the ticket, to get delegates to change their opinions, that wasn't necessarily a voluntary action by the president. while kamala harris is giving her first big speech today, donald trump was holding a press call with reporters and going directly after her record on the border, and she said she is of the nation's border mob. trying to rebrand -- successfully with the help of the media at least in the short-term -- her her as a lifestyle brand or a good personality that people can get behind. the trump campaign is still very focused on her record, her
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record as a senator, her record with joe biden as his vice president, and that is what they are going to continue to focus on it donald trump in the aftermath of the debate. finally, the rnc basically force them into this position not to have a primary because republicans were so united. there is no time. they don't want to go into their convention not united, especially when there is just a couple months until the election. there are supposed to kamala harris, she has been successful on abortion and getting people out to vote be a go she has also been very successful using taxpayer money to register people to vote in a nonpartisan way. so there are some things to look out for. but the rebrand, they are going to keep focusing on the record. >> dana: the media, i was getting some strong, throw up their leg, obama vibes from the media. >> brian: and yesterday. a couple of things. her first day last time, she had a great speech to open up and president trump at the time
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commented, pretty strong, she could be formidable, and then she started giving interviews, and she was all over the place, where you stand on fracking? i think i'm against it. would you spend $10 trillion on a new green deal? sounds good to me how does that work, where would the money come from? turns out the same thing dragged her that followed her to the naval observatory because her staff was quitting, saying she refuses to read background information, refuses policy. she is younger. she will be crisp on the teleprompter. those are two things are pretty strong. donald trump's personal pollster came out and said, look, she could get momentum in search past trump temporarily in the polls, but the thing weighing on her is the same thing hurting joe biden. president trump has not budged from, their policies are bad. cause inflation, afghanistan, the border, and also the vice president of the united states -- >> greg: go down those stairs.
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>> brian: and the last thing i will say is her problem will be, her challenge will be when she sits down for an interview. when she sits down for an interview with people asking real questions about where she stands and what has she done and what has she not done, what does she believe, that's the problem. >> katie: and where she has been, not europe and the border. >> dana: if you have a chance to google, chuck schumer announced he was endorsing her, and he was basically begging people to clap, so we will see how all of it goes. an exciting moment in the election. coming up, what does it take for president biden to fire anyone in his or administration? apparently not this. secret service director kimberly cheatle finally resigning in disgrace over the colossal failure at the trump rally. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ we are people living with afib. ♪ and over 400,000 of us have left blood thinners behind... ...for life.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: welcome back from everybody up what does it take to get fired by the biden administration? kimberly cheatle resigning in disgrace today instead of getting fired after numerous shocking security collapses at the trump assassination attempt just ten days ago and one day after cheatle got chewed out by congress, both democrats and republicans saying they lost confidence in her ability. take a look at the defiance. >> we failed. as the director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. i have taken accountability and i will continue to take accountability. i et cetera spots ability for this tragedy. we are going to look into how
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this happened and take corrective action to ensure it never happens again. >> brian: just won't tell you what that is. former pformer president donaldp has not weighed in but on truth social, the biden-harris did not protect me, forced to ta bullet for democracy, my honor to do so. telling jesse what it was like to meet her. watch. >> she was very nice, i thought, but somebody should have made sure there was nobody on that roof. that roof was a dead aim right onto the stage. and they said they didn't have the manpower for it, which is crazy. 130 yards is like sinking -- >> brian: dana, you are all about communications. she had no interest in telling anybody anything about what she knew. she didn't visit the site or talk to the people in charge, didn't say who was in charge of
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the preliminary to secure that place. also as if she said i don't even care if i keep this job. >> dana: so many examples this year for crisis computer caters to .2 about how not to do something. university presidents, anti-semitism is a hate crime, couldn't even answer what happened to them. resigned, fired. i'm not only interested in communications, i'm interested in people doing a good job in government, and she -- when you see president trump in that interview with jesse and you realize just how close he came to diane, she has had no emotion about this, either. maybe she did privately with him, just thinking this is professional, but it became untenable for to say when you have both congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and marjorie taylor greene agreeing she should resign, it was untenable, she was going to have to go. i would add this. i think this is a very dangerous time because what have we showed
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since president trump got shot? we don't know anything about the shooter. we don't how it happened to be a go we can answer any questions. what do you think our adversaries are thinking right now? that america has lost it for your grace not even we have september 10th mentality, it's like we have 1942 mentality. nobody is paying attention to the threats that are out there right now and i think it is very difficult to understand how somebody like secretary mayorkas also didn't fire her because biden won't fire her but she reports to mayorkas and mayorkas has been saying everything is fine, we have done everything perfectly and well. this man, the former president, almost died, at this close, and they have no emotion about it. >> brian: all great points. the other thing is, you are welcome, the other thing, greg, they lied. the slope on the roof, there was somebody up there. you know why they got down? it was too high. why didn't she just components
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that have been i have been down there three or four to, talked to those in charge, the years what they did wrong and hear the policies that are going to change and what the perimeter should be. i know you watch more tv, he fired the head of the secret service be a guy wasn't waiting for the president, wasn't doing his job. >> greg: thank you for that summary of ""fox & friends"." >> brian: i usually drop apes vhs tape over in your office. >> greg: you see shifting priorities. in this case, the priorities of experience and confidence got shifted to taking boxes. it's not like experience and confidence, it takes longer to get there. it's just a math problem and dei makes it so demand exceeds supply. if you say you want more redheads, a smaller pool that will deplete faster and if you don't get there first, you will end up with a less qualified redhead and they're going to be all of these blondes and brunettes who could have done
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better but they don't fit exactly what you want. i think the negligence is also related to the political decision-making. if cheatle shares the same antipathy as her friend dr. jill does, the denial of manpower and technology and resources for two years makes a lot of sense. i mean, why didn't they do it? it's because why? sometimes it's the most obvious answer. but i think something died that day besides the retired firefighter. it was dei. i think that got shot. i think we saw that merit doesn't work in no fail situations. sure, you can use it in customer service, disney movies, the dmv. it secret service. you can't run it on a social experiment. the same way you can do it with surgery or with plain maintenance. >> brian: i want to absorb
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that. >> greg: i wish you would move on. >> brian: the only studio we have. all right, jessica. so she is gone. it is time to move on. and president biden, i think it would have been a bigger deal had he still been running for office but do you think this is an opportunity for it kamala harris just how disappointed she was in the secret service? >> jessica: that's inter interesting. i hadn't thought about that yet because i am still high on -- >> greg: we all are. >> jessica: i think she got a good bipartisan drumming in all of this. i watched some of the testimony. i thought jerry moscowitz, democrat, was fantastic and thrilled to see him coming on our air more something he pointed out that really struck me, not only did something like this happen, it happened live on television. we couldn't cover this up for our adversaries, people who are wondering how easy it would be to get a shot off of a former
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president of the united states of america, sitting around on a saturday afternoon and we see an assassination attempt live on television. the stakes of that are so much higher than if it happened in any other type of scenario. my big concern now is that the investigation continues for steam ahead, that there is no road blocking of that. she leaves but hopefully whoever steps into her shoes, the people who are there do not hold back and we get a full accounting of this because the american public will not settle for less. >> brian: over the weekend, did not tell the director. number two, three platforms, encrypted platforms, contacted one right before he got on that roof. >> katie: there is a lot more we need to find out about this. this shows why biden couldn't run for a second term. the white house disappearing for weeks on end and the president not knowing about it, when he
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can't fire the head of the secret service and she has to wait nine days, and you still haven't fired her and allowed her to tender her resignation, and in her statement you praise her after what had happened? it just shows he is weak, it's an indictment of his leadership style. >> brian: i want to find out more and see that with your permission, i would like to go straight ahead. >> greg: permission granted. >> brian: president biden no longer missing after democrats through mark the ticket. that's all i have. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: president biden showing americans proof of life today returning to the white house six days since we saw him battle the short stairs back to delaware. the big guy is free of covid, free of his campaign, and announced on x he will address the nation for the oval office at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. biden also briefly mumbled today to prove he is not artificial intelligence. >> reporter: mr. president, how are you feeling? why did you drop out of the election? was it a difficult decision to make? >> greg: and kjp let the ladies of "the view" no joe is still the boss even if he is ghost in the country. >> he steps down from running and being the nominee but he is still the president. the letter come if you read it thoroughly, there is no spin to it. >> including vice presidential candidate j.d. vance saying if
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he is not up to serving former years can serve out the rest of his term? >> i think that is ridiculous. >> is ridiculous. [laughter] >> but what i will say is the president decided to not run for reelection. that's it. that's all he decided on p or he wants to continue to do the wor. >> george washington also showed this country how to step down and pass the baton and it is very patriotic that the president stepped aside. >> greg: oh, my god, she is an idiot. you can use that adjective for anyone of of them, katie. doing something at 8:00 p.m. do you think he will be the late president biden or show up on time? >> katie: oval office address, probably show up on time, clock. days of not being seen, the oval office, making this address, and i think what will be the most interesting to
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watch, he continues to glom onto the harris campaign and what they do to keep him away. he called into the headquarters yesterday -- which makes sense, passing the baton, still a lot of work to do, implying they want to do it together and they're going to be like, joe, it's time to move on. this is our new campaign. thank you very much. he is going to be a lame, lame duck, of his own making and by his own party. >> greg: like the guy that graduated from high school two years ago and still hangs out in the parking lot. speaking of, so brian, biden's leaving and yet you remain, in a weird way, i don't know better off. >> brian: i don't know where that crazy question was. >> greg: okay, let me ask you, here is a really good question: tomorrow he is talking as head of state. he can't actually say anything about the race. he can't say anything about kamala harris, endorsing her,
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because that is the hatch act, correct? see, that was "fox & friends" question. >> brian: do i get to choose which question i want to answer? >> greg: yes, no one is listening. >> brian: that is untrue, you have the most popular show in america. >> greg: that is true. >> brian: if you care about the country, he should go right away. if you are a republican, you care about winning the election, he should stay right there. but what has come out so clear is he is not capable of doing this job and hasn't been for years. all the stories are just beginning to come out, "the wall street journal," can't keep a stray thought to donors, as early as 2021 he couldn't explain his infrastructure deal to democrats, to the caucus, so bad after he left, nancy pelosi had to quickly say this is really how we are going to spend the trillion dollars, and also i would add on top of that come internationally, our allies as well as our enemies know that he is shot, so we are absolutely in danger every day he is there. the fact that kjp can go on
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"the view" and act as if she wasn't lying to us every single day is unbelievable to me. i understand spinning for your boss, but flat-out lying every day and getting insulted when someone asks her, don't you think if he is stepping aside, it is showing he can't do the job? >> greg: i expected "the view" to eat her for breakfast but apparently they already had lunch. jessica. he is going to resign tomorrow night, isn't he? we already know he is stepping down. he is going to resign. >> jessica: no. he knows a paper statement was not enough, and that he owes the american public and explanation of this, and he can talk about the thought process. all of the reporting confirms he really did make this decision essentially in isolation with his family. it might be that nancy pelosi was going to go public with everything the week after, but this was about him, and i assume jill and hunter and his two closest advisors, who did come down there, and i will be very
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interested to hear him talk about it, and i certainly don't think that was six months left on the job, that there's any reason he needs to resign. running for a job that would keep you in it for four and a half more years versus doing six more months, how long was reagan basically being propped up, 18-24 months? of course it is not the same because i'm talking about re reagan. i also want to say i've seen a lot of republicans doing interviews about this, like josh hawley showed up -- sorry, tom cotton showed up on cnn talking to john berman and tried to use the coup line and john berman said, come on. if the standard-bearer for your party try to overturn a free and fair election, you are not -- it is not going to work for you to go with that angle because mike. dei higher stuff also not going to work. people will be turned off by all of this. they have to run a
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policy-oriented campaign. j.d. vance calling her a lonely cat lady because she is someone who didn't have biological children when she is in a thriving and happy marriage and has two step? all of that is anathema for the republican party, and they can't stop themselves from doing it. >> greg: i mean, the delegates have their nominee, and she is clearly an illegitimate candidate if they are going to totally ignore those people, but i don't have time to argue this. i saved the rest for last pay or go dana? >> dana: the rest of the last? >> greg: i just came up with that. to me what is he going to say tomorrow or how long it will last. >> dana: just given oval office address after the failed assessment nation attempt on president trump and it didn't go that great, so then he gets e hiding him, and he calls into the campaign event, and it's like when your parents would listen in on your
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call, before hanging up, i know you are still there, joe, so they are going to say, we are good, we don't need you to go anywhere, just a right here. i actually think the republicans are barking up the wrong disenfranchised tree. if 87% are democrats are now saying they wanted this change, they don't feel disenfranchised. i get it, i understand the rules and everything. i wouldn't do that. i do continue to be surprised, though maybe i shouldn't be, just last week, the media was in a froth over the white house press office not telling the truth about joe biden's condition. when is that going to transfer over to kamala harris? remember on the week ahead, every week, the white house put out, she had lunch with him every wednesday. i would love to know if that is actually true. >> greg: that is true. >> brian: see the subway bill p at >> greg: where is jill? >> dana: dr. joe? on her way to the only picks.
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>> greg: perfect timing. the media latching onto kamala's trump versus talking point. ♪ ♪ people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks,
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♪ ♪ >> katie: get ready to hear nonstop about kamala the cop, selling vp is a tough on crime former prosecutor. watch this spirit speak a former prosecutor versus a convicted felon, that is something. >> she is a prosecutor. i love the idea we have a prosecutor defending democracy and the rule of law. against a convicted valve end. >> asking if america's ready for prosecutor is america ready for somebody with all the criminal charges that donald trump has?
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speak of the bumper sticker writes itself. that never happens in campaigns, but prosecutor meet felon. here we go. day one. >> she is a prosecutor, he is a criminal. i like that matchup appeared >> katie: as usual, the press has a very short memory. kamala harris once promoted a bail fund during the 2020 george floyd riots that let convicted rapists and murderers out of jail. greg, we know the term prosecutor has many meetings, alvin bragg is a prosecutor, harris has been endorsed by the soros wing of the party for president. does that mean the entire country is going to look like new york city? >> greg: now they love the police. one moment it is defunding, now it is delightful. i think the thing that grabs me in this is the lockstep. the media is invested in creating narratives because they believe most people can't think for themselves and that included most 99% of people in the media.
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people in the media no longer ask themselves what is being said. that should be the first question every morning. that is too hard into painful. much better to have it deliver room service. every person in that montage, that was not there thought. that was assigned to them. they don't think we are going to notice everyone saying the same thing? the only way you get through that is like the assassination attempt happened so quickly, they couldn't attach a narrative to it. literally blew that apart the you couldn't create -- and how are dragging their heels because now they can create a story about the assassination because as time goes on, they will come up with another narrative. wait for it. >> katie: moderates and tough on crime, care about these issues. is not going to hurt, given her record?
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>> dana: she imploded in 2020, she went to the left of bernie sanders and everything. raised her hand on medicare for all come explicit they calling to a limited private health insurance, wanted every terrible green new deal policy, wide-open borders, all of it. that was one of the reasons her campaign in imploded. i get the urge to put her back in the prosecutor column because it is better than her vp column. one of the ways she could have shown that she is ready to be commander in chief, the first test, are you willing to go and be there for the primary strip israel's speech to congress, still have american hostages in israel and he is coming here to give a joint -- a speech to a joint session of congress, and she is not going to show up. she is going to have a private meeting with him with no photographs, but why is she doing that? she was to be a prosecutor ag again? or she wants to be commander in chief? i think she failed the first test on that point.
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>> katie: jessica, the record of kamala harris, as dana points out, shovels lost the race in 2010 to a republican in california because she was such a bad prosecutor and because she was allowing crime not to be prosecuted in a way that people really wanted. so is this really going to work, given her endorsement of squad-like policies? she is basically a member of the squad? >> jessica: she is not a member of the squad, she is a member of the biden harrison administration, the second most powerful person in the united states of america, and joe biden kamala harris' policies are her legacy now. and that is what she will run on. they won't want joe out there. i complete e-cig. i think he will be all over pennsylvania, michigan, and milwaukee to reassure the voters who might be pissed off that he was knifed out of the top of the ticket. she is in steam step with he has done.
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>> greg: he's not moderate. >> jessica: you guys are -- >> greg: how is he moderate? >> jessica: no medicare for all. >> dana: that is because 80% of the country was against it. >> jessica: he has never been -- >> greg: let's talk about student loans. let's talk at the bowl about the border piglets talk about crime. >> jessica: can i just say something on the prosecutor angle? >> greg: absolutely not. >> jessica: i'm going to do anyway. if donald trump wasn't a convicted felon and someone whose background was law enforcement, you don't think he would be hammering this? it is insane someone who did come out of cop world is running against a guy that over 50% of americans think was guilty of what he was found guilty of in new york and want him to resign, to pull out --
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>> greg: the bottom line is who would you want to negotiate for hostages? her or trump? i take the felon. >> brian: if i could just say something, to your point, i think when people get up every morning, they are not looking for the narrative and if you want proof i am right, donald trump is the nominee and he has never been more popular. every day, we have been told he was an insurrectionist and he deserved to be thrown in jail and he was indicted for times and the republicans stay out of my talented field, i still pick that guy and he has never been more popular, people saying -- listening to the near times, "washington post," cnbc, he would be less popular than nikki haley or anybody else on that stage. and lastly, the problem with kamala harris as if she is going -- wants joe biden to go to pennsylvania and ohio and all of these places, they stopped allowing drilling for natural gas -- >> jessica: the amount of permits that they have
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authorized -- >> brian: even the governor says unfreeze it -- >> katie: we have a whole election -- >> jessica: just very quickly, if trump was so popular, he would have won back in 2020 and the republican party would not have lost all of the elections in his era. those mid-terms -- >> brian: do you think the mainstream press thinks donald trump -- >> katie: guys, we've got to go. coming up, goodbye malarkey and say hello to the coconut tree. can kamala meme her way to the white house? ♪ ♪ a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything, choose cosequin.
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2:51 pm
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♪ ♪ >> i don't know what is wrong with you young people you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughs] you exist in the context of a hole in which you live and what came before you. >> jessica: the harris campaign instructor capitalize on rat summer and coconut tree kamala memes that have exploded online with gen z. greg? >> greg: yes. >> jessica: are you a little coconut pilled at this point? >> greg: not really. it's like a meme has to be organic and speak to some truth. it can't be forced on you like
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dark brandon. dark brandon was inorganic. it was thirsty and ultimately deception. it was designed to make you think somehow biden was edgy instead of demented. so i don't know how these memes actually help her because they speak to a truth that she's an unserious person. the laughter is the thing that people will immediately go, please make this end. sorry to pee on your coconut parade, jessica. >> jessica: it's all right, that's what i expect from you. dana, one of the great things about the internet, anyone can get it -- >> dana: rural america. >> jessica: no, they have expanded broadband -- i don't need to -- awkwardness is an asset on the internet. and you are seeing that. >> dana: all right, i'm just saying if i was going to be the first woman president, i would really want to be taken seriously. i am for memes. whatever. but if you are too online and
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just focused on the too online audience on both sides, you are going to lose a whole bunch of people. can we just have somebody normal? >> greg: do you really want brats to run this country? they already do enough damage. >> jessica: you don't understand the essence of brett summer. >> katie: i think the white boy summer memes are going to take over. hulk hogan memes beat out these -- it is hard to out-meme hulk hogan. >> jessica: already up for a 5-30 points with gen zers. >> brian: brat memes, a little messy and likes to party and may be some dumb things sometimes, i'm trying to catch up, how does this help her? >> katie: that's embarrassing, actually. that's what they are putting on her. >> jessica: it's because charlie asked the x said that about her. it is embarrassing, you are not the target demo. >> greg: thank god these people don't vote.
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>> jessica: they do vote. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> dana: full-time for one more thing. perino on politics josh kraushaar all you need to know for auto political update. greg? >> greg: tonight a great show mr. piers morgan. comedian adam hunter, kat timpf, tyrus tonight. let's do this, it's greg's fox news. all the breaking news on fox as we go to london's oval stadium. here we have a fox racing across the cricket what do you call pitch? who cares. it's not a real sport anyway. and we best of luck to the fox. >> dana: you know what? hey, we have 10 seconds left. we had a great show and we have more to come. that's it for us, everyone. have great night. >> bret: it really was a great show, dana. >> dana: honestly, we were really good. [laughter] >> bret: all right. thank you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. th


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