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tv   Presidential Address  FOX News  July 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:21pm PDT

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thank you for giving help to their first set of wheels. let's roll. join the movement. please call. good luck. now, if operators are busy, call again or go to love shredding stores to give right away. >> thank you. >> hey, america, here's the deal. kellyanne conway is on fox nation bringing her own personal insight. so come election time, you can decide. here's the deal with kellyanne. every thursday, america is streaming. >> all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so >> tr, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, letting out your heartbeat trouble. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. >> how great is that? have a great night.
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>> we are awaiting ] president biden's address to the nation, his first since dropping out of th bidene 2024ng presidential race. >> good evening. i'm bret baier, live at the white house. and good evening, everybody. >> i'm martha maccallum at fox news world headquarters here in new york. president biden is expected to explain his reasoningnt biden for o the ending of his reelection effort. he will also outlines what het e intends to do in the final months tas 107 days left in office. >> we have seen some speech excerptsice. seen so so far.s -c one of them has the president saying that defending democrac de is more important than any title. >> another that thee great thing about america is kings and dictators do not ameri rule, the people do. >> our panel standing by. we're going to have complete analysis when we after this address. and just a quick ones around. dana, your thoughts as we wait. the president momentarily ready to speak. you know, we only heard from the president just about a week ago when he addressedn
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the failed assassination attempt of former president donald trump. and what he's at a point in his life right now where he doesn't communicate as well as he usedsc to. so he wants to stick the landing herek th and i do hh the best for him, because he has been a public servant and hese deserves to leave with dignity. we'll be with the panel in just a minute. now we go inside the oval office. we g ovae biden. >> my fellow americans,o yo i'm speaking tonight from behind the resolute desk in the oval offic dese. this sacred space, i'm surrounded by portraits, ea extraordinary american presidents. thomas jeffersonordinary wrote e immortal words that guide this nation. pre george washington showed us presidents are not kings. abraham lincoln implored us tos reject malice.roosev franklin roosevelt, who inspired us to reject fearyo
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. i revere this office. i love my countrmorey more. o it's been the honor of my life to serve as your but in the defense of democracy ,which is a stake, i think i is more important than anyt' stt title. i draw strength and i find joy in working for the americaon people. but this sacred task, perfecting our union, is not about me. is noit's about you, your fami, your futures. it's about we, the people the p we can never forget that. and i neveand r have. i've made it clear that. i believe america is at an inflection point on those rare momentments in history when the decisions we make now, the in determine our fate of our nation and the world for decades to comore. america is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity
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and division. decide we have to decide do we stilldow believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? in this moment, we can see not those we disagree with not as enemies, but asemie as fellow americans. can we do that? this character in public life still matter. i believe, you know the answerow to these questions because i know you, the american a people, and i know this. we are a great great natio nn be we are good people. when you elected me to this office, i promise to always level with you. to tell you the truth and the truth. >> sacred cause of this country's larger than any one of us. those of us who carrargey that cause cherish it so much. a cause of american democracy itself must unite to protect
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it. you know, in recent weeks has become clear to me that i need to unite my party in this critical endeavor. i believe my record leade as president, my leadership in thers t world, my vision for america's future, all meritedtem a second term. but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our demour democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. ration it's the best wa.y to unite our nation. e an you know, there is a time and a place, four long years of experience in public life. there's all for a time and aac place for new voices. fresh voices. for esyes, younger voices. and that time and places now, ns over the next six months, i'll be focused on doing my jobl
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as president. that means i'll continue to lower costs for hardworkingeo families. grow our economy. i'll keep defendingr our personal freedoms and our pem the rightfro to vote to the right to choose. i'll keep calling out hateextrem and extremism. make it clear there is no place. no placeism, makis in america fr political violence or any violence o ever. period. i'm going to keep keep speakingd out to protect our kids fromvioe gun violence, our planet, from climate crisis. that is the existential threat . and i will keep fighting for my cancer moonshot so we can end cancer as we know it because we can do it. ing i'm going to call for supreme court reformr because this is critical to our democracy. o our desupreme court reform, ye ,i will keep working to ensure american remains strong,re secure, and the leader of the o free world.
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i'm the first president in this century to report to the american people that the united states is not at warpeope anywhere in the world. will keep rallying a coalition e of proud nations to stop putin taking over ukraine, doing more damage. we'll keep nato's strongere co. and i'll make it more powerfulo and more united than anymo time in all of our history. i'll keep doing the same for our allies in the pacific. you know, when i came to office ,the conventional wisdom was that china will never we would inevitably pass the united states. the united states. that's not the case anymore. and i'm going to keep working to end the war in gaza, bring home all the hostages to bringdi peace and security to the middle east, and end this waor. we're also working around the clock to bring home the ica'clocs been unjustly wetained all around the world. you know, we've come so far since my inaugurationon t
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and that day, i told you ahas i stood in winter, we're stood in a winter apparel and winter possibilities, parallels. possibilities. we're in the grip of the war. we were in the grip of the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the great depressionic c, the wh attack on our democracy since the civil war. as am weer came together as americans we got through it. we emerge stronger, more prosperoure secure. today, we are the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs. a record. n wages are up. inflation continues to come downntinues . s th the racial wealth gap is the lowest has been in 20 years. we're literally rebuildingat our entire nation. urban, suburban, ruralio, tribal communities. manufacturing has come back to america. we are we're leading the world again in chips, in science and innovation i. . we finally beat big pharma
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after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. f pres fand i'm going to keep f to make sure we lower the cost for everyone, not just seniorsle . more people have health care today in america than ever before. i say the most significant loss, helping millions of veterans and their families who are exposed to toxic material ws. you know, most significant, climb in war ever, ever in the e history of the world. the first major gun safety law in 30 years. today, violent.y th the violent crime rate is at a 50 year low. we're also securing our border ay . border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. i keptadminist my commitment tot the first black woman to the supreme court of the united states of america. i also kept my commitment to have an administratio n that looks like america. be a president fort all american
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s. that's what i've done. i ran for president four years ago because i believed and still do that the soul of america was at stake. take. the very nature of who we are was at stake. and casei still the case. america is an idea. ideas stronger than any rv. bigger than any ocean, mor more powerful than a dictator, a tyrantrful tha. so powerful idea in the historyt of the world that ideas that we hold these truths to be self-evident, we're all created equal, endowed by our creator. certain inalienable rights. life, liberty. pursuit of happiness.dowed wi. we've never fully lived up to it. to the sacred idea. but we've never walked away from it either. and i do not believeieve the american people will walk away from it. no anw, just a few months. the american people will chooseu the course of america's future. i made my choice.
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i've made my views known. i'd like to thank our great vice president, kamala harri ts she experienced. she's tough. she's capable. she's been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. now the choice is up to you. the american people. when you make that choice, remember the words of benjamin franklin's hanging on my wall here in the oval office i r alongside the busts of dr. king and rosa parks as cesar chavez? when ben franklin was asked, i emerged from the convention knowing whether the founders have given america a monarchy republic. franklin response was a republic. was aubliif you can keep it a , if you can keep it. whether we keep our republic is now in your hands. ans, it' my fellow americans, it's been the privilege of mthe y life,n
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the service station, for overse 50 years. nowhere else on earth could a kid with a stutter. from modest beginnings in scranton, pennsylvania. o claymont, delaware. one day sit behind the resolutnh desk in the oval officefice a of president united states. here i am. that's what's so special about america. we're a nation of promiseameric and possibilitiea.ofs. of dreamers are doers, of ordinary americans doing extraordinary things. d my i give my heart and my soulto te to our nation. likeation li so many others, i r blessed a million times and return the love and support of theupport american people. i hope you have some idea how grateful i am to allm to of you. the great thin allg about ameria is here kings and dictators do not rule that people do. history is in your hands. the power is in n your handsyo.s
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the idea of america lies in your handhas. just to keep faith. keep the faith and rememberd stt who we are. we, the united states of america. and ther was simpe is simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. and we our do it together.r, so it's act together, preserve our democracy. god bless you all. may god protect our troops. >> thank you. president biden in the oval office looking well after a bout with covid, still with a soft, gravelly voice saying he draws strength and finds joy working for the american people. but alsoe americeopl that it's t about him. he said nothing can stand in the way of savinangesiden our democracy, including presidential ambitiotin, and her has chosen not to run again. he said there's a time and plache saie for new voices, younger voices. but he didn't talknew about thc 14 plus million democrats who voted for him in the primaries and caucuses votfor h
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he didn't talk about his health. he didn't talk about his party sayiins healthg back and just do saying he would be the nominee l of his party. but he did talk about vicet en president harrist harr, the presumptive nominee, now heading into their convention in chicago ing in. >> brad, we didn't get that many details as you say, about what went into this decision. we kno into tw that he made it very quickly. on sunday afternoon. we were told that by his presse secretary earlier today. but he said, i revere thisi office, but i love my country more. and he did appear to be kind of tan and rested. s yo and it makes you wonder whether there is an elemen weat of relis now that this decision is really sinkins reallyg in foo the 46th president of the united states. he wasf th a list of the things that he felt are accomplishments for a whilee . and he said that, come on, kamala harris is tough and that she has been an incredibleiso me partner to me and that he is all of you in
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america. so let's go around the panela and get a sense of everyone's reaction to this speech. everyon brad, let's begin with you. >> well, to hear the president tell it, he was fineg fo with running for reelection, thought he could win the rac e and serve for four more years until sometime between saturdayntil night and sunday morning when it dawned on him, apparently, that it was time fo forr a new generation of leaders, something that had escaped his noticesomethin now, although these many months and years. and then he got up on sundayn ev and decided he would turn everything over to this ththisy kamala led b harris, whom, as you mentioned, therha, he extolled as being a great partner to him. there was enough mentionen of democracytion and the sacreds of it to suggest that there was more than a little political motivation in his speech sincea democracy in the salvationsuch of it has been such a theme of his and kamal a harris' election program. but it was quite a conversionf overnight, it seems, if you believe it. i'm not sure i d eve it.o.
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>> harold, your party is now fired up. read >> by to go, it seems,esiden with vice president harris. there's been a coalescing. t i want to give you some colorl from inside the oval office. ther oe are seated to thet in president's left in the oval office were familythe ov member. jill biden, ashley biden, hunter, biden, howard crying, maisy, biden, naomi biden, finnegan, biden and hunter, president's grandson. also seated. senior adviser mike donilon. steve ricchetti. and for the good part of the speech p, ashley biden had her o eyes closed, nodding silently, breathing deeply as her father spoke, and she dabbed her eyese with her shirt a couple of times. this is an emotional time. he is stilthis ional tl going t' president. and republicans say there's a problem with thas m with tt. harold. dana right. i'm so glad you shared humanso in the office with them because fothin offk it's i think
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it's important for everyone to know how emotional and howavn much gratitude they have. and he has know. sai i'm reminded of, as brit said, that this is this sounded likede a convention acceptance speech. he recited his accomplishments. he talked about his service. he talked about how he gotand where he is. and he got a little campaigning as well, which i thinkittl people may give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a little rope on that. t ristiabut i'm a christian and mo faith means a lot to me. and as i heard him speaking, s r all i could think was there's a season for everything. there was a seasonseason f for , to think about running for office. there was a season to run and a season to withere was run in the and even as vice president, president. and now there's a seasonesidentr him to to pass the torch. we may not get the answers to the questions that brit ask, and we may deserve them, but we may not get them. get thembut we do know is that s is an american who loved this country. you may disagree with hi loves a lot of things or some things or for that matter, nothing. but one thing you can'ts th disagree with is that this is a guy who gave it is alls is and l
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give it its all over the nexths six months and hopefully the lord gives him the strengtht to do that. >> dana he said that a kid with a stutter can make it all the way to thean resolute desk at the white house. he also sort of fixed a couple of things that had maybe not been said the way he wanted to. and prior things he said, we finally beat big pharma, which i think wahich is what he meant to say when he said we beat medicare. bed he talked about the first black woman on the supreme court. also somethinge an that hehing a mentioned in the interview the other day that got a little bit garbled. so kind of a reda littleo here i ways. and perhaps this is the speech hen. uld have give i really wanted to love this speech. i wanted to be happy. for him. for i wanted to say good for you, sir. and i wanted to feel reassured that he has got what it takes to get us through the next six months. throe nextpeople really wanted w what does happen in the last three weeks, but this speech was like a mini state of the e some union. it was like something he couldgi have given in january of 2025. it rang hollow for me.
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it did not answer any of thoseos questions and i do not think that it helps kamala harrid s as she tries to make some sort of a break with him as she breas to get this nomination and try to beat donald trump. it's going to be very difficul d trump.t six for her to do so. he's got six months left and there's a lot of problems in this country. he said he's going to fix all of them. so said he tfi we'll see how that. >> tomorrow marks four weeks since that the cnn debate where he the president walked out ther e, said the first fews, words, mangled some of his sentences and caught a everybody by surprise. as far as that momen t. the party then jumped and everything transpired after that. marks two weeks almost to theth assassinatio almosn attempt of . former president. think of all that has transpired in this four weeksy, of history, real time. it's almost hard to digest. >> it's just an extraordinary thanod of news, as i can remember. i've been doing this for, well, more tha weln half a century o
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in terms of news. this is the most tumultuouf nes period i can think of. and, you know, i think we're going when we all look back on this in the fullness of time and perhaps with the better explanation of exactly the decision making process, the president went through, it will be seen as inevitable. once the once that debate ste happened, that he would have to step aside and that someone else wouldp e someon have to coe forward. we now know who we think that person is becausegn the signs are all aligned for her to become his successor, alat leastigne as a candidate for president. so i think that's where we are, bret. the debate happenede flow and everything else flowed from it except for one thing. edm itexcept fand that was the d murder of donald trump. >> harold, quickly, will they campaign together? just about 20 seconds heremuch and how much will we see the president after this ? >> well, i think the lead >> irom bret, what the the the the idea or two set of reality, he had to scramble jets to to to fend off a russian effort there. you're going to see a lot fort thee goinof the


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