tv Hannity FOX News July 24, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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the page on the biden presidency, a failedn presidency, if you could really evaluate it honestly and i'll try to. he comes in after covid spends trillions of dollars that was just absolutely unnecessary, devastateddoll schoolchildrenilr with their learning and did everythingen wng and d. ft wante bernie and the far left wanted blasted inflation. the loop through the roof blewp up the border and usually greats presidents prevent wars oriden i wars. joe biden did neither. , and oversaw a major political correctness crusade in this country, did some good things, making some in the united states with chips and things like that. but when you talk about crime and illegal immigration, this guy's legacy is not good. it's all for tonight. >> don't miss "fox and friends". they'll have trump tomorrow morning. sean hannity is welcome
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to hannity. >> and tonight, chaos in the washington swamp. n the american flag lit on fire. the palestinia n flag hoisted above union station. extremists proudly showingr ham support for hamas in our na capital. the watergate hotel defiledap by pro-palestinian riotersital.n they actually spread and other insects throughout the buildingt to get to prime minister netanyahu and the people with him. the minister up, we have full coverage of the very warm welcome of israeli primesraeli minister benjamin netanyahu luna was given by america's far left lunatics. he gave a powerful speech before a jointhe gav sessionn of of congress. we'll play moments from netanyahu's addres congrs, althl not everybody was there, including kamala harris. e will we'll discuss. we'll discuss a growing rift inside the democratiiscussing re pennsylvania governor josh shapiro might passed overpassed as even being considered as a running mate for kamalr isa. era
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why? because of his jewish faith. s g matela harribut first, just, more than three days after dropping out of thn e 2024 presidential race, joe biden finally explained his decisionnh in a verory short 12 minute speech, mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, bumbling frankly to the american people, one that clearly showede cove his cognitive decline that was covered up by those around himmi in the state run media mob. it was on full displayull disp basically average day. >> take a look. you know, in recent weeks has become clear to me that i needed to unite my party in this critical endeavor. i believe my recorde my as president, my leadership in thed world, my vision fors america's future, all merited a second term with nothing. nothing can come in the waythin of saving our democraccay. that includes personal ambition
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. so i decided the best way forward is tforwaro pass the to, >> a new generation o democracy in peril, the same party that wanted to keep donald trump off the ballotat wante, tm party that disenfranchize millionsrt and, millions of ther own primary voters. he's dropping out to sav de. ao what about those thsenfranchized democrats? all of their primary votes tossed in the garbagtossede? gag and by the way, joe biden cae n barely talk. in but democrats of state run media mob, they now want you t o believe that joe biden is too far gone for a political campaign, but he can somehow still carry out his duties as president for another six months. he looked as usual, weak, frailc and a cognitive mess. we told you this before the 2020 election. now, these are the same peopleb only a few weeks ago that told you that biden was sharp as a tackd you bi and videos that we you that were unedited of his decline. they were cheap fake videos.
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the same people who now want you to believe that kamala harris is the second coming of . we're now less than a week intor kamala's ascension as her party's presidential nominee. tyntialhoneymoon phase. you know, the sugar high is fully underwaynomi. and breaking tonight, democrats just finalized a plan to nominate beforenvention the convention to prevent any debate or competition. d mean and meanwhile, the state run media mob that out gushing ovewc harris, scrubbing her radical record. and they now claimal that thear real border czar was never really the borders are. never bordeand just yesterday, thissupposedly nonpartisan gov track. oh, they deleted this veryy im important report, a report that ranked kamala as the most left-wing senator in 2019. she was of bernie sanders,bernie the socialist from vermont. but tonight, it's pretty easy to cut through all the cluttery, all the lies, all the
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propaganda in between, plenty d propagof weird and nervous gig from kamala harris. there is something called her radical and extreme record and these radical beliefs. weextreme i a lot of them on c. and tonight, we continue to do the job of the media mob and bring you kamala kamala in her own words. and we begin with her 2019 senate voting record. that was to the left, bernie sanders. >> take a look. you're considered the mostlook liberal united states senator. >> states i.>> som somebody said that and it actually was mike pence on the debate stagebi believ stag >> yeah, well, actually,trac the nonpartisan gov. track has rated you as the mostn atliberal senator. you supported the green new deal. you supported medicare for all. you supported legalizing marijuana. joe biden doesn't support thoses things. so are you going to bringt the policiesthings, those progre policies that you supported as senator intd asoro a bidenon administration? >> what i will do, and i
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promise you this?, this is what joe wants me to do. this was part of our deal. i will always share with hime oh my lived experience as it relate liveds to any issue thate >> oront. >> i'm the most liberal senator ever. enatori don't know what to say. compiling a voting record even more liberal than bernie sanders. that's not easy to do. thtoh. a big accomplis but kamala, she pulled it off and then touted this record during her last run for president. let's take a look, shall we, in her owntake a loo. t band and they are a big thing right now. yeah. do you ban plastics? straws? >> i think we should. yes, i think there's no question that we've gotritica to critically reexamine ice and its rolell the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing. >> so would you ban offshoreed ' drilling? >> yes, and i've again, worked on tha n i workt. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to crossss the border without documentatioborder wn.
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>> can we keep the hands up soan we could see them back to the united states congress? >> here's my point. ifss here' they fail to actas as president of united states. i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass green new deal. >> i am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. that's correct. that is correccumented >> lminat. >> will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking? ementing your first day in office? adding the united states to t the list of countriehesing pr who have banned this devastating practice? >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning frackinac >> no g. for far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting more police on the street, you're going to have n thmore safety. >> and that's just wrong. but would you support changing the dietary guidelines? yes. you know, the food pyramid of people. yes. yes. reduce red meat, specificall rea >> yes, i would.lly. the bill also says, quote, every individual>> it who is a resident of the united states is entitled to benefits for health care services f th under this act. not every individual who's a citizen, but every individual who's a residenty indivin but e
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so you support giving universal health s care a medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. let me just be very clear abouta this. i am opposed to anm y policyd ou that would deny in our country ann being from access to public safety, public education or public health. >> period. all right. let me see. no fracking. wait a minutg,e. t's se no drilling, no straws. let's see. less consumption of beef. but you get free healthou and free education. if you're an illegal immigrant, then no restrictions at all on abortion. let's be clear. these just are not pie in thee-t sky ideas. this is who she is duringhede her timeas thish in the senate,e actually co-sponsored legislation to ban offshore drillingshe co. she co-sponsored, yep, the green new deal, which is a multi-tiered dollar socialistso wish wish list that bans fossic upends property rights
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and empowers the federal ri to control the meanst that of production. but that's not all commo's not f also co-sponsored that medicare for all bill with our good frienorl wid bernie sander. in other words, a single payer socialized medical system in this country that you'd have to join this truly insane legislation would strip health insurance from all americans and throws everyone into a public welfare system run by this corrupt government. and of course, the salaries doctors, nurses, other medical professionals would be setals by what federal bureaucrats, hospitals, doctors, office fedes would be run like what?ce the post office. they're doing so well there. y arg so wbut don't take my wor. let's go back to kamala in her own words. >> take a listen. you support the medicare for bill, i think initially co-sponsored by senator bernie sanders. you're also a co-sponsor of it.v i believe it will totally eliminate private insuranclye. so for people out there who like their insurance, well, they don't get to keep it.
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>> well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going throug company hrequir the paperwork, all of the delay that may require who of us has not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval and the doctor says, well, p i don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. >> let's eliminate all of that. >> let's move on. you know, the media mob that covered up for joe biden's cognitive decline for over four years and they lied about it and covered it all upy . do you think they're going to ask her about these comments? medicareg as for all? that's not exactly cheap. so naturally, vice president harris thinks 7070 to 80% tax rate proposed by aoc is fair tastic again. kamala, in her own words. >> >> take a listen. alexandria ocasio-cortez, the new darling of the party, she officially has more twitter followers than nancy pelosi. is she's on 60 minutes this weekend, proudly calling
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herself a radicaweekenl and prog policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, everyaying ev car shout be eliminated within the next 11 years. edthnexteverything from a 70 tox rate. do you agree that she could possibly, in this ideologybeli of the socialist left, could splinter your party? thisno. you know, i think that sheuo and is challenging the status quo. >> iink that's fantasticnk. i think that she is introducing bold ideas that that should be discussed. now, don't forget, kamala harris. a chunk of your tax dollars won'rris a chunk taxt even be sn the american people. biden' ps border czar, though sl is distancing herself from that positioshe han as long advd for an open border. and she believes a everyonehingt watching the american people should be paying forhe healththcare care, housing and every other living expense for anybody, erwh and everybody who crosses our border illegally. in facs thet she believes c that illegal immigration should
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not even be considered a crimeas kamala in her own words, as aits prosecutor. i can tell you it is a serious mistak ae to conflate criminal justice policy with immigration policy as if they are the same thing. they are notey are the. i have personally prosecuted everything from low level offenseseverythi to homicides.e i know what a crime looks like . and i will tell you, an timmigrented immigrant is no a criminalan. all right. this must be a joke, right? . , it's not the person in charge of solving the root cause of our border o crisis for the last three years doesn't even think illegal immigration is a crime. not too surprising, since she never went to where borderle troubles were taking place. remembertake, she had one trip a that was even near the border, but nowhere where the troublee was at the border. it's no wonder the border is an unmitigated disaster forth our number one national security threat. and by the way, as i said lasts
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night, joe and kamala harris, for every, for every murder. thr and if there's another 911, they have blood on their hands . now, of course, kamala also plays a key role in america's violenolt crime crisis. according to your vice president, america is safer with fewer police and fewer violent offenders. ad jail. remember, she helped raise money for that bail fund, that freed and murderers. and it's pretty safe to say that kamala was alsofunded a big supporter of the 574 riots, violent riots in the summer of 2020 that they said were mostly peaceful. now that look an insurrection to me. in fact, she encouraged the rioters to keep it up. remember, a month after they burned a police station precinct to the ground, four days after she supportedat the bail fund, that bail fund raised that next year from that went fromt from a quarter of $1,000,000 to over 40. but that was four days after, a month after. they're not going to stop. they shouldn't stop. we're not going to stop. s
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why would they stop rioting? take look. >> this is a movement. i'm telling you, they're not going to stop. and everyone beware, because they're not going to stop. it is going to they're not going to stop before election day in november. and they're not going to stopony after election day. and that should be everyone should take note that on both levels that this isn't they're not going to let up and they shoultheyd not be awarr take note. >> they're not going to stop rioting. and while kamala applauded the violent behavior from criminals and agitators, she al dead set on taking guns away from all of you peaceful, law abiding citizens. in her own words, you decide. >> what would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that arens already in circulation? >> what do you do about those? an, there are approximately 5 million, to your point. correct? we have to have a buyback tely 5 mon to tham. i supp >> i support a mandatory buyback program. it's got to be smart. we've got to do it the right waorndator program ty. right
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>> now, as most of you know, wmo the term mandatoryst o gun buyb, that's liberal leftist speak for gun. kamala harris wants your federal government to take your firearms by force and then drop off a check ford your. but kamala doesn't just want to take away your right to self-defense and your money.u and, of course, you know, defund, dismantle, no bailr , oo also your private insurance. she wants to upend your freedomto of speech. she has long called on tech companieedom os and tech giants to censor so-called hate speech. in other words censor so-cal spe doesn't like and punish those that she findsof those disagree disagreeable. but of course, none of this would apply to kamala. here she is, giggling, laughing ,joking about actually killing donald trump in her own. >> if you had to be stuck in an elevator with either president trump, mike pence or jeff sessions, who would it be? does one of us have to come outt alive?
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you're giggling, vice president. is this really the best that the democratic party can do? maybe if the dnc actually listened to the voters and had a real election and letl the voters decide and not disenfranchize them and throw their votes in the garbage, the party's nominee. you know, you know, it might be somebodage.y more capable, less radical. maybe they'd be the nominee. now, keep in mind, it's not just kamala's radical track record that is concerning. like biden, kamala harris also struggles very basic tasks, like knowing the difference between korea and south korea.h she does know well ukraine is a country. it's next to a bigger country called russia. we know that part. she doesn't know the south and north korea part.r own >> in her own words. so the united shares a very
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important relationship, whicheir is an alliance with the republic of north korea. stron and it is an alliance that is strong and enduring. and today, there were several demonstrations of just that kind. and according to reports, kamala is notorious for not itracputting in the work. apparently, she does not like to read briefings. ofte did notn fails to prepare d big events. and as vic ae president,resident her office was a complete trainwreck. the staff turnovere staf rate k. this was higher than 90%. reportedly due to a toxic o and disorganized work environment. and it doesn'tf help that kamala harris trashed young staffers in public in her own words. >> what's the other thing we know about this population? >> and it's a specific phase of life, remember? ag they'e is more than a chronological fact. what else do we know about this population through 24? >> they are stupid. id.
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that is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistantd they. they make really bad decisions . >> if you're 18 to 24, that's a friendly reminder. you're stupid. 4 and that's why they put you in t dorms with. with residenhat's e put. kamala harris thinks you're stupid. all that all those young people. are you going to vote for her? you're stupid. you gonnorupidthat's what she tt what i think. in fact, she seems to think most americans are stupid and need the government to controlled every aspect of their lives. but when the current sugart high and the honeymoon phase surrounding kamala's coronation is over, can she actually win the election. obama doesn't seem to think so. look at this report out tonightr from the new york post that the former new president does not believe that kamala harris can beat donald trump, which is why he has not endorsed her. anyway, a lot to unpack here
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with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. senator, i know a lot, but the media is never going to do what i just did here.s and that is play her in her own words and. what they should be doing is playing it and getting answers to every one of thosesem those comments that she mademe. >> well, they're not going to do that. you're right her record is extraordinarily radical, let me say at the outset. sayat thekamala can't have my . she can't have my gasoline engine. and she sure as can't havel ca' my steaks and cheeseburgers. she is a radicalve california leftist. and to be honest, she perfectly captures where today's democrate party is. evermocr is y one of the disasti policies of joe biden the last four years, kamalaci biden harrs supports when it comes to open borders. listen, as republicanse kamala o not refer to her every moment of the dayr ever as. border czar kamala harris. we're committing a politicalprae because she was the one putpu in charge of the border.ow
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she's the one in charge. but as you note, she didn't even bother to come to the com border. she went once del paso, and they cleaned it up. illehe saw no illegal alienso. she never went to the riowent grande valley. she never went to eagle pass. she never wento gr to del rio. and just like joe biden, just like d the democrats in congres, just like colin, i'll read my democrat opponent. rder they support open borders. they look at 11 a half milliona illegals invading this country. they see futurlf millie democrat voters. and we need to make sure voter in america knows her record and it's dangerous. look coming o i got to tell you, comg out of the republican convention last weeek ,on one level, i was bes encouraged. it's the best convention i've ever seen. it's the mosof ever most unifin been. but another level i was very a iworried because i was worrii that republicans, we were overconfident,dent that there ws an air of celebration. and listen, there's a timeelectn to celebrate after the election, but we got a lot of work to do. we're 103 days out and the media is getting ready to spendn
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billions of dollars building kamala up tellin ug the americaf people she is a combination of mother teresa and oprah and ghandi. and that is dangerous. and by the way ngerou they're also going to do a joe biden basement strategy, whether they're going to lock her in the basement, they knownh she commits a lot of gas. so they're going to muzzlesemens her they'll roller out for one debate with trump. we'll see how that goes. and other than that, they're just going to spend billions of dollar s in tv adss and trust the corporate media to creatte a fake image of her. it's dangerous and it means all of us need to focu s on her actual record. >> she lied about joe'sdeclin cognitive decline. she lied and said the economy, inflation was transitory. n she lied about the border,d said the border was secureab. y she's lied about basically every issue. she's extreme on abortion. she's extreme on the environment. she supports the new green dealg . she doesn't want fracking. she doesn't want drillin g. she wants to reduce meat consumption. i'm with you. i'm a paleo, you know, keto
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friendly diet person and all of which is, you know, her track record. but you know she's going through this honeymoon phase, the sugar high, the democratic and the media mob the state run media is feeling. how long do you think that last? because i don't think it's going to last, senator. i don't think there's any wa ly it lasts because whether they like it or not, this ke iinformation and these tapes aren't playing these commentsay you're makining thg, they're gog to get to the american people, merican young people, 18 to 24 e going to know. she called them stupid g. the >> and that's just the tipiceber of the iceberg. well, listen, you know, you look at the the democrats did is they did this right after the republican re. ention o and the reason they did that is typically a candidate enjoysboun a bounce from a convention. the historical averagececonventa about four points. it was savvy of them to do this right after the conventionvv, ty to cut off the bounce. now, the democrat convention thisis coming up in about a mon
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their plan is for the next month to be a month long democrat convention. and i think the media intendso o the next 203 days to do nothing but puff her. and look, put yourself in the mind of a radical leftist, the r you're a donor whetherora you're an activist, whether you're a corporate media . porterme two weeks ago, you were despondent. your your had dementia. you knew you were going to lose. you're terrifiedu were g. trump being president. they're all out now like a drowning man who's been a thrown a life vest. they're ecstatic. they're jubilante . and listen, i served in the senate with kamala. i know her weln l. joe biden was hapless and he was a puppet who was moveds haps left-wing forces controlling his administration. moved by lef believer. e she believes this stuff. and you want to see aneves illustration of that. today. look at today. today, prime minister netanyahu addressed the joint sessionion of congress. i was there for the speech. i sat downof cs s th, spent 40 s
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with prime minister netanyahue e one on one right after the speech. democrats in the senate and thea house, dozens of democrats tedozeboycottensd the speech, iu kamala harris. she's the vice president. ng kamis theshe's to sit right m during the speech. and she's the presumptive democratrighnd nominee.l not and she said, i will not attend. she believes in this. you want to look at the anti-semitic, anti-israel radical front in the democrat party. kamala harri harris s embodies h and i've got to say, for everyyo down ticket democratwn, i've bea courage calling all red my democrat opponent, texas, you oughtiponenttexat to campain with border czar kamala harris. come down to the rio grande, defend 11 and a half million people invading this country. to we got to make it about their records because their record has been disasteit aboir recorrs country. >> you know, i in fairness to prime minister netanyahu, i think it was one of the most compelling speech ever givenevev in that chamber. and it really defined he has the moral clarity to understand
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the moment and the imperativhe e nature of our alliance with israel. and one of the things, perhaps maybe one of the biggest failures of joe and kamala is the fact that they have surrendered in the war against radical islamic, and by that they didn't supportm the offensivand e efforts. israel lost the equivalent of 40,000 americans in one day, and nearly 10,000 americans would have been takeyn ,held captive in one day. and not supporting israel's right to win that war and puttins righg the pressurety on israel the way that they have and not supportin havg their offensive efforts to me was a complete capitulation and surrender, that that might be the biggest moral failinghisi of this administration, because if you're not going to fight, if you don't have the moral clarity to see the differenceee between, you know, let me put it another way. of r part of murdeput r, senato,
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what part of , what part of kidnapping what partt of of beheading, what part of torture? don't joe biden, kamala harris, that idiot, george clooney, his wife. understand? what are they missing? because i'm having a time understanding it arein. >> look, the tragedy is when they see these radical th they see whenen the protesters burning the american flag, hoisting urning t the palestinian and flag over union station. kamala harris and the radicals of the democrat party, they're cheering for the protesters. that's who the cheer foy are. and, you know, i agree with you. this speech remarkable. as i told prime minister netanyahu afterwards, it was an advo churchillian. and that is an adjective i have not used for any other world leader. i think benjamin netanyahu situeciates the gravity of the situation, the existential threat to israel and to. listen, those who hate israel hate america, those who hate jew s hate christians.nd and kamala harris wantsa harr the votes of the radicals
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on campus who are anti-semites. as you noted in your openingmit monologue, josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, they're talking about hinologumm but cnn reported just matter of fact. well, it's a problem in the d democrat party that he's jewish. they're now admitting that the democratt party anas mainstreamed anti-semitism because they wantt the votes of the radicals. and i got to say again, my opponen sayt, texas, shertedt supported them happily. >> shehe says those people are going to be a sorry, senator. that's exactly right. and she also baileght shd out the black lives matter and antifa rioters liv who were burning shops who were committing assault. when it comes to radicals when it comes to people threatening violence. kamala harris and the radicalit left, they side with those radicals and.erous it is it's dangerous and endless. and i'm nod listt saying that wt netanyahu was speaking that that kamala harris went to union station, pulled the american flag down, lit it on fire, and then starte americd
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around a palestinian flag. she didn't quite do that, but i'll tell you this, her sympathies are more with the lunatics and radicals who did than they are with. prime minister netanyahu is standinthan the primeg up trg israel and america from radicalssave who when they chant death to israel and death to america, they meadeatn. thi and the stakes on this election, they are existent fuel. and as i noted, colin, i'll read my democrat opponent. he welcomed a radical islamic cleric from texaans as, quote, the ripper. als represents the best o of north texas. well, that cleric todafy tweeteo out an image of ben benjamin netanyahu as, a war criminal. that's who the democrat party is. and let me say to your viewers, schumer spending $100 million against me. so please go to ted cruz .org. i need your because this is a r three point race right now and it's a it a battle between the radicals that have taken over the democrat party
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and common sense that stands upn and defends america. senator, you have been a outspoken voice for the cause of liberty and freedom and a staunch solithe ofd. we need you back in the senate. senator ted cruz, thank you. >> all right. by the way, a fox news alert. the u.s.nate. way military detet and had to intercept russian fighter jets did and two chinesh six bombers just hours before president finally addressed the country earlier tonight, more than 72 hours after dropping out of the presidential rac e and passinghe the torch to the likely new democratic nominee, vice president harris. well, i guess they've begun test number one.eaking here to react to all of this week's breaking news, fox news contributor i i'm not sure if i'm going to get a call from you, maybllel in about a month or so saying that i'm pushing the envelope too hard. i'm vetting kamala hard. clearly, they are testing kamala harris. i there is no wa
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y you will ever convince me that president xi, , vladimir putin, the mullahs in irainpingn, kim jong un, arer going to have any respect fore. her. i don't believe that's true. well, let me just point out the newsbreak you justhould be had should be sobering for ever y american. if you now have chinese and russian military aircraft collaborating off the alaskan coase alt, testing our capabilities. so it's a joint chinese development. that's a very serious shiftance in the balance of military power. and i think that we ought to bmy ef aware of the fact that a weakness by the biden administration has to encouraged the dictators to believe they can get awayrs with virtually anything. and, of course, the chinese spy balloon that was the size of a schoo school bus going all the way across the country withoutgoin, us doing anything was a good
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example of why they're getting bolder and bolder. . but i found the story today that you had both russian bombers and chinese military aircraft as a group approaching our border. i think that's a very serious signal of how muchi th the bide administration has created, basically through a policy of weakness and appeasement. so i think it is it's dangerous for america and it's dangerous for the world. >> yeah. let me ask you.t so tonight, i decided part one, by the way, i have a lot more ammunition in my arsenal of truth telling and vetting. you did warn me that i might be going a little hard baout barack obama, but compared to barack obama and kamala harris, barack's a moderate. heard he i mean, you heard her in o her own words. wn w what is your reaction to what you heard tonight and what is every 18 to 24-year-old think being called stupid by? >> kamala harris?
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>> well, first of all, i hope every 18 to 24-year-old her hears that because i know i'll vote for trump.t woul i think that will be helpful. but look, i don't think you can go too far with kamala harris. she is a san francisco radical. she is to the left of bernie sanders. her views are so far away from o the average american that i am very confident that asth the american people discoverat a real kamala, note wa the washington news media come carter, not the how the hollywood movie made up common they find the real kamala. well, how was she? how she's voted, what bill she introduced, what she has said. i think she will melt like george mcgovern and mike dukakis, because i thinkican the average american will not want to have a radical san francisco candidate who personifies everything, first of all, which has destroyed san francisco.
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i mean, people will go thereok now and look at the human in the stree at cet. look at the drugs, syringes in the street. look at how much they then of population of homeless has exploded. homelessthat's the city that shs the district attorney in. she represents its values. and by the way, she only got to be the presidentialo candidate because the super bus of san francisco, nancy pelosi,o and powered joe bide jn and just brutalized him into having to w resign and then pivoted within an hour and began pushing kamala. bed so this is the one of the least american behaviors. this was a totalrs a coup agains a sitting president in states by his owa sittn friendsn to drive him out of office, even when he'd gotten in 42, 14 and a half million votes. and to replace with their no vet who got zero votes, she got no votes. and when she ran on her owshe n and 2000 and she's never been0 e on the ballot by herself, oand yet now we're told
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by people like biden's speech tonighpeoplet on the importance of democracy. well, the way i see that is how can the democrats. >> how can they nominate her? >> let me ask you this. among some republicans and conservatives i know there seems to be a little bit of fear. oh, no, they thought it was going to be joe. oh, no they they fearw they the change. most people don't know about kamala. harris yet. they will know. but by the time early voting v starts in 54 days and a little over 100 days away from election day. and you know what, i'm what i'm realizing is they don't know that this is a honeymoon period. they don't seem to understand the democrats, the state run media mob are on a sugar high. when does that go away? look, i was with the bush campaign in 1988 when in the cam spring we were 19 points behind mike dukakis. and all summer we just told
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the truth. we talked about his record. we talked about what he had done. we didn't attack him as a person. we just said that i wouldn't attack her much as a person. i would just say, look ifsa you want a san francisco radical who believes we ought to have millionscisco ral of is come in illegally, voted illegally so he canax give themselves welfare with your tax dollars. she's perfectly fine. if you want somebody who's anti-police, pro-criminal. she's perfectly fine. ng he wants somebody the teachers union is going to own. who's going to wipe ou t choice and block parents from being involved in their children's classroom. she's terrific. if you want someone who's going to destroy the energy industry, says publicly she's going to destroy the, you know, her message when she was campaigning last time to pennsylvanians was, well, we'll help you get transition jobs. >> those transition jobs are never going to compare to the energy jobs they have in western pennsylvania. >> all right. speaker gingrich, thank you. >> ut former i'm sorry,r the prime minister of israel, but benjamin netanyahu
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addressed congress today. an unbelievable speech. kamala harris, she sided with the radicals in her caucus. she refused to be there. we'll discuss that. and the latest on the anti-israel agitators that took down american flags and replaced them thawith palestinian flags in d. >> straight ahead, thank you for what some of your wings do you have subscriptions are forgotten or even hidden? >> you know, you need to exercise. >> now, experience shows you your subscriptions one place, mostly accurate. then you could save money by easily canceling the ones you don't want. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no. >> don't you cancel me. oh, well, see how much you save. >> download the experience out now. good morning, people good, good. >> good morning.
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who hang from cranes and murder women not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding, pg prom , you have officially become iran's useful idiots. l ladysome these protesters holp signs proclaiming for gaza. they might as well hold up signs saying chickens for kfd sc is monsters. >> they womener. they beheaded men. they burned alive. they killed parents in fronte tl of their children and children in front of their parents. pl they dragged 255 people, both living and dead into the dark dungeons of gaza. >> kamala couldn't be bothered . attend the speech, boycotting it, opting instead to address it was a very important speech. a sorority in indiana instead. and while prime minister netanyahu spoke, chaos broke
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out all over the streets of d.c. as thousands of anti-israel, the ones that kamala has been supportingi ,and giving aid and comfort to likely kamala voterngomfort s descended on our nation's capital. they wreaked havoc, burning american, replacing american flags, attacking police officers. looks like an insurrection. where's liz cheney when you need her? and yesterdahene you y, one anti-israel group unleashing and crickets at the hotel where the prime minister is stayingm we in washington. warm welcome from the left. and meanwhile,lc the as carmel is running mate, search continues. some are warning ind ththe pennsylvania governorh shapiro's jewish faith could be a problem for the growingti-m antisemitic sentiment of the far left. evenit of th fake news.d cnn's said it yesterday. here with reactionhere of , fox contributor ari fleischer, executive director of the lawfarive diree project.boyt goldstein. brooke, she decided to boycott. it was done on purpose. she's caving to the radical left in her party.
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>> how does this play out? terribly. first of all, son, i want to thank you for having me on tonight to discus thank ys we believe to be a historic speech on behalf of the prime minister of israel, because, as he said, we b are at a crossroads right now, the future of western civilization depends on whether or not the united states helps israel defeat hamas and radical islamist terrorism or, on the other hand, opens its borders, allows pro-hamas and pro-hamas moneyhaa into this country to politicizee the democratic party and to radicalizemocr our population, because i'm not worried about whether or not israel is going to win its multi-frontwhen and war against iran and itswa r agaiproxies. here i'm worried about whether the united states is going to win itsorther th multi frontr against iran. i'm worried about the fact that the president sorry, the vice president of the united states kamala harris, running for president, has expressed support for
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pro terror mobs that not only tear down and burn flags, but then hoist up the flag of the islamic state of palestine. her own daughter is a radical activist. i'm worried about the fact that our border, as today was confirm armed during the fbi director's testimony by by congressman gaetz that hamas and hezbollah have infiltratede our borders to carry out terrorist attacks. thisine is what concerns me the most. and the smartest thing that netanyahu said today was, that this is not about israel, hamas. this is a war and has always bee a war between iran and the united states, betweena wa and barbarism. and until we stop the radicalization, the hate indoctrination happening throughout the middle east, there will not be peac e or a civilization versus barbarism. >> iran's idiots. she said this was a boycott.
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it's beyond disappointing. if i was josh shapiro in pennsylvania, the the governor there, i would take myself outi consideration. i would not be a part of this.wn this radicalizedot ticket. i would not be a part of that administration under any circumstances. >> yeah, i think u there'sces. a distinct possibility whoever gets attached to kamala harris is going to lose bigger than kamala harridid yol s being attr to joe biden. i mean, if you look at the instant polls,is e she's not doing any better than joe biden. now, it's early, but let's see what that pattersee hon. marshawn, on the speech itself, what a tour de force tou netanyu delivered today from a moral unbelievable view when he aboutd the land in whose land ityear is and he went back 4000 years to abraham, isaatoc, jaco, david king, david solomon. what a grounding in the ancient legitimate land that is. >> the israeliats. and then what happened todaype in washington?
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joe bidenen gives an address to the nation and doesn't say anything to condemn thos doee protests in washington that were far worse than anything that happened worsein charlottesville. the thing that allegedly motivated him. he sat there silencharlottt. where was kamala harris today condemning those protests that as brooke pointed out, raise a foreign flag. a palestinian flag in washington, d.c. they sit there silent. the democratic party sits there silent and all issues importans to israel. and this is a fundamental change in the american electorate. yeah, josh shapiro is proudly zionist. that's why he's going to have a difficult, difficult time fitting in in the modern day democratic national party. i am completely agree. and yeah, these are iran's useful idiots. it's embarrassing forsaid n our country. it is sad. they have no moral clarityl cla but we had moral clarity in congress today and that came y anfrom the prime minister m of israel. maybe his finest moment, his finests speech ever. thank you both.
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whdennaldome back, donal trump held a massive rallyn norh today in north carolina tonight. we'll tell you what he saicarol. dla about biden and kamala harris as we continue. stay with usharris. four years of hard four years of dedication, everything comes down to this moment. wow. start bringing home the gold. that's why you put that guy, that relay. australia has been unbelievable. the greatest swimmer of all time. wow. welcome back, simone biles. she continued to amaze every time a piece. anybody who owns property should worry about home titles. there's no other crime is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity, your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take
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. >> now, earlier tonight, trump held a massive rally in charlotte, north carolina, where supportersum a were eager to hear him speak about his new opponent, kamala harris. wht >> here's what he said. t take a look. as you know,ak three days ago, weay officially defeated the worst president in the history of our country for good. >> t joe biden. really what happened was the leaders of the democran.t party, in a very undemocratic move, the bosses. t ou they said either you get out or we're going to throw you out usin throwg the 25th amendment. so now we have a new victim
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to defeat lying. kamala harris, lion. why in a fashion, the most incompetent and far left of vice president american history as voters are kamala threwughout open our borders and allowed 20 million illegal aliens on our country from all over the world. >> as vice president, she castt the tie breaking votescastin that created the worst inflation in a half a century. but this november, the american people are going to tell her neo ,thanks, kamala, you've done a terrible job. you've been terrible no you'v tg, done. tru you're ultra liberal and we don't want you here. we don't want you anywhereberal >> kamala, you're fired. get out of here. you'ut. ired >> just it just quintessential donald for your reaction.n kati
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alabama senator katy, brad,e as well as i think this honeymoon, this sugar high, is going to end very quickly because this record of kamala harris, the more people see it, the moree pe people it the moreo people hear her in her own words. they're going to realizear that she is way outside of the s the most radical person to ever run for president. how is that going to play out? oh, it's not going to play out well. you're exactly right. i mean, she is left of bernie sanders. how do you even get there? you know, when i heard joe biden say tonight that, you know, the great thing about america is here, that kings and dictators do not rule the people do. look, shawn, every word that he read from that teleprompter trumpster at that point just dripping with hypocrisy because in this situation, that'sn exactly what happened. you had partth what y, right?d i
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you had liberal elites, right? checking the box and saying, get out, joe, we're going joeto coronate eight kamala. en and at the end of the day, whene the american people get to know her, they will realize why she never got over 3% when she ran for president herself. the american r want common sense policies. they want donald trump back office. fice they want a secure border. they want stable prices. they want peacant e, strength. and today, when she had her sheh very first test as the de facto coronated presidential candidate of the democratic party, she failed. she failed miserably, just likee she has as the borders are jus t like she has in otherr situations. she failed today. she refusesituatiofailed rd to p to preside over the joint session. theride over thee with one of ot allies and the only beacon, d he democracy and hope in the middle east. and it was it was really disgraceful. was e. despicabl >> and the american people
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deserve better. i agree you how long do you think it will take to sort of permeate into the consciousness of the american people? nto the conscijust how extreme,t how radical she is. and yet today spoke volumes. we saw the radicals, you know, rippins g down the american fla burning the american flag, putting up the palestiniane flag, and she's boycotting our number one ally, defending itself after the worst terror attack in their history. what part of , murder, kidnapping, torture and beheading does she notnd understand? >> correct. our great ally is literally at war. i mean, they are fighting forex their very existence. and she chosistence go speak ata conference. and i want to make sure that your viewers know this,thac that conference lasted for five days. now, don't you knoon 5w, if they had said if she had said, look, i need to come at a different time, i to both greet and be there to preside over this joint session. they would have accommodated the vice president of
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the united states at any time that fit her schedule. she chose not to do that. and you know what else she e accommtting hechose not to doo she chose not to speak out against the death or despicablee protests that we saw today stburning of the american flag, raising the flag of hamas across fla the air spray painting. a hamas is here. hamas is coming. itirpray is it is just there is nothing presidential about that. that is weak and that is vulnerable. and that's more of what we'll se andhae from her moving forwardt doubt. senator, thank you for being with us. >> more "hannity" straight ahead. >> courage, commitment, sacrifice. we're honoring those have served our great country. fox nation would like to thank all active military and veterans by offering their first year of fox nation free stream exclusive shows that celebrate our country. >> this is the story of the greatest american before there was in america. my dad spent two combat pilot
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