tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News July 24, 2024 10:20pm-11:01pm PDT
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period i can think of. and, you know, i think we're going when we all look back on this in the fullness of time and perhaps with the better explanation of exactly the decision making process, the president went through, it will be seen as inevitable. once the once that debate ste happened, that he would have to step aside and that someone else wouldp e someon have to coe forward. we now know who we think that person is becausegn the signs are all aligned for her to become his successor, alat leastigne as a candidate for president. so i think that's where we are, bret. the debate happenede flow and everything else flowed from it except for one thing. edm itexcept fand that was the d murder of donald trump. >> harold, quickly, will they campaign together? just about 20 seconds heremuch and how much will we see the president after this ? >> well, i think the lead >> irom bret, what the the the the idea or two set of reality, he had to scramble jets to to to fend off a russian effort there. you're going to see a lot fort thee goinof the president.
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but i think right now the real issue for me, martha, is that he and kamala harris for will nw be co-presidents really over the next six month s. >> okay, panel, thank you very much. a historic night. meantime, we want to mention fox news is inviting former president trump and vice a president harris to participate in a debate. seat event would take place september 17th in pennsylvania. we have offered to discuss specifics with the two campaigns. we're open to negotiatioo discnr an exact date, format, location, as well as whethere an there would be an audience or not. all of those things are still to be figured out. we have a long way ahead to november and we'll coverl th you all the way. next stop is the democratic convention in chicagoto in a few weeks.sto but history in the making tonight. thanks for watching. our speciain l of presidentess to biden's address to the nation. jesse walter's primetimee white is next. >> good night frome. the white house. >> joe biden speaking to thes american people. this is his last chanchis lae
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to polish his legacy and what's looking like damage control ford a failed presidency. he started off at the prest he would always promise to tell us the truth and he didn't. ande didnhe didn't tell us why he changed his mind. he didn't tell us really why di he was stepping down. he didn't explain what happened this weekend h cond he didn't really instill confidence in why he can still executey he the duties of the presidency. stillhe did at one point alludt to the fact that he was doing this doing t because he needed e democracy. trump's a dictator. he can't beat trump. someone else can. so resigning is a way to save democracy. >> we get that. but he kinwe get td beat around the bush and then he said, oh, okay, i'm passing the torch to a new generation that's going to unite the country. was. that's not what the issue was. the issue was never joe biden's agere. the issue was joe biden's competence and very well. for s looks like this country may vote for someone almost
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the same age as joe biden. so it has nothing to dt oing to with the new generatio dn or ths defend democracy pitch that was more of a pitch to the democratic party. that was not a pitch to the entire country democrats no. st peopl most people want to defendo de their paychecks, their bordefen their homes and their families didn't land. t's brinlet's bring in former we house press secretary and outnumbered co-host kaley mcenany. >> kayleigh, what did you think of that? jesse? i sat here and i listened closely and i kept a tallymputer on my computer. and joe biden like to keep a tally from his white house press shop about the times his age was mentioned during his presidency. a while i kept a tally for him. tonight. he mentioned democracy a half dozen times and it reminded me of his inaugurations. >> but he mentioned unity, unity, unity. that was the buzz word four years ago. >> we didn't get unity. we got gop compared to segregationists. we got republicans are a we a. and present danger we got the vaccinated have a right to be angry at the
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unvaccinated. be a abut if he wants to use thi new buzzword, democracy, i've got a neww. arri transparency. pres is kamala harris' first press conference? when is her first serious sit downerence? i interview?we've >> we've heard from kamalahe in these buzzy little kind of, you know, podcast, windsor press conference. we'vs,e got democracy.ta we got that talking point. but now we need transparencylkia and on the democracy point, joe biden got 14 million votes. jo has gotten zero votes to be a candidate for president of the united states. >> kelly, i expected humility. this has got to be a painful address to give. i though i thought he was going to level with us and say, listen, i lost my fastball. myi lost the confidence of my party. i lost the confidence of the american peopld e. i'm so i got olrrd and i'm sorry.caught father time caught up with me. it happensth. doing and this is what it is.t th i think i'm doing the best thing i can do for the country. ihe didn't do that. >> he glossed over all of that.o and many americans are suspicious about how many people knew about his conditiony
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,how long they knew about his condition. and many people realize that the persoy realizn that's w handpicked to be the nominee knew about his condition bettera than anybody. so this didn't clear up anythingny and suppress anys an doubts and concern this country haern thiss about this entire presidency. hat's co >> yeah, that's correct. i mean, remember, kamala harris was the person who came forward after the roberte forw her repot which, by the way, robert hur. >> well, how accurate wat.s he. i mean, he said this before any of us even knew how bad joe biden's condition was. he called him an elderly, stan-meaning old man, no calt ft to stand trial. well, kamala harris came out in the aftermath , defended him, vouched for him, said i have seen him. sa any of us.han. that's who is now running fornto president of the united states and kamala harris. i mean, jesse, you know this well. prepare for kamala. ed >> prepare for the mythologized age of the kennedys, prepa the shining administration on a
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hill, prepare for camelorefot. camelot is coming your way. beyonce already greenlighted her using the freedonlightedm so >> camelot is here and everyone needs to be prepared. >> i mean, i'm prepared, but i'm just going to laugh at it. d bug kelly.e is there's really no threat. is not a threat. it's just funnnot a y to watch them try to spin this woman the same way they spun joe, the samed people that said joe was running circles around theem all and was up till four in the morning and jogging in the afternoon. ayinthey're saying kamala is the next messiah. i mean, the brainwashing has to stop at some point. >> right. yeah, it has to stop at some point. you knowe point., i remember paul begala coming out and saying until joe biden comes oumber..cot and does a sis sanders double twist flip, none of us will believe he's fit to hold office. i mean, this fit t kind of whate were told behind closed doors, we were told he was fitter than his youngest aides. they couldn't keep up with him. and jesse, there needs to be an accounting of the whitin thereea
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house press shop, because ifus i would have stood at the podium and said the things karined th said jean-pierre sad said, look, joe biden's unable to keep up biden with me, i can barely follow him around. there would have been an accounting forve beeunting the g at the podium, and i want to believe she didn't know. i want to believknowe andrew bas didn't know, but i won't know until there is an accounting of thebates t facts and the truth. >> and the age issue is just a symptom. it's the policy. it's been a disaster the lase... tybody three and a half everybody sees it. that's why he ha why he d leapfg and do this debate in june. that's why he detonated the cover up ups over. >> and now they're on to another cover up with kamalaa . >> it never ends, kayleigh. but we see it. you and i see it never >>ave a great night. we d to. >> former press secretary for jill biden, michael larosa>> je joins me now. >> mike, might disagree with some of my characterizations,t but explain how the family's handling this. >> well, i thought we heard some pretty good color from
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the report from brad baker earlier about the family in the room the grandchildren hunter, ashley, beau, little beau. and it sounds like that it was a really painful moment for all of them. and yo ou could sort of tellhe i actually by the president e wathe way he started leaning m his left arm when he startedt talking about what i expect itto to be or b what appeared to bey very uncomfortable for him. the ideatable fo of, you know, g up and not running, even though he felt, as he said, he meritedr second term based on what he delivered in his first term. >> so it it appeared like a painful moment and sounding like from what was in the roomhe ,what was described in the room, it was a painful moment for the familytinfu. >> i mean, does he really see that he gave up? ites looks like he was forced out. well, i think that they view
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this as, look, you're right. it was a political intervention of epic proportions, proportion . did they want to fight? of course they did. coursbut being the leader of te party requires thinkingre par about the entire party, not just him him. hi >> and the family is supposed to think about him. that's their job. thatthey are supposed to be dedicated to joe biden, but itto is the people who are still the future and the present of the democratic party. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, the people who are raising money and recruiting candidates to try to win majorities. ut it's their job to thinkh about the health of the partofy and he was kind of implicit in what he was sayins sayingg a, you know, in order to unite the country or save democracy. implicitave demo in that is that he can't win. and it seems like overd it c the weekend he said he went he said he can't beat
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the dictator, mike. >> th that's basically what he said. well, he said he can't beat the dictatord. donald trump. so someone else is going to have to beat the dictator and he'sone else resigning from the campaign and that's going to save democracitresigniny becb kamala's going to beat the dictator. it doesn't make any sens the dicte to me. by the way, where is jill? is dr. jill there? i didn't hear her mentione l?d. . yeah, i think she i, i thoughty they said the first lady. unless. saidyeah, i thought she was goig to paris. >> never mind. she might be going paris. i didn't hear all of the family members or i couldn't hear that eithemembers.r. you're right. i'm not sure of that. do some digging. i would be surprisedllo if she wasn't there, but. >> but she is supposed to care so much. >> this. this must have been a veryust ha excruciatingly painful moment for the biden familyn and yeah,m they have. it was it was months to play. it was it wae s uncomfortabl ple to even. yeah, it was uncomfortable to even watch. you know, when you start at a campaign and you start you're losing a campaign, you come back and you win and you beat an incumbent president.
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it was historic to see it. sident, itand tonight, basicalls a bittersweet. >> all right, mike, thank you so much. the problem. let's brins bring g in senior we house correspondent peter doocy. >> peter and jesse, this is something we've not heard from biden that the soul of america is still at stake, but he doesn't think he's the best person to to repair it, to fix it. but as he lists off all thet he different things that he thinks he is going to d o in the next six months, lower costs, grow the economy, call out, hey, finish the cancer moonshot. he's going to do all that as a lame duck president. just by definition, that's not an insult, that he is not up for election. again, all of his political capital is gone. but white house officials today in the briefins goneg insisted s not a lame duck. and they also told us he is not stepping aside for any specific health reason. but they're going into any
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other detail. >> and the president didn't really go into any other detail tonight about what exactlyt ge is going on. they also said and i don't know if w detail.o saide still have t bite, that there is not a cover up, which there has just been a lot of curiosity about why it is thawhy t at on 711. so like two weeks ago at nato, president biden is saying, s tht explaining all the different reasons that he's staying in the race and why he think yings's he is the only person who can keep they pe country from tearig apart at the seams. and then he gets covered and suddenly changes his mind. >> if we had that soundbite, let's play. i believe we have that sound.en >> let's listen. >>o ordered white house officials to cover up a declining president?w th >>at i know that that is a narrative that you lovee. and that, too. >> no, no, no, no, wait. he did a press conference on nato. i'm in it. there's all these things i need to finish. and then ten days later, i'm dropping out. >> it is not a cover ur i'p.
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>> i know that is the narrative that you all want. itt, i is not. >> instead, it is just. oh, it's not a cover up,a and he's fine. e. rything's fin and something else that they said is he is not declining to run for a second term c because he can't serve it out. and soto serve they are tellingd it is possible for somebody who is the president and could still be the president deciding that they don'd st thet want to. >> but we we really are. and there is another briefingy tomorrow. we'll try to get some more details about what exactly happenedto because they teasedthis the head to this speech and there's we still have some questions, jesse. >> it's going to be a fun lame duck press room for the next couple of months. thank you sostroom much, peter . >> it's now being a nationally.. syndicated radio host, dana bash. >> dana. so he's not saying he's a lame duckg he's. he's going to cure cancer. he's going to cure cancer. he's going to lower cost ts. he's going to bring peace in the middle east. is anybody. anybody buying that?
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no, jesse, i think you hit itbug right there and nobody's buying it because he's he didn't do it. he's notbecaust do going to delivereelect on it. he's not running for reelectioin based on you know, he did so s much that he just exerted all of his energy. he's not running for reelection because the numbers hit hiing fm in the face. he couldn't win. it's disastroun.s. i mean, aside from the obvious thing that the entire nation thinghas seen that they've all covered up, including the vice president, now in formocrat nominee democrats for president. they all saw it as all covered up his cognitive. ability. we i mean, it's you know, we're just stating fact, but he has no areing fact record to run ono jesse, what is his record? he's got military disasters, disasters,econom economic disasters. to say nothing of what we're dealinters to t we ag with dome, with all of the problems at the border. there is nothingf at th he can . and so this is ultimatelyk of the new democratic party emerging from the husk of joe biden fooe bidenr the lack of at way to put it. but he's leaving because he would leavi get beat.
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this is not a brave thing.g and the same people who are lauding his bravery and talking about how courageous it is that he's stepping out when us it isdemocrats lose to trump in november, they're going to blast him for that. they're goin thag to blast kamaa harris. they're going to blast joe biden for waiting untilais,l this like ruth bader ginsburg moment of leaving when it's way too late and they're going to blame them for costing the election. he they're they're only liking him right now becauseo he finally came to doing what they demanded. >> because you know what most weak presidents do? they havt e someone challenge them in the primary. sometimes that makes them primarmore competitive. etimes y >> sometimes you get a new nominee. that's what's called healthy, right? or e. that's w if you know, you're don in the polls, as sometimes happens with incumbents, they work harder, they firer cap campaign manager, they change wey. ge, they change strategai they don't just say goodbye. we're going to just pick somebody else in a smoke filleds back room. >> that's crazy. that never happens . yeah. and disenfranchize all of, th
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your base voters, the people who supportehod you. i mean, it's no wonder that out of all it's crazy. and i'm even saying this black lives matterk is even upset because they feel disenfranchized that they don't th have a say in who the democrat nominee is going to be. >> because as you mentioned, bee with the superdelegates and everyone else, the party elites are picking this. that's the antithesi e g thiss of democracy. >> that's not what democracy is. de what it igollowin that process in this republic, jesse. >> so, i mean, all of the thingsof that theyy accused the right of, they're actually guilty of i t. >> well, it's ridiculous. dana bash, thank you so much. this is going to be a funw ka couple. look at the cover and we'll seme how kamala handles this speech. >> now, let's go over to reuters, white house correspondent jeff mason. jeff, do you have any detailscor about, i don't know, this di, ows anyt writtenespo what happened over the weekend? >> no one knows anything. >> well, i can tell you aht little bit about the speech delivery tonight. itthe first lady was in the oval office, according to the very, very small pool that was there,l
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as long as well as his daughter and some of n. e inndchildre and then i can tell you behind us here in the rose garden on the other side of the white house, there were big cheers from staff who collected for a themselves there for a viewing party. and a watch party.presid and then the president came out and spoke to them afterwards, and he spoke to got a lot of ape and a lot of cheers. and apparently ice cream was servedt of . served. it was kind of a valedictorian speech for thiofs president.i ig i imagine it was sad forin a bunch of the people inering fo that crowd, even though they were cheering for him when he came out, because this is someoneris, particularly the people who worked on his campaign, but also the people here in the white house who t are expecting him to run again. agn then he made his decisio not to. and this might be the last primetime addres s we ever have with joe biden. >> he usually doesn't do those press conferences that traditionally are done by presidents after. s and we don't usually seeth that this mighis migt be our lat glimpse of joe biden at this level with an audience level bit
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do you think he was able to maneuver through the conversation to help his legacy and to make people understand what's been happening over the last couple weeks? >> i think that was his goal >> ithe goaldnly talke about his reasoning and he talked about putting aside personal ambitio about n for the fightich he for democracy, which he believes, as he said multiple times before, is under threat. and he painted a picture of gratitude for having had the support of thefo american people for a kid from scranton who had a stutter beowing up and becoming president of united states and getting to sit behind the resolute dessident oe unitk certainly, this has been an emotional time for him. you didn't seen an emotion necessarily coming from his face tonight. i'm sure com he was trying veryn hard not to show a lot of emotion, but -- but certainly to show gratitude and to explain his reasoning withouto expeasoningt too far ig his opponent. he didn't mentioo n former by
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president trump by name. he did, of course, thank na thethe vice president and mae clear that she was his choice going forward in thece goi nover election. do you sense resentmenn.t still i didn't in his speech tonight. that doesn't mean that therepeeh isn't some. certainly his party turned on him and that's go tt to be very hard for someone who has been a leader of the party forwn the last three and a half years and who many people, many advisers ople around him believe tha he never got the credit that he deserved for notve some of his accomplishments in office, but for winning the 2020 election. shments and beating president trump, then being then pushed aside as he as he essentially was. i mean a, he made the decision, let's be clear, he made the decision to step down. aft it was after a lot of lawmakers and very powerful ones in his party encouraged him to do so. so it's not for me to say whether there's resentment. but you didn't pick up on that tonight. 't pici think the theme that hed really he really focused on was
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e angratitude. and again, the what he sees as the stakes for the election and basically sayinghe a he accepted the fact that hecce wasn't the one to carry >>sst. ch, but to pass i all right. well, the president doesn't drink, and that's probably a good thingesidendoesn't at's t would be a tough night. jeff mason, thank you so much. >> peter schweitzer is the president of the governor accountability institute and he joins us now. what madf accoune all of a sudd, what, 1:45 p.m. on sunday afternoon,1:45 p joe biden chand his mind like that? was he motivated? wand like s there a carrot, a stick? what happened? >> it's a great question, jesse. i don't think that he passed the torch. i think he was forced to relinquish it.e from and it really came from the party elites. and i think the person you have to look at first and foremost is barack obamrson youa.
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barack obama was really the first one, not officially kind of behind the scenes who started saying joe biden has to be replaced. and the reason is not becaus the of his declining mental faculties. it was because he was behinde pl in the polls and he couldn't win. and so baroccod he obama, i thi, engineered this. and what you have to remember is thaato ret joe biden's finanl base, jeffrey katzenberg, the chairman of his campaign's finance committee, is an obama guy before he's a biden guy.y th and you can say that about a lot of the money people in the democratic party. so, you know, barack obama engineered this. y of he has a history of doing this in chicago and elsewhere. you've james baker, the former secretary of state, was once called the velvet hammer. you could call barack obama the velvet shiv because he knows how to get people in quietly with a smil youe and move them aside. and of course, he has a veryhip long friendship and association that predates even his careerwih
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in the u.s. senate with kamala harris. so kamala harris is definitelyin somebody he likes in this position. jo the biden family's broke. joe biden took a mortgage out on his house. couple equity lines of credit. use, ahe's been burning throughl fees. his son broke burning through legal fees. those child supporret facingw la felony charges may spend time in prison. the brotherstime say they don'tt earn much. they're not that talented. they haven't done well that talt being able to kind of leech on to joe's position. oe if i was trying to get joe out, td just say i'll take care of the family. >> do you think anybody came to biden and said, we'll take care of the family? f th >> ieah, and i think it was probably said that way. i think they're all smart enough to not explicitlylybut negotiate the details, but i think it was made clear by donors that they would take care of the family. you know, hunter or james orr frank or whoever is going to get a consulting deal, etc. f
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,you know, but of course,ons their options are limited. you're not going to find a lot ng of chinese interest in doing deals with the former first family of the united states. so but i think you're exactli t right and i think that's one of the reasons joe biden really due g in his heels.y sa i think he probably saw thisor a coming for a couple of weeks. sk but if you strike out the position that i'm stayinposh you only upped the price or the potential price of what you're going to get on the back end. >> yeah, that was probably g negotiation.we mig suddenly, we might find outht that joe biden has a huge booke deal he'll never finish or a netflix special. he'll never appear r finish in or, i don't know. i think we're going to find out something pretty nic e. peter schweitzer, thanks as always. outcome founder clay travis in red joins us now. clay, what did you think of the ouspeech? >> fir >> well, first of all, jesse, y do you want to buy my hunter biden artwork collection?
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it's really cratered in value over the past few days. and i thought that i had got i told you that was a bad investment: i told. >> are you trying to tell me? i was convinced that it wa s going to be the next picasso, and now i don't know who i'm going to sell these things i'mw. >> but look, i. i had i should sound like my wife when it's her birthday. i had low expecteden patience. and somehow you managed not to reach them. that is kind of how i feltt about joe biden's speech in general. out joi expected him to reach fh history. he did ie didn'tt. and so let me try to putin c some history in context for you,on jesse.o, 27 days ago. and it feels like it's been 270e days since then, donald trump knocked joe biden out in a debate for the first time in american political history for 27 days. joe biden tried to get back up off the canvas and convince people that he hadn't and
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actually been knocked out and he was never able to do it. and sowa this is the end of thas era, that 27 days as he foughtd and scrambled to try to getaid? back up. you know, though, what he said, i jotted down a couple of things. i jon he said he had to drop ouo to save our democracy, saveng our democracy by putting a woman who has never receiveder a single vote for president of ed a sinthe united states. and after 14 million people voted for him, if he really wanted democracy to triumph, he should have done what allh, h of us said back inh summer of 2023. he shouled have said, i don'ticl have the physical or mental ability to run. demoental its have an open primy and let the democrats pick somebody. alsoody. , jesse, i'm fired up about this because did you see on cnn wheredid yo they said dui is the new n-word, even in this address? they actually joe biden bragged about putting a black woman on the supreme court. heala harrbrag about it,urt.
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but remember, he picked kamala harris after saying he would only pick a woman. he created the dea categories. he diminished his own nominees.o he could have still picku co ketanji brown jacksond th and kamala harris. he didn't have to tell us that,e he was only picking themd because he had said, i got to pick a black woma tn and because i got to pick a woman, i think joe biden is. why are the wors ie worstd he president we've ever seen? >> and he delivered more. that i s that we're looking at a failed presidency in real time, that's for sure. , i thought we were supposed to celebrate die. you know, no one celebrates the more than jesse watters primetime every thursday wesdayw celebrate d thursday with our friend reverend al. why is it the n word now? i thought it was a good thing>>i because this is what they're going to fall back on, jesse ans theyd i'm going to gof have some ice cream in honor of joe biden, maybe with a nice alcoholic beverage alongside of it when i finish this hit. thisbut this is what their campn is going to be. they're going to say any criticis
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m of kamala harrisist and is racist and sexist. you know, this. ld they're going to say that donald trump's going to show up on their door isp on on prd if somebody, a 15 year old girl is pregnant, he's going to personally arrestg to. ll hee i mean, this is where they are all headed. but let me hit you with one more line that i actually think joe biden delivered that he didn'tdata anticipate landing like it did. he said, does character in public life still matter? the answer is yes. and that's why you got fired by donald trump tonight. all right. clay travis, now he's going j to go have aesse: drink now. he wasn't drinking before. now he's going to go now before goes the alcohol. thank you. thank you so much. the trump team responds to joeso biden's dropout speech. >> that's straightoe ahead. >> welcome to your life. there's nothing a retired
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karoline leavitt. caroline, what the formesecretrt president say about biden's farewell addressabou? well, we certainly know why biden gave his farewell address to the bidengave h nation tonig' and it's becausee president trump delivered the ultimate knockoupresident vh joe biden on the debate stage last month. if president trump hadn't suc had such a dominant debate performance over crookeda domin, then kamala harris and the entire democrat party would still be lying to us about biden's cognitive decline. trying a den's cognitive to shuffle himn the finish line in november. but thanks to president trump,n the democrats have been exposed for who they are a bunch of liars who are the real threats to democracy and now the democrat party- th elite have tossed aside 14 million ballots to install harris, who is just as weak and incompetent as joe. petent yet she's worse because she is dangerously liberal. she's a radical leftist. and if you want to know how dangerous she is, lookknowus at happened.
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just moments before biden made this farewell address to the nation, we intercepted two russian fighter jetsombers and two chinese bombers off the coast of alaska. our adversarie s know biden is on his way out and they are laughing at the chance ang at thto take of lying. kamala, the only way we stop this is to reelect p president trump. the american people know it. and that's whyresidentp, the hen just joe biden, but, of course, kamala harris, too o, in nearly every single poll right now, your enemies are going to test this country until november, because right now we're ies arg y with whath we have in the leadership position. we used to live fohave ir. d and now they're going to lie for her. noey're saying she's note for i . >> they're saying she's not liberal. they're actually scrubbingt rale their articles where they say all this and now they're saying she wa tal s never the border czar. >> she was never the borders are joe biden said you're the borders are she said ther shborders are. and the outlets that are saying
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she wasn't the borders. reporter themselves, that sheshc actually was the border czar. scru're actually going back and scrubbing their own articles. they are throwing their own isown arjournalists under the b. this is what we se we i in communist china and in north korea. it is orwellian, but yes, we are going to see the mainstreamt media do the bidding of kamala harris. they are desperate for the democrats to clingat to powe because they know that president trump is not going to tolerate fake kno newss back when he's back in the white house. he's not going to tolerate it is nwide border an illegalllegal immigration invasion with terrorists and criminals all over this country, which kamala harris has directly overseens all ovuntr. o ro she is going to try and runoto from joe biden's policies, but she can't becausru e has enabled joe biden in every single one of his disastrous policiesn an. and if she is given power forea another four years, she'll take it a step furthersr. wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. she wants to abolish an agencyom that we need now more than ever again. >>r. the only we're goingr to secure the border and bring law and order back to this & ory is by electing one manaldr
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and in its name is donald trump. the mediumthe meisa is going tor and say that we're picking on kamala for her race and herg gender? that's a bunch of nonsense. kamala harris is the most incompetent, worstbuh sense. unr vice president in american history. and she to be held accountable, just as joe biden did for justn sastrous policie you're allowed to pick on politicians, politiciannothin signs aren't off limits and itth has nothing to do with their race or gender. caroline, look at the look at the words that come out of her mouth. we're just looking her mou. at h we're seeing right now. she says she wants to get rid of private health insuranc sheod >> she said she wants to spendsn two trillion more dollars year while we're in inflation. this she this is crazy.e left she's to the left of bernie. this is crazy. but let's not pick on her. that would that would not be mean. dr. jill biden, by the way, has spoken and she just put out this statement to this. thank you for the trust you put in, joe. nout w it's time to put that trust
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in kamala. we have the author of amateur hour charlie spirit is here nowo . wow, what a graceful pivot to.d >> i'm going to stay and win. g i'm going to stay and win is too up. no, i'm going to drop out, savoh democracy. >> kamala is our that was fastht. yeah. wherewith kamala tonight, jesse. i didn't see her there in the over in the oval office to receive the torch from the biden and thceive biden famy passing the torch. she's nowhere to be seen. and wow, maybe t it's becauses joe biden's really weak right now. she doesn't want to be seely wem anywhere near him. it's almost as if she's throwing him under a yellow school buoss. >> jes how much did she get involved in this coup? we'll hear about it later. but was she one of the ones t pushing him out? she was obviously thrilled that he dropped out. >> dyo you think she left any fingerprints on it? you know what, jesse? i don't think t she really focused on trying to, you know, pushpush t baton
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forward to perform flawlessly on the campaign trail and makeeo sure there were no fingerprints at all. she had her ow at alln people, though, and however, working behind the scenes. and she had the number had one supporter. you know, former president barack obama also workin, fog for her behind the scenes to sort of not pull the torch out of joe biden's bin trembling hands and throw it over to kamala harri'sembling s so everybody that worked for kamala quit, 92% of her staff quit. and what does that tell you about working for kamala t and how is that going g to translate into the kamala harrisoianslat campaign? >> right. notice, jesse, there's not a huge line of people waiting to go work for her again, at least among former stafferson .g they're not begging to be let back in because they know what a disastrous boss b n becaus she is and how much of a difficulty it will be serving her when shethat has all the power that she's always wanted, eve alwaysn watce obama's people, they're not
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eager to jump in and work for are noher as the many obama people who came to work for kamala left the white whevery d house very feeling, very dissatisfied with this. someone who is supposeisd to be a transformational figure >> jreally failed the teste tes >> are they putting her in there so they just don't get wiped out in the house and senate? as bad as they would h senat haf joe biden stood there? is she just she's there not to win . s badl she's just there not to lose as badly as biden. that'sen the sense i'm getting from democrats. >> i agree. i think nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they're they're trying to feign enthusiasm. but it's they're really struggling to gin up the necessary excitement. i that they're just there to put kamala in there to bring ou tt as many democrats as possible. and in important states and important race possis. and hopefully they can cling t to one house of of the federal governmenthoeral gov and, you kk the trump agenda. all right, charlie, you so much do that. thank you, jesse. tur
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>> as that basically turnsns o the page on the biden presidency, a failedn presidency, if you could really evaluate it honestly and i'll try to. he comes in after covid spends trillions of dollars that was just absolutely unnecessary, devastateddoll schoolchildrenilr with their learning and did everythingen wng and d. ft wante bernie and the far left wanted blasted inflation. the loop through the roof blewp up the border and usually greats presidents prevent wars oriden i wars. joe biden did neither. , and oversaw a major political correctness crusade in this country, did some good things, making some in the united states with chips and things like that. but when you talk about crime and illegal immigration, this guy's legacy is not good. it's all for tonight. >> don't miss "fox and friends". they'll have trump tomorrow morning. sean hannity
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