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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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issues ande the economy and the border. to me, stick to the issues and stay away from personal attacks. >> and president trump is on the right side of these issues. they are concerned about theerne border, the economy and they want safe streets. let's get into kamala harris' record and she is farther to thh left and joe biden is. when she was in the senate, she was ranked the most liberal ofst the united states senate. she proposed medicare for all i fourll people illegally in thewa country. the list goes on and she was the border czar. and i think for americans tuning and truly undecided on the substance as you pointed out, president trump is on the right side. si >> laura: byron emily, thank you so much. that is it for us. follow on social media and ahead of biden's speech and we willfo have laura trump with us.
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[screaming] [video playing] >> yes, this is him. >> okay. >> that is the sniper that sent the original pictures and lost sight of him. >> todd: this morning, new video showing chaotic moment before assassination attempt on former president donald trump. >> carley: new video provides information about the law enforcement response immediately after the gunman was shot and killed. it is wednesday, july 24, i'm carley shimkus. this is "fox and friends first." >> todd: i'm todd piro. video is raising questions. fbi director wray will be asked to answer them today when he testifies before the house judiciary committee. yesterday testimony was heard
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from the state commissioner. >> your knowledge, the officers left the location to go in search of this person? >> that is my understanding. >> had esu, maintained position in that window overlooking the roof, isn't it true, they would have had a clean shot at mr. crooks as he was ascending the roof to his position? >> i'm not prepared to say that. >> carley: so many what-ifs and so many questions remain. commissioner christopher paris shut down the claim that the roof was too slopped for law enforcement to be posted there. >> do you agree with the assessment of the former secret service director that the roof was so slopped it created safety
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concerns? >> i can't agree with that statement. >> carley: he testified crooks spent three minutes on the roof before opening fire and clarified local and state police were assigned to their position by secret service including covering the building where crooks fired the shots. let's go to brooke singman. >> brooke: senator chuck grassley released the video showing crooks body, next to a trail of blood, which we blurred out. you hear a secret service officer confirming to law enforcement that he did receive a photo of the shooter prior to the shooting. >> this is him. >> okay. >> that is the sniper that sent the original pictures and lost sight of him. he sent the pictures, i don't know if they are the same as i
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did. >> i did. glasses on. >> this is bike with the stuff and our sniper seen him walking away from that, i believe. >> okay. >> carley: a sniper sent photos of crooks to a local police officer after he saw him get off of a bike and sit a bag down before losing sight of him. photos of crooks from a preliminary investigation, these are photos officers received before the shooting and released this photo of the bike and bag found near the building. fox obtained new video of clearest sight and sound of the assassination attempt we've seen so far. you can hear eight shots believed to be coming from crooks, two more shots are also heard, those are believed to be from the counter sniper team. watch this. [screaming]
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[shots fired] [screaming] >> get over here. >> run, run. >> brooke: the shooter's father matthew crooks has been spotted in public for the first time since the shooting. >> we will release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do so. we want to take care of ourselves right now. so please give us our space. >> brooke: former president trump is reportedly planning to stop holding rallies outside following the assassination attempt. >> carley: thank you. former president trump reacting to resignation of kimberly cheatle who stepped down yesterday, 10 days after the assassination attempt. trump tells fox news digital, she never gave me proper protection, i took a bullet for democracy.
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many requests were made for more people always with a turn down or no response. president biden is praising cheatle in a glowing statement saying jill and i are grateful for her decades of public service, she's risked her life to protect our nation. i wish kim all the best and will plan to appoint a new director soon. >> todd: to the election. president biden will address the nation tonight in prime time, first time americans will hear from him since he dropped out of the race. yesterday we saw him for the first time in six days. >> what are you going to tell america tomorrow night? [indiscernible] >> why did you drop out, mr. president? why did you drop out of the election? was it a difficult decision to make? >> carley: larry elder joins us
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now. good morning to you. you can make a case for this speech mattering a whole lot and a case for it matters very little. where do you stand? >> probably in the middle. he will be gracious, he will talk about 50 years of service. how grateful he is to the american people. he will talk about how difficult the decision was. he will talk about kamala harris and throw jabs at donald trump. he will say democracy is on the ba ballot. >> todd: i don't disagree, it will be interesting to see him spin his way or try to spin his way out of comments he made within this same month. listen. >> if you can be convinced you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down?
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>> president biden: depends on if the lord almighty tells me to do that, i might do that. no way you can win? nobody is saying that, no poll says that. >> we will 100% see you on the ballot this november? >> unless i get hit by a train, yes. >> todd: he got hit by the dnc. do you think he resigns tonight? assuming he does not, how does heic mathe case to the nation, i can't run for president, i can still be president for the next six plus months? >> as to statements about not dropping out, he will not say democrats, nancy pelosi and schumer and obama behind the scenes drop kicked me and i had no choice. that is what happened. i am not sure what he will say tonight. i don't believe he will resign and turn over to kamala harris. if he does, that means
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republicans will be running against an incumbent kamala harris, not sure if that is worse or better. regarding economy, inflation, gas prices and border, crime, there is nothing that biden has not decided that kamala harris has not signed on to. you can't say i've been involved in every consequential decision, i disagree with him about border, gas prices and this, that and the other. she owns his record, it is their record. >> carley: on the kamala harris front, she secured enough delegates to become nominee. hollywood big money donors helped her raise $100 million. one group you would think who would be in on her side is black lives matter. installing kamala harris as
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nominee without a voting process would make the modern democratic party a party of hypocrites. we need a snap primary across the country prior to the dnc in august. you would think that statement would be from a republican group, it is not, it is from black lives matters. what do you think about that? >> it is surprising. the most surprising thing is we still listen to black lives matters. they spent money on mansions and attack the nuclear black family, self-described trained marxists, who cares what black lives matterses. >> todd: to carley's imagery of the money cannon, i wish someone would shoot a money cannon at me. and joy reid warning people will
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look crazy if they don't vote for kamala harris in november. >> you will look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture, you are going to look real weird and lonely on that side. >> todd: that sounds like joe biden's you ain't black if you don't vote for me. how will that threat by joy reid play in the black community? >> another in continuing series of bone dead brain dead comments made by joy reid. back in the '70s, white mayor in philadelphia, urged philadelphiians to vote white. how is that any different thap what joy reid just said? if americans voted their race, obama would have never been elected. i ran for governor, i got 3-1/2
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million votes and l.a. times referred to me as black face of white supremacy and the person who wrote the column was a black female. if you are running as a black republican, you can't demand people vote for you, if you are running as a democrat, you can. i guess that is the way it works. >> todd: larry, i don't think you are the black face of white supremacy, even though that is what the author said. >> i worked hard for that title. >> todd: today, israelis prime minister netanyahu will address congress, vice president harris will not be there. >> carley: and a massive hostile and at times violent protest on capitol hill yesterday. barricades are up in anticipation of more to come, a live report from washington coming up next.
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joint meeting of congress, today vice president kamala harris will be in minneapolis. this is not a change in her position in regard to israel, they say she will discuss a ceasefire deal with prime minister netanyahu when she speaks with him at a separate private meet ing later this wee. republicans say the fact she won't be in the room is not a good look. sgls this is signal to hamas, hezbollah and iran we do not have his back. this is her first major foreign policy decision and gotten an f. she is worried about the hamas wing of democratic party, she cannot sit behind the prime minister netanyahu. it is despicable and really a bad decision.
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>> madeleine: more than a dozen democratic lawmakers will not attend the speed, the reasons vary. this morning around capitol hill, thousands of protesters are expected to descend on the nation's capitol to protest prime minister netanyahu's visit. some were arrested for protesting inside the capitol on tuesday. former president trump will meet with prime minister netanyahu at mar-a-lago on friday. >> carley: thank you. bring in founder of americans against antisemitism. dove, good morning, those protests raise massive security concerns and they are expecting more people to show up today. what do you think about this? >> look, it is amazing.
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these protesters are be ing -- y hezbollah, by hamas, islamic jihad. that is what they are accomplishing. sinwar is thrilled to see what is going on in america. it is shameful and pathetic that the vice president will not be at joint session of congress. it gives victory to israel's enemies while israel is fighting for survival on so many different fronts. people at the white house with nice red shirts, who paid for the shirtses, where it came from. it is giving a victory to the enemies of israel. america is great friend of the state of israel. israel is democracy and you have the shameful behavior, harris, demo democratic party, radicals are playing politics with survival,
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the well being of jewish people. a lot of people don't like benjamin netanyahu. jerry nadler made an incredible remark yesterday saying prime minister netanyahu is the worst jewish leader in history. how pathetic is that? what kind of message does that send? >> carley: on that point, yeah. listen, kamala harris should be presiding over benjamin netanyahu's address because she is president of the senate and he'll be speaking before congress. that isser had duty. she is traveling to indianapolis for what many are calling previously scheduled event. it is a college sorority convention, she is sending a message. what is that? >> you know, look, i think i get it, i think i understand. it is really nothing to do with
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prin principles, everything to do with politics. she is trying to bring back the radical of the democratic party to support her. again, you stab israel in the back, betray israel, joe biden was a disaster for israel. i'm in jerusalem right now, on left, right, center, people are desperate to see trump return to the white house for one simple reason. donald trump was a real friend for four years. israel is not perfect, we get that, no country is perfect. america under trump was a true friend to the people of israel, understood what israel confronts onnen madifferent fronts, north, south, iran, etcetera, etcetera temperature is shameful what is going on in the democratic
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party, selling out israel. >> carley: benjamin netanyahu wants a meeting with former president trump, whiches a lot how he thinks the announcement might go. donald trump announced he will meet with benjamin netanyahu. he posted a leftter abbas sent o trump. trump wrote looking forward to se se seeing bibinetanyahu. he is acting like commander in chief, he is at that moment, what do you think about that? >> donald trump had one of the greatest achievements in many decades in terms of peace, abraham accord. over last four years of biden
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administration, absolutely nothing happened with that. donald trump never got the credit he deserves. he should have gotten a nobel peace prize. remember when former president got the peace prize, people are trying to figure out why he got the peace prize, talking about obama. meeting with donald trump and netanyahu, they have had differences, it will give strengths to prime minister netanyahu israel, he is elected leader of the state of israel, period, we want him to be successful. we want the hostages to come back, all of them, it can only be done through strength. those who say, release a hostage at any price. that makes no sense, the
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hostages must come home, israel must be given every opportunity to defeat the ryan nazis of 202 that is hezbollah and hamas. the danger to the world is iran. they hate all these groups hate america more than they hate israel. >> carley: and we know iran is major funder of the college protests we saw across the u.s. kamala harris said she sympathizes with where the protesters are coming from and we are learning palestinian authority signed agreement with hamas and jihad in beijing. a lot going on. dov, thank you for joining us. vice president kamala harris is making her record as prosecutor central theme of her campaign. >> todd: critics inner had home state of california argue her
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message does not match her rhetoric. an attorney will walk us through the vice president's track record when we come back. remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™. ♪ ♪ this summer, there's no better time to experience the latest mercedes-benz has to offer. make your dreams come true. but the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e-class sedan, c-class sedan, cle cabriolet and cle coupe. hurry, these dream offers won't last forever.
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>> carley: white house pres secretary karine jean-pierre sitting down with ladies of "the view" days after president biden dropped his reelection bid. >> there has been criticism if the white house was transparent enough about biden's health. now calls have gone further including j.d. vance saying can he serve the rest of his term? >> that is ridiculous. seriously. the president decided not to run, he will continue to do work. 3-1/2 years of unpress dented historic work, that shows what he is capable of doing. >> carley: went on the view, but
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press secretary has not held a briefing since six days before president biden ended his campaign. >> todd: and vice president kamala harris is on the virge of becoming the democratic nominee. what would a harris presidency look like? here is form upper president trump on a press call last night. >> she's destroyed san francisco, a hell of a thing to do. if she becomes president, kamala harris will make the innovation worse and like she did with san francisco and with the border our whole country will be permanently destroyed. >> todd: a los angeles-bankruptcied criminal defense attorney joins us now. kamala harris bills herself tough on crime, her record does not reflect that. what red flags stand out to you on kamala harris' record? >> some things that stand out to
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me, she sought to make misdemeanors into felony crimes that existed in california and let out criminals from jails and it caused problems in california. theft is up, property crimes are up and she was a big supporter of that. harris has made stances that are confusing. sometimes she is against the death penalty and sometimes she would defend the death penalty. red flags are making political statements and not following out with her office. >> todd: her record, as senator she supported minnesota freedom fund, they raised 41 million and put criminals back on the streets. she did the green new deal.
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that is more along the lines of climate and border. i'm focused on the criminal stuff. keep in mind, her record caused problems. my question is, that sense that far left streak she has far to left of bernie sanders in many ways, was that reflected in her time as ag and going even deeper to her time as da in san francisco? >> i think for her time as ag, definitely harris marketed herself as a progressive prosecutor. as a d.a., not so much. a lot of people found her to be moderate as a d.a. as a d.a., she did prosecute something like line of 1900 people for marijuana crime, yet that is something she is against
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now. i think her stance changes depending where the wind blows. >> todd: she seems to be repeating a particular line of attack against donald trump. here she is at a rally yesterday in milwaukee. listen. >> i told you before i was elected vice president, before i was elected senator, i was elected attorney general and courtroom prosecutor before then. in those roles, i took on p perpetrators of all kinds. hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. and in this campaign, i promise you, i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. >> todd: prosecutor versus convicted felon will be their
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fight fight. >> yeah, i don't know how far that will play. you know, the prosecutor against the felon, noted. what do you have after that? look at records of what people have done in the white house and harris has not been president before, she can't really say what she would do in the white house. her time as vice president has been les than stellar and so again, i don't know how far that battle cry goes, if we have -- all we have is felon versus prosecutor, you have that one-liner, what do you have next to offer as your record, your performance, what do we see from harris? >> todd: she got a lot of titles as vice president and did not do
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a lot of work to justify those titles. thank you for your time. and trump campaign filed fec complaint for giving his war chest to the harris campaign. >> carley: cheryl casone is here n next. it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. (in atrocious french) au revoir mon amour. a bientot let's work on that french, shall we? (♪) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (in perfect french) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (♪) are you ready to lose weight, get healthier and keep the weight off? join over 5 million people who have chosen golo as a better way to lose weight. here are just a few of our golo customers who reached their goal
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[screaming] [shots fired] [screaming] >> todd: wow, fox news alert, shocking footage showing terror on the ground in butler, pennsylvania, during the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> carley: secret service was warned about the shooter. listen. >> this is him. that is the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him come from the bike. he sent the pictures, i don't know if they are the same ones i did. >> the glasses on, i got that. >> this is the bike with his stuff. >> the sniper seen him walking away. he physically seen this and sent the pictures.
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>> carley: lance gooden will be at today's hearing with fbi director christopher wray. he will testify later today and joins us now. it is stunning to see the moments the shooting took place and reaction from the people and one person can be heard saying what the heck is going on. 11 days after the shooting people are asking that question. you will be talking to christopher wray later today. the fbi is running this investigation. what are you expecting ihe will provide? >> i hope this is a better hearing than we had a couple days ago with the secret service director. i want to feel better about what the fbi is doing. corruption at the fbi, many
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colleagues are suspect of what the fbi comes up with. it is mire my hope director wray will answer questions and slightly put our mind at ease, if that is possible. i will call for a commercial comm commission, that is bipartisan and run by elected officials. i think the american people need to know more than the fbi is looking into this. it is appalling. we have terrible security for former and current presidents. i have to believe we can do better. i'm hoping for the best at this hearing. >> todd: what specific questions do you have for christopher wray specifically when it comes to background, motive, for the shooter himself? >> i want to know where we are, what information they have, what
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the plan is, what resignations are taking place, who is going to be held accountable, how this will not happen again. i don't want secrets, american people are tired of questions and conspiracy theories unanswered, questions that linger for decades. we need to get past this and get information american people deserve so this never happens again. it should not have happened in the first place. i don't expect today to be fiery, it could be. there is bipa bipartisan outrag. >> carley: terrible circumstances, seeing the bipartisanship was heartening. what do you think about the secret service suggesting donald trump no longer hold outdoor rallies. >> it is not surprising an
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agency run by kamala harris and joe biden would encourage donald trump to campaign less. i don't know he's had an outdoor rally since then. michigan last week was indoors. i am not interested in any agency run by donald trump telling donald trump how to campaign. when it comes to how donald trump is going to campaign, i would be reluctant to give him any pointers. >> todd: joe biden will address the nation tonight from the oval, what are you expecting in this speech? >> expecting him to praise kamala and detract away from he is unfit to run this nation until the end of his term. he and kamala harris promoted
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this lie to the american people and now we all get it and know and saw what happened at the debate. i expect he will be thrown out of office and this administration will be replaced in november is because of failure at the border, terrible economy, because of lies he's pushed along with his vice president. he preys on her and detract from his failed record, i expect american people will not fall for it. >> todd: congressman, thank you. trump campaign filing fec complaint arguing vice president kamala harris cannot take over president biden's $91 million war chest. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with more. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: fox news digital did obtain that court filing claiming harris campaign is seeking to perpetrate a heist of
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joe biden's leftover campaign stash. harris's team telling fox news digital, claims are baseless. they say republicans may be jealous they are energized. we assign up volunteers, talk to voters and win this election. the legal pathway for this c complaint is a longshot, according to legal experts. >> todd: and fec decides things 10 years after the election. despite the harris honeymoon, bad fundamentals of the campaign remain. >> cheryl: new cnn study reveals
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40% of adults are worried about ep cooing up with bills and 37% are concerned about bills during the great recession in 2008. total household debt jumping to 17 trillion in first months of the year $184 billion increase. not just debt is climbing, price of homes spiking. nee data yesterday, median existing price of homes jumped to an all-time high. 4% increase from lasts year. you can't afford a home, charging more on credit cards and worried about inflation at the grocery store. it is a mess. >> carley: speaking of mess, what about delta? >> cheryl: good segue, thank you. a lot happening with delta, they are under federal investigation. a week after the crowdstrike
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global outage, delta is the problem now, though. they said they will cooperate. they have cancelled 5500 flights from friday to yesterday. so far 40 flights have been cancelled and 97 delayed. pete buttigieg has had harsh words for delta. delta, they are almost one of the worst offenders. >> carley: big outage, but should it take five days to get back up and running? >> cheryl: it is crew scheduling. >> carley: they have to fix that issue. thank you so much. >> todd: tracked down brian kilmeade, he willive go us preview of "fox and friends." >> brian: this is cell phone video, this is me and i'm live. what is coming up over three
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hours, this music surprise, upbeat. k korination versus -- what do we know about her record? we'll walk you through it. find out what she did as vice president, senator and prosecutor. hillary clinton claims she laid the groundwork in a new oped. msnbc host joy reid, still has a job and says americans of color will look crazy and weird if they don't vote for harris, question mark and exclamation in that prompter. and v.p. is skipping prime minister netanyahu address today and will meet with him privately. is that the right move? and florida senator marco rubio will be here and marc thiessen and dana perino will be here, too. get dressed and i hope you laid out your clothes from the night before. take a wide shot or throw in the anim
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pence >> carley: all right, right now a massive migrant caravan is on the move in southern mexico. they are reportedly hoping to cross into this country before the election to take advantage of the policies put in place by president biden and the border czar, kamala harris. >> tells you all you need to know. we are going to ask for more. ed to bensman fellow at the center for immigration studies and he joins us now. todd, as the republicans
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campaign against kamala harris, what facts should they be driving home when this comes to her policy failures at the border? >> well, they just need to rewind to her first presidential campaign, her failed one 2019 whereby she went in with the most extreme radical, antifa agenda for border security which is essentially to dismantle it, to absolutely end deportation to end detention to reduce bed space within one week of will terrorist attack on an ice facility in tacoma where his manifesaid we need to camps espy
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private ones she said i will remove and eliminate detention centers when i'm president. she went on and on like that throughout the campaign. you take a look at her website. it's down now. but you can find it on the way back machine. really, if you an ice agent or border patrol agent looking at a kamala harris presidency you are quaking in your boots right now. she demonized -- >> carley: you are right about kamala harris having a long record and has many statements on the record about how she feels about ice, about illegal immigration, here's some of those from 2018-2019, watch this. >> abolish ice. >> yeah. >> is that a position that you agree with? >> listen, i think there is no question we got to critically re-examine ice and its role and the way it's being administered and the work it's doing and we to think about starting from scratch. >> you support medicare for all
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for people in this country illegally. >> let me be very clear about this. i'm opposed to any policy that would deny, in our country, any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health, period. >> carley: todd, the base of the democratic party is so excited about her becoming the presumptive democratic nominee but how do you think the swing state voter feels in the middle of the country, even in new york, not even border safe but are impacted by illegal immigration? > she is contrary to every poll for months and months taken of the likely voters in this country about the illegal immigration, mass migration crisis at the border. the american public absolutely hates this thing, millions and millions, 10 million people, foreign nationals have hit that border and millions of them had
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to go live somewhere. you can't look away anymore. it is right in front of everybody's face. and they are saying we don't want this. so, her views, which as far as i can tell, remain completely unchanged from 2019, are contrary to what the american people want and i think she is going to suffer the consequences of that. whatever you hear her say from this point forward, i think take with a grain of salt. but i have not heard her condemn anything or change anything from her previous positions. >> todd: todd, to that point she is going to be be vulnerable cities where migrants are fighting with the citizens there for resources. she needs those votes. >> carley: we will see how long it lasts. todd, thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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