tv Hannity FOX News July 23, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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point thomas crooks pointsifle his rifle at the eyewitness and those rally goers. this is what aeyewit told us abt security on that day definitely wasn't secure. i'm actually ex-military, one of the first things i noticed when we walked up, i'm like, we're none of us ticehave been vetted. we're all on the fence. of uecehave a view of the stag . >> we could see trump, john grassley, the senator, senator grassley just releasedea video as well, a body camera footage which confirms that a local sniper took a photo of thomas crowe before the shoot. >> thank you so much, brian. >> we'll see you tomorrow night for biden's up now.
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welcome to "hannity". >> and breaking tonight, shocking new body cam video hahockin attemptnation against donald trump as the head of the secret servicetg has finally, i mean, finally tendered her resignation. momen and we have a lot more coming up in just a moment. but tonight we have good news h to report. the president of the united states, joe bidens to,dei is definitely alive, pictured herete her walking to air force. he didn't even have to be surrounded. it looked like he might use thed big boys stairs and everything early this mornings mo, but for days, the president was nowhere excee seen or hearrd except on x, causing rumorsin and speculation not on this program to run wild. wiyden din didn't even publicl announce his decision to drop out of thednicly 2024 race or his decision to endorse kamala harrishi. so there were no videos, no pictures, nothing just a brief statement on x. i guess that's the way we now communicate with each other.w
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anyway, the white house said that biden was under the weather. each otr.he had covid. apparently he's feeling better. i'm glad to hear it. accordinow itterg to reports, biden spent the weekend fuming at elites in his own party. now, apparently, according to the "new york post", otherthe sources, joe's decision to drop out wa poss in fact coerced. one top democrat telling politico, quote, nancy pelosi made it very clear that biden could do it the easy way w or the hard way. sounds like the moay ob. she anyway, he continued, quote, shgae gave his three weeks of te easy way. it was about to be the hardy thr way. there is even speculatioe wan that pelosi and others were threatening to trigger threate h amendment and remove biden from office if he did not complypart to the elites in his party. and so much, for pelosi's lie, and most dnc, she supports m whatever decision he makes. make no mistake, this wascratic a coup inside the democratic party. the millions p primary votes
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around the country for r joe bidejon have been flushed down the toilet, rendered meaningless, completely disenfranchizendered m by nancy, chuck schumer, barack obama, other dc hollywood big donor elites. these same overlords then unilaterally selected joe's replacement. and that's kamala harris, at least as of tonight. now, tonightreke also the democratic party, you need to understand what's happening here. r hone this is kamala's honeymoon period. she experiencing a sugar high al you know, a feeling of relief and enthusiasm that the guieusi that can't walk and talk that staged and confuse the guy that mumblesyo k wh and bumbles and stumbles. oh, thank god it's not him. it's. it's a honeymoon. it's a sugar high. but markh my words. it will be short lived. wil coming up, we're going to start the process of reintroducing rea you to the real kamala harris.
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we will, as usual, dlao the stae run media mobs job. we will vet the new presidential candidate. wewe will will do it thoroughl. while so called journalists, they will be swooning over their new presidential candidateswooning a they cheer and they applaud. we'll actually tell you the full truth about the now soon to be democratic nominee. this is let me put it this way, the most radical vice president, soon to be presidential candidate h in history. we will point out her radicalis positions, israel. she won't be meeting prime minister netanyahu wednesday. we'll exposed her support for far left vile at riotingrrection and insurrection and her attempts to completely upendhe law and order in this country. we will review and her love of socialism, her love of the green new deal. she co-sponsored, her loveer het of single payer health care, her love of an percent tax ratet that she said would be fantastic. so
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and we'll also even discuss her past support fordiscus jussb smollett. remember that case commonly referred affectionatelery to tht case as a victim of a modern day lynching? vif first, here's chuck schumer offering his very, veryt but enthusiastic support for his party's branrtd new nominee. >> take a look. so now that the process has played from the grassroots bottom up, we are today to throw our support behind vice kamala harris. >> i'm clapping. you don't have to. s it's a happy day. what can i say? vicey daat president harris wilt donald trump and become the nexts of the united states of america. >> plus, hakeem. wow. the enthusiasm is through the roof and not fake at all. and by the way, did chuck
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schumer say that the processr sa played out from the grassrootspc bottom uess p chucky cobble that did not get a single primary vote, not one. she was picked by party elites,t people like yourself, chuck, without any input. zero input. no aput, 0 consideration at allr the voters. yoe literallys to help throw those votes in the garbage people wenty help to the polls for no reason at all. my humble advice to th ale democracy loving democrats, it might be a good idea to consultp with the people in your party before making such a bigeo you decision. well, as of now, kamala is now polling even worse thahen joe. recent harris poll has trump beating harris by nine points nationwide and a preliminary result from a brands new rasmussen poll has trump up by a whopping 13. trumr poll has trump up by two. that's not all. by 2 put togethers a list of ten democrats, the new york times. they ranked their chances
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of beating donald trump in the fall, and they rank kamala harris fal dead last. one columnist for the times referred to harris, quote, a mediocre politician from a deep blue state with low national approval ratings. and one of the key reasons for kamala'sf e key historically low approval surrounds her role in the biden administration. so let's be clear off the top here. kamala n admi be clear owns every single one1f of the biden harris policy failure, all of them. but it's especially true at the southern border, because in 2021, kamala was appointed,t quote, bordersthat are. and from the outset, she pledged to address the root causes outsepledge of illegal in and put an end to the crisis. that's what sh e said.nothin and by the way, kamala did next to nothing, the border crisis exploded. it has become the single biggest national security threatd be in our lifetime.e. look at your screen. illegal immigratio n is now ten times worse under kamala's so-called leadershiphe.
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more unvetted. joe biden. kamala harris. illega l have poured across this border than the entire population of new york city. there are 40 u.s. states with a smaller population than the influx of illegals under biden and harris. the cost to all of you, every taxpayer, is astronomical. the risk of terrorism and crimee is unthinkable. it's never been higher, according to director accordinr the fbi murders, have occurreda as a result of their open borders. the odds of a 911 terror attack, again, in the words of directoacr wray, have never been greater. joe and kamala. let me be very, very clear.t me kamala, like joe, you have f blood on your hands. and yet for a whilore, kamala couldn't even be bothered to visit the border. you might recall a loo. >> take a look. the notion that the border is closed, why should they believe you when they know
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that people are getting in? >> well, listen, here's the thing. fove been working on this issue for a very long time. do you have any planr s to visit the border? >> i'm here in guatemala today> . at some point, know weo are going to the border. we've been to the border. so thirder so s this whole thiso thing about the border. we've been to the border. we've been to the border. you haven't been to the border. and i haven't been to europe. and i don't know. i don't understand what the pot that you're making. now, ultimately, the borders are was shamed into making a quick stop at el paso, but far awaystop from the epicet where the real crisis was happening. now,hecrisis was that was her ft and only visit to the border and a year later, in 2022, she told chuck todd that the border was secure. she lied. flat out lie jusrt like she lied about joe biden being so p and so awarear and so on his game. that was a lie to take a look.
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>> would you call the borderw co secure? i think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and i asked congress do. the first request we make pass a bill to a pathway to citizenship. the border is secure, but we alsocitizes secure have a broken system. >> we're going to 2 million people cross this border for the first time ever. you're confident this border secure? we have a secure border in thata that is a priority fornd nation, including ours in our administration. tion incbut there are still a lt of problems that we are tryingp' to fix. we have a secure border is a lie. that wasn't the only blatant lie that camila told about the border. here the b is your border czar smearing border patrol?
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remember when shse falsely accused them of whipping migrants? another lie. take. >> look. i've been very clear about>> cle the imagesares that. you and i, both of those law enforcement officials, horses. i was outraged by it. it was horrible. and. and deeply troubling. human beings should not be treated that way. and as w man beinuld noe know, it also ed images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous atpeople of. our country has been used against african-americans during times suc of >> all right. this wasve a completrye hoax and lie. the images in question featured border patrol agents on horseback using range to control their horses. kamala didn't carek . t she is always ready to defame those who keep country safe. now, here's a flashback to her time in the u.s.
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senate when ice she compared ice officials to the kkk. takeoffici a look at this. >> the was a what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. >> why? why? terro >> why would wrie call them domestic terrorist groups? because they tried to use fear. and force to change t. tivati environmen >>on and what was the motivation for the use of fear and force cised on race and ethnicity? >>ty right. are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ice is being used to enforce the laws? and do you see any parallels? >> i do not see any parallels between. i'm talking about police officers and agents. i'm talking about perception. i do not see a parallel betweena what is constitutionally mandated as as it relates to enforcing the law. whtutional are you aware that there's a a perception? no. are you aware that there's pe a perception ice in the same category as the kkk? 't putis that where you're aski. >> and while karma's out therear
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trashing the american people, she is more than generouis s with your tax money. >> take a look. the bill also saysk. every individual who is a resident of the united states is to benefits for health care services under this act. not every individual who'sbe see , but a citizen, but every individual who's a resident. everdividual you support givingl health care a medicare for all tothca people who are in ths country illegally. let me just be very clear about this . m oppose i am opposed to any policy that would deny in our countryom any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health pub, period. how many of you actually knew that she was supported free health care for illegal? just maybe illegal immigrants are pouring across the borderar because kamala is offering them a free ride at your expense poun we sas we speak, a massive yolti-thousand person caravan, they're headed right now to your southern border. apparently, they're trying to make way across while
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joe and camilla are still in power. so joe the question tonight,i gs what will your border czar do? well, shestione addressed the rt causes of illegal immigration. will she send the caravaof illn back home or give them free health care and education and givee orem them free four s hotels in new york city? or will she allow them all easyi access into the country and give them the right to vot e men ? will she even mention this crisis in the coming days and weeks? don'tis in coming t count on ite don't count on the media to ask her either. tonigho ast, vice president har. well, earlier today, she wase wa in texas, but she just couldn't be bothered to pay a visit to the border. now, tonight, coming up, we're coming u examine kamala' s record on israel. it's not good anti-semitism, no not goot good law and order,t good. the jussie smollett hoax and much, much more. and why won't you be showing up when the prime ministee ber, israel, our closest ally, shows up here on wednesday for a speech before a joint session of congress? why noe t?
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kamala. but first here with more. as someone who spent a lotsomeby of time vetting kamala harris, he's the president of the government accountability institute, peter schweitzer. e days. i have and weeks, frankly, months of material that i have yed t tt into regarding kamala harris. hae lot about kamala harri harris and things that i didn't knows . n' what did you find? way y >> yeah. the way you describe what just happened, that this was essentialloucrib y a coup and that kamala harris is beholden to party bosses and political leaders is absolutely how she started her career. shawn,s is so in 2003, a distr attorney in san francisco named terence hallinan was investigating mayor willie brown's friends. he was also investigating the priest scandal of abuse in san francisco. and that touched some very powerful institutions, ns inc including an elite prep schoollu that involved the gettys,
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governor jerry brown, etc., their involvement with that school. so what happened? the san francisco elite decided we're going to rundecide someboy against terence hallinan, this progressive prosecutor. arri and that person was kamala harris. they poured in the money they poured in the organization, she became the neorgaw san francisco distrt attorney. and guess what, shawn? the cases against willie brown brown's friends were dropped. some of those were ver ay serio cases involving fraudin that affected safety of the people of san francisco. peopsropped those case the priestly abuse scandal that was taking place. she neves thr prosecuted a singe case, shawn, of the 50 largest cities in america, san francisco, was the only one' that that didn't prosecute a single case. and shute ae covered up by deep documents that her predecessor had obtained. so kamala harris has always been about doingo the biddinghe of the donors and of the political establishment. ane did it in san
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she did it as california attorney general. s and she did become president. >> she would do it yet again. well, you know, i'm scrolling right now. her extreme resume exposed. there's never been anybody more radical to be vice president. there's never been anybody more radical to run for president. you know, we're 104 days out, 50 spot, five days out of of early voting beginning in pennsylvania. not a lot of time for people ton really get to know her.t pa most people don't pay a whole lot of attention to what athat ge president is doin in her case. they paid enough attention to give her the lowest approval rating of any vice president in histor y. as you look at and examineng a her record just on the issues that we're talking about, on the economy, on on law and order, her support for cash bail that resulted in millions being raised b only four days after they burned down the minneapolis police precinct
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. they brought in $42 million. and that bel l was used 6 to release 65 people who were ultimatelypeople w convicted, my of them of murder, because of the money she raised to put o them back out on the streets. i don't think a lothe stret of americans know all of this yet. i don't think they know that she support think s free health she s care for illegal immigrants. i don't think that they upegalunderstand that she realld nothing to secure the border. you know, we have our top geopolitical foes walking in with these people withof terror ties, walking in with these people from countrietiess terror ties. we've seen and murder as a result of their policies. nobody seems to even p willingny to call her out on any of it yet because they're all happys h that, oh, she's the she's the nominee. all this is great. nominee this ida yadbut they sat of ignorance, don't they? >> yeah, they do, sean.ep and and look, that's why i think what you're going to be doing is s ti thinat you ao important. and that's why other people have to raise these
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issues, because the mainstreamln is simply not going to vet kamala harris. it's well known her rise to power. it's well known that in 2019, she was the most left-wing u.s.- senator more than bernie sanderwisenator s. this is all well known, but it's not going to be reported by the mainstream media. i think the other thing we have to recognize is that the big hand behind this activity, i'm convinced, is barack obama. he never liked joe biden. he didn't feel like he could influence nudge or control joe biden. i've been critical of him, but he was independent. obama. what you're getting with kamala harris is somebody that has beenindepend with the obamas evn before barack obama was t a unitedhe senator. they have been very, very close. shande knows that if she weree o to actually win in november, she would owe barack obama and barack obama would wou be calling the shots. something that hlde admitted20 in 2020 to stephen colbert that he actually would like to dcolbert o, which is sort ofd the the the power behind
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the throne. this has to be exposed. it has to be discussed. i think debates important and i think substantive questions of kamala harris are vital to be asked by the mainstream media because the public is not as aware as they should be of a how radical her record is. >> all right, peter spicer, we're going to continue to follow your work. we'll have you on regularly and we atinu will continue our vetting and doing the job of the media mob. the that they'll never do, as al matter of fact. israwon't believdoe the new way that kamala harris is disrespecting israel and prime minister. we'll explain that. lindsey graham reacts to it. he's off. next >> that's next. straight ahead. there's a narrative being pushed today that renewable energy is the only is that coal is dead and brings no benefits to our lives. to this, we say not so fast. in fact, global coal demand reached an all time high just
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last year. and as the mainstream narrative insists, only renewables keep us safe. this is a stunning contradiction. save indispensable contributions to the world at the coal t trute icon. >> this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors are suffering in the former soviet union. somebeyond a the needs that these forgotten jewste hal have are something beyond have are something beyond anything you can imaginef >> have you eaten this morning? yeah, i ate the carrot. so i ate half of it yesterday and i had it today for breakfast. and is what she ate in two days? >> one this >> these people are starving. please >> the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews in affordable poverty around the world. for
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of $25 now to help provide of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. seven people. e painfu >> it breaks my heart to know that there are survivors who suffer to this very day. >> it's not only the painfulagie memories of lost loved ones, i than $2 per day. than $2 per day. they live in sombei conditions imaginable. >> but i believe in god. but i sometimes feel maybeoul th forgotteatn me. perhaps you could tell my story and i would find a match so horrendous. and you deliberately got to my face hunger again. >> please don't delay. call, scan or go online. now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering and in desperate. >> this is what god wants fromto us. us. just feew.
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the seventh. and then, of course, terror attack in israel's history, kamala harris is showing zero signs of support for our strongest ally in the middle east. that would be israel. she is set to join a number of democratsd skipping prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress dehu's. she will be with a sorority in indiana. and tonight, the hill is reporting that tens of thousands of anti-israel supporters that probably love and support camilla are planning to march on the capitol during his speech. meanwhile, her support for a ceasefire in gaza is hinting at a foreign policy shift way p to theolic left.p of and earlier today, a group of anti-israel protesters stormed into the house office building in washington. they refused to leave. looks like an insurrection. before being arrested, capitol police. will there be a where's her?heney when you need will there be a january 6 style will i by the doj to prosecute them? i wouldn't count on it. just like kamala harris supported the bail wouldn't onsf
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the burning down of that police precinct in minneapolis, that fund ended up raising 40 plus million dollars to release people, many of whomi 65 of which were let freeicted before being convicted of crimes. meanwhile, kamala's veepstakes is heating up. pennsylvaniameanwhe vp governorh shapiro reportedly on a short list. not everyone on the left is on board. wait until you see this pretty vileboar smear from fake news ca >> take a look. pennsylvania's governor, josh shapiro, is being discussed as one of harris' potential running mates. he also endorsedsed as aential her. >> tonight, in your view, what are the pros and cons for putting him on the ticket? well thinkf hig , he's certainlr consideration. i know that from key harris allies. first-term he's a first term gd he's jewish. there could be some risk in putting him on the ticket bei . but certainly some of our voters here in pennsylvania said, hey, we like governor shapiro. i'll give him lookia say,y, we n >> now, what are they saying? that if you supporout, you can't be on the ticket anyway? making mattersy making. n inte in an interview with the nation, published on july the eighth, kamala express the
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sympathy, you might recall, for the radical anti-israel protestsy fo, the ones that dist disrupted colleges all across the country saying in part, quote, they're showing exactly what human emotion should be asa a response to gaza. this shows one day before our director of national intelligence d revealed that iranian government linked actors actually funding and inciting those protests. the reaction senator linsey graham, the great state of south carolina. i have a question for kamala harris and other democrats like fathy murray and many of your colleagues, senator and idiots like george clooney and his wife. hwhat part? murder,, kidnapping, torture, beheadings do they not understand this terror attack? if you extrapolate out israel's population compared to ours, that would be thian compe equivt of 40,000 dead americans in a day.
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iwhat part of that is this wing of her party missing. you know, that's a really good question. here's here's my view on this. >> everybody who wants to kill the state of israel and alland jews and wipe it off the mapwima wants to kill us to we're't und the great satan. so i don't understand whery. le we would pick a group of people who actually want to kill us. now, she's the de facto nominee for the democratic party in 2024. this is an astounding ba dn no decision not to appear behindapr bibi b as president of the united states. this is a signal to hamas, hezbollah and iran that we literally do not have bibi's back. this is really her first major foreign policy decisio n. and she's gotten an if she's so worried about the hamas wingcrap of the democratic party, she cannot sit behind the the minis the prime minister of israel, our best allteisraely, the regi,
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one of the best in the world, is not only despicable, it's really a bad decision. she's thrown gasoline on the cause of hamas, hezbollah and iran by doing thisoing thi. i take it a step further, in my view. joe biden and kamala harris, when they would not support israel. right. to win their war against radical islamic terrorists, hamas attacked them. hamas killed their citizens, their citizens, beheade d their citizens, kidnapped their citizens. that to me is a complete surrender. joe and kamala surrendered in the war on terrorism, as far as i'm concerned. e awhat? they surrendered to the radical left. this is what you need to understanneedd. i wish everybody in america could watch her show. she's the most liberal a shet senator i've known since i've been in the senate. she's the most liberal personati in the history of america to ever receive a party's nominationy of for the unitedr h
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states. she signed up for the green new deal, medicare for all. there is no liberal horse that she won't ride. so she's picked the radical left hamas wing of the party. she's afraidng. offend them. she's more afraid of them than standing up for our friends in israel. this is a chillingly bad b deci. onad it empowers the enemies of israel. it makes america weaker in the eyes of our allies. i cannot tell you she flogged the first test of trying to be president of the united states by picking hamas wing of the democratic party, pleasing them more than standing behind the prime minister of israel. this is a chillingly bads decision. let me ask you this. i know prime minister netanyahu will be making his way down to palm beach and meetingin with president trump at mar-a-lagoresident. there's never been a president nere supportive of israel than donald j. trump. you know, he movedvea prt more,, the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem.
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it's -- it's it's proper home on every single level. he supported them. and i'll even go a step kno further. i don't think hamas would have attackewer attacd israel. i don't think iran would have fired missiles into israel had donald trump as president. one thing i can tell you is that, you know, i don't care if it's china. iran, north korea, russia, they never fear joe biden. they did fear donald trump. they won't fear kamala harris. they'll laugh at kamala harris because that's what she does half the time. im anyway, she giggles away. you know her time. i don'giggle time.t they'll takl her seriously because i don't think she's a serious person. >> well, this decision she made not to appear as vice president behind bibi when he addresses a joint session of congress is a very poor decision. readin sessiong for saying to te world that she that she does not have israel's back.
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if you give in to aggression, you'll get more of it. the choice trump, vance and harris and somebody yet to be named on israel is clear as night day. it's also clear on the border,s. on inflation, on taxes. this is a right track, wrong track election. 70% of americans believe we're on the wronge righ. if you believe that you're right, if you think harris is going to guess back onn the right track, you're very wrong. she is thet track face of wronk policy in america. she is not ready for this job. she's been wrong at every turn about things that matter to you and your family and what she is about to do. >> but not showing up is going to make lifelong friends in israel. what does it about the d.c.t sa elites, the pelosi, the schumer of thet dc world, the hakeem wor jeffries of the world, d.cld., the nantucket elites? that would be the obamas, the hollywood elites, the money elites, the george clooney's of the world. cloo the more over
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the democratic party and the voters that went to the polls during these primaries to vote for joe biden. ring thees tthey just get disend and nobody thinks twice about it. ge >>ranchiyeah, they're afraid ofe hollywood crowd. they're afraid of the hamas wing of the democrat traid part. trump and vance are coming back and we're going to get world straightened out pretty quick to our friends in israel. >> help is on the way. help is on the way. and by the way, this little sugar high that the left wing media and democrats are feeling, that's not going to last very long. i can promisg.e you that. all right. coming up. thank you, senator. new footage fromp as the day of donald trump's assassination attempt that raises a lot more questions about law enforcement. and a new report revealing secrets has asked the trumpd team to stop holding outdoor ralliethtos. and why did the secret service mony president trump and his team more supporret when it was. requested? >> straight ahea d, are you
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now on fox nation is sign up at fox nation .com when you can't watch. >> listen. get the latest business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening and breaking tonighty senator chuck grassley office has now obtained body cam footagis obtaie from immediatelg the secret service killed the gunman at trump's rally last week. and the video raises even more questionsk . now, grassley's office says it proves that local law enforcemencruz lt saw the shootr before he was on the roof and sent pictures of the shooter to the secret service. d senthow did they ever let dond trump take the stage? look at this. >> so this is the guy that, yes ,they sent the county sheriff out. >> this is him. okay. right there. all. got it. so the boy in the back seat on that bike?
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we don't know. we don't know. i don't know. treating that as suspiciouaineds device. one second. i believe the sniper that seen these and sent two pictures is right inside this building. michelle's greg in there. all right, so if you go to that window two, the upper great. >> that's the sniperiper h thatt the original pictures and seen him come from the bike and set the block back dow andn n and ta lost sight of them. okay. he's the one that sent the pictures. i don't know if you got the same ones i did. >> i think i did. yeah. he's got his glasses on anhee os glassed he's here, so we have the picture. i got that. .s isand then this was. this is his bike with the stuff. and our sniper see theren walkil away from that, i believe. okay. but he would be right inside that window. idhe's the one that physicallye sent the pictures and called it out. >> okay, snd coded theo and we have somebody detained that. correct? they're not i don't know. i our guy that was just up here told me that there is a guy detained, is the owner of the bike and i said, no, that's the owner of the is somebody used to do roofing. that is noo used tt a roof by ay
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stretch of the imagination. by any definition. so bre that's not all.ak also breaking tonight, our very own brian jennings has obtained this photo that a rally goer took of the gunman.a lo take a look at this right therek on the roof before he began shooting, as well as a videowell that shows the chaos that aftert the shooter was spotted and began shootinger. you can actually hear the gunman's eight shots and then the sniper shots,ts the counter shots fired back ats him. >> take a look. got from my it is a miraclet isa
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donald trump is alive today. also breaking today, ten days after the assassination attempt on donald trump ant 10d after a a heated hearing on capitol hill yesterday, finall ay, y finally, finally, the secret service directore secret,e kimberly cheatle. by the way, jo kim is a woman, not a guy, has resigned in her resignation letter sent to theto secret service this morning. cheadle says she takesthe se, qo full responsibility for the security lapse. the t for joe biden to appoint a new director, "the washington post" is reportingctor that the secrec service is encouraging to holdindooraign indoor rallies. rare with reaction, fox news contributor jason chaffetz and former arkansas governor mike huckabee. jason, let's start with you. this is your wheelhouse. you've investigated secret service before. this is a a security failure
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of historic proportions. there's no other waye to put it and completely unnecessary, total and complete lapse. resigd she should have been fired, not resigned. the the secret service, they got good men and women. they are totally vice the failed by their leadership in every single step of the way. d hundre but we've highlighted hundreds of times that the secret service has failed to do its mission. and thank goodness for senator grassley, local lawl la enforcement to put that out there, because not only is the secret service not doingwhat their job, but guess what? they are they are out there deceivinarg, the publict they and what's happening? why haven't they held a single press conferenceel? . the only press conference that was out there was done by the locals. theythenly pressrenc the thingsd us were lies. they said they didn't know the name of the shooter. kn. s idd us rdn't they said he was 20 years old. how do they know he is 20 years old? if they didn't know the named o of the shooter? and then they go out and they say, well, there's no ongoing threat. how do you know there'ndthere o' ongoing threat? you don't even know the name of the shooter.
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then they go out and say the pits knomethe sh. that was a lie. so why can't they come clean? secretary mayorkas should also be held accountable for this. >> and for them to that, donald trump has to hold indoor rallie s. i mean, it's like a referee saying we stop scoring so many touchdowns, we're tired u of running up and down the field. donald trump attractands tens o of thousands of people anywhere and everywhere he goes, not ople any the 75 people that75 show up for a kamala harris rally. soe that get your act together. >> that extraction that you're seeing right there, that it was one of the most pathetic displays. you've got a president, former president is shot and they can't get him out of there. lookt of at those bumbling, they're trying to figure out, how do you open up the gate, ram that gate, get the guy to the hospital and do your flipping job. >> you know, the silence of joe in carmel has been near deafening. governor huckabee, why didn't they fire him? i'm sorry, her. why didn't they fire the head of the secret service? why didn't they hire the people
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that did advance work on this? why didn't they fire the people that said, oh, it's a pitch roof or a sloped roof? that's not a routeoverno by definition. governor, as somebody who used to do roofing, that's not a roof. you could stand on that roof. you could skatane on that roof. you could do pretty much anything you want on that roof a . well, the sad thing, what was done on that roof to shoot at former president and future president donald trump. and the reason that he that she wasn't fired, that joe biden fire him, i don't know that he was too aware of all that was going on.y but the other tragedy that was going on here was kim cheatle knew answers stood before congress and wouldn't give the answers that she knew. thank god for chuck grassleyn a releasing more information in a tweet than has released since ane shooting ten days ago. and for her to keep saying, well, it's onlr y been nine daya when she was there yesterday. the fact is, most of the timeres
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when there's a mass shooting, there's a press conference presc within two or 3 hours, and every police agency shows up and gives a perspective. this has been the most stonewall thing ever. and we've often heard the phrase the only thing worse than the crime is the cover up. well, we're dealing with a cover up here. this is not just they don'tt knw know what happened. they're covering it up. they're hoping we forget wha . d we we will not forget. we will continue to demandl cont answs. n and i agree with jason wholeheartedly. the idea that the secrets kind service is now going to tell donald trump what kind of venues he can hold a rally, r that's absurd. their job is to protect him, not to direcjot the campaign. >> it was like the ten day longe invested gation into cocaine in the white house. jason an ied on after that long investigation, they gave up saying, we don't think everd it find out who did it there who brought in the cocaine, the white house. you know, i've got to take issue with one other thing. when kim cheatle and others make the case that, well, ittsih was outside the perimeter
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by definition, the perimeter, you define it as any place where any harm can be brought to the person that you are protecting. that's the perimeter.promot the perimeter is noter 130 feet3 away outside of where the rally is being held. no e where , because that would bea layup. that would be a one foot putt. in terms of taking a shot, you know, between obama, biden, biden, harris, they have now been through five secret service directors. >> they can't get it right. what's the common denominato tors tr there, joe biden? the fact is, you don't know how to secure this country. you don' kt know how to runservc the secret service. you don't know how to secure this country. and it is so fundamentally, totally wrong and yet a total disservice to th liven and women who actually put their lives on the line and want to serve. but can't they keep getting these clowns to run the secret service? >> wels getting l, and the guys> around president trump, they did and the a phenomenal je we do need to point that out.
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all right. thank you all. point that ouappreciate it.p be coming up, biden finally made a public appearance today,made but his press secretary, karine jean-pierre, she didn't hold a press briefing, but she did have time to show up and meet the hard hitting co-hosts of that hard hitting news show, the vie w. >> we'll tell you what she said next. with all these things that i whether you're in your forties, 50 or 60 years and beyond, i know you're seeing changes in the skin on your body.
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to order your high quality american flag today that show allegiance. >> .com all right after disappearing from the public eye. four days following his covid diagnosis, president bidengiagns finally made a public appearance on his way back to the white house today. ppearance hisbut he's not the r of the administration who has been noticeably absenthe admin right now with tough questions likely coming her way from reporter ts. karine jean-pierre has not held a press conference in overt a. but let not your heart be troubled.
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she still found time to join the co-hosts of that hard hitting news show, the view anyway. joining us now, former trump senior adviser stephen millerr ad, fox newse ct contributor joe concha. good to see you bothra goo. stephen miller, i start with you tonight. a t of questions they don't want to answer because for the they've been o part of the biggest lie cover up. t lie campaign maybe in history. maybe. maybe speaker johnson is right.d i wouldn't want to face the press either. wouly ntd you? >> it is the biggest scandal and cover up in the history of the american presidency, showing as we sit here tonight, we do not know the answer to this question. who is running the country? it's obviouslye co not joe. it's obviously not kamala. ow. do knows and kamala is front and center in that cover up. and she has to answer day or be made to answer by the media. >> who is running this country
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and why have you not invoke the 25th amendment? as it stands now, this country is rudderless and the democrat party has de facto nominated the most liberal person in thedh history of major party nomineese to be their nominee. >> abolish ice, abolish fracking, aboliso beh privatesh health care, defund police, support blm and free health carefrnding th for legal immigr. the democratic party has brought america intoated the precipice of unmitigated disaster. if you're not strong enough to run, joe concha, how could you be strong enough to remain president? number one? and your take your colleagues in the media which you have such deep respect for. what do you make their lying and covering up for overng thi four years? >> it's the biggest cover up in american political history, quite frankly, sean. and it's not much of a cover up when we've talked about this for many years. you have for several years even
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going back before the campaign as far as this man you see on your screen, joe biden, not having the cognitive ability to be a golf starter or greeter at walmart, let alone the president of theon united states. but yet the media continue to say that, oh, it's a deepfake video, it's manipulated, it's edited, it's right wing conspiracyit's that joe biden actually has all these issues. dew we have a situation where joe biden announces days ago that he will not seek reelection. we have not seen anything like this the in 56 years. lyndon baines johnson, march 1968. and he has yet to take one question as to why this may be happening. do to why t you have parkinson's, ? do you have a neurological issue? why aren'tical issue why you rui and why do you think you can run the country? to your point, shawn? for the next six months, whene you think you can't run it for a the next four and a half years. i mean, this is complete insanity's insan. and the bottom line is now we have kamala harris, who's run
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now for president back in 2019. she'll be the democratic nominee now and she has yet to earn one singlee vo vote from, any democratic voter. yet here she is as the nominee . more questions than answers. no question about itquestion, j. >> do you think she'll get any tough questions? stephen miller? h ques we only have a shortti time. you are going to see the greatest effort by,t by the liberal elite media to prop up kamala harris. elit won't buy it.y she is the most liberalit democrat party nominee in history. left of mcgovern, left of carter, left of dukakis. radicat ofl, left to the bone. >> that's all going to come outl . coming up, we'll show you a flashback about kamala said as it relates to jussie smollett case. >> straight ahead. i'm never shopping for car insurance because with the experience insurance marketplace, i don't have to. they do it for me. yeah. experience. it's a whole new way to not shop for car insurance.
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12:00 am
judgment with the jussie smollett the hate crime hoax, she called the quote an attempted modern day lynching. call, couple of weeks later when doubts about the story emerged, she acted like, oh, i don't rememberthe about sayina modern day lynchin g that i'm sorry, jussie smollett. okay. so i will this about that case. i think that the factsts are still unfolding and i'm very concerned. thtempted modern day. >> wrong. that's all the time we have left this evening. our vettinhee leftg tomorrow. tg thank you for being with us. thank you for making thismorr ow t show possible. please say dvr. never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not notearb your heartbeat trouble. greg gutfeld will put a smile faceour face a. >> have a great nigh
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